PEOPLE - Heidi Klum mit Ihren Kindern in New York
PEOPLE - Heidi Klum mit Ihren Kindern in New York
PEOPLE - Heidi Klum mit Ihren Kindern in New York unterwegs Reference DUK10031549_008 Title PEOPLE - Heidi Klum mit Ihren Kindern in New York unterwegs Creation date 20160716 Caption New York, NY - Heidi Klum takes her kids Helene, Johan, Lou, and Henry for a walk around the Hudson River. The group takes cover under a scaffold during some rainfall. Heidi shows off her model figure in a ripped denim mini skirt and white tee paired with white laces and rainbow laces. AKM-GSI July 16, 2016 To License These Photos, Please Contact : Maria Buda (917) 242-1505 [email protected] [email protected] or Mark Satter (317) 691-9592 [email protected] [email protected] (FOTO: DUKAS/GINSBURG-SPALY) Special instructions (c) Dukas City New York Credit DUKAS Source Jan 16, 2017 2:58 AM 1 GINSBURG-SPALY Author EBAS Original references Jan 16, 2017 2:58 AM 2