Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe BIBLIOGRAPHY


Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe BIBLIOGRAPHY
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
High Commissioner on National Minorities
The following is a list of books and articles about the work of the OSCE High Commissioner
on National Minorities, updated in October 2011.
The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the OSCE HCNM.
We welcome further suggestions on relevant texts at [email protected]
See also the ‘OSCE bibliography related to minorities issues, made by the Centre for OSCE
research (CORE) and available at :
Center for OSCE Research (CORE)
CORE (1999-2002) ‘Comparative Case Studies on the Implementation of the Recommen
dations of the High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) of the OSCE’
Books, Bibliographies and Articles
Altenhoener, C. (2009), ‘Promoting Effective Participation of National Minorities in
Economic, Social and Cultural Life through Project Activities’ in : International
Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Vol.16, No .4, pp. 583-592
Altenhoener, C., Palermo F. (2011), ‘Civil Society Contributions to the work of the OSCE
High Commissioner on National Minorities’, in : International Journal on Minority
and Group Rights, Vol. 18 (2) pp.201-218.
Bakker, E. (2001), ‘Linguistic Rights and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe’, in: Trifunovska, Snežana (ed.), Minority Rights in Europe. European
Minorities and Languages, pp. 241-253 (The Hague).
Bartsch, S. (1995), Minderheitenschutz in der internationalen Politik: Völkerbund und
KSZE/OSZE in neuer Perspektive.
Berisa, D. (2008), ‘Max van der Stoel Award – Fighting for justice, dynamic rights group
serves as legal lifeline for Roma’, ‘Vollebaek: Discrimination against Roma a major
problem in Europe’ in: OSCE Magazine, 3/2008, pp.22-23.
Bieckmann, F. (2004), Interview Rolf Ekéus – ‘Stille diplomatie’, ViceVersa – vakblad
ontwikkelingssamenwerking, Vol.38. No.5, pp.26-29
Birmingham, K. (1995), The OSCE and Minority Issues (The Hague).
Bloed, A.(1993), ‘The CSCE and the Protection of National Minorities’, OSCE Office for
Democratic Institutions and Human Rights: Annual Report 1993, pp. 1-4.
—— (1993), ‘The CSCE and the Protection of National Minorities’, in: Philips, A. and A.
Rosas (eds.), The UN Minority Rights Declaration, pp. 95-101 (Turku/London).
—— (1994), ‘The CSCE and the Minority Issues’, in: Helsinki Monitor – Quarterly on
Security and Cooperation in Europe, Vol. 5. No.1, pp. 82-86.
—— (1995), ‘The OSCE and the Issue of National Minorities’, in: Philips, A. and A.
Rosas (eds.), Universal Minority Rights, pp. 113-122 (Turku/London).
—— (1996), ‘Die OSZE und nationale Minderheiten. Eine neue Herangehensweise’, in:
Mohr, M. (ed.), Friedenssichernde Aspekte des Minderheitenschutzes in der Ära des
Völkerbunds und der Vereinten Nationen in Europa, pp. 153-165 (Frankfurt-Oder).
—— (2007)’Vollebaek the new High Commissioner on National Minorities’ in : Helsinki
Monitor, Vol 18 (3), p.260-266
—— (2008)’The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’ in : K.Henrard,
R.Dunbar (ed.),Synergies in minority protection, Cambridge University Press, p.88-118
—— (2011) (ed.)‘A tribute to Max van der Stoel’, special issue ‘Security and Human Rights’
Vol. 22 (3) 2011, pp.155-332.
Boucaouris, J. (2002), ‘Minority Issues and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
Europe (OSCE)’, in: Gundmundur, Alfredsson (ed.), Justice Pending. Indigenous
people and other good causes, pp. 79-82 (The Hague).
Brenninkmeijer, O.A.J. and (2003), ‘Multilateral Prevention of Internal Conflicts in the Face
of Interethnic Tensions: The Case of the OSCE and its High Commissioner on
National Minorities’, in: Okafor, O.C. (ed.), Humanizing Our Global Order: Essays
in Honor of Ivan Head, University of Toronto Programme, August 2003
—— (2005), ‘The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: Negotiating the 1992
Conflict Prevention Mandate’, the Graduate Institute of International Studies -PSIO
Occasional Paper, No.5, 2005 ; 200 p.
Brett, R. (1993), ‘The Human Dimension Mechanism of the CSCE and the CSCE Response
to Minorities’, in: Lucas, M.R. (ed.), The CSCE in the 1990s: Constructing European
Security and Cooperation, pp. 143-160 (Baden-Baden).
—— and E. Eddison (1993), ‘The CSCE Human Dimension Seminar on National
Minorities: Can National Minorities be Considered Positively’, Helsinki Monitor –
Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Vol. 4. No. 3, pp. 39-43.
Chigas, D. (1994), ‘Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: the CSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities’, Helsinki Monitor – Quarterly on Security and
Cooperation in Europe, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 27-41.
—— E. McClintock, and C. Kamp (1996), ‘Preventive diplomacy and the Organization for
Security and Co-operation in Europe: creating incentives for dialogue and cooperation’, in: Chayes, A. and A. Handler Chayes (eds.), Preventing Conflict in the
Post-Communist World. Mobilizing International and Regional Organizations
Brookings Institution, pp. 25-97 (Washington).
Cohen, J. (1999), Conflict Prevention Instruments in the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. An Assessment of Capacities (The Hague).
—— (1998), ‘Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Konfliktprävention. Die Stiftung für
interethnische Beziehungen und der Hohe Kommissar für Nationale Minderheiten der
OSZE – eine Fallstudie’ in: Merkel, C.M. (ed.), Friedenspolitik der Zivilgesellschaft,
pp. 207-24 (Münster).
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (ed.) 1993), CSCE's High Commissioner
on National Minorities (Washington, DC).
Conde Pérez, E. (2001), La protección de las minorías nacionales en la organización para la
seguridad y la cooperación en Europa – OSCE (Madrid).
Conflict Management Group and Harvard Negotiation Project (1993) (eds.), Early Warning
and Preventive Action in the CSCE. Defining the Role of the High Commissioner on
National Minorities - Report of the CSCE Devising Session, 19 October 1992
(Cambridge, Massachusetts).
—— (1994), Methods and Strategies in Conflict Prevention. A Report of an Expert
Consultation in Connection with the Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on
National Minorities, 2-3 December 1993 (Cambridge, Massachusetts).
Constantinides, A. (1996), ‘The Involvement of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in Issues of Minority Protection’, Leiden Journal of International
Law, Vol.9, No. 2, pp. 373-395.
Council of Europe and OSCE (2007), (ed.) High Commissioner on National minorities,
National minority standards: a compilation of OSCE and Council of Europe texts,
Council of Europe Publishing.
Crocker, C.A., F.O. Hampson and P. Aall (2001), ‘A Crowded Stage: Liabilities and Benefits
of Multiparty Mediation, International Studies Perspectives, Apr 2001, Vol.2, Issue 1.
Cronin, B. (2002), ‘Creating Stability in the New Europe. The OSCE High Commissioner on
National Minorities and the Socialization of Risky States’, in: Security Studies,
Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 132-163.
Csáky, P. (2001), ‘Experiences from Co-Operating with the OSCE HCNM: The Case of the
Slovak Republic’, International Journal on Minority & Group Rights, Vol.8, Issue 1.
Czaplinski, Marcin P. (2008), ‘OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’ in:
Conflict Prevention and the Issue of Higher Education in the Mother Tongue: the
case of the Republic of Macedonia, M.P. Czaplinski (ed.), Wolf Legal Publishers.
Dam, M. ten and M. van Tilborg (1994), ‘The OSCE and the Protection of Minorities’,
Merkourios, No. 44, pp. 18-23.
Decaux, E. (1993), ‘Minorités nationales et droits culturels’, OSCE Office for Democratic
Institutions and Human Rights. Annual Report 1993, pp. 6-11.
Deen, B. (2009), ‘Deadlock and division in Moldova : the 2009 political crisis and the role of
the OSCE’, in : Security and Human Rights ,Vol.20, No.4, pp.325-338
Degenève, S. (2001), ‘What is the nature of State's obligations with regard to the OSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities ?’ - Essex : Essex University. - 20 p.
Diacofotakis, Y.I. (2002), Expanding conceptual boundaries. The High Commissioner on
National Minorities and the protection of minority rights in the OSCE (Athens).
Dorodnova, J. (2003), ‘Challenging Ethnic Democracy: Implementing of the
Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to Latvia,
1993-2001’, CORE Working Paper, No.10 (Hamburg).
Draper, M. (2003), ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities,
June 2002-May 2003’, in: European Centre for Minority Issues and European
Academy Bolzano (eds.), European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2002/2003, Vol. 2,
pp. 475-491 (London).
Drzewicki, K. (2010) ‘OSCE Lund Recommendations in the Practice of the High
Commissioner on Natinal Minorities’, in “Political participation of national
minorities’ ed. Marc Weller, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.256-285
———— (2009) ‘Ten Years of the Lund recommendations on the Effective Participation of
National Minorities in Public Life : Reflections on Progress and Unfinished Business’
in : International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Vol.16 (4), pp. 511-522
(2008) ‘The Enlargement of the European Union and the OSCE High Commissioner on
National Minorities’ in: M. Weller (ed) ‘The protection of minorities in the wider
Europe’ Palgrave MacMillan.
(2008)‘National minority issues and the European Union Reform Treaty: A perspective
of the HCNM’ in: Security and Human Rights (formerly Helsinki Monitor), Vol.19
(2), pp.137-146.
(2008), ‘The Framework Convention as a Pan-European Instrument. A perspective of
the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’, in: A. Verstichel (ed.) The
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities : a useful panEuropean instrument ?, Intersentia, p.215-229
(2007), ‘The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities – Confronting
Traditional and Emerging Challenges', in: S. Parzymies (ed.) OSCE and Minorities.
Assessment and Prospects, Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, 2007, pp.
(2006), ‘Introducing Recommendations on Policing in Multi-Ethnic Societies – a new
tool for the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’, in : Helsinki Monitor.
Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2006, Vol. 15, No. 2, s. 175-183.
—— (2005), ‘Constitution for Europe: Enshrining Minority Rights. Words Can Make Worlds
of Difference’, in : OSCE Magazine, March 2005, pp. 19-21.
—— (2005), ‘Konstitucija Evropy zakriepliajet prawa mienszinstw. Słowa mogut wierszyt
wielikije dieła”, Żurnał OBSE, Mart 2005, pp. 19-21 (in Russian).
—— (2005) ‘The Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National Minorities
in Public Life – Five Years After and More Years Ahead’, in : International Journal on
Minority and Group Rights, 2005, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, pp. 123-131, and in : Special Issue
of International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Guest Editor K. Drzewicki,
2005, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, pp. 123-324.
Drzewicki, K and de Graaf, V. (2010) ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on
National Minorities (January 2009 to December 2009) in: European Yearbook of
Minority Issues, Vol. 8 2008/2009, p. 617-641
—— (2010) ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
(January 2008 to December 2008) in: European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Vol. 7
2007/2008, p. 559-585
—— (2008) ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (July
2006-December 2007) in: European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 2006/7 Vol. 6 435459.
—— (2006) ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: July
2005 – June 2006’ in: European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 2005/6, Vol. 5, pp.
—— (2005) ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: July
2004 – June 2005’, in : European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 2004/5,pp.595-613
Eddison, E. (1993), The Protection of Minorities at the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Colchester).
Edwards, G. (1996), ‘Early Warning and Preventive Diplomacy. The Role of the OSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities’, RUSI Journal, Vol. 141, No. 5, pp. 42-46.
Eide, A. (1999), ‘The Oslo Recommendations Regarding the Linguistic Rights of National
Minorities. An Overview’, International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Vol.
6, No. 3, pp. 319-328.
Eiff, H. (1998), ‘Autonomie als Konfliktbewältigung und des Minderheitenschutzes im
Rahmen der OSZE’, in: Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der
Universität Hamburg (ed.), OSZE-Jahrbuch 1998, pp. 255-264 (Baden-Baden).
—— (1999), ‘Autonomy as a Method of Conflict Management and Protection of Minorities
within the OSCE Framework’, in: Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at
the University of Hamburg (ed.), OSCE Yearbook 1998, pp. 233-241 (BadenBaden).
Estebanéz, M. (1999), ‘Minority Protection and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe’, in: Cumper, P. and S.Wheatley (eds.), Minority Rights in the
‘New Europe’, pp. 31-52 (The Hague).
Farahat, Arnuscheh (2008) ‘Regulating Minority Issues through Standard-Setting and
Mediation: The Case of the High Commissioner on National Minorities ‘ in: German
Law Journal’, Vol. 9 (11) pp.1454-1490.
Feldman, G. (2003), ‘Stabilizing Estonia: The International Dimension of State Security and
Ethnic Integration Policy’, Demokratizatsiya, Fall 2003, Vol.11, Issue 4.
—— (2005), ‘Essential Crises: A Performative Approach to Migrants, Minorities, and the
European Nation-state’, Anthropological Quarterly, Winter 2005, Vol.78, Issue 1.
Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations (1993) (ed.), Report on an Expert Consultation in
Connection with the Activities of the CSCE High Commissioner on National
Minorities – Bentveld, The Netherlands, 5-7 November 1993 (The Hague).
—— (1995), Bibliography on the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities:
Documents, Speeches, Related Publications, 2nd edn. (The Hague).
—— (1996), The Hague Recommendations Regarding the Education Rights of National
Minorities and Explanatory Note (The Hague).
—— (1996a), Annual Report 1995 (The Hague).
—— (1997), Annual Report 1996 (The Hague).
—— (1997a), Bibliography on the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities:
Documents, Speeches, Related Publications. 3rd edn. (The Hague).
—— (1997b), The Role of the High Commissioner on National Minorities in OSCE Conflict
Prevention: An Introduction (The Hague).
—— (1998), Annual Report 1997 (The Hague).
—— (1998a), The Oslo Recommendations Regarding the Linguistic Rights of National
Minorities and Explanatory Note (The Hague).
—— (1999), Annual Report 1998 (The Hague).
—— (1999a), The Lund Recommendations on the Effective Participation of National
Minorities in Public Life and Explanatory Note (The Hague).
Friberg Erik, Nasic Halida (2008) ‘The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’
in: Institutions for the management of ethno political conflicts in Central and Eastern
Europe (Strasbourg/Council of Europe publishing)
Friesecke, M. (1998), Der Minderheitenschutz im Rahmen der Organisation für Sicherheit
und Zusammenarbeit in Europa – OSZE (Basel).
Galbreath, D. (2003), ‘The Politics of European Integration and Minority Rights in Estonia
and Latvia’, Perspectives on European Politics & Society, May 2003,Vol.4, Issue 1.
Ghebali, V.-Y. (1993), ‘La CSCE et la question des minorités’, in: Liebich, André and A.
Reszler (eds.), L’Europe centrale et ses minorités. Vers une solution européenne, pp.
51-72 (Paris).
—— (1996), ‘L'approche de l'OSCE par la diplomatie préventive’, in: Ghebali, V.-Y. (ed.),
L'OSCE dans l'Europe post-communiste. 1990-1996. Vers une identité
paneuropéenne de sécurité, pp. 522-547 (Brussels).
Gheorghe, N. and J. Tanaka (1997), Looking at Human Security in a Regional Context: The
Situation of the Roma and Sinti in the OSCE (Warsaw).
Glover, A. (1995), ‘National Minorities in Europe’, Studia Diplomatica, Vol. 48, No.3,
Grezel, C. (1993), ‘Kanttekeningen bij het mandaat van de Hoge Commissaris voor
Nationale Minderheden’, Ars Aequi, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp.111-114.
Gibson, U. and J. Niessen (1993), The CSCE and the Protection of the Rights of Migrants,
Refugees and Minorities (Brussels).
Hansson, U. (2002), ‘The Latvian Language Legislation and the Involvement of the OSCEHCNM: The Developments 2000-2002’, The Global Review of Ethno Politics, Vol.2,
No.1, September 2002 (Bath).
Haselhuber, J. (1996), ‘Der Hochkommissar für nationale Minderheiten der OSZE’, in: E.
Reiter (ed.), Grenzen des Selbstbestimmungsrechts. Die Neuordnung Europas und das
Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker, pp. 109-117 (Graz/Vienna/Cologne).
—— (1998), ‘Institutionalisierung ohne Verrechtlichung: Der Hohe Kommissar für
Nationale Minderheiten der OSZE’, in: H.-J. Heintze (ed.), Moderner
Minderheitenschutz. Rechtliche oder politische Absicherung. 1998, pp. 116-137.
Heintze, H.-J. (2000), ‘Minority Issues in Western Europe and the OSCE High Commissioner
on National Minorities’, International Journal on Minority & Group Rights, Vol.7,
Issue 4.
—— (2002), ‘Der Hohe Kommissar für Nationale Minderheiten des OSZE – Bilanz der
Tätigkeit des ersten Amtsinhaber’, Jahrbuch für Menschenrechte, Vol.6,
Helgesen, J. (1993), ‘The Protection of Minorities in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE). A Note on the Helsinki Document 1992’, in: Packer, J.
and K. Myntti (eds.), The Protection of Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities in Europe,
pp.15- 22 (Turku-Åbo).
Heyneman, S.P. (2003), ‘Education, Social Cohesion, and the Future Role of International
Organizations’, PJE. Peabody Journal of Education, Vol.78, Issue 3.
Holt, S. (2002), ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.
January 2001- May 2002’, in: European Centre for Minority Issues and European
Academy Bolzano (eds.), European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2001/2002, Vol.1,
pp.565-589 (London).
—— (2004), ‘The Activities of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.
June 2003-May 2004’, in: European Centre for Minority Issues and European
Academy Bolzano (eds.), European Yearbook of Minority Issues 2003/2004, Vol.3
—— (2005), ‘The Lund recommendations in the Activities of the HCNM’ in:
—— and J. Packer (2001), ‘OSCE Developments and Linguistic Minorities’, Journal on
Multicultural Societies. IJMS, Vol.3, No.2, pp.85-105.
—— and J. Packer (2004), ‘The Use of Minority Languages in the Broadcast Media:
Introducing New Guidelines’, Helsinki Monitor – Quarterly on Security and
Cooperation in Europe, Vol.15, No.2, pp.103-126.
—— and J. Packer (2004a), ‘Proceedings of the Conference on the Use of Minority in the
Broadcast Media. 24-25 October 2003’, in: Jones, G. (ed.), Mercator Media Forum 7
—— and J. Packer (2007) Protecting Linguistic Minorities – The role of the OSCE in:
Democracy and Human Rights in Multicultural societies, Ashgate (Burlington) pp.127164
Homan, C. (2002), ‘Interview with Max van der Stoel. Former High Commissioner on
National Minorities’, Helsinki Monitor – Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in
Europe, Vol.13, No.1, pp.3-10.
Horváth, I. (2002), ‘Faciliating Conflict Transformation. Implementation of the
Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to
Romania, 1993-2001’, CORE Working paper, No.8 (Hamburg).
Houbraken, S. (2004), ‘The High Commissioner on National Minorities’ in: Houbraken,
S. ‘The protection of National Minorities on an international and European level’,
Thesis, University of Tilburg, December 2004.
Huber, K. (1993), ‘The CSCE and Ethnic Conflict in the East’, RFE/RL Research Report.
Weekly analysis from the RFERL Research Institute, Vol.2, No.31, pp.30-36.
—— (1993a), ‘Preventing Ethnic Conflict in the New Europe: the CSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities’, in: Cuthbertson, I. M. and J. Leibowitz,
(eds.), in: Minorities: the New Europe's Old Issue, pp. 285-310 (Prague and New
—— (1994), Averting Inter-Ethnic Conflict. An Analysis of the CSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities in Estonia. January-July 1993 (Atlanta).
—— (1994a), ‘The CSCE and Minorities’, in: Cator, J. and J. Niessen (eds.), The Use of
International Conventions to Protect the Rights of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities,
pp.41-48 (Strasbourg).
—— and R. Zaagman (1993b), ‘Towards the Prevention of Ethnic Conflict in the CSCE. The
High Commissioner on National Minorities and Other Developments’, International
Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Vol.1, pp.51-68.
—— and R. Zaagman (1994b), ‘Peace, Human Rights and Minorities: Multilateral
Responses and the CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’, International
Journal on Group Rights, Vol.2, No.1, pp.55-67.
—— S. Terstal and C. Kamp (1994c), ‘The functioning of the CSCE High Commissioner on
National Minorities’, New Community, Vol.20, No.3, pp.502-508.
Jackson-Preece, J. (1998) ‘National minority rights enforcement in Europe: a difficult
balancing act’, International Journal of Peace Studies, Vol.3, No2, pp.55-66
Jeziorski, M. (1994), ‘The CSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’, The Polish
Quarterly of International Affairs, Vol.3, pp.135-152.
[See also: Jeziorski (1994), M., ‘Wysoki Komisarz KBWE do spraw Mniejszosci
Narodowych’, Sprawy Miedzynarodowe, Vol.47, No.2, pp.135-152.]
Jonge, W. de (1993), De Hoge Commissaris voor Nationale Minderheden van de CVSE,
Juncto, Vol.4. No.4. pp.12-15.
Johansen, L.J. (1999), Difficulties for Preventive Diplomacy and the OSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities. Construction and Application of a Theoretical
Framework (Copenhagen).
Jurado, E. (2003), Complying with European Standards of Minority Protection: Estonia’s
Relations with the European Union, OSCE and Council of Europe (Oxford).
Kelley, J. (2003), ‘Does Domestic Politics Limit the Influence of External Actors on Ethnic
Politics?’, Human Rights Review, Apr-Jun 2003, Vol.4, Issue 3.
Kemp, W.A. (2008) ‘Ethnic cleansing and integrating diversity: interview with Knut
Vollebaek, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’ in: Security and
Human Rights (formerly Helsinki Monitor, Vol.19 (2), pp.157-163
—— (2000), ‘Between Assimilation and Secession: Integrating Diversity in MultiEthnic States’, in: Warner, D. and V. Clerc (eds.), The OSCE in the Landscape of
European Security, pp.37-67 (Geneva).
—— (2001) (ed.), Quiet Diplomacy in Action: The OSCE High Commissioner on National
Minorities (The Hague/London/Boston).
—— (2002), ‘Best Interests. Reconciling Competing Claims in Multi-ethnic States’,
Helsinki Monitor - Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Vol.13, No.1,
Klein, E. (1995) (ed.), The Institution of a Commissioner for Human Rights and Minorities
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Koehler, E. (1996), The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities: a Legal
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Kroissenbrunner, S. (1994), ‘Minority Conflict Resolution and the CSCE’, Europa Ethnica,
Vol.37, No.3-4, pp.98-120.
KSZE (1991), Bericht des KSZE-Expertentreffens über Nationale Minderheiten (Geneva).
Kulyk, V. (2002), ‘Revisiting a Success Story: Implementation of the Recommendations of
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Lange, F. (2001), ‘Minderheiten und die OSZE. Die Rolle des OSZE-Hochkommissars für
Fragen der nationalen Minderheiten’, in: Blumenwitz, D., G.H. Gornig and D.
Murswiek (eds.), Ein Jahrhundert Minderheiten- und Volksgruppenschutz,
pp.125-136 (Cologne).
Leatherman, J. (1994), ‘The CSCE´s (Im-) Possibilities for Preventive Diplomacy in the
Context of Ethnic Conflict’, International Journal of Group Rights, Vol.2, No.1,
Letscher, R. (2002), ‘Towards a UN Special Representative on Minority Issues – Drawing
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Helsinki Monitor – Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Vol.13, No.4,
Machl, S. (2010) ‘Early warning, no action?’, Security and Human Rights Vol. 21(3), pp.170175
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Vol.52, Issue 1.
Meyer, B. (1992), ‘Erst die Spitze des Eisberges. KSZE-Konfliktmanagement und nationale
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—— (1994), ‘Überfordern Minderheitenkonflikte die ‘neue’ KSZE’, in: Meyer, B. and B.
Moltmann (eds.), Konfliktsteuerung durch Vereinte Nationen und KSZE, pp.108-124
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Meulen, H. van der (1994), ‘Die KSZE, der Schutz der Minderheiten und einige ungarische
Auffassungen’, in: Aspeslagh, R., H. Renner and H. van der Meulen (eds.), Im
historischen Würgegriff. Die Beziehungen zwischen Ungarn und der Slowakei in der
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Milinkovic, B. (2000), ‘Visoki Komesar KEBS za Nacionalne Manjine’, Medunarodna
Politika, Vol.46, No.1030, pp.27-29.
Myntti, K. (2001), A Commentary to the Lund Recommendations on the Effective
Participation of National Minorities in Public Life (Turku-Åbo).
Nasic, H. (2007) ‘Minority Rights Instruments and Mechanisms: Minority Protection along
the Conflict Continuum’, European Academy Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC), 94 p.
Nishimura, M. (1999), ‘The OSCE and Ethnic Conflicts in Estonia, Georgia, and Tajikstan.
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Annual Review of Political Science, Vol.7, Issue 1.
OSCE (1999) (ed.), High Commissioner on National Minorities, Report on the Linguistic
Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities (The Hague).
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Packer, J. (1996), ‘The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities’, Human Rights
Tribune, Vol.3, No.4, p.37.
—— (1996a), ‘Conflict Prevention by the OAU: The Relevance of the OSCE High
Commissioner on National Minorities’, African Yearbook of International Law,
Vol.4, pp.279-291.
—— (1998), ‘Autonomy within the OSCE: The Case of Crimea’, in: Suksi, M. (ed.),
Autonomy. Applications and Implications, pp.295-316 (The Hague).
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