PHOENIX Erasmus Mundus Action 2- Call for applications now open
PHOENIX Erasmus Mundus Action 2- Call for applications now open
Von: Betreff: Datum: Kopie: "Eckelt, Ulrich" <[email protected]> PHOENIX Erasmus Mundus Action 2- Call for applications now open 18. Dezember 2013 10:16:03 MEZ "Dueformantel, Klaus" <[email protected]> 2 Anhänge, 101 KB von: Dueformantel, Klaus Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013 10:07 An: EU-Angelegenheiten Betreff: AW: PHOENIX Erasmus Mundus Action 2- Call for applications now open Liebe Fachkoordinatorinnen und Fachkoordinatoren, die Universität Almeria, Spanien lädt mit dem beiliegenden Schreiben zur Teilnahme an ihrem Projekt Phoenix ein. Einem Erasmus Mundus Projekt aus dem noch laufenden Lifelong Learning Programm, dass den Austausch verschiedener Zielgruppen mit speziellen aussereuropäischen Ländern fördert. Zur Weiterleitung an Interessierte. Mit den besten Wünschen für die bevorstehenden Weihnachtstage Ihr Team vom EU-‐Büro Von: University of Almería: International Relations Office [mailto:[email protected]] Gesendet: Montag, 16. Dezember 2013 12:35 Betreff: PHOENIX Erasmus Mundus Action 2- Call for applications now open VICERRECTORADO DE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN Y COOPERACIÓN AL DESARROLLO >> Dear Colleagues, The University of Almería would like to inform you that the application for the PHOENIX Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Project (Europe- Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon) is now open until 22nd of January 2014. All the information for the applicants is on the project website: We would highly appreciate if this information (see attached material) could be forwarded to academic and administrative staff, student advisory staff, as well as the students and/or alumni of your institution. PHOENIX offers TG2 scholarships for Master Mobility (9 months), Postdoc (six months) and Academic and Administrative Staff (one month) in different subject fields. Should this message not be relevant to the subejct areas and/or academic teaching levels offered at your institution, please accept our apologies. Thank you in advance. With kind regards, ------------------------------------------------Mª Fernanda Rodríguez Heras Erasmus Mundus Phoenix Team International Relations Office University of Almería +34950015763 [email protected] Unidad de Relaciones Internacionales Contacto: [email protected] Tel: (+34) 950 01 50 46 | Fax: (+34) 950 01 53 84 aviso legal | política de privacidad © Copyright UAL 2009