Seite 1 ZIRF- Counselling Form for Individual Enquiries


Seite 1 ZIRF- Counselling Form for Individual Enquiries
IOM International Organization for Migration
IOM Internationale Organisation für Migration
ZIRF- Counselling Form for Individual Enquiries
1. Enquiring agency data
Enquiring agency
Name of advisor
Contact information
for enquiring agency
Federal state in which enquiring
agency is located (important)
2. Personal data of person on whose behalf the enquiry is conducted
Ethnic origin
Country of origin
Final destination
(city, village)
3. Sphere:
Job, Housing, Social Concerns
4. Individual Enquiry:
Background Information: The man wants to return to Kosovo with his wife and 2-year-old child.
He plans to work in the construction sector.
1.) How high is the approximate monthly rent for a 3-bedroom-apartment in Prizren?
2.) How high are the approximate monthly living costs for 2 adults and a child in Prizren (incl.
food, electricity, public transport etc.)?
3.) Please give estimated local prices for children’s clothes (underwear, stockings, trousers,
pullover, jacket, shoes):
4.) Please give contact details of a local employment office:
5.) Please give contact details of companies, where the following workers could apply: (a) brick
layer, (b) floor tiler, (c) gardener, (d) dry wall builder, (e) form worker, (f) concreter.
IOM – Vertretung für Deutschland:
Wallstraße 69 • D-10179 Berlin • Deutschland • Fax: +49.30.278 778 99
IOM - Zweigstelle in Nürnberg:
Postfach 40 01 59 • D-90206 Nürnberg • Frankenstraße 210 • D-90461 Nürnberg • Deutschland • Fax: +49.911.4300 260
Telefonzentrale IOM Deutschland: +49.911.43000
E-Mail: [email protected] • Internet:
Seite 1
IOM International Organization for Migration
IOM Internationale Organisation für Migration
1.) The rent costs for 3-bedroom apartments in Prizren town vary according to the
location and size. Prices range from 150 to 250 EUR.
(Information source: Intel Service Company Prizren / Tel.: +377 (0) 44113057)
2.) According to the Economy Survey on Family Budget (ABEF2012), the total
monthly household expenses of 3 members are around 598 Euro. In these
expenses, according to the Statistical Agency of Kosovo, are included the
following categories: food, alcohol and tobacco, clothing, housing, furniture,
health, transportation, communication, recreation, education, hotels and
restaurants and other. (Information source: Statistical Agency of Kosovo)
3.) The local prices for children’s clothing vary from 150 to 200 EUR. In these
expenses are included the following items: shoes, underwear, stockings, trousers,
pullover, jacket, hat, shawl and gloves.
(Information source ABI center in Prizren, [email protected])
4.) The contact details of the local employment office are:
Str. “Zahir Pajaziti”, nr. 1
Tel.: +381 (0)29 222 223
Email: [email protected]
5.) Regarding employment issues, the employment officer from the local Employment
Office informed us that the unemployment rate is up to 40% (estimated). However,
she is particularly engaged for returnees employment and employment issues,
claimed that returnees should contact immediately her and the office after their
arrivals. Officer also told us that local companies interested for job seekers and
their skills and abilities are in usual contact with the Bureau for employment to
receive information they have. Additionally, Employment offices implement
different employment projects with temporary character from which the
unemployed can benefit. (Information source [email protected])
Case ID (IOM): ZC145/09.09.2013
Seite 2