Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\`t start Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate


Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\`t start Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate
Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von Monello - 10.04.2008 08:51
Good morning all :)
yesterday I update "Windows XP Pro :evil: " with last release of windows update;
after that moment Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn't run (the same for Bockbierbude Autoupdate) :( :
I have to shutdown my firewall to run the 2 Autoupdate.
Has anybody the same problem?
Thank you
Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von B8man - 10.04.2008 12:50
Hi Monello,
you´ve already mentioned the solution for your problem.
Allow the autoupdater (in you firewall settings) to call home and you don't have to close it for updating your archive.
Re:Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von Monello - 10.04.2008 13:02
It was already the same your suggestion.
But now I have to shutdown completely the firewall (Outpost) during Autoupdate activity.
Aw: Re:Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von slowmotion - 10.04.2008 15:40
do you use a external router, or a dial up connection directly from your pc?
if you use a router you must specify the ports in your routersettings and to your Windows Firewall.
You can try a porttest. Start the Autoupdater > Commands > Peer to peer > Port Test.
Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von Monello - 10.04.2008 16:29
Wait a moment Boys, please
Before Windows upload, that Windows Autoupdate propose to me, I never had problem.
Setting of router firewall are the same, setting of Outpost are the same.
Forum - Altbierbude - Altbierbude - Dein freundlicher GTL-Server
FireBoard-Forum-Version: 1.0.4
Generiert: 16 January, 2017, 03:48
Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von Holger_B - 11.04.2008 22:16
Monello schrieb:
Wait a moment Boys, please
Before Windows upload, that Windows Autoupdate propose to me, I never had problem.
Setting of router firewall are the same, setting of Outpost are the same.
Hi Monello,
it's every month the same to me! If I choose "Windows Update", all necessary security updates (cumulative safety
patches) will be downloaded and installed automaticly. Additional a small tool which is looking for new viruses and trojans
that could affected Windows system and removes it (if detected). This is on my system the reason why after doing this I
also have no longer a connection to the web.
This tool blocks your internet connection, caused of stopp of some windows functions which necessary for internet
connection (DNS, DHCP, NAT, etc), to be protected that such trojans will not download further bad code during removing
it. It happens until I reboot my pc and router by switching them (both) off and on again. Than it works again for a month
without a problem.
Maybe same appears at your site!?!?
Hope this reply helps.
Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von lukebig348 - 12.04.2008 12:11
Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Geschrieben von Monello - 12.04.2008 12:16
Thanks! for your interesting answer.:)
Now, the problem is more big:
when I load game, every 40÷60 sec game's window reduces to icon and sistem come back to descktop, but play is
running: in this way it is not possible to play :( .
The same problem I have with rFactor (ISI), BMW3 Challenge (Simbin); no with Toca Race Driver 3, no with World
Racing 2, no with CRC 2005.
I'm doing scan with Kaspersky on line to check if there is a virus (
Next step I think to load again DX9.
At the end... :angry: big HD formatting :(
If somebody has a better idea... :kiss:
Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Altbierbude Autoupdate doesn\'t start
Forum - Altbierbude - Altbierbude - Dein freundlicher GTL-Server
FireBoard-Forum-Version: 1.0.4
Generiert: 16 January, 2017, 03:48
Geschrieben von scania620 - 23.11.2008 14:59
I cant get it to work with windows vista why?????
Forum - Altbierbude - Altbierbude - Dein freundlicher GTL-Server
FireBoard-Forum-Version: 1.0.4
Generiert: 16 January, 2017, 03:48