The dynamic of european governance - A


The dynamic of european governance - A
Descriptif d’enseignement – 2016/2017
Cycle Master
Intitulé du cours : The dynamic of european governance
Course’s title :
Enseignant(s) : Aurélien RACCAH
Fonction(s): Associate Professor, Catholic University of Lille – Lawyer at ELEA AVOCAT, Paris
Type de cours : ☐Cours Magistral
☐Semestre 1
☒Cours Electifs
☐ Séminaire
☐ Semestre 2
☐ Semestre 3
Résumé du cours – Objectif:
This lecture is interactive. The students and the professor share the presentation of the topics to stimulate
the debate. We will debate and discuss the key issues of the European Union.
Syllabus – Targets:
CETA, Brexit, migrant crisis, financial crisis… The EU seems to be in a permanent struggle. However the
European construction is paradoxically strengthening. The EU governance is a balance between national and
European interests, between the respect of democratic values and the necessity to unify the EU, between
the wish of more social policy and the pressure of global competition. The continent is pressed to succeed
to avoid the return to its own past.
This course focuses on the main issues of the European Union to understand what is the purpose of the
European construction, what are the policies (internal market, common commercial policy, environment…)
achieved and what is missing (fiscal and economic cooperation, social security, defense policy…). It gives a
broad overview of some current and classical themes of European integration (History, treaties,
enlargement…) and also a reflection on the upcoming legal (Human Rights, minorities), economic (crisis),
social (funds), environmental (recycling, energy…) and political (negotiations in the EU institutions, external
action, Ukraine) challenges. Through the different topics, this course tries to understand how the European
Union and the Member States interact.
Thereby, the European Union appears as a flexible Federation according to the different policies: among
the 28 Member States, only 19 are part of the Eurozone; 26 of the Schengen area, including Switzerland,
Iceland and Norway; the Charter of Fundamental Rights would apply only partially to Poland and the
United Kingdom and, ultimately, the Czech Republic; the “space of freedom, security and justice” does not
apply to the United Kingdom and Ireland ; Denmark does not participate in political advocacy, justice and
home affairs, or the 3rd stage of EMU…
The question is: what next? Smaller Federation or broader international organisation? Which policies shall
be done? The participation of the students is expected to find solution.
Evaluation :
Participation & Oral presentation : 50%
Essay: 50%
No exam
Plan – Séances:
The course is divided in 10 topics raised by the European integration:
Session 1: Multilingualism: A first step for a European culture?
Session 2: European History: Is Europe a so new idea?
Session 3: The European treaties from Rome to Lisbon, over 50 years of construction
Session 4: Enlargement of the EU: Who’s the next?
Session 5: Economic crisis: What can the EU do?
Session 6: Human rights & protection of the minorities
Session 7: Populism in Europe: A common phenomenon in the EU?
Session 8: Europe of the regions, a paradox?
Session 9: Environment, a positive action of the EU
Session 10: External action of the EU: who represents the EU for which objectives?
Bibliographie :
Damian CHALMERS, Gareth DAVIES, Giorgio MONTI, European Union Law: Cases and Materials, Cambridge
University Press, 2nd Revised edition, 2010
Paul CRAIG and Gráinne DE BURCA, EU Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, 6th ed., 2015, 1148
Alan DASHWOOD, Derrick WYATT e.a., European Union law, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 6th ed., 2011, 1112 p.
Bruno DE WITTE, Mark DAWSON, Elise MUIR, Judicial Activism at the European Court of Justice, Edward Elgar Pub,
Pierre GERBET, La construction de l’Europe, 4e éd., Armand Colin, 2007, 580 p.
Herwig C.H. HOFMAN, Gerard C. ROWE, Alexander H. TÜRK, Administrative Law and Policy of the European Union,
OUP Oxford, 2011
Jean-Paul JACQUE, Droit institutionnel de l’Union européenne, 8e éd., 2015, Dalloz, 750 p.
Pierre LEGRAND, Droit comparé, Que sais-je ?, PUF, 2016, 125 p.
Daniel LEVY, Max PENSKY, John TORPEY, Old Europe,New Europe,Core Europe: Transatlantic Relations After the
Iraq War Paperback, 2005, Verso, 231 p.
Emilia MISCENIC, Aurélien RACCAH, Legal Risks in EU Law, Springer International, 2016, 256 p.
Aurélien RACCAH, Le traité de Lisbonne : de nouvelles compétences pour l’Union européenne ?, L’Harmattan, avril
2012, 240 p.
Jürgen SCHWARZE, EU-Kommentar, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 2008, 2734 p.
Eileen SERVIDIO-DELABRE, The Legal System of a Common Law Country The British Legal System - The American
Legal System - Constitutionally Protected Rights of the U.S.A., Dalloz, 2014, 478 p.
Joseph WEILER, The Constitution of Europe: Essays on the Ends and Means of European Integration, Cambridge
University Press, 1999
Joseph H. H. WEILER, The Transformation of Europe, The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 100, No. 8, Symposium:
International Law (Jun., 1991), pp. 2403-2483
Antje WIENER and Thomas DIEZ, European Integration Theory, OUP Oxford, 2nd ed., 2009
Jacques ZILLER (dir.), L’Union européenne, Edition Traité de Lisbonne, La Documentation française, Les notices,
2008, 215 p.
Consolidated versions of the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
Union (OJ C115, 9.5.2008) :
European Council:
European Commission:
European Parliament:
Committee of the regions:
Court of Justice of the European Union:
Law of the European Union:
European Navigator:
News online
News of the EU institutions:
The euros:
EU Observer:
The European Union Times:
Blog of Charlemagne (The Economist):
Blog of Jean QUATREMER:
Assemblée nationale, Commission des affaires européennes:
Sénat, Commission des affaires européennes:
Tout l’