The new method of reserving our own electronic ZED


The new method of reserving our own electronic ZED
 The new method of reserving our own electronic ZED fares through Jetnet is excellent and
easy, if you know where to click, I didn’t find it all that obvious.
Here is a guideline to follow:
¾ Sign into Jetnet using you ID and password (do not forget to update your password
every 3 months)
¾ Click on retiree travel
¾ Move down to Travel on other airlines and click on myIDtravel
¾ On the first line “ travel on other airlines just got faster with myIdtravel”, click on the
the blue myIDtravel
¾ On the Privacy statement, click on confirm and Next
¾ This page welcomes you to myIDtravel with a warning
¾ “once you purchase your ticket you will receive an email confirmation with the ticket
¾ While you will see listed in the confirmation this does not necessarily mean that a
flight listing has been created”
¾ This is very important and I will explain the listing further down.
¾ Above the welcome, click on Booking/Listing
¾ This will give you your names as listed in Jetnet, click on the person /s who want the
ticket then Next
¾ Fill in the squares: oneway, or return , routing , dates etc and click on Timetable
¾ Chose your flight and click on next, this will give you details on the flight and in the
case of Air France a warning that you must contact this carrier for listing.
¾ This will give you details about the payment
¾ Fill out your personal information and credit card
¾ Once you receive your confirmation of the electronic ticket by email, you must
list yourself with the other airlines or they will have no record of you at the
¾ Back in jetnet retiree travel , click on Flight listings, this will explain how to list with the
different airlines.
¾ As an example, for Air France (see page 2)
Vous pouvez maintenant vous lister ou savoir le remplissage
sur AF via internet...
entrer code d'accès: GPAA (en majuscules) lettres de la CIE ...pour nous AA
entrer mot de passe: AA001 (en majuscules)
clicker sur remplissage et liste à droite sous l’avion
remplir toutes les infos de votre vol
en bas à droite clicker sur afficher la liste des vols
cocher le vol départ
afficher vol retour
clicker visualiser votre sélection
cocher vols aller et retour
clicker visualiser votre voyage
entrer toutes les infos
clicker création de votre dossier
pour votre info sur les vols des USA il faut toujours sélectionner Aller et Retour votre
passeport près de vous... l’adresse aux USA...
Rappel : Ne pas oublier la demande d’autorisation électronique de voyage « ESTA »
valid 2 ans … une page spéciale à votre attention a été créée sur le site de TWA Paris :
Have a good travel ! John Margiotta and Marc Brécy (may 2013)