Liste der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen
Liste der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen
Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen Prof. Dr. Andreas Kurth (seit 2008) Peer Reviewed wissenschaftliche Artikel: Habermann B, Eberhardt C, Kurth A.A.: HIV and total joint replacement. A single center analysis. Journal of Infection 57:41-6, 2008 Proschek D, Mack MG, Kurth AA, Proschek P, Martin B, Hansmann ML, Vogl TJ. Radiofrequency ablation of experimental bone metastases in nude rats. Anticancer Research 28:879-85, 2008. Amling M, Kurth AA. Ibandronate: a review of its vertebral and nonvertebralantifracture efficacy. Womens Health. 5:467-73, 2009 Proschek D, Kurth AA, Proschek P, Vogl TJ, Mack MG. Prospective pilot-study of combined bipolar radiofrequency ablation and application of bone cement in bone metastases. Anticancer Res. 29:2787-92, 2009. Proschek D, Kafchitsas K, Rauschmann MA, Kurth AA, Vogl TJ, Geiger F. Reduction of radiation dose during facet joint injection using the new image guidance system SabreSource: a prospective study in 60 patients. Eur Spine J. 18:546-553. 2009 Habermann B, Kafchitsas K, Olender G, Augat P, Kurth AA. Strontium ranelate enhances callus strength more than PTH 1-34 in an osteoporotic rat model of fracture healing. Calcif Tissue Int. 86:82-9, 2010 Kafchitsas K, Habermann B, Proschek D, Kurth AA, Eberhardt C. Functional results after giant cell tumor operation near knee joint and the cement radiolucent zone as indicator of recurrence. Anticancer Res. 30:3795-37999, 2010. Proschek D, Kafchitsas K, Rauschmann M, Kurth AA, Vogl T, Geiger F. Reduction of radiation dose during radiofrequency denervation of the lumbar facet joints using the new targeting system SabreSource: a prospective study in 20 patients. Archives Orthop Trauma Surg. 130:1103-1110, 2010 Wilke T, Moock J, Müller S, Pfannkuche M, Kurth AA. Nonadherence in outpatient thrombosis prophylaxis with low molecular weight heparins after major orthopaedicsurgery. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 468:2437-2453, 2010 Friedman RJ, Dahl OE, Rosencher N, Caprini JA, Kurth AA, Francis CW, Clemens A, Hantel S, Schnee JM, Eriksson BI; RE-MOBILIZE, RE-MODEL, RE-NOVATE Steering Committees. Dabigatran versus enoxaparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism after hip or knee arthroplasty: a pooled analysis of three trials. Thromb Res. 126:175-182, 2010 Diel IJ, Kurth AA, Sittig HB, Meden H, Maasberg M, Sandermann A, Bergner R. Bone pain reduction in patients with metastatic breast cancer treated with ibandronate-results from a post-marketing surveillance study. Support Care Cancer. 18:1305-1312, 2010 Habermann B, Miesbach W, Sahner LM, Kurth AA. Total knee replacement inhaemophilic arthropathy. A clinical and radiological evaluation of 30 patients. Hamostaseologie. 1:104-106, 2010 Proschek D, Kafchitsas K, Kurth AA, Mattyasovszky SG, Betz S, Ludwig HR, Mack MG. The quality of applied bone cement depends on the chemical composition of the application system. Eur Surg Res. 47:189-195. 2011 Proschek D, Tonak M, Kafchitsas K, Zangos S, Mack MG, Theisen A, Kurth AA. Direct Impantation of VX-2 Carcinoma: A new rabbit bone model using a three-dimensional matrix as a carrier fort he tumor cells. Eur Surg Res. 47:154-8. 2011 Müller S, Wilke T, Pfannkuche M, Meber I, Kurth A, Merk H, Steinfeldt F, Ganzer D, Perka C. Patienten Pfade in der Thromboseprophylaxe nach Hüft- und Knieendoprothesenoperationen. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage. Orthopäde. 40:585-90. 2011 Eriksson BI, Dahl OE, Huo MH, Kurth AA, Hantel S, Hermansson K, Schnee JM, Friedman RJ; RENOVATE II Study Group.Oral dabigatran versus enoxaparin for thrombosisprophylaxis after primary total hip arthroplasty (RE-NOVATE II). A randomised, double-blind, non-inferiority trial. J. Thromb Haemost.105:721-729. 2011 Proschek D, Tonak M, Mack M, Kurth AA. Radiofrequency ablation in experimental bone metastases using a controlled and navigated ablation device. Journal of Bone Oncology, 2012 Kurth AA, Bayer-Helms H, Böwe C, Hartwig E, Höhn W, Jerosch J, Jöllenbeck B, Maestretti G, Vogler W, Röllinghoff M. Radiofrequency Kyphoplasty – a novel vertebral augmentation system. A prospective, multi-center observational study. Osteologie/Osteology 21: 174-179. 2012 Eriksson BI, Dahl OE, Rosencher N, Clemens A, Hantel S, Kurth AA. Efficay of delayed thromboprophylaxis with dabigatran: Pooled analysis. Thromb Res. 130:871-6. 2012 Friedman RJ, Kurth A, Clemens A, Noack H, Eriksson BI, Caprini JA.Dabigatran etexilate and concomitant use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetylsalicylic acid in patients undergoing total hip and total knee arthroplasty: no increased risk of bleeding. Thromb Haemost. 108:183-90, 2012 Horas K, Kurth AA, Tonak M. A novel orthotopic animal model of human chondrosarcom. Osteology/Osteologie 21:296 – 300. 2012 Dahl OE, Kurth AA, Rosencher N, Noack H, Clemens A, Eriksson BI. Thromboprophylaxis in patients older than 75 years or with moderate renal impairment undergoing knee or hip replacement surgery. Int Orthop. 36:741-8, 2012 Maier GS, Jakob P, Horas K, Roth KE, Kurth AA, Maus U. Vitamin D deficiency in orthopaedic patients: a single center analysis. Acta Orthop Belg. 79:587-91, 2013 Maier GS, Jakobs P, Roth KE, Kurth AA, Maus U. Is there an epidemic vitamin D deficiency in German orthopaedic patients? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 471:3029-35. 2013 Kyvernitakis I1, Kostev K, Kurth A, Albert US, Hadji P. Differences in persistency with teriparatide in patients with osteoporosis according to gender and health care provider. Osteoporos Int. 25:2721-8, 2014 Mattyasovszky SG, Kurth AA, Drees P, Gemidji J, Thomczyk S, Kafchitsas K. Minimally invasive cement augmentation of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with the new radiofrequency kyphoplasty. Oper Orthop Traumatol. 26:497-512, 2014 Hadji P, Felsenberg D, Amling M, Hofbauer LC, Kandenwein JA, Kurth AA. The non-interventional BonViva Intravenous Versus Alendronate (VIVA) study: real-world adherence and persistence to medication, efficacy, and safety, in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporosis Int. 25:339-47, 2014 Maier GS, Horas K, Seeger JB, Roth KE, Kurth AA, Maus U. Is there an association between periprosthetic joint infection and low vitamin D levels? Int Orthop. 38:1499-504, 2014 Maier GS, Eberhardt C, Strauch M, Kafchitsas K, Kurth AA. Is tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b a potent bio-marker for late stage aseptic implant loosening? Int Orthop. 38:2597-600. 2014 Maier GS, Horas K, Seeger JB, Roth KE, Kurth AA, Maus U. Vitamin D insufficiency in the elderly orthopaedic patient: an epidemic phenomenon. Int Orthop. 39:787-92. 2015 Hadji P, Kyvernitakis J, Kann P, Niedhart C, Hofbauer L, Schwarz H, Kurth AA, Thomasius F, Schulte M, Intorcia M, Psachoulia E, Schmid T Grand-4: The German Retrospective Analysis on Persistence in Women with Osteoporosis Treated with Bisphosphonates or Denosumab. Value Health. 2015 Nov;18(7):A657. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2015.09.2377. Epub 2015 Oct 20. Maier GS, Seeger JB, Horas K, Roth KE, Kurth AA, Maus U. The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with vertebral fragility fractures. Bone Joint Journal 97-B:89-93. 2015 Maier GS, Horas K, Kurth AA, Lazovic D, Seeger JB, Maus U. Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients with Bone Metastases and Multiple Myeloma. Anticancer Res. 35:6281-5. 2015 Maier GS, Eberhardt C., Kurth A.A. Ibandronate: The loading dose concept in the treatment of metastatic bone pain. Journal of Bone Oncology 5:1-5, 2016 Maier GS, Maus U, Laszovic D, Horas K, Roth KE, Kurth AA Is there an association between low serum 25-OH-D levels and the length of hospital stay in orthopaedic patients after arthroplasty? J Orthop Traumatol. 2016 Jun 13. [Epub ahead of print] Jehn CF, Diel IJ, Overkamp F, Kurth AA, Schaefer R, Lüftner D Management of Metastatic Bone Disease Algorithms for Diagnostics and Treatment. Anticancer Res. 2016 Jun;36(6):2631-7. Hadji P, Kyvemitakis I, Kann P, Niedhart C, Hofbauer LC, Schwarz H, Kurth AA, Thomasius F, Schulte M, Intorcia M, Psachoulia E, Schmid T GRAND-4: the German retrospective analysis of long-term persistence in women with osteoporosis treated with bisphosphonates or denosumab. Osteoporos Int. 2016 May 12. [Epub ahead of print] Review Artikel seit 2008: Habermann B, Kafchitsas K, Eberhardt C, Kurth AA. Maligne Tumore des Bewegungsapparates im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Osteologie 18: 184 – 190, 2009 Tonak M, Kurth AA. Chondrogene Knochentumore. Osteologie 2009; 18: 191 – 199, 2009 Kurth AA, Sanner B. Der Riesenzelltumor des Knochens. Osteologie 18: 200 – 203, 2009 Eberhardt C, Habermann B, Engels K, Kurth AA. Hibernom, ein seltener Weichteiltumor. Osteologie 18: 204 – 208, 2009 Günther KP, Hofbauer L, Defer A, Dreinhöfer K, Duda G, Goldhahn J, Jakob F, Kurth AA, Linde I, Raschke MJ, Rueger JM, Steinbronn R, Stroszczynski C, Unger L, Zwipp H. Current application of osteoporosis guidelines--expert recommendations of the German Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology. Z Orthop Unfall. 147:542-546, 2009 Kurth AA. Multifaktoriellen Anforderungen an Revisionssysteme gerecht werden. JATROS 15: 60 – 62, 2010 Kurth AA. Meilensteine der orthopädischen Onkologie. Osteologie 19: 305 – 310, 2010 Habermann B, Kafchitsas K, Kurth AA. Knochenbildende Tumore. Osteologie 19: 311 – 316,2010 Kurth AA. Zysten des Knochens – juvenile und aneurysmatische Knochenzysten. Osteologie 19: 317 – 324, 2010 Habermann B, Tonak M, Kurth AA. Fibröse Läsionen des Knochens. Osteologie 19: 325 – 339, 2010 Tonak M, Kurth AA. Füllmaterialien und adjuvante Agenzien in der lokalen Behandlung benigner Knochentumore und tumorähnlicher Läsionen. Osteologie 19: 340 – 345, 2010 Aust J, Brünning C, Kurth AA. Das metachrome multifokale Osteosarkom – zwei Fallberichte. Osteologie 19: 345 – 353 2010 Kafchitsas K, Vetter T, Kurth AA. „Das gerade Kind“ – kindliche Wirbelsäule und Skoliose. Update Pädiatrie. 2:191 – 212, 2010 Kurth AA, Sanner B. Der Riesenzelltumor des Knochens. Onkologische Welt 2010; 1: 172 – 176 Eberhardt C, Habermann B, Engels K, Kurth AA. Hibernom, ein seltener Weichteiltumor. Onkologische Welt 2010; 1: 230 – 234 Habermann B, Kafchitsas K, Eberhardt C, Kurth AA. Maligne Tumore des Bewegungsapparates im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Onkologische Welt 1: 268 – 273, 2010 Kafchitsas K, Vetter T, Kurth AA. Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen im Kindesalter. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 2010 Schöffel D, Bastian L, Diel I, Holzapfel BM, Kurth AA, Markmiller M, Obertacke U, Wenz F. Metastasen der Wirbelsäule – eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Journal Onkologie, 10:369 – 373, 2010 Seuser A, Wallny T, Kurth AA, Berdel P. Conservative treatment in haemophilia - Improving effectivity and establishing standards. Hamostaseologie. 1:81-88, 2010 Kurth AA, Rauschmann M. Evidenz für die Osteoplastie der Wirbelsäule bei osteoporotischen Wirbelkörperfrakturen. Osteologie/Osteology 21:163 – 167. 2012 Kurth A. [Integrated analysis of three pivotal trials]. Orthopäde. 43:182. 2014 Kurth A. [Strontium ranelate for osteoporosis treatment]. Orthopäde. 43:181. 2014 Kurth A. [Impacts on bone mineral density]. Orthopäde. 43:182. 2014 Kurth A. [Pathophysiology of bone metastasis]. Orthopäde. 43:181. 2014 Kurth A.A. Die chirurgisch-orthopädische Behandlung von Knochenmetastasen. Osteologie/Osteology 23:281-286, 2014 Roth A, Kurth A, Böcker W. Osteology: the bone in focus]. Orthopäde. 44:661, 2015 Kurth A. DVO-Leitlinien zur spezifischen Osteoporosetherapie. Orthopäde. 44:647-8, 2015 Skripitz R, Kurth A, Roth A. [Supportive drugs for improved implant healing]. Orthopäde. 44:7039, 2015 Kurth A.A., Michalke K. Oberflächenbeschichtungen von Implantaten zur Verbesserung der Knochen-Implantat-Interaktion. Osteologie/Osteology 24: 63-169, 2015 Kurth AA Osteoporose/Knochenerkrankungen. Unfallchirurg. 2016 Mar;119(3):174-5. doi: 10.1007/s00113-016-0148-6. Buchartikel seit 2008: Kurth AA.: Bisphosphonattherapie verbessert und beschleunigt die Osteointegration von zementfreien Implantaten. Zementfreie Endoprothetik, Effenberg (Editor), Kurth AA.: Hydroxyapatite-beschichtete Endoprothesen. Experimentelle Untersuchungen und klinische Erfahrungen. Osteologie 4, Peters K. (Editor), Steinkopff Verlag Drescher W, Kurth AA. Knochennekrosen unter Chemotherapie. Fortbildung Osteologie 2, 22 – 276, Steinkopff Verlag 2008 Drescher W, Kurth AA. Biology of chemotherapy related bone necrosis and therapeutic implications. Educational Manuscript Book, Category: Pediatric Cancer, American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2009 Kurth AA: Orthopaedic treatment for skeletal metastases. Handbook of Cancer-related Bone Disease. Editors: Coleman/Hadji, BioScientifica, 203 – 220, 2010 Kurth AA: Orthopädisch-onkologische Therapie von Knochenmetastasen. Supportive Therapie von Knochenmetastasen 3. Auflage, Uni-Med Verlag, 80 – 89, 2010 7. Kurth AA: Die Problematik einer Fraktur unter osteoporotischen Stoffwechselbedingungen. Orthopädische Osteologie. Editor: AA Kurth, Uni-Med Verlag, 16 - 27, 2011 Kurth AA: Knochenersatzmaterialien. Orthopädische Osteologie. Editor: AA Kurth, Uni-Med Verlag, 36 - 44, 2011 Kurth AA: Osteoporotische Wirbelkörperfrakturen-gezielte, kontrollierte Behandlung mit der Radiofrequenz (RF)-Kyphoplastie. Orthopädische Osteologie. Editor: AA Kurth, Uni-Med Verlag, 85 - 89, 2011