Participants for October


Participants for October
Participants for December worship services
8am Acolyte:
Jonathon Breland
Eucharistic Minister
Kristin Appleby
Prayer Intercessors
Roger Flagler, Dick Keys
8:45am Coffee Hour Hosts
9am Eucharistic Minister
Diane Johnson, Angie Larimer
Prayer Intercessors
John and Sue Mitchell
Lay Lector
Nancy Boerup, Diane Johnson
10amCoffee Hour Hosts
11am Acolytes
Jonathon Breland
Prayer Intercessors
Nan Franks, Jackie Engelbert
Lay Lectors
Andrew Cole, Tricia Ettinger
Eucharistic Ministers
Ann Barnum, Ken Rex
Charles and Peggy Buck
Altar Guild
Susan Swaine, Patricia Wade, Pat Morrison,
Joan Fischer, Diane Todd
Lay Eucharistic Visitor
Nancy Boerup
12pm Coffee Hour Hosts
Jeanne & Gerald Kalkbrenner
8am Acolyte
Eucharistic Minister
Prayer Intercessors
9am Eucharistic Minister
Prayer Intercessors
Lay Lector
10am Coffee Hour Hosts
11am Acolytes
Prayer Intercessors
Lay Lectors
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Guild
Lay Eucharistic Visitor
12pm Coffee Hour Hosts
8am Acolyte
Prayer Intercessors
Eucharistic Minister
9am Eucharistic Minister
Prayer Intercessors
Lay Lector
11am Acolytes
Prayer Intercessors
Lay Lectors
Eucharistic Ministers
Jonathon Breland
Nancy Boerup
John and Sue Mitchell
Juliette Stuard, Louise Bower
Glenda de Jesús, Peggy Lobes
Kristin Henley
Lynn Slater, Zwilling Family
Lauren Decker,
Venitra DeGraffenreid, Diane Johnson
Youth, Frank Foster
Steve Benson, Jim Walch
Joe Konieczko, Bet Stephens
Whit Sims, Nickie Konieczko, Peggy Shardelow, Kristin Henley,
Sandy Pizzano
Jackie Engelbert
Haas and Brookbank, Kris & Larry Mader
Jonathon Breland
Roger Flagler, Dick Keys
Jane Benson
Ellen Buell, Heather Watson
Louise and John Bower
Avery Brookbank, Alley Spaulding, Declan Dunehew,
Aidan Dunehew
Sandy Pizzano, Brad Wilkins
Paul Thoms, Eve Morrow
Marion Thoms, Bill Dorward
Altar Guild
Lay Eucharistic Visitor
Coffee Hour Hosts
Lessons & Carols
Dec 24th
Christmas Week Altar Guild
Christmas Eve 5:00pm
Lay Lectors
Eucharistic Minister
Christmas Eve 7:30pm
Lay Lectors
Eucharistic Ministers
Christmas Eve 10:30pm
Lay Lectors
Eucharistic Ministers
Dec 25th
Christmas Day 10:00am
Eucharistic Minister
8am Acolyte
Prayer Intercessors
Eucharistic Minister
9am Eucharistic Minister
Prayer Intercessors
Lay Lector
10am Coffee Hour Hosts
11am Acolytes
Prayer Intercessors
Lay Lectors
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Guild
Lay Eucharistic Visitor
12pm Coffee Hour Hosts
Becky Dunehew, Jane Benson, Linda King-Edrington, Mary Sue Rogers,
Vickie Haley
Penny Young
John and Jean Zimmerman
Jackie Engelbert, Ally Spaulding
Bet Stephens, Linda Erney, Caprice Warren, Carolyn Wilmesherr,
Jennifer Breland
Kristin Appleby, Beth Zwilling
Steve Benson, Jane Benson,
Loring Leitzel, Mitchell Leitzel
Sharon Snavely
Eve Morrow, Tricia Ettinger,
Penny Young, Jim Walch
Jonathon Breland, Luke Tuttle, Rebecca Breland
Bruce and Linda Erney, Joe Konieczko
Bill Dorward, Frank Foster,
Ann Barnum, Ellen Buell
Avery Brookbank, Shane Warren, Grant Warren
Ted Semones, Woody and Sharon Woodrow
Shauna Lieberman
Jonathon Breland
Louise and John Bower
Marion Thoms
Jackie Engelbert, Louise Bower
Pat Welti, Linda King-Edrington
The Zwilling Family
Karsten Dorward, Rutger DeGraffenreid-Winter, Tor DeGraffenreidWinter, Luke Tuttle
Gil and Mayree Braun
Tricia Ettinger, Frank Foster
Kristin Appleby, Ann Barnum
Bruce and Linda Erney
Bet Stephens, Linda Erney, Caprice Warren, Carolyn Wilmesherr,
Jennifer Breland
Shauna Lieberman
Lydia and Warren Rittinger/Margaret and Bryan Mock