sustainable treatments (BioCoPol) - WoodWisdom-Net


sustainable treatments (BioCoPol) - WoodWisdom-Net
March 2014
sustainable treatments (BioCoPol)
Start: 2014
Duration: 36 months
Total budget: € 730,000
Project Coordinator:
Dr. Marion Noël
Wood and Civil Engineering
[email protected]
Project Partners:
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, [email protected], [email protected]
LERMAB Laboratoire d’études et de recherche sur le matériau bois, [email protected],
[email protected]
CIRAD, [email protected], [email protected]
Bern University of Applied Sciences, [email protected], [email protected]
Pongauer Jägerzaun, [email protected]
Corbat Holding SA, [email protected]
Webpage: Not yet available
The project is dedicated to the development of new bio-based formulations for
wood treatment, with focus on several
main market applications: railway wood
sleepers, facade wooden pieces, outdoor
furniture as well as internal structures,
to promote the use of indigenous
species, like beech and pine, not enough
exploited mainly because of their limited
durability. The idea is based on the
combination of former research projects
separately conducted in partners’ labs,
which led to promising wood preservation
technologies considering the complementary properties of the homo-polymers:
i) elasticity and polarity of lactic acid
oligomers, ii) biocidal effect of tannins
and polyglycerols iii) networking and
surface properties improvement of FDCA.
Co-polymerization of those compounds
is expected to provide excellent properWLHVWRZRRGE\EHQHÀWLQJIURPDFWXDO
properties of each separated treatment.
fungal attack.
Long term outdoor exposure effect on