ocea president`s welcome - OCEA - Ontario Cooperative Education
ocea president`s welcome - OCEA - Ontario Cooperative Education
OCEA PRESIDENT’S WELCOME As the 30th President of the Ontario Cooperative Education Association (OCEA) I would like to welcome you to our Annual 2011 OCEA Spring Conference “CO‐OPTIONS FOR SUCCESS • experience • evolve • succeed”. The mission of our conference is to facilitate and support the exchange of ideas among Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning professionals. During our three‐day event we will share ideas through networking opportunities and gain new, enriched perspectives which will motivate and inspire you through the variety of workshops and keynote speakers. This year we have a great variety of captivating and educational workshops which will focus on three key areas; Expansion of Cooperative Education, Resources to Support Best Practices and Reaching Every Student. We continue to review your feedback from our previous conferences and once again we are offering a chartered bus tour with a limited seating of 50 delegates. Our conference will showcase a variety of exhibitors with a vast array of educational support services which will give you a unique opportunity to gather information, ask questions, see demonstrations and collect various resources. Please take the time to visit their booths in appreciation of their attendance. Thank you to our dedicated sponsors who have generously contributed and shown their support for our educators during this yearly event. Their continued commitment is very much appreciated! A generous thank you goes to Linda Schmitter and John Greer, Conference Co‐Chairs as well as the entire Conference Planning Committee who have dedicated numerous hours volunteering their time, leadership and expertise in planning, preparing and organizing this large event. I would encourage your attendance at the OCEA Awards’ Banquet on Sunday evening. It is a traditional component of our conference in which colleagues from around the province are recognized for their outstanding contribution in Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning. Congratulations to all who are nominated and to the award recipients. I am confident that the 2011 Annual OCEA Spring Conference will continue to be a significant and relevant component to your professional development in Cooperative Education and other forms of Experiential Learning. Welcome, network and enjoy! Sincerely, Mary Davis OCEA President, 2010‐2011 1 MESSAGE DE BIENVENUE DE LA PRÉSIDENTE DE l’AÉCO Conférence annuelle du printemps 2011 de l’AÉCO – Message d’accueil de la présidente En tant que la 30e présidente de l’Association d’éducation coopérative de l’Ontario (AÉCO), j’aimerais vous souhaiter la bienvenue à notre Conférence annuelle du printemps 2011 qui a pour thème : « CO‐OPTIONS pour la réussite • tente l’expérience •chemine • réussis. La mission de notre conférence est de faciliter et d’appuyer l’échange d’idées parmi les enseignantes et les enseignants d’éducation coopérative et autres formes d’apprentissage par l’expérience. Pendant trois jours, vous assisterez à une variété d’ateliers, vous entendrez les discours de nos conférenciers invités, vous profiterez d’occasions de réseautage pour partager vos idées. Bref, vous obtiendrai de nouvelles perspectives plus riches qui vous motiveront et vous inspireront. Cette année, nous offrons une grande variété d’ateliers captivants qui portent sur les trois thèmes suivants : Expansion de l’éducation coopérative, Ressources pour appuyer des pratiques réussies et Appuyer chaque élève. Nous continuons à accorder une grande importance à votre rétroaction et, encore une fois, nous offrirons une tournée en autobus qui sera limitée à 50 délégués. Il y aura une grande variété d’exposants offrant un vaste éventail de services et de produits éducatifs. Profitez de cette occasion unique pour recueillir de l’information, poser des questions, obtenir des ressources et assister à des démonstrations. Je remercie nos commanditaires qui nous témoignent leur appui par l’entremise de contributions généreuses. Votre engagement continu est grandement apprécié! J’aimerais également remercier Linda Schmitter et John Greer, les co‐présidences de la Conférence, ainsi que le Comité de planification de la Conférence pour les nombreuses heures qu’ils et elles ont consacrées à planifier, préparer et organiser cet évènement d’envergure. Le dimanche soir, nous reconnaitrons la contribution exceptionnelle de vos collègues ontariens en éducation coopérative et autres formes d’apprentissage par l’expérience lors du Banquet et prix d’honneur. Je vous invite à y assister. Félicitons ensemble les récipiendaires ainsi que tous ceux et celles qui sont nommés. Je suis confiante que la Conférence annuelle du printemps 2011 de l’AÉCO continuera à constituer une source de perfectionnement professionnel significative et pertinente pour vous. Profitez‐en pleinement! Mary Davis Présidente de l'AÉCO, 2010‐2011 2 OCEA CONFERENCE CO‐CHAIRS’ MESSAGE WELCOME TO THE 2011 OCEA SPRING CONFERENCE "CO‐OPTIONS FOR SUCCESS” Linda Schmitter Waterloo Region DSB John Greer Dufferin‐Peel CDSB This conference will provide an opportunity to network with colleagues from across the province and refresh with a myriad of excellent workshops focusing on such topics as Differentiated Instruction, New Technology, Dual Credits, SHSM, Community Partnerships, Health and Safety, as well as successful strategies for teaching all students. There are workshops designed for educators at all stages in their careers and in a variety of roles, whether they are new to teaching or well‐seasoned, teaching in the classroom, school administrator, student success teacher, guidance counsellor or at the board level. Our keynote speakers will help to rejuvenate by showing us how to reconnect with ourselves in our ever‐changing multi‐faceted professional environment so that we may overcome obstacles and achieve goals while always maintaining a sense of humour. Thinking outside the box? Our tour of Canada’s largest playground ‐ Canada’s Wonderland and The Earth Rangers Centre combine a look at the newest technologies with a look at “behind the scenes” of careers in non‐traditional environments on this fun‐filled trip. Thanks to the generosity of your colleagues from around Ontario, as well as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, and other organizations we have a wide array of workshop offerings to whet your appetite. We are grateful to those who have willingly offered their services to educate and share expertise from around the province, so that we can learn from each other, and provide increasingly valuable opportunities for our students. You will note that we are truly a provincial organization when you read of the home bases of our presenters. Our planning team has worked countless hours to ensure that your participation will allow you to “experience, evolve and succeed.” We look forward to sharing a very exciting and enriching conference experience with you at the Sheraton Parkway, Toronto North in Richmond Hill. 3 MESSAGE DES COPRESIDENCES DU CONGRES DE L’AÉCO BIENVENUE À LA CONFÉRENCE ANNUELLE DU PRINTEMPS 2011 “CO‐OPTIONS POUR LA RÉUSSITE » Linda Schmitter Waterloo Region DSB John Greer Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Cette conférence vous permettra de vous bâtir un réseau important parmi vos collègues de partout en Ontario et de vous ressourcer grâce à la panoplie d’ateliers offerts sur des sujets aussi variés que l’enseignement différencié, les nouvelles technologies, les cours à double reconnaissance de crédit, la Majeure Haute Spécialisation, les partenaires communautaires, la santé et la sécurité ainsi que les pratiques réussies pour appuyer chaque élève. Il y a des ateliers conçus pour répondre aux besoins des éducateurs et éducatrices à divers stades de leur carrière et occupant une variété de rôles : enseignantes et enseignants débutants, enseignantes et enseignants chevronnés, administrateurs et administratrices, enseignantes et enseignants de la réussite des élèves, conseillères et conseillers en orientation. Vous apprendrez à vous brancher dans un environnement professionnel à facettes multiples, à surmonter des obstacles et à atteindre des objectifs tout en maintenant votre sens d’humour grâce aux messages de nos conférenciers invités. Vous voulez sortir des sentiers battus? Profitez de la tournée de Canada’s Wonderland et du Centre Earth Rangers où vous pourrez témoigner des technologies les plus récentes et vous informer sur des carrières non traditionnelles. Grâce à vos collègues, le ministère de l’Éducation, le ministère du Travail ainsi que des autres organismes, nous offrons une panoplie d’ateliers qui sauront certainement stimuler votre appétit. Nous sommes reconnaissants envers ceux et celles qui s’engagent volontairement à partager leur expertise afin que nous puissions apprendre les uns des autres. Les élèves, qui se verront accorder de plus grandes opportunités, seront ultimement les bénéficiaires. En consultant la liste des animateurs et des animatrices qui proviennent de partout en Ontario, vous constaterez que nous sommes vraiment une association provinciale. Notre comité de planification a travaillé de nombreuses heures afin d’assurer que votre participation vous permette de « tenter l’expérience, cheminer et réussir ». Nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir partager une expérience enrichissante et stimulante avec vous au Sheraton Parkway Toronto North, Richmond Hill. 4 2011 CONFERENCE PLANNING COMMITTEE COMITÉ ORGANISATEUR DE LA CONFÉRENCE 2011 Conference Co‐Chairs / Co‐présidentes John Greer, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Linda Schmitter, Waterloo Region DSB Secretary / Secrétaire Linda Schmitter, Waterloo Region DSB Marie Gabriel, Conference Planner Treasurer / Trésorière Chris Pearson, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Conference Planner / Marie Gabriel Planificateur de l’évènement AV Equipment / Équipement audio‐visuel Exhibitors / Exposants Anne Castle, Exhibitor’s Coordinator Carol Madsen‐Tapley, Ontario Cooperative Education Association Sponsorships / Commanditaires Mary Davis, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Carol Madsen‐Tapley, Ontario Cooperative Education Association Registration / Inscription Ann Amberg, Toronto DSB Carol Madsen‐Tapley, Ontario Cooperative Education Association Chris Pearson, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Maria Volpe, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Door Prizes / Prix de participation TBD Delegate Kits / Marie Gabriel, Conference Planner Trousses des délégués / déléguées Chris Pearson, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Maria Volpe, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Hospitality / Accueil Chris Pearson, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Marketing Maria Volpe, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Presenter’s Gifts / Cadeaux pour les animateurs Specialty Programming / Tony DeBono, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Programmation special Deborah Watson, The Learning Partnership Ministry Liaison / Liaison avec le Ministère Cesare DiDonato, Halton CDSB Photography / Photographie TBD Francophone Ambassador / Krista‐Layne Brandon, Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre‐Sud Ambassadeur francophone Program Committee / Comité du programme Ann Amberg, Toronto DSB Tina Cotrupi, Toronto CDSB Marie Gabriel, Conference Planner John Greer, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Carol Madsen‐Tapley, Ontario Cooperative Education Association Linda Schmitter, Waterloo Region DSB Special thanks to Katie McCoy, Graphic Artist, for her assistance with the program cover and logo. 5 OCEA CONFERENCE AT‐A‐GLANCE / APERÇU DU CONGRÈS DE L’AÉCO SUNDAY – MAY 1 / LE DIMANCHE 1 MAI 2011 Noon ‐ 4:00 p.m. Registration / Inscription 11:00 a.m. ‐ 4:00 p.m. Exhibitor Displays / Kiosques des exposants 1:00 p.m. ‐ 2:00 p.m. SESSION A Workshops / Ateliers de SESSION A 2:00 p.m. ‐ 2:20 p.m. Official Conference Opening / Ouverture officielle de la conférence 2:20 p.m. ‐ 3:20 p.m. Keynote Address / Conférencier invité: Martin Latulippe 3:20 p.m. ‐ 3:30 p.m. Nutrition Break / Pause santé 3:30 p.m. ‐ 4:30 p.m. SESSION B Workshops / Ateliers de SESSION B 6:00 p.m. ‐ 6:30 p.m. Reception hosted by OCEA Past Presidents’ / Réception offerte par les anciennes présidences de l’AÉCO 6:30 p.m. ‐ 9:00 p.m. OCEA Awards’ Banquet / Banquet et prix d’honneur MONDAY – May 2, 2011 / LE LUNDI 2 MAI 2011 7:30 a.m. ‐ 4:00 p.m. Registration / Inscription 7:15 a.m. ‐ 8:30 a.m. Breakfast / Déjeuner 8:15 a.m. ‐ 8:30 a.m. Morning Remarks / Remarques matinales 8:30 a.m. ‐ 4:00 p.m. Exhibitor Displays / Kiosques des exposants 8:30 a.m. ‐ 9:30 a.m. Keynote Address / Conférencier invité: Jody Urquhart 9:30 a.m. ‐ 9:45 a.m. Nutrition Break / Pause santé 10:15 a.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m. Optional Tour: Canada’s Wonderland/Earth Ranger Centre / Option : Tournée de Canada’s Wonderland et du Centre Earth Ranger 9:45 a.m. ‐ 10:45 a.m. SESSION C Workshops / Ateliers de SESSION C 10:45 a.m. ‐ 10:55 a.m. Nutrition Break / Pause santé 10:55 a.m. ‐ 11:55 a.m. SESSION D Workshops / Ateliers de SESSION D 12:00 p.m. ‐ 1:00 p.m. Networking Lunch / Dîner de réseautage 1:00 p.m. ‐ 1:50 p.m. Ministry of Education Up‐date / Mise à jour du Ministère de l'Éducation: Anne Sasman, Jean Courtney and/et Richard Charette 2:00 p.m. ‐ 3:00 p.m. SESSION E Workshops / Ateliers de SESSION E 3:00 p.m. ‐ 3:15 p.m. Nutrition Break / Pause santé 3:15 p.m. ‐ 4:15 p.m. SESSION F Workshops / Ateliers de SESSION F 4:30 p.m. ‐ 6:30 p.m. OCEA’s Annual Business Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle TUESDAY – MAY 3, 2011 / LE MARDI 3 MAI 2011 7:00 a.m. ‐ 10:00 a.m. Registration / Inscription 7:30 a.m. ‐ 9:00 a.m. Breakfast / Déjeuner 9:00 a.m. ‐ 9:30 a.m. Morning Remarks / Remarques matinales Rob Ellis Safety Awards / Prix de santé et sécurité Dave Ellis 9:30 a.m. ‐ 10:30 a.m. Keynote Address / Conférencière invitée: Candice Carnahan 8:30 a.m. ‐ 1:00 p.m. Exhibitor Displays / Kiosques des exposants 10:30 a.m. ‐ 10:40 a.m. Nutrition Break / Pause santé 10:40 a.m. ‐ 11:40 a.m. SESSION G Workshops / Ateliers de SESSION G 11:40 a.m. ‐ 12:40 p.m. Networking Lunch / Dîner de réseautage Meals will be located in Grand York Ballroom Nutrition Breaks will be in the foyer of the Grand York Ballroom and the Exhibitor Display areas. Workshop Sessions will be located as indicated on posters. Tous les repas auront lieu au Grand York Ballroom. Les pauses santé se tiendront au foyer du Grand York Ballroom et près des kiosques des exposants. Les lieux des ateliers seront indiqués sur les affiches. 6 KEYNOTE SPEAKER / CONFÉRENCIER SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2011 / LE DIMANCHE 01 MAI 2011 MARTIN LATULIPPE 2:20 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. Martin Latulippe CSP is a four‐time Best Selling author and a highly acclaimed inspirational and motivational speaker in the field of human potential. Martin was blessed to receive a second chance after surviving a dramatic hockey accident at the 2001 World University Games, in Poland, where Martin was the captain of the Canadian university hockey team and where Canada won the silver medal. Since then, Martin has dedicated his life to helping individuals, teams and organizations to create and master transformational thinking. After overcoming many obstacles and many failures as a young entrepreneur, Martin Latulippe CSP quickly established a reputation of being one of the most electrifying and successful expert speakers of his generation in the field of human potential and inspirational leadership. Martin Latulippe CSP est l'auteur de 4 livres best‐sellers et est un conférencier‐expert en motivation de renommée internationale dans le domaine du potentiel humain. C’est après avoir frôlé la mort de quelques millimètres en recevant un coup de patin à la gorge lors des Universiades 2001, en Pologne, que cet ancien capitaine de l'équipe canadienne de hockey universitaire décida de s'investir dans la poursuite d'un rêve que plusieurs personnes considéraient inatteignable et impossible : devenir conférencier professionnel, auteur et véritable conférencier‐expert dans le domaine du potentiel humain. Après avoir surmonté des débuts difficiles, relevé plusieurs obstacles et essuyé plusieurs revers, Martin Latulippe CSP s’est rapidement forgé la réputation d’être l’un des conférenciers‐experts les plus électrisants de sa génération. Il livre maintenant des conférences et des séminaires d'inspiration sur le potentiel humain partout à travers le monde. 7 KEYNOTE SPEAKER / CONFÉRENCIER MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011 / LE LUNDI 02 MAI 2011 JODY URQUHART 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. The Nerve to Serve…Say Hello to Humour and Goodbye to Burnout A thought provoking, humorous, inspirational speaker of over 10 years, Jody Urquhart will show you how laughter, fun at work and purpose can motivate your life. Jody’s presentation is guaranteed to both energize and get you laughing. Jody is author of the book All Work & No SAY and writes a syndicated column called the Joy of Work which is published in over 40 magazines and trade journals. Hear Jody’s message and, in turn, assist your students in finding meaning and satisfaction from their learning and work. KEYNOTE SPEAKER / CONFÉRENCIER TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2011 / LE MARDI 03 MAI 2011 CANDICE CARNAHAN 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Candace Carnahan uses her unique life lessons to inspire us to dismantle the roadblocks which hinder efficiency in both our personal and professional lives. A devastating, preventable, workplace accident in which she lost her lower left leg, at the age of 21 provided the impetus behind Carnahan’s contagious enthusiasm. Her personal story lends a wide range of philosophies, incentives, and humor to audiences who are sure to be inspired to understand and achieve what they want out of life. Though listening to Candace, we will all gain a better appreciation of the many gifts we already have. Candace Carnahan was lauded as one of the “Faces of the Future” by MacLean’s magazine in 2004. Carnahan is a tireless ambassador who works with organizations and corporations as a “culture change consultant” on an international scale, to encourage beneficial change and open minds in order to achieve desired cultural transformation. 8 SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2011 / LE DIMANCHE 01 MAI 2011 SESSION A WORKSHOPS /ATELIERS DE SESSION A 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. A1. A2. Bruce Power Co‐op: 20 Years of Success Presenters: Pat Joynt and Stewart Brown, Cooperative Education Teachers, Bluewater DSB This workshop will focus on the partnership between Bruce Power, Canada’s largest private nuclear generator, and two local Boards of Education. The presenters will outline the strategies to provide excellent Cooperative Education experiences for students including those enrolled in SHSM and aspiring to OYAP registration. Student Success through Dual Credit Programs Presenters: Pat Evans, Experiential Learning Resource Teacher, Peel DSB and Chris Pearson, Student Success/Dual Credit Teacher, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB An overview of dual credit programs in Dufferin‐Peel CDSB and Peel DSB at Sheridan and Humber Colleges. Models of the programs developed over five years will be shared. Strategies to meet student needs, to overcome challenges and next steps as program offerings are expanded, will be discussed. A3. The Four Pillars of Successful Habits Presenter: Michael Joseph, Managing Partner/Motivational Speaker, Pillars of Positivity This workshop will highlight how important it is for students to understand the power of relationship building through the art of communication, the ability to manage stress for wellbeing, and the need for goal setting for success. A4. Using Video Conferencing in a Co‐op Program Presenters: Geoff Sheppard, Cooperative Education Teacher, Halton DSB; Ethan Milberg, Head of Community‐Based Education, York Region DSB Video communication is getting easier. The presenters will provide strategies to use this tool in your classroom during pre‐placement and integration sessions. There are many exciting possibilities for cooperative education. A5. Discover Tourism Presenter: Pavla Kazda, Manager Education and Skills Development, Ontario Tourism Education Corporation Participants will learn about certification training programs, career awareness resources and educational materials developed by the Canadian Tourism Sector Council that are available to educators to prepare students for a career in Tourism. A6. New E‐Learning Courses: Engaging Students in the World of Work Presenter: Rose Burton Spohn, Education Officer, e‐Learning Ontario, Ministry of Education Looking for an interactive way to engage students in the world of work? Join us for a sneak preview of our brand new GLD2O and GLN4O resources and e‐learning courses! A7. Alternative Co‐op, with Continuous Intake: A Snapshot of how U‐Turn "Works!" Presenters: Aleah Blake Kuhn and Susan Hallman‐Rose, Cooperative Education Teachers, Waterloo Region DSB What make U‐Turn Works! successful? Find out about this off‐site Cooperative Education program. Program organization, placement supervisors relationships, assessments, challenges and strategies will be shared. Student testimonial provide evidence of the value of the program which embraces Differentiated Instruction. 9 A8. Partage de ressources pour les enseignants Coop francophones Animateurs : Luc Plante, Enseignant en affectation spéciale COOP/PAJO au CECCE et Stephanie Mailhot, Conseillère pédagogique COOP/PAJO/MHS/IJECT au CEPEO Guide de préparation au stage (2009), répertoire de séances d’intégration et de projets d’études indépendantes (2010), document promotionnel COOP (2010), Guide PAJO après le secondaire (2009), PowerPoint ‐ PAJO vs postsecondaire, autres… A9. On‐line Learning Programs for Job Placements ... when are they appropriate? Presenter: Nora Campbell, Consultant, Adult Based Continuing Education and Training Corporation This session will examine and discuss the suitability of two on‐line training programs WHMIS and Workplace Violence. Further discussion will take place regarding other areas which may be suitable to online applications. A10. Successful Growth of Co‐op Presenters: Tahira Irfan, ACL Cooperative Education/SHSM/Community Partnerships and Yollanda Zhang, Cooperative Education Teacher, Toronto DSB This workshop will demonstrate the strategies used to achieve a Cooperative Education program growth from 30 to over 200 students in one year. The planning, marketing and partnership development will be shared. A11. Success by Design Presenters: Janet Doyle, OYAP/Experiential Learning Programs Coordinator, St. Clair CDSB; Peg Rooney, Retired Teacher Consultant, Greater Essex County DSB and Ruthanne Spence, Student Services Head, Hamilton‐Wentworth DSB Learn about OCEA's most recent resource “Designing For Success: A Guide for Planning Quality Experiential Learning Programs (2009)”, which offers support for teachers and includes best practices for delivering quality cooperative education. Participants will be guided through the process of aligning Ministry of Education principles when planning experiential learning programs. This session is designed for teachers new to Cooperative Education, however, all teachers could benefit. A12. Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants Select this workshop time period to visit the Exhibitors and acknowledge their contributions to cooperative education and other forms of experiential learning. Learn what resources and services they have for you, professionally and personally. Participate in any draw they may have. Bring materials and information back to your school to share with colleagues. / Exposants à la salle de bal Metro: Profitez de l'occasion pour visiter les différents kiosques des exposants et reconnaître leurs contributions à l'éducation coopérative et à l'apprentissage par l'expérience. Découvrez les nouvelles ressources et les services qu'ils ont à vous offrir tant sur le plan professionel que personnel. Participez aux différents tirages et procurez‐vous la nouvelle documentation afin de la partager avec vos collègues à votre retour dans votre communauté d'apprenants. SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2011 / LE DIMANCHE 01 MAI 2011 SESSION B WORKSHOPS /ATELIERS DE SESSION A 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. B1. Essential Skills Video Games: A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down Presenter: Matt Markowiak, Coordinator, Essential Skills Learning for Young Adults Project, The Centre for Skills Development & Training (affiliate of Halton DSB) This workshop will provide an overview of a video game that will focus on Essential Skills. The game can easily be integrated into Cooperative Education, SHSM and/or OYAP curriculum. Three games will be featured: Oral Communication, Working with Others and Thinking Skills. 10 B2. The Be Real Game ‐ A Career Resource Presenter: Judy Ferguson, Ontario Trainer, National Lifework Centre Programs Come and experience the NEW online format, assessment tools, rubrics and profiles for this Pre‐placement and Integration Resource. Students will have improved self knowledge of their interests, skills and values. They will consider more suitable and meaningful placements as a result of the use of this resource. B3. Developing Intuition Using the Creation Cycle Presenters: Frances Simone, Facilitator, Soul Purpose Studio and Vera Stratford, Cooperative Education Teacher, Toronto CDSB Become acquainted with how your awareness moves through the phases of spirit, mind and body. Learn how this cycle develops the opportunity for staff and students to use their intuition and increase their awareness. B4. Partnering Industry and Education in the Wood Products Industry Presenters: Carrie Morgan and Deb Purdy, Project Managers, Wood Manufacturing Council The WoodLINKS program is a high school woodworking curriculum that can lead to industry certified graduates. WoodLINKS partners schools with industry, bringing education alive and real for many students. B5. SMART Board for Absolute Beginners ‐ using them in Cooperative Education Presenter: Lorain Beraldo‐Turner, Halton CDSB Are you interested in using a Smartboard but have no idea where to begin or what to do? Then, this workshop is for you. Basic SMART Board applications will be explained. It will start with set‐up, move to the tools, explain the gallery and end with how to design and deliver a basic lesson/game in your pre‐ placement or Integration sessions. B6. Do's and Don'ts of WHMIS Implementation Presenter: Greg Swan, Field Consultant ‐ Eastern Region, Public Services Health and Safety Organization Often the world of WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) can get confusing and either falls by the side of the road or leaves people confused and perplexed. This workshop will explore training options, legal obligations and requests for “certification” from SHSM programs and fresh ways for all people involved to actually “get” WHMIS. B7. Martin Latulippe CSP, l’éveilleur de potentiel Animateur: Martin Latulippe CSP, Auteur et conférencier spécialiste de la motivation Lors de cet atelier interactif, Martin partagera les expériences de sa vie qui l’ont mené à vouloir devenir conférencier et motivateur. Il répondra également aux questions des participants. B8. The City ‐ an Interactive Financial Resource for Teens Presenter: William Kelly, Cooperative Education Teacher, Ottawa‐Carleton DSB The City is a financial teaching resource from Financial Consumer Agency of Canada that will engage and prepare students through essential skill activities for workplace and life skills preparation. Participants will receive the complete, free teaching resource binder and share best practices. B9. Safety Starts with “S” but begins with “U” Presenter: Tish Amico, Educational Consultant, Ministry of Labour Attention teachers new to Cooperative Education! This session will provide policy‐based comprehensive resources available to help you “stand and deliver” the Live Safe! Work Smart! resource. This resource is all one needs to deliver the eight health and safety expectations for a Cooperative Education program and includes interactive quizzes and games. 11 B10. Connecting Co‐op, SHSM and Pathways Presenter: Gil Silberstein, President, myBlueprint.ca Cooperative Education teachers are some of the biggest champions of the myBlueprint approach. Discover an easy way to help your students connect their Cooperative Education experiences with SHSM opportunities and post‐secondary pathways. B11. Co Co‐op and OYAP: working together for a complete school program Presenters: Tony Schoahs, Experiential Learning/Special Assignment Teacher, Algoma DSB and Reece Morgan, OYAP Coordinator, Hamilton‐Wentworth DSB Join this discussion group to learn about what is working in schools and boards where co‐op programs and OYAP collaborate to benefit a wide variety of students. Issues and success stories will be welcomed from all participants. B12. Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants See A12 for description MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011 / LE LEUNDI 02 MAI 2011 SESSION C WORKSHOPS /ATELIERS DE SESSION C 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. C1. Introduction to Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) Presenters: Chantal Locatelli, Senior Policy Advisor, Lead for the Ontario Skills Passport, Ontario Ministry of Education; Sandra Mateus and Jane Vavaroutsos, Cooperative Education Teachers, Peel DSB Tour the OSP website and discover the videos, games and interactive resources that teachers and students can use to learn about the Essential Skills and work habits important in work, learning and life. Learn how students can create OSP Work Plans that are authentic and meaningful to career interests and goals. C2. Keeping Youth Safe: A Community's Job! Presenters: Joe Guido, Worker Safety Representative, United Steelworkers (USW), Local 6500; Linda Urisk, Program Coordinator, Learning to 18, Rainbow DSB; John Lewko, Professor, Laurentian University Community based partnership between four school boards, United Steelworker Union retirees and universities. This workshop will highlight the efforts made in Sudbury for promoting health and safety. C3. Bridging the Gap: Meeting Canadian Manufacturer’s Demand for Skilled Labour Presenters: Gary Premo and Ron Tuff, Coordinators, Canadian Steel Trade and Employment Congress Increasing global demands on skilled labour is driving innovation and increased investment in training and recruitment. See how the Co‐op Diploma Apprenticeship Programs (CODA), Essential Skills and consortiums are meeting the challenge. C4. Tour of Canada’s Largest Playground – Wonderland (Workshop Sessions C4, D4, E4 and F4) Presenters: Deborah Watson, Program Manager, The Learning Partnership and Tony Debono, Cooperative Education/OYAP Teacher, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB This coach bus tour will include a tour of the variety of careers/jobs which go on behind the scenes at Canada's Wonderland (engineering, marketing, event planning, hospitality, construction, etc.) Lunch will be catered by the food and beverage staff at Wonderland. Following lunch, we will tour The Earth Rangers Centre, Canada's largest non‐profit organization focused on communicating a positive message to students on the importance of protecting biodiversity. The tour will focus on the features of a LEED Gold‐certified facility which uses 79% less energy than a typical building its size. The coach bus will leave the hotel at 10:30 a.m. and will return at approximately 3:00 p.m. Delegates will need to select workshop options C4, D4, E4 & F4 to participate in this tour. Seating is limited to 50 participants maximum. 12 C5. C6. C7. C8. C9. Co‐op and Dual Credits: The Best Student Success in Action! Presenter: Elyse Pinder, Facilitator, Cooperative Education, Guidance and OYAP, Durham DSB This workshop will show how dual credit models fit with existing Cooperative Education programs and the evolving role of the Cooperative Education teacher. Emphasis will be placed on OYAP and dual credits that allow your Co‐op students and students‐at‐risk to explore the trades at the college level. Implementation strategies will be shared. Attracting Young Women to the Skilled Trades Presenters: Susan McFarlane, Head of Experiential Learning; April Johnston, Head of Cooperative Education, Grand Erie DSB and Brandi Jonathon, Career Training Coordinator, Six Nations of the Grand River Employment and Training Grand Erie District Co‐op programming provides an exemplary model of promoting the skilled trades and technological careers to young women. Come watch, listen and ask questions to learn firsthand how your program can build upon their success. Tourism Sector Council Partnership Model Presenters: Pavla Kazda, Manager, Education and Skills Development, Ontario Tourism Education Corporation (OTEC) and John Stevenson, Assistant Curriculum Leader, Business & Interdisciplinary Studies, Toronto DSB Participants will learn about a NEW Sector Council and High School Partnership Co‐op Model that promotes Cooperative Education and Experiential Learning programs featuring a case study with TDSB Bendale Business and Technical Institute. Why Don't You Teach the Way That I Learn? Presenter: Ken Keis, President and CEO, Consulting Resource Group International, Inc. A highly interactive workshop which will revolutionize the way students are led by first understanding and then promoting growth and flexibility in one’s instructional style to meet students’ learning needs. Éducation coopérative pour enseignants débutants Animatrice: Krista‐Layne Brandon, Conseillère pédagogique, CSDC Centre‐Sud Qu’est‐ce que j’enseigne pendant les sessions de préparation au stage ? Quels formulaires dois‐je remplir avant que l’élève ne parte en stage? Comment est‐ce que j’approche des employeurs pour trouver de nouveaux stages? Les enseignants débutants en éducation Coopérative ont de multiples questions. Cet atelier proposera des réponses ainsi que des ressources. C10. When the Honeymoon is Over: Maintaining Momentum in Mature SHSM Programs Presenters: Audrey Cartile and Aldo Cianfrini, Education Officers, Ministry of Education Participate in a frank discussion with Ministry SHSM staff about the challenges and opportunities. This workshop will include a sharing of best practices to sustain SHSM programs. Topics will include: certifications, funding, experiential learning and ‘reach ahead’ requirements. C11. Discover Self Management ‐ Evolve to Success Presenter: Sonja Kekesi, Facilitator/Cooperative Education Teacher, Toronto CDSB This workshop will highlight practices, resources and techniques to instill a sense of ownership in students for their work and success. Combat laziness and procrastination by teaching a sense of responsibility and accomplishment using daily practices and routines in the classroom. Practical resources will be available for a nominal fee. 13 C12. Career Cruising ‐ A Co‐Option for Success Presenter: Lynn Sadlowski, Educational Sales Consultant, Career Cruising Learn how to fully utilize Career Cruising in your Cooperative Education program. Using its powerful electronic portfolio and resume builder, you and your students should be communicating, sharing and planning for success. Please bring stories and examples to share if you are already using the program. C13. Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants See A12 for description MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011 / LE LEUNDI 02 MAI 2011 SESSION D WORKSHOPS /ATELIERS DE SESSION D 10:55 a.m. – 11:55 a.m. D1. Using the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) in Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Programs Presenters: Chantal Locatelli, Senior Policy Advisor, Lead for the Ontario Skills Passport, Ministry of Education; Sandra Mateus and Jane Vavaroutsos, Cooperative Education Teachers, Peel DSB Learn how to use the OSP in SHSM programs to help students develop Essential Skills and work habits. The OSP resource for use in SHSMs, materials prepared by teachers, and stories of success by students who have used the OSP information in creating résumés, preparing for job interviews and tracking further skills development will be shared. D2. Présentation d’assurance responsabilité civile générale et la gestion des risques pour les programmes d’éducation coopérative Animatrice: Julie Welsh, Coordonnatrice du programme de la gestion des risques, Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) Cette présentation fournit un fond sur les facteurs sociaux, légaux et humains qui contribuent à une augmentation des procès au Canada, une vue d'ensemble de l'assurance de responsabilité avec les principes de la gestion de risque, de l'identification des risques et des stratégies les plus communes pour aider à réduire des blessures et des procès contre les conseils scolaire d’Ontario. D3. A Summer Project Presenters: Cesare DiDonato, Curriculum Consultant, Charlene Amlinger, Irene Niksic, Sandy Osborne and Anne Putica, Cooperative Education Teachers, Halton CDSB This workshop will provide an update of a writing project that includes in excess of 600 files into 90 folders. The resources are housed online to support teachers in program delivery with integrity and consistency. D4. Bus Tour (Must select Workshop Sessions C4, D4, E4 and F4) Tour of Canada’s Largest Playground – Wonderland – See Workshop Session C4 for description. Presenters: Deborah Watson, Program Manager, The Learning Partnership and Tony Debono, OYAP/Cooperative Education Teacher, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB D5. MTEL: User Workshop for Teachers Presenter: Guy Brisson, MTEL Application Provincial Coordinator, CFORP/CSDCEO This workshop is for teachers who use the MTEL application for managing their experiential learning programs. See the new features presently available and discuss the new tools to be added as part of the Annual Upgrade. Teachers will have the opportunity to share their comments and suggestions about the software application. Bring your laptop as a working tool. 14 D6. Ethical Guidelines & Legal Issues: for Cooperative Education and Experiential Learning Programs Presenter: Janet Doyle, OYAP Coordinator/Experiential Learning, St. Clair CDSB This workshop for new and experienced Cooperative Education teachers will provide an overview of the legal issues that may be involved with Experiential Learning programs. Expansion of Experiential Learning has increased the need for awareness of ethical and legal issues. Case studies from the OCEA resource document, “ETHICAL GUIDELINES & LEGAL ISSUES – for Cooperative Education, OYAP & Other Experiential Learning Programs” will be reviewed. D7. Helping Students with Special Needs Achieve Success in Experiential Learning Programs Presenters: Pat Schryer, Cooperative Education Teacher and Marilyn Roach, ACL Career Development Cooperative Education Teacher, Toronto DSB This workshop will outline specifics in delivering Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning programming to a variety of students with special needs ‐ MID Behaviour, MID Autistic, Developmentally Delayed and Physically Challenged students. D8. Assess for Success: Improve Your Effectiveness, Increase Your Credibility and Enhance your Results Immediately Presenter: Ken Keis, President and CEO, Consulting Resource Group International, Inc. Discover what to look for in assessments to best serve the needs and goals of Cooperative Education students in their career development. Experience firsthand the power of credible assessments. D9. Certification ‐ Who, What, Where and How? Presenter: Tish Amico, Education Consultant, Ministry of Labour Offering a Specialist High Skills Major program and delivering certifications to students? This session will address the role of teacher’s in delivering health and safety “training” and the significance of “certification”. Who is qualified and responsible for the training and safety certification of the students? Came and find out. D10. Peers as Teacher Helpers (PATH) Program Presenters: Cori Nay, Marg Smits and Pasquale Vasile, Guidance and Cooperative Education Teachers, Dufferin Peel CDSB This unique one‐credit cooperative education program partners grade 12 students with teachers in junior level classes for one period throughout a semester. Benefits of the program for the junior students and the cooperative education students will be shared. This will be an interactive and practical session with resources for DI/MI. D11. Ontario Public Service (OPS) Learn and Work Program Presenters: Jean Courtney, Education Officer, Ministry of Education; Lee Ann Piekosz, Educator, Hamilton‐ Wentworth DSB; Joyce Said‐Trotta, Educator, Toronto CDSB; John Ianni, Educator, Thunder Bay CDSB and Sue Sneyd, Manager, Ministry of Government Services, Youth and New Professionals Secretariat The OPS Learn and Work program re‐engages youth ages 16‐19 from priority communities. This strategy is a one year program that combines academic and paid Co‐op placements in the Ontario Public Service or its related Agencies. Participants will learn from teachers of the many supports that have ensured an over 90% success rate. D12. Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants See A12 for description 15 MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011 / LE LEUNDI 02 MAI 2011 SESSION E WORKSHOPS /ATELIERS DE SESSION E 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. E1. Differentiated Instruction (DI) in Cooperative Education Presenters: Ruthanne Finnigan, Cooperative Education Coordinator, Wellington CDSB; Jane Cotter, Curriculum Leader, Upper Grand DSB and Anne Clifton, Education Officer, Ministry of Education Implementing DI into Cooperative Education sessions is essential to the motivation and success of all learners. Participants will receive resources and practical strategies for effective instruction that is responsive to learner readiness, interests and learning preferences. Cooperative Education DI teaching/learning examples and strategies of two district school boards will be shared. E2. Outside of the Box Curriculum Delivery: Delivering Curriculum Expectations through Experiential Learning using Collaboration, Communication and Community Partners Presenters: Carla D'Elia, Health Care Teacher/Dept. Head of Technological Education; Lisa Owens, Cooperative Education Teacher, Hamilton‐Wentworth CDSB and Barbara Szeremeta, Director of Care, Clarion Nursing Home Delivering Course Curriculum through Experiential Learning is a reality and results in enhanced student engagement and achievement, steers students into pathways and benefits community partners and society. E3. Mise à jour du ministère de l’Éducation et partage francophone Animateur: Richard Charette, agent d'éducation, Ministère de l'Éducation Pendant cette séance, il y aura une mise à jour des initiatives et des projets touchant l’éducation Coopérative et les autres formes d’apprentissage par l’expérience. Les délégués provenant des douze conseils scolaires de langue française sont aussi invités à partager des ressources pédagogiques et des pratiques réussies liées à toutes les formes d’apprentissage par l’expérience. E4. Bus Tour (Must select Workshop Sessions C4, D4, E4 and F4) Tour of Canada’s Largest Playground – Wonderland – See Workshop Session C4 for description. Presenters: Deborah Watson, Program Manager, The Learning Partnership and Tony Debono, OYAP/Cooperative Education Teacher, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB E5. Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL): Policy & Implementation Presenters: Audrey Cartile and Susan Pekilis, Senior Policy Advisors, Ministry of Education Effective February 1, 2011, a new regulation for Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL, formerly SALEP) is in place. Cooperative Education can be an important component of a student’s SAL plan. Come and learn more about this new initiative. E6. The Principles of Success Presenter: Brian Harris, Author and Professional Speaker, Canadian Guidance Services This entertaining workshop, based on both research and practice, will provide participants with the main three factors (and practical tips) to help all students be more successful. E7. The Three “Do’s” of Safety” Presenter: Tish Amico, Educational Consultant, Ministry of Labour Join a professional dialogue regarding the challenges of implementing policy components of Health and Safety within the three ‘DO” of safety: Do Follow the Policy (Due Diligence), Do Follow the Law, Do Use the Live Safe! Work Smart! Co‐op Resource 16 E8. Breaking the Cycle ‐ Youth Gang Exit and Leadership Ambassador Programs Presenters: Gary Newman, Director, The Canadian Training Institute ‐ Breaking the Cycle Programs; Shaka Licorish, Zohra Rahman, Outreach, and Case Managers/Youth Facilitators; Femi Shoga, Oneil Johnson, Kila Maraj and Natasha Williams, Youth Ambassadors Breaking the Cycle is all about helping young people who are out of school, not employed and gang involved, re‐enter school and find a pathway to meaningful employment and begin to dream again. Come and learn more about this program. E9. Co‐op 101 Presenters: Nancy Britton, Instructional Leader, Toronto DSB; Donna Flasza, Vice Principal, Lakehead Public Schools and various OCEA Regional Representatives Come and meet the OCEA Regional Representatives and take advantage of their knowledge and experience. Learn practical tips about running an effective, successful Cooperative Education program including: planning and managing, pre‐placement, integration, and placement. Tips include recruiting placements, placement assessments, monitoring meetings, and student assessment. E10. Passport to Prosperity: How Can We Help? Presenters: Greg Murray, Passport to Prosperity Coordinator, Halton Industry Education Council and Beth Gibson, Passport to Prosperity Coordinator, The Industry‐Education Council of Hamilton Are you looking for employers willing to offer experiential learning opportunities to your students? Learn more about how the Ministry of Education's “Passport to Prosperity” initiative can be your connection to local industry and education partnerships. Session will also focus on tips and training needed to leverage EmployerRegistry.ca to make new connections with community employers. E11. OYAP Online Presenters: Susan Friedl, Coordinator of Experiential Learning/OYAP, Windsor‐Essex CDSB and Stephen Morassut, Director/Web Developer, Ontario WorkinfoNet (OnWIN) OYAP Coordinators are encouraged to attend this workshop for an online tour of the private OYAP Coordinators information sharing web site funded by the OYAP Coordinators Provincial Affiliation (OCPA). This workshop will provide an overview on how to use the OYAP provincial portal as a tool to assist students, parents and teachers in learning about OYAP. E12. Student E‐Reporting from Co‐op Placements Presenter: David Lewis, Teacher/Coordinator, Oshawa Construction Co‐op Internship, Durham DSB This workshop will provide teacher strategies to increase the successful completion of reflective assignments, journals and logs. Through the use of the internet, e‐reporting will help students improve literacy skills. Students discover and implement time management skills while reporting weekly activities and journal writing. E13. Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants See A12 for description 17 MONDAY, MAY 2, 2011 / LE LEUNDI 02 MAI 2011 SESSION F WORKSHOPS /ATELIERS DE SESSION F 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. F1. Raising Aboriginal Student Graduation Rates through School and Community Partnerships Presenters: Terry‐Lee Beaudry, Assistant Superintendent and Don Fiddler, Principal of Aboriginal Education, Central Okanagan School District No.23 in British Columbia Learn how a common vision, clearly defined goals and indicators and a school/community partnership increased Aboriginal student success rates from less than 40% to an anticipated 70% this year in British Columbia. Goals, strategies and structures, grounded in the teachings of the medicine wheel, will be shared. F2. The City ‐ Teaching Financial Literacy Presenter: Jeff Balch, Head of Business Studies, Thames Valley DSB “The City” is a financial teaching resource from Financial Consumer Agency of Canada that will engage and prepare students through essential skill activities for workplace and life skills preparation. Participants will receive the complete teaching resource binder and best practices. F3. Marketing Co‐operatively Presenter: Ethan Milberg, Head of Community‐Based Education, York Region DSB This session will highlight specific strategies to establish a clear brand identity of Community‐Based Education within a school community. F4. Bus Tour (Must select Workshop Sessions C4, D4, E4 and F4) Tour of Canada’s Largest Playground – Wonderland – See Workshop Session C4 for description. Presenters: Deborah Watson, Program Manager, The Learning Partnership and Tony Debono, OYAP/Cooperative Education Teacher, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB F5. Using SMART Board Technology in Your Classroom Presenters: Maria Calabrese, Summer Cooperative Education Teacher and Judith Hanta, Mathematics Department Head, Hamilton‐Wentworth CDSB This workshop will showcase the fundamental skills needed to effectively incorporate the use of SMART Board technology in the delivery of classroom lessons and activities. F6. OGAPE – Un atelier pour les enseignantes‐utilisatrices et les enseignants‐utilisateurs Animateur: Guy Brisson, Conseiller pédagogique provincial en éducation coopérative, CFORP/CSDCEO Cet atelier s’adresse aux enseignantes et aux enseignants qui utilisent le logiciel OGAPE pour gérer leur programme d’apprentissage par l’expérience. Nous porterons un regard détaillé sur les nouvelles fonctions qui sont présentement disponibles et nous aborderons les outils qui seront ajoutés dans les prochains mois dans le cadre de la mise à jour annuelle. Apportez votre ordinateur portable comme outil de travail. F7. Embrace It! Strategies for Success with Youth who are At‐Risk Presenter: Joe Henderson, Cooperative Education Teacher, Hamilton‐Wentworth DSB When you find yourself in a position of teaching students who are at‐risk, embrace it! Apply brain based learning and a common sense approach, while utilizing experiential learning and GLD/GLN as a framework. Gather strategies and resources that you can employ to help every student meet with success. F8. Differentiated Instruction (DI) Presenter: Stanley Tsimicalis, Cooperative Education/ Special Education Teacher, Durham DSB This workshop will encourage a discussion about Cooperative Education resources that provide assignments based on Differentiated Instruction and strategies to improve students’ learning. The resources will enhance your teaching strategies. 18 F9. Engaging and Motivating Students with SMART Technology Presenters: Anita Joshi, Education Account Manager; John Palbom, Manager Professional Development and Teresa Greco, Education Consultant, Advanced Presentation Products (www.advanced‐inc.com) Learn to develop interactive lessons and foster collaboration among your students while meeting the needs of different learners and saving yourself time. F10. Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants See A12 for description TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2011 / LE MARDI 03 MAI 2011 SESSION G WORKSHOPS /ATELIERS DE SESSION G 10:40 a.m. ‐ 11:40 a.m. G1. Law and Order Ontario: A Drama Presentation by Co‐op Students on Safety in the Workplace Presenters: Gail Fricker, Mark Roth, Karen Congram, Jodi Froud, Cooperative Education Teachers, Avon Maitland DSB This workshop will provide Cooperative Education teachers with strategies to design and deliver a Health and Safety theatre performance. The script is created and performed by Co‐op students who address safety awareness and reach out to young workers to inform them of their rights. G2. School Within A College (SWAC) Presenter: Maria Carvalho, Centrally Assigned SWAC Teacher, Toronto DSB Learn about a student success initiative called “School Within a College” (SWAC). Students attend classes at George Brown College with the goal to earn up to 8 credits in one semester (GLS4O, Credit Recovery, 2 Dual Credits and 2 Co‐op credits), explore careers, college life and prepare for post‐secondary education. G3. Forms, Risk Management... and More Forms Presenter: Tina Cotrupi, Lead Resource Teacher, Cooperative Education/Experiential Learning, Toronto CDSB The OCEA resource “ETHICAL GUIDELINES & LEGAL ISSUES – for Cooperative Education, OYAP & Other Experiential Learning Programs” provides the foundation for this workshop which will increase awareness of ethical guidelines and legal issues that may arise when delivering Experiential Learning programs. G4. Help Students Succeed Financially Presenter: Christine Allum, Investor Education Specialist, Investor Education Fund Attend this interactive workshop for teaching strategies and an action plan to help students develop their money management skills. Receive curriculum‐based resources with relevant student activities. G5. Smart Options Plus Presenter: Judy Ferguson, Ontario Trainer, National Lifework Center Programs Workshop participants will be given an overview of Smart Options Plus. This program consists of a Smart Book that takes students through 6 steps of activities. The booklet contains descriptions of the 8 intelligences and exercises that allow students to investigate their “smart profile”. Knowledge gained assists in resume writing and interviews. 19 G6. Renseignements sur le marché du travail Animatrice: Julie Joncas, Directrice générale, Commission de formation du Nord‐Est (CFNE) L’atelier démontrera les sources de renseignements sur le marché du travail disponible, et leur importance dans le cadre de la planification de carrière. La Commission de formation du Nord‐Est (CFNE) recueille, analyse et communique des renseignements sur le marché du travail local, et développe des partenariats afin que les entreprises aient accès à une main‐d’œuvre qualifiée et aussi afin de permettre aux jeunes et aux personnes à la recherche d’emploi de prendre de bonnes décisions quant à leur choix de carrière. G7. DI (Differentiated Instruction) Daze for Pre‐placement Presenters: Andrea Harrison and Shelly Singh, Cooperative Education Teachers, Toronto DSB Trying to decide how DI can work in pre‐placement sessions? Looking for great ideas? This workshop gives you tools and authentic lessons. The beauty of DI is the flexibility it offers. The presenters take full advantage of DI for process, product and even content! G8. Co‐op, the Common Thread: Examining Implications through SHSM, OYAP, Dual Credits and SAL Presenters: Audrey Cartile, Phil Hedges, and Anne Sasman, Education Officers, Ministry of Education; and Marilyn Jung, OYAP Representative, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Several programs and initiatives currently available in Ontario Secondary Schools incorporate Cooperative Education for their delivery. How do these programs involve Cooperative Education? Are they related to one another? What focus does Cooperative Education have in each area? What is the perspective held by the Ministry? This workshop will include an interactive component where audience participation will be encouraged. G9. Path to Success ‐ Strategies for Successful School‐Work Transition Presenters: Marilyn Presutti, Co‐op Placement Officer, Hamilton‐Wentworth CDSB; Christine Boucher, Employment Counsellor, Mohawk College/Employment Ontario; Beth Gibson, Passport to Prosperity Coordinator, The Industry‐Education Council of Hamilton and Marcie Brenna, Guidance Counsellor, Hamilton‐Wentworth CDSB Learn step‐by‐step how to provide a career awareness event for Grade 12 graduates who do not have a clear exit plan. Focus on post high school, self awareness, and a realistic labour market. Now in its 5th year, the Hamilton‐Wentworth CDSB in collaboration with Mohawk College‐Employment Ontario and the Industry Education Council of Hamilton takes a holistic approach to career awareness. G10. Strides to Success Co‐op Presenters: Donna Thomson, Guidance/Cooperative Education Teacher, Tara Grigoriadis, Cooperative Education Teacher and Colette Nielson, Special Education Coach, Simcoe County DSB This workshop will provide a model about a specialized program developed in Simcoe County, This Cooperative Education program is designed to help students who require extra support, whether they have special needs or are disengaged from school. G11. Exhibitor’s Displays / Étalage des exposants See A12 for description 20 OCEA EXECUTIVE AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS (2010‐2011) EXECUTIF DE L’AÉCO ET CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION (2010‐2011) EXECUTIVE / EXÉCUTIF President / Présidente Vice President / Vice présidente Past President / Président sortant Executive Secretary / Secrétaire administrative Treasurer / Trésorière Mary Davis, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Darrell Czop, Huron‐Superior CDSB Mira Domjancic, Hamilton‐Wentworth CDSB Susanna Scocchia, Toronto DSB Julia VanderWeerden, DSB Ontario North East BOARD OF DIRECTORS / CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRTION Regions: East A, East B / Régions: Est A, Est B Regions: Central B, Central C / Régions: Centre B, Centre C Regions: South A, South B, Central A / Régions: Sud A, Sud B, Centre A Regions: North A, North B / Régions: Nord A, Nord B Director‐at‐Large, All Regions / Directrice, toutes regions Director‐at‐Large (Francophone) / Directrice, toutes régions Administrative Secretary / Secrétaire administrative Guy Brisson, CFORP / CSDCEO John Greer, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB Linda Schmitter, Waterloo Region DSB Donna Flasza, Lakehead Public Schools Donna Thomson, Simcoe County DSB Krista‐Layne Brandon, Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre‐Sud Carol Madsen‐Tapley, Ontario Cooperative Education Association OCEA REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES / REPRÉSENTANTS RÉGIONAUX DE L’AÉCO 2010 ‐ 2011 South “A” Region / Région Sud A South “B” Region / Région Sud B Central “A” Region / Région Centre A Central “B” Region / Région Centre B Central “C” Region / Région Centre C East “A” Region / Région Est A East “B” Region / Région Est B Francophone Region / Région francophone North “A” Region / Région Nord A North “B” Region / Région Nord B Shanno Simonton, Greater Essex County DSB Maria Calabrese, Hamilton‐Wentworth CDSB Greg Kelly, Niagara CDSB Nancy Britton, Toronto DSB Chris Pearson, Dufferin‐Peel CDSB VACANT Colin McKenna, Ottawa Catholic School Board Mona Safarian, CSDC du Centre‐Est de l'Ontario Kathy McNabb, Simcoe Muskoka CDSB Jerry Slobojan, Lakehead Public Schools 21 IMPORTANT INFORMATION A FRAGRANCE‐FREE ENVIRONMENT is requested. FOOD ALLERGIES ‐ PLEASE NOTE: You must be alert at all times to the contents of any food. DISCLAIMER: The OCEA assumes no responsibility for the content of workshops and carousels. Presenters have been asked to ensure their workshops and carousels conform to OCEA’s Ethical Standards. ON‐LINE REGISTRATION: WWW.OCEA.ON.CA ‐ Please ensure that all fields are filled in when filling out the online registration form. Please note: A double session counts as two workshops, please make sure that you choose both components of a double workshop session. Always indicate your first (1st), second (2nd) and third (3rd) choices for each workshop session. If no optional choices are provided, and your first choice is filled, that time slot will remain un‐scheduled. We recommend that registrants choose Exhibitors’ Displays as one of their sessions in order to view them at a more leisurely pace. REGISTER EARLY! We expect over 600 delegates, and sessions fill up quickly. Registrations will not be processed and workshops will not be assigned until payment is received. We must treat all of our members fairly in this regard. EARLY BIRD registration fees will be applicable if payment has been received by the due date. Paid registrations are processed on a first come – first service basis. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION: You will receive an AUTOMATED EMAIL CONFIRMATION once your registration has been received and processed online. Please bring a copy of the automated email confirmation with you to the conference. If you do not receive the automated email confirmation, please contact Carol Madsen‐Tapley at [email protected] to inquire. Please ensure that your contact information including email address provided with the online registration is complete and accurate. A list of confirmed workshop selections will be included on your name tag which you will receive upon arrival at the Conference Registration desk. LATE / ON‐SITE REGISTRATIONS: Late registration costs are much higher and on‐site registrations will only be accepted as space permits. If registering on‐site, please remember to bring payment. We accept payment by Cheque, MasterCard, Visa, Cash or Money Order. Please note that on‐site registrants will not be included in the meals as meals do need to be pre‐ordered with the hotel. REFUNDS / CANCELLATIONS / NSF CHEQUES: Delegates will receive a 50% refund (less a non‐refundable $50.00 administrative processing fee) of the conference registration fee if notification is received in our office via e‐mail or fax no later than 2 weeks prior to the start of the conference. After this date, no refund can be issued unless there are extenuating circumstances supported by written documentation. No membership fees will be refunded. NSF Cheques: There will be a charge of $30.00 for an NSF cheque. Please allow 3 weeks for processing of cheques to avoid this problem. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING (ABM): OCEA members are invited and encouraged to attend the ABM. Full participation in the association is encouraged and needed for the health of our professional organization! For more information on membership with OCEA please visit our web site at WWW.OCEA.ON.CA and look under the heading “Membership” on our home page. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT For more information about OCEA and for membership information, please visit WWW.OCEA.ON.CA 22 INFORMATION IMPORTANTE UN ENVIRONNEMENT NON PARFUMÉ est demandé. ALLERGIES ALIMENTAIRES: NOTEZ BIEN: Vous devez être vigilant en tout temps concernant les ingrédients dans les aliments. DÉMENTI: L’AÉCO ne prend aucune responsabilité pour le contenu des ateliers et des carrousels. Les présentateurs ont reçu la directive de s’assurer que leurs ateliers et/ou carrousels soient conformes aux règles d’éthique de l’AÉCO. INSCRIPTION EN LIGNE: WWW.OCEA.ON.CA – veuillez s’assurer de remplir tous les champs au moment de compéter le formulaire d'inscription en ligne. VEUILLEZ NOTER: Une double session compte pour deux ateliers, s'il vous plaît assurez‐vous que vous cochez les deux sections d’un atelier double. Toujours indiquer votre premier (1er), deuxième (2e) et troisième (3e) choix pour chaque session de l'atelier. Si aucun choix optionnel n’est fourni, et votre premier choix est rempli, cette période de temps restera vide. Nous recommandons que les personnes inscrites choisissent ‘’Étalage des exposants’’ comme une de leurs sessions, afin de les visiter à un rythme approprié. FAITES VITE! Nous attendons plus de 600 délégués, et les ateliers se remplissent rapidement. Les inscriptions ne seront pas traitées et les ateliers ne seront pas attribués tant que le paiement n’est pas reçu. Nous devons traiter l'ensemble de nos membres de façon équitable à cet égard. Les frais de pré‐ inscription seront applicables si le paiement a été reçu par la date d'échéance. Les inscriptions payées sont traitées sur une base du premier arrivé‐ premier servi. CONFIRMATION D'INSCRIPTION: Vous recevrez un courriel de confirmation AUTOMATIQUE lorsque votre inscription sera reçue et traitée en ligne. S'il vous plaît apporter une copie de ce courriel avec vous à la conférence. Si vous ne recevez pas de courriel de confirmation automatisé, communiquez avec Carol Madsen‐Tapley à [email protected] pour en savoir davantage. Veuillez vous assurer que vos coordonnées, y compris l'adresse courriel sont complètes et exactes. Une liste des vos d’ateliers choisis et confirmés vous sera remise à votre arrivée au bureau d'inscription à la conférence. RETARD / INSCRIPTIONS SUR PLACE: Les frais d'inscriptions tardives sont beaucoup plus élevés et les inscriptions sur place ne seront pas acceptées si les ateliers sont remplis. Si vous vous inscrivez sur place, n'oubliez pas d'apporter votre paiement. Nous acceptons les paiements par chèque, MasterCard, Visa, en espèces ou mandats‐poste. S'il vous plaît notez que les repas ne seront pas inclus pour les personnes inscrites sur place puisque les repas doivent être pré‐ commandés auprès de l'hôtel. REMBOURSEMENTS / ANNULATIONS / CHEQUES CSP: Les délégués recevront un remboursement de 50% (moins les frais non remboursables de 50,00 $ pour les frais d’administration) des frais d'inscription au congrès si la notification est reçue dans notre bureau par courriel ou par télécopieur au plus tard 2 semaines avant le début de la conférence. Après cette date, aucun remboursement ne peut être livré que s'il existe des circonstances atténuantes appuyées par une documentation écrite. Aucun frais d’adhésion ne sera remboursé. Chèques sans provision: Il y aura une charge de 30,00 $ pour un chèque sans provision. S'il vous plaît permettre 3 semaines pour le traitement de chèques pour éviter ce problème. ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ANNUELLE (ABM): Les membres de l'AÉCO sont invités et encouragés à assister à l'ABM. La participation de tous les membres est nécessaire pour le bien‐être de notre organisation professionnelle! Pour plus d'informations au sujet de l'adhésion à l'AÉCO s'il vous plaît visitez notre site Web à l'adresse WWW.OCEA.ON.CA et regardez sous la rubrique «Adhésion» sur notre page d'accueil. MERCI POUR VOTRE PARTICIPATION Pour plus d’information au sujet de l’AÉCO, veuillez consulter notre site web au WWW.OCEA.ON.CA 23 HOTEL INFORMATION FOR CONFERENCE DELEGATES (Hotel accommodations are the sole responsibility of the delegates and presenters) BOOKING YOUR HOTEL ROOM / RESERVATION FOR THE OCEA CONFERENCE: Book your room at either the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel or the Best Western Hotel. Both hotels include: complimentary underground and/or outdoor parking, complimentary internet in all guest rooms and complimentary use of large Athletic Club facilities (1 outdoor pool and 2 indoor pools). The Sheraton Parkway Toronto North hotel and the Best Western Hotel are connected and are conveniently located in the same building as the conference facilities. ROOM RATES (DEADLINE FOR THESE RATES IS APRIL 1, 2011 so book early!) Please call the 24/7 Sheraton Parkway Toronto North and Best Western hotels’ Internal Reservations Department directly at 1‐800‐668‐0101 to book your room reservation at either hotel and be sure to tell them that you are attending the "OCEA CONFERENCE” to receive the SPECIAL CONFERENCE RATES as listed below: Sheraton Parkway Guest Room Type Best Western Rate Toronto North Rate Standard / Traditional $139.00 $99.00 Corporate Jacuzzi Suite $149.00 NA NOTE: • These rates are based on single or double occupancy per room per night. • Additional persons 18 years of age or older are $15.00 per night per person. • Max room occupancy is four people, no matter the age. CHECK‐IN TIME IS 3 P.M. Delegates should register at the front desk upon arrival, where they may receive a room key or store luggage. CHECK‐OUT TIME 11:30 A.M. Luggage storage available upon request. COMPLIMENTARY UNDERGROUND / OUTDOOR PARKING (see Parking Map): • Underground parking with elevator access (From the underground parking garage the elevator will bring you directly into the hotel. Once you enter the elevator press level 2 and this will take you to the hotel / conference area. When you exit the elevator turn left towards the main lobby for registration. • There is NO valet parking at this facility. 24 RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR L’HÔTEL POUR LES DÉLÉGUÉS DE LA CONFÉRENCE (Les délégués et les animateurs sont responsables de leur réservation de chambre). PROCESSUS DE RÉSERVATION DE CHAMBRES POUR LA CONFÉRENCE DE L’AÉCO Vous pouvez réserver vos chambres soit au Sheraton Parkway Toronto, soit à l’Hôtel Best Western. Le tarif indiqué comprend le stationnement, l’Internet et l’accès au Centre d’entraînement (1 piscine à l’intérieur et 2 piscines à l’extérieur). Le Sheraton Parkway Toronto North et l’hôtel Best Western sont situés dans le même édifice que la conférence. TAUX (LA DATE LIMITE POUR LES RÉSERVATIONS EST LE 1ER AVRIL, VEUILLEZ SVP RÉSERVER VOS CHAMBRES AUSSITÔT QUE POSSIBLE) Veuillez appeler le département des réservations directement au 1‐800‐668‐0101 pour réserver votre chambre à l’un des hôtels en spécifiant « OCEA CONFERENCE » afin d’obtenir les taux préférentiels suivants : Taux du Sheraton Parkway Type de chambre Taux du Best Western Toronto North Standard / Traditionnel 139$ 99$ Suite avec Jacuzzi 149$ NA NOTE: • Ces taux sont pour une ou deux personnes par chambre, par nuit. • Des frais supplémentaires de $18.00 par nuit s’appliqueront pour toute autre personne de plus de 18 ans qui occupe la même chambre • La capacité maximale des chambres est de 4 peu importe l’âge des personnes. LES CHAMBRES SONT DISPONIBLES À PARTIR DE 15 HEURES. Vous devez vous inscrire à la réception, dès votre arrivée. On vous remettra la clé de votre chambre ou bien on s’occupera de garder vos valises si la chambre n’est pas encore disponible. VOUS DEVEZ QUITTER VOTRE CHAMBRE PAR 11h30. Vous pouvez laisser vos valises à la réception si nécessaire. STATIONNEMENT GRATUIT (voir carte) • Stationnement sous‐terrain avec accès à l’hôtel par ascenseur. L’hôtel/la conférence sont situés au 2e étage. Tournez à gauche en quittant l’ascenseur pour vous rendre au foyer de l’hôtel. • Il n’y aucun service de voiturier à cet hôtel 25
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