PLAY LOUD email an cedric


PLAY LOUD email an cedric
PLAY LOUD - für PLAY LOUD gab ich Cedric Eeckhoud Improvisationsaufgaben - ab
und zu schicke ich ihm die einfach auf facebook nachts zu und er las sie dann
morgens und probierte darauf hin etwas auf der nächsten Probe aus - die Ideen für
Cedrics texte nahm ich aus dem Material, das er auf den Proben zeigte (Youtube
ausschnitte, Filmausschnitte, Songs, und seine persönlichen Erzählungen)
undverband das mit meinen eigenen Ernnerungen und Fantasien, so dass am Ende
eine Fiktion entstand, die auf unser beider Leben - des Perfomers und des Autors basierte und auf Versatzteilen des allgemein zugänglichen Archivs, das Youtube
liefert. Cedric improvisierte den Schlusstext aus PLAY LOUD - jedesmal neu und
anders, aber in seiner Struktur immer gleich - hier ist eine FacebookNachricht an
Cedric, aufgrund der er dann seine Improvisiation aufbaute, die ich dann wieder als
Grundlage für den entgültigen niedergeschriebenen Text für PLAY LOUD
february 2011
Falk Richter
my private idaho improv
hey cedrik - here are some ideas for your improv - some input:
i am trying to keep some of your highlights and also add some ideas to make it all
more like one story - the movie / the song/ the small town so he lived in a small town. he was listening to music on his walkman or discman or
i pod all the time - making up his own moivies in his head with him as the main
character that would escape into the big city where he wanted to find something
that he couldnt find in the small village. the my private idaho movie was one of his
favourite movies because the two men were on the road, they ran away from home
and they looked cool and sexy and they had such interesting fucked up lives and he
could always identify with river phoenix in this one classic scene that every young
gay guys experiences every now and then - he tells his best friend that he loves him
and that he wants to get close to him and the strange thing as that the other guy
also feels very close to him but he needs money to love somebody - and he does
not understand why straight guys can only love or sleep with someone when they
are being paid for it.
there is a good phrase in the new houllebecq novel about that - i will look it up - it
is in the first 50 pages somewhere - that people always need money to justify things
they actually love to do - when you sday you get paid for it everybody accepts it - if
you say, you do it because you like it, people dont accept it - so you will probably
find more poeple who accept guys that have sex with other guys if they get paid for
it - because money justufies everything - and more hatred for poeple who love
without money being involved.
Some Ideas for the improv: / texts that you can use or integrate in your improv:
The place where i lived was a bot like the north pole - there was absolutley nothing
and the people were really cold - some of them looked like they froze to death years
i always wanted to escape from there
i was walking thu the neighbourhood with my walkman/ discman / with my
headphones in my head and I was listening to music and I was seeing myself as the
hero of my own movie - and the movie was always about me escaping running away
packing my suitcases leaving this city
so i saw myself in all these different ways of running away - hitch hiking to the big
city where i would find people that are a bit closer to me. in my town i never found
any one who i could be really close to.
i remember one scene from a movie with keanu reeves and river phoenix - who is
the younger brother of joaqim pheinix who looks a bit like you franz
the two guys are both prostitutes and they run away from home - they dont want to
be at home any more for differnet reasons.
they want to leave their small homes and travel and see something of the world
meet new poeple so they sell their bodies and get a lot of money and meet a lot of
weird people and
one night they sit at a fire place and
river phoenix is in love with keanu reeves and ... (you ask franz to read the dialogue
with you ... in english is probably better - or you teach franz the french sentences
so that the audience will understand him)
(i think it is better not to call keanu reeves a "hetero" guy - because the trick is, that
both of them sleep with men - so basically both of them are technically homosexual
- only that one of them needs money to calm himself down and the other one can
love someone without getting paid - because the kanu reeves character comes from
a rich family so technically he does not need money - why does he sleep with men
then if he does not need money?)
so this is a classic scene. you tell someone that you love them and they only ask for
money or they say things like : i can only sleep with men if i get paid. it sucks. so i
wanted to get away and find someone who would actually sleep with me without
asking for money. so i left my hometown. and i was listening to this song on my i
phone - and it felt like a very slow escape into the big city.
so that is it for now,