midi zu mp3 konvertieren (winamp) - bernd


midi zu mp3 konvertieren (winamp) - bernd
midi zu mp3 konvertieren (winamp)
Beigesteuert von Bernd Otten
Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009
Letzte Aktualisierung Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2009
Für Winamp 2.9x and 5.x
Versuche es so:
Optionen MIDI plug-in
- Winamp > Ctrl+P (Optionen)
- Plug-ins > Eingang
- Doppelklick auf "Nullsoft MIDI player"
- Geräte -Tab
- Im Drop-Down-Menü oben im Geräte-Tab auswählen: 'Direct Music / Microsoft Synthesizer (with output)'
- Optionen schließenLoad the MIDI file(s) you want to convert. Play one of the files to be sure it plays correctly.
Set the Disk Writer plug-in
- Winamp > Ctrl+P (for preferences)
- Plug-ins > Output
- double click Nullsoft Disk Writer plug-in
- set the Output directory: to a folder/directory of your choice
- close out of preferences
Now "play" the MIDI file(s) you want to convert. The music will not be heard during the conversion process. When
finished, be sure to change back to your regular output plug-in (DirectSound or waveOut). Usually DirectSound is
suggested for WinXP or Win2000 and waveOut for Win 9x, ME or NT4.
Ausgabe: Konvertiere in folgendes Format: mp3 - 64 KBit ps 22.050Hz Stereo
Midi zu mp3 konvertieren
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