MEISA Psychotherapy Congress 18 - 27 February 2013 South Africa


MEISA Psychotherapy Congress 18 - 27 February 2013 South Africa
MEISA Psychotherapy Congress 18 - 27 February 2013 South Africa
Pre-Congress: Mabula Game Lodge, 18+19 February, 2013
Main Congress: CSIR International Convention Centre Pretoria,
21- 23 February 2013
Post-Congress: Franschhoek, 26+27 February 2013
Faculty Members
Krysztof Klajs (Poland), Bernhard Trenkle (Germany), Dr Woltemade Hartman (South Africa), Susy
Signer-Fischer (Switzerland), Dr Maggie Phillips (USA), Dr Kai Fritzsche (Germany), Prof Klaus
Hüllemann (Germany), Dr Brigitte Hüllemann (Germany), Susanna Carolusson (Sweden), Dr Jo
Steenkamp (South Africa), Dr Heleen Malherbe (UK) Dr Elzette Fritz (South Africa), Callie Hattingh
(South Africa), Debbie Howes (South Africa), Lara Ragpot (South Africa), Dr Tharina Guse (South
Africa), Prof Tholene Sodi (South Africa), Prof Dan Stein (South Africa), Dr Charlotte Wirl (Austria),
Marlene Biberacher (Germany), Jenny da Silva (South Africa), Dr Susan Pinco (USA), Sorika de
Swardt (South Africa), Maria Escelante de Smith (USA), Eva Ferstl (Austria), Tobi Goldfus (USA),
Prof. Mark Jensen (USA), Brigitta Loretan-Meier (Switzerland), Heleen Loubser (South Africa), Minnie
Loubser (South Africa), Hans-Jörg Lütgerhorst (Germany), Dr Zana Marovic (South Africa), Janni
Mertens (Germany), Momi Metsing (South Africa), Richard Miller (USA), Joy Nel (South Africa), Fred
Schouwink (South Africa), Henk Mostert (South Africa), Elsa Struwig (South Africa), Sya Tien
Redman (Sweden), Claudia Weinspach (Germany), Celeste Wolfensberger (South Africa), Marisa Di
Terlizzi (South Africa), Dr Silvia Zanotta (Switzerland), Talita Veldsman (South Africa), Dr Eugene
Allers (South Africa), Bradley Drake (South Africa), Jaco Rossouw (South Africa), Toekie Oberholzer
(South Africa), Fergus Ashburner (South Africa), Candice Combrinck (South Africa), Tinyiko Mavasa
(South Africa), Gerrit van Wyk (South Africa), Patricia Gill-Schultz (Germany), Rachporn Sangkasaad
Taal (The Netherlands) and the list is growing………………….
Caveat: The programme is subject to change without prior notification. MEISA cannot be held
accountable in the event of any changes to the programme due to unforeseen circumstances
Workshop Topics (90 minutes and 180 minutes workshops)
Pre-Congress Mabula
English Workshops
Boundaries and Resonance, Finding your Balance (Susanna Carolusson)
Knocked Down on the Outside but Learning How to Get up on the Inside: Inner Strength as
Co-therapist (Jenny da Silva)
Impulsive Acts: Losing Boundaries in Cyberspace - Five Creative Ways to help Anchor
Adolescents and Young Adults (Tobi Goldfus)
Hypnotic Cognitive Therapy (Mark Jensen)
Trance Phenomena in Families (Krysztof Klajs)
When the Belly loses its Head: How to deal with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Hypno- and Bodytherapeutic Interventions (Brigitta Loretan-Meier)
Mindfulness or Hypnosis: Challenging Behaviour in People with Intellectual Disabilities
(Heleen Malherbe)
Dancing Parts: Mingling Ego States between Two Gay Males, Therapist and Client (Richard
Utilizing Silence to Amplify the Effectiveness of Ego State Therapy (Susan Pinco)
The Power of Healing Ego States (Charlotte Wirl)
Afraid of Dogs? A Group Therapy Approach (Silvia Zanotta)
“Laughing and Healing with Penny, Me and the gang.” Creative Expressive Arts Therapy as a
tool in Ego State Therapy with children. (Joy Nel)
German Workshops
Die Behandlung bei experienziellem Vermeiden (Hans-Jörg Lütgerhorst)
Früchte aus Nachbars Garten: Philosophische und andere Amuse Gueules für Anfänger
(Janni Mertens)
Wie sag´ich´s, gut gemeint, schlecht gelaufen. Krankheitstrance: Negative und positive
Formulierungen (Klaus Hüllemann)
Zugang, Rekonstruktion und Integration des vermeintlich "Bösen" in der Teilearbeit
(Fallstudien) (Brigitte Hüllemann)
In die Wiege gelegt? Der langeWerdegang zum Hypnosepsychotherapeuten - eine qualitative
Studie zur Frage, welche Kindheitserfahrungen die Entscheidung, Hypnosepsychotherapeut
zu werden, unterstützen (Eva Ferstl)
Arbeit mit verletzenden, destruktiv wirkenden Ego-States, sogenannten inneren Tätern und
Verfolgern in der Ego-State-Therapie (Kai Fritzsche)
Wirksam auf die Selbstwirksamkeit einwirken (Susy Signer-Fischer)
Medizinische Hypnose: Ein Überblick (Bernhard Trenkle)
"Traumafachberatung",Kooperation von Therapie und Beratung, Chancen und Grenzen
(Marlene Biberacher)
Main Congress: CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria
English Workshops
Creating a Co-Existence for African Epistemology and Ego State Theory in Psychotherapy
(Fergus Ashburner and Candice Combrinck)
Psychotic Reactions after Severe Loss of Cognitive Functions (Susanna Carolusson)
Your Therapeutic Ego State: Ways to Explore and Develop Your Professional Self ( Susanna
The Circle of Life: An Ericksonian and Ego State Intervention Strategy to help Children
process Grief (Jenny da Silva)
Generations in Denial: One Gay, One Straight! How Does Individual Spouses and Children
from Multi-Orientation Marriages, Reorganize Themselves to find Meaning and develop
Resilience (Sorika de Swardt)
Healing Ego States Using Ericksonian Psychotherapy and Hypnosis (Maria Escalante de
Utilizing the "Tree of life" as Creative Expressive Arts Group Intervention (Elzette Fritz)
Unplugging from the Outside in: Brief Strategic Hypnotherapy with Older Adolescents and
Young Adults (Tobi Goldfus)
Timing: Right Place, Right Time? Instinct Revisited (Debbie Howes)
The malevolent EGO-State, a Protector State? How do we get Access to this State and how
do we Reconstruct the Tragedy he is Caught in? A Case Study (Brigitte Hüllemann)
Self-Hypnosis Training for Chronic Pain Management (Mark Jensen)
A Hypno-Systemic Approach to the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Krysztof
Beyond Words: When Words are not Enough, go for Impact! (Minnie Loubser)
Breaking Through: A Mindful Journey Through Emotional Abuse (Heleen Malherbe)
Quantum Consciousness, Embodied Spirituality and Integrative Psychology: Implications for
Therapists (Zana Marovic)
Factors persuading Breakups in Romantic Love Relationships: An African Perspective
(Tinyiko Mavasa)
Mindfulness or the Art of Polishing the Diamond (Janni Mertens)
When Victims become Perpetrators: The Complex Issue of Childhood Sexual Abuse (Momi
Metsing and Lara Ragpot)
Top Successful Interventions in doing Experiential Work with Gay Men (Richard Miller)
Taking of the Mask: Exploring our Hidden Parts through Creative Expressive Arts (Joy Nel
and Talita Veldsman)
Brainspotting: New Trauma Treatment Protocols (Susan Pinco)
Intelligence profiling (Micki Pistorius)
Utilizing Ego State Therapy with an Eight Year old through a Board Game in Addressing
Technological Pornography (Lara Ragpot and Elzette Fritz)
Born This Way: Exploring Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Adolescent
Issues in the TV series ‘Glee’(Fred Schouwink and Henk Mostert)
Sleep Well and Wake up Well! (Susy Signer-Fischer)
Spontaneous Healing Reactions and Trauma. The Development of the Coping Style as a
Platform where Self-Regulatory Intra- and Inter-Relationships may Connect (Jo Steenkamp)
Thumbelina to Transformers: Utilising Ericksonian Principles in a Prescriptive Play Therapy
Framework to Establish Resource Activation and Regulation with Young Traumatised
Children (Elsa Struwig)
Ego State Therapy as Method to Cure Symptoms Effectively and Accomplish Integration (Sya
Tien Redman)
The Courage to Make History: Ego State Therapy with a Group of Adolescent Boys (Jacqui
von Cziffra-Bergs)
Metallica meets Bon Jovi: Using Contemporary Music in Brief Psychotherapy (Celeste
Wolfensberger and Marisa Di Terlizzi)
Ego State Therapy for Children and Adolescents with Somatic Complaints (Silvia Zanotta)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Distress – Hypnosis as a digestive (Brigitta LoretanMeier)
A Family Like Mine…Understanding and helping children from same sex families. (Joy Nel)
Eye Movement Integration for Trauma (Woltemade Hartman)
The Hurt Locker: Embodied Ego State Therapy with Fibromyalgia and Related Conditions
(Callie Hattingh)
Burnout and Depression as a Chance for Change (Patricia Gill-Schultz)
German Workshops
"Quäl dich, du Schwein" - Wie auch verborgene Ego-States zum Mentaltrainer in der
Sportpsychologie werden und dem Sportler zur Leistungssteigerung verhelfen (Eva Ferstl)
Arbeit mit traumatisierten und symptomassoziierten Ego-States (Kai Fritzsche)
Prozess- und Embodimentfokussierte Psychlogie (PEP) nach Dr. M. Bohne (Klaus
Sich selbst beeltern (Susy Signer-Fischer)
(Schriftliche) Hausaufgaben als indirekte Hypnotherapie zwischen den Sitzungen (Bernhard
Verhaltenssüchte und deren Behandlung (Hans-Jörg Lütgerhorst)
Ego State Therapie und Psychosoziale Beratung (Marlene Biberacher)
Post-Congress: Franschhoek
English Workshops
Therapy with Impact (Minnie Loubser)
Chronic Diseases from the Patient‘s Perspective (Klaus Hüllemann)
Burnout Syndrome and Hypnosis (Susanna Carolusson)
Superhero's, Gingerbread Houses and Fairies: Hypnosis and Ego State Therapy with
Children (Jenny da Silva)
A Transdiagnostic, CBT-Based Approach Toward the Treatment of Excessive Worry (Bradley
Combining Hypnotherapy and TRE™ (Trauma Releasing Exercises) in the Treatment of
Trauma (Heleen Loubser)
East Meets West: Integration of Eastern Techniques into Psychotherapy (Zana Marovic)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy as a Treatment for Anxiety Disorders in Children (Jaco
Playing with Time in Therapy to solve the THEN, NOW (Tjaart van der Walt)
Stealing Back My Sleep: A Playful Solution-Focused Orientated Story how the "DAY me"
helped the "NIGHT me" (Jacqui von Cziffra-Bergs)
Applying Sensory Body Work and Improvisational Theatre for Sexual Abuse Survivors in Brief
Therapy (Experiential Workshop) (Claudia Weinspach)
Accessing/implementing the power of the subconscious mind in psychotherapy/medicine
(Toekie Oberholzer)
Positive Psychology Interventions (Tharina Guse)
The Issues and Challenges of Large Scale Continuous Trauma in Disadvantaged
Communities in South Africa (Gerrit van Wyk)
Eye Movement Integration for Trauma (Woltemade Hartman)
A taste of Somatic Experiencing (Rachporn Sangkasaad Taal)
German Workshops
"Gute Hoffnung!" - Die Entdeckung von Ressourcen bei Frauen mit Kinderwunsch und bei
Schwangerschaftsbegleitung und Geburtsvorbereitung. Ein integrativer neo-Erickson´scher
Ansatz in Ego StateTherapie (Eva Ferstl)
Ego-State-Therapie zur Verlustbewältigung (Kai Fritzsche)
Resilienz und Ressourcen-Arbeit mit Ego-State Therapie bei Erwachsenen, Kindern und
Jugendlichen (Kai Fritzsche & Silvia Zanotta)
Wege aus der "Krebstrance". Tagebuchaufzeichnungen einer Patientin (Brigitte Hüllemann)
Die Zukunftsperspektive in der Genogrammarbeit - Erickson'sche Ansätze (Krysztof Klajs)
Achtsamkeit oder die Kunst, den Diamanten zu schleifen (Janni Mertens)
Leistung steigern - Stolpersteine überwinden und Bremsen lösen Hypnose und
hypnotherapeutische Methoden (Susy Signer-Fischer)
Musterunterbrechungstechniken in der Psychotherapie (Bernhard Trenkle)
Traumafachberatung mit kumulativ belasteten Klienten (Marlene Biberacher)