Alpbach Retail Forum 15. – 17. 10. 09


Alpbach Retail Forum 15. – 17. 10. 09
E/D ∙ € 6 / chf 9 / $ 8 / £ 4
The International Magazine for
Retailing and Shop Design
Das internationale Magazin für
Laden-Marketing und Shop-Design
Alpbach Retail Forum 15. – 17. 10. 09
Area systems under
Top Project:
O’Neill, Amsterdam
Trends in
floor design
SHOP Inhalt
SHOP TALK mit Stefan Ruzowitzky über „Die Kunst der
Inszenierung“ – Seiten 10 – 11 SHOP TALK with Stefan
Ruzowitzky on “The Art of Stagecraft” – pages 10 – 11
Flächenpartnerschaften am Prüfstand – Seiten 12 – 17
Retail space sharing under examination – pages 12 – 17
Wie man Kaufgefühle weckt – Seiten 40 – 43
How to encourage customers to buy – pages 40 – 43
Trends in der Bodengestaltung – Seiten 44 – 47
Trends in floor design – pages 44 – 47
Editorial, Impressum, Leserservice
Editorial, Masthead, Reader service
4 – 5
Die Kunst der Inszenierung II, Alpbach
Stagecraft in Retailing II, Alpbach
6 – 9
Oscar-Preisträger Stefan Ruzowitzky über „Die Kunst
der Inszenierung“ Oscar prizewinner Stefan Ruzowitzky on
“The Art of Stagecraft”
Christine Crepaz und
Philip Fürmann
entwickelten im Rahmen
einer Studienarbeit der
FH Salzburg das Konzept
„Aquatheque – alle
Wasser dieser Welt“ auf
300 m² – siehe auch
Seiten 48 – 49.
Christine Crepaz and
Philip Fürmann
developed the concept
”Aquatheque − all the
waters of the world” over
an area of 300 m² as part
of a study project at
Salzburg Technical
University (see also
pages 48 – 49).
10 – 1
Flächenpartnerschaften am Prüfstand
Retail space sharing under examination
Die 7 Hochgefühle und wie man sie weckt
The Seven Feelings of Elation and How to Arouse Them
40 – 4
O’Neill, Amsterdam
18 – 2
Kaubamaja, Swer, Kastner & Öhler, Humanic,
Noppies, Eurospar, DublinT1X, Gleis4, Boday-Bulloni,
Abu Dhabi Terminal 3, Giorgio Martello
22 – 3
Trends in der Bodengestaltung Trends in floor design
44 – 4
Umdasch Shop Academy, Termin-Kalender, Neue Bücher
Umdasch Shop Academy, Calendar of Events, New Books
48 – 5
SHOP aktuell 106
12 – 1
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP Editorial
SHOP Inside
Paradigm shift
FAIRPLAY – CSR by Umdasch
Liebe LeserInnen,
nicht wenige Experten gehen davon
aus, dass es im Gefolge von Wirtschaftskrise und längst gese l lsc haf tsfä hig e n Reinhard Peneder
SHOP aktuell
„Green-Trends“ zu Chefredakteur
einem Paradigmen- Editor-in-Chief
wechsel im Konsum
kommen wird. Neue Handelsformate werden sich etablieren, lokale Märkte eine Renaissance erleben.
Ein kleines Puzzle in dieser spannenden Entwicklung ist, dass das Erfolgsmodell der Flächenpartnerschaften
zunehmend auf dem Prüfstand steht.
U. a. darüber berichten wir in dieser Ausgabe von SHOP aktuell. Die Zukunft des
Handels steht auch im Mittelpunkt des Internationalen Alpbacher Handels-Forums
15. bis 17. Oktober 2009. Bei dieser einzigartigen Veranstaltung referieren hochkarätige Experten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen. Da sollten Sie unbedingt dabei
The change of values in the consumer
world makes a professional approach to
the subject of sustainability an essential
factor for the retail sector. In the internet
age the way a retailer uses resources and
his attitude towards social responsibility
have become highly transparent for the
consumer. The main focus is on the economical use of natural resources, environmentally friendly production processes, energy efficiency and fair treatment
of all those involved in the added-value
process. In addition to statements and
reports, sustainability has been effectively transformed into a public-relations
exercise by numerous brands and retail
businesses. Uncompromising honesty is
the pre-requisite for the success of such
concepts and campaigns.
Dear Readers,
Quite a number of experts are convinced that as a result of the economic crisis and the “Green Trends”, a topic
which has long since become socially acceptable, we can expect a paradigm shift
in consumer habits. We can look forward
to both challenges and opportunities. New
retail formats will be established; local markets will experience a renaissance.
One small puzzle piece in this exciting development is the fact that the successful model of large-size partnerships
is increasingly being called into question.
We report on this subject – and many others – in this issue of SHOP aktuell. The future of retailing is also the focal point of
the Alpbach International Retail Forum DIE
KUNST DER INSZENIERUNG II (STAGECRAFT IN RETAILING II) from 15 − 17 October 2009. During this unique event illustrious experts from a variety of disciplines
will be giving lectures. You really should attend!
umdasch shop-concept
The companies of the Umdasch Shopfitting
Group are also aware of their responsibility as
an economic motor at the locations where the
company operates.
FAIRPLAY is the title of the new CSR
brochure published by Umdasch.
The partners of these retail businesses – including shopfitting companies − have therefore long ago come on
board as well when it comes to sustainability. For Umdasch, Corporate Social
Responsibility is an integral part of company strategy. Indeed, it has been since
long before the term became an essential
fashion word. It includes, for example, the
certified quality policy in accordance with
ISO 9001:2000; environmentally friendly production processes; the auditing of
network partners according to strict criteria; and project-specific life-cycle analyses. The company is also publishing a
brochure on the subject: FAIRPLAY –
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
by Umdasch. It examines topics relating
to the subject of sustainability from various points of view. We shall be pleased to
send you a copy upon request.
Leserservice Reader service
Wenn Sie Fragen im Zusammenhang mit dem Inhalt dieses SHOP aktuell haben, so wenden Sie sich per Fax oder Mail direkt an
die Redaktion. For further information on any of the topics in this issue of SHOP aktuell, please contact our editorial department by
fax or e-mail. Fax +43/7472/605-3722, E-Mail: [email protected]
SHOP aktuell is published by Umdasch Shop-Concept. For addresses see back cover of magazine. Number 106/September 2009.
German/English edition. Price per copy: € 6, CHF 9, $ 8, L 4. Subscription price: € 24 for 5 consecutive issues (plus postage).
Distributed free of charge to Umdasch MDB members. Project management: Reinhard Peneder, Umdasch Shop-Concept, A-3300
Amstetten. Authors of this issue: Reinhard Peneder, Mag. (FH) Sonja Scheidl, Ulrich Hopp, Dott. Valentina Santiloni, Milena Hunziker,
Regula Wirth, Pascale Abadie, Mag. Birgit Sainitzer, Dr. Petra Barth, Karin-Andrea Lehner B.A.. Design: Sandra Schuller, Denise Siegl.
Photos/Illustrations: Manfred Aigner, Luis Paterno, Reinhard Peneder, dlv, GDI, Daimler AG, Schrenk+Schrenk, Agentur Davilla, dm,
Stefan Ruzowitzky, Ed Hofmann, CCA, Tom Roeder, Ilvio Gallo, Sonja Scheidl, Gerflor, RLI, Grundmann+Wiedemann, FH Salzburg,
Regula Wirth, P&C, Cornelia Suhan, Esprit, Franz Kendler, O´Neill, Valentina Santiloni, Leder&Schuh, JPS, Assmann Shop Design,
Spar, Patrick Bolger, Gleis4, DFS / rkd retail/iQ, Econ, Stefan Wolter, Hutner Training, Andreas Sütterlin, Frank Barilko, Sony, Venezie
Moda&Sport, Archive. Translation: Jane Michael. Printing: Friedrich, Linz. N.B.: Projects executed by Umdasch are listed as such in
the text or the photo caption.
SHOP aktuell 106
SHOP Inside
Umdasch Shop-Concept “Shopfitter of the Year”
On 18 June 2009 Umdasch ShopConcept was presented at Old Billingsgate in London with the RLI
Award in the category “Shopfitter of
the year”. The annual award honours
outstanding achievements in the field
of shopfitting.
RLI (Retail & Leisure International) is
one of the leading international specialist publications in the shop architecture
and shop design sector. With its annual
awards presentation the magazine aims
to honour successful, creative developments in the retail world. The shopfitting award testifies to an added-value
process oriented towards the customer’s requirements, a highly professional involvement in the design process
and an innovative use of materials. The
jury consisting of 14 prominent experts
included Carmine Rotondaro, Worldwide
Real Estate Director Gucci Group; Chris
Wormald, Partner & Joint Head of Franchising Field Fisher Waterhouse UK; and
Joseph Wan, CEO Harvey Nichols. They
decided that among the shopfitters who
were nominated, Umdasch fulfilled the
criteria best during the past year. The
winners in the other categories included
New Look (“International Retailer of the
year”), House of Fraser (“UK Retailer of
the year”), and Marks & Spencer (“Sustainability Award”).
RLI Editor-in-Chief Jayne Rafter presenting the “Shopfitter of the Year Award” to Roman Fussthaler,
Managing Director of Umdasch in the UK and Ireland.
RLI Editor-in- Chief Jayne Raf ter presented the “Winner’s Trophy” to
Roman Fussthaler, Managing Director of
Umdasch Shop-Concept for the UK and
Ireland during the course of an enjoyable evening event. On this occasion there
was also an inspiring exchange of ideas
between retail and design professionals.
Further information:
Increased presence
in Southwest Germany
Umdasch Shop-Concept is strengthening its presence in Southwest Germany: its new partners in the region are the
interior designers Grundmann + Wiedemann in Freiburg im Breisgau, a firm of
architects with experience in the shopfitting sector. The range of services they
offer includes consultancy, design, planning, building applications, tendering
procedures, building supervision and
acceptance of construction work. The
owners are highly qualified. Diana Wiedemann is a freelance architect and interior designer with the BDIA qualification
SHOP aktuell 106
who studied at the technical universities of Trier
and Detmold. Her partner Klaus Grundmann is
a qualified designer and
interior designer with a
diploma from Trier Technical University.
Klaus Grundmann and Diana
Wiedemann strengthen the
sales network of Umdasch
Shop-Concept in Southwest
umdasch shop-concept
Retail Event
Alpbach International Retail Forum
Alpbach International Retail Forum 15 – 17 October 2009
Sarah Wiener and Stefan
Ruzowitzky celebrate
Oscar prizewinner Stefan Ruzowitzky and star chef Sarah Wiener are two of the ten top lecturers who will
introduce participants at the Alpbach International Retail Forum to the secrets of stagecraft from a number
of different disciplines. In these turbulent times the focus of some lectures will also be on the challenges and
opportunities we are currently facing.
umdasch shop-concept
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Retail Event
Alpbach International Retail Forum
Alpbach Congress Centre, lovingly embedded in the mountains of Tyrol, provides an atmospheric
Oscar prizewinner Stefan Ruzowitzky and
Star chef Sarah Wiener are two of the top lecturers
at the Alpbach International Retail Forum.
From 15 − 17 October 2009 the enchanting backdrop of the
prettiest village in Austria will provide the setting for the international retail forum DIE KUNST DER INSZENIERUNG II
(STAGECRAFT IN RETAILING II). This represents the international climax to the wide-ranging programme of events
arranged by the Umdasch Shop Academy. Far from the bustle of everyday life, visitors can experience an unusual programme of excitement and relaxation in an intact natural
setting. The multi-disciplinary event will demonstrate to participants through lectures, discussions and live experiences
the success factors affecting stagecraft from various sectors.
Peter Paul Polte, the publisher of TextilWirtschaft, will introduce the event and present a truly glittering team of lecturers
(for lecturer portraits see page 8 – 9).
SHOP aktuell 106
umdasch shop-concept
Retail Event
Alpbach International Retail Forum
Programme & lecturer portraits – Alpbach Interna
15.10. 19.15 Uhr
15.10. 19.30 Uhr
Peter Paul Polte – Publisher, previously Editor-in-Chief
of TextilWirtschaft, Frankfurt, the largest professional
publication for the textile branch in Europe, and the one
with the widest circulation. Regular contributor to the
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Neue Zürcher Zeitung
and Handelsblatt Düsseldorf. President of the European
Fashion Institute since 1991 and responsible in this capacity for numerous
fashion and marketing congresses. Close co-operation with the German
Fashion Institute, the Domus Academy in Milan, the Trends Office of Prof.
Wippermann and Promostyle in Paris. Polte studied Economics and Sociology
at the universities of Münster, Tübingen and Bochum.
Dr. David Bosshart – CEO of the famous Gottlieb
Duttweiler Institute (GDI) in Rüschlikon/Zürich. Founded
in 1962 by Gottlieb Duttweiler, the European retailing
pioneer, the institute is an independent European think
tank for the retail sector and its business environment.
Dr. Bosshart’s academic career: High-school diploma
in Economics and Retail Studies, Doctorate in Philosophy and Political
Theory at the University of Zürich. David Bosshart’s main professional focus
lies in retailing, consumerism, management and social change. He is the
author of various books including “Die Zukunft des Konsums” (The Future of
Consumerism) and “Billig” (Cheap).
11.30 Uhr
Sarah Wiener – One of the best-known television chefs in the
German-speaking region, Sarah Wiener writes cookery books
and is the founder and front woman of Sarah Wiener GmbH.
Famous as a supporter of the ethical use of natural resources,
animals and foodstuffs. A native of Austria, Sarah Wiener
spent a number of turbulent years travelling and training in
her chosen profession before settling in Berlin and finding her calling. Founded
“Sarah Wieners Tracking Catering” in 1990; opened her first restaurant, “Das
Speisezimmer”, in Berlin Mitte in 1999. Founded in 2004, the Sarah Wiener GmbH
has branches in Berlin and Hamburg and currently operates four restaurants in
Berlin and an exclusive event catering service with over 100 employees.
16.10. 16.45 Uhr
Stefan Ruzowitzky – Film director and scriptwriter from
Klosterneuburg near Vienna. In 2008 his feature film “Die
Fälscher” (The Counterfeiters) was awarded the Oscar
for the best foreign film. Ruzowitzky studied Dramatics
and History at the University of Vienna. His film directing
and scriptwriting debut was in 1996 with the feature
film “Tempo”, which was awarded the Max Ophüls prize. The production “Die
Siebtelbauern” (1998) won numerous awards. He directed the German thrillers
“Anatomie” and “Anatomie 2”. “Anatomie” lured over two million viewers to
cinemas in Germany alone.
The staging of the future
Dr. David Bosshart, CEO of GDI, and Dr. Eckard Minx (Daimler AG) will be casting more than just a casual glance at the
future in Alpbach. Consumer psychologist Simonetta Carbonaro already has the answers to several urgent questions in “Mit
Authentizität aus der Krise” (Authenticity: Escape from the Crisis). Erich Harsch (dm) and Daniel Strolz (Strolz GesmbH, Lech)
are two proven successful practical retailers who will explain
their approach. We are conducting enquiries to find a lecturer
from the international retail design scene. “Die Inszenierung des
Genusses” (The Stagecraft of Culinary Pleasure) is the perfect
subject for star chef Sarah Wiener; and Oscar prizewinner Stefan Ruzowitzky will delve into the box of tricks of a successful film maker. During the visit to the Swarovski Crystal Worlds
Dr. Christian Mikunda will join the participants as they immerse
umdasch shop-concept
13.45 Uhr
Daniel Strolz – Managing Director of Strolz GesmbH in
Lech am Arlberg. Strolz is a fashion and sports shop in
the exclusive ski resport of Lech in Vorarlberg. It is considered to be one of the top addresses in the Alpine region. The range of goods extends from traditional costumes to fashionable sports clothing and top-quality
sports equipment. The brands stocked range from labels like Prada, Fendi,
Meindl and Gössl to Moncler, Lasse Kjus, Dsquared and Napapijri. Today Daniel Strolz (strategy, sales, marketing) manages the traditional store in the third
generation together with his brothers Ambros (purchasing) and Florian (finance)
and his cousin Hannes (ski boots). Strolz has also achieved national fame with
the manufacture of ski boots with individual foam linings.
16.10. 22.00 Uhr
Tom Roeder – Wunderwerke, Dresden. Tom Roeder
stages parties, balls … spectacles great and small. These
have included, for example, the New Year’s celebration in
Dresden, when he transformed the Theaterplatz and the
unique backdrop of the Semper Opera House, Baroque
cathedral and royal residence into a sea of lights.
Be prepared for plenty of surprises in Alpbach when you discover what the
“Geschichten aus dem Weißen Koffer” (Stories from the White Suitcase) and
the “Druckluftorchester” (Compressed Air Orchestra) hold in store.
themselves in the realm of emotions. The secrets of Tom Roeder, the “Geschichten mit dem Weißen Koffer” (Stories from the
White Suitcase) and the “Druckluftorchester” (Compressed Air
Orchestra) will not be revealed until the night.
You will find a summary of this exclusive programme on the back
of this issue of SHOP aktuell. The invitation poster listing the
entire programme and many other details is available for download on our website It can
also be ordered in printed form. The last date for registration is
30. 9. 2009.
Distinguished event partners
Umdasch Shop Academy has brought EuroDisplay, Gerflor,
RZB-Leuchten and the brands of the Umdasch Shopfitting
SHOP aktuell 106
Retail Event
Alpbach International Retail Forum
tional Retail Forum 15 – 17 October 2009
16.10. 9.00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Eckard Minx – Principal of “Gesellschaft und
Technik” (Society and Technology), Daimler AG’s future
research institute; he is regarded as one of the most important innovation experts in Europe. Studied jurisprudence and economics at the FU Berlin. At Daimler since
1980, principal of the research institute “Gesellschaft und
Technik” in Berlin and Palo Alto since 1992. Prof. Dr. Minx is a member of numerous committees, including the strategy committee for social-ecological
research at the Federal Ministry for Education and Research; the foundation
committee of the Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum; and the research committee of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin.
He is also the Chairman of the Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz Foundation.
14.30 Uhr
Erich Harsch – Chairman of the Board of Management
of dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG, Karlsruhe (since
May 2008). A native of Austria, Harsch has worked for
the internationally successful health and beauty chain
since August 1981. In 1987 he assumed responsibility for
the IT applications development department. From 1992
he served as Managing Director of the dm IT subsidiary company FILIADATA.
Since then he has been a member of the dm management with regional
responsibility for more than 140 branches in Württemberg and Franconia. As
the Chairman of the dm Board of Management Erich Harsch has succeeded
the business personality Götz Werner, who has transferred to the Supervisory
Board of dm.
17.10. 9.00 Uhr
Hansjörg Bletzacher – The band leader of Alpbach
National Brass Band. A member of the band since 1980,
and the band leader since 2000. Four semesters of
training as band leader at the Tyrol State Conservatory
of Music in Innsbruck.
Group (Umdasch Shop-Concept, Assmann Shop Design, Jonas
Ladenbau, ShopConsult by Umdasch) on board as partners.
Thanks to their support it is possible to offer this unique retail
event at a uniquely favourable price: depending on the category
of hotel chosen, participation costs between € 880.— to € 980.-per person (All-inclusive price including two nights’ accommodation with full board).
Conferences in the loveliest village in Austria
Philosophers, politicians and the business élite know and appreciate the unique character and atmosphere of Alpbach. They
have found inspiration on the sunny plateau 1,000 metres above
sea level, far from the noise and bustle of the city. Each season has its own special charms, especially autumn ... Alpbach’s
modern Congress Centre is an architectural jewel, picturesquely
SHOP aktuell 106
16.10. 10.00 Uhr
Edwin L. Hofmann – Director Prototype Design,
Store Design & Construction at Limited Brands was
unfortunately obliged to cancel his participation as
lecturer shortly before this issue went to print. Our search
for a suitable replacement from the international retail
design scene looks promising. Please check our website for the latest information.
15.45 Uhr
Dott. Prof. Simonetta Carbonaro – Consumer
psychologist and expert for innovation management and
strategic design management, Karlsruhe. Ms Carbonaro
is Professor for Humanistic Marketing and Design
Management at the University of Borås in Sweden,
where she is currently involved in the establishment of a
competence centre for marketing in saturated markets. Her research focuses
on the fields of consumer behavious and social and cultural changes in our
global society. As a partner in the management consultancy REALISE she has
also advised international companies within the consumer goods industry and
retail sector for over 20 years.
17.10. 9.45 Uhr
Dr. Christian Mikunda – Media dramaturgist, Vienna.
Dr. Mikunda originally developed his theories on the subject of “strategic dramaturgy” for films and television.
Today he advises international companies, shopping
centres, museums, cities and retail markets. He is a lecturer and guest professor at universities and was a guest
speaker at Harvard University. His books have been published in numerous
languages; his latest work, “Warum wir uns Gefühle kaufen. Die 7 Hochgefühle
und wie man sie weckt” (Why we buy emotions. The Seven Feelings of Elation
and How to Arouse Them) will be published in October 2009 by Econ Ullstein,
Berlin. For the Umdasch Shop Academy Dr. Mikunda’s activities include leading the popular shop expeditions “Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!” (Shop Dramaturgy LIVE!), which have visited destinations including London, Paris, New York,
Las Vegas, Dubai and Tokyo.
nestling on the mountainside. The “European Forum Alpbach”
has earned for the village a reputation far beyond the boundaries
of Europe as the “Village of Philosophers”. And yet, in Alpbach
leisure and relaxation are also all around.
Accommodation is available in four and three-star hotels with
every comfort and authentic flair which fit into the overall appearance of the village. The Romantik Hotel Böglerhof, the Alpbacherhof and the Hotel Post are sure to be charming hosts. The
Congress Centre is a pleasant stroll away from all three hotels.
Alpbach lies in the Alpbach Valley, a side valley of the Inn Valley
in Tyrol. Important distances: Inntal motorway A12 exit Kramsach/Brixlegg 12 km, Innsbruck 57 km, Munich 160 km, Salzburg 150 km. Innsbruck, Munich and Salzburg are the nearest
airports if you are planning to fly. umdasch shop-concept
Reinhard Peneder
Stefan Ruzowitzky
on the Art of Stagecraft
On 24 February 2008 Penélope Cruz presented Stefan Ruzowitzky with the Oscar statuette
in Los Angeles for his concentration-camp drama “The Counterfeiters” as the best foreignlanguage film. It was without doubt the highlight to date in the career of the film director and
script writer, who was born in 1961 in Vienna and who now lives in Klosterneuburg. Ruzowitzky
is married and has two daughters. He has already produced a number of remarkable films:
“Tempo” (1996), “Die Siebtelbauern” (1998), “Anatomie” (2000) and “Anatomie 2” (2003). At the
Alpbach International Retail Forum Ruzowitzky will reveal some of the secrets of stagecraft.
We discussed the topic with him in advance in Cafe Central in Vienna.
How has the Oscar changed your life?
In a recent interview you observed
that your fame had increased from 0
to 100.
Yes, you lose your anonymity – for better or worse. You lose a certain degree
of freedom when you suddenly stand in
the public eye. But on the other hand you
also acquire a certain amount of political
power. Of course I try to use that to support Austrian films.
Oscar, Oscar nomination, Golden
Palm – Austrian cinema is on a roll at
the moment. Is that pure coincidence
or is there a certain degree of method
behind it all?
“People want to experience
certain feelings.”
Mr Ruzowitzky, what actually happens
at an Oscar awards ceremony? Do
the people who have been nominated
know beforehand who the lucky winner will be? Or does the tension continue until the very last second?
who have been nominated but who have
failed to win would probably not even
turn up.
You really do only find out when the
famous envelope is opened. The event
depends entirely on the spontaneous,
emotional reactions, on the tears of
the winners and the somewhat morose
looks of those who have failed to win. If
the result were known beforehand, those
My American film distributor told me
to jot down a few thoughts and put the
paper in my pocket. Because if you really
do have to step out onto the stage you’ll
never think of anything intelligent to say,
and of course nobody wants to look like
a fool.
umdasch shop-concept
But in any case people are well prepared in case they do actually win?
I think it is both. There were times when
Swedish directors were particularly successful; then it was the Italians. Now
the grass-roots efforts of the Austrian
Film Fund are reaping the rewards. In
that respect our success is not a coincidence, because “The Counterfeiters”
and “The White Ribbon” (Editor’s note:
Golden Palm, Cannes 2009) were neither my first work nor the first work by
Michael Haneke, but rather they were
the result of decades of work. Michael
Haneke once said: “You have to whip
a lot of milk to be able to skim off the
What makes a film a “good” one?
I think that art is about arousing emotions. People want to experience certain feelings. Why is everyone mourning Michael Jackson at the moment?
SHOP aktuell 106
Because he sang songs which provoked
certain feelings in the listener. It’s exactly the same with books, plays and films.
They are all things which move us, which
do not leave us cold. In my film “Anatomie”, for example, the story is about
people who are afraid; in other films they
may be moved and in yet others they
may laugh. Ultimately it is a matter of
arousing emotions.
You have already worked in a wide
variety of genres. Is there something
like a common factor which guarantees success?
There are a number of common factors.
My films are always about idealists, who
enter a new world and then find themselves in conflict with the powers that be
and powerful people. That is what happens in the “Siebtelbauern” and also in
“The Counterfeiters”, but the other way
round. There is a man who has already
lost all his ideals, who has become a total
pragmatist, but who somehow finds his
way back and becomes an idealist again.
Nowadays, when I read scripts and find
one that I like, then I usually find that at
the heart of it all, and that is obviously
something which really appeals to me.
There are supposedly numerous
common factors between the staging of a film or play and the presentation of goods in a shop. What do
you think these two activities have in
I’m sure there are lots of common factors. In particular there are strong links
between films and architecture. Think
about a staircase, for example. The flight
of steps leading up to a castle will force
me to walk in a different rhythm than the
servant’s staircase round at the back. In
fact, we can see the expression of power
relationships, in a film or in architecture.
Another common factor is, for example,
the dramaturgical use of lines of sight.
You yourself also work in business
and advertising. The spots with the
pig for ja!natürlich; the organic product lines of Merkur and Billa have
also won various awards. It that a job
which you still enjoy?
Oh yes, I like advertising. For me it’s a
good balance, a welcome exercise to
SHOP aktuell 106
“You do get the chance to
play in the big league”
keep my hand in between feature films.
Even though you can’t become involved
emotionally on the set of an advertising
spot to the same extent as you can in a
feature film. It has to fit into those famous
thirty seconds, so in fact you have to
prepare it even more carefully than you
do a feature film.
of scripts and there are about five or
six of them which I am looking at more
closely. One of the projects was even
on the verge of being realised. But then
the actress who was supposed to take
on the main role changed her mind. The
rules there are different, and you have to
come to terms with them first.
At the Alpbach International Retail
Forum you are going to lecture on
“The Art of Stagecraft”. What can the
participants expect to learn?
So an Oscar is not necessarily the
passport to wealth?
The focal point will be the topic I mentioned before, in other words the art of
arousing emotions in the cinemagoer or
in the consumer.
What are your next projects going to
No. But the Oscar helps you to enter
a field where you really can earn well.
Even in Hollywood not everyone is rolling in money. But there are plenty of
others who have an Oscar and who
have produced films which have earned
millions of dollars. So an Oscar is by no
means a passport to fame and fortune.
But you do get the chance to play in the
big league. The only thing that is definite is that next
year I’m going to direct an opera production at the Theater an der Wien (Editor’s note: “Der Freischütz”). One of
those taking part will be Karl Markovics
as Samiel; he played the principal role in
the Oscar-winning film “The Counterfeiters”. As far as Hollywood is concerned, I
don’t want to count my chickens before
they’re hatched. I’ve read a large number
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP Concept Topic
Retail space sharing
Reinhard Peneder
Fashion boulevard at Kastner & Öhler in Oberwart. Umbrella brand strategy and brand expertise under one roof.
In an atmosphere of tension between efficiency and emotion
Retail space sharing under
Following a long phase of joint success, space sharing between the industrial and retail sectors has recently
come under increased examination. One of the contributory factors is market saturation – the keyword is
“overstoring” – and another lies in the new insights into the way in which customers actually behave at the
POS. In many places there is also a lack of synchronisation between sales systems on the one hand and goods
presentation and consultancy on the other. SHOP aktuell reports on selected aspects of this controversial topic.
Frankfurt, 19 March 2009. TextilWirtschaft invited “Partner
Stores” to its traditional congress in the congenial setting of
the Steigenberger Hotel. This was just one of the many professionally organised events presented by the sector’s most
famous and influential publication. Almost 400 participants
umdasch shop-concept
turned up. Most of them were representatives of national and
international brands, as well as consultants and service providers from a wide range of disciplines; only a small percentage of
them actually came from the retail sector itself. Lecturers from
famous brands described in enthusiastic terms the advantagSHOP aktuell 106
SHOP Concept topic
Retail space sharing
Fashion store with well-matched space sharing
areas. Seen at Peek & Cloppenburg Weltstadthaus
in Mariahilfer Strasse in Vienna.
es of their partnership models. They talked about the perfect
supply chain and the automatically programmed “channelling”
(my favourite word) of the goods. Success statistics, placement
models and portentous expressions were brought in; even RFID
reached the fashion sector some time ago. At 4.15 p.m., thanks
to Tobias Viehoff from Münster, the first mention was made of
such concepts as “emotions”, “fascination” and “atmosphere”.
Yes, the lecturer even commented that “We need shops which
are emotionally charged.” And then the curtain fell.
Munich, 22 April 2009. The Nymphenburg Group had issued
an invitation to their neuromarketing congress at the heart of
SHOP aktuell 106
the BMW World. The stylish BMW auditorium was also packed
with 400 participants. The wording was very different from
that in Frankfurt. The hosts had invited leading brain scientists, psychologists and researchers to take the stage alongside the practical experts from fields relating to neuromarketing. Dr. Christian Scheier spoke about multi-sensual coding
and warned against focusing too strongly on the visual channel. Norbert Wittmann talked about trust as the crucial basis
for all POS decisions. Dr. Werner Fuchs was of the opinion that
the winner would be the one who told the best and simplest
story (whereby there are scarcely more than a dozen basic
patterns for such a tale). Dr. Manfred Spitzer amazed the
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP Concept Topic
Retail space sharing
Area systems in Germany in fashion and shoes (selection):
Ara Shoes
Betty Barclay
Falke Gruppe
Gabor Shoes
Gabor Footwear/Cale Acitve
Bogner, Fire+Ice, Sônia Bogner
Camel active
Casa Moda
Daniel Hechter
Gant, Gant Home
Lebek, Barbara Lebek
Lloyd Shoes
audience with his experiments, proving for example that French
music considerably increases the sales of French wine. Hotelier Bernd Reutemann reported on the amazing success of his
“Pillow bar”. In Munich, however, I heard not a single word
about channelled goods and storage turnover rates.
Jack Wolfskin
Hugo Boss-Gruppe
Gin Tonic
Gerry Weber, Taifun, Sammoon, Edition
Geox Spa
Frank Walder
ECCO Schuhe
Escada, Escada Sport
Eterna Excellent
Esprit, edc
Basler, Basler Collection
to make our heart beat faster.” And Hans-Peter Vankerkom of
Hagemeyer in Minden repeated the same point: “The opportunity lies in the link between system competence and the lifestyle and emotionality of strong fashion brands.”
The weak ones will go to the wall
What do these two examples teach us? That we have the important opportunity and duty to charge professionally designed
area systems emotionally for the customers at the POS – to
write our own, unique story. In a commentary TextilWirtschaft
Michael Werner talks about the necessary tension, stimulation and fantasy. “We already have Supply Chain Managers”,
he observes, “What we need is Style Managers”. Even more
clearly; “While for many years now fashion have become progressively more individualised, the fashion houses have simply developed in the opposite direction, with rigid structures,
brand galleries as if in a shopping centre, and industrial storage on retail areas. There is just not enough which would seem
During 2008 the growth of system areas in Germany was still
continuing unabated. A figure of 55,600 has been quoted, of
which vertical merchandisers account for a share of almost
50 percent in the retail sector; their share of turnover even
accounts for 54 percent. In 2009 the growth slowed noticeably.
Many experts assume that the peak of the system area boom
has already been reached. There is an increasing crowding out
of the competition. Weaker brands are being forced out of the
areas, especially as strong labels are even raising their area
requirements by pointing to their improved profitability.
The language of space-sharing
The BTE has declared war on the Babylonian
confusion of expressions and figures. In cooperation with German Fashion, Hachmeister
+ Partner and representatives of the industrial and retail sectors, a “definition of figures in
vertical space-sharing partnerships” was developed last spring. The aim is to prevent chalk
from being compared with cheese. Ultimately
figures and calculation methods are compared
in order to establish a uniform assessment of
area productivity from various points of view.
This includes, for example:
• Calculation of receipt of goods
• Achieved calculation
• Area efficiency
• Sales quota
• Staff density
umdasch shop-concept
A large number of expressions relating to
space sharing are also explained.
For example:
Concession concept – General term for various forms of space-sharing
Business models – Consignment, branch depot, storage depot, concession, commission,
trading portfolio, franchise
Soft Shop – Clearly defined sales area without
supplier’s furnishings (contract areas)
Shop-in-Shop – Clearly defined sales area
with supplier’s furnishings
Store – Separate shop with own entrance
On the other hand, reputable retailers
are anticipating the customer’s desire for
more individuality and are abandoning
the increasingly uniform approach of system areas. Increasingly they are looking
once more at ways of strengthening their
own profile. Where brand areas dominate
today, here and there attractive multilabel surfaces are being planned. The market remains fluid. In fact, in the daily cooperation between the industrial and retail
sectors there are any number of exciting
topics: Sourcing strategies; limit planning;
avoidance of surplus; deliverability; pro­
cess optimisation; points of overlap with
regard to responsibility; transcripts; joint
SHOP aktuell 106
SHOP Concept topic
Retail space sharing
Six, I am
More & More
Pierre Cardin
Triumph, Sloggi, BeeDees
van Laack
Ulla Popken
Tom Tailor
Toni Dress
Via Appia, Via Appia Due
Vero Moda
Tommy Hilfiger
Tally Weijl
Street One
Roy Robson
s.Oliver shoes
Marc Cain
Marc O’Polo, Campus
All information subject to correction. Date: April 2009. Sources: TextilWirtschaft and SHOEZ.
Codello is an interesting space-sharing partner in the accessories sector.
Umdasch delivers the impressive shops.
Tamaris is a very attractive brand in the shoe sector with ambitions to
increase its sales area. The picture shows the shop in the Festival Mall in
Dubai, for which Umdasch Shop-Concept provided the shopfitting.
sales strategies; a harmonious relationship between fashionable goods and NOS; monolabel stores vs. areas; (location-specific) overstoring … The result of these discussions is always
also a question of the relative strengths. “In the final analysis,”
observes Mag. Peter Stöcker of Modenhaus Stöcker in Efer­
ding, “it is ultimately a question of who earns what, and how to
I can achieve my own return.”
What customers want
While the space-sharing boom in fashion has reached its peak,
considerable potential remains in the case of shoes. Shop-inshop systems are proving here to be the most successful form,
especially as monolabel stores are regarded as being only partially marketable because of the restricted range of goods on offer.
SHOP aktuell 106
In co-operation with Hutner Training and the Johannes Kepler
University in Linz, ShopConsult by Umdasch carried out
a wide-ranging Top Brands Study in Germany and Austria
between March and June
Links on the subject of space
2009. Also on board were
six manufacturer’s brands
(“The Top Brands”). A total
of 481 interviews were
ducted with customers of
the brands in question at
33 locations (both in
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP Concept Topic
Retail space sharing
Perfect planning
software for shop-inshop
With the program 3Dshop4you Umdasch Shop-Concept has at
its disposal a fully developed planning software which is ideally
suited to the design and simulation of shop-in-shop concepts.
Within the system not only can freely defined shopfitting modules be incorporated; so can the entire range of the brand concerned. Beyond the CAD-controlled shop planning process the
3Dshop4you is therefore also an ideal instrument for the development of complete merchandising concepts. In the operative
mode it is both possible and practical to link the system into the
goods control system.
3Dshop4you is an abstracted CAD program with the greatest possible user-friendliness, suitable for every average PC user. The
system produces amongst other possibilities photo-realistic pictures of details or overviews, 3D geometrical data and quantity
and price lists for the shopfitting furnishings, shelving and product disposition. The software is being constantly updated and has
been used by Umdasch for numerous well-known brands both
in the fashion sector and beyond. Further information – also in
the form of a short demonstration trailer – can be obtained from
[email protected].
With 3Dshop4you in five stages to a
finished shop
1) Definition of the space and floor
area structure in real life.
2) Positioning of the display units on
the walls including shelving and image
3) Positioning of centre-store elements
on the basis of a floor grid.
4) Product range supply and
merchandising concept.
Why customers visit shops
Customer point
of view
Sales staff point
of view
45 %
73 %
Product range/New
41 %
49 %
Regular customer
30 %
Shop window design
11 %
22 %
Cost effectiveness
27 %
Advertising leaflet
44 %
(Multiple answers were possible; *) they were not explicitly questioned)
Source: Top Brands Study ShopConsult by Umdasch/Hutner Training
monolabel stores and multilabel stores). 45 interviews with
experts (fashion consultants of the brands in question on location at the POS), conversations with those responsible for shopfitting in the companies concerned and a professional store
check (on the basis of store branding criteria) rounded out the
unique investigative framework. This gives a picture from four
different angles of what customers want at their place of purchase and how these wishes are actually fulfilled.
It would be beyond the scope of this article to present a
detailed account of the results of the study. (If you are interested, please contact [email protected]). In connection
with the subject of area systems, however, I should like to refer
to a number of interesting details. “Our shops are petting zoos,”
was the way one of the participants in the study interpreted the
fact that customers were highly satisfied with the fashion consultants, but that 80 % of the consultants broke off the sales
conversation after the first part. In any case the purchase quota
is expandable at 40 %. The aim here must be to improve things
by means of appropriate staff training. In general the sales staff
are not always absolutely correct in their assessment of the
purpose of the visit; above all, they overestimate the importance of the price. Weaknesses in the ambience and in particular in product presentation must be eliminated. The classic
sources of mistakes: uncomfortable changing rooms; convenience (lack of relaxation areas); shop lighting (direction of spotlights, varying intensity of light); harmony between the picture
motifs/ range of goods; unclear price labelling; untidily presented display goods; too high goods density/lack of overview.
Why customers do not buy *)
Number of mentions
No intention of buying/just looking/just out for
a stroll
(Spontaneous) Could not find anything suitable
Correct size not available
Could not find a particular item
Shape was wrong
Colour was wrong
Too expensive (Price)
5) Output in various perspectives.
umdasch shop-concept
*) Non-purchase quota 60 %
Source: Top Brands Study ShopConsult by Umdasch/Hutner Training
SHOP aktuell 106
SHOP Concept topic
Retail space sharing
Merchandising: Between strategy and
“Brands displayed across an area need
clear positioning. An identity which is perceived to be authentic. Only then can they
be placed in the right setting and look credible. The ‘DNA’ of the label must be incorporated into every collection, into every delivery deadline. It must not be sacrificed on
the altar of the ‘quick euro’. The core of the
brand must be retained under all circumstances,” is the motto laid down in one of
Hagemeyer’s policy statements. It is a difficult task which affects above all the presentation at the POS itself. Brand CI, presentation furnishings, style of presentation
and merchandising must all blend together so that the customer becomes aware of
them in the desired manner.
As far as brands are concerned, that means
With a total of almost 8,000 “presentations”, Esprit is clearly the No. 1 in lifestyle in Germany –
hard work with regard to branding. Coherand beyond. Our photo shows a shop layout of the sub-label de.corp ESPRIT URBAN CASUAL.
ent (visual) merchandising guidelines must
Jonas and Umdasch are efficient shopfitting partners for Esprit.
be drawn up and measures for consistent
and permanent presentation decided on.
retailer and the brand. In addition to their headquarters many
The goods density which is appropriate for the placement is
retailers operate with partner stores (monolabel stores) which
very important. If the density of goods is too high it is all too
fit into their portfolio.
easy for a first-class label to be perceived as being less exclusive and expensive than it is – and vice-versa. The observation
Partner for professional store branding
of the rules of LIM and MIL (figures for the appropriate number
of models or articles per m² sales area, depending on the type
Professionals from a variety of disciplines support retailers and
of business involved) can be useful here.
brands in supplying the wide-ranging requirements as regards
(store) branding in general or the development and realisation
Even more complex are the tasks of the retailer. He must assemof partnership concepts in particular. In the case of brands, it is
ble the range of goods and the selection of brands according
above all branding specialists, marketing specialist and designto the positioning of his store. He must also find the right balers who will be in demand. In the case of the visualisation of
ance between main departments, theme and lifestyle worlds,
concepts partners are brought on board who are familiar from
and system areas. At the same time he should present himself
the classic retail scene, for example Schwitzke & Partner or
as a unique umbrella brand while simultaneously displaying in a
Blocher Blocher Partner within the German-speaking region.
judicious manner the expertise of his brand partners. It must be
In the development of strategy and concept, not least in the
determined whether these partners are to be presented in the
space-sharing sector, Hachmeister + Partner has established
outfit, in other words the shop design of the retailer, or whether
an excellent reputation. Another top address is Hutner Training,
the shop will be provided by the partner (thereby running the
whose main focus lies in the enormously important synchronirisk of a loss of identity for the retailer, but at the same time
sation of sales system, product presentation and sales culture
making it easier for the partner to present himself in a more
(sales staff).
memorable fashion). Such decisions are always influenced to
some extent by the location-specific “power ratio” between the
Of course the specialist consultants at Umdasch can also offer
a high degree of store branding expertise. The focus here lies in
visualisation and realisation, and ultimately in project manageWhen customers want advice
ment and (international) rollout. The shopfitters are increasingDepends on the situation; only if I have a question
40.2 %
ly becoming the logistics partner for retailers and brands (but
If I spend a long time looking at a particular item
24.6 %
that is another story, as we shall report in SHOP aktuell in the
If I need to find the correct size
14.2 %
near future). In recent years Umdasch Shop-Concept has also
If I want to try the article on
7.2 %
established itself as a Brand Shop Factory. The names of the
As soon as I enter the shop
5.3 %
customers the company has assisted – retailers and brands
After trying something on in order to obtain additional
3.5 %
– provide impressive evidence that Umdasch operates in the
‘Shopfitting Champions League’. Don’t want to talk to anyone
4.9 %
Source: Top Brands Study ShopConsult by Umdasch/Hutner Training
SHOP aktuell 106
umdasch shop-concept
Shop Report
O´Neill, Amsterdam
Sonja Scheidl
The store concept executed by Umdasch draws a number of parallels to Jack
O’Neill’s house in Santa Cruz in northern California.
Back to the roots
In the early 1950s Jack O’Neill succeeded in taking the plunge – literally – with the invention of the
neoprene wet suit. When he opened his first shop for surfers in San Francisco, he was riding on the
crest of a wave of success which characterises the O’Neill international lifestyle and sports brand to
this day. The redesign of the Amsterdam flagship store in spring 2009 marked the start of the global
rollout of the new store concept: an impressive visual presentation of the brand identity and at the
same time an act of homage to the company founder, Jack O’Neill.
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP aktuell 106
Shop Report
O´Neill, Amsterdam
The principles of stagecraft in retailing are impressively executed in the
new O’Neill flagship store. One of the highlights is definitely the detailed
garage setting.
When young O’Neill moved to San Francisco in 1952, the region’s
surfers were experimenting with wool pullovers and similar garments in order to beat the ice-cold waves. The pioneer spirit of
the passionate water sports enthusiast Jack O’Neill was soon
aroused. O’Neill made use of the knowledge he had acquired in
the army (where he had served in the Army Air Corps) in order
to produce his own swimsuits using neoprene foam, originally
SHOP aktuell 106
From the online presentation to
the stores – company founder
Jack O’Neill is omnipresent and
represents the lifestyle feeling
of the brand.
planned for use in passenger aircraft. It was this revolutionary
invention which prompted him to open the first O’Neill Surf Shop
in a garage.
From this point onwards Jack O’Neill’s success story continued without a break: he began designing his own surfboards.
His neoprene suits were increasingly popular with surfers.
umdasch shop-concept
Shop Report
O´Neill, Amsterdam
who has left his unique mark on the corporate identity. Top priority within the company is the realisation of his vision, “innovation
in style and technology”. At O’Neill the staff constantly endeavours to prove that they understand the finer points of such innovation.
Inspired by Jack O’Neill
The professional teamwork of Casper Willems (Store Development
Manager, O’Neill), Paul van Hemert (Business Unit Manager, Umdasch
Shop-Concept, Benelux) and Lex van Optsal (Design Manager, O’Neill),
made a decisive contribution to the successful realisation of the new
store concept.
He opened a larger shop in 41st Avenue in Santa Cruz. All his
six children followed in his footsteps in the family firm. Son Pat
became CEO in 1985. Since then Jack O’Neill, the “Father of
Success”, has increasingly supported nature conservation
Clear placement and convincing identity
Today O’Neill has positioned itself as a leading international lifestyle brand which appeals to the surfing community as well as to
the young, sport-loving mainstream. The company strives constantly to win the favour of the consumer in competition with
brands such as Billabong, Quiksilver and Rip Curl. O’Neill has
become a multi-channel player and is therefore obviously also
present online.
The product range includes surfboard equipment and sportswear for both men and women. In the range of goods for sale
O’Neill places great emphasis on a sophisticated blend of functionality and lifestyle. Jack O’Neill is the dominant personality
In order to promote the redesigned O’Neill flagshop store in
Amsterdam in appropriate style, the famous wakeboarder
Duncan Zuur surfed along the Raamgracht.
umdasch shop-concept
The new O’Neill retail concept celebrated its global launch in the
Amsterdam flagship store in May 2009. Eppo van Berckelaer,
Global Marketing Director at O’Neill, commented: “The launch of
the new retail concept sets down the foundations for our ability
to provide customers from all over the world with a consistent,
innovative and premium retail experience … We look forward to
listening to our customers’ feedback before rolling the new concept out on a global scale.”
Anderson, the New York design agency, developed an impressive concept that dives deep into the world of Jack O’Neill.
O’Neill’s house in Santa Cruz in Northern California, the company founder’s close links to nature and his unabated passion
for board sports provided the source of inspiration. The store
design was a logical development of this approach and is divided into five theme worlds:
● Porch: Metal bull’s eyes in the entrance area permit the customer a first glimpse of the store interior. A bathtub reflects
the unique “Surf Pioneer’s Lifestyle”, which continues
throughout the entire shop.
● Casual: Sports and leisure clothing is presented in this theme
● Garage: The central section of the store contains the checkout area and all the surf equipment. A lounge with an integrated stove invites customers to relax for a while.
● Active: This area is devoted to bathing fashions.
● Fitting Rooms: The spacious changing rooms are available
for customer use in the rear area of the store.
The veranda of O’Neill’s house served as model for the entrance area (“porch”) of the
new store.
SHOP aktuell 106
Shop Report
O´Neill, Amsterdam
The restyled flagship store in the heart of Amsterdam is to be a pilot
project for the international roll-out of the new O’Neill stores.
All five theme worlds are located on a single level. The shopfittings create an impression of space or divide up the different areas. Even the selection of materials matches the basic theme of
the concept and reflects the unspoilt nature of the northern California region. Real wood (including spruce, maritime pine and
oak), black untreated metal (with a transparent powdered finish),
concrete and galvanised metal sheeting are all employed. Nor
was the colour scheme left to chance. The definition of special
company colours guarantee that Jack O’Neill’s house is reproduced as accurately as possible.
Umdasch’s shopfitting expertise in demand
Umdasch Shop-Concept has developed into a “Brand Shop
Factory” in recent years through its co-operation with international brands such as Levi’s, Tommy Hilfiger, Esprit, H&M, Nike,
Hugo Boss, Nespresso and others. It is precisely these skills
in the smooth execution of multipliable concepts which made
Umdasch the desired shopfitting partner for global player O’Neill
in the realisation of the new store concept. The service package
included the planning of the execution of the project, the development and production of the brand-specific shopfitting systems and the installation in the desired location. During the entire
project special attention was paid to the uncompromising execution of the Anderson design agency’s instructions.
SHOP aktuell 106
Authentic use of materials and colours as well as harmonious lighting
arrangements characterise the appearance of the international lifestyle
Kalverstraat 134
1012 XD Amsterdam
Sales area/no. of floors:
220 m² / 1
May 2009
Anderson architects
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Netherlands
Shopfitting system:
Brand-specific development
Michels Parketvloeren
umdasch shop-concept
Shop Panorama
Kaubamaja [1]
From Dublin to Abu Dhabi
For this issue of Shop Panorama we have selected eleven remarkable projects in nine countries.
Of course it is neither a coincidence nor unintentional that the focus is on new openings for which
Umdasch Shop-Concept or other companies within the Umdasch Shopfitting Group contributed to the
realisation. Nonetheless – or perhaps for that very reason – we can offer you on the following pages a
tour of the latest developments in store branding, architecture shop and lighting design and product
Project name
Department store, beauty
Fiorina di Domagnano
San Marino
Kastner & Öhler
24 – 25
Czech Republic
28 – 29
Travel Retail
30 – 31
32 – 33
34 – 35
Abu Dhabi Terminal 3
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Travel Retail
36 – 37
Giorgio Martello
38 – 39
Beauty – a new presentation
Viru Keskus
Gonsiori 2
10143 Tallinn
Sales area/ no. of floors:
2.500 m² / 1
March 2009
Department store, beauty
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria
Shopfitting system
Classic & brand-specific
The beauty department
(cosmetics, jewellery) of the
famous Estonian
department store chain
Kaubamaja was recently
relaunched. Shown here in
the Viru Keskus Shopping
Centre in Tallinn.
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SHOP aktuell 106
Shop Panorama
[2] Swer
Lifestyle in all facets
Swer is a multi-label store presenting trendy fashions by leading brands like Burberry, Tommy Hilfiger, Polo Ralph Lauren
and Bikkembergs… The new shop is a pilot project of the One
S.r.l. company, based in San Marino, which aims to open additional shops under the name Swer in future. The purchasing
concept aims at a lifestyle-oriented youthful clientèle, especially tourists. Designer furniture which not only encourages
customers to spend some time in the shop, but which can
also be purchased, and a café, which provides an arena for
events likely to appeal to the target group (fashion shows etc.),
round out the comprehensive lifestyle concept.
Strada di Paderna, 2
47895 Fiorina di Domagnano
San Marino
Sales area/ no. of floors:
1.400 m² / 1
April 2009
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Italy
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Italy
Shopfitting system:
Independent, Arena Alu
Antao Progetti
Antao Progetti
At Swer customers will find an emotional shopping experience: changing
lighting schemes, inspiring perfumes, LCDs with pictures and videos of
sporting expeditions.
SHOP aktuell 106
umdasch shop-concept
Shop Panorama
Kastner & Öhler [3]
High-gloss surfaces and high-quality veneers characterise
the presentation of leading brands.
The range of fashion for sale in the new Kastner & Öhler
is complemented by a cosmetics department. Here, too,
the faith in the brand continues.
Kastner & Öhler
Pure fashion
Since the year 2000 the Styria-based company Kastner & Öhler
has operated according to a two-brand strategy. Gigasport
sells products under its own name, while Kastner & Öhler is the
brand for all-inclusive fashion and brand competence. Apart
from its headquarters in Graz K&Ö will be found at ten locations in Styria, Carinthia and Upper Austria. In April 2009 the
family firm took another step along its expansion course. Within the new “eo” shopping centre in Oberwart in Burgenland,
both K&Ö and Gigasport opened new branches. At K&Ö you
will find fashion for men, women and children as well as accessories and cosmetics. “Pure fashion” is the motto: Tommy
Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, Vero Moda, Lacoste, Levi’s, Esprit, Brax,
Mac… Chairman Mag. Martin Wäg sees the Oberwart location
as “particularly interesting and forward-looking” because of its
large catchment area and good transport connections.
eo Oberwart
Europastraße 1, Top 11.2
7400 Oberwart
Sales area/ no. of floors:
4.038 m² / 2 (incl. Gigasport)
April 2009
Kastner & Öhler;
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria
Shopfitting system:
Arena Alu, Equipment, Arena Classic
Vedder Lichtmanagement
In the new store, K&Ö has consistently continued its proven
umbrella-brand strategy. With the exception of a few original
corners the brands are clearly displayed in the shop design
developed in partnership with Umdasch. The “local top address
with wide appeal” (TW4 2009) anchors the brand “Kastner &
Öhler” very effectively in the consumer’s awareness without
abandoning the effect of strong brands. A skilful blend of materials is used to stage the theme worlds (Women, men, children,
accessories and cosmetics) in a sophisticated manner within
the fashion house, while also helping the customer to find his
way around.
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SHOP aktuell 106
SHOP aktuell 106
umdasch shop-concept
Shop Panorama
Humanic [4]
Leder & Schuh
On expansion course
The Leder & Schuh Gruppe is one of the largest shoe suppliers
in Europe and continues to strengthen its market presence. The
principal fields of business are CORTI, DOMINICI, HUMANIC,
JELLO and SHOE 4 YOU. As a fashion leader in the medium and
upper-price sector, HUMANIC sets trends in fashion, business
architecture, visual merchandising and service. HUMANIC’s
preferred locations are busy 1A shopping streets or shopping
centres with a perfect retail mix and good infrastructure. The
new shopping centre “Pankrác Arcades” in Prague meets the
company’s demanding location requirements.
Na Pankráci
140 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Sales area/ no. of floors:
1.251 m² / 1
November 2008
HUMANIC Design-Team
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria
Shopfitting system:
Brand-specific development
Vedder Lichtmanagement
The skilful use of colours and light, pictorial communication and the arousing of
emotions are fixed elements of the HUMANIC recipe for success at the POS.
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SHOP aktuell 106
Shop Panorama
[5] Noppies
Start in the retail sector
Noppies is one of the world’s leading maternity and baby fashion
brands. The collections are sold in 2,000 stores in more than 55
countries (Europe, USA, Far East, Middle East). The brand features the latest styles with a high degree of comfort which will
appeal to fashion-conscious mothers-to-be and mothers. Since
2008 Noppies has operated its own brand stores in Belgium, the
Netherlands and Germany. The shops are located in A1- and A2inner city locations and shopping centres in the vicinity of other
fashionable addresses.
Nassaukade 358
Sales area/ no. of floors:
87 m² / 2
April 2009
Concept development: Umdasch
Shop-Concept, Germany;
Project planning: jonas planning
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Germany
Shopfitting system:
Arena Alu, Uniplug
In-store decoration:
Noppies, Inhouse Design
Noppies is very demanding when it comes to the design of its brand stores.
High-gloss surfaces, large-format image pictures and light/ dark colour
contrasts create a harmonious overall appearance.
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Shop Panorama
[6] Eurospar
A new dimension in modern
local shopping
EUROSPAR, a brand of the SPAR international retail concern,
positions itself not only as a local shopping location for the resident population in the immediate catchment area, but also as a
shopping destination for the entire region. In April 2009 the largest EUROSPAR food market in Austria to date opened in Liezen.
After a construction period of only twelve months an innovative
retail location with an optimal traffic solution has been completed in the centre of the district town. Apart from EUROSPAR, consumers here also have at their disposal an H&M store with a sales
area of over 1,600 m², a bistro and a newsagent and tobacconist’s
specialist store.
With its sales area of 2,600 m² EUROSPAR Liezen is in quite a different league. The location is impressive not only for the stylised
exterior architecture. The modern store concept sparkles with a
wine section covering 35 m² and containing over 1,000 types of
wine, some of them already chilled. There is also a new delicatessen area with some 26 m of counter space. The comprehensive
range of products in the fish department is especially impressive.
Further innovative elements are the “low-price row” for special
offer presentations of large-size packs; the new product labelling;
the hybrid checkouts where you can be served or not, as you prefer; and the economical daylight monitoring and heat recycling
from all the chilling and deep-freeze units.
Hauptstraße 35
8940 Liezen
Sales area/ no. of floors:
2.600 m² / 1
April 2009
Planning / Shopfitting:
Planning / Building:
Architect DI Peter Lorenz
Assmann Shop Design
Shopfitting system:
ALL4one / A30
Wincor Nixdorf
In the largest EUROSPAR in Austria the latest concepts in shopfitting, product
positioning and presentation have been incorporated.
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Shop Panorama
DublinT1X [7]
“Temptation Alley”
The expansion of Terminal 1 (T1X) marked the start of the ambitious billion-Euro project “Transforming Dublin Airport”. The
project will continue with the opening of Terminal 2 at the end
of 2010. According to the DAA (Dublin Airport Authority) this
investment package is justified because of increasing passenger
demand for high-quality retail shopping and the current lack of
space at the airport. Operated by DAA, the new shopping area at
T1 attracts attention with innovative concepts. Apart from alcohol,
tobacco, perfumes and cosmetics the centre of the Travel Retail
Store will present “Ól – Waters of the World”. The product range
includes about 50 different brands of water from all over the world.
The price per bottle lies between € 1.30 and € 130.
Dublin Airport
T1 Extension
Sales area/ no. of floors:
1.200 m² / 1
April 2009
Travel Retail
Design Solutions, Pascall & Watson
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Ireland
Shopfitting system:
Classic & brand-specific development
Prime contractor:
Mc Namara & Company
The new Travel Retail Store is based on what is known as a “walkthrough concept”. The route to Piers A and D leads along “Temptation Alley”. The latest Duty Free design and planning ideas were
combined in the development of the store. David Hendron from
Pascall+Watson, the firm of architects in charge of the project,
therefore also describes the store as a “state of the art retail experience”. Andrew Baker, DAA, summarises it in the following manner: “The aim was to create a spacious, bright and comfortable
retail area for customers to shop and browse in.”
Since April 2009 the Travel Retail Store at the expanded Terminal 1 at Dublin
Airport has attracted all passengers heading for Piers A and D.
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Shop Panorama
Gleis4 [8]
One of the eye-catching elements in the store is the branded black
focus wall, which intentionally does not present any goods.
Not the same
Anichstraße 5a
6020 Innsbruck
Sales area/ no. of floors:
93 m² / 1
June 2009
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Innsbruck
Planning and Sales Office
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria
Shopfitting system:
Arena Alu & brand-specific
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Austria;
Art Electronics
In-store decoration:
Manuel Ferrai, Bianca Stadelmann;
Wladislaw Sokolowskij
(design & photos)
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Gleis4 is an integral part of the streetwear and hip-hop scene. In
addition to brands like New Era, Adidas, Nike, Ecko and Famous,
owner Manuel Ferrai and his team also focus on their own brand,
Gleis4, which attracts attention with its creative shirts and jeans.
Following the store in Bregenz, the second branch of this trendy
label opened in June 2009. At its new location in the centre of
Innsbruck, Gleis 4 wins accolades from a young, sporting clientèle for its brightly coloured streetwear collections.
The Gleis4 slogan “Not the same” is also reflected in the store
design of the Innsbruck shop. The Umdasch planning team
made good use of the narrow, elongated space for a tunnel solution in the entrance area. The goods are presented in niches and
on indirectly illuminated, almost suspended wall panels. One of
the niches is available for customers’ use as a lounge. A trendy
sofa and energy drinks encourage them to stop and relax for
a while. In the middle section stands Austria’s largest New Era
59fifty wall and an accessories section entirely in red. The distinctive black tunnel entrance leads to the changing cabins in
the rear section of the store. The lighting draws the customers’
attention to the end of the tunnel, where a large mirror encourages them to study their new outfit.
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Shop Panorama
[9] Boday-Bulloni
Eye-catching optics
For many years advice and service have been the top priority in
the optics store of the Boday-Bulloni Family in Berne. The product ranges include spectacles, sunglasses and contact lenses
by leading brands. Boday-Bulloni appeals to a fashion-oriented
and quality-conscious target group. The company’s focus lies
clearly on the establishment and maintenance of close customer relationships. In spring 2009 Umdasch Shop-Concept was
responsible for executing Boday-Bulloni’s new store presentation, designed by Liliana Ferreira. With this new store design
the optician aims to create a distinctive appearance which will
increase the number of customers to the shop.
The architecture is based on the fundamental idea of showing
that eyewear opens up a new perspective on the outside world.
The spacious store is designed to convey a fresh, sophisticated
attitude to life and a pleasant atmosphere. The windows, outlined by rounded arches, provide the background setting for the
spectacles. In this context designer Liliana Ferreira speaks of
creating a “modern world in harmony with nature”. This impression is underlined by the trees made of curved steel which simultaneously serve as stands for the products. The mixture of shiny
and matt materials reflects the timeless character of the optics
store. The back walls are covered with different wallpaper patterns, expressing changeability and freshness.
Schwanengasse 6
3001 Berne
Sales area/ no. of floors:
130 m² / 1
April 2009
Shop design & planning: Liliana
Ferreira; Detailed planning and
execution: Umdasch Shop-Concept,
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Berne
Planning and Sales Office
Shopfitting system:
Brand-specific development
The open design, which also permits a glimpse of the workshop, allows
plenty of space for advising customers and service.
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Shop Panorama
Abu Dhabi Terminal 3 [10]
The furnishings at the new Terminal 3 convince with a harmonious choice of materials: gleaming chrome, glass and high-grade wood are
shown off to good advantage. A sophisticated lighting concept complements the overall appearance.
Abu Dhabi Terminal 3
A Thousand and One Nights
Abu Dhabi International Airport is becoming an increasingly
important international hub between Europe and Asia and Australia. Following the completion of Terminal 3, covering an area of
75,000 m², the airport’s annual capacity has now increased to 12
million travellers. But the end of the road has not been reached
yet: the planned “Midfield Terminal” is due to almost double passenger figures again in a few years. Most of the shopping area
at Terminal 3 is operated by the DFS Group, the world’s leading
duty free operator. In the new terminal the travel retail professionals impressively demonstrate their core competence in the
luxury sector. Among the highlights along the exclusive shopping mile are 19 boutiques. Luxury brands like Polo, Rolex, Hermès and Burberry have established branches there. In the new
Duty Free area great emphasis has been laid on the creation
of themed areas. The clear presentation of the range of goods
(from luxurious to consumption-oriented) makes it easy for travellers to find their way around.
The retail design company rkd retail/iQ developed a store concept which combines Arabian lifestyle with the most demanding
international design requirements. The material mix underlines
the consistent execution of the underlying design. Plasterboard
ceilings with oriental ornaments, light polished marble and stone
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floors recall “A Thousand and One Nights”. By way of contrast
there is also the use of the latest generation of high tech in the
form of modern LED technology and LCD screens directly integrated into the fittings.
Abu Dhabi International Airport
Terminal 3
Sales area/ no. of floors:
2.500 m² / 1
April 2009
Travel Retail
rkd retail/iQ
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Middle
Shopfitting system:
Classic & brand-specific
rkd retail/iQ (concept)
rkd retail/iQ (concept)
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Shop Panorama
Giorgio Martello [11]
Giorgio Martello
Atmospheric brand
Inspired by Milan, the Italian fashion metropolis, the silver jewellery range by Giorgio Martello Milano stands for “a top feeling for trends and an attractive price-performance ratio”. With
mix-and-match rings, earrings and charms (bracelets, chains,
watches with a wide range of pendants) this youthful brand targets a currently popular segment or – to put it differently – skilInfobox
MyZeil – Palais Quartier
60313 Frankfurt
Sales area/ no. of floors:
36 m²
February 2009
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Germany
Umdasch Shop-Concept, Germany
Shopfitting system:
Brand-specific development
fully arouses the collector’s instinct in its predominantly female
clientèle. With his “Uomo” jewellery line Giorgio Martello has
also succeeded in winning over self-confident male customers.
On instructions from Hammer in Pforzheim Umdasch ShopConcept developed the brand presentation of their Giorgio
Martello label at the POS. The concept was realised in recent
years in a series of shop-in-shops in the jewellery departments
of Galeria Kaufhof. With the opening of the first Giorgio Martello
flagship store in Germany in February 2009 a further milestone
was achieved. The store location is the new MyZeil shopping
centre in the heart of Frankfurt.
The Frankfurt flagship is characterised by an exclusive presentation: black high-gloss surfaces, illuminated glass display
cases and Murano crystal chandeliers in the lounge area. The
brand consciously aims to set itself apart from classic fashion
jewellery. By exchanging carpets, fabric coverings and image
posters the furnishings can be adapted to suit the current latest trends.
In the first flagship store in Germany in the MyZeil centre in Frankfurt, Giorgio Martello placed great emphasis on a corresponding ambience,
lightness and the adaptability of the store design.
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Text & Photos
Reinhard Peneder
Japanese everyday culture formed an important part of the programme.
This picture shows the early-morning auction at the fish market in Tokyo.
SHOP Concept Topic
The Seven Feelings of Elation
The guru and his students. Dr. Christian Mikunda in action.
Encouraging customers
to buy using
glory, joy & chill
At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2009 Dr. Christian Mikunda will be presenting his new volume,
published by Econ and entitled “Warum wir Gefühle kaufen” (Why we buy feelings). In it he also
presents his new consumer theory based on the Seven Deadly Sins. More than 40 trend scouts
from European retail businesses were able to get a first fascinating glimpse in May during
“Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!” (Shop Dramaturgy LIVE!) in Tokyo.
Within the 60 to 80 annual events organised by the Umdasch
Shop Academy, “Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE!” (Shop dramaturgy
LIVE!) occupies a special place for several reasons. Basically it is a matter of adapting the fundamentals of stage design
which have been successfully used for millions of plays and
films to suit the requirements of shops. Dr. Christian Mikunda
from Vienna was originally a producer of films and television
plays; today, his new worlds of experience have made him
the pioneering advisor of the European economy. For over ten
years the Umdasch Shop Academy has been arranging these
shop expeditions with Dr. Mikunda and his wife, Mag. Denise Mikunda-Schulz. This unusual approach has resulted in
a degree of hype surrounding the popular events. Previous
participants have formed themselves into a sort of “committee”, which also makes suggestions regarding destinations for
future trips.
View from the 37th floor of the seminar hotel Ana Continental
across the Roppongi district and the Roppongi Hills and
Tokyo Midtown shopping centres.
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Everyday Japanese culture and
fascinating shopping temples
But what is there for a European
trend scout to see in a metropolis
with a population of 14 million in a
country in which the word “crisis”
has been a constant subject of conversation for years?
Dr. Christian Mikunda’s
Well, Dr. Christian Mikunda suclatest book will published
ceeded brilliantly in putting together
in time for the Frankfurt
Book Fair.
a four-day programme consisting of
a succession of highlights. The participants were confronted in a very subtle way with numerous,
often quirky aspects of everyday culture, to enable them to
gain a better understanding of a highly unusual consumer culture. These included, for example, the tranquil tea ceremonies
and impressive gardens, the early-morning tuna auctions at the
world’s biggest fish market and the Meiji Jingu shrine, not
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP Concept Topic
The Seven Feelings of Elation
Interesting jeans presentation in the Estnation fashion house
in the Roppongi Hills shopping centre.
The high-frequency Shibuya 109 shopping centre is
characterised by quirky shops for a youthful clientele.
to mention cat cafés (where guests can stroke cats), capsule
hotels and love hotels (with the categories “Stay” and “Rest”).
Ultimately, this everyday culture also affects the design of the
shopping temples and shops. It is in evidence in particularly concentrated form in the spectacular shopping centres like
Omotesando Hills (with its staircase-like setting), Tokyo Midtown (with an incredibly authentic, high-quality blend of materials and numerous works of art), and Roppongi Hills (with a
superlative urban design setting). It goes without saying that
flagship stores of virtually all global brands are present in
Tokyo, many of them in the famous shopping district of Ginza.
A number of these flagship stores were visited, including Dior,
Louis Vuitton, Tod’s, Prada, Armani and the Nicolas G. Hayek Center as well as the Swarovski store, for which Umdasch
Shop-Concept provided the shopfitting). Shibuya 109 by contrast is a breathtaking high-frequency shopping centre for an
exclusively young clientèle in the entertainment district of the
same name. There the shops stand cheek by jowl (a total of
over 100 on ten floors) and the relaxed party mood continues
virtually around the clock.
The Seven Deadly Sins as a purchasing motive
In many of the shops visited in Tokyo, Mikunda explained the
purchasing motives he had already introduced, explaining the
psychological mechanisms and classifying them according
to his new theory. He has derived it from the Seven Deadly
Sins. These are the strongly emotional but base feelings which
have been described as deadly sins since the 4th century AD.
According to Mikunda, however, evolution can offer us a way
out. It confronts the base feelings with a catalogue of positive
feelings of elation which are just as persuasive and satisfying,
but which have fewer destructive side-effects. When employing these feelings of elation in economics, culture and lifestyle
it is important to know how they are rooted in the Deadly Sins.
It is essential to recognise the dark side of the coin in order to
understand the glossy shine on the front. And so Mikunda has
transformed the Deadly Sins into feelings of elation:
Glory comes from PrideDesire comes from Avarice
Joy comes from Gluttony
Intensity comes from Lust
Power comes from WrathChill comes from Sloth
Bravour comes from Envy
In Tokyo, and even more so in his new book, Mikunda gives
countless examples of the way the desire to purchase can be
aroused through the strategic use of feelings of elation. The
process which has this effect is always the same: initiation –
empathy – after-effect. These emotions can be aroused by
means of an appropriate dramaturgical, architectural and emotional design of the shops. However, the feeling of elation only
occurs if the “recipient” wants it to. That means that there are
natural limits to the amount of manipulation which can take
limited edition limited edition
limited edition limited edition limited
edition limited edition limited edition “Purchasing emotions” – Seminar language German.
One-day seminars with Dr. Christian Mikunda for owners and
from the retail and brand product sector, shopping
limited edition limited edition limited managers
centre managers, project developers…
limited edition limited edition limited Amstetten: 17. 11. 2009
22. 10. 2009
KAUFGEFÜHLE Limited Edition*) Oberentfelden:
limited edition limited edition Seminar
limited Düsseldorf: 4. 11. 2009
Dr. Christian Mikunda
request a seminar invitation and full information from
the addresses listed on the back of this magazine.
edition limited edition limited edition Please
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP aktuell 106
SHOP Concept Topic
The Seven Feelings of Elation
Many of the shops in the Japanese capital demonstrate a low level of goods pressure. Shown here: Takashimaya department store.
Genuine warmth and a less aggressive price policy
Shop Dramaturgy LIVE! in Tokyo again in 2010
But back to Tokyo. Many of the participants were very
impressed by the service culture of the Japanese. On every corner you will find smiling assistants who seem to anticipate your every wish before you can voice it yourself. In contrast with the somewhat artificial friendliness in America, this
warmth appears genuine. The morning greeting ceremony in
the Takashimaya department store is just the tip of the iceberg. The “top dogs” among the participants watched this
scene particularly attentively; among them were Renate Reichholf and Hannelore Strießnig (Petera/Innsbruck), Marc Ramelow (Elmshorn), Renate and Markus Krug (Marburg-Wehrda),
Peter Bödeker (Speyer), Hellmut Riebeling (Mast Mode/Gummersbach), Claus Wilhelm Vocke (Sulingen) and Marianne und
Peter Stöcker (Eferding). The retail professionals noticed, of
course, when comparing similar shop types that goods pressure in Japan was considerably less than in Europe, especially
the German-speaking countries, so that the quality of the presentation was higher. And instead of aggressive price labels, in
Japan the preferred method for encouraging the customer to
buy is a friendly smile.
Because of the great interest shown there will be another Laden-Dramaturgie LIVE! (Shop Dramaturgie LIVE!) study trip
with Dr. Christian Mikunda to Tokyo in 2010. As was the case
this year it will probably be held during the second quarter;
the exact dates will be determined during the next few weeks.
Advance bookings are already being accepted. During 2010
another LIVE! Expedition to London is also planned, but here,
too, the final dates have not yet been fixed. From this autumn
Dr. Christian Mikunda will explain how the desire to purchase
can be aroused by making use of feelings of elation in his new
one-day top seminar “KAUFGEFÜHLE” (Purchasing emotions),
which is being presented by the Umdasch Shop Academy in the
form of a “Limited Edition” with a limited number of event locations and dates, and a limited number of participants (see box).
During the seminar Mikunda will compare the latest examples,
for example in Las Vegas, Dubai, Tokyo and New York with the
most successful shops and shopping temples in Europe. SHOP aktuell 106
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Ulrich Hopp
A worthwhile look downwards
How floor coverings
make shops unique
The retailer who wants to sell his products successfully now and in the future would do well to bear in mind the
changed consumer habits of the “new customers”. With increasing mobility people are becoming more critical
in their comparison of offers. They decide what to buy, and where to buy it, only when they find a stimulating
ambience with an attractive design which matches their requirements. A shopping trip should be an experience;
the customer wants to feel at home in order to be in the right mood to make a purchase.
And so it is even worth taking a look downwards, at the floor.
We seldom notice the floor, although we tread on it all the time.
In shopfitting, however, no plan will work unless it includes ideas about the flooring. Not only should it look attractive; the
floor covering is one of the determining elements that ensure
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that customers in the store experience their own “individual
brand feeling”. It helps to convey visual messages. Through
the choice of the right floor covering a variety of functions and
tasks can be fulfilled:
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Creation design floor coverings form the basis for natural shopfitting ideas. In addition to the
various looks such as wood, stone and design you can also create individual floor areas by
using different-sized tiles (e.g. 18.4 x 121.9 cm, 61 x 61 cm). For high quality, a natural
appearance and harmony in shopfitting. The Creation range by Gerflor includes over
100 decorative schemes.
Modelling room proportions
Floor coverings have a lasting effect on the appearance of the
room and can ensure that the proportions of the space appear
balanced and clearly structured. Through the targeted use of
colour, discordant architectural features can be optimised (for
example for action spaces; to divide the room into diffferent
areas; as a design element; as insulation; and to improve the
climate and the atmosphere).
To provide orientation
Customer guidance systems are an important aspect of wellthought-out shop design. The routes through the shop must be
simple and clearly marked, so that new customers or those in a
hurry can easily find their way around. Different floor coverings
indicate the way through the different departments and subdivide the entrance areas and the main and subsidiary pathways.
Fulfilling the requirements of Corporate Design
A clearly defined merchandising concept is an essential element of a successful business today. As instruments of the
brand-linked goods presentation within the sales area, both
SHOP aktuell 106
brand colours and logos are integrated into the floor at the
point of sale. Leading flooring manufacturers offer a special
service by developing and executing the optimal appearance
together with their customers – from the recommendation of
the right floor covering as regards both design and colour, to
the planning of how to lay it.
Creating atmosphere
Colours arouse specific emotions. Especially when they are
used over a large area. Any desired ambience can be created
and supported by the use of floor coverings, in order to create
specific moods – from down-to-earth and cool to playful, and
from rustic to modern. In a single colour or many different ones.
The possibilities are almost unlimited.
The ideal floor covering for every space
After wall and ceiling, the floor represents the largest area within the inside space. In the case of a new design this means an
investment of time and money, which must be carefully thought
through. The selection of the ideal floor is extremely
umdasch shop-concept
Since the existing ceramic floor covering in the Passage City Center in Linz has to be handed back in its original
condition at the end of the tenancy, GTI AS Decor by Gerflor provided the obvious solution to the problem. The tiles,
which are 6 mm thick, were laid directly on the subsurface without adhesive. They are not only easy to lay but also
important because the possible choices are very wide-ranging
High technical quality and expertise
● Very hard-wearing
● Easy care
Hard floors
Brick, stone, tiles, terrazzo, mosaic,
concrete, metal and glass
● Quick and easy to lay
● Very hygienic
Wood floors
Textile floor coverings
Fitted carpet, carpets, natural fibre
Resilient tiles
Cork, rubber, linoleum, vinyl, leather,
● Optimal cleaning properties ● Resistant to marks and damp
through modern surface
● Comfortable to walk on
● Ideal insulation of the sound
● Long life
of footsteps
Resilient PVC floor coverings offer quality
In the choice of floor coverings for use in shopfitting it is important to consider carefully the advantages and disadvantages of
the different materials. Modern, flexible PVC floor coverings are
being used increasingly in shopfitting because of their numerous advantages as regards both design and physical properties. (In addition to the aesthetic requirements, the safety
requirements listed in the regulations governing places of work
and trade associations must also be borne in mind).
Quality in colour and designs
● Wood look
● Stone look
● Imaginative patterns
● Plain colours
● Multi-coloured patterns
● Marbled patterns
● Chip patterns etc.
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Quality in variety and selection
● Property floor coverings
● Stair coverings
● Safety floor coverings
● Industrial flooring
● Self-laying floor tiles
● Design floor coverings
Self-laying floor tiles – an innovation for shopfitting
Large-format self-laying tiles have become very popular in
innovative shopfitting. The unique characteristic of these tiles
is that because of their weight and their special stabilisation
properties provided by a double glass reinforcement lattice,
they can be laid loose – in other words without adhesive.
A further advantage: The tiles, which measure 63.5 x 63.5 cm
and are 6 mm thick, can also be laid on uneven old subsurfaces or subsurfaces with residual moisture. This means big
SHOP aktuell 106
savings in the preparation of the subsurface, which above all
means that big savings can be achieved as regards the time
factor. In the retail sector the period of closure is thus minimised and there can be a rapid resumption of sales activities,
or an earlier opening date. It is even possible to continue sales
activities without interruption during the floor-laying process.
The sales area need not be cleared; there are no waiting times
while the adhesive dries; no smells; and the floor can be laid
in the shortest possible time.
● Ideal for sales areas and action areas
● Can be laid without adhesive and walked on immediately
● Permit residual moisture to escape
● Enormous time savings
The trend towards ever broader and ever larger tiles continues.
In addition to the usual sizes, extra-large tiles are also available.
In line with the current furnishing trends, dark woods in particular are in demand. The selection of dark woods is almost limitless. In addition to wenge there are also dark walnut, oak and
zebrano-look tiles as well as a large number of washed woods,
exotics, chalked and antique designs.
Here, too, the trend is towards large formats and a wide range
of colours. Natural-looking marble look in the trend colours
black and white as well as a variety of other natural stone looks
such as slate look convincing thanks to their perfect surface
● Can be moved and re-used
● Easy to clean
● Individual tiles can easily be exchanged
● Decorative appearance with a wide range of modern
● Can be easily combined
Imaginative designs permit the creation of real palaces for an
extravagant presentation, by combining various patterns optimally with identically coloured plain tiles.
The perfect interplay between aesthetics and ease of care
● Pleasant damping of sound of footsteps and room noise
● Pleasantly comfortable to walk and stand on
Design floor covering – Inspiration in wood, stone and
imaginative designs
The advantage of flexible design floor coverings in shopfitting is
their hardiness. The floor coverings are very hard-wearing and
retain their attractive appearance over long periods. Design
floor coverings convince not only because of their appearance,
but also through their performance in everyday use:
Real wood or imitation wood? The knots can be clearly felt and
so can the perfect stone surface structures. But it is neither “real”
wood-block nor “real” stone flooring. These are incredibly beautiful visual interpretations of wood and stone, which are almost
impossible to distinguish from the original. High-quality woods
like wenge, dark walnut or oak provide a harmonious appearance and create a cosy atmosphere. And then there are numerous designs based on cooler materials such as slate, concrete or
natural stone which convey a classical, sophisticated ambience.
● Modern surface finishes added in the factory protect the
floor from marks, shoe scuff marks and scratches
● Easy cleaning using commercially available cleaning
● Impact-resistant
● Suitable for underfloor heating and chair castors
● Quiet and pleasantly warm underfoot
Modern design floor coverings provide the basis for naturallooking ideas for shop design. In addition to the combination
of various looks such as wood, stone and imaginative design
patterns, different sizes permit the creation of highly individual
spaces. And distinctive shopfitting concepts.
In the KAPPA sports shops (Tyrol, Styria and Hungary) one of the strengths of the design floor coverings by Gerflor can be seen to good
advantage: the “modern mix” – the fact that wood and stone can be optimally combined to show the pathways through the stores.
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SHOP Events
Verhaltene Zuversicht im Ladenbau
Cautious optimism in the shopfitting sector
Unter dem Leitthema „Innovationen“
stand am 14. und 15. Mai 2009 die Jahresversammlung des Deutschen Ladenbau Verbandes in Freiburg. 150 Teilnehmer, so viele wie nie zu vor, waren
in den Breisgau gekommen. Trotz Krise
demonstrierte die Branche „verhaltene
Zuversicht“. Zum Thema Innovationen
referierten Susanne Köhler (Zukunftsinstitut), Gilbert Rottmann und Matthias
Pohl (Kölle Zoo) aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Weitere Infos:
Claudia Horbert (EHI) sowie Tanja Schindler und
Elke Moebius (EuroShop) waren interessierte
Gäste bei der dlv-Jahresversammlung.
Claudia Horbert (EHI) and Tanja Schindler and
Elke Moebius (EuroShop) were some of the
interested guests at the dlv annual meeting.
The annual meeting of the German
Association of Shopfitters (dlv) was held
in Freiburg on 14 and 15 May 2009. The
main topic on this occasion was “Innovations”. 150 participants – more than
ever before – travelled to Breisgau to
take part. Despite the economic crisis,
the sector demonstrated “cautious optimism”. Susanne Köhler (Zukunftsinstitut), Gilbert Rottmann and Matthias Pohl
(Kölle Zoo) gave lectures on the subject
of “Innovations” from various perspectives. Further information:
Welcome to Neidenstein
Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH has
re-designed the ShopShow at its German
headquarters in Neidenstein near Heidelberg. The attractive space includes an
informative workshop area and a seminar room with the latest equipment for
the events organised by the Umdasch
Shop Academy.
Even the very entrance area to the
newly designed rooms looks welcoming. However, the workshop area is the
focal point. Display boards present a
clear summary of the range of services of Umdasch Shop-Concept. Examples of several of the shopfitting systems
manufactured by Umdasch are also on
view. Managing Director Michael Staller
is especially proud of the comprehensive
material display section. You will find
here a wide range of samples of materials, surfaces and qualities used in modern shopfitting. It is a sort of treasure
The attractive new entrance of Umdasch GmbH in Neidenstein leads visitors into the workshop area
and the seminar room of the Umdasch Shop Academy.
trove of constantly updated ideas which
has proved invaluable − not least during
project meetings which are held in the
The workshop area is
the focal point of the
Umdasch ShopShow
in Neidenstein near
umdasch shop-concept
workshop area with customers, architects and designers. Umdasch ShopConcept in Neidenstein is easily reached
via the Sinsheim exit on the A 6, from
where it lies only ten minutes away.
Umdasch Shop-Concept also offers
interested customers ShopShows, shopfitting exhibitions covering the very latest ideas, at various other locations. The
ShopShow in the InfoCenter of the company headquarters in Amstetten/Lower
Austria has an 800 m² exhibition area;
the one in Oberentfelden/Switzerland is
of a similar size. The ShopShow in Steinmannwald near Bolzano is somewhat
smaller but also well worth a visit.
SHOP aktuell 106
SHOP Events
Vielversprechender Shop Design-Nachwuchs
Promising young shop designers
Der Standort Kuchl der Fachhochschule Salzburg ist eine jener wenigen Ausbildungsstätten, an denen ganz
explizit das Thema Shop Design gelehrt
wird. Im vierten Semester der Ausbildung zum Bachelor ist der Lehrgang
„Raumlehre Shop Design“ der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt des Studiums. Eine
dreiwöchige Studienreise nach New
York war für die 36 Studentinnen und
Studenten die passende Einstimmung
für die Semesterarbeit: Der Entwicklung
einer Geschäftsidee und ihre Visualisierung für einen Store in einem neuen
Shopping Center am Ground 0 an der
Südspitze Manhattans. Aus den vielen bemerkenswerten Arbeiten ragten
zwei noch besonders heraus. Christine Crepaz und Philip Fürmann entwickelten eine 300 m² große italienische
Aquatheque, die auf höchstem Niveau
„alle Wasser dieser Welt“ anbietet (siehe auch Seite 2). Andreas Powisch und
Thomas Oberauner wiederum überzeugten mit „Commox“, einem aus
Kanada kommenden und scharf fokussierten Outdoor-Konzept, dessen Etagen als Camps dargestellt sind.
The Kuchl location of Salzburg Technical University is one of the few educational establishments where the subject
of shop design is taught as a subject in
its own right. During the fourth semester
of the Bachelor’s degree course the main
topic of the course focuses on “The Study of Space and Shop Design”. A threeweek study trip to New York provided the
right introduction to the semester project
Über einzelne Camps
(= Etagen) erschließt
sich dem Besucher
das Sortiment im
„Commox“. The
visitor can explore
the range of products
in the “Commox”
mountain sports
store via the various
“Camps” (= floors).
for the 36 students: the development of a
business idea and its visualisation in the
form of a store in a new shopping centre at Ground Zero at the southern tip of
Manhattan. Among the large number of
remarkable projects, two were outstanding. Christine Crepaz and Philip Fürmann developed a 300 m² Italian Aquatheque, which presents “all the waters
of the world” in an exclusive setting (see
also page 2). Andreas Powisch and Thomas Oberauner convinced with “Commox”, an outdoor concept from Canada
with a precise focus where the different
floors are depicted as camps.
Increased revenue from
the same sales area
Christian Göggerle and Markus Haslinger of Hutner Training AG are the lecturers at the Shop Academy seminar “Mehr
Ertrag auf gleicher Fläche” (Increased revenue from the same sales area). The lecturers will show participants by means of
modules from the training programme for
department heads the way to train sales
staff to share some of the responsibility.
SHOP aktuell 106
Previous versions of this seminar were
awarded top marks by participants. In
autumn 2009 two further dates are available: On 15 September in Amstetten/Lower Austria (Christian Göggerle) and on 13
October in Düsseldorf (Markus Haslinger).
Christian Göggerle and Markus Haslinger show
the way to “Mehr Ertrag auf gleicher Fläche”.
umdasch shop-concept
Bücher Books
Kalender calendar
Neue Bücher New Books (German editions)
E. Wenzel, A. Haderlein, P. Mijnals
B. Niefanger, D. Alt
Eike Wenzel
Future Shopping
Die Neuerscheinung setzt sich mit vier ShoppingSzenarien der Zukunft auseinander. Daraus leiten sich elf Abschlussthesen ab. Ein kleiner Vorgeschmack: Lokales und Regionales wird zum Alleinstellungsmerkmal. Klimawandel und Ressourcenknappheit werden das Shoppingverhalten verändern. Die neue Rolle der Männer zwischen Konsum
und Karriere weckt Shopping-Bedürfnisse.
Die Levi´s 501 ist nicht einfach nur eine Jeans, genauso wie der iPod nicht nur ein MP3-Player ist. In
„Cult“ werden 177 Objekte vorgestellt, die eine anhaltende Faszination ausüben und durch zeitloses
Design von bleibendem Wert sind. Kurz gesagt: Ein
umfassender Bildband mit Hintergrund-Infos zu
den „kultigen“ Produkten.
Sinnmärkte – der
Wertewandel in den
mi-Fachverlag, München
2009, 168 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-636-03168-6
41,10 €
Callwey, München
2008, 400 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-7667-1779-5
49,95 €, 80,90 SFr
H. Meyer-Hentschel,
G. Meyer-Hentschel (Hrsg.)
H. Bäuerle, J. Stumpp
Neue Materialien sind nicht zuletzt in der Ladenarchitektur ein Trendthema. Nach dem Erfolg des
ersten Buches „Raumproben“ folgt nun die Fortsetzung mit einer aktuellen Auswahl an innovativen
Materialien. Von Feinstaub entlastete Teppiche oder
antibakterielle Oberflächen finden ebenso Beachtung wie die wiederentdeckte Flüssigkeitstapete
oder weiterentwickelte Material-Klassiker.
Callwey, München
2009, 288 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-7667-1787-0
(D) 49,95 €; (A) 51,40 €; 83,90 SFr
Jahrbuch SeniorenMarketing 2008/2009
Wurde in den vergangenen Jahren viel über den
50plus-Markt geschrieben und diskutiert, gewinnt
Seniorenmarketing nun auch in der Praxis immer
mehr an Fahrt. In diesem Jahrbuch erhält der Leser
umfassende Informationen über den aktuellen Stand
der Forschung. Im Praxisteil berichten Unternehmen
verschiedener Branchen über innovatives Seniorenmarketing.
Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt am Main
2008, 357 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86641-140-1
98 €
Gerade in wirtschaftlich schwierigen Zeiten wird die
Frage nach der Qualität, der Werthaltigkeit und des
Warum umso dringlicher, davon ist Autor Dr. Eike
Wenzel überzeugt. Er sieht die Krise deshalb auch
als Beschleuniger für die neuen Sinnmärkte. Diese
Studie nimmt acht Teilmärkte unter die Lupe, auf
denen schon heute immaterielle Werte das schlagende Verkaufsargument sind.
Zukunftsinstitut (, Kelkheim
2009, 145 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-938284-46-9
220 €
O. Dziemba, E. Wenzel
Marketing 2020
Latte-Macchiato-Familien, CommuniTeens, TigerLadies, Super-Daddys und Greyhopper sind fünf der
elf avantgardistischen Lebensstile, die in dieser Neuerscheinung vorgestellt werden und für das Marketing von morgen richtungsweisend sein sollen. Die
Autoren zeigen, dass eine flexiblere Einteilung der
Gesellschaft notwendig ist, um Marketingstrategien
den Anforderungen der Zukunft anzupassen.
Campus, Frankfurt am Main
2009, 212 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-593-38826-7
39,90 €, 67,00 SFr
Event-Kalender Calendar of events*
8. 9. 2009
Emotionen zum Nulltarif?
Licht-Eintagesseminar, Vedder, Hendricks
8. 9. 2009
Das Drehbuch für den erfolgreichen
Eintagesseminar, Claudia Engel-Hutner
10. – 11. 9. 2009
59. Internationale Handelstagung
15. 9. 2009
Mehr Ertrag auf gleicher Fläche
Eintagesseminar, Christian Göggerle
15. – 16. 9. 2009
Store Planning & Design
EHI Ladenbau-Kongress
16. 9. 2009
Ladengestaltung für Praktiker
Eintagesseminar, Consult-Portfolio
16. – 17. 9. 2009
India Retail Forum 2009
Retail Congress
17. 9. 2009
Le Vol à l´étalage live!
Séminaire d´un jour, Jürgen Schmidt
17. 9. 2009
German Council Congress
21. – 22. 9. 2009
Luxury Summit
22. 9. 2009
Ladengestaltung für Praktiker
Eintagesseminar, Consult-Portfolio
2. – 4. 10. 2009
Internationale BDS-Fachtagung
Visual Marketing Tagung
5. 10. 2009
Visual Merchandising
Séminaire d´un jour, Brigitte Beeler
13. 10. 2009
Mehr Ertrag auf gleicher Fläche
Eintagesseminar, Markus Haslinger
15. – 17. 10. 2009
Int. Handels-Forum/Retail Forum
20. 10. 2009
Visual Merchandising für Praktiker
Eintagesseminar, Irmgard Heyd
umdasch shop-concept
SHOP aktuell 106
Bücher Books
Kalender calendar
W. Kroeber-Riel, P. Weinberg, A. Gröppel-Klein
B. Swoboda, T. Foscht, K. Pennemann
HandelsMonitor 2009 –
Internationalisierung des
Das 1975 von Werner Kroeber-Riel erstmals publizierte Standardwerk zum Konsumentenverhalten
liegt nun in der wieder überarbeiteten und aktualisierten 9. Auflage vor. Nach einer ausführlichen
Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Werk wird der Leser mit höchst praxisrelevanten und wissenschaftlich bestens fundierten Erkenntnissen belohnt. Nicht
zuletzt für den Handelspraktiker eine Pflichtlektüre.
Vahlen, München
2009, 9. Auflage, 812 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-8006-3557-3
45 €
D. Ahlert, K. GroSSe-Bölting, G. Heinemann
Toby Meadows
Wie gründe ich ein
Modelabel?/ How do I set up
a fashion label?
2009 beschäftigt sich der HandelsMonitor mit der
Bedeutung und den vielfältigen Dimensionen eines erfolgreichen „Going & Being International“.
Ergebnisse aus der Befragung 71 deutschsprachiger international tätiger Handelsunternehmen werden in der Studie präsentiert. Abgerundet wird das
Werk mit Praxisbeispielen erfolgreicher Internationalisierungskonzepte und Player (Tesco, Carrefour,
Zara, s. Oliver…) in Auslandsmärkten.
The aim of this handbook is to fill the gap between
the creative and entrepreneurial aspects which becomes evident in the case of most company startups
in the fashion sector. Author Toby Meadows, himself
the Managing Director of the label “Belle&Bunty” and
management consultant for the fashion industry, examines important topics such as planning, organisation, marketing, financing, production and sales.
Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt am Main
2009, 247 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-86641-210-1
198 €
avedition, Ludwigsburg
2009, 176 pages, German / English (Laurence King Publishing), ISBN 978-3-89986-112-9
€ 29.90, SFr 49.90
Handelsmanagement in der
M. Hank Häusler
Diese Neuerscheinung stellt das textile Handelsmanagement aus einer ganzheitlichen Perspektive auf über 1.000 Seiten systematisch dar. Das
Buch behandelt Kernthemen wie Markenmanagement, Führung, Distributionsformen, Internationalisierung u.v.m. Fazit: Ein Grundlagenwerk über den
Bekleidungshandel, das nicht nur Wissenschaftler
und Studierende sondern auch Praktiker aller Wertschöpfungsstufen anspricht.
Media Facades
Die media recordability of surfaces is a very fashionable topic, not least in shop architecture. This new
publication gives an overview of the different kinds
of media facades, their technology and future development. 36 international examples (Galleria Department Store, Mercedes-Benz…) impressively illustrate
the subject.
Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt am Main
2009, 1090 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-86641-143-2
248 €
Avedition, Ludwigsburg
2009, 248 pages, English, ISBN 978-3-89986-107-5
€ 49.90 (D), SFr 84.00
22. 10. 2009
Eintagesseminar, Christian Mikunda
21. – 23. 10. 2009
Selbstähnliche Markenführung
23. – 27. 10. 2009
World Shopfittting Exhibition
Shopfitting Fair
27. 10. 2009
Visual Merchandising für Praktiker
Eintagesseminar, Irmgard Heyd
4. 11. 2009
Eintagesseminar, Christian Mikunda
12. 11. 2009
Shopping Center Forum & Swiss
Council Congress
17. 11. 2009
Eintagesseminar, Christian Mikunda
17. – 18. 11. 2009
Läden 2009
18. – 19. 11. 2009
Deutscher Handelskongress
18. – 20. 11. 2009
Retail Real Estate Fair
26. 11. 2009
Sales Design
2. – 4. 3. 2010
Trade Fair for IT in Retail
10. – 12. 3. 2010
Las Vegas
Global Shop
Retail Design and In Store-Marketing Fair
* The event information is supplied in the language of the event.
SHOP aktuell 106
umdasch shop-concept
Das gedruckte Gesamtprogramm für
diesen Handels-Event des Jahres
können Sie formlos bei einer UmdaschAdresse Ihrer Wahl anfordern bzw. steht
dieses Programm auf der Homepage
als pdf-Download zur Verfügung.
The printed programme of this Retail
Event of the Year lists all details and can
be obtained upon request from any one
of the Umdasch addresses.
The programme is also available for
download as a pdf file on our website
Alpbach international retail Forum
15 – 17 October 2009 – Programme (extract):
Thursday, 15 October 2009
7.15 p.m.: Introduction to the conferencePeter Paul Polte
7.30 p.m.: “Handel 2010: Nach dem Goldrausch – das Glas ist halbvoll”
(“Retailing 2010: After the gold Rush – the glass is half full”)Dr. David Bosshart
Friday, 16 October 2009
9.00 a.m.: “Die Inszenierung der Zukunft” Mobilität – Urbanität – Standorte
(“Staging the future” Mobility – Urbanism – Locations)Prof. Dr. Eckard Minx
10.00 a.m.: “Stagecraft in Retail Design”Edwin L. Hofmann
11.30 a.m.: “Die Inszenierung des Genusses”
(“The Stagecraft of Culinary Pleasure”)Sarah Wiener
1.45 p.m.: “Jenseits der Inszenierung – Identität als Schlüssel zum Erfolg”
(“Beyond the Stagecraft – Identity as a Key to Success”)Daniel Strolz
2.30 p.m.: “Vom Schein zum Wesen – Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt der
Gestaltungsfragen” (“From Appearance to Being – The Individual
at the Heart of the Design Questions”)Erich Harsch
3.45 p.m.: “Mit Authentizität aus der Krise”
(“Authenticity: Escape from Crisis”)Dott. Prof. Simonetta Carbonaro
4.45 p.m.: “Die Kunst der Inszenierung” (“Stagecraft as an Art”)Stefan Ruzowitzky
Saturday, 17 October 2009
9.45 a.m.: “Die 7 Hochgefühle und wie man sie weckt”
(“The Seven Feelings of Elation and How to Arouse Them”)Dr. Christian Mikunda
10.45 a.m.: Tour of Swarovski Crystal Words
A top event by
Simultaneous translation: German/English
€ 980,- incl. 2 nights‘ accommodation/ full board – Please apply soon!
Member of the Umdasch Shopfitting Group
Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH
A-3300 Amstetten
Tel. +43 7472 605-0, Fax 63487
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept AG
CH-5036 Oberentfelden
Tel. +41 62 7372525, Fax 7372550
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH
D-74933 Neidenstein
Tel. +49 7263 401-0, Fax 401-145
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept SAS
F-91160 Champlan
Tel. +33 1 60491840, Fax 60491841
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept Ltd.
GB-Oxford OX4 1LF
Tel. +44 1865 207800, Fax 207801
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept Ltd.
IRL-Dublin 6W
Tel. +353 1 490 99 41
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept S.r.l.
I-39055 Pineta di Laives (BZ)
Tel. +39 0471 958700, Fax 958777
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept GmbH
NL-7556 BN Hengelo (Ov.)
Tel. +31 74 2467360, Fax 2504423
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept spol. s r.o.
CZ-37001 České Budějovice
Tel. +420 387022011, Fax 7022013
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept L.L.C
Tel. +971 4 3618462, Fax 3618335
[email protected]
ShopConsult by Umdasch GmbH
A-3300 Amstetten
Tel. +43 7472 605-0, Fax 605-3500
[email protected]
Umdasch Shop-Concept and the Umdasch Shopfitting Group are also available in the following planning and sales offices as well as at the following locations (selection). Austria: Vienna, Traun/
St. Martin, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt. Switzerland: Münsingen (Berne), Renens (Lausanne). Germany: Hamburg, Oberhausen, Monheim, Bad Hersfeld, Bamberg, Hofheim/Wildsachsen, Freiburg.
France: Claix/Grenoble. Italy: Parma, Milan, Roncadelle. Spain: Madrid. Sweden: Gothenborg. Norway: Oslo, Stavanger. Slovenia: Slovenska Bistrica. Croatia: Zagreb. Serbia: Belgrade. Poland:
Warsaw. Russia: Moscow. Greece: Athens. Israel: Tel Aviv. Saudi Arabia: Jeddah. Canada: Toronto. USA: New York, Newport Beach/CA. And wherever else your business takes you! • • • •