VIA BodyFat_English - New Balance Sports Monitors
VIA BodyFat_English - New Balance Sports Monitors
ÕÈÀ ÁîãøÅàóÀíàëøùäñ odyFatNB.indb 1 12/20/06 11:04:38 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS PEDOMETER FEATURES 1 SPECIFICATIONS & RANGES 1 BASIC OPERATION OF BUTTONS 2 PRIMARY OPERATING MODES 4 SETTING USER DATA 5 DETERMINING YOUR STRIDE LENGTH 5 SETTING TIME OF DAY 6 SETTING USER DATA OPERATING THE BODYFAT ANALYZER WEARING YOUR PEDOMETER 7 8 11 MOTION SENSITIVITY SLIDE SWITCH 12 CHANGING THE BATTERIES 13 CARE OF YOUR PEDOMETER 14 odyFatNB.indb 2 12/20/06 11:04:41 AM PEDOMETER FEATURES PEDOMETERS are highly accurate and reliable pedometers and are effective for both walking and running. Features include Step Counter, Distance, Calories Burned, Time of Day and Percentage of Body Fat. The BodyFat Analyzer also allows personal data settings for up to five individual users. english SPECIFICATIONS & RANGES TIME MODE - 12 hour / 24 hour display. STEP COUNTER - 1-99,999 steps - Distance can be displayed up to 9999.9 mile with 0.01-mile resolution. - Calorie consumption can display up to 9999.9 kcal with 0.1 kcal resolution. odyFatNB.indb Sec1:1 1 12/20/06 11:04:41 AM BASIC OPERATION OF BUTTONS UP DOWN SENSOR MODE SENSOR START english SET 2 odyFatNB.indb Sec1:2 12/20/06 11:04:41 AM BASIC OPERATION OF BUTTONS MODE KEY - Scrolls through various modes of the pedometer. SET KEY - Enters the setting sequence for user data. - Advances to next variable in setting sequence. DOWN KEY - Decreases variable in setting sequence. - Scrolls through USER settings in Body Fat Analysis mode. - Scrolls though sub modes in Step mode. english UP - Increases variable in setting sequence. - Scrolls through USERS in Body Fat Analysis mode. - Scrolls though sub modes in Step mode. START KEY - Activates Body Fat Analysis mode. odyFatNB.indb Sec1:3 3 12/20/06 11:04:42 AM PRIMARY OPERATING MODES The BodyFat Analyzer has 3 primary operational modes: TIME MODE: Time of Day is displayed. english WEIGHT/BODY FAT ANALYZER MODE: Top line displays weight of selected user. Lower line displays user selected (1-5) and gender icon. SUB MODE: Percentage of Body Fat for selected user. STEP MODE: Top line displays Steps Taken. Lower line displays user selected. SUB MODES: PRESSING the DOWN key scrolls through Steps Taken, Calories Consumed and Distance Traveled. 4 odyFatNB.indb Sec1:4 12/20/06 11:04:42 AM SETTING USER DATA DETERMINING YOUR STRIDE LENGTH 1. You will need a tape measure to accurately measure your stride. 2. Mark a spot on the ground. Start with your toe to that point and take 10 natural strides of the type you want to measure (run, walk, jog, etc). 3. Mark the place where the toe of your forward foot stopped. 4. Measure the distance between the two points(in inches), and divide by 10. english odyFatNB.indb Sec1:5 5 12/20/06 11:04:43 AM SETTING USER DATA english SETTING TIME OF DAY 1. Advance to TIME SCREEN by PRESSING the MODE key. 2. PRESS & HOLD the SET key to enter into the setting sequence. 3. Adjust HOURS by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. Hold the keys for fast scrolling. 4. Advance to SET MINUTES by PRESSING the SET key. Adjust by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. 5. PRESS SET key to exit the setting sequence. NOTE: Select 12 or 24 hr. time format by PRESSING the UP key. (in 12 hr. format, PM will appear in the upper left corner of the display screen after 12:00 noon.) 6 odyFatNB.indb Sec1:6 12/20/06 11:04:43 AM SETTING USER DATA odyFatNB.indb Sec1:7 english SETTING USER DATA 1. Advance to USER/BODY FAT ANALYZER MODE by PRESSING the MODE key. 2. Select USER (1-5, blinking numeral in lower line) by PRESSING the UP key. 3. PRESS & HOLD the SET key to enter into the setting sequence. 4. Adjust WEIGHT by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. Hold the keys for fast scrolling. 5. Advance to set HEIGHT by PRESSING the SET key. Adjust height by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. 6. Advance to set AGE by PRESSING the SET key. Adjust Age by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. 7. Advance to set GENDER by PRESSING the SET key. Adjust by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. 8. Advance to set STRIDE LENGTH by PRESSING the SET key. Adjust Stride Length by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. (See “Determining Your Stride Length” pg. 5) 9. PRESS SET key to exit the Setting Sequence. NOTE: To save multiple files for exercise session comparison, enter your personal data for multiple users. 7 12/20/06 11:04:43 AM OPERATING THE BODYFAT ANALYZER In BODY FAT ANALYSIS MODE: english 1. Select user 1-5 (blinking number in lower line) by PRESSING the UP key. 2. PRESS the START key on the bottom of the pedometer unit. 3. Touch the sensors on the face of the pedometer unit with your thumbs (press firmly for best results). PRESS SENSOR PRESS START PRESS SENSOR 4. Upper line will display a sequence of four O’s followed by PERCENTAGE OF BODY FAT. Lower line will display GENERAL BODY TYPE as a determination of body fat percentage (see chart pg. 9). If sensors can not get a proper reading, ERR will display in the upper line. Please try measurement again. NOTE: To ensure proper contact, it is recommended that fingers be slightly moistened with perspiration or saliva. 8 odyFatNB.indb Sec1:8 12/20/06 11:04:44 AM OPERATING THE BODYFAT ANALYZER In USER/BODY FAT ANALYSIS MODE: The lower display line of the BodyFat indicates your GENERAL BODY TYPE AS A PERCENTAGE OF BODY FAT using the following scale: BODY FAT ANALYZER SCALE OF MEASURMENT Gender Age Male Above 30 Female Below 30 Female Above 30 odyFatNB.indb Sec1:9 Below 15% Below 18% Below Normal 15%21% 8%-24% 18%- 18% 25% Below 21%- 21% 28% Above Avg. %BF High %BF 21.1%- 26.1%26% 36% 24.1%- 29.1%29% 39% 25.1%- 31.1%31% 41% 28.1%- 34.1%34% 44% Very High %BF Above 36% Above english Male Below 30 Slim 39% Above 41% Above 44% 9 12/20/06 11:04:45 AM OPERATING THE BODYFAT ANALYZER english In STEP MODE: 1. The upper display line indicates the NUMBER OF STEPS TAKEN. 2. You can toggle between the STEP COUNT, DISTANCE, and the CALORIES BURNED by PRESSING the UP or DOWN keys. 3. The calculation of the distance traveled and the calories burned depends on the user you selected in the Body Fat Mode. Example: if you selected user no. 5 as your data, all the calculations will be based on the information of user No. 5. 4. PRESS & HOLD the SET key to RESET THE STEP COUNT. Step Count / Distance Traveled / Calories Burned will be erased for selected USER. 10 odyFatNB.indb Sec1:10 12/20/06 11:04:45 AM WEARING YOUR PEDOMETER Your Pedometer clips easily and securely to the waist or belt of your pants or shorts. The face of the unit pivits upward for easy viewing of the display screen. For best results keep the unit in line with the “crease line” of your clothes. odyFatNB.indb Sec1:11 english NOTE: Some situations may result in incorrect step counting: 1. The step counter isn’t directly perpendicular to the ground. The pedometer must be at least 60 degrees to the ground. 2. Dragging feet, walking with sandals or sandal-like shoes, or uneven footstep in a crowded area. 3. Sports other than walking or jogging; walking up or down stairs. 4. Inside a vehicle (bicycle, motorcar, train, bus or other vehicle that generate some vibration). 5. Motion of standing up or sitting down. 11 12/20/06 11:04:45 AM MOTION SENSITIVITY SLIDE SWITCH To make the unit more or less sensitive to motion, reposition the MOTION SENSITIVITY SLIDE SWITCH. english 1. ADJUST SWITCH to the RIGHT for a MORE SENSITIVE SETTING (for most women and men with a smoother walking stride). 2. ADJUST SWITCH to the LEFT for a LESS SENSITIVE SETTING. To determine the proper amount of motion sensitivity for an individuals walking pattern, experiment with different settings. MOTION SENSITIVITY SWITCH LESS SENSITIVE MORE SENSITIVE 12 odyFatNB.indb Sec1:12 12/20/06 11:04:46 AM CHANGING THE BATTERIES odyFatNB.indb Sec1:13 english 1. Remove screw and battery door using a coin or other small object. 2. Remove old battery. 3. Install new battery, making sure the polarity of each is correct. 4. Replace and tighten the battery door. 5. Replace the battery compartment and fasten the screw. NOTE: The units are powered by CR2032 3v Lithium batteries. These batteries are very common and can be found at most drug stores and camera shops. 13 12/20/06 11:04:47 AM CARE OF YOUR PEDOMETER 1. Avoid Extreme Temperatures. 2. To clean the unit, use a dry soft cloth or a soft cloth moistened in a solution of water and a mild neutral detergent. Never use volatile agents such as benzene, thinner, spray cleaners, etc. 3. Store your pedometer unit in a cool, dry place when not in use. 4. Cold temperatures may cause the display to dim or fail completely. Normal operation should return when the unit warms up. 5. Keep this manual and any other documentation that comes with the step counter in a safe place for future reference. NEW BALANCE SPORTS MONITORS®, A DIVISION OF HIGHGEAR USA, INC 190 Continuum Dr. Fletcher, NC 28732 Authorized Licensee of New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. New Balance and Flying NB are registered trademarks of New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. ÕÈÀ ÁîãøÅàóÀíàëøùäñ odyFatNB.indb Sec1:14 12/20/06 11:05:02 AM FAITS IMPORTANTS SUR LA SANTÉ: CE QUE VOUS DEVEZ SAVOIR SUR VOTRE Dans le but d’obtenir une lecture plus précise sur votre VIA BodyFat Analyzer, humectez légèrement le bout de vos doigts avant de toucher les électrodes. Ce produit ne devrait être utilisé qu’à des fins récréatives. Le VIA BodyFat Analyzer, n’est pas conçu pour des données médicales précises et devrait servir uniquement à la détermination du progrès de votre condition physique personnelle. Si vous devez connaître plus précisément votre pourcentage de gras corporel, il vaut mieux consulter votre médecin. IL EST PRÉFÉRABLE DE MESURER VOTRE POURCENTAGE DE GRAS CORPOREL À CES MOMENTS: • Dès le réveil. • Juste avant d’ingérer une grande quantité de nourriture ou d’eau. Le pourcentage de gras corporel est affecté par l’eau et la nourriture ingérée, par les variations de la circulation sanguine, et/ou par un changement de posture durant la prise des mesures. VOUS DEVRIEZ ÉVITER DE PRENDRE LES MESURES SOUS LES CONDITIONS SUIVANTES: • Immédiatement après un exercice rigoureux. • Après l’ingestion d’alcool ou de caféine. • Immédiatement après un bain ou sauna • Après l’ingestion d’une grande quantité d’eau ou de nourriture (1 à 2 heures) L’estimation du pourcentage de gras corporel par cet appareil peut varier considérablement du pourcentage de gras corporel réel pour les groupes de personnes suivants: • Les enfants en pleine croissance. • Les personnes âgées et les femmes en post-ménopause. • Les personnes fiévreuses. • Les personnes qui présentent de l’enflure. • Les personnes souffrant d’ostéoporose • Les culturistes ou les athlètes professionnels. • Les personnes dialysées. HIGHGEAR USA INC. web: email: [email protected] © 2006 HighGear USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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