education and training career / experience


education and training career / experience
Thierry ROBERT
March, 26th 1969
A partner,
3 children.
16, rue Emile Zola F-69002 LYON
Phone: +33/615-415-604 (Mob)
Mail: [email protected]
Expertise in 2 main areas: Packaging & Lean/Quality
MBA part time - ESCP EAP of Paris, (named « Cadre-dirigeant »),
Modula 3: International Strategy Development + Training in India + Thesis on Packaging industry,
Modula 2: Strategic Company Management – Training in Spain,
Modula 1: Marketing Management – Thesis on the India & Chinese packaging markets.
MS Degree in Packaging, University of Champagne-Ardenne – 3 years full time
ESIEC, Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs en Emballage et Conditionnement
Master Degree in Mechanics & Production Engineering, IUT-University of Reims – 2 years
From 2008 to date
SCA Packaging, multi-technologies Pack. Producer – European HQ, Brussels
Central Lean Champion (senior)-Project Management for Operational Excellence & Quality Excellence
Support different plants with a dedicated program of actions around 3 axis: Operational System,
Management Infrastructure & Mindset/Behaviours manage, motivate & coach (from operators to Cluster Mger)
Successful transformations results for Western Europe, South Europe & Central Europe focused on FMCG
& industrial activities ( 3 or 4 months full time by plant),
2009 Jan-May Caradec - Fr: Focus on production productivity (Speed +20%, Setup -30%), Mindset (start a Lean culture),
2009 Jun-Oct Nantes – Fr: New Factory (50Me investment), Focus on production transfert & start new equipments, Lean in
the Supply Chain, manage the relationship with French unions.
2009 Nov-2010 Mar Fegersheim - Fr: Consumer pack – Focus on productivity (machine efficiency +15%, Setup–25%), Integrate
Lean in the plant business model – Plant Manager Coaching
2010 Mar-Jun Rochechouart-Fr: Luxe Consumer pack – Focus on management infrastructure: From Design to
Industrialization (Improve Quality /reduce Time to market / Improvement on New Product Introduction – Quick wins:2 Me),
2010 Sept-2011 Feb Porcari–It: Industrial Pack, focus on productivity (Setup -20%, Waste -10%, Speed +25%), Finance &
Plant mger coaching.
2011 Apr-July Timisoara - Ro: FMCG & industrial pack: Team leader with 2 new CLC – Best Practices on printing units – HR &
Plant manager coaching.
On going
2011- Sept to 2012 mar: Quality Excellence Initiative – Coordinator with a focus on 8 plants (NL, Swe, Hu, Pol, Ru)
Increase sales by 8-10% for 2012 with the 1st customer (60Me) by improving Quality performance (products &
services). Focus on problems solving (RCPS) on the shopfloor, best practices sharing in a new Quality network.
3 main KPI: Customer complaints (in ppm), Defects (in ppm), Complaints per 1000 orders.
From 2008 to date: Lean & Quality Excellence Assessments
(in France, Hungary, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Tchec Rep,…)
Establish a reference/diagnose (Current State analysis), build recommandations for the 2 next years (Tactical
Implementation Plan), & measure progress (versus Future State/Strategy with a dedicated follow up).
From 2008 to date: Support the program by organizing many packaging trainings, share the expertise with
Central & Local Lean Champion & Quality managers, plants management team,
Main expertise: RCPS (5why, 8D, FMEA), Lean foundations (5S, SMED, Kaizen,…), Lean in the Office, Flow & Pull (MIFA, VSM),
Mindset & Behaviors (Belbin, HBDI, drive the change, feedback, 1to1,..), performance dialogue (OGSM cascade: KPI, PI & I).
SCA Packaging, multi-technologies Packaging Producer – European HQ, Brussels
Strategic Business Development Manager Europe
Identify new packaging technologies & define the associated strategy (Geographical/Technology/Production),
Support regions for the current product portfolio (network of 170 packaging plants in Europe, technological watch).
Develop some packaging innovations dedicated to different business applications.
2005 - 2008
EMIN LEYDIER, Paper Mills Emin Leydier HQ, Saint-Vallier (26)
Marketing Manager Europe – Product: 100% recycled paper for corrugated industry
Define the European Sales Strategy (Geographical/Products Positioning),
Manage & promote the product portfolio / Develop sales tools (inc. European regional specificities).
Implement a “Sales Management Strategy by Innovation & Margin” for European Sales Directors,
Rebuild the Product Catalogue (for Europe & Overseas): delete 125 articles, 25 new for niche applications,
Support Sales teams in NPI (New Product Introduction) + Negotiations with European customers.
2002 - 2005
INTERNATIONAL PAPER, Packaging Division – Container Division France HQ – Chalon (71)
Marketing Manager France & R&D Manager France
2003-2005 – Product : Packaging – Corrugated Cardboard
Study strategic markets for corrugated applications (methods, tools & products),
From the IP Business Plan, identify precise markets & implement new packaging solutions (Box design,
Display & Promotion, Printing, RFID, different barriers, Food contact),
Develop the Patent strategy / Develop communication tools (internal & with key customers).
Implementation of many new strategic markets segments (IP confidential) and associated new products,
Presentation for international packaging conferences: Nutripack (food), Nodal (Supply Chain), Pack Expo–Chicago &Paris
Develop a packaging universities network (D: Aachen U. MIT / Fr: Lyc. Bron, ESEPAC, ESIEC /
Hungary: Pack & Logistic U. of Budapest / India: IIP & Mumbai Pack U. / USA: Michigan State U. & San Jose University).
ONDEF Packaging Award: Gold Price in 2004 « Supply Chain & Packaging » - Roquefort cheese,
ONDEF Packaging Award: Gold Price in 2005 « Printing & Packaging » - Evian Display –Danone.
1999 - 2002
INTERNATIONAL PAPER, Packaging Engineer for International Accounts
Innovation Manager for France / Technical Support for National & International Accounts.
Animator of the Innovation network (5 plants / 17 R&D people),
Project Leader for New Products Developments + Build the Patent Strategy.
Create a Competitor database + create an IP Packaging Design database to share Best Practices,
Develop an Ecodesign software for packaging (Green Dot management).
1994 - 1999
HEWLETT PACKARD, Personal Computer Division - Grenoble (38) & Lyon (69)
Worldwide Packaging Engineer (3 years) & European Packaging Strategic Buyer (3 years)
Responsible of the packaging development / buying packaging components,
Internal ISO 9 000 & ISO 14 000 auditor (Senior).
New Product Development (more than 100 new references of packaging per year),
Optimisation of the packaging articles (from 780 in 1995 to 420 in 1999),
Reduction in the supplier number (from 79 in 1995 to 28 in 1999),
Packaging market Audits in Europe & North America (plastic, metal, cardboard)
Participation in European & international HP networks (internal & external).
RECKITT BENCKISER, European HQ - Chartres (28)
European Packaging Engineer
Responsible of the packaging development for Veet/ Veet Ligne Forme – cosmetic,
Internal ISO 9 000.
New Product Development (new depilatory packaging concept, wax on tissue).
ONDEF (2002-2006)
Member of EDI – RFID commissions, ONDEF is a professional association for the French corrugated industry
Active participations in many Packaging Exhibitions (from 1990)
Amsterdam / Chicago / Dusseldorf / Frankfurt / Lyon / Monaco / Mumbai / Paris / Reims / Tunis
French (Native), English (intensive business use) & German (good)
Skiing, panoramic photography.
A first list of representative people you could contact to discuss about my leadership, ethics & project management
Professor Jean Paul LEMAIRE and/or Professor Nathalie PRIME, Co-directors of the program International Development Strategy
- [email protected] - [email protected] – ESCP EAP Avenue de la République – F-75011 PARIS
Emin Leydier
Phil BOND, UK Sales Director, Phone + 44/173-737-9822,[email protected]
Catherine SARRAZIN, Director of Purchasing, Phone: +33/XXXXXXXX, [email protected]
Hewlett Packard Worldwide HQ of Pavilion- Home PC division – Palo Alto, California
Serge DOUGOUD, System Manager - [email protected] - Phone +1-408-343-6108
Paul Grady RUSSELL (ex WW Packaging Program Mger HQ – 20 years), [email protected]
International Paper (my ex Vice President of Corrugated Cardboard Division)
Mark SUTTON, Vice President of International Paper - Corp Sales & Mktg/Strategic Planning
Phone +1-901-419-7804 - 6400 Poplar Avenue - Memphis, TN 38197 - USA- [email protected]
Bertrand LAPLAUD, Director of IP France - IP France HQ, ZI Nord 71100 CHALON SUR SAONE – [email protected]
Packaging Association
ONDEF, French corrugated cardboard association - Paris
Olivier de Lagausie – Président Phone +33/ (0)142-680-194