Groupe 3 3) 4 Groupe 3 4) 2


Groupe 3 3) 4 Groupe 3 4) 2
Groupes Mme Kowalczyk
Thème principaux abordés : 2012-2013
1) 6ème Groupe 2
Back to school;Introducing others, ;Description of school and house, We dine at a restaurant or
pub; Daily Routine; Picture and comic strip descriptions; My last holidays, Reading: Alan
Ayckburn “Invisible Friends”- a play, tongue twisters and mini-sagas(50 word stories), scary story
: “Vampire Abbey”-listening and reading, and many other activities. Elements of British,
American and Irish customs. (Niveau A2)
2) 5ème : Groupe 3
Self-Introduction and presenting other people; our habits in the past, we describe places and
people from the past, we describe what is going on at present, we predict future, localization,
possession, we report the words of other people, we construct a quiz on famous people from the
past and present. Cultural items : elements of British, American and Irish customs and traditions
(Niveaux A2 à B1)
3) 4ème Groupe 3
Personality quiz, we discover or rediscover London, pastime activities – sports and other places
of interest, jobs – advantages and drawbacks, teenage jobs, crime stories – interview with a
writer, sports- football – Premium – lessons from British Council page, general information on
Australia – a country Down Under, advantages and drawbacks of video games, orders, elements
of British, American and Irish history
4) 2nde :: Groupe 3
City Life; Food and drink; Family; Conservation; United We stand; Leading the way; As Others see
us; Visions: Short story, etc. (Niveaux A2 à B1)
5) 1ère S
General themes: The Idea of Progress ,Myths and Heroes, Spaces and Exchanges, Places and
forms of power.
Identity quest, idea of belonging, fight for equality : racism, feminism – strive for common law for
everybody, Freedom Writers – fighting for equal rights for inner city teenagers, Dreams –
American Dream – The Great Gatsby by FS Fitzgerald, Law and order, food for thought, Common
wealth, Moving Ahead.
6) Terminale S
General themes: The Idea of Progress ,Myths and Heroes, Spaces and Exchanges, Places
and forms of power.
Modern India, Techno-scientific invention, Powers and counterpowers, Ambition and drama,
Traineeship, Volunteerism, McCarthyism and the Redscare, etc. (Niveaux B2 à C1)
7) Terminale L- Litérature en langue étrangère
1. La rencontre avec l’autre, l’amour, l’amitié
 The theme of estrangement, alienation , love bt people from different social classes
The Great Gatsby by F S Fitzgerald
Educating Rita by W Russell
Hamlet by W Shakespeare
Waiting for Godot by S Beckett
2. Jeu de l’écrivain, jeu de l’écriture
 L’autobiographie
 Theme of Love and hatred
Angela’s Ashes by Frank Mc Court
The terrapin by P HIghsmith ( a story of a young boy who stabs her mother to death)
3. Le personage, ses figures, ses avatars
 The characters that cannot control their fate
 The death of the character
The great Gatsby
Dr Faustus
The play written by the students
4. L’écrivain dans son siècle
 Le roman social, le roman policier, la literature de guerre et de l’après-guerre, l’essai, le
pamphlet, la satire
Lost in the City by Edward P Jones
Dubliners by James Joyce
Animal Farm by G Orwell
Arthur Miller “Death of a Salesman”, The Crucible”
The loneliness of a Long Distance Runner
5. Voyage, parcours initiatique, exil
 Récits d’exploration, d’évasion, d’aventure
 Le déracinement, l’errance, le retour
Dreaming to escape one’s emotional/dreary life
The Breakout by Joyce Cary
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by J Thurber
Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote (lien sue LELE AGREG INK, // Fragments sur “Password
Lord of the Flies by W Golding
Life of Pi by Yann Martell
Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
Treasure Island by R L Stevenson
6. L’imaginaire, le merveilleux, le fantastique, la science-fiction
 L’absurde, l’onirisme, la folie, la métamorphose
Ray Bradbury : Short stories e.G. The Pedestrian
Isaac Asimov Short Stories (The fun they had, the Immortal Bard)
(Niveaux B2 à C1)