System Aspects of SQL SQL Environment: Introduction SQL
System Aspects of SQL SQL Environment: Introduction SQL
SQL Environment: Introduction A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik System Aspects of SQL SQL Environment User Access Control SQL in Programming Environment Embedded SQL SQL and Java Transactions (Programmers View) SQL server - Supports operations on database elements - Typically runs on large host machine SQL client - Supports user connections to server - Runs on (different) host machine Connection - Channel between client and server 7.2 SQL Environment: Module Types Session Generic SQL Interface: - All SQL operations performed while connection open - Current catalog, current schema , authorized user SQL Environment SQL Server SQL agent Connection Session SQL Client Application - Module: application program - SQL agent: executionof module 7.3 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL Environment: Introduction - Module: each query or statement Embedded SQL: - SQL statements within host-language program - SQL statements pre-processed to function calls - Calls executed at run-time True modules: - Collection of stored procedures - Host language code, SQL code 7.4 1 User Access Control: Introduction User Secrecy: - Outside schema, handling implementation dependent - Identification by Authorization ID (user name) Role - Defines user group Inside schema, handling via SQL statements Identification by Authorization ID (role name) All users: special role PUBLIC Examples: CREATE CREATE CREATE CREATE ROLE ROLE ROLE ROLE Customer; Secretary WITH ADMIN Klaus; Movie_staff; Shop_owner; 7.5 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL Environment: Privileges - Users should not be able to see things they are not supposed to. - e.g., A student can’t see other students’ grades. Integrity: - Users should not be able to modify things they are not supposed to. - e.g., Only instructors can assign grades. Availability: - Users should be able to see and modify things they are allowed to. 7.6 User Access Control: Privileges Security policy specifies authorization Security mechanism enforces a security policy Privileges Two mechanisms at DBMS level Discretionary access control - Concept of privileges for objects (tables and views) - Mechanisms for giving and revoking users privileges Mandatory access control - System-wide policies for DBS DB object have security class Rules on security classes govern access Used for specialized (e.g., military) applications 7.7 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik User Access Control: Introduction - Right to perform SQL statement type on objects - Assigned to roles (authorization IDs) - Creator of object: all privileges - DBMS: management of privileges and access rights Privilege types: - SELECT on table or view INSERT on table or view DELETE on table or view UPDATE on table or view REFERENCES: right to refer to relation in constraint USAGE: (SQL-92) right to use specified domain ALL PRIVILEGES: short form for all privileges 7.8 2 User Access Control: Privileges Example Grant privilege INSERT INTO Format(name) SELECT format FROM Tape t WHERE t.format NOT IN (SELECT name FROM format); Privileges: - SELECT on Tape - SELECT on Format - INSERT on Format 7.9 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik User Access Control: Privileges GRANT <privileges> ON <object> TO <users> [WITH GRANT OPTION] - GRANT OPTION: Right to pass privilege on to other users - Only owner can execute CREATE, ALTER, and DROP Privilege to SELECT particular columns in a table GRANT <privileges> ON <tablename(<attributenames>)> TO <users> [WITH GRANT OPTION] 7.10 User Access Control: Privileges on views Examples: Creator has privilege on view if privilege on all underlying tables GRANT INSERT, SELECT ON Movie TO Klaus Klaus can query Movie or insert tuples into it. GRANT DELETE ON Movie TO shop_owner WITH GRANT OPTION Anna can delete tuples, and also authorize others to do so GRANT UPDATE (pricePDay) ON Movie TO movie_staff Staff can update (only) the price field of Movie tuples GRANT SELECT ON MovieView TO Customers This does NOT allow the customers to query Movie directly! 7.11 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik User Access Control: Privileges Creator loses SELECT privilege on underlying table ⇒ view is dropped Creator loses a privilege on underlying table ⇒ creator loses privilege on view Creator loses a privilege held with grant option on underlying table ⇒ users who were granted that privilege on the view lose privilege on view 7.12 3 User Access Control: Privileges User Access Control: Examples Revoke privilege REVOKE <privileges> ON <object> FROM <users> RESTRICT - RESTRICT: only revoke if non of the privileges have been granted by these users - Privilege given from different users – must be revoked from all users to loose privilege 7.13 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik Core SQL:1999 User Access Control: Examples Owner: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Anna; owner Klaus Anna Movie Priv Priv Priv Owner: REVOKE Update ON Movie FROM Klaus RESTRICT; owner Klaus Movie Anna Priv Priv 7.14 User Access Control: Privileges GRANT Update ON Movie TO Anna; owner Klaus Anna Movie Priv Priv Priv Grant Owner: REVOKE Update ON Movie FROM Klaus RESTRICT; owner Klaus Anna Movie Priv Priv Priv Grant Command fails ! 7.15 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik Owner: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Klaus WITH GRANT OPTION; Klaus: Owner: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Klaus; Revoke privilege enhanced SQL:1999 REVOKE [GRANT OPTION FOR] <privileges> ON <object> FROM <users> {RESTRICT | CASCADE} - CASCADE: revoke from all users that have been granted the privilege by these users - RESTRICT: only revoke if non of the privileges have been granted by this user 7.16 4 User Access Control: Examples User Access Control: Examples Klaus: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Anna; owner Klaus Anna Movie Priv Priv Priv Grant Owner: REVOKE Update ON Movie FROM Klaus CASCADE; owner Klaus Anna Movie Priv 7.17 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik Owner: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Klaus WITH GRANT OPTION; User Access Control: Examples Klaus: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Anna; owner Klaus Anna Movie Priv Priv Priv Grant Owner: REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR Update ON Movie FROM Klaus CASCADE; owner Anna Klaus Movie Priv Priv 7.18 User Access Control: Object owners Owner: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Anna; Klaus: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Anna; owner Klaus Anna Movie Priv Priv Priv Owner: REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR Update ON Movie FROM Klaus CASCADE; owner Anna Klaus Priv Priv 7.19 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik Owner: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Klaus WITH GRAND OPTION; Movie Owner: GRANT Update ON Movie TO Klaus WITH GRANT OPTION; Schema owner: - Right for create, drop, alter (no privilege, not grantable) - All privileges on schema objects Object creator/owner: - Create statement: current authorizationID is owner - Enhanced SQL:1999 : owner needn't be creator Current user privileges in Oracle: SQL> SELECT * FROM session_privs; PRIVILEGE ---------------------------------------CREATE SESSION ALTER SESSION CREATE TABLE .... 7.20 5 SQL in Programs: Introduction SQL in Programs: Impedance Mismatch - Sub-language for data access - Efficient database operations Host language: - Control structures Complex computations User interface: output formatting, forms Transactions: DB interactions as unit of work SQL and host language needed 7.21 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL Impedance Mismatch: differing data model of SQL and host language Problems: - Set oriented operations vs manipulation of individuals - Interconnection of program variables and SQL statements - Compilation time of embedded SQL-statements 7.22 SQL in Programs: 1. 4GL 1. Fourth Generation Languages (4GL) Underlying assumption: - Decreasing importance 2. Module Languages - Standardized in SQL:1999 3. Call level interface - Most important approach - Standardized in SQL:1999 4. Component architectures - Hiding the details of DB interaction - Example: Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) 7.23 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Program/DBS Communication - application programs algorithmically simple - sophisticated output formatting needed - difficult to switch between different DBS Technical concept: Client workstation (presentation, requests, GUI) Database server Proprietary protocol Decreasing importance 7.24 6 SQL in Programs: 2. Modules (cont) Parameterized modules of SQL statements Standardized in SQL:1999 Compiled for a particular language Linked to application program (statically?) Language Examples: COBOL, C, ADA, ... Example: Disadvantages: - SQL code hidden in application and vice versa - Not widely used Used in stored procedures (e.g., Oracle PL/SQL) Executed under control of DBS 7.25 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: 2. Modules MODULE demo NAMES are ascii LANGUAGE FORTRAN SCHEMA movie_db AUTHORIZATION ... Returned state value Program Language variables PROCEDURE discount_op (SQLSTATE, :title VARCHAR(40), :discount DECIMAL(3,2)) UPDATE Movie M SET pricePday = pricePday - :discount WHERE M.title = :title; PROCEDURE customerState (SQLSTATE, :customer INTEGER) SELECT movie_id,tape_id,from_date FROM Tape T, Rental R WHERE R.member = customer AND R.tape_id =; 7.26 SQL in Programs: 3. Call level interface Interface in standard programming languages Proprietary library routines, API Language/DBS specific library of procedures Embedded C / Java / .. Standardized language extensions Standardized API - Open Database connection (ODBC), - Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 7.27 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: 3. Call level interface Example: MySQL C API - Buffer for transferring commands and results - API data types, e.g., MYSQL handle for db connections MYSQL_RES result set structure - API functions, e.g., mysql_real_query() mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query, unsigned int queryLength) 7.28 7 SQL in Programs: Embedded SQL Direct SQL: Program with of "native" and SQL-like statements Pre-compiler = Preprocessor creates native code Calls to DBS resources included Programmer: embedded SQL or function calls - SQL interpreter accepts and executes SQL commands SQL in host language: - Program in programming language (C, Java,…) - Parts of program in SQL statements - Most implementations: call level interface used - Most popular: Embedded C (Oracle: PRO*C) Java support - SQLJ = Embedded Java - JDBC = Standardized call interface for Java 7.29 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Embedded SQL SQL library Host language + Embedded SQL Preprocessor Host language + Function Calls Host language compiler 7.30 SQL in Programs: Embedded SQL Static embedding: Concepts: Dynamic SQL: - SQL-String compiled at runtime - variable bindings at runtime 7.31 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Static/dynamic embedding - SQL commands known in advance - SQL-compilation and language binding at pre-compile time Object-code program - Well defined type mapping (for different languages) - Syntax for embedded SQL statements EXEC SQL {SELECT title FROM ...} - Binding to host language variables EXEC SQL {SELECT id FROM Movie WHERE titel = :titleString};... - Exception handling WHENEVER <condition> <action> SQLSTATE 7.32 8 SQL in Programs: Embedded SQL SQL / Host Language Interface: Shared variable declaration - Embedded SQL-statement: EXEC SQL <sql statement> - Shared variables: :<variableName> (access in SQL) <variableName> (access in host language) - Exception handling: SQLSTATE (SQL function execution status) e.g., 00000 - no problem 02000 – answer tuple not found 7.33 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Embedded SQL SQL in Programs: Embedded SQL Syntax: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; … EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; - Declaration in host language - Use variable types in common Example: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; integer integer movie_number; tape_number; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; 7.34 SQL in Programs: Cursor concept Important concept - direct insert into variable Syntax: EXEC SQL SELECT <attributeName> INTO :<sharedVariable> FROM <tableNames> WHERE <condition> Multiple row results: - Use of cursors on result set 7.35 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik Single row results: Cursor: - Name of SQL statement and - Handle for processing the result set record by record Defined at runtime Opened at runtime (SQL-statement executed) Used in most language embeddings of SQL - e.g., ESQL-C, PL/SQL, JDBC 7.36 9 SQL in Programs: Cursor concept No binding of result attributes to variables Allows traversal of result set row by row Cursor declaration: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cursor declaration Cursor initialisation Fetch tuples Close cursor no DECLARE OPEN FETCH EMPTY? yes CLOSE 7.37 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Cursor concept SQL in Programs: Cursor concept Cursor initialisation: EXEC SQL OPEN <cursorName>; - binds input variables executes query puts first results into communication area positions cursor before first row of the result set 7.38 SQL in Programs: Example EXEC SQL FETCH <cursorName> INTO :<shared variable>; Puts next results into communication area Positions cursor before before next row of the result set Assigns tuple to shared variables Sets SQLSTATE 7.39 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik Fetch tuples: - EXEC SQL DECLARE <cursorName> CURSOR FOR <query> #include <stdio.h> /* declare host variables */ EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char userid[12] = "ABEL/xyz"; char movie_name[10]; int movie_number; int tape_number; char temp[32]; void sql_error(); EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; /* include the SQL Communication Area */ #include <sqlca.h> 7.40 10 SQL in Programs: Example SQL in Programs: Example main() { movie_number = 200; /* handle errors */ EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR do sql_error("Oracle error"); /* connect to Oracle */ EXEC SQL CONNECT :userid; printf("Connected.\n"); 7.41 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik /* main program */ SQL in Programs: Example /* declare a cursor */ EXEC SQL DECLARE movie_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT m.title FROM movie m, tape t WHERE = :tape_number AND t.movie_id =; /* get user data */ printf(“Tape number? "); gets(temp); tape_number = atoi(temp); 7.42 SQL in Programs: Example EXEC SQL OPEN movie_cursor; … /* fetch and process data in a loop exit when no more data */ EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOT FOUND DO break; while (1){ EXEC SQL FETCH movie_cursor INTO :movie_name; … } 7.43 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik /* open the cursor and identify the result set */ /* close cursor before another SQL statement is executed */ EXEC SQL CLOSE movie_cursor; EXEC SQL COMMIT WORK RELEASE; exit(0); } 7.44 11 SQL in Programs: Cursor Options Step through set of rows and update or delete Ordering tuples Syntax: EXEC SQL DECLARE <cursorName> CURSOR FOR <query> FOR UPDATE ON <attribute>; … WHERE CURRENT OF <cursorName>… Example: EXEC SQL DECLARE myCurs CURSOR FOR SELECT id,length,title FROM Movie FOR UPDATE ON length EXEC SQL UPDATE Movie SET lenght = length + 1 WHERE CURRENT OF myCurs; 7.45 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Positioned Update - Use ORDER BY in query Cursor motion - SCROLL CURSOR - Relative to current position: PRIOR/NECT/RELATIVE<nr> e.g., FETCH <cursorName> PRIOR INTO ... - Absolute position: first/last/ABSOLUTE<nr> Limit effect of changes - Performance: cursor FOR READ ONLY - Concurrent access: INSENSITIVE CURSOR FOR … 7.46 SQL in Programs: Dynamic SQL Example: Statements not known at compile time EXEC SQL DECLARE myCurs INSENSITIVE CURSOR FOR SELECT id,length,title FROM Movie FOR UPDATE ON length WHERE id >100; EXEC SQL OPEN... EXEC SQL FETCH myCurs INTO ..... UPDATE Movie SET lenght = length + 20 WHERE CURRENT OF myCurs; Changes not visible in result set Visible if cursor closed and reopened 7.47 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Cursor sensitivity - Statements computed by host language - User input of query Tasks at run-time: - Pass query string to SQL system - Translate to executable statement - Execute statement Use ‘Prepared Statements’ 7.48 12 SQL in Programs: Dynamic SQL Step 1: Example: EXEC SQL PREPARE <SQLvariable> FROM <string> - String: SQL statement - SQLvariable: assigned SQL statement - Parse and prepare statement for execution Step 2: EXEC SQL EXECUTE <SQLvariable> - Execute statement SQLvariable 7.49 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Dynamic SQL void readQuery(){ EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char *query; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; … /* prompt user for query allocate space make :query point to query*/ … EXEC SQL PREPARE SQLquery FROM :query; EXEC SQL EXECUTE SQLquery; } 7.50 SQL in Programs: SQL & Java Multiple execution: SQLJ - Prepare once - Execute many times Single execution: - Combination of step 1 an 2 EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE <string> - Example: … EXEC SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :query; … 7.51 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Dynamic SQL - Embedded SQL for Java - Compiles to JDBC method call - Defined and implemented by major DBS companies (Oracle in particular) JDBC - Java call-level interface (API) for SQL DBS DB vendor independent Supports static and dynamic SQL Implemented by nearly all DB vendors 7.52 13 SQL in Programs: SQLJ Example Part 0: SQLJ Embedded SQL // Part of a SQLJ program, one method: - Mostly reviewed and implemented - Integrated with JDBC API - Oracle has placed Translator source into public domain Part 1: SQLJ Stored Procedures and UDFs - Using Java static methods as SQL stored procedures & functions - Leverages JDBC API Part 2: SQLJ Data Types - Pure Java Classes as SQL ADTs - Alternative to SQL:1999 Abstract Data Types 7.53 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: SQLJ public void changeMovie(int movieid, int newTape) { string mtitle; int tnumber; #sql { SELECT m.title, count( INTO :mtitle, :tnumber FROM movie m, tape t WHERE = :movieid AND = t.movie_id }; if (tnumber < 3) #sql {INSERT INTO tape VALUES (:newTape, 'DVD', :movieid)}; } 7.54 SQL in Programs: SQL & Java Java in Web context (2 tier architecture): Java in Web context (3 tier architecture): Java application Business Logic (application) JDBC Proprietary protocol of DBMS DBMS Database Server 7.55 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: SQL & Java Java applet or WWW Browser GUI HTTP, RMI, CORBA,… Application server Business Logic (application) JDBC Proprietary protocol of DBMS DBMS Database Server 7.56 14 SQL in Programs: JDBC 1. Preparation 3. Set up connection database(s) import java.sql.*; 2. Load a driver - many vendor products Class.forName( "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin: @<host>:<port>:<db>"; - url JDBC-Driver and host information 7.57 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: JDBC SQL in Programs: JDBC Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<db>", <username>,<password>); - Several connections at a time possible 4. Create statement object Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); - Similar to channel for sending queries to database 7.58 SQL in Programs: JDBC Example ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(“<query>" ); - results in ResultSet object 6. Process results one after the other - processed with "hidden cursor" while ({ for (i = 1; i <= numCols; i++){ if (i > 1) System.out.print(","); System.out.print(rs.getString(i)); } } 7.59 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik 5. Send SQL query string 1. Preparation #import*; #import java.sql.*; #import java.util.*; ... 2. Load driver 3. Connect to database Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@kuh:1521:INTROKUH"; Protocol Sub-protocol Oracle-spec. Host Port Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection ( url, “user", “passwort"); 7.60 15 SQL in Programs: JDBC Example 4. Create SQL-statement 5. execute statement Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT id, title FROM movie"); 6. Process results while ( { String n = rs.getInt(“id"); String n = rs.getString(“title"); System.out.println(s + ": " + n); } } 7.61 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik . . . . SQL in Programs: JDBC variable binding No explicit cursor Several methods in JDBC - e.g., boolean next(), void close(), <JavaType> get<JavaType>(), boolean wasNull() Access result data by position or by name - By position: String s = rs.getString(2); - By name: String rs.getString ("b") ; 7.62 SQL in Programs: Prepared statements Example: Pass input parameters java.sql.Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1 = stmt.executeQuery ("SELECT id, title FROM movie"); while ( { int mid = rs1.getInt(“id"); String mt = rs1.getString(“title"); System.out.println("ROW:" + mid + " " + mt);} ResultSet rs2 = stmt.executeQuery ("SELECT id, movie_id FROM tape"); while ( { int tid = rs2.getInt(1); int tmid = rs2.getInt(2); System.out.println("ROW:" + tid + " " + tmid);} 7.63 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: JDBC variable binding Use prepared statement java.sql.PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement(<query>); - Statement compiled - Missing values in query: “?” Set value: prepStmt.setString(<position>, <value>); 7.64 16 SQL in Programs: Prepared statements SQL in Programs: Positioned update prepStmt.setString(1, mTitle); ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery() ; while ({ int i = r.getInt(1); // by position, no name available System.out.println("Number of tapes for mTitle + " is: " +i) } " + 7.65 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik String mTitle; .... java.sql.PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement( "SELECT count(*) FROM Movie m, Tape t WHERE t.movie_id = AND m.title = ? ); Positioned update needs cursor name Define cursor (JDBC 1) public void setCursorName(String name) throws SQLException - Use for updates and deletes Define cursor (JDBC2) - more flexible (anonymous) cursor handling - setCursorName not implemented in Oracle Driver 7.66 SQL in Programs: Transactions JDBC 2.0 Transaction: - Result set scrollable and updateable - Example: Statement stmt = con.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); stmt.setFetchSize(25); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT id, title FROM movie"); rs.first(); rs.updateString(“title“, “xxxxx”); rs.updateRow(); 7.67 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Positioned update - Collection of one or more database operations executed atomically (either all operations or none ) Programmers view: - Everything between beginning of a sequence of operations on the database and ‘COMMIT’ or ‘ROLLBACK’ - No explicit "transaction begin" command ... OPEN MyCurs;........ ; COMMIT; Begin of first transaction (first SQL command in program) End of first transaction 7.68 17 SQL in Programs: Transactions COMMIT Transaction manager: - Effects on database made permanent ROLLBACK - Aborts transaction - All changes in transaction undone (rolled back) Programmers View: - Auto-commit mode: each SQL-command is a transaction - Various transaction isolation levels 7.69 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Transactions - Isolate concurrent users from each other Problems: - Lost update: same object concurrently updated by two users, one update lost - Dirty read: object value changed by transaction which aborts later - Non-repeatable read: same object has different value within same transaction - Phantom tuples: non-repeatable read caused by insertions or deletions 7.70 SQL in Programs: Isolation levels READ UNCOMMITTED READ COMMITTED SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY, ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED - Allows read access to uncommitted transactions Transaction has to be read only Lowest locking overhead Unpleasant effects may occur Example: - TA1 increases the prices of some movies in DB by 5% - TA2 scrolls through all movies, sees new prices 7.71 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Isolation levels SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED - Allows read access to committed transactions only - Long write locks, no or short read locks - Non-repeatable reads Example: TA1 Read(a) x=x+a TA2 Write a=a-10 commit Read(a) y:=y-a Wrong balance 7.72 18 SQL in Programs: Isolation levels REPEATABLE READ SERIALIZABLE SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ - Allows read access to committed transactions only All data isolated from concurrent writes Read and write locks long term until end of TA Phantom tuples may occur 7.73 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Isolation levels SQL in Programs: Transactions and JDBC - Allows read access to committed transactions only - All data isolated from concurrent writes - No phantom tuples inserted into the read set by other transaction - Standard default 7.74 SQL in Programs: Visibility of changes TRANSACTION_NONE (not implemented) TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE Methods: - public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLExceptionpublic void - setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit) - public void commit() throws SQLException - public void rollback() throws SQLException 7.75 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik Transactional properties of connections - SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE ResultSet rs = stmt1.executeQuery( "SELECT id, length FROM movie"); int i = stmt2.executeUpdate ( “DELETE FROM movie“); rs.first(); rs.updateString(“title“, “xxxxx”); rs.updateRow(); Scroll-insensitive result set - no change by other result sets – even in the same TA – are visible - Updates in result set r visible for operations on r - Deletes / inserts (!) in result set r not visible Sensitive result set: - depending on connection isolation level 7.76 19 SQL in Programs: Summary Abort transaction when error: Access Rights EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; EXEC SQL ROLLBACK WORK RELEASE; - WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE prevents ROLLBACK from (infinite) invocation of routine Example: void sql_error(msg){ char buf[500]; int buflen, msglen; EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR CONTINUE; EXEC SQL ROLLBACK WORK RELEASE; buflen = sizeof (buf); sqlglm(buf, &buflen, &msglen); printf("%s\n", msg); printf("%*.s\n", msglen, buf); exit(1); } 7.77 A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik A. Hinze, Freie Universität Berlin, SS 2002, Einführung in Datenbanken+Datenbanken für die Bioinformatik SQL in Programs: Exception handling - Means to ensure data security - Privileges to roles Program – DB communication: - Fourth Generation Languages (4GL) Module Languages Call level interface Component architectures Transactions in programs - Isolation levels - Begin, end transaction 7.78 20