münchner kulturGmbH


münchner kulturGmbH
münchner kultur GmbH
Press Release 2/2009 – Oktober 2009
Die Lange Nacht der Münchner Museen
(Long Night of the Museums in Munich)
Powered by Ernst & Young
Saturday, 17th October 2009 from 19:00 till 02:00
It has been an established cultural event in the city for a long time. The Lange
Nacht der Münchner Museen (Long Night of the Museums) this year will take
place on 17th October – again powered by Ernst & Young, the auditing and
accounting company committed to cultural sponsoring.
No matter if you are enthusiastic about painting or technology - create your own
route along your points of interest or drift away to discover special art treasures
and exhibits of the city.
To celebrate the 10th anniversary 90 institutions will open their doors. On top of
the exhibitions and collections many museums offer a special framework
programme just for this night.
Within the ”Kunstareal“ the Pinakotheken and also, for the first time, the
Museum Brandhorst present their exhibits to their night time visitors.
The world-famous exhibitions combined with illuminations, musical and other
performances promise a unique experience in the Deutsches Museum and the
Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum. Furthermore, the special exhibition
MAN – 250 years German technology history is accessible. Both buildings are
connected through the Rollende Museum München (rolling museum Munich):
vintage cars from five decades commute through the night.
History and stories of all kind can be experienced throughout this night:
Lively Munich’s history is represented by the Hofbräuhaus-Kunstmühle or the
city’s oldest community centre, the Bier- und Oktoberfestmuseum. Guided
tours of the MPZ and Stattreisen München direct through other times. Typicall
Munich! is the name of the exhibition in the Stadtmuseum. The ValentinKarlstadt-Musäum offers a music marathon with the Gauchos Monacos in
addition to their guided tours.
Planning a stop at the Alter Hof is worth a thought: The Infopoint Museen &
Schlösser in Bayern and the Münchner Kaiserburg host the Deutsche
Hopfenmuseum Wolnzach this year: In addition the special exhibition of the
history of growing hop visitors can participate in the tasting of different beers
supported by atmospheric music from the Hallertau.
Variously displayed and impressively narrated is the history of women: In the
Bayerischen Nationalmuseum Katharina Ritter tells about the ”beautiful, wild,
dangerous species“. Lo¿e Fuller, this year’s visual representative of the Lange
Nacht, is introduced during a guided tour. ”Strong women“ during antique times
as well as women of everyday life at the beginning of the 20th century: Two
exhibitions with this name look at the ideas and destinies of strong women
during their respective times and can be found in the Staatlichen
Antikensammlungen and the Erwin-von-Kreibig-Museum. The women at
This year’s new
Galerie Filser &
Galerie Jordanow,
Rollendes Museum
münchner kultur GmbH
Monte Verità are topical to guided tours as well as the reading in the
Everything around Charles Darwin, whose 200th birthday would have been in
2009, can be found in the Museum Mensch und Natur as well as the
Paläontologische Museum. Interested visitors follow Darwin’s discoveries
even further on a tour through history of mankind in the Staatssammlung für
Anthropologie und Paläoanatomie.
Contemporary art is also represented: One of the most famous Chinese
contemporary artists is displayed in the Haus der Kunst with the exhibition Ai
Weiwei – So Sorry.
Cars, potatoes, cucumbers and clothes were the centre of Erwin Wurm‘s
sculptures. He changes their original meaning and hence, creates new images
which can be admired in the Kunstbau des Lenbachhauses on the opening
The spiritual dimension between light, music and space can be discovered
through the illumination in the church St. Paul.
The audience of the Polnisches Kulturinstitut will be included: A Solidarnoϋ
performance with eight dancers as projection surface can be admired. The
performance takes place in a darkened room and is supported through sound
and multidimensional technology.
A diverse and promising show is the programme of the BayernLB Galerie: The
multimedia artist Hans Langner presents his instant art spontaneously,
materials and topics are given by visitors.
The exceptional Chinese musician Wu Wie and the artist in action Ingrid Irrlicht
lure to the events and photographers from Say hello print your picture on
For children and young adults the Lange Nacht kicks off in the afternoon
between 14:00 and 18:00 offering an entertaining and educating
The Kombiticket (combination ticket) costs EUR 15.00 and includes access to
all participating museums, the usage of the MVG- shuttle bus as well as the
usage of public transport with the MVV Ticket within the whole area. All
museums can be reached easily via the shuttle service of the MVG which
leaves every 10 minutes from the respective museum. The Linie Zentral (central
line) connects all large museums in the inner city. Tickets and programme are
available from the end of September onwards and can be obtained at the
known advance booking offices and in all participating museums. For further
information please visit the Lange Nacht online: www.muenchner.de or call
+49.89.30 61 00 41
Press Contact:
Stephanie Stragies Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Münchner Kultur GmbH  Giselastraße 4,Rgb.
80802 München
Tel.: 089.306100-10Fax: 089.306100-12
[email protected]
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