pdf-Datei - Lukas Hartmann


pdf-Datei - Lukas Hartmann
Quellenverzeichnis zu „Bis ans Ende der Meere“
J. C. Beaglehole: The Life of Captain James Cook, Stanford University Press, Stanford 1974
Stephen Biesty: Das Schiff, Gerstenberg Verlag, Hildesheim 1993
James Cook, The Journals, prepared from the original manuscripts by J. C. Beaglehole, selected and
edited by Philip Edwards, Penguin Books 2003
James Cook / James King: A voyage to the Pacific Ocean : undertaken, by the command of His
Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere, to determine the position and extent of
the west side of North America; its distance from Asia; and the practicability of a northern passage to
Europe. Performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the
Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. .Illustrated with Maps and
Charts, from the Original Drawings, made by Lieut. Henry Roberts, under the Direction of Captain
Cook, and with a Great Variety of Portraits of Persons, Views of Places, and Historical
Representations of Remarkable Incidents, drawn by Mr. Webber during the Voyage, and engraved by
the most eminent Artists of London : printed by W. and A. Strahan, for G. Nicol, und Trevenen Cadell
, London 1784.
Otto Emersleben: James Cook, Rowohlts Monographien, Hamburg 1998
Tim Flannery: The Life and Adventures of John Nicol, Mariner, Omnia Books, Glasgow 1997
Georg Forster: Reise um die Welt, Die andere Bibliothek, Eichborn, Berlin 2007
Dagmar Galin: Die Ankunft der weissen Geister, Erster Kontakt mit Europäern in der Überlieferung
Ozeaniens, Verlag Clemens Zerling, Berlin 1997
Peter Goodwin: Men o’ War, The Illustrated Story of Life in Nelson’s Navy, Carlton Books, London
Paul Hambruch: Südsee-Märchen, Eugen Diederichs Verlag, Köln 1979
Klaus Harpprecht: Georg Forster oder Die Liebe zur Welt, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Hamburg
William Hauptman: John Webber, 1751 - 1793, Landschaftsmaler und Südseefahrer mit Captain
Cook, Katalog zur Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Bern, 1996
Steven Hooper: Pacific Encounters, Art und Divinity in Polynesia 1760 - 1860, British Museum
Roger Hudson: London, Portrait of a City, The Folio Society, London 1998
Jahrbuch des Bernischen Historischen Museums, Sammlung Wäber, K. Wyss Erben, Bern 1957
Joseph Jobé (Hg.): Der Segelschiffe große Zeit, Verlag Delius, Klasing und Co., Bielefeld 1973
Rüdiger Joppien / Bernard Smith: The Art of Captain Cook’s Voyages, Volume Three, Catalogue and
Text, The Voage oft the Resolution and Discovery, 1176 - 1780, Yale University Press, New Haven
and London 1988
Charlotte König-von Dach: Johann Ludwig Aberli, 1723 - 1786, Galerie Jürg Stuker AG, Bern 1987
mare, Die Zeitschrift der Meere: James Cook, Die Entdeckung eines Entdeckers, Nummer 55,
Hamburg 2006
Karl Heinz Marquardt: Endeavour, Verlag Delius, Klasing und Co., Bielefeld 1995
Gannath Obeyesekre: The Apotheosis of Captain Cook, European Mythmaking in the Pacific,
Princeton and Honolulu, 1992
John Robson: Captain Cook’s World, Maps oft the Life and Voyages of James Cook R.N., Universitiy
of Washington Press, Seattle 2000
Marshall Sahlins: Der Tod des Kapitän Cook, Wagenbach, Berlin 1986
Bernard Smith: Imagining the Pacific, In the Wake of the Cook Voyages, Yale University Press, New
Haven and London 1992
Dava Sobel: Längengrad, Berlin Verlag, Berlin 1996
Sigmund Wagner: Das Leben des Malers Johann Weber von Bern, XVI. Neujahrsstück der KünstlerGesellschaft Zürich, 1821
John Webber: Views in the South Seas, from Drawings by the Late John Webber, Draftsman on Board
the Resolution, Captain James Cook, from the Year 1776 to 1880, London 1808
Heinrich Zimmermann: Reise um die Welt mit Captain Cook, Patmos Verlag 2001
http://www.captaincooksociety.com (Die umfassendste Website zum Leben, zu den Reisen und der
Bedeutung von James Cook)
http://explorion.net (große Sammlung alter Reiseberichte)
http://pages.quicksilver.net.nz/jcr/~cookmen11.html (The Men who sailed with Captain James Cook)
http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/7557/3death.html (An Eyewitness Account of the the Events
Surrounding Cook's Death, by David Samwell, Surgeon,1751-1798)
http://projects.prm.ox.ac.uk:8080/pcs/noteshow_public.php?num=5undpid=330undid=26 (Omai or a
Trip Round the World, Forster Collection, Pacific Pathways, enthält Hörbeispiele der Musik zur
http://www.jack-tar.de (Werkzeuge der Seeleute, Segelmacher und Takler)
http://southseas.nla.gov.au (South Seas, Voyaging and Cross Cultural Encounters, 1760 - 1800,
enthält Cooks und Joseph Banks’ Journale der ersten Pazifik-Reise sowie den vollständigen Text der
Pantomime Omai or a Trip Round the World)
http://www2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/BIB/DIAM/pre contact.htm (Sexual Behavior in Pre-Contact
Hawai’i: A Sexological Ethnography, by Milton Diamond, PH.D. University of Hawai'i at Manoa,
Honolulu Hawaii)