
Carlos Reisch
Control Of Your Mind
Funk / Acid Jazz / Hip Hop
MP3 / 12“
BAXXBEATMUSIC (Aschaffenburg, DE) // (LC16151)
RELEASE: 25.01.2010
DISTRIB.: 12“ > OUR DISTRIBUTION /// MP3 > available at every major download shop
Kinski & Shantisan's So Happy In Oliveto Mix
PNFA Remix
Flashbaxx Remix
Ed Royal Remix
www.carlos-reisch.de /// www.myspace.com/carlosreisch
BaxxBeatMusic is proud to introduce you the first 12“ single by a hot 10-piece funk explosion called Carlos Reisch from Nuermberg, Germany.
"Control Of Your Mind,“ also prepped to be the first vinyl release on BaxxBeatMusic, is a smooth blend of funk, soul, hip hop, and jazz featuring
exceptional instrumentation and vocals. The track shines further with a quartet of dancefloor-ready remixes from an accomplished platoon of
Kinski (Daktarichild) and Shantisan (Salted Soul) seemed to have a really good time in Oliveto. Best proof of this fact is their sunshine flavoured
"Control Of Your Mind" remix, that brings back a touch of summer.
BaxxBeatMusic artist Wolfram Gruß aka PNFA shows his wide range of productions skills in his fantastic remix. With sick synth sounds, some
wicked drum programming, and the raps of Carlos Reisch's frontman Pirzi this producer from Darmstadt (DE) made a true head-nodding hip
hop 2.0 remix.
Aschaffenburg (DE) based producer and founder of BaxxBeatMusic Flashbaxx provides a laid back jazz and latin flavoured 'no need for a snare
drum' edit of the original. Just clap your hands and join the groove!
With his house rework of "Control Of Your Mind“ DJ, producer and head of Innvision Records (AT) Ed Royal closes this release and opens the
dancefloor at the same time. He must be a genius...
They are your next door band, but they also represent far more than just young musicians meeting
by chance in the lift to the top. Carlos Reisch is friendship, a way of life – on stage, in the studio, or
on the way home from the rehearsal room. Carlos Reisch is a modern, creative cluster without limits,
uniting artists from many nations in relaxed interaction: from Australia, from the Ivory Coast, Italy,
Poland, or the German regions of Baden-Wurttemberg, Upper Palatinate, and Franconia. Carlos
Reisch is festival stage as well as club concert, is jazz, funk and scat. Carlos Reisch doesn’t give a
dime for old, controversial jazz or pop music dogmas, but prefers to unite different worlds. The
essence lays in the beat, in the flow – the old and original essence of music ever since we can
remember. Carlos Reisch is like a big city, multi-cultural and multi-layered. In musical and social
terms. This band is modern, urban lifestyle, down to the smallest detail.
Seventies funk meets today’s live rap plus a pinch of jazz – and the musical symbiosis of this young,
emerging band from Nuremberg, the metropolis of Franconia, is in full effect. Live sound at club
parties, a normal thing in the old days of funk, has almost disappeared from today’s clubbing and
music scene. Carlos Reisch mourns this extreme loss of party culture. The atmospherically dense mix
of funk a la Maceo Parker, James Brown or Bootsy Collins paired with hip hop à la A Tribe called
Quest or The Roots creates an explosive sensual frenzy. Elaborate song arrangements as the basis of
the band’s own compositions, underlaid with the driving groove of the rhythm section, facetious jazz
harmonies and funk riffs, sharp interludes from the horn section, and above all that the lyrics, partly
sung, partly rapped, in German, English, French or Spanish by the charismatic vocalists, are the very
promising characteristics that make this band so special and individual. All that coming straight out of
the German region of Franconia!
Contact us for further informations, interview request, licensing, reviews, promotion, booking etc...
Daniel Stenger - Dorfstr. 18 - 63768 Hösbach / Germany - Tel 0049171/2302016 - SKYPE: Daniel Stenger, Aschaffenburg
Carlos Reisch
Control Of Your Mind
Funk / Acid Jazz / Hip Hop
MP3 / 12“
BAXXBEATMUSIC (Aschaffenburg, DE) // (LC16151)
RELEASE: 25.01.2010
DISTRIB.: 12“ > OUR DISTRIBUTION /// MP3 > available at every major download shop
Kinski & Shantisan's So Happy In Oliveto Mix
PNFA Remix
Flashbaxx Remix
Ed Royal Remix
www.carlos-reisch.de /// www.myspace.com/carlosreisch
Es hat ein Weilchen gedauert, aber wir haben es geschafft! BaxxBeatMusic ist sehr stolz die erste Single von Carlos Reisch in die Läden
und auf euren Plattenteller bringen zu dürfen. „Control Of Your Mind“ markiert auch gleichzeitig ein Debüt für BaxxBeatMusic selbst die erste Vinyl-Veröffentlichung. Daher freut es uns umso mehr, daß wir für dieses „erste Mal“ solch illustre Remixer gewinnen konnten.
Kinski (Daktarichild) und Shantisan (Salted Soul) hatten während ihres Trips nach Italien allem Anschein nach eine ausgesprochen gute
Zeit. Das stellen sie mit ihrem sommerlichen „So Happy In Oliveto Mix“ unter Beweis und verpassen uns in diesen kalten Monaten noch
mal ein paar warme Sonnenstrahlen.
Er hat's schon wieder getan! Nachdem sein IMU Remix (BBM003) zum heimlichen Liebling zahlreicher DJs mutierte legt BBM Artist
PNFA noch mal ne Schippe nach und zeigt eine weitere Facette seines Produktions-Talents. Mit pumpenden Beats, einem kaputten
Knorz-Synth und lediglich den Raps des Carlos Reisch Frontmanns Pirzi reduziert er „Control Of Your Mind“ aufs Wesentliche. Das
Resultat: ein derber Hip Hop 2.0 Haudegen. So gehts!
Frei nach dem Motto „Hier kocht der Chef noch selbst“ serviert uns BBM-Boss Daniel Stenger aka Flashbaxx die Zutaten des Originals
im geschmeidigen Lounge-Mantel, mit einer dezenten Jazz & Latin-Füllung aus Akustikbass, Handclaps und ein paar Spritzern
Hammond B3. Dabei ist der Gang besonders freundlich zum Mixing. Guten Appetit!
DJ, Producer und Kopf von Innvision Records (AT) Ed Royal beendet die Platte und eröffnet mit seinem House-Remix von Control Of
Your Mind gleichzeitig den Dancefloor.
In ihrer fränkisch-bajuwarischen Heimat verzeichnet die Nürnberger Funk-Armada Carlos Reisch
Auftritte in zahlreichen Clubs und bei namhaften Open Air Festivals (Weinturm Open Air,
Brückenfestival, Bardentreffen…). Die 10 Musiker standen im Vorprogramm überregional bekannter
Künstler wie Jamaram, My New Zoo, Rainer von Vielen, La Brass Banda oder Jondo. Ende Oktober war
die Band zu Gast im Bayerischen Fernsehen und stellte ihre Musik sowie die Heimatstadt ihres
künstlerischen Schaffens bei On3 Südwild vor. Auch eine teure Automarke mit Stern ist mittlerweile auf
den Funk-Sound aus Nürnberg aufmerksam geworden: Das Unternehmen promotet im Januar und
Februar 2010 den Carlos Reisch Song Control of your mind gratis auf der 30. Ausgabe des Mixed Tapes
(kostenloser download unter www.mixed-tape.com). Für 2010 ist ihre Debüt CD Veröffentlichung mit
anschließender Tour geplant, eine feste Zusage für den Chiemsee Reggae Summer 2010 liegt bereits
vor. Um die Wartezeit zur Release ihres Debut-Albums im Frühjahr 2010 zu verkürzen erscheint Ende
Januar ihre erste Single-Veröffentlichung “Control of your mind“ bei dem Aschaffenburger Indie
Baxxbeatmusic auf Vinyl.
Funk der 70er Jahre trifft Live-Rap von heute, dazu eine Prise Jazz - beinahe fertig ist die musikalische
Symbiose dieser jungen, aufstrebenden Band aus der Frankenmetropole Nürnberg. Ihr Live–Sound auf
der Bühne ist dabei so natürlich wie eine Band eben ohne Hilfsmittel aus der Konserve klingen kann. Mit
Raps, Gebläse, Background-Voices, einer brillanten Rhythmusgruppe und ihrer bunten Bühnenpräsenz
erspielten sich die Newcomer aus Nürnberg 2009 den Titel des „heimischen Partykönigs“ (Nürnberger
Für weitere Informationen, Interview Anfragen, Promotion, Gewinnspiele, Lizensierungen, Booking etc...
Daniel Stenger - Dorfstr. 18 - 63768 Hösbach / Germany - Tel 0171/2302016 - SKYPE: Daniel Stenger, Aschaffenburg
Excited to debut it on the show this weekend, will also be dropping it @ my weekly bar/lounge night as well.
- Kerem Gokmen, Pittsburgh, US (Dubmission / Radio WYEP Pittsburgh)
Thanks for the promo! Will play Ed Royal remix.
- Vincent Inc, London UK (Kotangens Records)
Excellent vibes and some laid back grooves !!! nice one !!!
- d.construction / Leipzig, DE (FURTHER IN FUSION @ Radio Corax)
Fantastic! Love all mixes! Kinski and Flashbaxx are my fav. Full support on Ibiza Sonica Radio.
- Igor Marijuan / Ibiza, ES (Ibiza Sonica Radio)
Diggin this man. A really nice and varied release. 7/10
- Ross Wakefield / London, UK (Part Time Heroes/Mode Productions)
Great surprise and nice music! Dig the original song and all the versions! Will spin this for sure.
- Ezequiel Lodeiro / Buenos Aires, AR (Soulfood)
Great work!
- Alejandro Ramirez / Florida, US (FILTERED SUNSHINE RADIO @ WPRK 91.5 FM)
Could see this getting some early lounge play.
- Rusty / Washington DC, US (All Good Funk Alliance)
Another quality baxxbeat release. kinski and shantisan rock it for me!
- Karsten John / Cologne, DE (Vinyl Vibes Records)
I´m no friend of hip hop but this is funky.
- Sven Jacobsen / Koblenz, DE (Zyx Music / Nova Radio)
- Ralf Zitzmann / Hannover, DE (Mo' Horizons / Agogo Records)
Nice package. Contender for next radioshow.
- René Josquin / Berlin, DE (De:Bug Magazine Reviewer / We Are ... Radio Show)
Great EP. Also love the cover-artwort by the way.
- Quincy Jointz / Freiburg, DE (Timewarp Music / Radio 42.com / netmusique.com / Ibiza Global Radio)
I'm into the PNFA remix.
- Frank Cueto / Washington DC, US (All Good Funk Alliance)
Perfect 12" release! Great remixes from latin to funk.
- CMC (Manmade Records / Roca Records)
All in all a nice release from baxxbeat music. The Remixes are really "my thing".
- Sven Thomschke aka Dr. Best / Nuermberg, DE (Radio Z Nuermberg)
Really digging the PNFA rework!
- Ben Mono / Berlin, DE (Compost Records)
Didn`t know this label and the artist. Found them very nice. Thanx for sending this promo to me. Liked almost all the tracks.
Very well produced. Many congrats and greetings from Brazil!!
- DJ Wash / São Paulo, BR(Funk the System / Butter Music)
Love the Flashbaxx Remix
- Omegaman / Sydney, AU (Catalyst Recordings / Super HiFi)
Really good
- Mat The Alien / British Columbia, CA ( Really Good Records)
Nice one Guys !!!
- Trotter / São Paulo, BR (Royal Soul Records / Timewarp Music /)
Very nice NuFunk Tune
- Jayl Funk / Nuermberg, DE (Timewarp Music / BadBoEs Breakbeat Paradies)
Excellent! Will play and support. More stuff like this, please!
- Feodor AllRight & Elena Mechta / St. Petersburg, RU (AMDJS Radio Show / Radio St. Petersburg 69.47FM)
High potential, due to its great groove, very fluffy tunes with a nice melody, like it a lot. Full support!
- Bernd Niedergesaess / Hamburg, DE (Radio42 / RauteMusik.FM / TIDE 96.0 FM)
Really like the Flashbaxx remix of this one. Brings a Brooklyn funk sound to it. Nice vocals.
- Brandon / New York City, US (Properly Chilled Blog)
Love it!
- Sergio / San Francisco, US (KALX FM)
Love this. Will support on radio.
- Les Wright aka Lofty /Sheffield, UK (The Sunday Alternative - Ambersound FM)
Kinda reminds me of US3 a bit. Diggin' it, looking forward to hearing more!
- David Gluzman / CA, (R4NT Music Blog)
Love the flashbaxx mix and will include in my next Jazz60 show on Starpoint Radio
- Marky Mark / London, UK (Starpoint Radio / Jazz Syndicate)
Oh yes. excellent package - we seem to be entering a new golden age of freestyle club tunes. this is really great stuff! Maximum support. gonna
play most of these out tonight in my sunday lounge session in berlin
- Corin Arnold aka ed2000 / Berlin, DE (Spindler + Klatt)
Quality track! Found it very hard to pick a favourite mix as they were all strong. Will support for sure!
- Ian Allan / Stockton, UK (Lazy Days / Various)
Some great remixes of a nice track, will support this!
- Paddy Freeform / UK (Universal Vibes Radioshow, Life FM)
Wicked seleacta! I wish each nu-funk release was like this. i'm sure all the version will find their way during my gigs. This release deserves
massive support.
- Clairvo / Budapest, HU (Tilos Radio FM90.3 / Jazz Drive On Pulse Radio / Freelance Reviewer)
All great remixes! I'm diggin' the Kinski & Shantisan version, as well as the PNFA version!
- Alejandro Ramirez / Orlando FL, US (WPRK FM / Filtered Sunshine Radio Show)
Congrats to Carlos Reisch, very good 12" and feeling the vibe here in Ibiza.
- Daniel Peñacoba / Ibiza, ES (Ibiza Global Radio 97.6 FM / UH Paper)
Great disco funk theme. I like the Kinski & Shantisan remix so much.
- Javi Frias / Granada, ES (Sound Dimension Radio Show - Scanner FM / Right On FM)
Sunshine in the winter! I need it!
- Infragandhi / HU (Hit The Decks / Radio Café 98.6 / A38)
Sunshine in the winter! I need it!
- Infragandhi / HU (Hit The Decks / Radio Café 98.6 / A38)
I dig the kinski mix and the PNFA is diiirrrrrty :-)
- Joshua Heath / US (Salted Music / DAE / Balance at King King)
Awesome sound! love the latin fusion and all the radical remixes that shift all over the place!
- DJ Chang / Tampla FL, US (Connections Radio Show)
Flashbaxx Remix is Killer! Love it. Full support from Breakonomics.
- Adam Fogarty / Dublin, IR (Breakonomics Radio Show - RTE Pulse National Radio)
Loving control of your mind and the cheeky sample at the start of the PNFA Remix.
- Kelvin K. / Brighton, UK (Nordic Trax / Hudd Traxx)
Great release. Really liking the production on the PNFA Remix the most. A solid set of mixes all around on this one. Will give some plays.
- Jason Brown / Los Angeles CA, US (Qdup Foundation / Goodgroove / Bombstrikes)
„Here we are in the frigid clutches of our most frigid winter in years—don’t we all need a little dose of warm sunshine right now? And that’s what
just we get from Carlos Reisch, an international collective of players based in Nuremberg, Germany. “Control of Your Mind” is a bright, catchy
slice of horn-fueled breakbeats, with rapped vocals extolling the virtues of “funk shit and all that jazzy stuff.” The four remixes cover glitchy hiphop, tropical rhythms and organic house - depending on your taste, at least one of these party-time cuts should help you survive the season.“
- Bruce Tantum, New York Time Out Magazine
„The super funky original version, reminds me Prince !!! The mixture of spanish and english on the vocs makes me love it more, funky headz will
adore it !!! ‘’Kinski & Shantisan's – a personal friend of mine the last one - So Happy In Oliveto Remix’’ brings b...ack the summer daylight and
moonlight on the floor. Flashbaxx sax bossanized remis ace, its breakdown relight the fire on the dancefloor. Austrian Ed Royal doing the
gangster boogie dirty disco funky work and doing it so well !!! PNFA my less favourite mix, can make do the sexy dance, electro beatz and old hip
hop voices offers another pointr of view on the original funk of ‘’Control Of Your Mind’’.“
- Dj Nova, Nova Planet Radio Show (Athens, GR)