Zelluläre Bewegungsmechanismen “Intro cytoskeleon and actin”
Zelluläre Bewegungsmechanismen “Intro cytoskeleon and actin”
Zelluläre Bewegungsmechanismen Vorlesung im WS Mo 16-17 Uhr, Mi 16-17 Uhr “Intro cytoskeleon and actin” Uwe Wolfrum Institut für Zoologie [email protected] Text books: Literature Bruce Alberts et al.: Molecular Biology of the Cell 4th Ed. 2002 Dennis Bray: Cell Movements 2nd Ed. 2001 Harvey Lodish et al.: Molecular Cell Biology 4th Ed. 2001 Kleinig / Sitte Zellbiologie Fischer 1999 Bershadsky / Vasiliev Cytoskeleton Plenum 1988 Web - pages: see http://www.uni-mainz.de/FB/Biologie/Zoologie/abt1/Wolfrum/ 1 Function of the cytoskeleton • stabilization • intracellular transport • signal transduction Composition of the cytoskeleton • • • • actin filaments (6-10 nm) microtubules (25 nm) & associated proteins intermediate filaments (11 nm) & molecular motors nano filaments (2-6 nm) Cytoskeletal elements differ in diameter. Motility and trafficking microtubules kinesins dyneins actin filaments myosins 2 Molecular motors nano filaments ? ? microtubules actin filaments microtubules intermediate filaments Nature Reviews Cytoskeletal elements in eukaryotes nano filaments actin filaments intermediate filaments microtubules 6-10 nm 10-13 nm 25 nm according to Alberts et al. 3 Distribution of different cytoskeletal elements in the same cell nano filaments (e.g. centrins) actin filaments (F-actin) (rhodoamin-phaloidin) intermediate filaments (IF) (anti-vimentin) microtubules MT) (anti-tubulin) Bundles of actin filaments in cells ruffles microvilli contractile bundles in the cytoplasm (stress fibers linked to focal contacts) = muscle lamellipodia (sheetlike) filopodia contractile ring during cell division (fingerlike) 4 Actin features? • 6 actin genes in birds and mammals (only one in yeast) • 2D-gel electrophoresis differentiates actin in: α-, β-, and γ-actin - 3 α-actins: expressed in the 3 types of muscle cells - β-actin: cytoplasmic actin 2D-gel electrophoresis (20 human pseudogenes) - γ-actin: 1 cytoplasmic actin 2 smooth muscle actins Actin is the most abundant protein in the cell: - 2% of total protein in a regular cell - 10-20% in muscle cells • G-actin polymers to actin filaments (F-actin) Actin filaments (F-actin) actin molecule = G-actin (2.73 nm) 10 nm { plus end 38 nm = 14 G-actins minus end • double helical structure • polarity 5 Actin filament polarity minus end A plus end minus end pointed end plus end minus end 100 nm B Myosin II digestion plus end barbed end Actin polymerization II minus end ATP ADP plus end 6 Polymerization Distrubution of globular G-actin and filamentous F-actin in the same cell F-actin: OregonGreen 488 phalloidin G-actin: Texas Red deoxyribonuclease I in vivo: G-actin : F-actin 1:1 in vivo: [G-actin] ~ 50-200µmol (2-8 mg/ml) in vitro polymerization of pure G-actin at [G-actin] 1 µmol - in vivo most actin should be polymerized to F-actin. in vivo regulation of actin polymerization by actin-binding proteins cultured bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell 7 actin monomers monomer -sequestering protein nucleation protein thymosin, profilin profilin severing protein gelsolin bundling protein (in filopodia) actin filaments motor protein cross-linking protein (in cell cortex) myosins filamin side binding protein tropomysoin caping (end-blocking) protein gelsolin Classes of actin-binding proteins Bundles of actin filaments in cells ruffle tail tail filopodia ruffle tail lamellipodia filopodia lamellopodia cortex 8 Actin-binding proteins in vertebrate cells FUNCTION filaments strengthen filaments bundle filaments cross links filament into gel E.G. FEATURES 370 x 42 kDa/µm actin tropomyosin fimbrin α-actinin - end + end 2 x 35 kDa 14 nm 68 kDa 40 nm 2 x 100 kDa filamin 2 x 270 kDa 2 x 265 plus 2 x 260 kDa attach sides of filaments to plasma membrane spectrin contractile units myosins β myosin I α 150 kDa myosin II monomer binding proteins ACTIN-INTERACTION 2 x 260 kDa thymosin myosin II 5 kDa Actin filaments are polermerized at tip of leading edge Entire F-actin: FITC-phalloidin Newly formed F-actin: Rhodamin-actin Experiment: Fibroblasts - permeabilization with detergent - rhodamin-actin incubation - 5 min actin polmerization - FITC-phalloidin staining 9 Monomer actin-binding proteins protein binds and keeps actin in ADP-bound form thymosin - 4β: • size 5 kDa • binds to G-actin 1:1 • sequestering activity inhibits actin polymerization and nucleotide exchange site that binds to F-actin protein bound over actin-binding site profilins: profilin:actin complex = 1:1 • complicated role in actin polymerization! • enhances exchanges of nucleotides of G-actin • bind to G-actin, to Arp2/3 complex, to VASP, ... and is associated with the plasma membrane. Actin polymerization in vivo 10 Actin polymerization cycle in vivo fast growing end (+ end; barbed) k+ 5 µM-1s-1 k- 1 s-1 slow growing end ( - end; pointed) k+ 0.1 µM-1s-1 k- 0.2 s-1 UW Bewegungsmechanismen 2002 Filipodium formation unactivated PIP2 = Phosphatidyl inositol 4-diphosphat activated • profilin-actin elongates fast growing end • profilin binding increases exchange nucleotides 11 Acrosomal process in sea urchin sperms profilin-actin complex pH increase profilin actin Tilney et al. 1982 Acrosomal process in Limulus sperm Sucrin: 102 kDa Ca2+-binding protein EF-hand protein sucrin-sucrin bridges between parallel actin filaments Actin filament bundle induced by [Ca2+] concentration increase 12 Microvilli myosin I + calmodulin villin, fimbrin actin filaments plasma membrane glycocalyx microvilli with core filaments Terminal web of microvilli spectrin myosin II tropomyosin 13 Actin-binding proteins in vertebrate cells FUNCTION filaments strengthen filaments bundle filaments cross links filament into gel E.G. FEATURES 370 x 42 kDa/µm actin tropomyosin fimbrin α-actinin ACTIN-INTERACTION 2 x 35 kDa 14 nm 68 kDa 40 nm 2 x 100 kDa filamin 2 x 270 kDa 2 x 265 plus 2 x 260 kDa attach sides of filaments to plasma membrane spectrin contractile units myosins β myosin I α 150 kDa myosin II monomer binding proteins + end - end 2 x 260 kDa thymosin myosin II 5 kDa Actin related proteins Arp´s • Arp´s are closely related to actin. • Arp-classes: Arp 1 (~ 50% homology to actin), Arp 2 (40-50%), and Arp 3 (30-50%) Arp 1 (centractin): • component of the dynactin complex of cytoplasmic dynein (MT minus end motor) • connects motor complex to cargo vesicle 14 Actin nucleation: ARP2/3 complex Actin nucleation: ARP2/3 complex 15 Actin filament branching at the Arp2/3 complex 4 µM G-actin (unlabeled) & Red rhodamin-phalloidin (mother filament) & Green Alexa 488-phalloidin & Arp2/3 complex (a,b: bovine; c-e: amoebae) 5 µm Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASP) • Human Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome is a rare recessive X-linked immunodeficiency syndrome effecting young boys. • WASP has been shown to be defective in patients. • WASP is an actin nucleation factor involved in phagocytosis. WASP activation WASP domain structure actin Cdc42 profilin actin Arp2/3 inactive activated N-WASP: brain isoform Cdc42 binds to activation domain binding sites accessible 16 Arp 2/3 mediated actin nucleation at the plasma membrane • WASP and VASP (vasodilator stimmulation phospho-protein) act as actin nucleation factors. • Zyxin anchors VASP at the integrin complex of the membrane. zyxin 17 Actin filament polymerization by Listeria monocytogenes: intracellular motility of bacteria Actin filament (FITC-phalloidin) ActivinA (ActA) (rhodamin) Listeria infection of a fibroblast Listeria monocytogenes • Das Bakterium Listeria monocytogenes tritt in verdorbenen Lebensmittel auf und eine Listeria-Infektion führt beim Menschen zu einer Lebensmittelvergiftung. • Bei der Infektion einer Wirtszelle nutzt das Bakterium das “System” der Zelle aus: 1. Aufnahme von Listeria durch Phagocytose durch einen “zipper mechanism”: Internalin 1 A (In1A) ein Oberflächenfaktor des Bakteriums bindet über sein LRR-Motiv an CellCell Adhersionsproteine, E-Cadherine der Wirtszelle. Ausbildung eines Phagocytose Vesikels incl. Bakterium. 2. Verlassen des Phagocytosevesikels und Übertritt in das Cytoplasma der Wirtzelle. 3. Fortbewegung des Bakteriums im das Cytoplasma der Wirtzelle (11 µm/sec) durch die Polymerization von Actinfilament. 4. Ausbildung von “microspikes” zur Infektion von Nachbarzellen. free Listeria host cell phagocytosis escape actin polymerization motility microspikes infection of neighboring cell 18 TEM of actin filament polymerization by Listeria actin tail infection of neighboring cell via micrspikes Mechanism of Listeria actin tail formation F-actin nucleation is madiated by Arp2/3 in eukaryotic cells F-actin nucleation at the Listeria tail is also mediated by Arp2/3 Listeria protein ActivinA (ActA) = Zyxin + VASP = WASP 19 Drugs that affect actin filaments and microtubules ACTIN-SPECIFIC DRUGS Phalloidin Cytochalasin Swinholide Latrunculin binds and stabilizes filaments caps filament plus ends severs filaments binds subunits and prevents their polymerization MICROTUBULE-SPECIFIC DRUGS Taxol Colchicine, colcemid Vinblastine, vincristine Nocodazole binds and stabilizes microtubules bind subunits and prevents their polymerization 20