IZKT - Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung für Kommunikationsforschung


IZKT - Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung für Kommunikationsforschung
Universität Stuttgart
IZKT – Internationales Zentrum
für Kultur- und Technikforschung
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24
70174 Stuttgart
Ilan Chabay
Bringing it all together: How IT may help us to manage a
complex world
As societies all over the world are encountering more complex
challenges, customers and citizens need and demand more transparency and informed participation in decision making at many
levels. In all the major challenges of the 21st century such as
climate change, population growth, or energy transitions, the management of information and knowledge needed for coping with
complexity has become crucial. The talk will present successful
approaches and discuss the question how Information Technology in particular can contribute to dealing with this matter.
Foto iStock
Ilan Chabay is Senior Fellow at IASS (Institute of Advanced
Sustainability Studies) Potsdam. He has a doctoral degree in
Che­mi­cal Physics and was Professor of Public Learning and Understanding of Science at Göteborg University and Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden (2006-2011).
He has been working intensely on science communication
and on public learning and understanding of science. The two
strands of his prior work have been the creation of innovative
science learning experiences, including exhibitions, games and
toys as well as the implementation of new strategies to engage
people from diverse communities in social issues. He serves as
an advisor and consultant to government agencies, media companies, design firms, schools, and museums worldwide.
i n t e r n at i o n a l e s z e n t r u m
f ü r k u lt u r - u n d t e c h n i k f o r s c h u n g
Ilan Chabay
5. Mai 2014
Bringing it all
How IT may help us
to manage a complex
Festvortrag im Rahmen des Fellowships
der Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung für
am IZKT der Universität Stuttgart
Montag, 5. Mai 2014
19.00 Uhr
Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart
Mailänder Platz 1
70173 Stuttgart
Dr. Erich Zielinski
Direktor der Alcatel-Lucent Stiftung für
Prof. Dr. Walter Göbel
Direktor des IZKT
Prof. Dr. Ilan Chabay
Bringing it all together:
How IT may help us to
manage a complex world
(Vortrag in englischer Sprache)
Am Vortrag von
Ilan Chabay
mit anschließendem Empfang
am 5. Mai 2014, 19.00 Uhr
in der Stadtbibliothek
Mailänder Platz 1
nehme ich
mit ___weiteren Person(en) teil*.
Antwort bis 28. April 2014
per Post oder per E-Mail an das IZKT:
[email protected]
*Keine Antwort gilt als Absage
Internationales Zentrum
für Kultur- und
Universität Stuttgart | IZKT
Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24
70174 Stuttgart
Tel. 0711-685-82589
Fax: 0711-685-82813