Guidance for notification of an externally funded research project


Guidance for notification of an externally funded research project
A step-by-step guideline for registering an externally funded research project
according to § 27 University Act of 2002
I. Project initiation / contract negotiations
- For further information click on,394408&_dad=portal&_schema=
- Contact person: Ass.iur. Tim Schröder ([email protected]; Ext.
II. Research project is reported to AFF for contract review
- The deadline for registering a research project ends four weeks
before the project contracts are scheduled to be signed
Registration includes the following steps:
1) Entry into FODOK
b. Sign in (Enter the same user name and password that you use to logon
to your PC)
c. Link “New Entry” (see German link “neu erfassen”)
d. Access the data entry form by clicking “§27 Project” (see German form
“Projekt laut §27”)
e. Enter data
f. Submit data
Status: Newly entered, must be forwarded to the head of the organisational
unit (see German status information “Neu angelegt, muss an LeiterIn der
Organisationseinheit weitergeleitet warden”)
2) Access a detailed view of the project
Two possibilities:
a. Pops up automatically, within a few seconds, after user has entered
data and clicked “Submit” (see German button “fertig stellen”)
b. By selecting the respective project on the website of the person in
charge of the project (e.g. §27-Project “Example” conducted by Prof.
Mustermann: go to Prof. Mustermann’s website and select project
“Example” from the category “§27 Projects”)
(Pre-condition: the user has to be signed in)
Status: Newly entered, must be forwarded to the head of the organisational
unit (see German status information “Neu angelegt, muss an LeiterIn der
Organisationseinheit weitergeleitet warden”)
3) Click on “Print Version”
(see German link “Formular zum Ausdrucken anzeigen”)
a. Print the data entry form
b. Check the entries (corrections can still be made); revise data if
necessary (Click “change”; see German button “ändern”)
c. Send the following documents to the AFF (Ass.jur. Tim Schröder,
Kapitelgasse 6; [email protected]; Ext. 2451):
Correct (printed) form – incl. signature
Drafts of the project contracts
overhead calculation form
If applicable, submit a statement explaining why the project data
should not be published in FODOK
c. Send the staff registration form to SE Personal (Gerhard
Thalhammer, [email protected], Ext. 2111)
4) Click on “For activation send project to the head of the organisational unit”
(please only click once!)
(see German link “Projekt zur Freischaltung an Leiter/in der
Organisationseinheit weiterleiten”)
a. Project registration via FODOK has been started; the project has
sent to the head of the organisational unit for further examination;
b. The project entry can no longer be changed by the user
Status: Email to the head of the organisational unit has been successfully
sent (see German status information “Email an Leiter/in der
Organisationseinheit erfolgreich versendet”)
5) Head of the organisational unit receives an email “New project registration:
Project name” (see German subject heading: “Neue Projektmeldung: jew.
6) Head of the organisational unit accesses detailed view of the project
Two possibilities:
a. Head of the organisational unit clicks on the link “Access Project”
(see German link “Zum Projekt”) listed in the email (for viewing the
project data please sign in to FODOK)
b. By selecting the respective project on the website of the person in
charge of the project (e.g. §27-Project “Example“ conducted by Prof.
Mustermann: go to Prof. Mustermann’s website and select project
“Example” from the category “§27 Projects”)
(Pre-condition: the user has to be signed in)
7) Head of the organisational unit examines project registration and clicks one
of the following buttons:
a. “Accept” (see German button “akzeptieren”)
1. Project registration is automatically forwarded to AFF
2. Status: Email to Controlling has been successfully sent (see
German status information “Email an Controlling erfolgreich
3. Documents are checked by AFF and an internal account number is
subsequently assigned by Controlling
4. Status: Internal account number is indicated in the FODOK entry
b. “Reject” (see German button “ablehnen”)
1. Project registration is returned to the project manager
2. Project manager is notified by an automatically generated email
3. The project entry can now be modified again
4. Status: Newly entered, must be forwarded to the head of the
organisational unit
(see German status information “Neu angelegt, muss an LeiterIn der
Organisationseinheit weitergeleitet warden”)