Premium stimulants in the luxury food industry


Premium stimulants in the luxury food industry
Case study 3 – Premium stimulants in the luxury food industry - GER
Rosinger Groups own participation | Private equity company
Initial position:
Branch: Premium stimulants in the luxury food sector, Functional Food
Enterprise: established 2004, based in Germany
Income: positive
Sales trend: steadily rising
Equity: slightly positive
Credit rating: insufficient to finance the planned expansion, internationalization and export
activities through banks.
Participation details:
2010 Rosinger Group equipped the company financially in a way that the expansion plans in the
export sector could be implemented without any further injection of funds and that there will be no
need for additional funding requirements within the timeframe of several years.
The financing was carried out in form of a silent partnership (mezzanine capital) by a private equity
company, which is 100 percent owned by Rosinger Group, as well as with two unsecured loan
tranches of the silent partner.
Terms and conditions „Silent partnership/Mezzanine capital“
Type of repayment: Bullet repayment, open-ended
Maturity: open-ended, Waiver of termination until 2013/12/31
Rate of return: 7 percent of the pre-tax profits, at least 10 percent of the outstanding
mezzanine capital
Terms and conditions „Unsecured loan of the silent partner 1+2“
Type of repayment: monthly, grace period at the beginning
Maturity: 13 months respectively 22 months
Interest rate: 3 months Euribor in each case to the end of the year + 7 percent interest
margin, but at least 10 percent based on the outstanding capital
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