Contents 1 8 2014 SAMLA Presidential Address Sustainability and the Profession Lynn Ramey 2014 SAMLA Graduate Student Essay Award “Dear Life Redeems You”: The Winter’s Tale and the Harrowing of Hell Christina Romanelli Special Issue: Text as Memoir, Part II Guest Editor Rafael Ocasio 30 Essays Introduction: The Creative Power of Traveling Rafael Ocasio 34 “A Bastard Jargon”: Language Politics and Identity in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao Rachel Norman 51 Exile, Identity and Female Friendship in Silvia Molina’s En silencio, la lluvia Angélica Lozano-Alonso 65 The Tormented Travels of Aiol and the Fairy Mélusine: Symbolism and Subversion in Manuel Mujica Láinez’s El Unicornio L. Nannette Mosley 81 The Prairie Style: Rethinking the American Identity Mimi Yang 94 Facebook and the Post-Death Immersion Memoir Christine Martorana 106 Domestic Colonialism: Sophie von Sternheim’s Bourgeois Conquests Catherine Mainland Contents 120 Liminality, Language, and Longing for Home in Abdellatif Kechiche’s La graine et le mulet [The Secret of the Grain] and Joann Sfar’s Le chat du rabbin [The Rabbi’s Cat] Marla Harris 136 Plotting Migritude: Variations of the Bildungsroman in Fatou Diome’s Le ventre de l’Atlantique and Celles qui attendent Rosemary Haskell 157 Honor and Shame in the Italian Colony: The Diary of Camillo Cianfarra Stefano Maranzana 174 From Medieval to Pop Culture: An Old-World New Text, the Golem of Prague—A Traveling Monster/Hero Gila Aloni 194 Revising Reverse Migration: Immigration Memoir and the Cosmopolitan Ethic Alana Fletcher 209 Book Reviews The Dreyfus Affair and the Rise of the French Public Intellectual. By Tom Conner. Reviewed by Eileen M. Angelini 210 Katherine Mansfield and World War One. Edited by Gerri Kimber, Todd Martin, Delia da Sousa Correa, Alice Kelly, and Isobel Maddison. Reviewed by Lee Garver 213 Race and Culture in New Orleans Stories: Kate Chopin, Grace King, Alice Dunbar-Nelson and George Washington Cable. By James Nagel. Reviewed by Linda Kornasky 216 America’s Darwin: Darwinian Theory and U.S. Literary Culture. Edited by Tina Gianquitto and Lydia Fisher. Reviewed by Ashley Miller Contents 218 Demain sera un autre jour: Le Sud et ses héroïnes à l’écran. By Taïna Tuhkunen. Reviewed by David Roche 221 Serial Memoir: Archiving American Lives. By Nicole Stamant. Reviewed by Lisa Roney 224 Mañana no te veré en Miami. By Pedro Medina. Reviewed by Michele Shaul