
Born in Lier (Belgium) on July 10th, 1928
Married with Verbreyt Monique, born on November 13, 1928
Two children: Dominique and Barbara
Address: - Private: 'De Hettinghe'
Ettingestraat, 10
9170 Sint-Pauwels
Tel.: (03)776.03.33
- Office: K.U.Leuven
Centrum voor Economische Studiën
Naamsestraat 69
B - 3000 Leuven
Tel.: (016)32.67.25
Fax: (016)32.67.96
Nationality: Belgian
Present position: Professor emeritus (Chair of Economic History) at the University of
Leuven (Belgium)
1. Studies
Studies at Leuven University (Belgium):
Bachelor of Philosophy (1949).
Doctor of Law (1950).
Licentiaat in Political and Social Sciences (M.A.-status) (1951).
Doctor of Historical Sciences (1963).
Thesis: "The Growth of the Antwerp Market and the European Economy
(Fourteenth-Sixteenth Centuries)", Paris-Leuven-The Hague, 1963, 3 vols.
Graduate Studies at the University of Paris: Faculty of Arts, Law Faculty and Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Sorbonne) (1951-1952).
Graduate Studies at the London School of Economics and at the Institute of Historical
Research (London University) (1952-1953).
Field of current research:
- Social and Economic History of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.
- Banking History: Middle Ages to the Present.
- History of the World Economy since 1945.
2. Academic Career
Fellow of the National Foundation for Scientific Research of Belgium (1953-1955).
Lecturer (1955), Associate Professor (1966), Professor (1967), Full Professor (1969),
Professor emeritus (1993) at Leuven University.
Secretary of the Department of Economics, Leuven University (1970-1972).
Chairman of the Department of Economics, Leuven University (1972-1974).
Visiting Professor at the University of St. Aloysius, Brussels (1972-1976).
Dean of the Faculty of Economic, Political and Social Sciences of the above-mentioned
University (1972-1975).
Visiting Professor at Queen's College, Aberdeen (UK) (May 1968).
Research Fellow of the Kress Library (Harvard University) (July-August 1968).
Visiting Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1972-1980.
Research Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington
DC (October 1975 - September 1976).
Consultant of the O.E.C.D. at the University of the Bosphorus (Istanbul), Turkey)
(November-December 1979).
National Francqui-Chair at the Free University of Brussels, Brussels (second semester of
the academic year 1980-1981).
Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies,
Princeton (New Jersey, USA) (September 1981 - May 1982).
Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics, Stanford University, Stanford
(California) (June-July 1982).
Visiting Fellow at All Souls College (Oxford, UK) (Hilary and Trinity Term, 1985).
Visiting Fellow of the Indiana University Institute for Advanced Study at Bloomington
(Indiana) (1-31 August 1986).
Chairman of the Academic Committee "International Cooperation and International Programs" at Leuven University (1985-1986).
Professor of the Tinbergen-Chair at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
(January-June 1987).
Visiting Professor at the University of Paris-IV (Sorbonne) (Academic year 1987-1988).
Professor of the Ellen MacArthur-Chair at Cambridge University (UK) (February 1989).
Visiting Professor Scuola Superiore di Studi Storici (Università degli Studi della Repubblica di San Marino) (Academic year 1990-1991, cycle "Problemi dello sviluppo 18501950: economia, sociètà, cultura", September-October 1990).
Visiting Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies,
Princeton (New Jersey, USA) (January-August 1991).
Professeur invité at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve), Faculty of
Economic, Social and Political Sciences, Department of Economics (1991-1992).
National Francqui Chair at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculty of Arts (second
semester of the academic year 1991-1992): course on "Les Pays-Bas et l'Europe: économie
et société du XIe au XVIIIe siècle".
Professeur invité at the Université de Genève (Switserland), Faculty of Economic and
Social Sciences, Department of Economic History (Spring-term, academic year 19911992).
Visiting Professor in the P.P. Rubens-Chair at the University of California (Berkeley),
U.S.A., Department of History, Spring-semester 1994.
Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, Research School of Social Research
(Department of Economic History), National Australian University, Canberra (Australia):
1 June-1 August 1994.
Visiting Professor in the Erasmus-Chair at Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass.),
U.S.A., Department of Economics, Spring-semester 1997.
Visiting Professor in het Chair of European Banking History at the University of SantGallen (Switzerland), Spring-semester 1999.
Research Fellow as “Guest of the Rector” at NIAS (Netherlands Institute for Advanced
Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences), Wassenaar (Netherlands), Fall-semester
Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study), Berlin,
Germany, as “Guest of the Rector”, January-March 2004.
Visiting Professor at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozial Forschung (WZB),
Berlin, Germany, April-July, 2004.
Distinguished John W. Kluge Chair for the “History and Culture of the Countries of the
North” at the John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress (Washington D.C.), 1 September
2007-31 May 2008.
Visiting Professor in the Anthony Van Dyck-Chair at the University of California (Los
Angeles), U.S.A., Department of History, Spring 2010.
3. Awards and honorary distinctions
Scholarship from the French Government (1951-1952).
Prize of the "Eugène Baie" Foundation (1966).
"De Stassart" prize for national history (1961-1967) of the Royal Academy of Belgium
Fulbright-Hayes Award (1975).
Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium (Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen,
Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren) (elected 1977).
Quinquennial "Solvay" prize for the Humanities (1976-1980) by the National Foundation
for Scientific Research of Belgium (1981).
Fulbright-Hayes Award (1981).
Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of the Netherlands, (elected 1983).
Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy, UK(elected July 1987).
Nominee for the 1989 Albert Einstein World Award of Science (Nominee for the Humanities).
Officer of the Royal Order of Leopold (1990).
Amsterdam Prize for the Historical Sciences awarded by the Royal Academy of Sciences
of the Netherlands (1992).
Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (elected 1993).
Doctor honoris causa at the Catholic University of Brussels (1994).
Knighted by Albert II, King of Belgium (title of Baron) (1994).
Grand Officer of the Order of the Crown (1994).
Doctor honoris causa at the University of Leicester, UK (1995).
Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, UK (1995).
Honorary Medal for Special Merits by the Flemish Parliament (1995).
Honorary Member of the Board of the Portuguese Association for the History of
International Relations (1996).
Fellow of the European Economic Association (2004).
Grand Officer of the Royal Order of Leopold (2007).
Cultural Prize of the town of Lier for ‘Life-time Achievement’ (2009)
4. Scientific Functions:
Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Economic
History, 1968-1990. Honorary Treasurer, 1982-1986.
Chairman of the Publication Committee of the International Association of Economic
History, 1969-1985.
Director of the "Postgraduate Workshop on Quantitative Economic History", Leuven
University, 1970-1993.
Co-director of the Interuniversity Committee on Economic Growth and Industrial Revolution in Belgium, sixteenth-twentieth century (attached to the National Foundation for
Scientific Research of Belgium): 1973-1993.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the "Leuven University Press", 1972-1982.
Member of the "Comité consultatif de la Fondation Internationale des Sciences
Humaines", since 1974.
President of the Belgian Association for Hospital History 1976-1981.
Member of the Research Council of Leuven University to represent the Humanities, 19761980.
President of the Belgian Association of Economic History, 1976-1981.
Chairman of the Interfaculty Program of American Studies, Leuven University, 19781993.
President of the Belgian-Luxemburg American Studies Association, 1985-1992.
Director of the "International Workshop on Quantitative Monetary History", Universities
of Leuven and Heidelberg, 1979-1993.
Member of the Board of Trustees of the "Academia Belgica" in Rome (Italy), 1980-1995.
Vice-President of the "Association Internationale d'Histoire des Mers Nordiques de
l'Europe", 1982-1992.
Chairman of the Advisory Council of the West-European Program (European Institute) of
the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., U.S.A. (19841991).
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the "Leuven University Press", 1982-1985.
"Patron" of the Centre for Urban History (University of Leicester) UK, since 1985.
Founding Member of the European Economic Association, 1985. Council Member, 19861989.
Founder of the Wilson Center European Alumni Association, 1986. First President, 19861988.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the "Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica
"Francesco Datini" in Prato" (Italy) 1986-1999. Member of the "Giunta Esecutiva" 19871999.
Director of the Class of Arts of the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1987.
External Member of the Research Council of the European University Institute (Florence)
Italy, 1986-1993.
Foundation Member of the Academia Europea, 1987. Council Member, 1987-1990.
Founding Member of the European Association of Urban History Teachers, 1987.
Member of the Advisory Board of the N.W. Posthumus Institute (Netherlands), since 1989.
President of the International Economic History Association, 1986-1990, Honorary
President since 1990.
President of the Advisory Council of the Leuven Institute for Central and East European
Studies (LICOS), 1990-1993.
Member of the Coordination Committee of the Scientific Network of the European
Sciences Foundation for the Economic History of Europe between the Wars, 1989-1993.
Founding Member of the International Network for Economic Method, since 1990.
Founding Member of the Erasmus and Tempus Intensive Course Programmes on Urban
History, 1989-1993.
Member of the Board of Editors of the new edition of “The History of Scientific and
Cultural Development of Mankind”, UNESCO, 1990-2005.
Chairman of the Academic Advisory Council of the European Association for Banking
History, 1991-1998. Member of the Board of Management of the European Association
for Banking History, 1991-1998.
Member of the Board of Trustees of the "Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris",
(Fondation Internationale des Universités de Paris) 1993-2009.
Chairman of the International Peer Review Committee to asses the teaching and research
activities of the History Departments at the Flemish Universities, 1994-1998.
Chairman of the Nominating Committee of the International Economic History
Association, 1994-1998.
Honorary member of the Scientific Committee of the Istituto Internazionale di Storia
Economica “Francesco Datini”, since 1999.
External member of the Research Council of the European University Institute (Florence,
Italy), 1999-2005.
Chairman of the Reform Commission, set up by the President of the European University
Institute (Florence) to restructure the University's Department of History and Civilization
(Fall 2000).
Member of the International Commission, set up by the Royal Netherlands Academy of
Sciences to audit on November 23-25, 2000, the scientific activities and management of
the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study at Wassenaar (NIAS).
Member of the International Commission to audit on 18-22 September, 2002, at Boxmeer
(KU-Nijmegen, Netherlands) the research and other scientific activities of the national
N.W. Posthumus Institute for Social and Economic History (period 1997-2002).
Chairman of the Editorial Board of the 'National Biografisch Woordenbook', published by
the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for the Sciences and Arts, 2001-2005.
Member of the International Commission NVAO to evaluate applications by Dutch
Universities for two-year Research Master-programs in the Humanities, related to the
BAMA-reform, and to propose eventual accreditation (the Commission was created by the
Dutch Government in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences)
Delegate Secretary General of the National Foundation for Scientific Research (Flanders)
in the Scientific Commissions of the Humanities and Social Sciences (2004-2005).
Chairman of the International Peer Review Committee to asses the research in History, Art
and Culture of the Faculty of History and Arts at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam
(Netherlands), 1999-2004.
Founding member of the Flemish Institute for the Economy and Society (VIVES) (2008).
Member of the Board of Trustees, (since 2008).
5. Member of the following Scientific Associations:
Interuniversitair Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Prijzen en Lonen in België (Belgium).
Nederlands Historisch Genootschap (Netherlands).
Gesellschaft für Sozial- un Wirtschaftsgeschichte (Germany).
Association française des historiens économistes (France).
The Economic History Society (Great Britain).
Zuidnederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis (Belgium).
Zeeuws Genootschap voor Wetenschappen (Netherlands).
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Landbouweconomie (Netherlands).
International Association for the History of the Northern Seas of Europe.
European Economic Association.
Belgian Association of Economic Historians.
The Medieval Academy of America.
6. Member of the Board of Editors of the following periodicals:
"Economic History Review" (Great-Britain): "Review editor of the Low Countries"
"Explorations in Economic History" (USA) (1975-1984).
"Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis", (Belgium) (1970-1994).
"Annales de la Société Belge d'Histoire des Hôpitaux" (Belgium) (1970-1982).
"Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte" (Germany) (since 1980).
"Maaslandse Monografieën" (Belgium-Netherlands) (1975-2004).
"Bijdragen en Mededelingen voor de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden" (Netherlands) (19811985).
"Rivista di Storia Economica" (Italy) (1984-1995).
"German Yearbook on Business History" (Germany) (since 1990).
"Financial History Review" (1993-2005).
"De Economist" (Quaterly Review of the Royal Netherlands Economic Association)
"The European Yearbook of Business History" (since 1996).
"Revista de Historia Economica" (Spain), 1994-2004.
“Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis” (appointed member of the ‘International Board of
Advisors’) (since 2006).
7. Lectures in Universities and Congresses in:
Sint-Niklaas, London, Paris, Lille, Utrecht, Ghent, Wageningen, Brussels, Middelburg,
Hasselt, Ostend, Antwerp, Lier, Courtrai, Munich, West-Berlin, Spaubeek (Netherlands),
Aberdeen, Edinburgh, London, Leyden, Cologne, Eindhoven, Warsaw, Leningrad, Poznan,
Torun, Lyon, Copenhagen, Liège, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Prato, Pamplona, Frankfurt-an-derOder, Bellagio, Groningen, Santiago de Compostela, Oxford, Nottingham, Cambridge
(UK), Belfast, Bonn, Bristol, Budapest, Pecz, Toronto, San Francisco, Maastricht, Yale
(New Yaven), Montreal, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Williamsburg, Atlanta,
New Orleans, Chicago, Groningen, Nijmegen, Spa, Edinburgh, Malines, Bruges, EastBerlin, Neubrandenburg, Istanbul, Bebek, Göteborg, Lund, Uppsala, Bielefeld, Balaton
Amadi, Harvard (Cambridge, Mass.), Brown (Providence, Rhode Island), Princeton,
Berkeley, Stanford, Bloomington (Indiana), Fukuoka, Kyoto, Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Bad
Godesberg, Korsendonk, Louvain-la-Neuve, Zürich, Genève, Florianapolis (Brazil),
Montréal, Ottowa, York (Ontario), Winnipeg, Vancouver (Canada), Bad Homburg,
Leicester, Jeruzalem, Bern, Indianapolis, University of Illinois (Urbana), Notre-Dame
(Indiana), Hartfort (Connecticut), Philadelphia, Swarthmore (Pennsylvania), Peking,
Shanghai, Shendu, Stuttgart, Salzau (Lüneburg), Minneapolis, Moscow, Rome, Stockholm,
Umeå, Flims (Switzerland), Amsterdam, Davis (USA), Los Angeles, San Diego, Canberra,
Melbourne, Milan, Cork, Lisbon, Vienna, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, Prague,
Luxemburg, Mainz, Wassenaar (Netherlands), Mechelen, New York, Frankfurt-am-Main,
Naples, Mons, Helsinki, Mainz, Bruges, Madrid, Berlin, Greifswald, Sydney, Zwolle,
Bergen (Norway), Barcelona.
8. Supervision of Doctoral theses
Theses already submitted, on:
- The Development of Modern Banking and Credit in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century
Europe, particularly in Amsterdam (Edward HEYVAERT, Leuven University, 1975).
- The Holding Company. Essays on Financial Intermediation, Concentration and Capital
Market Imperfections in the Belgian Economy (Herman DAEMS, Leuven University,
1975) (published in 1978, The Hague, in the series "Modern Enterprise").
- The Significance of Manorial Wealth in the Public Finances of the Burgundian and
Habsburg Netherlands (Fifteenth and Sixteenth centuries). A Computer Analysis of
manorial accounts from Flanders and Brabant (Eddy VAN CAUWENBERGHE,
Leuven University, 1975) (awarded Pro Civitate Prize 1976; published in 1982).
- The Development of the Port of Antwerp, 1800-1914: A Statistical Analysis (Karel
VERAGHTERT, Leuven University, 1977) (awarded Pro Civitate Prize 1978).
- Labour and Economic Development in Brabant 1700-1850 (Paul M.M. KLEP, Leuven
University, 1978) (published in 1981, Nijmegen, Netherlands, by S.U.N.).
- Banking in Eighteenth Century Antwerp, based on the papers of the Firm of Charles de
Proli (Helma DE SMEDT), Leuven University, 1981, (awarded Prize by the Royal
Academy of Belgium, 1982) (published by the Academy in 1983).
- Structural Rigidities and Policy Inertia in Inter-War Belgium (Robin HOGG, University
of Manchester, 1982: co-supervisor with Prof. A. Milward) (awarded Prize by the Royal
Academy of Belgium, 1985, published by the Royal Academy of Belgium in 1987).
- Geld en bankkrediet in België, 1877-1983. (Jos DELBEKE, Leuven University, 1986,
awarded Prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1987, published by the Academy in
- The Brewing Industry in Lier (Brabant), 14th-18th centuries (Erik AERTS, Leuven
University, 1988) (awarded Prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1995; published
by the Academy in 1996).
- The Economic Development of Belgian Agriculture, 1880-1980 (Jan BLOMME,
Leuven University, 1988) (awarded Prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1990;
published by the Academy in 1992).
- Capital Formation in Dwellings in Belgium, 1890-1960. Reconstruction and Analysis
(Erik BUYST, Leuven University, 1988) (awarded Prize by the Royal Academy of
Belgium, 1990; published by the Academy in 1992).
- Social and Economic Mobility of the Nobility in the Southern Netherlands from the
Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century (Paul JANSSEN, Leuven University, 1988).
- The Economic Development of Belgian Agriculture, 1800-1850.
GOOSSENS, Leuven University, 1990) (awarded Prize by the Royal Academy of
Belgium, 1991; published by the Academy in 1992).
- Paul van Zeeland and the Monetary, Socio-Economic and European Policies of
Belgium, ca. 1920-1960 (Brigitte HENAU, Leuven University, 1992) (awarded Prize by
the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1993; published by the Academy in 1994).
- De Belgische Overheidsfinanciën en het ontstaan van een sociale welvaartsstaat, 18301940. Drie benaderingen. (The Belgian Public Finances,1830-1940. Origins and Rise
of the Welfare State) (Piet CLEMENT, Leuven University, 1995) (awarded Prize by the
Royal Academy of Belgium, 1995; published by the Academy in 2000).
- Een economie met verschillende snelheden. Ongelijkheden in de opbouw en de
ontwikkeling van het Brabantse stedelijke netwerk, ca. 1750-ca. 1790 (an Economy at
Different Speeds. Differentiation in the Rise and Development of the Urban Network in
Brabant, ca. 1750-ca. 1790) (Bruno BLONDÉ, Leuven University, 1995) (awarded
Prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1996).
- Gross Private Asset Formation in Belgium, 1910-1954 (Michelangelo VAN
MEERTEN, Groningen University, 1996) (Professor Rainer FREMDLING: copromotor) (awarded Prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium, 1998; published by the
Academy in 2003).
- De ontwikkeling van communicatie en transport in België tijdens de lange 19de eeuw
(Development of Communication and Transport in Belgium during the long 19th
Century) (Bart VAN DER HERTEN, Leuven University, 2000, published by the
Leuven University Press, 2004) (awarded Prize by the Royal Academy of Belgium,
2000; published by the Academy in 2004).
- Tussen immobiliteit en revolutie. De economische ontwikkeling van de Belgische
landbouw in een eeuw van transitie, 1750-1850 (Between Immobilism and Revolution.
Development of Belgian Agriculture in a Century of Transition, 1750-1850) (Guy
DEJONGH, Leuven University, 2000). (Co-promotor; Promotor Professor Erik Buyst).
- De bruto-binnenlandse kapitaalvorming in woongebouwen in België tussen 1830 en
1890. Reconstructie en analyse van de investeringen en van het investeringsgedrag
(Bruto-domestic Capital Formation in Residental buildings in Belgium, 1830-1890.
Reconstruction and Analysis of Investment and of Investment Behaviour) (Vincent
DUCHÊNE, Leuven University, 2000).
- Sixteenth-century Antwerp and its rural surroundings. Social and economic changes in
the hinterland of a commercial metropolis (ca. 1450-ca. 1570) (Michael LIMBERGER,
Antwerp University, UFSIA, 2000 (Co-promotor; Promotor Professor Raymond Van
1. Books
a. Author
Prix et salaires. Manuel méthodologique, Leuven, Centre Interuniversitaire pour
l'Histoire des Prix et Salaires en Belgique, 1956, 42 p.
Translation: Prijzen en Lonen. Methodologische handleiding, Leuven, Interuniversitair Centrum voor de Geschiedenis van Prijzen en Lonen in België, 1956, 43 p.
The Growth of the Antwerp Market and the European Economy (Fourteenth-Sixteenth
Centuries), Vol. 1: Statistics; Vol. II: Interpretation; Vol. III: Graphs and Indices,
Leuven-Paris-The Hague, M. Nijhoff, LIX, 562 p., 436 p., 168 p.
Conjunctuur en Economische Groei in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 14de15de en 16de eeuw. Avec résumé français: Conjoncture et croissance économique
aux Pays-Bas Méridionaux (XIVe-XVe et XVIe siècles), Brussels, (Mededelingen van
de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten
van België, Klasse der Letteren, jg. XXVII, 1965, n° 8), 1965, 25 p.
Löhne und Wirtschaftliches Wachstum. Eine historische Analyse, Cologne, (Kölner
Vorträge zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte herausgeg. vom Forschungsinstitut für
Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte an der Universität zu Köln), Cologne 1969, 32 p.
Historische Aspecten van de Economische Groei. Tien studies over de economische
ontwikkeling van West-Europa en van de Nederlanden in het bijzonder, 12de-19de
eeuw (Historical Aspects of Economic Growth. Ten Essays on the Economic Development of Western Europe and of the Low Countries, Twelfth- Nineteenth Centuries),
Antwerp-Utrecht, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1972, 243 p.
Van Brussels Laken tot Brussels Porselein. Structurele Factoren in de Industriële
Ontwikkeling in de Nederlanden, 1100-1800 (From Brussels Cloth to Brussels Porcelain. Structural Factors in the Industrial Development of the Low Countries, 11001800) Brussels, 1974, (Inaugural Lecture at the University Faculties of St. Louis at
Brussels), 11 p.
La Banque Nationale de Belgique et la politique monétaire entre les deux guerres
mondiales, Brussels, National Bank of Belgium, 1975, 552 p. (in collaboration with K.
Translation: De Nationale Bank van België en het monetair gebeuren tussen de twee
wereldoorlogen, Brussels, National Bank of Belgium, 1975, 548 p.
Vlaams-Brabantse Muntstatistieken, 1300-1506. Deel I. De Aanmuntingsgegevens
van de Zilvermunten (Minting Statistics on Flanders and Brabant, 1300-1506),
Leuven, Centrum voor Economische Studiën, 1980, 152 p. (in collaboration with E.
De Economische Ontwikkeling van Europa, 950-1950 (The Economic Development of
Europe, 950-1950), Leuven, Acco, 1982, 230 p. (in collaboration with E. AERTS)
(second edition, 1983, third edition, 1985, fourth edition, 1986, fifth edition, 1987, sixt
edition, 1989), ..., twelfth edition, 1996.
Translation in Hebrew, published by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel),
1989, 200 p.
10. De Gebroken Welvaartscirkel. De Wereldeconomie 1945-1980. (= The Worldeconomy, 1945-1980), Leyden, M. Nijhoff, 1983, 506 p. (second edition, 1984).
1. Der gebremste Wohlstand.
Wiederaufbau, Wachstum, Strukturwandel der
Weltwirtschaft, 1945-1980, Munich, DTV, 1984, 644 p.
2. A lefékezett jólét. Ujjàépités, növekedés és struktùravàltàs a vilàg-gazdasàgban
(1945-1980), Budapest, Közgazdasági és Jogi Köngvkiadó, 1986, 505 p.
3. Prosperidad y Crisis.
Reconstrucción, crecimiento y cambio, 1945-1980,
Barcelona, Critica, 1986, 680 p.
4. Prosperity and Upheaval. The World Economy, 1945-1980, Harmondsworth,
Viking, 1986, 621 p. (hardcover); Harmondsworth, Penguin, (Pelican Series), 1987,
621 p. (paperback), reprinted 1989; Berkeley, California University Press, 1987,
621 p. (paperback).
5. L'Economia mondiale tra crisi e benessere (1945-1980). Una sintesi della storia
economica del dopoguerra. Editore Ulrico Hoepli Milano, 491 p.
11. De economische ontwikkeling van Europa. Documenten, De Middeleeuwen 950-1450,
(The Economic Development of Europe. Documents: the Middle Ages, 950-1450),
Leuven, University Press, 1985, 304 p., reprinted 1991 (in collaboration with E.
12. Vlaams-Brabantse Muntstatistieken, 1330-1506. Deel II. De Aanmuntingsgegevens
van de Gouden Munten (Minting Statistics on Flanders and Brabant, 1330-1506),
Leuven, Centrum voor Economische Studiën, 1985, 107 p. (in collaboration with E.
13. Mensen maken Geschiedenis. De Kredietbank en de Economische Opgang van
Vlaanderen 1935-1985 (The Kredietbank and the Rise of the Flemish Economy, 19351985), Tielt, Lannoo, 1985, 358 p. (Extensive summaries in English, French and
German published in separate brochures) (in collaboration with M. VERBREYT).
14. Histoire économique mondiale 1945-1990, Paris, Academia Duculot, 1990, 553 p.
Istorij Mirowoi Ekonomici (History of the World Economy, 1945-1990), Moscow,
Nauka, 1994, 410 p.
15. De wereldeconomie in opbouw 1750-1990 (Building up the World Economy 17501990), Leuven, Universitaire Pers, 1992, 236 p. (in collaboration with H.
16. The Low Countries in the Early Modern World, Aldershot, Variorum, 1993, 295 p.
17. De onderwijsvisitatie Geschiedenis. Een onderzoek naar de kwaliteit van de opleiding
geschiedenis aan de Vlaamse universiteiten, Brussel, Vlaamse Universitaire Raad,
1995, 132 p. (in collaboration with H.S.J. JANSEN, H.W. PLEKET, R.C. VAN
18. De Generale Bank, 1822-1997: een permanente uitdaging, Tielt, Lannoo, 1997, 448 p.
(in collaboration with M. VERBREYT).
1. La Générale de Banque, 1822-1997: un défi permanent, Tielt, lannoo, 1997, 448 p.
2. The Generale Bank, 1822-1997: a Continuing Challenge, Tielt, Lannoo, 1997,
448 p.
3. Die Generale Bank, 1822-1997: eine ständige Herausforderung, Tielt, Lannoo,
1997, 448 p.
19. Oorlog en Monetaire politiek. De Nationale Bank van België, de Emissiebank te
Brussel en de Belgische regering, 1939-1945, Brussel, NBB, 2005, 770 p. (in
collaboration with M. VERBREYT).
20. Research in History, Arts and Culture (Evaluation Report of the International Peer
Review Committee on the Research in History, Arts and Culture, 1999-2004 of the
Faculty of History and Arts, Erasmus University Rotterdam), Rotterdam, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, 2006, 22 p.
21. A Small Nation in the Turmoil of the Second World War. Money, Finance and
Occupation (Belgium, its Enemies, its Friends, 1939-1945), Leuven University Press,
2009, 494p, (in collaboration with M. VERBREYT).
b. Editor
The Great Depression Revisited. Essays on the Economies of the Thirties, The Hague,
M. Nijhoff, 1973, X-290 p.
Editor and translator of: A. GERSCHENKRON, Mercator Gloriosus. Kritische essays
over economische ontwikkeling, Europees socialisme en Sovjet-problematiek (=
Mercator Gloriosus. Critical Essays on Economic Development, European Socialism
and Sovjet-policies), with an introduction of H. VAN DER WEE, Antwerp-Utrecht,
De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1973, 238 p.
The Rise of Managerial Capitalism, Leuven-The Hague, M. Nijhoff, 1974, 235 p. (in
collaboration with H. DAEMS).
Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Economic History, Munich
1965, Paris-The Hague, Mouton, Vol. II, 1969, 304 p.; Vol. III, 1969, 110 p.; Vol. IV,
1972, 268 p.; Vol. V, 1974, 504 p.
Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Economic History, Leningrad, Moscow,
Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 8 volumes, 1974-1976, 264-240-166-218-296370-292-208 p. (in collaboration with V.A. VINOGRADOV and G.G. KOTOVSKY).
Inleiding tot de Economie (= An Introduction to Economics), Leuven, University
Press, 1977, 560 p. (in collaboration with V. VAN ROMPUY, P. DE GRAUWE, T.
PEETERS, K. TAVERNIER, P. VAN ROMPUY) (second revised edition, 1978, third
revised edition, 1979, fourth revised edition, 1981, fifth revised edition, 1984).
Winkler Prins Geschiedenis der Nederlanden (= Winkler Prins History of the Low
Countries), Amsterdam-Brussels, Elsevier, 1977, 3 volumes, 360-368-366 p. (in
collaboration with J.A. BORNEWASSER, H.P.H. JANSEN, I. SCHOFFER, R.C.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress on Economic History, Copenhagen,
1974, Copenhagen, Akademisk Verlag, 1978, 163 p. (in collaboration with Kr.
Productivity of Land and Agricultural Innovation in the Low Countries, 1250-1800,
Leuven, University Press, 1978, 189 p. (in collaboration with E. VAN
10. L'Or et l'argent des indes dans l'économie européenne, (Europalia Spanje, 1985),
Leuven, Peeters, 1987.
11. De Lage Landen van 1500 tot 1780 (= The Low Countries, 1500-1780), AmsterdamBrussels, Elsevier, 1977, 477 p. (in collaboration with I. SCHOFFER & J.A.
BORNEWASSER). (Second edition 1983), third edition (paperback) 1985, fourth edition (paperback), 1988), fifth edition, 1992.
12. The Rise and Decline of Urban Industries in Italy and in the Low Countries (Late
Middle Ages-Early Modern Times), Leuven, University Press, 1988, 400 p.
13. Proceedings of the Tenth International Economic History Congress, Leuven,
University Press, 1990, Vol. I, 247 p.: Vol. II, 549 p.; Vol. III, 503 p.; Vol. IV, 543 p.;
Vol. V. 514 p.; Vol. VI, 204 p. (in collaboration with E. AERTS).
14. Hommes, cultures et capitaux dans les relations Italo-belges aux XIXe et XXe siècles.
Actes du colloque organisé à l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de l'Academia Belgica
sous le Haut Patronage de Sa Majesté le Roi. Rome, 20-23 novembre 1989, Rome,
Institut Historique de Rome, 1991 (in collaboration with M. DUMOULIN).
15. De bank in Europa. 25 eeuwen bankgeschiedenis, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 1991,
397 p.
1. La banque en Occident. Antwerp, Fonds Mercator, 1991, 396 p.
2. The History of Euopean Banking, Antwerp, Fonds Mercator, 1994, 397 p.
16 The Economic Development of Belgium since 1870, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 1997,
544 p. (in collaboration with J. BLOMME).
17. De Generale Bank, 1822-1997, Tielt, Lannoo, 1997, 736 p.
1. La Générale de Banque, 1822-1997, Brussel, Racine, 1997, 703 p.
2. The General Bank, 1822-1997, Tielt, Lannoo, 1997, 699 p.
18. A History of European Banking, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2000, 422 p. (in
collaboration with G. KURGAN-VAN HENTENRYK).
1. La Banque en Occident, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2000, 422 p.
2. Die Bank in Europa, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2000, 422 p.
19. Urban Achievement in Early Modern Europe. Golden Ages in Antwerp, Amsterdam
and London, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001, XIV-361 p. (in
collaboration with P. O'BRIEN, D. KEENE, M. 't HART).
20. A Century of Banking Consolidation in Europe. The History and Archives of Mergers
and Acquisitions, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001, 332 p. (in collaboration with M. POHL,
21. Cera, 1892-1998. The Power of Co-operative Solidarity, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds,
2002, 479 p.
1. Cera, 1892-1998. De kracht van coöperatieve solidariteit, Antwerp,
Mercatorfonds, 2002, 479 p.
2. Cera, 1892-1998. La force de la solidarité coöperative, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds,
2002, 479 p.
3. Cera, 1892-1998. Die Kraft der genossenschaftlichen Solidarität, Antwerp,
Mercatorfonds, 2002, 479 p.
22. Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek (National Biographical Dictionnary), Volume 16,
Brussels, Royal Academy, 2002, 907 p.; Volume 17, Brussels, Royal Academy, 2005,
916 p.
2. Chapters in Books
"L'échec de la réforme monétaire de 1407 en Flandre, vu par les marchands italiens de
Bruges", in: Studi in onore di Amintori Fanfani, Milan, 1962, Vol. 3, pp. 579-590.
"Die Wirtschaft der Stadt Lier zu Beginn des 15. Jahrhunderts. Analyse eines Zollbuchs und eines Wollinspektionregisters", in: Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Stadtgeschichte. Festschrift Professor H. Ammann, Wiesbaden, 1965, pp. 144-165.
"Some New Methodological Concepts and the Use of the Computer in Quantitative
Economic History", in: Actes du Colloque sur l'ordinateur et les Sciences Sociales,
Brussels, 1971, pp. 71-sq. (in collaboration with H. DAEMS and E. VAN
"Méthodes et techniques nouvelles en histoire économique quantitative", in: Mélanges
en l'honneur de F. Braudel. Tome II: Méthodologie de l'histoire des sciences
humaines. Toulouse, 1973, pp. 443-452 (en collaboration avec H. DAEMS et E. VAN
"Historiek en oorzaken van de overheidsinterventie" (History and Causes of State
Intervention), in: De Overheid in de gemengde economie. Elfde Vlaams Wetenschappelijk Economisch Congres, 1973, Referaten, Leuven, University Press, 1973, pp. 2949 (in collaboration with P. JANSSENS).
"Het gebruik van theoretische concepten en modellen uit de humane wetenschappen in
de geschiedenis" (The Use of Theoretical Concepts and Models from the Social
Sciences in History), in: Handelingen van het XXIXe Vlaams Filologencongres,
Antwerp, 1973, pp. 75-78.
"Real Wage Income during the Ancien Régime in the Light of Economic Growth.
Methodological and Statistical Problems", in: Proceedings of the Fourth International
Conference of Economic History, Bloomington, 1968, The Hague, Mouton, 1973, pp.
"Zastosowanie w Historii Ilosciowej Pojec i Modeli Wywodzacych sie z Nauk o
Czlowieku" (= Methods of applying Theories and Models from the Social Sciences on
Quantitative History), in: Historia i Nowoczesnosc, ed. by J. LESKIEWICZ and St.
KOWALSKA, Polska Akademia Instytut Historii), Warsaw, Academy of Sciences,
1974, pp. 43-61.
"Zarys Biezacych Badan Belgijskich w Dziedzinie Ilosciowej Historii Gospodarczej"
(Overview of Research in Progress on Quantitative Economic History in Belgium), in:
Ibid., pp. 313-316.
10. "Prijzen en Lonen als ontwikkelingsvariabelen. Een vergelijkend onderzoek tussen
Engeland en de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, 1400-1700" (Prices and Wages as Variables
in the Analysis of Development. A Comparative Study between England and the
Southern Netherlands, 1400-1700), in: Album aangeboden aan Ch. Verlinden,
Wetteren, Universa, 1975, pp. 413-447.
11. "Metodos y tecnicas neuvas en historia economica cuantitativa", in: P. LASLETT,
P. CHAUNU a.o. (eds.), El Metodo Historico: Conversaciones Internacionales sobre
Historia, Pamplona, Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, 1974, pp. 135-140.
12. "El Empleo de Conceptos y Modelos teoricos de la Ciencias Humanas en la Historia",
in: Actas de la I Jornadas de Metodologica Aplicada de las Ciencas Historicas. Vol.
3: Historia Moderna, Santiago de Compostela, 1975, pp. 709-721.
13. "Economische Theorie en Geschiedenis. Een epistemologische en methodologische
benadering" (Economic Theory and History. An Epistemological and Methodological
Approach), in: Liber Amicorum Professor Dr. G. Eyskens, Leuven, University Press,
1975, pp. 311-327.
14. "Un modèle institutionnel de croissance pour l'économie des Pays-Bas sous l'Ancien
Régime", in: Miedzy feudalizmem a kapitalizmen (Prace ofiarowane Witoldowi Kula),
Wroclaw, Zaklad Naradowy im. Ossolinskich, 1976, pp. 105-121.
15. "Beschouwingen over de Belgische muntsaneringspolitiek ten tijde van Koning
Albert" (Reflections on the Belgian Policy of Monetary Stabilization during the Reign
of King Albert), in: Actes du Colloque "Roi Albert", Brussels, National Archives,
1976, pp. 35-55.
16. "New Economic History of Europe since the Second World War", in: Frontiers of
Quantitative Economics, Vol. III, chapter 10b ed. by M.D. INTRILIGATOR, Utrecht,
North-Holland, 1976, pp. 417-428.
17. "Monetary, Credit and Banking Systems in Western Europe, 1400-1750", ch. V in:
E.E. RICH and C.H. WILSON (eds.), The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, V.
Cambridge, University Press, 1977, pp. 291-392, 653-671.
18. "De gemengde economie in historisch perspectief" (The Mixed Economy in Historical
Perspective), in: V. VAN ROMPUY, P. DE GRAUWE, T. PEETERS, K.
TAVERNIER, H. VAN DER WEE, P. VAN ROMPUY (eds.), Inleiding tot de
Economie, Leuven, University Press, 1977, pp. 77-98.
19. "De beleggingsstrategie van de "Société Générale de Belgique", 1822-1913" (The
Investment Strategy of the Société Générale de Belgique), in: Liber Amicorum
Professor Guillaume Dirckx Studia ab amicis et collegis dicata, Leuven, University
Press, 1977, pp. 227-248.
20. "Agrarian Development in the Low Countries, 1250-1800", in: M. FLINN (ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Economic History Congress, Edingburgh 1978,
Edinburgh, University Press, 1978, Vol. 1, pp. 130-136.
21. "The Agricultural Development of the Low Countries as revealed by the Tithe and
Rent Statistics, 1250-1800", Introduction, in: H. VAN DER WEE and E. VAN
CAUWENBERGHE (eds.), Productivity of Land and Agricultural Innovation in the
Low Countries, 1250-1800, Leuven, University Press, 1978, pp. 1-23.
22. "Productivity, Evolution of Rents and Farm Size in the Southern Netherlands Agriculture from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century", Chapter VII, in: H. VAN
DER WEE and E. VAN CAUWENBERGHE (eds.), Productivity of Land and
Agricultural Innovation in the Low Countries, 1250-1800, Leuven, University Press,
1978, pp. 127-161.
23. "Noord en Zuid in de Nieuwe Tijd (van ca. 1500 tot 1780). Hoofdstuk I. De overgang
van middeleeuwen naar nieuwe tijd; hoofdstuk II: Van commerciële economie naar
industriële maatschappij" (The Northern and Southern Netherlands in the Modern
Times, 1500-1780. I. The Transition from Middle Ages to Modern Times. II. From
Commercialism to Industrialism), in: J.A. BORNEWASSER, H.P.H. JANSEN, I.
Gechiedenis der Nederlanden (Winkler Prins History of the Low Countries),
Amsterdam-Brussels, Elsevier, 1977, Vol. 2, pp. 7-26, 323-331.
24. "Löhne und wirtschaftliches Wachstum.
Eine historische Analyse", in: H.
KELLENBENZ, J. SCHNEIDER and R. GOMMEL (eds.), Wirtschaftliches
Wachstum im Spiegel der Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Darmstadt, 1978, pp. 397-428.
25. "De economie van 1814 tot 1944" (The Flemish Economy from 1814 to 1944), in:
Twintig eeuwen Vlaanderen, Hasselt, Heideland, 1978, vol. 8, pp. 131-211 (in collaboration with K. VERAGHTERT).
26. "Prices and Wages as Development Variables: A Comparison between England and
the Southern Netherlands, 1400-1700", in: Acta Historiae Neerlandicae. Studies on
the History of the Netherlands, The Hague, Boston, London, Martinus Nijhoff, 1978.,
pp. 58-78.
27. "Konjunktur und Welthandel in der Südlichen Nederlanden (1538-44)", in:
Wirtschaftskräfte und Wirtschaftswege.
Festschrift für Hermann Kellenbenz.
(Beitrage zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 5), Bamberg, Klett-Cotta, 1978, vol. 2, pp. 133144.
28. "Handel in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden" (16th century Trade in the Southern
Netherlands), in: Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, Haarlem, Fibula-Van
Dishoeck, 1979, vol. 6, pp. 75-98.
29. "Geld-, krediet- en bankwezen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden in de 16de eeuw",
(Monetary, Credit and Banking Systems in the Southern Netherlands, 16th century),
in: Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, Haarlem, Fibula-Van Dishoeck, 1979,
vol. 6, pp. 99-108.
30. "The Lier livestock market and the livestock trade in the Low Countries from the 14th
to the 18th century", in: E. WESTERMANN (ed.), Internationaler Ochsenhandel
(1350-1750). Akten des 7th International Economic History Congress, Edingburgh
1978. (Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 9), Bamberg, Klett-Cotta, 1979, pp. 235254 (in collaboration with E. AERTS).
31. "L'histoire de la dette publique en Europe du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle", in: La dette
publique aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Son développement sur le plan local, régional et
national, 9e colloque international. Spa, 12-16 septembre 1978. (Collection Historique Pro Civitate, Série in 8°), Brussels, Crédit Communal, 1980, pp. 13-21.
32. "De economie als factor bij het begin van de Opstand in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden",
in: C.B. WELS (o.l.v.), Vaderlands Verleden in Veelvoud. Deel I: 16e-18e eeuw, Den
Haag, 1980, pp. 55-71.
33. "Investment Strategy of Belgian Industrial Enterprise between 1830 and 1980 and its
Influence on the Economic Development of Europe", in: Belgium and Europe: Proceedings of the International Francqui-Colloquim, Brussels, Ghent, 12-14 nov. 1981,
Brussels, Royal Academy, 1981, pp. 75-94.
34. "Lo sviluppo agricolo dei Paesi Bassi in base al gettito delli decime e delle rendite
1250-1800", in: Ommaggio a Ildebrando Imberciadori. Studi di Storia dell' Agricoltura (secoli XIII-XIX) (Studi e Ricerche della Facoltà di Economia e Commercio,
16), Bologna, Patron, 1981, pp. 201-223.
35. "World Production and Trade in Gold, Silver and Copper in the Low Countries, 14501700", in: H. KELLENBENZ (ed.), Precious Metals in the Age of Expansion
(Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte 2), Bamberg, Klett-Cotta, 1981, pp. 79-86.
36. "L'étude de l'industrialisation belge", in: L'industrie en Belgique.
d'évolution (1780-1980). Brussels, NMKN, 1981, pp. 9-11.
Deux siècles
37. "Quantitative Research in Economic History in Europe after 1945", in: R.
FREMDLING and P. O'BRIEN (eds.), Productivity in the Economies of Europe,
Bamberg, Klett-Cotta, 1983, pp. 11-29 (in collaboration with J. DELBEKE).
38. "A Contribution to the Study of Inflation in the Interwar Period", in: N.
SCHMUKLER and E. MARCUS (eds.), Inflation through the Ages: Economic, Social,
Psychological and Historical Aspects, New York, Brooklyn College Press, 1983, pp.
39. "The Charter of the Clothiers' Guild of Lier, 1275", in: Cloth and Clothing in
Medieval Europe. Essays in Memory of Professor E.M. Carus-Wilson, ed. by N.B.
HARTE and K.G. PONTING. London, Heinemann, 1983, pp. 129-150 (in collaboration with E. VAN MINGROOT).
40. "Statistiek en internationale vergelijking in het domein van de sociaal-economische
geschiedenis" (Statistics and comparative analysis in social and economic history), in:
Liber Amicorum Professor Hubert Vandenborre. Verzamelde Economische Studiën,
ed. by F. VAN WINCKEL. Leuven, Faculty ETEW, 1983, pp. 236-242.
41. "Money and Economic Interdependence between the Northern and Southern
Netherlands and the Baltic (15th-17th centuries)", in: The Interactions of Amsterdam
and Antwerp with the Baltic Region, 1400-1800, Leyden, Het Nederlandsch
Economisch-Historisch Archief, 1983, pp. 11-18.
42. "Het langzame proces van desintegratie van de Hanze", in: A. d'HAENENS (ed.), De
wereld van de Hanze, Antwerp, Mercator, 1984, pp. 405-413.
43. "Large firms in Belgium, 1892-1974: an analysis of their structure and growth", in:
D.C. COLEMAN and P. MATHIAS, (eds.), Enterprise and History: Essays in Honour
of Charles Wilson, Cambridge, University Press, 1984, pp. 199-211.
44. "Werkelijkheid en theorie. De invloed van de geschiedenis op het economisch
denken", in: Inleiding tot de Economie, V. VAN ROMPUY a.o., Leuven, University
Press, 1984 (fifth revised edition), pp. 449-553.
45. "De stedelijke economie in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en in het Prinsbisdom Luik in
de 16de en 17de eeuw", in: Luister van Spanje en de Belgische Steden, 1500-1700,
(Europalia 1985: Espana, Catalogus), vol. 1, Brussels, Crédit Communal, 1985, pp.
46. L'économie citadine dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux et dans la principauté épiscopal
de Liège au XVIe-XVIIe siècles, in: Splendeurs d'Espagne et les villes belges, 15001700 (Europalia 1985: Espana, Catalogue), vol. 1, Brussels, Crédit Communal, 1985,
pp. 107-136.
47. "De Belgische economie in de maalstroom van een halve eeuw, 1925-1985", in:
Gaston Eyskens 80: Huldecolloquium / Colloque d'hommage, Tielt, Lannoo, 1985, pp.
48. "La Historiografia en Occidente desde 1945. Una aproximacion cuantitativa a la
historia economica en Europa desde la primera Guerra Mundial", in: III Conversaciones Internacionales de Historia, Pamplona, Universidad de Navarra, 1985, pp.
375-388 (in collaboration with G. DANCET).
49. "De Belgische nationale boekhouding 1920-1985. Geschiedenis van haar berekeningsen reconstructiemethodologie", in: V. VAN ROMPUY (ed.), Actuele economische
problemen. Theorie en Politiek, Leuven, University Press, 1986, pp. 145-168 (in
collaboration with G. DANCET).
50. "De invloed van de socio-economische factoren op de ontwikkeling van de stedelijke
kunstambachten en gespecialiseerde nijverheden in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en in
het Prinsbisdom Luik: 1500-1700", in: W. FRIJHOFF en M. HIEMSTRA (eds.),
Bewogen en bewegen: de historicus in het spanningsveld tussen economie en cultuur,
Tilburg, H. Gianotten, 1986, pp. 117-133.
51. "Die Niederlande 1350-1650", in: H. KELLENBENZ (ed.), Handbuch der
europäischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Vol. 3, Bamberg, Klett-Cotta, 1986,
pp. 564-607.
52. "Economische en Fiscale Politiek. Inleiding", in: Het openbaar initiatief van de
Gemeenten in België, 1795-1940. (Acta van het 12de Internationaal Colloquium van
het Gemeentekrediet, Spa, 4-7 sept. 1987) (Historische Uitgaven, reeks in -8°, nr. 71),
Brussels, Gemeentekrediet, 1986, pp. 257-263.
53. "Die städtische Wirtschaft in den südlichen Niederlanden und im Fürstbistum
Lüttich", in: U. BESTMANN, F. IRSIGLER and J. SCHNEIDER (eds.), Hochfinanz.
Wirschaftsräume. Innovationen. Festschrift für Wolfgang von Stromer, Band II, Trier,
University Press, 1987, pp. 623-640.
54. "The Industrial Development of the Low Countries from the late Middle Ages to the
End of the Ancien Régime" (in Japanese language), in: Y. MORIMOTO (ed.), Towns
and Countrysides in Medieval Western Europe, Fukuoka, Kyushu University Press,
1987, pp. 241-272.
55. "De muntpolitiek in Brabant tijdens de late Middeleeuwen en bij de overgang naar de
Nieuwe Tijd". "Het kredietsysteem in Brabant tijdens de late Middeleeuwen en in het
begin van de Nieuwe Tijd", in: H.F.J.M. VAN DEN EEREMBEEMT (ed.), Het geld
dat zoekt zijn weg. Van Lanschot-Lectures over acht eeuwen geldwezen, bankieren en
kapitaalbeweging in de Midden-Nederlanden, 's Hertogenbosch, 1987, pp. 35-52 (in
collaboration with J. MATERNE).
56. "Or et Argent des Indes occidentales dans l'économie européenne", in: Or et Argent
des Indes occidentales dans l'économie européenne, (Europalia Spanje, 1985) (H.
VAN DER WEE, ed.), Leuven, Peeters, 1987, pp. 1-2.
57. "International Price History: Where have we been? and where are we going?", in:
DROZDOWSKI, M. (ed.), Niedzy Historia a teoria. Refleksje nad problematyka
Dziejowiwiedzy Historycznej, Warsaw, 1988, pp. 140-143.
58. "Industrial Dynamics and the Process of Urbanization and De-urbanization in the Low
Countries from the Late Middle Ages to the Eighteenth Century. A Synthesis", in:
The Rise and Decline of Urban Industries in Italy and in the Low Countries (Late
Middle Ages-Early Modern Times) (H. VAN DER WEE, ed.), Leuven, University
Press, 1988, pp. 333-407.
59. "Les niveaux des prix des céréales. Esquisse d'une analyse comparative", in: J.
MEUVRET, Le Problème des subsistances à l'époque Louis XIV. Livre Troisième, la
répartition et le commerce des céréales, Paris, FNRS, 1988, pp. 155-159.
60. "De geschiedenis van prijzen en lonen: terugblik en toekomstpespectief", in: Arbeid in
veelvoud. Huldeboek aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. J. Craeybeckx en Prof. Dr. E.
Scholliers, Brussels, University Press, 1988, pp. 252-260.
61. "Het Lierse borduurwerk in het bloeitijdperk (XVIde eeuw)", in: Lierse kant. Van
laken tot kant, Lier, Gilde Heren van Lier, 1989, pp. 21-61.
62. "Samenvatting", in: Eenheid en Scheiding van de beide Limburgen. Verslagbundel
van het op 26 mei 1989 te Alden Biesen gehouden congres bij gelegenheid van de herdenking 150 jaar beide Limburgen (Maaslandse Monografieën), Leeuwarden;
Maastricht, 1989, pp. 237-243.
63. "Economische, sociale en politieke Wetenschappen", in: Koninklijke Academie voor
Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Vijftig jaar wetenschappelijke publikaties, Brussels, 1989, pp. 75-76.
64. "Europe and the World Economy During the Inter-war Period", in: HOLTFRERICH,
C.-L. (ed.), Interactions in The World Economy. Perspectives from International
Economic History. Festschrift in honour of Wolfram Fischer, Hertfordshire, 1989, pp.
239-260 (in collaboration with E. BUYST).
65. "Monetary Policy in Belgium during and after the Second World War", in: GLATZ, F.
(ed.), Modern Age - Modern Historian. In Memoriam György Ranki (1930-1988),
Budapest, 1990, pp. 331-337.
66. "België en de nieuwe nationale en internationale economische orde in 1951-1991", in:
Een tijdsbeeld. Tentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van de zestigste verjaardag en het
veertigjarige koningsschap van Zijne Majesteit Koning Boudewijn, Paleis voor
Schone Kunsten van Brussel, 1 maart-12 mei 1991, Brussel, 1990, pp. 35-44.
67. "De gouden jaren zestig", in: ibidem, pp. 165-172.
68. "Wereldcrisis en overheidsbeleid: van Keynesianisme naar neo-liberalisme", in:
ibidem, pp. 291-300.
69. "Structural changes in European long-distance trade, and particularly in the re-export
trade from south to north, 1350-1750", in: James D. TRACY (ed.), The Rise of
Merchant Empires, Long-distance Trade in the Early Modern World 1350-1750,
Cambridge, University Press, 1990, pp. 14-33.
70. "De dominante rol van Antwerpen in de evolutie van het bank- en geldwezen", in:
Cronycken, Synopsis van lezingen naar aanleiding van de herdenking rond 400 jaar
scheiding der Nederlanden 1585-1985, Antwerpen, 1990, pp. 67-71.
71. "Preface: Some Great Debates in Economic History at the Beginning of the 1990's",
in: Proceedings of the Tenth International Economic History Congress. A-Sessions:
Debates and controversies in Economic History (Leuven, University Press, 1990), pp.
72. "Preface: Recent Doctoral Research in Economic History", in: Proceedings of the
Tenth International Economic History Congress. D-Sessions (Leuven, University
Press, 1990), pp. 9-10.
73. "Voorrede", in: M. VAN AUDENHOVE, Geschiedenis van de gemeentefinanciën in
de economische, financiële en sociale evolutie van België 1918-1985. Brussel,
Gemeentekrediet, 1990, vol. 1, pp. 7-9.
74. "Woord vooraf", in: G. DE CLERCQ (ed.), Geschiedenis van het beurswezen, 1991.
75. "Forschungen zur Geschichte des privaten Kredits. Ein methodologischer Uberblick",
in: M. NORTH (ed.), Kredit im Spätmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Europa.
Cologne, Vienna, Böhlan Verlag, 1991, pp. 215-219.
76. "Foreword", in: J. McCUSKER and C. GRAVESTEIJN, The Beginnings of Commercial and Financial Journalism. The Commodity Price Currents, Exchange Rate
Currents, and Money Currents of Early Modern Europe, Amsterdam, NEHA, 1991,
pp. 15-16.
77. "Het Europese Bankwezen tijdens de Middeleeuwen en de Nieuwe Tijd (476-1789)",
in: H. VAN DER WEE (ed.), De bank in Europa. 25 eeuwen bankgeschiedenis,
Antwerp, Mercartorfonds, 1991, pp. 71-264.
1. “La banque en Europe au moyen âge et aux temps modernes (476-1789)”, in:
H. VAN DER WEE (ed.), La Banque en Occident, Antwerp, Fonds Mercator,
1991, pp. 71-264.
2. European Banking in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (476-1789), in:
H. VAN DER WEE (ed.), A History of European Banking, Antwerp, Fonds
Mercator Paribas, 1994, pp. 71-264.
78. "The Medieval and Early Modern Origins of European Banking", in: Banchi pubblici,
banchi privati e monti di pietà nell'Europa preindustriale. Amministrazione, tecniche
operative e ruoli economici. Atti del Convegno Genova, 1-6 ottobre 1990 (Genua,
Società Ligure di Storia Patria, 1991, pp. 1157-1173). (Series: Atti della società
Ligure di storia patria. Nuova Serie, vol. XXXI, (CV)fasc. II)
79. "International Factors in the Formation of Banking Systems: Belgium", in:
R. CAMERON, V.I. BOVYKIN (eds.), International Banking, 1870-1914, New York,
Oxford University Press, 1991, pp. 113-129 (in collaboration with M. GOOSSENS).
80. "Industry and Finance in Early Modern History", in: I. BLANCHARD, A.
GOODMAN, J. NEWMAN (eds.), Essays Presented to George Hammersley to the
Occasion of his 74th Birthday, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1992, pp. 27-57 (in
collaboration with I. BLANCHARD).
81. "Aufstieg und Niedergang der städtischen Industrien in den Niederlanden im späten
Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit", in: O. PICKL (ed.), Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
zwischen den Österreichischen Niederlanden und den Österreichischen Erblanden im
18. Jahrhundert. Vorträge des Belgisch-Österreichischen Symposions vom 12./13.
März 1990 in Graz (Grazer Forschungen zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, vol.
5). Graz, Institut für Geschichte der Universität Graz, 1991, pp. 9-26.
82. "Een vergelijking van de private investeringen in Nederland en België in het
interbellum", in: J.F.E. BLAESING en H.H. VLEESENBEEK (eds.), Van Amsterdam
naar Tilburg en toch weer terug, opstellen aangeboden aan dr. Joh. de Vries, Leiden,
Antwerpen, 1992, pp. 225-234 en 267-271 (in collaboration with M. VAN
83. "Voorwoord", in: G. DE CLERCQ (ed.), Ter Beurze, Geschiedenis van de
aandelenhandel in België, 1300-1990, Antwerpen, Brugge, 1992, pp. 5-7.
84. "Preface", in: E. BUYST, An Economic History of Residential Building in Belgium
between 1890 and 1961, Leuven, 1992.
85. "Preface", in: J. BLOMME, The Economic Development of Belgian Agriculture:
1880-1890. A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis, Leuven, 1993.
86. "Preface", in: M. GOOSSENS, The Economic Development of Belgian Agriculture: a
Regional Perspective, 1812-1846, Leuven, 1993.
87. "Die Entstehung des modernen Geld- und Finanzwesens Europas in der Neuzeit", in:
G. JACHMICH (ed.), Europaïsche Bankengeschichte, Frankfurt/Main, 1993, pp. 73173 (in collaboration with H. HOUTMAN-DE SMEDT).
88. "Bankensysteme und Bankenkonzentratun von der 1850er Jahren bis 1918 - Länderkapital - Beneluxländer", in: G. JACHMICH (ed.), Europaïsche Bankengeschichte,
Frankfurt/Main, 1993, pp. 286-295 (in collaboration with H. HOUTMAN-DE
89. "Strukturwandlungen in den Bankensystemen von Ersten Weltkrieg bis 1945 - Länderkapital - Beneluxländer", in: G. JACHMICH (ed.), Europaïsche Bankengeschichte,
Frankfurt/Main, 1993, pp. 419-425 (in collaboration with H. HOUTMAN-DE
90. "Geld un Banken nach dem Zweiten Weltrkieg: Internationale Kapitalbewegungen,
Bankensysteme, grenzüberschreitende Kooperation", in: G. JACHMICH (ed.),
Europaïsche Bankengeschichte, Frankfurt/Main, 1993, pp. 561-574 (in collaboration
91. "International Economic-Historical Research in Retrospect (1960-1990)", in: Thomas
RIIS (ed.), A Special Brew ... Essays in Honour of Kristof Glamann, Odense,
University Press, 1993, pp. 91-105.
92. "De Belgische economie na de Tweede Wereldoorlog", in: De dynamiek van een
haven. Liber Amicorum aangeboden bij het emeritaat van Prof. Fernand Ridder
Suykens, 1993, pp. 413-430.
93. "Forword", in: C. SCHROEVEN, Consumer Expenditure in Interwar Belgium: the
Reconstruction of a Database (Studies in Social and Economic History, vol. 26),
Leuven, University Press, 1994, pp. 5-6.
94. "Préface", in: J. DAY, Monnaies et marchés au Moyen Age, Paris, Comité pour
l’histoire économique et financière de la France (Ministère de l’économie et du
budget), 1994, pp. VII-IX.
95. "Belgium", in: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, 1994, vol. 14, pp. 864-871 (in
collaboration with E. LAMBERTS & L. VAN MOLLE).
96. "Antwerpen als internationaler Markt im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert", in: W.
Gesellschaft, Unternehmen (Festschrift für Hans Pohl zum 60. Geburtstag), Stuttgart,
Franz Steiner Verlag, 1995, pp. 470-499 (in collaboration with J. MATERNE).
97. "Preface: La première Révolution Industrielle.", in: R. BRION and J.-L. MOREAU,
Tractebel, 1895-1995.
Métamorphoses d’un groupe industriel, Antwerp,
Mercatorfonds, 1995, pp. 7-8.
98. Dutch translation: "Voorwoord: De eerste Industriële Revolutie", in: R. BRION and
J.-L. MOREAU, Tractebel, 1895-1995. Metamorfosen van een industriële groep,
Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 1995, pp. 7-8.
99. "Postwar Research on the Social and Economic History of Medieval Europe: some
Remarks on its Results and on its Potential for the Future", in: J. HAMESSE
(ed.), Bilan et Perspectives des Etudes Médiévales en Europe (Actes du premier
congrès européen d’Etudes Médiévales, Spoleto, 27-29 Mai 1993), Louvain-la-Neuve,
FIDEM, 1995, pp. 169-180.
100. "Small Countries and Foreign Investment: the Belgian Case from the Middle Ages to
the Present", in: B. ETEMAD, J. BATOU, T. DAVID (eds.), Pour une histoire
économique et sociale internationale. Mélanges offerts à Paul Bairoch), Genève,
Editions Passé Présent, 1995, pp. 471-482.
101. "La Belgique et le nouvel ordre économique national et international", in: Ilaria ZILLI
(ed.), Fra Spazio e Tempo. Studi in onore di Luigi de Rosa, Vol. III: Il Novecento).
Napels, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1995, pp. 693-716.
102. "Ville et campagne dans l’industrie linière à Alost et dans ses environs (fin du moyen
âge - temps modernes)", in: Jean-Marie DUVOSQUEL, Erik THOEN (eds.), Peasants
and Townsmen in Medieval Europe. Studia in honorem Adriaan Verhulst, Ghent,
Centre belge d’histoire rurale, (n° 114), 1995, pp. 753-767 (in collaboration with Peter
103. "Preface", in: B. HENAU, Paul van Zeeland en het monetaire, sociaal-econoimsche
en Europese beleid van België, 1920-1960, Brussels, Royal Academy, 1995, pp. 9-10.
104. "Proto-Industrialization in South-Eastern Flanders. The Mendels Hypothesis and the
Rural Linen Industry in the “Land van Aalst” during the 18th and 19th Centuries", in:
R. LEBOUTTE (ed.), Proto-industrialisation. Recherches récentes et nouvelles
perspectives. Proto-industrialization. Recent Research and New Perspectives),
Genève, Droz, 1996, pp. 243-262 (in collaboration with Peter D’HAESELEER).
105. "The Industrial Revolution in Belgium", in: M. TEICH & R. PORTER (eds.), The
Industrial Revolution in National Context. Europe and the USA, Cambridge, 1996,
pp. 67-77.
106. "Urban Culture as a Factor of Demand in the Economic History of Late Medieval and
Early Modern Europe", in: D. MORSA (ed.), La ville et la transmission des valeurs
culturelles au bas Moyen-âge et aux Temps Modernes; (Actes du 17e Colloque
international du Crédit Communal, Spa, 16-19 mai 1994), Brussel Crédit Communal,
1996, pp. 1-16.
107. "Financiële intermediatie en economische ontwikkeling in Europa tijdens de
negentiende en twintigste eeuw. Enkele beschouwingen over de theorie van
Alexander Gershenkron", in: C.A. DAVIDS, W. FRITSCHY & L.A. VAN DER
VALK (eds.), Kapitaal, Ondernemerschap en Beleid. Studies over economie en
politiek in Nederland, Europa en Azië van 1500 tot heden. Afscheidsbundel voor
Professor Dr. P.W. Klein, Amsterdam, NEMA, 1996, pp. 303-316.
108. "Les Alpes : paradis ou enfer des voyageurs aux temps modernes?", in: M. KÖRNER
& F. WALTER (eds.), Quand la Montagne aussi a une Histoire. Mélanges offerts à
Jean-François Bergier, Berne-Frankfurt-Vienne, 1996, pp. 279-292, Editions Paul
Haupt, 1996, pp. 279-292 (in collaboration with Robert VAN HUMBEEK).
109. "1945-1995: l’economia tra crescita e transizione", in: P. BAIROCH and E.
HOBSBAWN (eds.), Storia d’Europa. Vol. 5: L’eta contemporanea, Secali XIX-XX,
Turijn, 1996, G. Einaudi, pp. 223-268 (in collaboration with Piet CLEMENT).
110. "The Belgian Economy after the Second World War", in: Jano BUZA, Tamas CSATO
& Sando GYIMESI (eds.), Challenges in Economic History. Essays in Honour of
Ivan T. Berend, Budapest, Szerkesztette, 1996, pp. 317-330.
111. "Urban Industry and Economic Growth in Flanders and Brabant during the late
Middle Ages and Early Modern Times", in: V. GIURA (ed.), Gli Insediamenti
Economici e le Loro Logiche, Rome, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1998, pp. 54-67.
112. "L’industrie textile européenne dans le long terme et la notion de continuité", in: F.
CROUZET AND F. FURET (eds.), L’Europe dans son histoire. La vision d’Alphonse
Dupront, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1998, pp. 191-212.
113. "Sociaal-economische geschiedschrijving na de Tweede Wereldoorlog: twaalf
wereldcongressen voor Economische Geschiedenis", in: J. TOLLEBEEK,
G. VERBEECK, T. VERSCHAFFEL (eds.), De lectuur van het verleden. Opstellen
over de geschiedenis van de geschiedschrijving aangeboden aan Reginald de
Schryver, Leuven, University Press, 1998, pp. 349-364.
114. "Consumptie van textiel en industriële ontwikkeling in de steden van de Nederlanden
tijdens de late middeleeuwen en nieuwe tijd: aanzet tot een werkhypothese, in":
G. DEVOS (ed.), Proeve ‘t al, ‘t is prysselyck: Verbruik in Europese steden (13de-
18de eeuwe). Liber Amicorum Raymond Van Uytven, Antwerpen, UFSIA, 1998, pp.
115. "La Belgolaise et la Banque commerciale Zaïroise, 1909-1995. Histoire de deux
banques coloniales belges et de leur transformation après l’indépendance du Congo en
1960", in: M. MERGER et D. BARJOT (eds.), Les entreprises et leurs réseaux:
hommes, capitaux, techniques et pouvoirs, XIXe-Xxe siècles. Mélanges en l’honneur
de François Caron, Paris, Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 1998,
pp. 471-485.
116. "Belgian banking in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: the Société Générale and
the Générale de Banque (1822-1997)", in: R. SYLLA, R. TILLY and G. TORTELLA
(eds.), The State, the Financial System and Economic Modernization, Cambridge,
University Press, 1999, pp. 53-74 (in collaboration with Monique VAN DER WEEVERBREYT).
117. "20ste eeuw: een economische terugblik", in: B. RAYMAEKERS en R. VAN DE
PUTTE (eds.), De mens en zijn wereld morgen. Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw,
Leuven, Universitaire Pers, 1999, pp. 13-37.
118. "Le développement d’une économie mondiale", in: H. SOLY & J. VAN DE WIELE
(eds.), Carolus, Charles Quint, 1500-1558, Ghent, Snoeck-Ducaju, 1999, pp. 69-78.
119. "De opbouw van een wereldeconomie", in: H. SOLY & J. VAN DE WIELE (eds.),
Carolus, Keizer Karel V, 1500-1558, Ghent, Snoeck-Ducaju, 1999, pp. 69-78.
120."Le commerce mondial, la finance internationale et le prince en Europe occidentale du
Moyen-âge aux Temps Modernes", in: S. CAVACIOCCHI (ed.), Poteri economici e
poteri politici, secc. XIII-XVIII (Atti delle ‘Settimane di Studi’ e altri convegni.
Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica ‘Francesco Datini’, Prato, Serie II, n° 30).
Florence, Le Monnier, 1999, pp. 712-726.
121. "Les mouvements longs dans l’économie mondiale: 1945-1990", in: Société Royale
d’Economie Politique de Belgique, n° 560, Brussels, 1999, 20 p.
122. "European Banking in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, 476-1789", in: H.
VAN DER WEE & G. KURGAN-VAN HENTENRYK (eds.), A History of European
Banking. Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2000 pp. 71-264.
123. "La Banque européenne au Moyen Âge et pendant les Temps Modernes, 476-1789",
in: H. VAN DER WEE & G. KURGAN-VAN HENTENRYK (eds.), La Banque en
Occident, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2000, pp. 71-264.
124. "Das europäische Bankwesen im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit, 476-1789", in: H.
VAN DER WEE & G. KURGAN-VAN HENTENRYK (eds.), Die Bank in Europa,
Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2000, pp. 71-264.
125.“La construction de una economia mundial en la época de Carlos V”, in: J.M.
Usunariz Garayoa, ed., Historia e Humanismo. Estudios en honor del profesor Dr. D.
Valentin Vazquez de Prada. Volume II: Historia Economica, Pamplona, EUNSA, pp.
126.”Deux siècles….Leuven, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2001, pp….
127. "La construction de una economia mundial en la época de Carlos V”, in: J.M.
Usunariz Garayoa, ed., Historia e Humanisimo. Estudios en honor del Profesor Dr. D.
Valentin Vazquez de Prada. Volume II: Historia Economica, Pamplona, EUNSA , pp.
128. "Twee eeuwen spoorwegen en economische ontwikkeling", in: B. VAN DER
HERTEN, M. VAN MEERTEN & G. VERBEURGTH (eds.), Sporen in België: 175
jaar spoorwegen, 75 jaar NMBS, Leuven, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2001, pp. 14-19.
129. "Deux siècles de chemins de fer et de développement économique", in: B. VAN DER
HERTEN, M. VAN MEERTEN & G. VERBEURGTH (eds.), Le Temps du Train:
175 ans de chemins de fer en Belgique, 75e anniversaire de la SNCB. Leuven, Presses
universitaires de Louvain, 2001, pp. 14-19.
130. "Economic History", in: N.J. SMELSER & P.B. BALTES (eds.), International
Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2001, pp.
4102-4108 (in collaboration with E. AERTS).
131. "La genesi, l'espansione, il declino della Banca di Amsterdam e il suo impatto sullo
sviluppo delle techniche finanziarie in Europa agli inizi dell' età moderna", in: L. DE
ROSA (ed.), Gli inizi della circolazione della cartamoneta e i banchi pubblici
napoletani, Naples, Istituto Banco di Napoli - Fondazione, 2002, pp. 386-400.
132. "Introduction - Epilogue", in: H. VAN DER WEE (ed.), Cera, 1892-1998. The Power
of Co-operative Solidarity, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2002, pp. 1-2 and pp. 427-431.
133. "Inleiding - Epiloog", in: H. VAN DER WEE (ed.), Cera, 1892-1998. De kracht van
coöperatieve solidariteit, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2002, pp. 1-2 and pp. 427-431.
134. "Introduction - Epilogue", in: H. VAN DER WEE (ed.), Cera, 1892-1998. La force de
la solidarité coöperative, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2002, pp. 1-2 and pp. 427-431.
135. "Einleitung - Nachwort", in: H. VAN DER WEE (ed.), Cera, 1892-1998. Die Kraft
der genossenschaftlichen Solidarität, Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 2002, pp. 1-2 and pp.
136. "Zapad v XX veke - Ekonomitsjeskij Obzor", in: V.I. BOVYKINA (ed.), Rossija I
Mir: Sbornik Statej, Moscow, Rosspen, 2001, pp. 87-105.
137. “L’occidente nel XX secolo: retrospettiva sull’economia”, in : A.M. FALCHERO, A.
GIUNTINI, G. NIGRO, L. SEGRETO, eds., La Storia e l’Economia. Miscellanea di
studi in onore di Giorgio Mori, 2 volumes, Varese, Edizione Lativa, 2003, vol. II, pp.
138. “The Western European Woollen Industries, 1500-1750”, in: D. JENKINS, ed., The
Cambridge History of Western Textiles, 2 volumes, Cambridge, University Press,
2003, vol. I, pp. 397-472, 690-697.
139. “Henri Hauser et l’histoire du capitalisme du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle”, in : S.-A.
MARIN, G.-H. SOUTOU, eds., Henri Hauser (1866-1946). Humaniste, Historien,
Républicain, Paris, PUPS, 2006, pp. 119-127.
140. “Europa’s economische kansen”, in: M. EYSKENS, ed., Welke toekomst voor welk
Europa? (Standpunt n°4), Brussels, Royal Academy, 2006, pp. 15-18.
141. “De Nederlanden op de drempel van de 17de eeuw: de erfenis van het verleden”, in: P.
JANSSENS, ed., België in de 17de eeuw. De Spaanse Nederlanden en het prinsbisdom
Luik. Deel 1: Politiek, Ghent, Snoeck, 2006, pp. 16-21.
142. “Les Pays-Bas au seuil du XVIIe siècle: l’héritage du passé”, in : P. JANSSENS, ed.,
La Belgique Espagnole et la Principauté de Liège, 1585-1715. Volume 1 : La
Politique, Brussels, La renaissance du Livre, 2006, pp. 16-21.
143.“Preface”, in : L. ARMSTRONG, I. ELBL, M.M. ELBL, eds. Money, Markets and
Trade in Late Medieval Europe. Essays in honour of John H.A. Munro, LeydenBoston, Brill, 2006, pp. 1-5.
144.“Flessibilità e crescita: la storia economica allo specchio del passato”, in: A.
MEROLA, G. MUTO, E. VALERI, M.-A.VISCEGLIA, (eds.), Storia sociale e
politica. Omaggio a Rosario Villari, Milan, Franco Angelico (Storia), 2007, pp. 626637.
145.“Het Lierse begijnhof in zijn historische context”, in: B. VAN DER WEE, SUM
Project, Restauratie en actualisering van het Begijnhof van Lier. Brussel, 2008, annex
146.“Labour in late medieval and early modern Antwerp”, in: M.L. HECKMANN, J.
RÖHRKASTEN, (eds.), Von Novgorod bis London. Studien zu Handel, Wirtschaft
und Gesellschaft im mittelalterichen Europe. Festschrift für Stuart Jenks zum 60.
Geburtstag), Göttingen, V & R-unipress, 2008, pp. 183-196.
147.“The Tenth International Conference of the Historical Sciences in Rome, 1955: its
Impact on the Social and Economic Historiography of the Twentieth Century”, in: H.
La storiografia tra passato e future. Il X Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Storiche
(Roma, 1955) cinquent’anni dopo (Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma, 21-24
settembre, 2005), Rome, Unione Internazionale degli Istituti di Archeologia, Storia e
Storia dell’Arte in Roma, 2008, pp. 111-120.
148.“Het Interbellum in België. Een sociaal-economisch tijdsbeeld”, in: P. DUJARDIN,
ed., Bozar LXXX, Brussels, Bozar Books, 2008, pp. 113-136.
149.“In Memoriam Luigi de Rosa. A Life in the service of Economic History”, in: A. DI
VITTORIO, (ed.), Luigo de Rosa e la Storia Economica, Napels, Gianni Editore,
2007, pp. 257-259.
150.“Flessibilità e crescita: la storia economica allo specchio del passato”, in: A.
MEROLA, G. MUTO, E. VALERI, M.-A.VISCEGLIA, (eds.), Storia sociale e
politica. Omaggio a Rosario Villari, Milan, Franco Angelico (Storia), 2007, pp. 626637.
151.“Het Lierse begijnhof in zijn historische context”, in: B. VAN DER WEE, SUM
Project, Restauratie en actualisering van het Begijnhof van Lier. Brussel, 2008, annex
152.“Labour in late medieval and early modern Antwerp”, in: M.L. HECKMANN, J.
RÖHRKASTEN, (eds.), Von Novgorod bis London. Studien zu Handel, Wirtschaft und
Gesellschaft im mittelalterichen Europe. Festschrift für Stuart Jenks zum 60.
Geburtstag), Göttingen, V & R-unipress, 2008, pp. 183-196.
153.”The Tenth International Conference of the Historical Sciences in Rome, 1955: its
impact on the Social and Economic Historiography of the Second Half of the
Twentieth Century”, in: H. COOLS, M. ESPADAS BURGOS, M. GRAS, M.
MATHEUS, M. MIGLIO (eds.), La storiografia tra passato e future. Il X Congresso
Internationale di Scienze Storiche (ROMA 1955) cinquent’anni dopo (Atti del
convegno internationale, Roma, 21-24 settembre, 2005), Rome, Unione
Internationazionale degli Instituti di Archeologia, Storia e Storia dell’Arte in Roma,
2008, pp. 111-120.
154.”Het Interbellum in België. Een social-economisch tijdsbeeld”, in: P. DUJARDIN
(ed.), Bozar LXXX, Brussels, Bozar Books (Paleis voor Schone Kunsten, Brussel),
2008, pp. 113-126.
155.“Introduction” (H. VAN DER WEE, ed., The International Context: Europe, America,
Africa and Asia, in: P. MATHIAS and N. TODOROV, eds., History of Humanity.
Scientific and Cultural Development. Vol. VI, The Nineteenth Century), Paris,
UNESCO Publishing, 2008, pp. 48-49.
156.“Der Antwerpener Weltmarkt als nordeuropäischer Stützpunkt der internationalen
Geschäftsaktivitäten der Welser im 16. Jahrhundert”, in:A. WESTERMANN and S.
von WELSER, eds., Neunhofer Dialog I: Einblicke in die Geschichte des
Handelshauses Welser, St. Katharinen, Scripta Mercaturae Verlag, 2009, pp. 29-40.
157.“The Monetary Policy of the Belgian Minister of Finance Camille Gutt before, during
and after the Second World War”, in: J. MORILLA, J. HERNANDEZ ANDREU, J.L.
GARCIA RUIZ y J.M. ORTIZ-VILLAJOS, eds. , Hommaje a Gabriel Tortella. Las
Claves del Desarollo Economico y Social, Madrid (Universidad de Alcala), LID
Editorial Empresarial, 2010, pp. 445-455.
158."Concluding Remarks", in: M. BARBATO, ed., Luigi De Rosa Economic Historian.
Proceedings of the International Conference, Naples, 27 May 2009, Naples,
Rubbettino Editor, 2010, pp. 211-216.
3. Articles
“Het sociaal-economisch leven te Lier in de middeleeuwen” (Social and Economic
Development of Lier in the Middle Ages), in: ‘t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks
Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 2, 2 (1952), pp. 49-59; 2, 3 (1952), pp. 124-135; 2, 4
(1952), pp. 152-165 and 3, 1 (1953), pp. 30-34.
"Het sociaal-economisch leven te Lier in de Middeleeuwen" (Social and Economic
Development of Lier in the Middle Ages), in: 't Land van Rijen, (1952-1953), 43 pp.
“Anton Bergmann als geschiedschrijver” (Anton Bergmann as Historian), in: ’t Land
van Ryen (Driemaandelijks Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 4, 4 (1954), pp. 154-159.
"Sporen van disconto te Antwerpen tijdens de XVIe eeuw" (The Origins of Discounting in Antwerp during the Sixteenth Century), in: Bijdragen voor de
Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 10 (1955), pp. 68-70.
“Lier in het economisch-historisch perspectief” (Lier in Economic and Historical
Perpspective), in: ’t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 6, 2
(1956), pp. 49-60.
"Het Lierse borduurwerk in het bloeitijdperk, XVIe eeuw" (The Embroidery Industry
of Lier at its Height in the Sixteenth Century), in: 't Land van Rijen, 7 (1957), pp. 1024 and 53-78.
"Het geld in de XVIIe en XVIIIe eeuw" (Money in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth
Centuries), in: Bijdragen voor de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 13 (1958), pp. 217224.
“Aantekeningen over oude Lierse maten” (Notes on Old Measures in Lier), in: ’t Land
van Ryen (Driemaandelijks Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 10, 2 (1960), pp. 49-63 and
10, 3-4 (1960), pp. 127-135.
“De crisissen van het Ancien Régime als spiegel voor de studie der hongersnoodcycli
in de onderontwikkelde gebieden” (The Crises of the Ancien Régime as a Mirror for
the Study of Famine Cycles in Underdeveloped Countries), in: Tijdschrift voor
Economie, 6, 4 (1961), pp. 415-436.
10. “De Amsterdamse Wisselbank” (The Amsterdam Exchange Bank), in: Historische
documentatie, 6, 2 (1962), pp. 401-404.
11. “Lier 750 jaar stad” (Lier: 750 Year Old), in: ’t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks
Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 12, 3-4 (1962), pp. 149-153.
12. “Een stad groeide uit het moeras. Bijdrage tot de oorsprongsgeschiedenis der stad
Lier” (A Town Rising from the Marshes: Contribution to the History of the Origines
of Lier), in: ’t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 12, 3-4
(1962), pp. 97-106.
13. “ ‘t Land van Ryen” in een nieuwe moderne optiek” (The Review “ ’t Land van Ryen”
seen from a new, modern point of view), in: ’t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks
Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 13, 1-2 (1963), pp. 2-5.
14. "Typologie des crises et changements de structures aux Pays-Bas, XVe-XVIe siècles",
in: Annales (Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations), 18 (1963), pp. 209-235.
15. "Rivoluzione dei Prezzi e Mutamenti sociali nel Brabante nei secoli XV e XVI", in:
Economia e Storia. Rivista Italiana di Storia Economica Soziale, (1964), pp. 413-417.
16. “Een historische wandeling. Het Lierse stadsbeeld in de 18de en 19de eeuw” (A
Historic Walk. The Urban Panorama of Lier in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth
Centuries), in: ’t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 13, 1-2
(1963), pp. 19-30 and 3-4 (1963), pp. 129-157; 14, 1-2 (1964), pp. 41-54 and 3-4
(1964), pp. 159-182; 15, 1-2 (1965), pp. 45-62 and 3-4 (1965), pp. 132-144; 16, 1-2
(1966), pp. 71-85 and 3-4 (1966), pp; 177-185; 17, 1-2 (1967), pp. 53-75 and 3-4
(1967), pp. 133-142; 18, 1-2 (1968), pp. 12-25 (in collaboration with J.
17. "De Economische betrekkingen tussen Antwerpen en de Noordelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 14e-15e en 16e eeuw" (The Economic Relations Antwerp and the Northern
Netherlands during the Fourteenth, Fifteenth Sixteenth Centuries), in: Bijdragen tot de
Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 20 (1965-1966), pp. 267-285.
18. “Antwerpse bijdrage tot de ontwikkeling van de moderne geld- en banktechniek” (The
Contribution of Antwerp to the Development of Modern Banking and Credit
Techniques), in: Tijdschrift voor Economie, 10, 4 (1965), pp. 488-500.
19. “Conjunctuur en economische groei in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 14e, 15e
en 16e eeuw” (Cychical Mouvements and Economic Growth in the Southern
Netherlands during the Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries), in:
Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaame Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en
Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren, 27, 8 (1965), pp. 3-25. With French
20. “De Lierse stadseconomie tijdens de veertiende en vooral vijftiende eeuw” (The
Urban Economy of Lier during the Fourteenth and especially Fifteenth Centuries), in:
’t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 15, 3-4 (1965), pp;
161-177 and 16, 1-2 (1966), pp. 28-37.
21. “Lier als residentiestad der 16de en 17de eeuw” (Lier, Residential Town in the
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries), in: ’t Land van Ryen (Driemaandelijks
Cultureel Liers Tijdschrift), 16, 3-4 (1966), pp. 99-104.
22. "Les archives hospitalières et l'étude de la pauvreté aux Pays-Bas du XVe au XVIIIe
siècle", in: Revue du Nord, 48 (1966), pp. 5-16.
23. "Conjoncture et croissance économique aux Pays-Bas Méridionaux. XIVe-XVIe
siècles", in: Economia e Storia. Rivista Italiana di Storia Economica e Soziale,
(1966), pp. 64-68.
24. "Voeding en dieet in het Ancien Régime", (Nourishment and Diet during the "Ancien
Regime"), in: Spieghel Historiael, 1 (1966), pp. 94-101.
25. "Conjunctuur en Economische Groei in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 14e, 15e
en 16e eeuw", in: Historische Documentatie, jg. 10 (1966), pp. 822-828.
26. "Anvers et les innovations technico-financières aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles", in:
Annales (Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations), 22 (1967), pp. 1067-1089.
27. "Das Phänomen des Wachstums und der Stagnation im Lichte der Antwerpener und
südniederländischen Wirtschaft des 16. Jahrhunderts.", in: Vierteljahrschrift für
Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 54 (1967), pp. 203-249.
28. "Die Hansestädte und Antwerpen", in: Hinterland. Vierteljahrschrift des Hafens, jg.
16 (1967), pp. 49-57.
29. "Problèmes de statistique historique", in: Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, 46
(1968), pp. 490-512.
30. "La réforme protestante dans l'optique de la conjoncture économique et sociale des
Pays-Bas méridionaux au XVIe siècle", in: Sources de l'histoire religieuse de la
Belgique. Bibliothèque de la Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, no 471, Leuven (1968),
pp. 303-315.
31. "De economie als factor bij het begin van de opstand in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden",
in: Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap, jg. 83 (1968), pp. 1532.
32. "Een dynamisch model voor de seculaire ontwikkeling van de wereldhandel en welvaart, 12de-18de eeuw" (A dynamic Model for the long-term Development of International Trade, 12th-18th centuries), in: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 89 (1969), p.
233-249 (in collaboration with T. PEETERS).
33. "International Business Finance and Monetary Policy in Western Europe, 1384-1400",
in: The Business History Review, 43 (1969), pp. 372-380.
34. "Economische ontwikkeling en industrialisatie in een primitieve economie. Het voorbeeld van Rusland" (Development and Industrialisation in a Primitive Economy. The
Case of Russia), in: Tijdschrift voor Economie, 14 (1969), pp. 587-600.
35. "Un modèle dynamique de croissance interséculaire du commerce mondial, XIeXVIIIe siècles", in: Annales (Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations), 25 (1970), pp. 100126 (in collaboration with T. PEETERS).
36. L'utilisation de l'ordinateur pour l'étude des domaines royaux aux Pays-Bas, XIIeXVIIe siècles, (summary), Moscow (1970), 11 pp. (in collaboration with E. VAN
37. "België's economische groei in structureel perspectief", in: Spiegel Historiael, jg. 5
(1970), pp. 516-524.
38. “Money and Capital as Factors of Economic Growth in the Southern Netherlands”,
1550-1650, (summary), Moscow (1970), 8 pp.
39. “Leuven en het problem van de kwalitatieve groei", in: De Maand (algemeen
tijdschrift voor culturele en sociale bezinning), 13 (juni 1970), n° 5, pp. 259-164.
40. “Rond het probleem van Leuvens toekomst", in: De Maand (algemeen tijdschrift voor
culturele en sociale bezinning), 13 (juli-augustus 1970), n° 6, pp. 355-356.
41. "The Economy as a Factor in the Revolt of the Southern Netherlands", in: Acta Historica Neerlandica, 5 (1971), pp. 52-67.
42. De ontwikkeling van de stadsekonomie in West-Europa tijdens de late middeleeuwen
en moderne tijden: enkele theoretische beschouwingen (The Development of the
Urban Economy in Western Europe during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern
Times. Some Theoretical Reflections), in: Maandschrift Economie (Tijdschrift voor
algemeen economische, bedrijfseconomische en sociale vraagstukken), 35, 12 (1971),
pp. 568-576.
43. "La mesure de la productivité sous l'Ancien Régime", in: Le Quantitatif en Histoire.
Numéro spécial de la Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie, Brussels (1972), pp. 223-227.
44. "Histoire agraire et finances publiques en Flandres du XIVe au XVIIe siècle", in:
Annales (Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations), 28 (1973), pp. 1051-1600 (in collaboration with E. VAN CAUWENBERGHE).
45. “Van Brussels laken tot Brussels porcelein. Structurele factoren in de industriële
ontwikkeling van de Nederlanden, 1100-1800” (From Brussels Cloth to Brussels
Porcelain. Structural Factors in the Industrial Development of the Low Countries,
1100-1800), in: Eigen Schoon en de Brabander (Tweemandelijks Tijdschrift van het
Koninklijk Geschied- en Oudheidkundig Genootschap van Brabant), 57, 1-2 (1974),
pp. 1-9.
46. "Perspektieven und Grenzen wirtschaftshistorischer Betrachtungsweise",
Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, 62 (1975), pp. 1-18.
47. "Structural Change and Specialisation in the Industry of the Southern Netherlands,
1100-1600", in: The Economic History Review, Sec. Ser., 28 (1975), pp. 203-221.
48. "Quantitative Economic History in Europe since the Second World War: Survey,
Evaluation and Prospects", in: Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 41 (1975) pp.
195-218 (in collaboration with P.M.P. KLEP).
49. "El empleo de conceptos y modelos teoricos de las ciencias humanas en la historia",
in: Actas de las I jornadas de metodologia aplicada de las ciencias historicas, III
Historia Moderna, Santiago de Compostella (1975), pp. 709-721.
50. "Reflections on the Development of the Urban Economy in Western Europe during the
Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times", in: Urbanism. Past and Present
(Milwaukee), Winter 1975-1976, pp. 9-15.
51. "De Methodologie van de nieuwe stadsgeschiedenis" (The Methodology of the New
Urban History), in: Studies over de Sociaal-Economische Geschiedenis van Limburg,
21 (1976), pp. 1-14.
52. "European Historical Statistics and Economic Growth", in: Explorations in Economic
History, 13 (1976), pp. 347-351.
53. "Een basisdocument voor de wordingsgeschiedenis van het gilde- en ambachtswezen
in Brabant tijdens de middeleeuwen: het Lierse "ouden gulden charter" van 1275" (=
A basic document concerning the origins of Corporatism in Brabant during the Middle
Ages: the old "Golden Charter" of Lier, 1275), in: Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis, 59,
(1976), pp. 123-144 (in collaboration with E. VAN MINGROOT).
54. "De la draperie Bruxelloise à la porcelaine de Bruxelles. Facteurs structurels dans le
développement industriel des Pays-Bas, XI au XIXe siècle", in: Banque Nationale de
Belgique, 10 (1977), pp. 3-14.
55. "De Antwerpse economie ten tijde van Rubens", (= The Antwerp Economy during
Rubens' Lifetime), in: Academische Tijdingen (Leuven), 15 (1977), pp. 6-7.
56. "Prices and Wages as Development Variables: A comparison between England and
the Southern Netherlands, 1400-1700", in: Acta Historiae Neerlandicae. Studies on
the History of the Netherlands, 10 (1978), pp. 58-78.
57. "The Belgian Economy during the Second World War and the Problem of Industrial
Collaboration", (Workshop on Quantitative Economic History. Discussion Paper
7702, Centrum voor Economische Studiën, Leuven University), Leuven (1978).
58. "The History of the Textile Industry in the Low Countries. List of Publications, 19701977", in: Textile History, 9 (1978), pp. 197-183 (in collaboration with E. AERTS).
59. "De Vlaams-Brabantse muntgeschiedenis in cijfers. Een poging tot homogenisering
van de veertiende en vijftiende-eeuwse gegevens" (= Flemish and Brabantine Quantitative Monetary History. An Attempt to homogenize Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Data)", in: Revue Belge de Numismatique, 125, (1979), pp. 59-87 (in collaboration with E. AERTS).
60. "L'économie belge au cours de la seconde guerre mondiale et le problème de la collaboration industrielle", in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 57, 2 (1979), pp.
61. "The Leuven Coin Find of 1851 and the Currency of the Burgundian Netherlands in
the middle of the 15th century. A Case Study", (Workshop on Quantitative Economic
History. Discussion Paper 8003, Centrum voor Economische Studiën, Leuven University) (1980) (in collaboration with E. AERTS).
62. "De economie als factor bij het begin van de Opstand in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden",
in: Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 83
(1969), pp. 15-32. (Reprinted in: Vaderlands Verleden in Veelvoud, I, The Hague
(1980), pp. 55-70).
63. "Het gehalte van de goudmunten in Vlaanderen en Brabant tijdens de late middeleeuwen. Moeilijkheden bij de homogenisering van de gegevens" (= The Fineness
of Golden Coins in Flanders and Brabant during the late Middle Ages. Difficulties in
the Homogenisation of Data), in: Revue Belge de Numismatique, 126 (1980), pp. 129157 (in collaboration with E. AERTS).
64. "La stratégie d'investissements des entreprises belges et son influence sur le
développement économique de l'Europe", in: Association Française des Historiens
Economistes, Bulletin no. 14, Paris (1981), pp. 1-39.
65. "The Global World View of Fernand Braudel", in: Itinerario, 5 (1981), pp. 30-36.
66. "The History of the Textile Industry in the Low Countries, Second List of Publications", in: Textile History, 12 (1981), pp. 129-140 (in collaboration with E.
67. "La stratégie d'investissement des entreprises belges et son influence sur le
développement économique de l'Europe", in: Revue internationale d'Histoire de la
Banque, 22-23 (1981), pp. 1-22.
68. "La politique d'investissements de la Société Générale de Belgique, 1822-1913", in:
Histoire, Economie et Société, 1 (1982), pp. 603-619.
69. "Technological Progress, Productivity, Growth and Employment: Old and New
Approaches", in: Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte, 24 (1983), pp. 258-272. (in
collaboration with G. DANCET and J. DELBEKE).
70. "The History of the Textile History in the Low Countries. Third List of Publications
1975-1982", in: Textile History, 14 (1983), pp. 227-232 (in collaboration with E.
71. "Het ontstaan van de gemengde economie", in: Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, 29 (1984), pp. 365-372.
72. "De industriële ontwikkeling in de Nederlanden tijdens de 17de-18de eeuw. Enkele
kritische bemerkingen naar aanleiding van het debat over de proto-industrie en poging
tot aanvulling van het synthese-model" (The Industrial Development of the Low
Countries in the 17th-18th Centuries), in: Academiae Analecta, 46 (1984), pp. 58-77.
73. "De levenscyclus van het Britse Wereldrijk vanuit het Europese continent bekeken",
in: Streven (1984), pp. 718-729.
74. "750 jaar abdij Nazareth", in: Monastieke Informatie, 107 (1986), pp. 201-210.
75. "Kan een vredeseconomie de gebroken welvaartscirkel herstellen?", in: De Gids op
Maatschappelijke Gebied, 77 (1986), pp. 257-262.
76. "Antwoord op een industriële uitdaging: de Nederlandse steden tijdens de late middeleeuwen en nieuwe tijd", in: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 100 (1987), pp. 169-184.
77. "België en de economische uitdaging van de 20e eeuw", in: Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 102 (1987), pp. 195-210.
78. "Aantekening bij Leo Noordegraafs 'Hollands Welvaren' en bij de aansluitende discussie tussen de auteur en Jan de Vries", in: Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende
de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 102 (1987), pp. 229-239.
79. "De muntpolitiek in Brabant tijdens de late Middeleeuwen en bij de overgang naar de
Nieuwe Tijd", in: Bijdragen tot de Geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland, 73
(1987), Speciaal nummer 'Bankieren in Brabant in de loop der eeuwen', o.l.v. H.F.J.M.
VAN DEN EEREMBEEMT, pp. 37-58 (in collaboration with J. MATERNE).
80. "Het kredietsysteem in Brabant tijdens de late middeleeuwen en in het begin van de
nieuwe tijd", in: Idem, 73 (1987), pp. 59-78 (in collaboration with J. MATERNE).
81. “Opkomst van een wereldstad: Handel en Nijverheid te Antwerpen van de veertiende
tot de achttiende eeuw” (Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België), 1987.
82. "A Quantitative Study of Food Consumption in the Low Countries during the
Sixteenth Century", in: The Jounal of European Economic History, jg. 17, (1988), pp.
131-159 (i.s.m. E. SCHOKKAERT).
83. "The Foreign Trade Policy of the United States, the United Kingdom and Western
Europe since the Second World War", in: Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte,
jg. 46 (1988), pp. 227-234.
84. "Naar een nieuwe economie in Hongarije?", in: Socialistische Standpunten, jg. 35,
1988, pp. 20-32.
85. "Geschiedenis van de Academia Belgica. Toespraak door Professor Herman Van der
Wee, lid van de Raad van Beheer van de Academia Belgica", in: Bulletin van het Belgisch Historisch Instituut te Rome 1990 (Special issue "Le cinquantenaire de
l'Academia Belgica 1939-1989), pp. 20-28.
86. "Het Hollandse handelskapitalisme in een marxistische kijker", in: Leidschrift, 1992,
pp. 79-87.
87. "Le développement économique des Pays-Bas du XIe au XVIIIe siècle: dynamique du
commerce international", in: Louvain, jg. 35, 1993, pp. 32-36.
88. "Urban Industrial Development in the Low Countries during the late Middle Ages and
Early Modern Times", in: Working Papers in Economic History (The Australian
National University, Canberra), 1994, n° 179, pp. 1-14.
89. "Het handelsconcept van Giovanni Arrighi", in: Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift, 29, 3
(september 1995), pp. 36-42.
90. "La Banque européenne jusqu’au XIXe siècle", in: La Jaune et la Rouge (revue
mensuelle de la société amicale des anciens élèves de l’Ecole polytechnique, Paris), n°
508 (octobre 1995), pp. 57-63.
91. "Comment (on Johan de Vries’s “Wreszynski Case”)", in: M.M.G. FASE, G.D.
FELDMAN, M. POHL (eds.), How to Write the History of a Bank), Aldershot,
Scholar Press, 1995, pp. 35-38.
92. "Continuïteit en discontinuïteit in de economische ontwikkeling van Nederland, 15001815", in: Tijdschrift voor Sociale Geschiedenis, 21(3), August 1995, pp. 273-280.
93. "In Memoriam Charles Verlinden, 1907-1996", in: Il Datini (Notiziari dell’ Istituto
Internazionale di Storia Economica F. Datini, 10, n°20 (October 1997), pp. 1-2.
94. "Preface", in: T. MYLLYNTAUS (ed.), Economic Crises and Restructuring in
History. Experiences of Small Countries. St. Katharinen (Germany), Scripta
Mercaturae Verlag, pp. V-VI.
95. "Ernest van der Hallen: een terugblik", in: Openbaar (Tijdschrift van het Katholiek
Centrum voor leesbevordering, Antwerpen), 1998, n° 3, pp. 144-147.
96. "Bedenkingen over het belang van de heemkunde", in: De Kluizenaar (tijdschrift van
de Heemkundige Kring ‘De Kluize’, Sint-Gillis-Waas), 1998, n° 10, pp. 5-8.
97. "Charles Verlinden, 1907-1996", in: The Journal of European Economic History,
1998, vol. 27, n° 3, pp. 649-650.
98. "Was the Dutch Economy during its Golden Age really modern?", in: European
Review (Academia Europaea), 1999, vol. 7, n° 4, (November 1999), pp. 461-469.
99. "The Twentieth Century: an Economic Retrospective", in: European Review
(Academia Europaea), vol. 8, n° 1, (February 2000), pp. 17-35.
100. "Benelux and the Making of Europe", in: NIAS Newsletter (Netherlands Institute for
Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Wassenaar, Netherlands),
Spring 2002, pp. 40-44.
101. “Das 20. Jahrhundert: eine wirtschaftliche Retrospektive” (Wissenschaftszentrum
Berlin für Sozialforschung. Beim Präsidenten: Discussion Paper 2005.003). Berlin,
WZB, 30 p.
102. “Scientific Research, Academic Sociability and Cultural Enjoyment: All at Once”, in:
Jahrbuch 2003-2004 (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin - Institute for Advanced Study),
2005, pp. 195-199.
103.“Jean Meuvret (1901-1971): leermeester uit een vervlogen tijd”, in: Tijdschrift voor
Geschiedenis, 119 (2006), n° 4, pp. 593-597 (in collaboration with M. VERBREYT).
104.“Oorlog en monetaire politiek. De Nationale Bank van België, de Emissiebank te
Brussel en de Belgische regering, 1939-1945”, in: Forum (Revue bancaire et
financière. Bank-en financiewezen), 70 (januari 2006), n° 1, pp. 8-10.
105."Economic History: its Past, Present and Future", in: European Review (Academia
Europaea), vol. 15, n° 1, (2007), pp. 33-45.
106.”In memoriam Francine Janssens (1945-2008)”, in: Tijdingen uit Leuven (Tijdschrift
van de Vereninging Historici Lovanienses, n° 146, januari 2009, pp. 48-49.
107.”De huidige economische wereldcrisis in een historisch perspectief” in: Hermes, jg.
13, n° 45, (March 2009), pp. 10-22.
4. Book Reviews
R. DE ROOVER, L'évolution de la lettre de change, XIVe-XVIIIe s. (Affaires et Gens
d'Affaires, 4), Paris, 1953, in: Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, 49 (1954), pp. 10141016.
H. LAPEYRE, Simon Ruiz et les "asientos" de Philippe II. (Affaires et Gens
d'Affaires, 6), Paris, 1953, in: Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiasique, 51 (1956), pp. 689-690.
H.R.C. WRIGHT, Free Trade and Protection in the Netherlands 1816-1830. A Study
of the first Benelux, Cambridge, 1955, in: The Economic History Review. Second
Series, 9 (1956-1957), p. 173.
H. LAPEYRE, Une famille de marchands: les Ruiz. (Affaires et Gens d'Affaires, 8),
Paris, 1955, in: Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, 52 (1957), pp. 568-570.
Société Générale Métallurgique 1908-1958, Brussels, 1958, in: The Economic History
Review. Second Series, 12 (1959), p. 151.
WERVEKE, Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, dl. 9, Zeist - Antwerp Brussels - Ghent - Leuven, 1956, in: The Economic History Review. Second Series, 10
(1957-1958), p. 163.
WERVEKE, Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, dl. 11, Zeist - Antwerp Brussels - Ghent - Leuven, 1956, in: The Economic History Review. Second Series,
10 (1957-1958), p. 168.
Fifty years of Increasing prosperity. A Statistical Outline, Amsterdam, (1956), in: The
Economic History Review, Second Series, 10 (1957-1958), p. 168.
WERVEKE, Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, dl. 12, Zeist - Antwerp Brussels - Ghent - Leuven, 1958, in: The Economic History Review. Second Series, 12
(1959), p. 152.
10. F.B.M. TANGELDER, Muntheer en muntmeester. Een studie over het Berghse muntprivilege in de tweede helft der zestiende eeuw, Arnhem, 1955, in: Bijdragen voor de
Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 13 (1959), p. 254.
11. H. ENNO VAN GELDER, Les plus anciens tarifs monétaires illustrés des Pays-Bas
(Centennial Volume of the American Numismatic Society), New York, 1958, in: Bijdragen voor de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 13 (1959), pp. 333-334.
12. Bijdragen tot de Prijzengeschiedenis, Leuven, 1957, in: Revue Belge de Philologie et
d'Histoire, 37 (1959), pp. 1180-1182.
13. Documenten voor de Geschiedenis van Prijzen en Lonen in Vlaanderen en Brabant
(XVe-XVIIIe eeuw). Documents pour l'histoire des prix et salaires en Flandre et en
Brabant (XVe-XVIIIe siècle). (Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Werken uitgegeven door de
Faculteit van de Letteren en de Wijsbegeerte, 125), Ghent, 1959, in: Revue Belge de
Philologie et d'Histoire, 39 (1961), pp. 942-944.
14. A. FRIIS, K. GLAMANN, A History of Prices and Wages in Denmark, 1660-1800,
London - New York - Toronto, 1958, in: Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 39
(1961), pp. 1066-1067.
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5. Scientific lectures and reports
21 January: Lecture in the London School of Economics (London) on: Antwerp in the
sixteenth century.
30 April: Lecture for the Association of Alumni of the Hoger Instituut voor Bestuurswetenschappen" at Antwerp on: Lier in economisch-historisch perspectief.
11 January: Invited by the Ecole des hautes Etudes de la Sorbonne to give a lecture in Paris
on: L'économie d'Anvers aux XVe-XVIe siècles.
13 January: Invited by the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of the University of Lille to give
a lecture in Lille on: La conjoncture sociale d'Anvers aux XVe et XVIe siècles.
27 March: Invited by the Study Group of Agricultural History to give a lecture at the
University of Utrecht on: Agrarische ontwikkeling in Brabant tijdens de XVI eeuw.
5 May: Invited by the "Hoger Instituut voor Bestuurswetenschappen" of Antwerp to give a
lecture in Antwerp on: Het Gemeentelijk Belang vroeger.
15 January: Invited by the "Leuvense Historische Kring" to give a lecture in Leuven on:
De Nederlander als mens in de XVe en XVIe eeuw.
26 April: Lecture at the XXIIth Flemish Philologists' Congress in Ghent on: De Studie van
de Antwerpse conjunctuur in het bloeitijdperk (XVe-XVIe eeuw).
23 May: Lecture for the Flemish Club in Lier on: De Europese taak in 1957.
8 January: Lecture in the "Genootschap voor Antwerpse Geschiedenis" at Antwerp on:
Antwerps muntwezen en Antwerpse metrologie tijdens het Ancien Régime.
17 May: Lecture at the 12th Dutch-Belgian Historical Congress in Wageningen
(Netherlands) on: Geld en Conjunctuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden in de 16e eeuw.
17 February: Invited by the "Koninklijke Oudstudentenbond St. Gummaruscollege" of
Lier to give a lecture on: Het schrikbeeld van de crisis.
27 February - 2 May: Invited by the "Université de Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure" to
give a series of lectures on: L'Histoire monétaire des Pays-Bas aux XIVe, XVe, XVIe et
XVIIe siècles.
23 March: Interview at the Flemish television in Brussels about De geschiedenis der stad
16 November: Lecture for the Flemish Club in Lier on: Het economisch groeiproces in de
21 October: Invited by the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Belgique to give a lecture in
Brussels on: L'histoire des prix et l'étude d'une typologie des crises d'Ancien Régime.
8 September: Lecture at the opening of the historical exhibition in Lier on the occasion of
the 750th anniversary of the foundation of the town on: Lyrana, een stedelijk-historisch portret.
9 September: Invited by the "Congres der Kempische Schrijvers" to give a lecture in Lier
on: De sociale en culturele ontwikkeling der stad Lier doorheen de eeuwen.
8 October: Talk for the Flemish television in Brussels on: Nieuwe formules voor het
organiseren van historische tentoonstellingen.
19 April: Lecture at the XXVth Flemish Filologists' Congress in Antwerp on: Trends in de
industriële en sociale ontwikkeling van Brabant en Vlaanderen van de XIVe tot de
XVIe eeuw.
26 January: Invited by the "Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van Antwerpen" to give a
lecture in Antwerp on: Enkele nieuwe aspecten over de expansie der Antwerpse
economie tijdens het bloeitijdperk.
2 September: Invited by the "Genootschap voor Antwerpse Geschiedenis" to give a lecture
in Antwerp on: Nieuwe inzichten in de Europese conjunctuur der XVe en XVI eeuw.
18 October: Invited by the "Vereniging Historici Lovanienses" to give a lecture in Leuven
on: Conjunctuur en Economische Groei in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de XVe
en XVIe eeuw.
15 December: Lecture for the Rotary Club, Lier-Herentals district, in Bouwel on: Het
Kapitalisme in 1964.
10 February: Invited by the "Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen" to give a lecture
in Middelburg (Netherlands) on: De economische betrekkingen tussen Antwerpen en
de Noordelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 14e, 15e en 16e eeuw.
11 February: Invited by the "Zeeuwsch Genootschap der Wetenschappen" to give a lecture
in Hulst (Netherlands) on: De groei van de Nederlandse haringindustrie en het
raadsel van het Zeeuwse zout tijdens de 14e, 15e en 16e eeuw.
20 March: Lecture for the "Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren
en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren" in Brussels on: Conjunctuur en
Economische Groei in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tijdens de 14e, 15e en 16e eeuw.
2 June: Invited by the Université de Paris, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, to
give a lecture in Paris on: Les archives hospitalières et l'étude de la pauvreté aux
Pays-Bas du XVe au XVIIIe siècle.
25 August: Report for the section "Instrumentalities of international trade" of the "Third
International Conference on Economic History" in München (West Germany): Anvers
et les innovations technico-financières au XVIe et XVIIe siècles.
14 December: Invited by the Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Wirtschafts- un Sozial
Geschichte to give a lecture in West Berlin on: Die Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Antwerpens vom 14. bis zum 17. Jahrhundert.
15 April: Lecture at the "Internationaal Colloquium van Religieuze Geschiedenis" in
Leuven on: De sociale en economische crisis in: de Zuidelijke Nederlanden aan de
vooravond van de Beeldenstorm.
3 October: Lecture at the "Tagung belgischer, niederländischer und deutscher Historiker"
in Spaubeek (Netherlands) on: Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung Antwerpens vor 1585.
8 December: Lecture at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Antwerp (St. Ignatius) on:
Antwerpens economie in de XVIe eeuw.
30 April - 28 May: Appointed visiting professor at the Universities of Aberdeen
(Scotland) and Edinburgh (Scotland) by the English government in order to give a first
series of lectures on monetary history and a second one on historical statistics.
20 April: Lecture at the 15th Congress of Dutch Historians on: Het geld als factor van
economische groei in de Nederlanden van de 15e tot 17e eeuw.
4 May - 10 May: Appointed visiting professor at the University of Cologne by the West
German government: a series of lectures on: Statistical methods for calculating agricultural and industrial income during the Ancien Régime.
5 July: Invited by the ORTF to be adviser of the cultural programmes on: Itinéraires
marchands dans l'ancienne Europe.
1-31 August: Invited by Harvard University to participate in an international seminar in the
Kress Library of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration (research
into the development of the financial and monetary techniques during the 16th, 17th
and 18th century).
8 October: Invited by the "Historische Sectie van het Provinciaal Genootschap van
Kunsten en Wetenschappen in Noord-Brabant" (Netherlands) to give a lecture in
Eindhoven on: Het inkomen als factor van groei in de geschiedenis.
20 February: 2 lectures in the "Centrum voor Ontwikkelingsplanning" for a group of LatinAmerican officials visiting Leuven on: L'expérience occidentale de la Révolution
26 April: Lecture for the "Centre National de Recherches de Logique" at the University of
Brussels (U.L.B.) on: Les salaires et l'histoire quantitative.
2-13 June: Invited by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR to advise on the preparation
of the Fifth International Congress of Economic History in Leningrad (1970).
22-23 November: Participation in the board meeting of the Bureau of the "International
Association of Economic History" in Warsaw, 22nd and 23th November; elected
chairman of the Commission for publications of the Association.
25-27 November: Invited by the Academy of Sciences of Poland to give a lecture in
Warsaw on: Un modèle dynamique du commerce mondial et du bien-être du XIIe au
XVIIe siècle; in Poznan and Torun a lecture on: La demande comme facteur de croissance dans l'histoire économique européenne du XIVe au XVIIe siècle.
22 January: Lecture at the University of Antwerp (St. Ignatius) on: De Industriële Revolutie in België.
10 March: Lecture at the "Verbond van Kristelijke Werkgevers" in Antwerp on: De
socialistische economie in de Sovjetunie en in de Oosteuropese landen sinds de
tweede Wereldoorlog.
7-10 October: Invited by the "Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques" of France to
participate in an International Colloquium in Lyon on: L'industrialisation en Europe
au XIXe siècle. Cartographie et Typologie (Paper on the Industrial Revolution in
26-28 October: Invited by the Institute of Economic History at the University of
Copenhagen to participate in an International Colloquium on the Sont-Toll Registers
in Copenhagen; lecture on: Methods of collecting and processing quantitative commercial data in history.
13 January: The "Postgraduate Seminar in Quantitative Economic History" of Leuven
(Director: H. Van der Wee) was invited by the "Centre d'Histoire Quantitative et de
Développement" of the University of Liège to organize in Liège a discussion seminar
on: De kwantitatieve aspecten van de Industriële Revolutie in België.
25 February: Lecture at the colloquium "Het gebruik van computers en het onderzoek in
de menswetenschappen" in Brussels on: Het gebruik van computers in de economische
26 March and 2 April: Visiting professor at the "Economische Hogeschool" in Rotterdam
and at the "Katholieke Economische Hogeschool" in Tilburg.
Lectures on: De industriële ontwikkeling in de Nederlanden van de XIIe tot de XVIIIe
23 April: Lecture in Prato (Italy) during the "Terza Settimana di Studio" of the "Istituto
Internazionale di Storia Economica Francesco Datini" (Prato) on: Productivité,
progrès technique et croissance économique en Europe du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle.
17-19 November: Organization of the section "Méthodologie" of the International Colloquium: "Economische Geschiedenis van België. Behandeling van de Bronnen en
Problematiek" in Brussels. Introduction to the final debate Economische Geschiedenis: een wetenschap met of zonder experiment? (chairman of the debate).
3 March: Directing Professor H.L. Dupriez's "Séminaire d'épistémologie économique"
(Université Catholique de Louvain), with an introductory lecture on: Problèmes
épistémologiques en histoire économique.
30 April - 3 May: Invited by the "Fondation Internationale des Sciences Humaines" to
participate in the International Colloquium in Pamplona on "Subjectividad y Contempora neidad de la Historia". Lecture on: La vérification en histoire.
7 September: Invited by the "Centrum voor de studie van land en volk in de Kempen" to
give an opening lecture on: De toestand van de nijverheid in de Kempen aan de
vooravond van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog, at the Congress in Eerzel (Netherlands) on:
Structuurwijzigingen in de industriële ontwikkeling van de Nederlanden tijdens de 16e
10-12 October: Invited by the "Deutsche historiker Gesellschaft" to participate in the 17th
colloquium of the "Hansische Arbeitsgemeinschaft" in Frankfurt-an der-Oder (GDR).
Theme: Die Progressive Rolle des Handelskapitals und ihre Grenzen, 14. bis 17. Jhr..
3-8 November: Invited by the Rockefeller Foundation to stay in the Villa Serbelloni in
Bellagio (Italy) for the preparation of the sixth International Congress on Economic
History in Copenhagen (August 1974).
16 November: Invited by the "Verbond van Kristelijke Werkgevers" to give a lecture in
Lier on: De grenzen van de economische groei: een historisch-filosofische
29 January: Interview in the television film "De Nederlandse Revolutie" broadcasted by
the Dutch Television, Hilversum, on 29th January 1973.
30-31 March: Invited by the University of Groningen to direct a series of seminars in the
department of "Kwantitatieve economische en sociale geschiedenis" (Prof. Dr. H.
Baudet) on: Historische sociometrie en econometrie.
4-7 April: Organization of an international symposium in Leuven on: Economische Groei
en Industriële Revolutie in België, 19e-20e eeuw: Contributors: 11 members of the
"Postgraduate Workshop on Quantitative Economic History" of Leuven (Director: H.
Van der Wee) and the "Groupe d'étude d'histoire quantitive et de développement"
(Director: P. Lebrun). Critical comments by Professors A. Fishlow (Berkeley), R.
Gallman (Chapel Hill, North-Carolina), W. Parker (Yale), W. Whitney, J. Mokyr
17 April: Lecture at the 29th Flemish Filologists' Congress in Antwerp on: Het gebruik van
theoretische concepten en modellen uit de humane wetenschappen in de geschiedenis.
24-27 April: Invited by the "Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Scientificas" to participate in the "Jornadas de Metodologica Aplicada de las Ciencias Historicas" in
Santiago de Compostella. Chairman of two sections. Lecture on: Perspectives et
limites de l'économie rétrospective: remarques méthodologiques.
6-24 May: Invited by the British Council to make a study tour in England and Northern
Ireland with lectures at several universities. In Oxford (All Souls College) lecture on:
Technical Progress, Productivity and Economic Growth in Western Europe, 12001800. In Nottingham (Department of Economic and Social History) lecture on the
same subject. In Cambridge (Jesus College) lecture on: Progress in Banking
Techniques during the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. In Belfast (The
Queen's University) participation in the Wiles Lectures with a discussion on: Trends
in the Economy of the Seventeenth Century. In London (London School of Economics)
lecture on: Current Research in Quantitative Economic History in Belgium.
4 June: Invited by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelmus-Universität in Bonn to give a
lecture on: Perspektiven und Grenzen Wirtschafts-historischer Betrachtungsweise.
Methodologische Bemerkungen.
9-13 July: Organization and chairman of the international Colloquium in Leuven on
Investment strategy in Private Enterprise and in the State Sector, XIX-XXth centuries:
sixteen papers by specialists from different universities in Western and Eastern
Germany, the U.S.S.R., the U.S.A. and Japan.
4-6 October: Invited by the "Association Française des Historiens Economistes" and by the
"Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique" to participate in an international
Colloquium on the history of consumption, (Paris). Chairman of the closing session.
Introduction to the debate on the general report: L'Enquête Nationale d'histoire de la
16 October: Invited by the "Seminarie voor Produktiviteitsstudie en -onderzoek". Director:
Prof. A. Vlerick (R.U.G.). Opening lecture on: De hedendaagse gemengde economie.
12-19 November: Invited by the Polish Academy of Sciences to participate in the International Colloquium in Warsaw on "Méthodes quantitatives dans les recherches
historiques". Lectures: Théorie économique et histoire quantitative and Aperçu sur les
recherches en cours en Belgique en matière d'histoire économique quantitative.
21 November: Lecture at the Katholieke Vlaamse Hogeschool Uitbreiding of the Waasland
district at Sint-Niklaas on: De grenzen van de economische groei.
14 December: Invited by the Zentralinstitut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung of the
Freie Univerität Berlin to give a lecture on: Das Wachstum der Westeuropäischen
Wirtschaft nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Arbeitskräfteangebots betrachtet.
12 March: Invited by the department of Medieval and Modern History of the University of
Ghent to direct a postgraduate seminar on: Demografie en economische groei in de
Nederlanden van de 14e tot de 17e eeuw.
5 April: Invited by the Economic History Society of Great Britain to give the "Tawney
Memorial Lecture" at the annual conference of the society in Bristol on: Structural
Changes and Specialization in the Industry of the Southern Netherlands, 1200-1600.
7-8 May: Second symposium at Liège of the interuniversity contact group Economische
Groei en Industriële Revolutie in België, 19e-20e eeuw: "Postgraduate Workshop on
Quantitative Economic History", Leuven (Director: H. Van der Wee), and "Groupe
d'étude d'histoire quantitative et de développement", Liège (Director: P. Lebrun).
19-23 August: Participation in the Sixth International Congress on Economic History in
Copenhagen. Organization of the section: "Investment Strategy in Private Enterprise
and the Economic Role of the State Sector, 19th-20th centuries" in cooperation with
Prof. N. Vinogradov (Moscow) and I. Berend (Budapest). Series of lectures on: The
Dynamics of Enterprise, 18th-20th centuries.
8-29 September: Invited by the South-African government to discuss the pro blems of
renewing the methodology of economic history at several South African Universities:
University of Southern Afrika (Pretoria), University of Pretoria, University of "die
Noorde" (Turfloop), University of Nepal (Durban), University of Wes-Kaapland
(Kaapstad) and the University of Stellenbosch.
5-13 October: Invited by the Academy of Sciences of Hungary to give a guest lecture at
the Institute of Economic History of the Academy on: Structural Changes in Westeuropean Industry during the Middle Ages and the Modern Times. Seminar at the
Faculty of Economics at Pecs on methodology in economic history. Guest lecture at
the Karl Marx University of Budapest on: The Supply of Labour as a Factor of
Growth in the Postwar European Economy, 1945-1974.
22-25 April: Invited by the Vice-chancelor of Oxford University to take part in the meeting
of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Economic History.
Presentation of the report on the activities as chairman of the Publication Commission
of the Association.
27 May: Lecture at the Colloquium "Koning Albert I, 1875-1975" in Brussels on: De
Belgische Muntsaneringspolitiek ten tijde van Koning Albert.
21-26 August: Participation in the Econometric Society Third World Congress in Toronto.
General report in the section "Econometric Studies in History" on: Quantitative
Economic History in Europe since the Second World War: Survey, Evaluation and
Prospect. Talks with the "University of Toronto Press" on the entry of the
"Universitaire Pers Leuven" into the International Association of Scholarly Publishers.
27-29 August: Invited by the International Association of Economic History during the
Fourteenth International Congress of the Historical Sciences in San Fransisco to give a
lecture on: World Production and Trade in Gold, Silver and Copper: its significance
for the Low Countries, 1450-1750.
4 September: Invited by the "Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico" to give a seminar at the "Division de Estudios Superiores" of the Faculty of Economic Sciences.
6 September: Invited by the "Culturele Raad Limburg" to give an introductory lecture on:
De nieuwe Methodologie in de Stadsgeschiedenis, at the occasion of the cultural
meeting of 1975 in Maastricht.
7 November: Lecture at the Yale University, Counsel on West-European Studies, New
Haven on: The Industrial Revolution in Belgium. Graduate Department: seminar on
the same subject.
10 November: Lecture at the Interuniversity Centre for European Studies of the
"Université du Québec et Concordia University" on: Social and Economic Historiography in Europe since World War II.
11 November: Lecture for the Postgraduate Workshop in Economic History at the University of Toronto on: World Trade and European Economic Growth from the 12th tot
the 18th Centuries.
12 November: Lecture at the Department of Economics of the University of Toronto on: A
comparative View on the Economic Development of England and the Low Countries
at the end of the Middle Ages and in the Early Modern Period.
11-14 December: Conference in New Orleans on: "Exports and Economic Growth in
History". Lecture on: An Export Model for European Economic Growth from the 12th
to the 18th Century. Critical report on the lecture The Economic Analysis of the
Growth of the American Colonies in the 17th Century.
13 February: Lecture at the Department of History, University of Maryland, Baltimore
(U.S.A.). Theme: The Social and Economic Development of Northwestern Europe
from the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth Centuries.
4 March: Lecture at the Department of Economics, Emory University, Atlanta (U.S.A.).
Theme: The Great Depression of the 1930s in Western Europe. Seminar on: Monetary
Policies in Belgium, France, Great-Britain, and Germany, between the two World
14 April: Debate at the W. Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C. on:
Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations: is there a future for Laissez-Faire? together with
Milton Friedman (Chicago), George Lodge (Harvard) and Edwin Dale (New York).
23 April: Lecture as part of a "Fulbright-Hays" program at the College of William and
Mary, Williamsburg (U.S.A.). Theme: Needs and objectives of future international
28 April: Postgraduate seminar at Temple University, Philadelphia. Theme: Monetary
policy in Europe between the two World Wars and its economic implications.
23 September: Lecture within the series "The American Condition: the Scholar's view" at
the Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C.. Theme: From Barter to Welfare State: an
Economic History of the United States.
6 October: Lecture by way of introduction to the colloquium on "International Trade" at
the W. Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C.. Theme: Trade
Policy in the West since the Second World War: from Liberalizing to Managing
World Trade. Commentators: Gottfried Haberler (American Enterprise Institute) and
Hugo Paemen (Minister for Economic Affairs, Belgian Embassy Washington D.C.).
6 November: Introductory lecture as part of a course on: Technieken van het Historisch
Onderzoek at the Centre for Brabant History, Brussels. Theme of the lecture: De
mogelijkheden tot vernieuwing van de methodo logie der plaatselijke geschiedschrijving.
22 March: Guest lectures at the Institute of History, University of Groningen. Themes: Het
ontstaan van het commercieel kapitalisme in de Nederlanden, 1100-1400; Structurele
vooruitgang en economische groei in de Nederlanden, 1400-1600.
23 March: Lecture at the Department of History, University of Leyden. Theme: Lopend
onderzoek betreffende het probleem van de structuurveranderingen in de naoorlogse
wereldeconomie van het Westen.
24 March: Guest lecture and postgraduate seminar at the Institute of Economic and Social
History, University of Nijmegen. Themes: Ontstaan, expansie en verval van
Antwerpen als handelsmetropool van het Westen, 1300-1650; De elementen van groei
in de gemengde economie van het Westen sinds de tweede wereldoorlog.
10 May: Lecture at the Department of Economic History, University of Göteborg
(Sweden). Theme: Institutional Change and Economic Growth in the Low Countries,
11 May: Postgraduate seminar and introductory lecture at the Department of Economics,
University of Lund (Sweden). Themes: "Economy and history today"; The Industrial
Structure of Belgium: 1880-1930: a Reinterpretation.
12 May: Guest college at the Department of Economics, University of Uppsala (Sweden).
Theme: The Industrial Revolution in Belgium: a New Synthesis based on Research of
the last Decade.
13 May: Postgraduate Seminar, University of Uppsala. Theme: Current Research at
Leuven on the Stability of Finance Capitalism in Belgium during the Twentieth
11-12 September: Conference at the University of Harvard. Theme: The Rise of Modern
Business Enterprise: Comparative Approach. Invited critical comment in section: The
British Experience and the French Experience.
14 September: Lecture at the University Ann Arbor (Michigan). Theme: Current research
in Leuven on the history of enterprises.
16-18 September: Fourth International Conference of the Pasold Research Fund at the
University of Manchester. Invited critical comments in the section: Development of
the cotton mill in England.
10 March: Inter-university work meeting in Leuven of the "Postgraduate Workshop on
Quantitative Economic History" of Leuven (Director: H. Van der Wee) and the Workshop "Histoire Quantitative et Développement" of Liège (Director: P. Lebrun).
Theme: Economische Groei en Industriële Revolutie in België.
11 March: Organization of the "Tweede Dag van het Lopend Historisch Onderzoek in
België" at the University of Brussels (V.U.B.). Lecture in the section Economische en
rurale geschiedenis: Ancien Régime. Theme: Agrarian Development of the Low
Countries 1250-1800.
13-19 August: On the "Seventh World Congress on Economic History" in Edinburgh in
section A3 ("Agricultural Production in the Preindustrial Societies") final general
report together with Prof. E. Le Roy Ladurie and Prof. J. Goy; in section C9 invited
paper on: The Livestock Trade of the Low Countries, 14th-18th Centuries.
8-10 September: Participation in the "Third Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary
History" in Oxford. Critical comments on the communications by D.M. Metcalf and P.
12-15 September: Organizer of the international colloquium: "De openbare schuld in de
18e en 19e eeuw. Ontwikkeling op het plaatselijke, gewestelijke en nationale vlak", in
Spa. Opening lecture: La Dette Publique aux 17e et 18e siècles (sponsored by the
"Geschiedeniscomité van het Cultureel Centrum", Gemeentekrediet van België).
25-29 September: Organizer in collaboration with the Leuven "Postgraduate Workshop on
Quantitative Economic History" of a training course Inleiding tot de kwantitatieve
onderzoeksmethoden voor historici. More than 40 lecturers and researchers from different universities of Belgium and the Netherlands attended the program.
11-13 October: Participation in the Second Dutch-French History Colloquium in Leyden
on: Histoire et sous-développement. Critical comments on the communications by F.
Mauro, B.H. Slicher van Bath and A. Van Oss on South-America and on those by M.
Cartier and L. Blussé on China and Japan.
14 October: Organizer of a national colloquium in Bruges on De Geschiedenis van de
armenzorg en van het ziekenhuiswezen in de Nederlanden, 14e-19e eeuw.
17-19 April: Chairman of the section History at the XXXII Flemish Philologists' Congress
in Leuven. Introduction paper on: De Nationale Rekeningen van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, respectievelijk België (1713-1914), followed by a debate on the
methodological problems linked with reconstruction.
19-25 April: Preparation of the Eigth World Congress on Economic History at the
"Akademie der Wissenschaften" of the D.D.R. in Neubrandenburg. Lecture on: New
Themes and New Prospects of Research in Economic History.
11-12 May: Critical comments on the communications of Prof. Pierre Vilar, Dr. Philippe
van Parijs and prof. A. De Waelhens in the "Discussion Panel" of the symposium De
theorie van de historische kennis at the History Department, University of Leuven.
10 January: Lecture at the University of York on: Reconstructing the National Accounts of
Belgium, 1715-1953: Problems of Methodology.
23 January: Lecture at the University of Exeter on: Antwerp, Amsterdam and the Financial
Revolution in Europe, 1400-1800.
24 January: Lecture at the University of Exeter on: Economic Development in England and
the Low Countries, 1400-1750: a comparative analysis.
25 January: Lecture at the University of Exeter on: Belgium, the First Industrial Nation of
the European Continent, 1750-1914.
29 January: Lecture at the University of Cambridge on: Reconstructing the National
Accounts of Belgium, 1715-1953: Problems of Methodology.
25 February: Invited by the "Katholieke Vlaamse Hogeschooluitbreiding" in Antwerp to
give a conference on: Van Pax Americana naar een nieuwe economische wereldorde.
Institutionele en structurele verschuivingen in de internationale handel.
17 May: Lecture in Leuven on the occasion of the Workshop on the United States, organized by the "Interfacultair Programma voor Amerikaanse Studies", the "VlieberghSencie Centrum" and the "Commission for Educational Exchange between the United
States, Belgium and Luxemburg" on: De Amerikaanse gemengde economie sinds de
New Deal politiek van president F.D. Roosevelt.
18 July: Report on the occasion of the meeting of the "International Workshop on Quantitative Monetary History" in Leuven on: The Leuven Long-Term Project on the
Monetary History of the Southern Low Countries, 13th-18th Centuries.
27 September: Invited by the Dutch Committee for Social-Economic History in
Amsterdam to give a paper on: De aanbod-factoren in de economische groei van het
westen sinds wereldoorlog II.
12 November: Invited by the Belgian "Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone
Kunsten" to participate in the International Francqui Colloquium "België en Europa"
in Brussels. Lecture on: The Investment Strategy of Belgian Business and its Impact
on European Economic Development, 1830-1980 (section: Law and Economics).
6 December: At the annual meeting of the "Association française des historiens
économistes" in Paris a lecture on: La stratégie d'investissement des holdings belges
entre 1830-1980 et son influence sur le développement économique de la Belgique et
de l'Europe.
17 January: Invited by the Belgian "Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone
Kunsten", to give a lecture in Brussels on: De arbeid als factor van groei in de
naoorlogse wereldeconomie van het Westen.
24-26 April: Invited by the "Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Forschung", to participate in the
International Symposium on "European Productivity, 1789-1950" in Bielefeld
(German Federal Republic). Lecture on: The State of European Quantitative
Economic History since World War II". Chairman of the section: "French, German
and Spanish Research on Productivity Trends".
22-24 May: Participation in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the International
Association of Economic History in Visegrado (Hungary).
26-29 May: Invited by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to participate in the Colloquium on Economic History in Balaton Amadi. Critical comments on the papers of V.
Zimanyi, F. Makkay and Zs. P. Pack on the history of the extensive agricultural
domains in Eastern Europe. Chairman of the session on the extensive agricultural
domains in Western Europe.
7-10 June: Invited by the Polish Academy of Sciences to participate in the colloquium
"Grands Domaines et petites exploitations, seigneurs et paysans en Europe au MoyenAge et aux Temps Modernes", in Poznan (Poland). Critical papers on the reports of
A. Wyczanski, J. Topolski, K. Kublinska.
23-24 October: Invited by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and of Harvard
University, to participate in the colloquium "Banks and Industry in the Interwar
Period" in Cambridge (Mass. U.S.A.). Panel member for the papers on Europe.
1 December: Invited by the Council of European Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington
(Indiana), to give a public lecture on "Belgian Business and the Industrialization of
Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries". Invited by the History Department of the same
University to give a postgraduate seminar on: "Changes in the Social and Economic
Structure of North-Eastern Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries".
22 January: Paper at the "Seventeenth Century Group" seminar, School of Historical
Studies, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (New Jersey). Theme: The State
and the European Economy in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century.
26 February: Invited by the Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge
(Mass. U.S.A.) to give a lecture in Prof. David Landes' "Economic History Workshop"
on: The Investment Strategy of the Belgian Mixed Banks and its Impact on the Economic Development of the World during the 19th-20th centuries.
1 March: Invited by the Department of History, Brown University, Providence (Rhode
Island), to give a lecture on: Structural Change and Industrial Development in the
Low Countries from the 12th to the 17th centuries.
2 March: Invited by the Department of Economics, Yale University, New Haven
(Connecticut), to give a seminar on: Industrialization in Czarist Russia at the End of
the 19th Century and at the Beginning of the 20th Cen tury: the Contribution of
4-6 March: Invited by the International Commission for the Application of Quantitative
Methods in History, to participate in the First International Conference on Quantitative History in Washington D.C.. Paper on: Quantitative Methods in International
Comparison of Social and Economic Phenomena.
8 March: Invited by the Department of History, Emory University, Atlanta (Georgia), to
give a guest lecture on: The Mixed Economy in the Postwar World: Its Origins, Successes and Failures.
8 June: Invited by the Department of Economics, Stanford University (California), to give
a lecture at the "Social Science History Workshop" on: Industrial Development in
Europe from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries. The Urban and Rural
Industries of the Low Countries in their Historical and European Context.
17 June: Invited by the Department of History, Berkeley University (California), to give a
lecture at "the Berkeley-Stanford Economic History Seminar" on: Belgian Industrial
and Financial Development in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries and its
Influence on the World Economy.
16-20 August: Participation in the Eight International Congress on Economic History in
Budapest (Hungary). Convener for the theme A1: Large Estates and Small Holdings.
Lords and Peasants in Europe from the Middle Ages to Modern Times. Chairman of
the sessions "The Area of Central and Eastern Europe", The Area of Western and
Southern Europe, Large Estates and Small Holdings outside of Europe: Exploration of
a European Model.
30 August: Participation in the third international conference of the "Internationale
Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis van de Noord- en Oostzeehandel" in Utrecht. Paper
on: Money and Economic Interdependence between the Northern and Southern
Netherlands and the Baltic (fifteenth-seventeenth centuries).
18 September: Lecture at the annual Korsendonkse Ontmoeting (Turnhout, Belgium).
Theme: De historicus: een brug tussen verleden, heden en toekomst. Prof. Dr. R. Van
Caenegem was invited to comment.
19 October: Invited by the Katholieke Gilde - Katholieke Vlaamse Hogeschooluitbreiding,
Waasland, to lecture in Sint-Niklaas. Theme: De wereldcrisis in het perspectief van de
6 November: Invited by the Faculty of Economic and Applied Economic Sciences, University of Kiushu, Fukuoka (Japan), to give a lecture on: Industrial Development in the
Low Countries from the Late Middle Ages to the end of the Ancien Régime.
8 November: Invited by the Association of Economic History of Kiushu to give a lecture in
Fukuoka (Japan) on: Long Waves in European Trade during the Late Middle Ages.
9 November: Invited by the Faculty of Economic and Applied Economic Sciences, University of Kiushu, Fukuoka (Japan), to give a graduate seminar on: Changes in the
Organization of World Trade since World War II.
13 November: Invited by the Association of Economic History of the universities of
Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe (Kinkigroup), to give a lecture on: Proto-industrialization in
the Low Countries during the Early Modern Period.
19 November: Invited by the Faculty of Economic and Applied Economic Sciences,
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, to give a lecture on: Proto-industrialization in the Low
Countries during the Early Modern Period.
25 November: Invited by the University of Tokyo to give a lecture on: Trends in the World
Trade of the late Middle Ages; to give a graduate seminar for the students graduating
in European social and economic history of the different universities of Tokyo on:
Research in Progress in Belgium on Social and Economic History: a Survey.
27 November: Invited by the Tokyo Association of Economic History and the Japanese
Association of Industrial History to give a lecture at Sophia University, Tokyo on: The
Industrial Revolution in Belgium and its Influence on the Economic Development of
14-16 January: Invited by the Board of Foreign Scholarships (U.S.A.) to participate in a
European-American Colloquium in Bad-Godesberg (German Federal Republic) on:
The Euro-American Cultural Exchange Systems reexamined. Lecture: Proposals for
improving the Fullbright-Program.
17-20 March: Invited by "La Maison des Sciences de l'Homme" to participate in an international colloquium in Paris on: Les mouvements longs dans l'histoire, and to give
critical comments on some of the papers presented.
20-23 May: Participation in the meeting of the Executive Committee of the International
Association of Economic History in Pavia, in preparation for the International
Congress on Economic History in Bern in August 1986. Selection of the themes for
the sections A and B as well as for the section D: (International Projects of Research).
20 September: Invited by "De Gulden Draak" in Ghent, to give a lecture on the theme:
Over Wollewevers, borduurwerkers en katoendrukkers: een Vlaamse successtory.
21 October: Invited by the "Istituto Italiana per gli studi filosofie" in Naples to give a lecture on: La Strategia d'investimento delle imprese belghe e la sua influenza sulla
sviluppo economico europeo.
24 October-5 November: Invited by the European University Institute, Florence (Italy), to
give lectures on the following themes: Inflation and Monetary Policy in Belgium in
the Twenties: its Implications on International Investment to and from Belgium; Some
Monetary and Financial Aspects of Belgian Economic Reconstruction after 1945; The
Economic Reconstruction of Western Europe 1945-1952 in International Perspective.
16 November: Participation in the "Wirtschaftshistorisches Kolloquium" of the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, Zürich (Switzerland). Lecture on: Le problème de la
dé-industrialisation urbaine dans les Pays-Bas aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles: quelques
données nouvelles sur ses origines, son déroulement et ses conséquences.
3 December: Invited by the "Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en
Schone Kunsten" of Belgium to give a lecture in Brussels on: De industriële
ontwikkeling in de Nederlanden in de Nieuwe Tijd. Enkele kritische aantekeningen.
6 February: Invited by the "Katholieke Vlaamse Hogeschooluitbreiding", Antwerp, to give
a lecture on: De gemengde economie: nog steeds een valabel alternatief.
16 February: Invited by the St.-Niklaas "Orde van den Prince" to give a lecture on: De
gemengde economie in vraag gesteld.
17 February: Interview on the B.R.T. program "Fundamenten". Theme of the program: De
Gebroken Welvaartscirkel. De Wereldeconomie 1945-1980.
28 February: Invited by the University of Leicester to give a public lec ture on: The World
Depression of the 1930s and its origins.
29 February: Invited by the Department of Economic and Social History, University of
Leicester to give a lecture and a graduate seminar on: Urban Industrial Development
in the Low Countries from the 16th to the 18th centuries.
5-7 April: Participation in the "Third International Colloquium on Historical Methodology" in Pamplona (Spain). Paper on: Economic History in Europe since World War
II. A Survey.
10 August: Speech in St.-Pauwels (Belgium) at the occasion of the 750th anniversary of
the parish. Theme: St.-Pauwels van de Romeinse Tijd tot heden: een sociaaleconomisch overzicht.
28 September-13 October: Invited by the Canadian Government to give a se ries of lectures in Canada as part of the Belgian-Canadian cultural agreement. On 29 September:
invited by Mc Gill University, Montréal, to give a lecture on: Investment Strategy of
Belgian Industrial Enterprise from 1830 to 1980 and its Influence on the Economic
Development of Europe. On 1 October a seminar on: Belgium and the Great
Depression of the Thirties. On 2 October invited by the "Department d'Histoire", University of Ottawa, to give a lecture on: La stratégie des entreprises industrielles belges
de 1830 jusqu'à 1980 et son influence sur le développement économique de l'Europe,
and a lecture on: The Long Waves in the Economic Development of Europe. On 4
October invited by the "Department of History", University of York (Ontario), to give
a lecture on: The Long Waves in the Commercial Development of Europe, 1100-1800.
On 6 October invited by the University of Toronto to give a lecture for the "Center of
Mediaeval Studies" and the "Department of Economics and History" on: Agricultural
Development in the Low Countries, thirteenth-eighteenth centuries. On 9 October,
invited by the University of Manibota, Winnipeg, to give a lecture on: The Industrial
Revolution of Belgium (1798-1914); on 10 October a lecture on: Structural Changes in
the Industrial Growth of the Low Countries, 1100-1600. On 11 and 12 October,
invited by the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, to give a seminar on: The
Development of Financial Techniques in the Low Countries, sixteenth-eighteenth
centuries and a lecture on: The Industrial Revolution of Belgium (1798-1914).
14-17 October: Organization of the Belgian-Italian Colloquium on Social-Economical
History about: Structural changes in the Urban Industries of the Southern Netherlands
and Italy from the late Middle Ages until the Beginning of the Industrial Revolution:
Comparative Analysis of the Socio-economic Aspects of Structural Change in the
Rockox hause in Antwerp. At the end of the Colloquium: a paper making the synthesis
of the contributions and discussions.
20 October: Lecture for the "Centrum voor Didactiek" of the University of Antwerp (SintIgnatius), on: De Gebroken Welvaartscirkel. De wereldeconomie 1945-1980.
26 October-7 November: Participation in the "Encontro Internacional sobre quantificaçao
na pesquisa histôrica" in Florianapolis (Brazil). Lecture on: The Historical Reconstruction of National Accounts. Some Methodological Problems.
16 November: Invited by "Economica Leuven" and the "Kontaktgroep voor Marketing
Practici" to give a paper on: Demografische verandering en haar invloed op de
24 November: Retraining lecture in Hasselt for the "Postuniversitair Centrum Limburg"
on: De Gebroken Welvaartscirkel.
27-28 November: Invited by Leuven University, Campus Kortrijk, Faculty of Law, to give
a lecture in Kortrijk on: "De gemengde economie na Wereldoorlog II", and a lecture
on: La politique d'investissement de la Société Générale de Belgique, 1822-1913.
7-12 December: Invited to take part in the "Scholarly Panel" for the evaluation of the
requested research grants for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
(The European Programme: History, Culture and Society) (Washington D.C., U.S.A.).
Lectures and seminars in Great Britain in connection with a stay as Visiting Fellow at All
Souls College in Oxford (1 January-30 June 1985):
22 January-5 March: Participation in the series of Economic-Historical Seminars at
All Souls College on: Public Policy Issues seventeenth-twentieth Centuries. This
included a seminar given by H. Van der Wee on Tuesday 19 February on:
Public Policy and the Banking Crisis of the 1930s: the Belgian Case.
22 March: Participation in the Colloquium Cities in Decline in Late Medieaval and
Early Modern England at the London "Institute of Historical Research" and
invitation to give the final paper, summarising the communications and the
debates, which followed.
9 May-13 June: Participation in the series of seminars of St.-Anthony's College on:
Themes and Speculations in Economic History. On 30 May invitation to give a
paper on: The Integration of Social into Political History.
17-21 April: Introduction to a panel discussion about: The Future of the World Economy as
seen by Those Who Study the Past, organised by Emory University, Atlanta (Georgia,
U.S.A.). Participation in the panel discussion.
23 May: In collaboration with E. SCHOKKAERT, lecture in the London School of Economics, London on: A Quantitative Study of Food Consumption in the Low Countries
During the Sixteenth Century.
22 June: Participation in the colloquium on: België: 50 jaar politieke, sociale en
economische ontwikkeling, on the occasion of the Minister of State Prof. Em. Dr. G.
Eyskens' 80th birthday. Lecture on: De Belgische economie in de maalstroom van een
halve eeuw, 1925-1975.
6 September: On the occassion of the commemorization of Antwerpen en de Scheiding der
Nederlanden 1585-1985, a lecture in Antwerp on: De rol van Antwerpen in de
ontwikkeling van het bank- en geldwezen.
29-31 August: Participation in the 16th World Congress on Historical Sciences in Stuttgart
(German Federal Republic): section "Comité International d'histoire de la deuxième
guerre mondiale". Paper on: La Belgique et le financement de la seconde guerre
25-27 September: Participation in the "10. Wissenschaftliches Symposium der Gesellschaft
für Unternehmengeschichte", in Lüneburg (German Federal Republic). Paper on:
Wirtschaftspolitische Massnahmen, Grossbritanniens, Frankreiches, der U.S.A. und
Japans von 1945 bis zur Gegenwart.
30 September: Public Lecture on the occasion of the opening of the academic year 19851986 of the "Katholieke Vlaamse Handelshogeschool", Antwerp, on: De ontwikkeling
van de Belgische Economie tijdens de 20ste eeuw.
12 October: Invited by the Bruges Eekhout Centre to give a lecture at Leuven University,
Campus Kortrijk, on: De Gebroken Welvaartscirkel. De Wereldeconomie 1945-1980.
19 October: Chairman of the Section Conjuncturen en Structuren of the "Dag van de
Nieuwste Geschiedenis 1985" organised by the "Belgian Association of Contemporary
History" in Leuven.
28 October: On the occasion of Europalia, Spain 1985, Chairman of the colloquium Goud
en zilver uit Indië in de Europese Economie, Brussels.
12 November: Invited by the Association "Aktueel Denken en Leven", Ostend, to give a
lecture on: De Gebroken Welvaartscirkel.
12 December: Seminar at the Centre for Economic Studies, Leuven, on: De Reconstructie
van de Nationale Rekeningen van België, 1920-1955. Eerste resultaten.
4 February: Invited by the "Rheinische Friederich-Wilhelm Universität", Bonn, to give a
lecture on: Der Gebremste Wohlstand. Wiederaufbau, Wachstum, Strukturwandel,
11 February: Invited by the Carlsberg Foundation and the Danish Research Council for the
Humanities to take part in the "Conference on Technology and Technological
Innovation". Paper on: Technological Innovation in the West since World War II: a
Bird's Eye View.
19 February: Invited by the University of Geneva to give a lecture on: Les économiés
mixtes en Occident depuis la seconde guerre mondiale: origines, évolution, perspectives.
7 March: Invited by the Center for Urban History, University of Leicester, to give a lecture
on: Urban Development in the Low Countries in the Early Modern Period.
26 March: Invited by the "Liers Genootschap voor Geschiedenis", Lier, to give a lecture
on: 750 jaar Abdij van Nazareth" at the occasion of the opening of an exhibition with
the same title.
16 April: Invited by the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University Noord-Brabant,
Tilburg, to give a lecture on: De gemengde economie in historisch perspectief.
18 April: Participation in the symposium "30 jaar Centrum voor Economische Studiën".
Paper on: De Belgische Nationale Boekhouding, 1920-1985. Geschiedenis van haar
berekenings- en reconstructiemethodologie (in cooperation with Geert Dancet).
26 May: Invited by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to give a lecture on: The Use of
Models in History. Presentation of some Case-studies in Economic History.
29 May: Invited by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to participate in a colloquium on:
The European Economic History of the late Middle Ages and Modern Times. Paper
on: The Industrial Development in the Low Countries from the late Middle Ages to the
end of the Ancien Régime.
30 May: Invited by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, History Department, to give a
lecture on: The European Economy since World War II.
11 July: Invited by the City Council of St.-Niklaas to give a public lecture on the theme:
Vlaanderen in het perspectief van de gemengde economie: verleden, heden, toekomst.
24-29 August: Papers and reports at the occasion of the Ninth International Congress on
Economic History in Bern. In the section "Villes en déclin: réactions économiques et
effets sociaux à la fin du Moyen-Age et au début des temps modernes", report on:
Urban Industrial Decline in the Low Countries during the Early Modern Period. In
the section: "International Price History. The Next Generation", paper on:
International Price History: Where have we been? And where are we going?. In the
section "International Banking and Industrial Finance, 1870-1914", paper on:
International Factors in the Formation of Banking Systems: Belgium, 1870-1910 (in
cooperation with M. Goossens).
16 September: Invited by the Institute for Advanced Study, The Department of Economics,
The Department of History, West European Studies and the Economic History
Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington (Indiana), to give a public lecture on:
Technological Innovation in the West since World War II: A Bird's Eye View.
18 September: Invited by the Indiana University Economic History Workshop,
Bloomington (Indiana), to give a paper on: Industrial Development in the Low Countries from the late Middle Ages through the Early Modern Era.
19 September: Invited by the Department of Economics, Indiana University, Bloomington
(Indiana) to give a paper on: Financial Innovation in the Low Countries in the Early
Modern Period.
22 September: Invited by the Department of Economics, University of Illinois in Urbana
(Illinois), to give a paper on: Research on Economic History at the Belgian Universities.
23 September: Invited by the Department of Economics, University of Notre Dame, in
Notre Dame (Indiana), to give a paper on: Technical Innovation in the West since
Wold War II: A Bird's Eye View.
27 September: Invited by the American Economic History Association to give a paper at
Hartford (Connecticut) during its annual congress on the 26-28 September. Section:
Postwar Technological Innovations in the West. Paper on: Technological Innovations
in the West since World War II: A Bird's Eye View.
2 October: Invited by The European History Workshop, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, to give a paper on: Declining Cities and Proto-Industrialization in Early
Modern Times.
6 October: Invited by the Department of History, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore
(Pennsylvania) to give a lecture on: The Industrial Development of North-Western
7 October: Invited by the Department of History, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
to give a lecture on: The World Economy, 1945-1980.
17 October: At the occasion of the Annual Meeting of the "Dutch Historical Association",
invited to give a paper on: België en de economische uitdaging van de twintigste eeuw.
10 December: Estimation of a Complete Demand System with 16th Century Data . Paper
presented by E. Schokkaert and commented by H. Van der Wee, at Louvain-la-Neuve,
at the invitation of the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics.
15-16 December: Chairman of the Annual Meeting of the Advisory Council of the West
European Program (European Institute) at the Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars in Washington, D.C.: selection of the "fellows" and "guest scholars" for
the academic year 1987-1988.
21 January: Invited by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam to give the opening lecture in
the framework of the nomination to the Tinbergen chair. Theme: De industriële
ontwikkeling in de Nederlanden tijdens de 17de-18de eeuw. Enkele kritische
bemerkingen naar aanleiding van het debat over de proto-industrie en poging tot aanvulling van het synthesemodel.
10-12 February: Invited by the European University Institute, Florence, to give two lectures as part of the seminars on "Challenge and Response in Western Europe".
Themes: The Mixed Economy in the Postwar Period and The Harmonization and Integration of Commercial and Monetary Policies in the Postwar Period.
19 February-9 April: Lectures and Seminars at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam in the
framework of the Tinbergen-chair . On February 19 opening lecture on: De
economische achtergronden en oorzaken van de crisis van de jaren dertig en die van
de jaren tachtig. On March 5 and 19 and April 2 and 9 chairing the seminars on the
social, financial, industrial and psychological aspects of the two crises (introduced by
resp. Mrs. Dr. L.A. VAN DER VALK, Dr. J.C. VISSER, Prof. Dr. R. GRIFFITHS,
Prof. Dr. J. OERLEMANS and Prof. Dr. J. BLOCKMANS).
19 March: Invited by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam to give a paper in the Workshop "History and Social Sciences". Theme: Geschiedenis en Economie.
24 March: Invited by the University Noord-Brabant, Tilburg, to give a paper as part of the
"Van Lanschot Lectures" on: Bankieren in Brabant in de loop der eeuwen. Theme of
the paper: Muntpolitiek en inheems krediet systeem bij de overgang van de
Middeleeuwen naar de Nieuwe Tijd.
27 March: Co-organizer with Prof. K. Lenaerts of the International Colloquium "Two
hundred years of U.S. Constitution and thirty years of E.E.C. Treaty" at Leuven
University, Leuven. Chairman of the section: The American and European Political
Models of Federalism.
5 April: Invited at the occasion of the Economic History Society Annual Conference in
Belfast to give the Tawney Memorial Lecture. Theme: The Development of European
Banking in Medieval and Early Modern Times.
3 and 10 April: Invited by the Department of Sociology, Erasmus University, Rotterdam to
give two lectures on: The Mixed Economy: its History and its Future and The Integration of Commercial and Monetary Policies in the World-Economy of the Postwar
27 April: Organizer of the annual Interuniversity Colloquium on the reconstruction of the
National Accounts of Belgium (Postgraduate Workshop on Quantitative Economic
History, Leuven, and "Groupe d'Etude d'Histoire Quantitative et de Développement",
Liège). (Critical comments by P. O'Brien and R. Fremdling). Introductive remarks.
23 May: Invited by the Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone
Kunsten van België to give a public lecture at the Townhall of Antwerp, during the
General Assembly session of the Academy. Theme: Opkomst van een Wereldstad:
Handel en Nijverheid te Antwerpen van de veertiende tot de achttiende eeuw.
30 May-3 June: Organizer of the annual meeting of the Executive Committee of the
International Association of Economic History, Toledo (Spain): selection of the
themes A and B, preliminary discussion of the proposals for the themes C and D.
21-24 June: Invited by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. to participate in the
International Conference Les idées de la paix dans l'histoire et à l'époque contemporaine. Paper: Peace in an Economic-historical Perspective.
13-19 September: Invited by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for visiting various
universities and academic institutions. Lecture at the East Central European Research
Institute of the Karl Marx University, Budapest, on Monday September 14 on the
theme: Belgian Investment in Hungary during the Interwar Period. Lecture at the
Historical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, on Tuesday
September 15 on the theme: Structural Changes in European Long-Distance Trade,
and particularly in the Re-export Trade from South to North, 1350-1750.
9-11 October: Participation in the Congress 'The Rise of Merchant Empires: changing
patterns of long-distance trade, 1350-1750', organized by the Center for Early Modern
History of the University of Minnesota. Presentation of a paper on: Structural changes
in European Long-Distance Trade, and particularly the Re-export Trade from South
to North, 1350-1750.
19-20 October: Invited by the Department of Economics at of the University of Lisbon
(Portugal) to give a lecture on The Economic Development of Belgium in the 19th and
20th centuries and Seminar on: Current Research on Economic History in Belgium
and in particular at the Leuven Workshop on Quantitative Economic History.
22-24 October: Participation in the Congress El paesaggio agrario Europeo dalla fine del
Mediaevo alla erà contemporanea, organized by the Istituto Alcidi Cervi (Cesena,
Italy). Chairman of the Session on Switzerland and the Low Countries.
23-25 November: Chairman of the Colloquium China and the West, organized by the
Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België.
11-13 December: Chairman of the Annual Meeting of the Advisory Council of the West
European Program (European Institute) at the Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars in Washington, D.C.: selection of the "fellows" and "guest scholars" for
the academic year 1988-1989.
15 February: Invited by the "Institut d'Histoire" of the "Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne",
to give a lecture on the theme: L'Angleterre et le déclin économique d'Anvers à la fin
du XVIème siècle.
16 February: Invited by the Belgian christian-democrat Unions's movement to give a
lecture in the framework of the seminar-series "Neo-Liberalism and Unionism".
Theme: Upheaval and Prosperity. The World Economy 1945-1980.
18 February: Invited by the "Institut d'Histoire" of the "Université de Bordeaux III", to
give a lecture on the theme: Les Pays-Bas et la restauration de l'économie anglaise au
XVIIème siècle.
27 February: Participation at the Colloquium "Government and Economics", organised by
the History Department of the UFSIA (Antwerp). President of the closing debate.
17 March: Invited by the Association pour la sauvegarde et l'exploitation des archives
industrielles belges", to give a lecture on the theme: Les archives industrielles: une
source pour la recherche scientifique en micro- et macro-économie.
19-23 April: Participation at the Colloquium "Metodi, risultati, e prospettive della storia
economica secc. XIII-XVIII", organised by the Istituto Internazionale di storia economica "Francesco Datini" (Prato, Italië). Organiser and President of Session IV
"Processi di urbanizazione".
6-7 May: Invited by the Free University of Berlin to participate at the International Colloquium in honor of the sixtieth birthday of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Fischer. On May 7, lecture on the theme: Europe and the World Economy during the Interwar Period (in
cooperation with E. BUYST).
10 May: Invited by the Justus Liebig University of Giessen, to give a lecture on the theme:
Technologische Innovationen in der westlichen Welt seit 1945.
20-27 May: Organizing, in the function of president of the "Wilson Center European
Alumni Association", an international colloquium on the theme: The European Question: How might the post-Yalta Division of the Continent be Reduced or Overcome?
(Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia). Openingsspeech on Saturday May 20th.
8-9 June: Invited by the "Institute of Czechoslovak and World History" of the
Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences. On June 8 lecture on the theme: Research on
Economic History at the Belgian Universities and at Leuven University in particular.
On June 9 lecture on the theme: The Tenth International Conference on Economic
History (Louvain, August 1990): Themes and Organization.
17-18 June: Invited by the "Association Portugaise d'Histoire Economique et Sociale".
Participation in the Colloquium "L'histoire comme façon de penser dans les sciences
sociales et humaines" at Lisbon, in honor of Professor em. Magellaes Godinho,
Chairman of the sessions of June 18.
30 August: Invited by the History Department of the University of Santiago de
Compostella to participate at the Colloquium "The Urbanization of Western Europe".
Lecture on the theme: The Urban Economy of the Low Countries in the Early Modern
6-8 September: Participation in the Colloquium "Rise and Growth of Medieval Towns in
the Southern Netherlands", organised by Gemeentekrediet of Belgium (Spa). President
of the third Section.
29 October - 17 November: Visit of the Republic of China in the framework of the program on scientific exchanges between The National Foundation of Scientific Research
of Belgium and the Chinese Academy for Social Sciences. Invited to give lectures and
seminars and to discuss the ways of increasing and imposing scientific exchanges
between the two countries:
Beijing, 1 November: Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics (Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences), General meeting: The World Economy, 19451988.
Beijing, 2 November: Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics (Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences), Division of Systems Analysis. Seminar: The
Reconstruction of the National Accounts of Belgium, 1715-1988: Problems of
Methodology and Interpretation.
Beijing, 3 November: Institute of Finance and Trade Economics (Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences), Research Division of Costs and Prices. Lecture: Inflation
and Monetary Policy in Europe since World War II.
Beijing, 4 November: Beijing University, Department of Economics. Lecture: The
Belgian Economy, 1830-1980.
Beijing, 5 November: Institute of the West-European Economies (Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences). Lecture: The Mixed Economies of Western Europe since
World War II.
Beijing, 7 November: The Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences. Lecture: The Internationalisation of the European Economy since
World War II.
Chengdu, 9 November: Institute of Economics (Sichuan Academy of Social
Sciences"). Discussion: The Economic Reforms in Hungary, Yugoslavia and the
Sovjet Union during the nineteen eighties.
Shanghai, 11 November: Institute of the World Economy, (Shanghai Academy of
Social Sciences), Division: the Common Market Countries. Lecture: The European Economic Community: its History and its Future.
Shanghai, 12 November: Shanghai Institute of International Economic Management,
(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics). Seminar: From Bretton
Woods to the Present Managed Floating System.
Shanghai, 14 November: Institute of National Economy Research (Shanghai
Academy of Social Sciences), Econometrics and Statistics Research Department: The Reconstruction of the National Accounts of Belgium, 1795-1953: A
Research Program and its Methodological Problems.
30 November: Invited by the History Department of the University of Utrecht (PosthumusCentre, Netherlands), to participate in the symposium "SocioEconomic Historical
Research in Belgium". Presentation of the Research project The National Accounts of
Belgium, 1890-1953 (in cooperation with P. SOLAR).
14-16 December: Chairman of the Annual Meeting of the Advisory Council of the West
European Program (European Institute) at the Woodrow Wilson International Center
for Scholars in Washington, D.C.: selection of the "fellows" and "guest scholars" for
the academic year 1987-1988.
2 February-14 February: Invited by the University of Cambridge to give the Ellen
Mc.Arthur Lectures on Economic History on the theme: Economic and Social Development before the Industrial Revolution: the Low Countries, 1000-1750:
2 February: Lecture on the theme: Agriculture in an Urban Environment.
7 February: Lecture on the theme: The Dynamics of International Trade
9 February: Lecture on the theme: The three Industrial Life-cycles of the Low Countries.
14 February: Lecture on the theme: International Banking: a new Take-off.
10 February: Invited by the London School of Economics and the Institute of Historical
Research of the University of London to give a lecture on the theme: Industrial Development in the Low Countries in the late Middle Ages and the early Modern Times.
20-21 March: Invited by the Economics Department of the University of Venise.
20 March: Lecture on the theme: An Overview of the European Mixed Economy
since World War II.
21 March: Lecture on the theme: The Post- War Economic Development of Europe
in an Historical Perspective.
3 April: Invited by the "Postdoctoraal Centrum voor opleiding en onderzoek in de
Economische en Sociale Geschiedenis na de Middeleeuwen" of the University of
Utrecht: Lecture on the theme: Ontwikkeling van de problematiek der economisch-historische wereldcongressen.
25 May: Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Academia Belgica of Rome. Keynote
speech at the official celebration-session in the Royal Academy of Belgium, Brussels.
Theme: The Academia Belgica in Historical Perspective.
26 May: Invited by the Council of the province of Limburg to present at the closing session of the colloquium 150 jaar Limburg: Eenheid en Scheiding at Alden Biesen,
Limburg, (Belgium), a synthesis and critical assessment of the papers presented at the
20 June-2 July: Invited by the International School for the History of Banking and Finance
at the University of Siena, to participate as commentator at the Workshop on: The
History of Banking in the XIXth and XXth Centuries.
22 June: Lecture on Central and Commercial Banking in XIX Century Belgium.
11-15 July: Invited as Chairman of the Class of Arts of the Royal Academy of Belgium by
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest). Purpose of the visit: draft of a
cooperation agreement between the two academies (Agreement signed in Brussels in
July 1990).
28-29 September: Co-organizer and Chairman of the International Colloquium Economic
Growth in Small Countries, organized at the Center for Economic Studies, Leuven, by
the Leuven Workshop on Quantitative Economic History.
20 November: Keynote speech at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the
Academia Belgica of Rome in the conference hall of the Academia in Rome, in the
presence of the King and Queen of Belgium and of the President of the Italian
Republic. Theme: Past, Present and Future of the Academia Belgica.
10 January: Invited by "Den Crans van Aloude Schuttersgilden" (Antwerp) for a conference at the "Generale Bank" Antwerp, on the theme: De dominante rol van Antwerpen
in de evolutie van het bank- en geldwezen.
5 March: Invited by the Studiecentrum voor het Financiewezen, Antwerp to give a lecture
on the theme: Antwerps financiële revolutie in de Gouden Eeuw: een nieuwe visie op
de ontwikkeling van het moderne Europese bankwezen.
12-13 March: Invited by the Department of Social and Economic History of the University
of Graz to participate at the Belgisch-Osterreichisches Historiker-Symposion at Graz
on the theme: Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Oesterreichischen Niederlanden
und den Oesterreichischen Erblanden im 18. Jahrhundert. Paper on 12 March, on the
theme: Die industrielle Entwicklung der Niederlande vom Ende des Mittelalters bis
zum Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts. Chairman of the session of 13 March and of the
closing session.
4 April: Invited by the University of Leyden to comment and teach at the Erasmus Intensive Course Programme organized in the University of Leyden (Netherlands). Theme
of the course: European Metropolis and Capitals 1500-1850. Theme of the lecture:
The Commercial Metropolis: the Case of Antwerp.
22-24 April: Invited to participate at the Salzau-Kolloquium (Germany) on the theme:
Kredit in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit. Paper on 24 April on the theme: Current Research on "Credit in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe" and Prospects
for future Research.
31 April-3 May: Invited at the Settemana di Studi of the Istituto Internazionale di Storia
Economica Francesco Datini, Prato (Italy) on the theme: "L'imprenditore".
1 May: Chairman of the session "The Costs of Production": presentation of an introducing paper.
2-6 October: Invited at the international conference "Banchi pubblici, Banchi privati e
monti di pietà nell' Europa preindustriale. Amministrazione, tecniche operative e ruoli
economici" (Genoa, Italy).
5 October: President of the sessions on banking in France, Germany and the Low
6 October: Paper on the theme: The Origins of Modern Banking and its Growth to a
European Financial System during the Early Modern Times and the Beginning
of the Industrial Revolution.
12 October: Invited by the European Assocation for Banking History to participate at the
Drittes Internationales Symposium des Instituts für bankhistorische Forschung held in
Paris on the theme: Banking Yesterday and Tomorrow: The Origins of Modern
Banking and its Growth to a European Financial System before World War I. Member
of the discussion panel during the afternoon session.
18 December: Invited by the Annual Meeting of the Association Ekonomika-senioren in
Brussels to give a lecture at their monthly meeting on the theme: De schuldencrisis in
de Derde Wereld in de jaren tachtig.
27 January: Invited by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
(Washington, D.C.) to be a member of the discussion-panel during the Colloquium
Western and Eastern Europe since World War II, (comment on Prof. Gales Stokes'
paper on the theme: Economic Recovery in Western Europe after 1945 and Economic
Recovery in Eastern Europe after 1989: a comparative view.
28 January: Chairman of the Annual Meeting of the (Woodrow Wilson International
Center for Scholars) Advisory Council of the West-European Program (Washington,
D.C.): preparation of the program for the academic year 1991-1992.
8 February: Chairman of the Colloquium Privatization in Central Europe: the European
Horizon organized by the Leuven Institute for Central and East European Studies
18 April: Invited by the Economic History Workshop of Indiana University, Bloomington,
(Indiana U.S.A.) to give a paper on the theme: Economic development in the Low
Countries from the 11th to the 18th century: the dynamics of international trade.
11 May: Invited by the Television Network of Japan to be a member of a panel discussion
on the theme: The World Economy and Japan through the Perspective of Economic
History in Osaka (Japan), broadcasted by the Japanese television. Introductory paper
on the theme: The Mixed Economy in Europe since World War II.
13 November: Invited by the Department of History and Civilization at the European
University Institute in Florence (Italy) to give a paper at the Graduate Seminar on the
Social and Economic History of the Early Modern Times. Theme of the paper: Les
grands ports du Nord de l'Europe.
15-22 November: Invited by the Department of Social and Economic History of the University of Odense (Denmark) to participate as a commentator at the Sjandberg
Graduate Seminar on the history of banking and finance (Sjandberg, Odense University, Denmark). Invited also to give on 19 November a lecture on the theme: The
Development of Financial Techniques in the Low Countries: XVI-XVIIth Centuries.
7-12 January: Co-organizer of the Workshop on Banking, Currency and Finance, in
Fondazione Levi, Venice (Italy), sponsored by the European Science Foundation.
Research topic of the network: the Economic History of Europe between the Wars.
Presentation of two papers: Private International Capital Flows in the Interwar
Period: a Comment and Banking Crises in the Interwar Period: a Comment.
5 February: Invited by the Université de Genève, History Department, to give a lecture on
the theme: L'économie belge entre les deux guerres mondiales at the Seminar of
Social and Economic History (Modern Times).
9 February-13 February: Invited by the Royal Academy of Sweden to give a series of
seminars and lectures on Social and Economic History at the Universities of Stockholm, Umeå and Lund:
9 February: University of Umeå, Department of Economic History, (Faculty of
Economics), seminar on the theme: Industrial Development in the Low
Countries during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.
10 February: University of Umeå, Department of Economic History (Faculty of
Economics), lecture on the theme: The Mixed Economy in the West since the
Second World War.
11 February: University of Stockholm, Stockholm School of Economics, lecture on
the theme: Bretton Woods, its Genesis, its Success and its Failure.
12 February: University of Lund, Department of Economic History, (Faculty of
Economics), seminar on the theme: The Commercial Revolution Reconsidered:
the Industrial Foundation of Economic Development in the Low Countries
during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.
13 February: University of Lund, Department of Economic History (Faculty of Economics), lecture on the theme: The Belgian Economy in its International Context
during the Interwar Period.
21-22 May: Invited by the European Association for Banking History to participate at the
Second International Colloquium on Bank Archives, held at Milan. Paper on the
theme: Future Development of Bank Archives; Chairman of the Sessions on The Organization of the Archives of Commercial Banks and Archives and Museums.
31 Augustus-5 September: Invited by the International Association for Research in Income
and Wealth to participate at its 22nd General Conference in Flims (Switserland),
August 30-September 5. Paper on 3 September on the session 6a: Comparability of
Historical National Accounting Data: Across Countries and Across Time on the
theme: The Belgian Economy in the Very Long Run, 1400-1914 (in collaboration with
Jan Blomme).
16-18 September: Invited by the European Association for Banking History to particpate at
the Colloquium at the Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, September 16-18, on the
theme: How to write the History of a Bank?. 16 September: paper on the theme: The
Wreszynski Case and the Limits to Tolerance: a Critical Comment. Chairman of
session 1.
27 September: Invited by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to give the
Heineken-lecture on the theme: Financiële Innovatie vóór 1800: een Italiaans-Engelse
28 September: Invited by the History Department of the University of Utrecht to give a
guest lecture in Utrecht on Tuesday 28 September on the theme of the lecture: The
European Integration of the Postwar Era in the Perspective of the Pax Americana.
28 September: Invited by the History Department of the University of Leyde te give a
guest lecture in Leyde on Tuesday 28 September on the theme of the lecture: American Policy towards the European Integration Movement since the end of World War
4-8 October: Invited by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and by the
Wilson Center European Alumni Association to their European Conference on the
theme: Democratic Government in the New Europe, held at the Siemens
Bildungszentrum at Feldafing (Bavaria, Germany): 6 October: Paper on the theme:
Federalism and Ethnically Diverse Democracies: the Belgian Case.
12 January: Invited by the Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Dortmund to give a public
lecture on the theme: The Commercial Revolution in Europe in späten Mittelalter
und in der frühen Neuzeit.
5 March: Invited by the Catholic University of Tilburg to give a guest lecture on the
theme: Economic Development of the Western World after 1945.
28 April: Invited by the Catholic University of Brussels to give a guest lecture on the
theme: The Western Economy since World War II.
3-8 May: Invited by the "Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica Francesco Datini"
(Prato, Italy) to present at the 25th "Settimana di Prato" (theme: "Le Migrazioné in
Europa, Secc. XIII-XVIII") a critical comment on the paper of Eric Thoen
(Immigration in the towns of Flanders during the Late Middle Ages) and on the
paper of Myriam Carlier (Migration Trends in the Towns of Flanders and Brabant,
15th-18th centuries); invited also to chair the session of 4 May on the theme:
"Geografia delle Correnti migratorie".
17-19 May: Invited by the University "Carlos III de Madrid" to give on 17 May 1993 a
seminar at the "Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset" (Madrid) on the theme: The
Rise of Government Intervention in Inter-War Europe (as part of a series of seminars
on the theme: El Estado y el Crecimiento Económico en Perspectiva Histórica at the
occasion of Professor Patrick O'Brien's 1993 BBV Foundation Chair.
27-29 May: Invited by the "Fédération Internationale des Etudes Européennes Médiévales"
to organise at the first European Conference of Medieval Studies, held at Spoleto
(Italy) on 27-29 May 1993, the section on the Social and Economic History of the
Middle Ages, and to present on May 28 1993 the general report on the theme:
Histoire économique et sociale du moyen-âge: quelques réflexions sur les orientations et les perspectives de la recherche.
4-5 June: Invited to attend in Strasbourg on 4-5 June 1993, as a member of the coordination Committee of the European Science Foundation network on Economic
History of Europe between the Wars, the final conference of the network; invited to
present on 5 June the synthesis-report on the theme: Structural Change and the
Transformation Problem in the European Economy of the Interwar Period.
17-18 June: Invited by the European Association for Banking History to be Chairman in
the Panel Discussion on the theme: Balancing the Needs of the Business man and the
Needs of the Archives Profession, at the fourth International Colloquium on Bank
Archives in Luxemburg and to present a synthesis-report.
25 June: Invited to give the keynote-speach at the General Meeting of the Gewestelijke
Investeringsmaatschappij Vlaanderen (G.I.M.V.) in Antwerp on 25 June 1993.
Theme: International Capital Movements and their Impact on the Real Economy of
the Southern Low Countries and Belgian: Reflections of an Historian.
15 October: Invited by the History Department, University of New Hampshire, Durham
(New Hampshire, U.S.A.) to give a guest lecture on the theme: The Rise and Decline
of the Urban Industries in late medieval and early modern Europe.
28 October: Invited by the History Department, Leuven University, to give a public lecture
at the occasion of retirement on the theme: Foreign Investment in the Economy of the
Low Countries and its Effect on Income and Wealth: an historical view.
18 November: Invited by the Belgian Senate to give a conference on the theme: Stagnation
and its Structural Aspects in the World Economy since 1973.
28-29 November: Invited by the Department of Economic History of the University of
Barcelona to give two guest lectures on the themes: The Industrial Revolution in
Belgium Revisited: an Overview of Recent Research and Foreign Investment in
Belgium and by Belgian Firms outside of Belgium and its Effect on Economic
Growth, 1800-1940.
8 December: Invited by the Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics, Leuven University, to give a public lecture at the occasion of retirement on the theme: Flanders
in Tomorrow's World Economy.
15 December: Invited by the History Workshop "Voltooid Verleden" of Leuven University
to give a conference on the theme: Alexander Gerschenkron: his Work and its Impact
on European Economic History.
31 January: Invited by the Institute for Historical Comparative Research at the University
of California, Los Angeles, to present a paper at the 1994-Workshop on The Role of
Metropoles in History. Theme of the paper: Antwerp: The Rise and Decline of a
1 February: Invited by the Department of Economics of the University of California,
Berkeley, to give a paper at the Economic History Workshop (Director: Barry
Eichengreen) on the theme: The Belgian Economy in the Interwar Period.
11 March: Invited by the Department of Economics of the University of California, Davis,
to give a seminar on the theme: Urban Industrial Development in the Low Countries
(Late Middle Ages-Early Modern Period).
17 March: Invited by the Dutch Studies Program of the University of California, Berkeley,
to give a public Lecture on the theme: Foreign Investment and Economic
Development in the Low Countries (12th-20th Centuries).
15 April: Invited by the Department of History of the University of California, San Diego,
to give a lecture on the theme: The Urban Economy of the Low Countries during the
Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.
6 May: Invited by the Institute of European Studies of Harvard University to give a paper
on the theme: Centers of Economic Primacy in the Past: Venice, Antwerp,
Amsterdam, at a Conference on the theme: Economic Primacy in Europe since the
Late Middle Ages to the Present (organised at the occasion of a recent book by
Charles P. Kindleberger on the same theme).
16-19 May: co-organizer (with Professor Peter Clark, University of Leicester, U.K.) of an
International Conference on the theme: Cities and the Transmission of Cultural
Values in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period, held at Spa and sponsored
by the "Crédit Communal de Belgique". Paper on the theme: Economic Factors of
Demand and the Transmission of Cultural Values in Historical Perspective.
24 June: Invited by the Research School of Social Sciences, of the National University of
Australia, Canberra (Australia) to give a conference on the theme: The Product Life
Cycle Theory and Industrial Development in the Low Countries (Late Middle AgesEarly Modern Times).
15 July: Invited by the School of Economics of La Trobe University, Melbourne
(Australia) to give a seminar on the theme: The Product Life Cycle Theory and
Industrial Development in the Low Countries (Late Middle Ages-Early Modern
6-7 September: Invited by the International Monetary Fund, Washington D.C., to be
member of an international panel for discussing and commenting Professor Harold
James' manuscript: The International Monetary Fund since Bretton Woods.
12-13 September: Invited by the International Economic History Association to organize
the B-13 Session of the Eleventh International Economic History Conference at
Milan (co-organizer: Angus Maddison) (theme: Economic Growth and Structural
Change. Comparative Approaches over the Long Run) and to present a paper in that
session on the theme: The Belgian Economy in the Very Long Run, 1500-1812 (coauthor: Jan Blomme).
13 September: Invited by the International Economic History Association to chair the A-2
Session of the Eleventh International Economic History Conference at Milan (theme
of the session: Global Enterprise: Big Business and the Wealth of Nations in the past
Century, 1880s-1980s, Organizers: F. Amatori, A.D. Chandler, P. Fridenson).
3-4 October: Invited by the European Wilson Center Alumni Association to organize a
Workshop at the biannual meeting of the Association at the Wolfsberg Management
Center in Ermatingen, Switzerland, on the theme: The Future of European Economic
Integration, and to present a synthesis-report at the closing session at the meeting.
21 October: Invited by the Groupe X-Banque (the Bank-Alumni Association of the French
"Polytechnique") to give a conference at a meeting in Paris, celebrating the
bicentennial anniversary of the "Polytechnique". Theme: La Banque européenne au
Moyen-Age jusqu'à la Première Guerre Mondiale.
8 November: Invited by the Department of History and Civilization of the European
University Institute, Florence (Italy), to give a seminar on the theme: The Location of
Industry in the Low Countries (Late Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century).
11 November: Invited by the National Bank of Hungary to chair a seminar at Budapest,
organized by the European Association for Banking History, on the theme:
Rebuilding the Financial System in Central and Eastern Europe, and to present a
3 January: Invited by the University of Cork (Ireland), to give a paper at the "Inaugural
Conference for the celebration of 150 years University College" (theme: Peace and
New Beginnings in Post-Cold War Europe). Theme of the paper: The Mixed
Economy: Past, Present and Future.
10 March: Invited by the Instituto Superior de Economia (Lisbon, Portugal) to give a
lecture at the Institute at the occasion of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of
the Gabinete de Historia Economica e Social. Theme of the lecture: Money and
Banking in the Interwar Period.
18 March: Invited by the historical journal "Spiegel Historiael" at the Municipal Archives
of Amsterdam (Netherlands) to give a paper on the theme: Continuity and
Discontinuity in the Economic Development of the Netherlands, 1500-1815 at the
occasion of the presentation of the new book by Jan de Vries and Ad van der Woude:
"The Netherlands 1500-1815: the First Cycle of Modern Economic Growth".
28 March: Invited by the Russian Academy of Sciences and by the University of Moscow
to give a lecture at the University on the theme: The Western Mixed Economy and its
Relevance to the Transition from a Planned to a Market Economy in the Ex-socialist
Countries of Eastern and Central Europe.
14 May: Invited by the "Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica 'Francesco Datini' to
attend the XXVII 'Settimana di Studi', organised at Prato (Italy) 8-13 May 1995 on
the theme: L'Uomo e la Foresta, secc. XIII-XVIII, to chair the session of 11 May on
the subtheme: Economia della foresta nelle ricorse interne, and to present a critical
comment on the reports presented at that session.
15-16 May: Invited by the Central European University, Budapest, to give two lectures at
the Department of Medieval Studies on the theme: The Economic Crisis of the
Fourteenth Century: a comparison between Western and Central Europe.
17 May: Invited by the Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest to give a lecture at the
"Atelier" for graduate and postgraduate studies on the theme: The Financial
Revolution of the Low Countries in the Early Modern Period.
18 May: Invited by the Centre for Advanced Study of Hungary (Collegium Budapest) to
give a lecture on the theme: Urban Industrial Development in the Low Countries
during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.
22 May: Invited by the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna to co-chair with Professor
T. Csaky, member of the Austrian Academy a meeting of the Committee for
scientific co-operation between the Austrian Academy and the Royal Academy of
Belgium, to give critical comments on the presentations of the two common research
projects in progress, and to discuss the launching of three new ones.
28 May - 30 May: Invited by "the Renaissance Trust" (Oxford, England) to organise an
international symposium at the Rockox-museum, Antwerp on the theme: "Three
Cities: Clusters of Achievement in Antwerp, Amsterdam and London in their Golden
Age", to chair the session on "Arts in Antwerp, Amsterdam and London during the
Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries", and to present a general critical
comment on the papers of that session.
6 June: Invited by the Department of Economics of the University de San Andres
(Victoria, Province de Buenos Aires, Argentine) to participate in an International
Seminar held at the Fundacion Navarro Viola, Buenos Aires, on the theme:
Crecimiento Economico en el Largo Plazo and to present a paper on the theme: The
Economic Development of Belgium in the very long run.
7 June: Invited by the "Asociación Uruguaya de Historia Económica" to give the openinglecture at the First Conference of the Economic History Association of Uruguay,
held in Montevideo on 7-9 June 1995. Theme of the lecture: The Mixed Economy in
the West: its past, its present and its future.
15 June: Invited by the Belgian Electro-holding Tractebel to give the keynote-speech at the
academic session to celebrate the centennial of the firm and to present the book
Tractebel 1895-1995: metamorphoses of an industrial holding. Theme of the
speech: Tractebel facing the Challenge of the three Industrial Revolutions in
22 June: Invited by the Leiden University (Netherlands) to be a member of the Jury at the
defence of the Ph.D.-thesis by Milja Van Tielhof on the theme: De Hollandse
graanhandel, 1470-1570. Koren op de Amsterdamse molen.
5 July: Invited by the "Ligue des Bibliothèques européennes de recherche" to give the keynote speech at the opening of the "Liber Annual Conference", held at Leuven, 5-8
July 1995, on the theme: Electronics and Quality Improvement in Economic
Historical Research.
27 August-3 September: Invited by the International Association of Historical Sciences to
participate in the 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences at Montréal
(Canada) and to present a paper in the session Banking and its Influence on
Commercial and Industrial Capitalism in Europe, America and Asia (13th-20th
Centuries) on the theme: The Influence of Banking on the Rise of Capitalism in
North-West-Europe, 14th-19th Centuries, and to present a paper at the round table Is
Economic History in Decline Today? on the theme: The Future of a
Multidisciplinary Approach in Economic History.
18 September: Invited by the “Flemish Interuniversity Council” (V.L.I.R.) to present to the
Board in his function of president of the Visitation Commission the official report on
the visitation of the History departments at the Flemish universities.
9-11 October: Invited by the International Monetary Fund (Washington D.C.) to attend as
a special guest the 50th annual meeting of the Fund and to present, as a member of
the Editorial Panel, a paper on the theme: Europe and the I.M.F. in the Postwar Era
at the seminar of 9 October, organised during the annual meeting at the occasion of
the publication of the book by Harold James: International Monetary Cooperation
since Bretton Woods (published for the 50th anniversary of the Fund).
16-17 November: Invited by the “Fundación Duques de Soria” (Madrid) to organize on 1617 November, in collaboration with the University of Antwerp, an international
Colloquium at Antwerp on the theme: Influencias reciprocas en el crecimiento
politico y socio economico de Flandes y los Reinos de Castilla en los siglos XV y
XVI (Political and Socio-economical Interdependence between the Low Countries
and Castille during the 15th and 16th Centuries). Invited to deliver the inaugural
speech and to present at the end of the colloquium a synthesis-report.
4 December: Invited by the “Belgische Boerenbond” to give a public lecture at the
headquarters of the Association in Leuven on the theme: The Development of
Belgian Agriculture in the 19th and 20th Centuries at the occasion of awarding the
tenth Gilbert Mullie-Prize for agricultural Sciences to Dr. Martine Goossens and
Dr. Jan Blomme for their recent monographs on Belgian agriculture.
14-16 December: Invited by the Dipartimento di Teoria e Storia dell’Economia Pubblica
(Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)” to participate in the Colloquium,
organized from 14 to 16 December in Napels (Italy) on the theme: Logiques des
implantations économiques avant et après la Révolution industrielle, and to present a
paper on the theme: Le développement de l’industrie urbaine aux Pays-Bas à la fin
du Moyen-Age et au début des Temps Modernes.
28 May: Invited by the “Radio Télevision Belge de la communauté française” to be the
adviser of the historical documentary film Les Arpenteurs d’horizon (concerning the
influence of the Belgian engineering industry on economic development in Asia,
Africa and America during the period 1890-1914) and to be interviewed in the film
(the film was presented on 28 May 1996 by RTBF).
7 June: Invited by the Catholic University of Brabant at Tilburg (Netherlands) to be
member of the Jury at the defense of the Ph.D-thesis by Annelies WALLERT on the
theme: Ontwikkelingslijnen in praktijk en theorie van de wisselbrief, 1200-000,
defended at the University on 7 June.
5 September: Invited by the University of Groningen (Netherlands) to be member of the
Jury as the co-supervisor at the defense of the Ph.D.-thesis, by Michelangelo VAN
MEERTEN on the theme: Gross Private Fixed Asset Formation in Belgium, 19101954 (co-supervisor).
27 September: Invited by the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute
(Florence, Italy) to attend the International Colloquium “L’Europe dans son histoire.
La vision d’Alphonse Dupront” (26-29 September) and to present a paper on the
theme: L’industrie textile européenne dans le long terme et la notion de continuïté.
4 October: Invited by the “Liers Genootschap voor Geschiedenis” to organise and chair an
international colloquium at Lier on the theme: “De Brabantse ‘smalle steden’ in de
Bourgondische en Habsburgse Nederlanden” (The small towns in Brabant (Low
Countries) during the Burgundian and Habsburg Period).
29-30 November: Invited by the Universities of Leuven and Utrecht to attend at Leuven
the preconference for the Sevilla-conference session on the theme: “Historical
Benchmark Comparisons of Output and Productivity, 1750-1990”, to chair the last
session and to give a critical comment on the report of Horlings-Smits-Soete (The
Growth Patterns of Belgium and the Netherlands compared: 1800-1913).
14 December: Invited by the Royal Academy to organise in Brusssels a belgo-austrian
symposium on the theme: “Social and Economic Relations between the Austrian
Netherlands and Central Europe during the 18th Century” (within the framework of a
cooperation agreement between the Royal Academy and the Austrian Academy of
2, 16 and 23 April: Invited by the Department of Economics, Harvard University, to give
three public lectures in Harvard Hall on the themes: Bruges, Antwerp and
Amsterdam in their Golden Age, Woollens, Luxuries and European Fashion: PreIndustrial Development in the Low Countries and The ‘Financial Revolution’ of
Antwerp and Amsterdam in the Early Modern World.
4 April: Invited by the Department of Economics, Harvard University, to give a seminar in
the Workshop of Economic History on the theme: Private Banking in Belgium
during the 19th and 20th Centuries.
15 April: Invited by the J.-F. Kennedy-School of Government, Harvard University, to be
member of a panel with Euro-Commissioner Karel Van Miert and Professor Ray
Vernon, discussing together The Future of Euro-American Commercial Relations.
24 April: Invited by the Center of European and Russian Studies, University of California,
Los Angeles, to give a paper on the theme: Brussels: from Local Center to the
Capital of the European Union.
14 June: Invited to chair the panel-discussion on the theme: Banking Concentration in the
21st Century: Lessons from the Past at the international colloquium A Century of
consolidation in Europe: the History and Archives of Mergers and Acquisitions, held
in Madrid, 13-14 June 1997 and organised by the European Association of Banking
History (invited also to chair the jury of the bisannual Prize for Banking History and
to report on its evaluation).
4 July: Invited by the Academia Europaea to give a paper at its annual scientific meeting
(Ghent, 3-5 July 1997) on the theme: An Economic Explanation for the Success of
Flemish Painting and Flemish Luxury Textiles during the late Middle Ages and
Early Modern Times.
10 and 29 November: Invited respectively by the Royal Academy of the Netherlands and
by the Royal Academy of Belgium to give a paper in Amsterdam and in Brussels on
the theme: The Société Générale-Generale Bank, 1822-1997: Challenges and
10-12 November: Invited by the Werner Reimers Stiftung to be the external adviser of a
symposium at Bad Homburg (Germany), organised for discussing the project of
writing a new textbook: Geschichte der deutschen Wirtschaft, 1000-2000.
25 November: Invited by the Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van het Waasland (Royal
Historical Society of the Waas-region) to give a conference on the theme: Local
History and Scientific Historical Research at the celebration of the publication of
Volume 100 of its Yearbook.
26 November: Invited by the Generale Bank to give an historical introduction at the
official opening of an exhibition at its headquarters in Brussels on the theme: 175
years of Banking at the Generale Bank.
14 December: Invited by the Bank for International Settlements (Basel) to present a report
to the Board of Directors on the feasibility and eventual organisation of a research
project concerning the history of the Bank, 1930-1971, and to submit an international
list of potential researchers and authors.
19 December: Invited by the Economic History Workshop of the History Department,
University of Utrecht, to give critical comments on a paper by Jan-Luiten Van
Zanden (Trends and Structures) and on a paper by Edwin Horlings-Peter De Groot
(The Income Approach: Wages, Capital Income and Income Distribution), both
presented at the international colloquium on the theme: The Reconstruction of
National Accounts in Small Countries, held at Utrecht, 19-20 December 1997.
21 January: Invited by the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands) to be a member of the
Jury at the defence of the Ph.D.-thesis by Menno POLAK on the theme:
Historiografie en economie van de “muntchaos”. De muntproductie van de
Republiek (1606-1795).
3 March: Invited by the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) to attend on March 3-4, at
the Centre of Brazilian Studies in Paris, a colloquium on the theme: 'Le Brésil,
l'Europe et les équilibres internationaux, XVIe-XXe siècles and to give a paper on the
theme: Les Pays-Bas, le Portugal et l'espace portugais atlantique et latinoaméricain à la fin du Moyen Age et aux Temps modernes.
18 March: Invited by the Nijmegen International Political Economy Centre to give a
lecture and to lead, in the International Seminar Series, a seminar on the theme::
International Institutions and the Development of the World Economy since 1945.
23, 24, 25 March: Invited by Koc University, Istanbul (Turkey), to lecture in the
Department of Economics on the history of the world economy (1945-Present), and
to give a post-graduate seminar at the History Department on the theme: The
Development of the Financial System in Belgium during the 19th and 20th
Centuries: Setting the Pace for Universal Banking in Europe.
1 May: Invited by the Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica 'Francesco Datini' to
attend the XXXth Settimana di Studi, Prato, April 27-May 1, on the theme: Poteri
economici e poteri politici, secc.XIII-XVIII and to give a paper on the theme: Le
commerce mondial, la banque internationale, et le prince, en Europe occidentale du
Moyen Age aux Temps modernes.
10 May: Invited by the Heemkundige Kring 'De Kluize' (Sint-Gillis-Waas) to give a talk
on the theme: De rol van de heemkunde in de geschiedschrijving.
25-27 August: Invited to be the introductory commentator for all of part of the papers
presented at three sessions of the XIIth International Economic History Congress
held in Madrid on August 24-28, 1998, the themes of the three sessions being
respectively Monetary History in Global Perspective, 1500-1808; Patterns of
Economic and Political Integration in Central and Southeast-Central Europe, 15th17th Centuries; Economic Crises and Restructuring in Small Countries.
14 November: co-organising in Vienna, together with Professor Moritz Csaky and in the
framework of the cooperation agreement between the Austrian and Belgian
Academies of Sciences, a symposium on the theme: Jahrhundertwende um 1900:
Belgiën und Oesterreich im Vergleich' and presenting an introductory paper on the
theme: 'Economic Development and Investment in Culture.
16 November: Invited by the University of Leuven to give on the inaugural lecture of the
fifth Leuven lecture-series 'Lessen voor de 21e eeuw' on the theme: The Twentieth
Century: an Economic Overview (invited by the Leuven Alumni Association to give
the next day the same lecture to its members).
3 December: Invited by the Institute of European and International Studies of Luxemburg
to attend in Luxemburg on December 3-4 a conference on the theme: L'Euro en tant
que stabilisateur dans le système économique international and to give a paper on
the theme: The Leadership of the Pound Sterling and of the American Dollar in the
19th-20th Centuries.
10 December: Invited by the Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Hague, to attend a
colloquium at Middelburg on December 10-12, 1998, on the theme: Art for the
Market: Rigidity and Innovation in the Sector of Artistic Painting in the Low
Countries during the 16th and 17th Centuries, to chair the sessions, related to
Painting in the Southern Low Countries, and to present an introductory paper on the
theme: The Economic Origins of Innovation in Flemish Painting during the Early
Modern Period.
10 February: Invited by the Institute für Europäische Geschichte: Abteilung
Universalgeschichte, Mainz (Germany) to give a public lecture on the theme: Die
Weltwirtschaft im 20. Jahrhundert. Ein Ueberblick, as part of a lecture-cycle on the
theme: Europa: eine Bilanz des 20. Jahrhunderts.
3 March: Invited by Domus Lovaniensis and the Centre for Postuniversity Education to
give a lecture in Bruges on the theme: Een economische terugblik op de 20e eeuw.
(The Economy of the 20th Century in Retrospect).
13 March: Invited by the History Department at Leuven University to participate in a
postgraduate seminar on the theme: De Historische Polemiek and to present a paper
on the theme: Antwerp or Amsterdam? The Debate on Jan de Vries and Ad. Van der
Woude’s hypothesis that modern economic development started with the Dutch
Golden Age.
19 April-31 May: Invited by the University of Sant-Gallen (Switzerland) to hold the Chair
on Banking History during the Spring-semester and to give a course on: The Rise of
Modern Banking in Europe, 1000-2000.
18-19 June: Invited by the European Association for Banking History to participate in an
international conference at Amsterdam on the theme: European Banking Overseas,
19th-20th Century, to chair the session on the theme: ABN-AMRO Bank, 1824-1999:
History and Information Sources and to give a critical comment on the three papers
presented during this session.
3-4 July: Invited by the British Academy and All Souls College to participate at Oxford in
an international symposium on the theme: Economic Challenges of the 21st Century
in Historical Perspective (to celebrate the scholarly career of Ch.H. Feinstein) and to
give a critical comment on the papers of B. Eichengreen, P. Temin, G. Toniolo and
D. Raff.
1 September-31 December: Invited by the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study for the
Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) to be a research fellow at the Institute
(Wassenaar, Netherlands) during the Fall-semester as guest of the Rector, 1999-2000
and to participate in seminars on early medieval history, on urban history and history
of European overseas expansion during the Early Modern Period.
27 September: Invited by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
(Washington, D.C., U.S.A.) to participate in a seminar on the theme: The Problem of
Surveillance in the International Money- and Capital Market and to present a
comment on the theme: Private Banks and International Surveillance.
29 September-2 October: Invited by Harvard University, M.I.T. and the World Game
Institute to participate in an international conference at the Pocantino Conference
Center of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (Tarrytown, New York) on the theme:
Mapping the Global Corporations and to give a paper on the theme: Globalisation in
the Pre-industrial Period.
8 October: Invited by the Flemish Association of Geneology to give a lecture in Mechelen
on the theme: The Development of Urban Industries in Flanders and Brabant during
the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.
15-16 October: Invited by the Economic and Social History Foundation of Turkey to
participate in an international conference on the theme: Banking in the Middle East
during the 19th and 20th Centuries, to chair the first session, and to give a paper on
the theme: European Investment in the Middle East during the 19th and 20th
21 October: Invited by NIAS to give a seminar at the Institute (Wassenaar) on the theme:
Looking back on the 20th Century: an economic historian’s view.
28 October: Invited by NIAS to give a talk at the Institute (Wassenaar) on the theme: The
impact of cultural differences between the Netherlands and Belgium on economic
and financial decision making.
10-11 December: Invited by the Royal Netherlands Economic Association to participate,
on the occasion of its 150th anniversary, in an international symposium at
Amsterdam and to present a paper on the theme: Industrial Life Cycles in the Low
Countries during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period.
18-22 January: Invited by the Banque de France to attend in Paris, on January 18-22, at the
occasion of its bicentennial anniversary, an international symposium on the theme:
La Banque de France, le crédit et la monnaie (XIXe et XXe siècles). La construction
historique d’une idendité monétaire en Europe, to be a member of its ‘Comité
d’honneur’, to chair session VI on the theme: Les banques centrales, la croissance et
la modernisation des systèmes de credit après 1945, and to give a critical comment
on the papers of Olivier Feiertag, Helge Berger and Pablo Martin-Acena.
February-March: Invited by the ‘Universiteit: Vrije Tijd, Davidsfonds’ to give during the
months February-March a course of four lectures at Geel on the theme: From the
European Belle Epoque to a Mondialized Economy: the Western World Economy,
24 February: Invited by the Netherlands Institute for the History of the Second World War
(Amsterdam) to give a paper on February 24 at the Institute on the theme: Belgium
during the Second World War: la politique du moindre mal.
17-18 March: Invited by the ‘Flemish Economic Association’ to chair Commission 1 of its
24th Scientific Economic Congress (Ghent, March 17-18) (theme: The EMU –
Challenge) and to supervise the preparation of the Commission’s report: The EMU in
Historical Perspective.
23 March: Invited by the ‘Alumni Lovanienses Association’ to give at Leuven, on March
23, in the series ‘Belgium’s History of the 19th Century’ a lecture on the theme: The
Impact of the Société Générale de Belgique on Economic Development in Belgium
during the 19th Century.
15 May: Invited by the ‘Ekonomika Alumni Association’ to give at Leuven, on May 15, a
lecture in the series ‘Acht om te horen’ on the theme: The World Economy, 18952000: an Historical Overview.
1 July: Invited by the ‘Jan Tanghe Foundation’ (Bruges) to present at Bruges a paper on
July 1, in collaboration with Professor Jacek Purchla (University of Cracow, Poland),
on the theme: The Cultural Heritage of Europe: an Economist’s and Historian’s
25 August: Invited by the ‘Association des cercles francophones d’histoire et
d’archéologie de Belgique’ to give, at the occasion of its 53th international congress,
in Mons on August 25, a paper on the theme: Industrie urbaine et croissance
économique aux Pays-Bas méridionaux (Bas Moyen Age et Temps Modernes).
18 September: Invited by the Nederlandsche Bank to give at Amsterdam, on September 18,
the keynote-speech at the occasion of the publication of Professor Martin Fase’s
book ‘Tussen behoud en vernieuwing. Geschiedenis van de Nederlandsche Bank,
1948-1973’. Theme of the speech: Monetary and Economic Policy of Belgium
during the Second World War.
4-5 December: Invited by the Istituto Banco di Napoli Fondazione to attend at Naples
(Italy), on December 4-5, the international conference on the theme: ‘I banchi publici
napolitani nella cultura e nella societa del loro tempore (1540-1650): Il Banco dei
Poveri nel IV Centenario dell sua nascita’ and to present a paper entitled The
Origins, Growth and Decline of the Bank of Amsterdam and its Impact on the
Development of European Financial Techniques in the Early Modern Period.
7 December: Invited by the European Association for Banking History to attend in
Frankfurt am Main, on December 7, an international colloquium on the theme:
‘Banking in the Mirror of Time’ and to present a paper entitled The Returns of
Banking History.
3, 24-25 April: chairman of an international commission to evaluate and audit the 'VlaamsNederlandse Onderzoekscommissie, period 1995-2000' (appointment by the Flemish
and Dutch Foundations of Scientific Research).
30 April: Invited by the Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica ‘Francesco Datini’ to
attend the XXXIIId Settimana di Studi, Prato, 30 April-4 May, on the theme
"Economia ed Arte, secc. XIII-XVIII", to chair the first session (the theme: "Aspetti
teorici e categorie di conoscenza e di metodo. Definizioni del mercato. Parametri del
problema"), to give an introductory paper for that session and to chair the discussion.
28 May: member of the jury of the Ph.D-thesis by Stefan Halokowski-Smith (subject:
‘Portugal and the European Spice Trade, 1480-1580’), defended at the European
University Institute, Florence (Italy).
15 September: Invited by the Foundation ‘Kunst in de Stad’ and by the City of SintNiklaas to give the keynote-speech at the academic session in the Town Hall of SintNiklaas at the occasion of the unveiling of three sculptures in different public places
of the town (theme of the speech: The contribution of art to aesthetic and social
29 September: Invited by the ‘Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales’ (Maison des
Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France) to attend the ‘Colloque Bernard Lepetit’ (Paris,
28-29 September) and to be a commentator on the papers presented at the session De
l’histoire urbaine à la réflexion épistémologique.
29 April: member of the jury of the Ph.D-thesis of Henri Delanghe (subject: 'Japanese
Investment in Brazil, 19th - 20th centuries), defended at the KU-Leuven (supervisor:
Prof. E. BUYST).
1-5 May: Invited by the University of Helsinki (Finland) to give on 2 May in Helsinki at
the History Department a postgraduate seminar on the subject: Current Research on
Social-Economic and Business History in Belgium and to give on 3 May a public
lecture on the theme: The Twentieth Century: an Economic History and Mirror to
the Future.
25 May: Invited by the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for the Sciences and Arts to
give in Antwerp, on 25 May, at the occasion of its annual General Assembly, the
keynote lecture on the theme: Antwerp: Metropolis and World Harbour, 1200-1940.
13 June: Invited by the European Association of Economic Journalists to present on 13
June in Bruges, at the occasion of the annual meeting of the Association, a paper on
the theme: The Contribution of the Low Countries to the Development of European
Financial Techniques during the late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times.
21-28 July: Invited by the International Economic History Association to give on 22 July,
in Argentina, the opening lecture at the inaugural session of the XIIIth International
Economic History Association Conference at Buenos Aires, on the theme: Economic
History: its Past, its Present and its Future, and to organise on 23 July session 7 of
the conference on the theme: Recent Structural Changes in the World Economy in
Historical Perspective (1980-2000).
1 October: Invited by the Foundation 'Cera Holding' to present, at an academic session, the
publication of the book 'Cera, 1892-1998: the Power of Co-operative Solidarity' and
to give a paper on the theme: Rural Financial Co-operation in Belgium in Historical
10 October: Invited by the Foundation 'Cera Holding' to participate in an international
symposium, organised by the Foundation on 10 October at Brussels on the theme:
'The Potential of Co-operation in a Social-Oriented Economy', and to give a paper on
the theme: The Social-Historical Background of Finanncial Co-operation in Belgium
during the 19th and 20th Centuries.
5-8 December: Invited by the Research Group FWO Flanders ('Comparitive Rural History
of the North Sea Area': CORN) and the Center for Social Theory and Comparative
History (U.C.L.A., Los Angeles, Calif., USA) to participate in a conference,
organised at Ghent on 5-8 December on the theme: 'Agrarian Change and Economic
Growth in Europe before the Industrial Revolution', and to give a critical comment
on the papers of E. Thoen ('Agrarian Change and Economic Growth in Belgium:
Middle Ages - 17th Century') and E. Vanhaute ('Agrarian Change and Economic
Growth in Belgium: 17th -19th Centuries').
16-17 January: Invited by the Université de Paris IV (Sorbonne, Paris) en by the Ecole
Normale Supérieure (Paris) to attend a colloque in the Ecole Normale Supérieure on
the theme Henri Hauser (1866-1946): Humaniste – Historien - Républicain and to
present a paper on the theme Henri Hauser et l’histoire du capitalisme du XVIe au
XVIIIe siècle.
22 May: Invited by the Institute for Central- and East-European Studies, University of
California, Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.), to give a lecture on the theme: The History of
Belgian Banking and its Impact on Economic Development in Europe, 1822-2000,
followed by critical comments and discussion in the CEES New Book Discussion
Series on the book: The General Bank, 1822-1997: a Continuing Challenge.
23 October: Invited by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (N.I.O.D.),
Amsterdam, to give the keynote address at the presentation of the 14th Yearbook of
the Institute on the theme Thuisfront (Resistance during the Second World War in
the Netherlands).
6 December: Invited by the Royal Academy of Belgium (Class of Arts) to present a paper
on the theme: The monetary policy of Belgian Minister of Finance Camille Gutt
before, during, and after the Second World War (1934-1945).
30-31 January: Invited by the Center for 17th & 18th Century Studies, by the U.C.L.A.
Center for European and Eurasian Studies, and by the Department of History of the
University of California, Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.) to attend a conference at the
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at Los Angeles on the theme The
Dynamics of Core-Periphery Relations and to give at that conference a paper on the
theme: The Core-Periphery Problem during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern
12-14 March: Invited by the Center for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto (Canada),
to attend a conference on the theme Money, Markets and Trade in Late Medieval
Europe: an international workshop in honour of John Munro, and to give the
keynote lecture on the theme: Can the Modern Globalization Model be applied to the
Economy of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times?
23 April: Invited by the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Berlin
(Germany), to participate in a WZB-Forum: Übernimmt sich Europa? Aus Anlass
der EU-Osterweiterung, and to present a paper on the theme The Effects of the EUenlargement on the European Economy.
11 May: Invited by the Economics Department of the von Humboldt Universität, Berlin, to
give a lecture on the theme Globalization in Historical Perspective: Lessons from the
26 May: Invited by the History Department of the Freie Universität, Berlin, to give a
lecture and to chair a discussion seminar on the theme Structuring the Development
of the World Economy during the 20th Century: a global historical perspective.
1 June: Invited by the Historical Institute of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität
Greifswald, Germany, to give a lecture on the theme Globalization, Core and
Periphery as Analytical Tools in the History of the World Economy since the Late
Middle Ages.
19 September: Invited by the Town Council of Sint-Niklaas (Waas), Belgium, to give the
keynote speech for Theo Meert, made honorary citizen of the town for his merits as
president of the association Kunst in de Stad.
2 December: Invited by the Belgian Oxford & Cambridge Society to present in Brussles a
paper on the theme The Western Economy in the Twentieth Century.
20 January: Invited by the Leuven Emeritiforum to organise and to chair a discussion
meeting on the theme European Union: its enlargement and its socio-political
integration (members of the discussion-panel: ex-prime minister J.-L. Dehaene, prof.
J. Konings, prof. em. H. Van der Wee).
7-8 April: Invited by the Institute of Historical Research (London University) to attend the
Gerry Martin Memorial Colloquium and to present a paper on the theme Antwerp as
a site of skills in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
1 June: Invited to attend the colloquium, organised at the occasion of the 50th anniversary
of the Leuven Centre of the Economic Studies and to chair the session on the theme
Are women discriminated on the Belgian labour market?
27-29 June: Invited by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Basel (Switserland),
to attend the colloquium Central Banking in the Twentieth Century, organised at the
occasion of G. Toniolo and P. Clement’s book Central Bank Cooperation and the
BIS, 1930-1973, and to chair the session on Central Banking during the Interwar
3-9 July, Invited by the International Committee of the Historical Sciences to attend the
Twentieth five-yearly World Congress of the Historical Sciences in Sydney
(Australia), to organise the Economic History session on the theme Economic
Globalisation: Historical Perspective and State of Research, and to present a paper
on the theme Globalisation, Core and Periphery during the Late Middle Ages and
Early Modern Times.
21-24 September: Invited by the European Academies in Rome to attend a symposium at
the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Tenth World Congress of the Historical
Sciences, which took place in Rome in 1955, and to present a paper on the theme:
The Tenth World Congress of the Historical Sciences in Rome and its Impact on
Socio-economic Historical Research during the second half of the 20th Century.
13-14 October: Invited by the History Department of the European University Institute
(Florence) to attend a colloquium on the theme: Collaboration in Europe during the
Second World War, and to present a paper on the theme: Monetary and Financial
Collaboration in Belgium, 1939-1945.
11-12 November: Invited by the Società degli Storici dell’ Economia of Napels to attend
an international colloquim on the theme: Luigi de Rosa e la Storia Economica, and to
present a paper on the theme: Iniziative, ricerche, relazioni internazionali nell’
attivita scientifica di Luigi de Rosa.
17-19 November: Invited by the University of Padua to attend an international GEHNconference on the theme: A Global History of Cotton Textiles, 1200-1850, and to
present a paper on the theme: A critical look at the English Technical Revolution in
the Cotton Textiles (17th, 18th and 19th centuries).
22 November: Invited by the National Bank of Belgium to attend a symposium on the
theme Central Banking in Belgium, 1939-1971, and to present a paper on the theme:
The National Bank of Belgium, the Brussels Bank of Issue and the Belgian
Government during the Second World War.
4 December: Interviewed by the Flemish Radio One (Programme ‘Het Salon’) by Dirk
Van Eegen on the recently published book (co-author Monique Verbreyt): De
Nationale Bank van België, de Emissiebank te Brussel en de Belgische regering,
21 December: Invited by the Studie-en Documentatiecentrum Oorlog en Hedendaagse
Maatschappij, SEGESOMA (Brussels) to give, in collaboration with Monique
Verbreyt, a seminar on the theme: Monetaire en financiële collaboratie in België
tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog: mythe of realiteit? (Monetary and Fianncial
Collaboration in Belgium during the Second World War: Myth or Reality?)
23 March: Invited by the Leuven University Press to give the keynote speech at the
celebration, of the 35th anniversary of its founding. Theme of the speech: 35 Years
of Leuven University Press: A History of People.
29 March: Interviewed by the Flemish Radio Klara (Programme ‘Alinea’) by Werner Trio
on his recently published book (co-author Monique Verbreyt): De Nationale Bank
van België, de Emissiebank te Brussel en de Belgische regering, 1939-1945.
28 April: Invited by the Antwerp University to be a member of the Jury at the defence of
the Ph.D.-thesis by Bart Ballaux on the theme: Transport en economische
ontwikkeling in het hertogdom Brabant gedurende de lange zestiende eeuw.
22 September: Invited by the Faculty of Theology of Leuven University to give the
keynote speech at the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of a series
watercolors by Leopold Geysen and Guido Declercq. Theme of the speech: An
original view of historical and modern Leuven.
25 August: Invited by the International Economic Association to attend the XIIIth World
Congress of Economic History at Helsinki (21 August – 25 August) and to be the
invited expert of Session 90 (theme: Cities and Innovation in Europe from the
Renaissance; session organized by P. Clark & M. Hietala). Paper commenting the
seven papers of the session.
8 December: Invited by the Editorial Board of the Review Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis to
give a paper at a colloquium in Zwolle (Netherlands) on the theme History Teachers
and Supervisors, organized to celebrate the 120th anniversary of the founding of the
journal. Theme of the paper: Can historians of the older generations still contribute
to the education of History students in the twenty-fist century?
9 March: Invited by Utrecht University (Netherlands) to be a member of the Jury at the
defence of the Ph.D-thesis by Jaco Zuijderduijn on the theme: Medieval Capital
Markets. Markets for ‘renten’ between State Formation and Private Investment in
Holland (1300-1550).
11 April: Invited by the ‘Orde van den Prince’ (Antwerpen-Middelheim) to give a lecture
on the theme: Monetary and Financial Policy of Belgium during the Second World
War, 1939-1945. Accommodation, Collaboration or Resistance?
16 April: Invited by the ‘Orde van den Prince’ (Land van Waas en Dendermonde, II) to
give a lecture on the theme: Monetary and Financial Policy of Belgium during the
Second World War, 1939-1945. Accommodation, Collaboration or Resistance?
9 January: Invited by the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress
(Washington D.C.) to give a lecture on the theme: The Twentieth Century. An
Economic Retrospective.
18 January: Invited by the John Kluge Center of the Library of Congress (Washington
D.C.) to give a public lecture on the theme: Economic Globalization in the Mirror of
the Past.
16 February: Invited by the Class of Letters of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for
Sciences and Fine Arts to give a lecture on the theme: The Challenges of the Long
Twentieth Century for the World Economy of the West. A Historical Overview.
11 March: Invited by the N.W. Posthumus-Institute (Netherlands and Flanders) to be an
expert-referee during its ‘Work-in-Progress’-Seminar for the paper by drs. Auke
Rijpma on the theme: The Economic Consequences of Organized Religion.
30-31 May: Invited by the European Association for Banking and Financial History to
attend their bi-annual conference on the theme Continental and Global Networks of
Credit and Capital in Historical Perspective and to present on 30 May a paper on the
theme: Four Centuries of European Banking and Financial Networks (14th-17th
Centuries) (in collaboration with Helma Houtman-De Smedt).
20 August: Invited by the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
(Bergen, Norway) to attend a Workshop on Monetary Policy in the Peripheries and
to present a paper on the theme: Belgian Monetary Policy under the Gold Standard
during the Interwar Period.
11-13 September: Invited by the Woodrow Wilson Center Alumni Association to attend in
Barcelona its bi-annual conference on the theme Europe Faces Outward and to
present on 13 September a paper on the theme: Europe and the Rise of China and
11 October: Invited by the ‘Gilde Heren van Lier’ to give in Lier, at the academic session
to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the foundation of the society, the keynote-speech
on the theme: Het Lierse Begijnhof vroeger en nu.
14-16 May: Invited by the European Association of Banking and Financial History to
attend in Nicosia (Cyprus) its yearly conference on the theme The Critical Function
of Banking and Financial History and to give the keynote speech in honor of
Professor Dr. Manfred Pohl at the occasion of his 65th birthday.
22 May: Invited by the editors of the Journal of European Economic History to attend in
Naples an international colloquium on the theme Luigi De Rosa Economic Historian
and to present the Concluding Remarks.
5 August: Invited by Professor Lars Oksendal to attend session P8 of the 15th World
Economic History Congress at Utrecht (Netherlands) on the theme Monetary Policy
in the Peripheries under the Gold Standard and to present a paper on the theme
Belgian Monetary Policy under the Gold Standard during the Interwar Period.
6 August: Invited by Professor Maxine Berg to attend session F7 of the 15th World
Economic History Congress at Utrecht (The Netherlands) on the theme Origins and
Early Years of the International Economic History Congresses: Discussion-Forum
and Oral History, to present a paper on the theme The International Economic
History Association in the Mirror of its Past, and to be a member of the discussionpanel.
7 August: Invited by Professor em. John Munro to attend session M10 of the 15th World
Economic History Congress at Utrecht (The Netherlands) on the theme The
Monetary Problems and Monetary Policies in the World Economy before 1800 and
to present a paper on the theme The Amsterdam Wisselbank: A Conservative or an
Innovative Institution?
3 September: Invited by the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in
Geneva to be a member of the Jury of Stefano Ugolini’s Doctoral Dissertation on the
theme ‘The International Financial System and the Emergence of National Monetary
Policies, 1835-1870’.
30 April-2 May: Invited by the ALL-UC Group in Economic History to attend a
Colloquium at the University of California, Berkeley, in honor of Richard Sutch and
Susan B. Carter, and to present a paper on the theme ‘A Small Nation in the Turmoil
of the Second World War: Money, Finance and Occupation in Belgium, 1939-1945’.
12 May: Invited by the Workshop of Economic History at the University of California, Los
Angeles (U.C.L.A.) (Director Professor Naomi Lamoreaux) to present a paper on the
theme ‘The Monetary Policy of the Belgian Minister of Finance Camille Gutt before,
during and after the Second World War’.
23-25 September: Invited by the European W. Wilson Center Alumni Association to attend
in the Villa La Pietra (Florence) a Colloquium on the theme 'Transatlantic
Approaches to the Global Economy' and to give on 24 September a paper on the
theme 'Transatlantic Approaches to Global Economic Crises'.
16 December: Invited by the University Paris-IV (Sorbonne) (France) to open the series of
Graduate Seminars of the History Department during the Academic Year 2010-2011
with a paper on the theme 'L'Economie occidentale au vingtième siècle: une vue