Lebenslauf - Julian Anslinger - Karl-Franzens


Lebenslauf - Julian Anslinger - Karl-Franzens
Mag. Julian Anslinger
since 10/2014
Ph.D. programme in natural sciences in the field of psychology and minor in
interdisciplinary gender studies at the Karl-Franzens University Graz
Topic: How to induce the desire for change towards gender equality with regard
to the system justification theory
09/2013 – 10/2013
Visiting scholar at the department for cognitive, linguistic & psychological
sciences der Brown University, Providence (RI), USA,
Adviser: Joachim Krueger, Ph.D.
03/2013 – 01/2014
Diploma Thesis at the Karl-Franzens University Graz,
Research Unit: Social Psychology, Adviser: Prof. Dr. Ursula Athenstaedt
Title: „We are better than the others - Effects of self-esteem threat and selfesteem boost on self-enhancement in the framework of the Inductive Reasoning
Grading: excellent (1)
06/2012 – 09/2012
Scientific work experience at the Karl-Franzens University Graz,
Institute for Psychology, Research Unit: Differential Psychology
04/2011 – 04/2012
Scientific work experience at the Inter-University Research Centre for
Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ), Graz
Research Unit: Women-Technology-Environment
07/2009 – 08/2009
Work experience at the Gesellschaft für seelische Gesundheit (GFSG)
10/2008 – 03/2014
Diploma Studies of Psychology at the Karl-Franzens University Graz
Degree: Magister der Naturwissenschaften (Mag. rer. nat)
Specialization: Social Psychology, Research Methodology, Gender Studies
Scientific Work Experience
since 10/2014
Research Assistant in the Project Contract Decisions of Consumers between Law
and Psychology at the Karl-Franzens University Graz
04/2014 – 07/2014
Service contract for research on exam inactivity of students at the Karl-Franzens
University Graz, Office of Coordination of Educator training
02/2014 – 12/2014
Organisational assistance for the 2nd annual conference of the Gender Studies
Association Austria (ÖGGF) at the Coordination Centre for Women's Studies,
Karl-Franzens University Graz
since 10/2011
Member of the work-group Queer Science and Technology Studies (Queer STS)
at the IFZ, Graz (non-paid)
03/2011 – 06/2013
Student assistant/tutor at the Karl-Franzens University Graz, Institute for
Psychology, Section: Cognitive Psychology
10/2010 – 05/2013
Several Service Contracts at the Inter-University Research Centre for
Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ), Graz
Conference Presentations
Doctoral Congress of the Institute for Psychology, Karl-Franzens University Graz
Anslinger, Julian (2015). Sexistisch und motiviert zur Gleichstellung – Das
Bedürfnis nach Systemerhaltung als Beweggrund zur Unterstützung von
2nd annual conference of the Gender Studies Association Austria (ÖGGF), Graz
Anslinger, Julian & Thaler, Anita (in Vorbereitung). Queer Science and Technology
Studies – Technik‐ und Wissenschaftsforschung ‘queer‘ betreiben.
11th Annual IAS-STS Conference – Critical Issues in Science and Technology
Studies, Graz
Anslinger, Julian & Scheer, Lisa (2012). Queer perspectives on psychological
studies on the relationship between sex and intelligence.
NeuroCultures – NeuroGenderings II, Vienna
Scheer, Lisa & Anslinger, Julian (2012). Queer Perspectives on Neuroscience and
Psychological Studies.
Anslinger, J. & Athenstaedt, U. (2015). Eine sozialpsychologische
Ursachensuche: Vorurteile, Stereotype und Intergruppenprozesse. In K. Scherke
(Hrsg.), Spannungsfeld »Gesellschaftliche Vielfalt«. Begegnungen zwischen
Wissenschaft und Praxis (Gesellschaft der Unterschiede, Bd. 23, 1., Aufl.).
Bielefeld: transcript.
AG Queer STS. (2013). Geschlechterwissen in der Hirnforschung: Ein queerer
Blick aus den Science and Technology Studies. Freiburger Zeitschrift für
Geschlechterstudien, 19, 67–84. (peer-reviewed)
Thaler, A., Anslinger, J., Hofstätter, B., Käfer, J., Kink, S., Scheer, L., & Wicher, M.
(2013). Queer STS – Eine queere Perspektive der Technik- und
Wissenschaftsforschung. Soziale Technik, 23, 18–20.
Anslinger, J., Hofstätter, B., Käfer, J., Kink, S., Scheer, L., Thaler, A. & Wicher, M.
(2012). Queer perspectives on psychological studies on the relationship between
sex and intelligence. In: Thomas Berger & Günter Getzinger (Hrsg.). Proceedings
of the 11th Annual IAS-STS Conference on Critical Issues in Science and Technology
Studies, Graz: IFZ Eigenverlag.
SS 2015
Computer Application of Statistics
SS 2015
Queer-feminist Science and Technology Studies,
session about gender knowledge in neuro science
Scholarship for short-term research (KUWI) at the Karl-Franzens University Graz
for the research stay at Brown University
since 2015
International Society for Political Psychology (ISPP)
since 2015
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)
since 2013
Gender Studies Association Austria (ÖGGF)
since 2011
Work Group Queer Science and Technology Studies (Queer STS)
Language Skills
German – mother tongue
English – fluent in speech, writing and reading
French – basic knowledge
IT Skills
excellent knowledge of prevalent Office programmes
excellent knowledge of SPSS, LaTeX, Citavi & LimeSurvey
good knowledge of Matlab, Amos and Photoshop
good knowledge of administration administrative
Scientific Interest
Social Psychology, Political Psychology, Gender Studies,
Decision Making, Consumer Decisions, Methodology