September 2006 Volume 1, Number 1


September 2006 Volume 1, Number 1
German-American Society
New Braunfels, Texas
Meetings 1st Tuesday of month
6:00p.m.- Social 7:00p.m.- Meeting
Elks Lodge, 353 Seguin Avenue
Februar 2014
Vol. 9 Nummer 2
(Board of Officers)
President: Bill Mikeska (830-632-5379)
1st V.P: Eric Tennyson (830-237-4349)
2nd V.P: Cindy Tennyson (830-237-4349)
Secretary: Cindy Coers (830-625-2612)
Treasurer: Maria Roberson (830-608-1181)
Programs: Mary Irwin (830-620-0369)
Publications: John B. Coers (830-625-2612)
Publicity: Helgard Suhr-Hollis (830-625-6330)
Member-at-Large: Diane Moltz (830-660-4866)
Ein Wort vom Präsident
(A Word from the President)
Grüße an die Mitglieder der
Deutsch-Amerikanischen Gesellschaft:
Zum Anfang möchte ich mich bei Ihnen bedanken,
daß Sie mir die Gelegenheit geboten haben der
Deutsch-Amerikanischen Gesellschaft als Präsident
zu dienen. Sie wissen nicht welche Ehre das für mich
ist. Ich bringe sehr viel Stolz zu diesem Posten. Ich
habe einen grossen Teil meines Lebens damit
verbracht unsere unwahrscheinlich reiche Kultur zu
fördern und zu erhalten. Ich bin der Meinung, daß es
äusserst wichtig für uns alle ist, unsere Kultur
weiterhin zu fördern und zu bewahren. Ich fühle
mich gesegnet, ein Mitglied einer Gesellschaft zu
sein, die den gleichen Zweck dient.
Greetings German-American Society Members:
Let me start by thanking every one of you for
allowing me the opportunity to serve the New
Braunfels German-American Society as president.
You have no idea what an honor this is for me.
I bring an enormous amount of pride to this
position. I have spent much of my life trying to
Seite 1-2. Ein Wort vom Präsident; Mitglieder
Nachrichten (New members; Birthdays; Programs)
Seite 2-4. Ankündigungen, Witze, Fotos, usw.
promote and preserve our incredibly rich culture. I
feel it is vitally important for all of us to do
everything in our power to promote and preserve our
culture. I feel blessed to be a member of an
organization committed to the same purpose.
Bill Mikeska
New Society Officers for 2014
Seated: Bill Mikeska, President & Eric Tennyson, 1st V.P.
Standing; Helgard Suhr-Hollis, Publicity; Cindy Tennyson, 2nd
V.P.; Mary Irwin, Programs; Cindy Coers, Secretary; Maria
Roberson, Treasurer; Diane Moltz, Member-at-Large; John B.
Coers, Publications.
Das Deutsche Amerikanishe Monatsblatt
Almut Wetzig Retires As Treasurer
Board Member Almut Wetzig has retired from her
Treasurer position. We want to thank Almut for her
dedicated service as Treasurer for the past four years! We
appreciate you very much Almut!
At the January 21 Board meeting, the Board approved
the appointment of Board member Maria Roberson who
agreed to complete the unfinished term of office for
Almut. Diane Moltz volunteered and has been appointed
by the Board to complete the unfinished term of Maria, as
Thanks again to Almut Wetzig for her service and to
Maria and Diane for your willingness to accept these
Bill Mikeska and the 2014 Board Members
Mitglieder Nachrichten
(Membership News)
2014 Yearly Membership Dues
You can still pay at the February meeting or mail your
dues to be able to continue receiving your Monatsblatt and
attend members' only events. If you mail, use this
German-American Society
Attn: Maria Roberson
P.O. Box 311194
New Braunfels, TX 78131-1194
Dues are still:
$ 15.00 for single membership
$ 20.00 for couples
If you desire, please see me at the meeting to check that
your information (address, phone, email, birth date [month
& day only] is correct). Danke!
Maria Roberson
Spaßzeit für alle!
(Fun for all)
Herzlichstes Willkommen zu den
neuesten Mitgliedern unseres Vereins!
Larry & Annette Alexander
Marvin Huth
Richard & Beverly Rausch
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
zum Geburtstag!
Last Meeting
If you attended the January meeting, you will
remember with pleasure the wonderfully entertaining
presentation member Tom Stapleton gave us on his
monumental motorcycle trip around the USA.
Thanks, Tom, for sharing your experiences with us.
Well done!
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Zum Geburtstag alles gute,
Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!
Andreas Lojewski 2/2
Diane Moltz 2/3
Joyce Schaeler 2/5
Eberhart Moese 2/6
Richard Rausch 2/6
Jo Heidemann 2/7
Wayne Austin 2/12
Edith Soechting 2/14
Irene Knoll 2/16
Darren McCarty 2/19
Cathy Rochwalsky 2/19
Alphons (A.D.) Nuhn 2/20
Virginia Baker 2/24
(Have a birthday and your name is not here? It may be
you have not provided it to us! Please check with us if you want
it announced!)
Tom Stapleton
February 4th Meeting
Our February entertainment will take us to Central
Europe. Jeffrey Brown, who lives in Wimberley
and the Czech Republic, has produced a movie on
something you would not suspect – bagpiping along
the German-Czech border! This should be quite
interesting. Mr. Brown will share parts of the movie
Das Deutsche Amerikanishe Monatsblatt
with us, followed by a Q&A time, and there may
even be some surprises for us.
If anyone is interested, his CD will be available
for purchase. Come to the meeting and not only be
entertained, but also learn something new. See you
Mary Irwin
(Announcements/Humor/Photos, etc.)
Maskenball 2014!
Our annual Maskenball is Saturday, March 1 at
the Elks Lodge. An event flyer is included with this
Monatsblatt. (Doors open: 6p.m./Dance 7-11p.m.)
Ticket sales are underway, so if you have not
purchased your ticket yet, you will be able to
purchase at:
 Our next general membership meeting on
February 4, or
 You may contact me at 830-625-2612. You
can send payment to Cindy Coers, 24 Laurel Trail,
New Braunfels, TX 78130. If you mail your money
in, your tickets will be held for you at the door the
night of the event, or
 Tickets will go on sale at the Chamber of
Commerce sometime early February. The Chamber
office is located next to the Civic Center, 390 S.
Seguin Avenue.
Last date for ordering and paying for a meal
is Friday, February 21.
See you there! Cindy Coers
Dezember Tanz
Goodtime Polka & Waltz Club
What: Dancing to Polka & Waltz music
When: Sunday, 16 February
Time: 3:00-7:00p.m.
Band: Barefoot Becky (Mt. Vernon, Iowa)
Where: Eagles Hall, 257 E. South St. N.B
Info: Guests are welcome! 830-620- 6787 or
Flag Days
 February 12: Lincoln's Birthday
 February 17: Washington's Birthday (Also known as
Presidents' Day)
 February 19: Date in 1846 U.S. Congress recognized
Texas as a state (Texas congress approved
statehood December 29, 1845.)
Liebe überwindet alles.
Love conquers all.
Der Liebe ist kein Ding unmöglich.
With love, nothing is impossible.
Wider die Liebe ist kein Kraut gewachsen.
There’s no cure for love.
(Non-literal translations)
Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen,
fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach.
2. Feb - Murmeltier Tag. Wenn das Murmeltier sieht
einen Schatten, wird es weitere 42 Tage des Winters
zu sein!
2. Feb - Candlemas. Ist's zu Lichtmess mild und rein
wirds ein langer Winter sein.
14. Feb - Valentinstag.
Mein liebes Herz, ich frage Dich
Liebst du auch treu und redlich mich?
Das Deutsche Amerikanishe Monatsblatt
Dinner with the Arts
The German-American Society &
the Gemischter Chor Harmonie
Showing our presence and support in New Braunfels.
Below are only a few of those who attended the event.
"Whene'er I gaze into thine eyes"
Whene'er I gaze into thine eyes
Then all my grief and sorrow flies;
And when I kiss thy mouth, oh then
I am made well and strong again.
And when I lean upon thy breast
My soul is soothed with godlike rest;
But when thou sayest, "I love but thee!"
Then I must weep--and bitterly.
(Poetic Translation)
Above: German-American exhibit table
Alles Gute Zum
Above: Gemischter Chor Harmonie exhibit table
„Wenn ich in deine Augen seh' “
Wenn ich in deine Augen seh',
so schwindet all mein Leid und Weh!
Doch wenn ich küsse deinen Mund,
so werd ich ganz und gar gesund.
Wenn ich mich lehn' an deine Brust,
kommt's über mich wie Himmelslust;
doch wenn du sprichst: „Ich liebe dich!"
so muß ich weinen bitterlich.
(By Heinrich Heine)
Das Deutsche Amerikanishe Monatsblatt