urban cultures and communities in the frame of gender
urban cultures and communities in the frame of gender
URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER – A BIBLIOGRAPHY URBANE KULTUREN UND GEMEINSCHAFTEN IM HORIZONT VON GESCHLECHT – EINE BIBLIOGRAPHIE PROF_IN. DR_IN. YVONNE P. DODERER UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES DÜSSELDORF/GERMANY FACHHOCHSCHULE DÜSSELDORF COLLABORATION / MITARBEIT DR. DES. KATRIN STRÖBEL SADRICK SCHMIDT FUNDED BY / GEFÖRDERT VOM MINISTERIUM FÜR INNOVATION, WISSENSCHAFT UND FORSCHUNG DES LANDES NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN, GERMANY / DEUTSCHLAND APRIL 2012 URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 02 Introduction This bibliography is based on an extensive research in different German and English library catalogs via various research cycles and selection procedures. Background of this research is the increase of the importance of urban life as already now over 50% of the world’s population lives in urban spaces and agglomerations (although urban growth and processes of urban shrinking are distributed unequally). This importance of urban life is reflected in diverse discourses in Cultural Studies as well as in design, architecture and urban planning. In this context questions of gender, an approach from an intersectional perspective – the interconnection of different societal categories like gender, race, class, sexual identity, age e.a. – as well as other urban life styles beyond the traditional nuclear family are still neglected. The idea of this research and bibliography is to close this gap of reception and to point to scientific research, investigations and theoretical explanations already being published. This bibliography is structured in a complex of topics. Each topic is divided in a historical section, a section with theoretical explanations, a section concerning urban planning and a more specific section of publications structured along continents and countries. As most of the publications are in English, the bibliography is bilingual. Vorwort Die vorliegende Bibliographie basiert auf einer umfangreichen Recherche in verschiedenen Bibliothekskatalogen im deutschsprachigen und englischsprachigen Raum. In mehreren Recherchedurchläufen und Selektionsverfahren wurde die vorliegende Bibliographie extrahiert und zusammengestellt. Hintergrund der Recherche ist der Bedeutungszuwachs des Lebens in Städten. Bereits jetzt leben über 50% der Weltbevölkerung in urbanen Räumen und Agglomerationen (wobei sich jedoch urbane Wachstums- und Schrumpfungsprozesse ungleich verteilen). Dieser Bedeutungszuwachs urbanen Lebens spiegelt sich in den diversen Diskursen in Cultural Studies und Kulturwissenschaften ebenso wie in Design, Architektur und Stadtplanung wieder. Häufig werden jedoch in diesem Zusammenhang Fragen von Geschlecht, eine Betrachtung aus intersektionaler Perspektive – die Verschränkung verschiedener gesellschaftlicher Kategorien wie Klasse, Ethnizität, Alter, sexuelle Identität usw. mit Geschlecht – und andere urbane Lebensformen und Vergemeinschaftungen jenseits der tradierten Kleinfamilie nach wie vor vernachlässigt. Die vorliegende Bibliographie will diese Rezeptionslücke schließen und auf bereits publizierte Forschungen, Untersuchungen und theoretische Ausführungen aufmerksam machen. Die Bibliographie ist in mehrere Themenkomplexe gegliedert, jeder dieser Themenkomplexe ist wiederum unterteilt in einen historischen Teil, einen Teil zu theoretischen und grundsätzlichen Ausführungen, einen Teil, der das jeweilige Thema im Zusammenhang mit Stadtplanung fokusiert und einen, nach Kontinenten und Ländern strukturierten, internationalen und mehr spezifischen Teil an Veröffentlichungen. Da der überwiegende Teil der Publikationen in Englisch verfasst ist, wurde auf die Zweisprachigkeit der Bibliographie besonders Wert gelegt. INTRODUCTION / VORWORT URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 03 CONTENT / INHALTSVERZEICHNIS GENDER + CITY / GESCHLECHT + STADT Her_Hisstory / Geschichte Theory / Theorie Urban Planning / Stadtplanung Continents, Countries + Cities / Kontinente, Länder + Städte Africa / Afrika Asia / Asien Europe / Europa South America / Südamerika North America / Nordamerika GENDER + EVERYDAY / GESCHLECHT + ALLTAG Her_Hisstory / Geschichte Theory / Theorie 1 Theory / Theorie 2 Urban Planning / Stadtplanung Continents, Countries + Cities / Kontinente, Länder + Städte Africa / Afrika Asia / Asien Europe / Europa South America / Südamerika North America / Nordamerika GENDER + COMMUNITY / GESCHLECHT + GEMEINSCHAFT Her_Hisstory / Geschichte Manuals / Handbücher Theory / Theorie Continents, Countries + Cities / Kontinente, Länder + Städte Africa / Afrika Asia / Asien Europe / Europa South America / Südamerika North America / Nordamerika INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES / ALTERNATIVES LEBEN IN GEMEINSCHAFT Her_Hisstory / Geschichte Manuals / Handbücher Theory / Theorie 1 Theory / Theorie 2 Continents, Countries + Cities / Kontinente, Länder + Städte Australia Europe North America / Nordamerika South America / Südamerika CONTENT / INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 05 – 06 06 – 10 11 – 14 14 – 15 15 – 16 16 – 17 18 19 20 20 – 21 21 – 22 22 22 – 23 23 – 24 24 – 25 25 – 26 26 27 27 28 28 – 29 30 30 – 32 32 – 33 33 – 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 38 URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER COHOUSING / WOHNGEMEINSCHAFTEN Theory / Theorie Manuals / Handbücher Age / Alter Continents, Countries + Cities / Kontinente, Länder + Städte Australia Europe / Europa LESBIAN GAY BISEXUAL TRANSGENDER (LGBT) COMMUNITIES / LESBEN SCHWULE BISEXUELLE TRANSGENDER GEMEINSCHAFTEN Her_Hisstory / Geschichte Manuals / Handbücher Theory / Theorie Urban Planning / Stadtplanung Continents, Countries + Cities / Kontinente, Länder + Städte Africa / Afrika Asia / Asien Australia / Australien Europe / Europa South America / Südamerika North America / Nordamerika CONTENT / INHALTSVERZEICHNIS 04 39 39 39 – 40 40 40 41 – 42 42 42 – 45 45 46 46 – 47 47 – 48 48 – 49 49 – 50 50 – 54 URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 05 GENDER + CITY / GESCHLECHT + STADT HER_HISSTORY / GESCHICHTE Ankum, Katharina (1997): Women in the metropolis gender and modernity in Weimar culture. Berkeley: University of California Press. Baugher-Perlin, Sherene (2010): Archaeology and preservation of gendered landscapes. New York; London: Springer. Bergler, Andrea (2011): Von Armenpflegern und Fürsorgeschwestern. Kommunale Wohlfahrtspflege und Geschlechterpolitik in Berlin und Charlottenburg 1890 bis 1914. Stuttgart: Steiner. Clement, Elizabeth (2006): Love for sale courting, treating, and prostitution in New York City, 1900-1945. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Davidson, Denise Z. (2007): France after Revolution: urban life, gender, and the new social order. Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press. Deutsch, Sarah (2000): Women and the city: gender, space, and power in Boston, 1870-1940. New York: Oxford University Press. D’Souza, Aruna (2006): The invisible flâneuse? Gender, public space and visual culture in nineteenth-century Paris. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Freytag, Julia (2011): City Girls. Bubiköpfe & Blaustrümpfe in den 1920 Jahren. Köln: Böhlau. Friedman, Andrea (2000): Prurient interests: gender, democracy, and obscenity in New York City, 1909-1945. New York: Columbia University Press. Gullickson, Gay L. (1996): Unruly women of Paris: images of the commune. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Guglielmo, Jennifer (2010): Living the revolution: Italian women’s resistance and radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Hayden, Dolores (Mass; London : MIT, 1997): The power of place. Urban landscapes as public history. Cambridge: MIT. Hutchison, Elizabeth Quay (2001): Labors appropriate to their sex. Gender, labor, and politics in Urban Chile, 1900 - 1930. Durham, NC: Duke University Pr. Kyriakoudes, Louis (2003): The social origins of the urban South race, gender, and migration in Nashville and middle Tennessee, 1890-1930. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Lape, Susan (2004): Reproducing Athens: Menander’s comedy, democratic culture, and the Hellenistic city. Princeton N.J: Princeton University Press. Mendelsohn, Daniel Adam (2005): Gender and the city in Euripides’ political plays. Oxford: Oxford University Press. McCoskey, Denise Eileen (2009): Bound by the city: Greek tragedy, sexual difference, and the formation of the polis. Albany: State University of New York Press. GENDER + CITY / HER_HISSTORY URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 06 Milne-Smith, Amy (2011): London clubland. A cultural history of gender and class in late Victorian Britain. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Mumford, Kevin J. (1997): Interzones: black/white sex districts in Chicago and New York in the early twentieth century. New York: Columbia University Press. Rendell, Jane (2002): The pursuit of pleasure. Gender, space & architecture in Regency London. London, New Brunswick, N.J: Athlone Press; Rutgers University Press. Schuster, Beate (1995): Die freien Frauen. Dirnen und Frauenhäuser im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt am Main: Campus-Verlag. Sewell, Jessica Ellen (2011): Women and the everyday city. Public space in San Francisco 18901915. Jackson: University of Minnesota Press. Semerdjian, Elyse (2008): “Off the straight path”. Illicit sex, law, and community in Ottoman Aleppo. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press. Simpson, Lee M. A. (2004): Selling the city. Gender, class, and the California growth machine, 1880-1940. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press. Sluis, Ageeth (2006): City of Spectacles. Gender performance, revolutionary reform and the creation of public space in Mexico City, 1915-1939. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona. St. Drake, Clair; Cayton, Horace R. (1993): Black metropolis - a study of negro life in a northern city. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Strange, Carolyn (1995): Toronto‘s girl problem. The perils and pleasures of the city 1880-1930. Toronto; London: University of Toronto Press. Terlinden, Ulla; Grieser, Susanne; Ross, Bettina (1999): Wohnungspolitik in der alten Frauenbewegung. Die wohnungs- und siedlungspolitische Debatte in der alten deutschen Frauenbewegung und ihr Beitrag zu den Wohn- und Siedlungsreformen in Kaiserreich und Weimarer Republik. Kassel: Universität Gesamthochschule. Waldner, Katharina (2000): Geburt und Hochzeit des Kriegers. Geschlechterdifferenz und Initiation in Mythos und Ritual der griechischen Polis. Berlin: de Gruyter. THEORY / THEORIE Addabbo, Tindara (et al.) (ed.) (2010): Gender inequalities, households and the production of well-being in modern Europe. Farnham; Burlington: Ashgate Pub. Bagguley, Paul (1990): Restructuring. Place, class and gender. London: Sage. Beall, Jo (1997): A city for all. Valuing difference and working with diversity. London, Atlantic Highlands, N.J: Zed Books. Becker, Ruth (Hg.) (2010): Handbuch Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft. Bingaman, Amy (2002): Embodied utopias. Gender, social change and the modern metropolis. London, New York: Routledge. GENDER + CITY / HER_HISSTORY / THEORY URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 07 Boal, Frederick Wilgar (2000): Ethnicity and housing. Accommodating differences. Aldershot: Ashgate. Boelhower, William Q. (ed.) (2004): Public Space, Private Lives: Race, Gender, Class and Citizenship in New York, 1890-1929. Amsterdam: VU University Press. Bondi, Liz (2003): Constructing gender, constructing the urban: A review of Anglo-American feminist urban geography. In: Gender, Place & Culture 10 (3), p. 229 - 245. Brakenhoff, Barbara (1985): Vom Umgang mit einem Ärgernis. Frauenblicke auf Stadtveränderung. Berlin: Nishen. Buckingham, Susan; Lievesley, Geraldine (2006): In the hands of women. Paradigms of citizenship. Manchester; New York: Manchester University Press. Chant, Sylvia H. (1997): Gender aspects of urban economic growth and development. Helsinki, Finland: UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research. Cromley, Elizabeth C.; Hudgins, Carter L. (1995): Gender, class, and shelter. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. Darke, Jane; Booth, Chris; Yeandle, Susan (ed.) (1996): Changing places. Women’s lives in the city. London: P. Chapman. Darke, Jane; Ledwith, Sue; Woods, Roberta (2000): Women and the city. Visibility and voice in urban space. Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave. Dandekar, Hemalata C. (1998): City, space and globalization. An international perspective: proceedings of an international symposium, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, the University of Michigan, February 26-28, 1998. Ann Arbor: The College. Day, Kristen (1999): Introducing gender to the critique of privatized public space. In: Journal of Urban Design 4 (2), p. 155 - 178. DeSena, Judith (2008): Gender in an urban world. Bingley, UK: Emerald JAI. Doderer, Yvonne P. (2002): Urbane Praktiken Strategien und Raumproduktionen feministischer Frauenöffentlichkeit. Münster: Monsenstein & Vannerdat. Dörhöfer, Kerstin (1998): Verortungen: Geschlechterverhältnisse und Raumstrukturen. Basel (et al.): Birkhäuser. European Commission, Equal Opportunities Unit (ed.) (1994): European charter for women in the city. Moving towards a gender-conscious city: a common platform for discussion at European level: parity in democracy will improve living conditions for all. S.l: European Commission, Equal Opportunities Unit. Fincher, Ruth (1998): Cities of difference. New York: Guilford Press. Flade, Antje (1996): Sozialisation und Raumaneignung. Die räumliche Dimension als Einflußfaktor geschlechtsspezifischer Sozialisation. Darmstadt: IWU. Frank, Susanne (2003): Stadtplanung im Geschlechterkampf. Stadt und Geschlecht in der Großstadtentwicklung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Opladen: Leske und Budrich. GENDER + CITY / THEORY URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 08 Fleischmann, Katharina (Hg.) (2005): Stadt Land Gender. Einführung in feministische Geographien. Königstein/Taunus: Helmer. Garber, Judith A.; Turner, Robyne S. (1995): Gender in urban research. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE Publications. Gebhardt, Hans (2003): Stadt, Land, Frau. Interdisziplinäre Genderforschung in Kulturwissenschaft und Geographie. Heidelberg: Im Selbstverlag des Geographischen Instituts der Universität Heidelberg. Gilroy, Rose (Hg.) (1994): Housing women. London: Routledge. Günter, Andrea (2007): Welt, Stadt, Zusammenleben. Pluralität und Geschlechterphilosophien. Königstein im Taunus: Helmer. Hayden, Dolores (2002): Redesigning the American dream: the future of housing, work, and family life. New York: Norton. Imboden, Monika (Hg.) (2000): Stadt - Raum - Geschlecht. Beiträge zur Erforschung urbaner Lebensräume im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Zürich: Chronos. Jarvis, Helen; Cloke, Jonathan; Kantor, Paula (2009): Cities and gender. London, New York: Routledge. Kennett, Patricia; Wah, Chan Kam (ed.) (2011): Women and housing: an international analysis. London: Routledge. Kenway, Jane (et.al.) (2006): Masculinity beyond the metropolis. Basingstoke England; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Kern, Leslie (2010): Sex and the revitalized city: gender, condominium development, and urban citizenship. Vancouver: UBC Press. Klein, Michael (2002): Stadt, Geschlecht, soziale Ungleichheit. In: Hammer, Veronika; Lutz, Ronald (Hg.): Weibliche Lebenslagen und soziale Benachteiligung: theoretische Ansätze und empirische Beispiele. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, S. 86–105. Kihato, Caroline Wanjiku (ed.) (2010): Urban diversity. Space, culture and inclusive pluralism in cities worldwide. Washington, D.C: Woodrow Wilson Center Press. Kramer, Caroline (Hg.) (2002): Frei-Räume und Frei-Zeiten. Raum-Nutzung und Zeit-Verwendung im Geschlechterverhältnis. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag-Ges. Krüll, Marianne (1974): Geschlechtsrollenleitbilder in Stadt- und Landfamilien der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bonn: Forschungsstelle der Forschungsgesellschaft für Agrarpolitik und Agrarsoziologie. Lentin, Ronit (2002): At the heart of the Hibernian post-metropolis: Spatial narratives of ethnic minorities and diasporic communities in a changing city. In: City 6 (2), p. 229–249. Lees. Loretta (ed.) (2010): The gentrification reader. London, New York: Routledge. McDowell, Linda (2008): Capital Culture. Gender at work in the City. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. GENDER + CITY / THEORY URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 09 Little, Jo; Peake, Linda; Richardson, Pat (1988): Women in cities. Gender and the urban environment. Basingstoke: Macmillan Education. Löw, Martina (2002): Differenzierungen des Städtischen. Opladen: Leske Budrich. Maginn, Paul J. (2008): Qualitative urban analysis: an international perspective. 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Nelson, Lise (2005): A companion to feminist geography. Malden MA: Blackwell Pub. Ottes, Liesbeth (1995): Gender and the built environment: emancipation in planning, housing, and mobility in Europe. Assen: Van Gorcum. Pearce, Susan C.; Clifford, Elizabeth J.; Tandon, Reena (2011): Immigration and women. Understanding the American experience. New York; London: New York University Press. Rajkarnikar, Rabita (2010): Gender perspective: neutral public space. Muncie, Ind: Ball State University. Rendell, Jane (ed.) (2000): Gender space architecture: an interdisciplinary introduction. London; New York: E & FN Spon. Ruhne, Renate (2003): Raum Macht Geschlecht. Zur Soziologie eines Wirkungsgefüges am Beispiel von (Un)Sicherheiten im öffentlichen Raum. Opladen: Leske Budrich. Rommes, Elisabeth Wilhelmina (2002): Gender scripts and the Internet: the design and use of Amsterdam’s digital city. Netherlands: Twente University Press. Scambor, Elli (2012): Die intersektionelle Stadt. 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Emrich, Barbara (2004): Frauen in der Stadtverwaltung Augsburg. 3. Bericht zur Fortschreibung und Umsetzung des Gleichstellungskonzepts der Stadt Augsburg 2002/2003. Augsburg: Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik. Enders, Gisela (1995): Wie mobil sind Mädchen? Mobilität von Kindern und Jugendlichen im geschlechtsspezifischen Vergleich. Hannover: SelbstVerlag. Evers, Mariele; Hofmeister, Sabine (2010): Flächenpolitik durch nachhaltige, geschlechtergerechte Stadtentwicklung und partizipative Planung. Gender Mainstreaming als Strategie der Flächenvorsorge; Konzepte und mögliche Instrumente. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 68 (1), S. 35–47. Fainstein, Susan S. (2005): Gender and planning. A reader. New Brunswick, NJ (et al.): Rutgers University Press. Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Femmes et Ville (ed.) (1997): A city tailored to women: the role of municipal governments in achieving gender equality. 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CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES / KONTINENTE, LÄNDER + STÄDTE AFRICA / AFRIKA Arabische Emirate Walsh, Katie (2007): ‘It got very debauched, very Dubai!’ Heterosexual intimacy amongst single British expatriates. In: Social Cultural Geography 8 (4), p. 507 - 533. GENDER + CITY / URBAN PLANNING / CONTINENTS,COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 15 South Africa / Südafrika Bollen, Sandra (1999): Violence against women in metropolitan South Africa. A study on impact and service delivery. Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies. Mapetla, E. R. M.; Schlyter, Ann; Bless, Basia D. (2007): Urban experiences of gender generations and social justice. Lesotho: Institute of Southern African Studies, National University of Lesotho. Ranko, Limakatso (2002): Gender and urban housing in southern Africa. Bibliography and information sources. Roma, Lesotho: Institute of Southern African Studies, National Univ. of Lesotho. 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India / Indian Chowdhry, Prem (2007): Contentious marriages, eloping couples. Gender, caste and patriarchy in northern India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Ghadially, Rehana (2007): Urban women in contemporary India. A reader. Los Angeles, Calif: Sage Publications. Gill, Rajesh (2009): Contemporary Indian urban society. Ethnicity, gender and governance. New Delhi: Bookwell. Roy, Ananya (2003): City requiem, Calcutta gender and the politics of poverty. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Poggendorf-Kakar, Katharina (2002): Hindu-Frauen zwischen Tradition und Moderne. Religiöse Veränderungen der indischen Mittelschicht im städtischen Umfeld. Stuttgart (u.a.): Metzler. Iran Velayati, Masoumeh (2011): Islam, gender, and development. Rural-urban migration of women in Iran. Lanham (et al.): Lexington Books. Singapore / Singapur Sim, Hew Cheng (2007): Village Mothers, City Daughters. Women and urbanization in Sarawak. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 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GENDER + CITY / CONTINENTS,COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 17 Hauser, Andrea (2005): Stadt-Raum-Geschlecht: Wahrnehmungen des Urbanisierungsprozesses am Beispiel der Stadt Halle (Saale) 1870-1914. In: Binder, Beate (Hg.): Ort. Arbeit. Körper: Ethnografie europäischer Modernen; 34. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, Berlin: Waxmann, Bd. 3, S. 251 - 260. Klein, Michael (2002): Stadt, Geschlecht, soziale Ungleichheit. In: Hammer, Veronika; Lutz, Ronald (Hg.): Weibliche Lebenslagen und soziale Benachteiligung: theoretische Ansätze und empirische Beispiele. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, S. 86 - 105. Labouvie, Eva (2004): Leben in der Stadt: eine Kultur- und Geschlechtergeschichte Magdeburgs. Köln (u.a.): Böhlau. Stiefel, Elisabeth (2002): Stadt der Männer? Stadt der Frauen - Stadt für alle. Düsseldorf: HansBöckler-Stiftung. Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main (Hg.) 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Wien (u.a.): Lit-Verlag. Chile Segovia, Olga M. (1994): Public space and gender. A study of a barrio in Santiago, Chile. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Cuba Fernandez, Ariadna Dawn (2003): Building better communities. Gender roles, resources and gendered processes of urban regeneration in Cayo Hueso, Havana, Cuba. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. Haiti Jackson, Regine O. (2011): Geographies of the Haitian diaspora. New York: Routledge. Peru Alcalde, M. Cristina (2010): The woman in the violence: gender, poverty, and resistance in Peru. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Mexico / Mexiko Cano, Gabriela (2001): Cuatro estudios de género en el México urbano del siglo XIX. México, D.F: Programa University de Estudios de Género. Carey, Elaine (2005): Plaza of sacrifices. Gender, power and terror in 1968 Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press. Schütze, Stephanie (2005): Die andere Seite der Demokratisierung: die Veränderungen politischer Kultur aus der Perspektive der sozialen Bewegung der Siedlerinnen von Santo Domingo, MexikoStadt. Berlin: Ed. tranvía. Staudt, Kathleen (2010): Cities and citizenship at the U.S.-Mexico border. The Paso Del Norte metropolitan region. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Torres Falcón, Marta (2006): Violencia contra las mujeres en contextos urbanos y rurales. México, D.F: Colegio de México. GENDER + CITY / CONTINENTS,COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 19 NORTH AMERICA / NORDAMERIKA Canada Trudelle, Catherine (2006): Becoming Visible: Women and Conflicts in the Quebec Metropolitan Areas, 1965-2000. In: Urban Studies 43 (12), S. 2183–2203. USA Harzig, Christiane (1997): Peasant maids, city women: from the European countryside to urban America. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Pascale, Celine-Marie (2007): Making sense of race, class, and gender: common sense, power, and privilege in the United States. New York: Routledge. Reed, Christopher Robert (2000): All the world is here! The black presence at white city. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Shawki, Hoda Sherif (2007): Gender-related differences in housing preferences. A qualitative approach. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University. Susser, Ida; Patterson, Thomas Carl (2001): Cultural diversity in the United States - a critical reader. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. Valk, Anne M. (2008): Radical sisters: second-wave feminism and Black liberation in Washington, D.C. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Weis, Lois (2000): Construction sites. Excavating race, class, and gender among urban youth. New York (et al.): Teachers College Press. GENDER + CITY / CONTINENTS,COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 20 GENDER + EVERYDAY / GESCHLECHT + ALLTAG HER_HISSTORY / GESCHICHTE Bingham, Sallie (2006): Everyday life and women in America c.1820-1900. Marlborough, Wiltshire, England: Adam Matthew Publications. D’Cruze, Shani (2000): Everyday violence in Britain, 1850-1950. Gender and class. Harlow (et al.): Longman. Fair, Laura (2001): Pastimes and politics. Culture, community, and identity in post-abolition urban Zanzibar, 1890-1945. Athens: Ohio Uninversity Press; Oxford: James Currey (Eastern African studies). Helly, Dorothy O.; Reverby, Susan (1992): Gendered domains. Rethinking public and private in women’s history: essays from the Seventh Berkshire Conference on the History of Women. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Lemire, Beverly (2005): The business of everyday life. Gender, practice and social politics in England, c. 1600 - 1900. Manchester (et al.): Manchester University Press. Marcus, Sharon (1999): Apartment stories. City and home in nineteenth-century Paris and London. Berkeley; London: University of California Press. Nieman, Donald G. (1994): The African American family in the South, 1861-1900. New York: Garland Pub. Scheide, Carmen (2001): Kinder, Küche, Kommunismus. Das Wechselverhältnis zwischen sowjetischem Frauenalltag und Frauenpolitik von 1921 bis 1930 am Beispiel Moskauer Arbeiterinnen. Zürich: Pano-Verlag (Basler Studien zur Kulturgeschichte Osteuropas, 3). Sewell, Jessica Ellen (2011): Women and the Everyday City. Public Space in San Francisco, 18901915. Jackson: University of Minnesota Press. THEORY / THEORIE I Bennett, Tony (2002): Understanding everyday life. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Braedley, Susan (ed.) (2010): Neoliberalism and everyday life. Montréal (et al.): McGill-Queen’s University Press. Davis, Belinda (Hg.) (2008): Alltag, Erfahrung, Eigensinn. Frankfurt am Main (et al.): CampusVerlag. Griffin, Susan (ed.) 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Gal, Susan (2000): Reproducing gender: politics, publics, and everyday life after socialism. Princeton N.J: Princeton University Press. Griffin, Susan (1995): The eros of everyday life: essays on ecology, gender and sociology. New York: Doubleday. Holmes, Mary (2009): Gender and everyday life. London; New York: Routledge. Hubbard, Phil (1999): Sex and the city. Geographies of prostitution in the urban West. Aldershot: Ashgate. Luxton, Meg (2010): Neoliberalism and everyday life. Montréal; Ithaca: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Lamphere, Louise (ed.) (1997): Situated lives. Gender and culture in everyday live. London, New York: Routledge. GENDER + EVERYDAY / HER_HISSTORY / THEORY II URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 22 Leadbeater, Bonnie J. Ross; Way, Niobe (2007): Urban girls revisited. Building strengths. New York: New York University Press. Mitchell, Katharyne; Marston, Sallie A.; Katz, Cindi (2004): Life’s work. Geographies of social reproduction. 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GENDER + EVERYDAY / THEORY II / URBAN PLANNING / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 23 Egypt / Ägypten Fábos, Anita H. (2008): “Brothers” or others? Propriety and gender for Muslim Arab Sudanese in Egypt. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Morocco / Marokko Fernea, Elizabeth W. (1988): A street in Marrakech. A personal view of urban women in Morocco. Prospect Heights Ill: Waveland Press. Newcomb, Rachel (2009): Women of Fes. Ambiguities of urban life in Morocco. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Nigeria / Nigeria Werthmann, Katja (1997): Nachbarinnen. Die Alltagswelt muslimischer Frauen in einer nigerianischen Großstadt. Frankfurt am Main: Brandes und Apsel (Wissen & Praxis, 75). Palestine / Palästina Taraki, Liza (2006): Living Palestine. Family survival, resistance, and mobility under occupation. Syracuse, N.Y: Syracuse University Press. South Africa / Südafrika Larsson, Anita (ed.) (1998): Changing gender relations in Southern Africa. Roma, Lesotho: Inst. of Southern African Studies, National University of Lesotho. Lee, Rebekah (2009): African women and apartheid. Migration and settlement in urban South Africa. London: Tauris Academic Studies. Muzvidziwa, V. N. (2003): Gender and urban housing in Mafeteng District: life experiences of Basotho women tenants. Roma Lesotho: Institute of Southern African Studies, National University of Lesotho. Zimbabwe Sithole-Fundire, Sylvia (1995): Gender research on urbanization, planning, housing, and everyday life: GRUPHEL, phase one. Harare Zimbabwe; Uppsala Sweden: Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre & Network, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. ASIA / ASIEN China Yau, Ching (2010): As normal as possible: negotiating sexuality and gender in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Zheng, T. (2009): Ethnographies of Prostitution in Contemporary China. Gender Relations, HIV/ AIDS, and Nationalism. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. India / Indien Busby, Cecilia (2004): The performance of gender. An anthropology of everyday life in a South Indian fishing village. Oxford: Berg. GENDER + EVERYDAY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 24 Thapan, Meenakshi (1996): Gender, body and everyday life. New Delhi: Centre for Contemporary Studies Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. Pakistan Ring, Laura A. (c2006): Zenana. Everyday peace in a Karachi apartment building. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Thailand Thorbek, Susanne (1985): Slum culture and gender. A study of everyday life in a Bangkok slum. Copenhagen: Centre for Development Research. EUROPE / EUROPA Garcia i Ramon, Maria Dolors; Monk, Janice J. (1996): Women of the European Union. The politics of work and daily life. London, New York: Routledge. Austria / Österreich Erben, Tino; Wien / Kultur und Bürgerdienst (1984): Die Frau im Korsett. Wiener Frauenalltag zwischen Klischee und Wirklichkeit 1848 – 1920, Hermesvilla, Lainzer Tiergarten, 14. April 1984 - 10. Februar 1985. Wien: Eigenverl. d. Museen d. Stadt Wien (Sonderausstellung des Historischen Museums der Stadt Wien, 88). Germany / Deutschland Kappler, Karolin: Living with paradoxes victims of sexual violence and their conduct of everyday life. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Künne, Hannelore (1998): Frauen in Wolfsburg. Ein Blick in ihre Geschichte. Wolfsburg: Frauenbüro der Stadt Wolfsburg. Pence, Katherine (2008): Socialist modern: East German everyday culture and politics. Ann Arbor MI: The University of Michigan Press. Penn, Shana (2009): Gender politics and everyday life in state socialist East and Central Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Rubin, Eli (2007): East German Plastics: Technology, Gender and Teleological Structures of Everyday Life. In: German history: the journal of the German History Society 25 (4), p. 596 - 624. Wyrwich, Kordula; Hessen / Bevollmächtigte für Frauenangelegenheiten (1991): Die Lebenssitutation von älteren alleinlebenden Frauen in der Stadt und auf dem Land unter Einbeziehung einer Kontrollgruppe Verheirateter. Wiesbaden: Hess. Landesregierung. Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia / Bulgarien, Polen, Serbien Gal, Susan (2000): Reproducing gender. Politics, publics, and everyday life after socialism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. GENDER + EVERYDAY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 25 Romania / Rumänien Roman, Denise (2003): Fragmented identities: popular culture, sex, and everyday life in postcommunist Romania. Lanham: Lexington Books. Russia / Russland Engel, Barbara Alpern (2004): Women in Russia, 1700-2000. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Turkey / Türkei Kandiyoti, Deniz (2002): Fragments of culture: the everyday of modern Turkey. New Brunswick N.J: Rutgers University Press. SOUTH AMERICA / SÜDAMERIKA Brazil / Brasilien O’Dougherty, Maureen (2002): Consumption intensified: the politics of middle-class daily life in Brazil. Durham NC: Duke University Press. Bolivia / Bolivien Mangan, Jane E. (2005): Trading roles. Gender, ethnicity, and the urban economy in colonial Potosí. Durham N.C: Duke University Press (Latin America otherwise). Cuba Rosendahl, Mona (1997): Inside the revolution: everyday life in socialist Cuba. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Ecuador Pribilsky, Jason (2007): La chulla vida: gender, migration, and the family in Andean Ecuador and New York City. Syracuse N.Y: Syracuse University Press. Mexico / Mexiko Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronika; Müser, Mechthild; Suhan, Cornelia (2000): Frauen-Wirtschaft. Juchitán - Mexikos Stadt der Frauen. München: Frederking und Thaler. Gutmann, Matthew C. (1996): The meanings of macho. Being a man in Mexico City. Berkeley; London: University of California Press. Napolitano, Valentina (2002): Migration, mujercitas, and medicine men. Living in urban Mexico. Berkeley: University of California Press. Prieur, Annick (1998): Mema’s house, Mexico City. On transvestites, queens, and machos. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Staudt, Kathleen A. (2008): Violence and activism at the border. Gender, fear, and everyday life in Ciudad Juárez. Austin: University of Texas Press. GENDER + EVERYDAY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 26 Peru Alcalde, M. Cristina (2010): The woman in the violence. Gender, poverty, and resistance in Peru. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press. Cadena, Marisol la de (2000): Indigenous Mestizos. The politics of race and culture in Cuzco, Peru 1919-1991. Durham: Duke University Press. Seligmann, Linda J. (2004): Peruvian street lives. Culture, power and economy among market women of Cuzco. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. NORTH AMERICA / NORDAMERIKA Canada Del Negro, Giovanna (2003): Looking through my mother’s eyes: life stories of nine Italian immigrant women in Canada. Toronto; Buffalo: Guernica. USA Bhattacharyya, Gargi (2008): Dangerous brown men: exploiting sex, violence and feminism in the war on the terror. London: Zed. Deutsch, Tracey (2010): Building a housewife’s paradise: gender, politics, and American grocery stores in the twentieth century. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. España-Maram, Linda (2006): Creating masculinity in Los Angeles’s Little Manila. Workingclass Filipinos and popular culture, 1920s-1950s. New York: Columbia University Press. Mumford, Kevin J. (1997): Interzones. Black/white sex districts in Chicago and New York in the early twentieth century. New York: Columbia University Press. Pérez, Gina M. (2010): Beyond el barrio: everyday life in Latina o America. New York: New York University Press. Pribilsky, Jason (2007): La chulla vida: gender, migration, and the family in Andean Ecuador and New York City. Syracuse N.Y: Syracuse University Press. Rothenberg, Paula S. (2000): Invisible privilege: a memoir about race, class, and gender. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. Rothenberg, Paula S. (2004): Race, class, and gender in the United States: an integrated study. New York: Worth Publishers. GENDER + EVERYDAY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 27 GENDER + COMMUNITY / GESCHLECHT + GEMEINSCHAFT HER_HISSTORY / GESCHICHTE Chambers, Sarah C. (1999): From subjects to citizens: honor, gender, and politics in Arequipa, Peru, 1780-1854. University Park Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press. Cheung, Siu (2007): Gender and community under British colonialism: emotion, struggle, and politics in a Chinese village. New York: Routledge. D’Monté, Rebecca; Pohl, Nicole (2000): Female communities, 1600-1800. Literary visions and cultural realities. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Engel, Barbara Alpern (1994): Between the fields and the city. Women, work and family in Russia, 1861-1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gleadle, Kathryn (2009): Borderline citizens. Women, gender and political culture in Britain, 1815-1867. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the British Academy. Hayden, Dolores (1982): The Grand domestic revolution. A history of feminist designs for American homes, neighborhoods, and cities. Cambridge. Mass.: MIT Press. Hutchison, Elizabeth Q. (2001): Labors appropriate to their sex. Gender, labor and politics in urban Chile, 1900-1930. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Liang, Samuel Y. (2010): Mapping modernity in Shanghai: space, gender, and visual culture in the sojourners’ city, 1853-98. London; New York: Routledge. Srigley, Katrina (2010): Breadwinning daughters: young working women in a depression-era city, 1929-1939. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Strange, Carolyn (1995): Toronto’s girl problem: the perils and pleasures of the city, 1880-1930. Toronto; Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. Turbin, Carole (1994): Working women of collar city: gender, class, and community in Troy, New York, 1864-86. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Verein Frauenstadtrundgang (Luzern); Betschart, Marlis (1998): Mit Pfeffer und Pfiff: Luzernerinnen zwischen 1798 und 1848. Luzern; Stuttgart: Rex-Verlag. MANUALS / HANDBÜCHER Khosla, Prabha; Barth, Bernhard (2008): Gender in local government. A sourcebook for trainers. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme. Whitzman, Carolyn (2008): The handbook of community safety, gender and violence prevention practical planning tools. London; Sterling, VA: Earthscan. GENDER + COMMUNITY / HER_HISSTORY / MANUALS URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 28 THEORY / THEORIE Ruth Becker (2003a): What’s Wrong with a Female Head? The Prevalence of Women-Headed Households and its Impact on Urban Development and Planning. In: Ulla Terlinden (ed.): City and Gender. International Discourse on Gender, Urbanism and Architecture. International Women’s University 2000. Opladen: Schriftenreihe der Internationalen Frauenuniversität “Technik und Kultur”, S. 151 – 173. Ruth Becker (2002b): Immer mehr selbständig lebende Frauen - ein internationaler Diskurs. Dortmund: Raumplanung 102, S. 126 – 131. Courtwright, David T. (1996): Violent land: single men and social disorder from the frontier to the inner city. Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press. Kumar, Nita (2007): The politics of gender, community, and modernity: Oxford Univ. Press. Meleis, Afaf Ibrahim; Birch, Eugenie Ladner; Wachter, Susan M. (2011): Women’s health and the world’s cities. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Mullins, Christopher W. (2006): Holding your square: masculinities, streetlife, and violence. Cullompton: Willan. Nardal, Paulette Denean (2009): Beyond negritude: essays from woman in the city. Albany: SUNY Press. Reuschke, Darja (2010): Multilokales Wohnen. Raum-zeitliche Muster multilokaler Wohnarrangements von Shuttles und Personen in einer Fernbeziehung. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. Sheehan, Rosemary; McIvor, Gill; Trotter, Chris (ed.) (2011): Working with women offenders in the community. Abingdon: Willan. Shugar, Dana R. (1995): Separatism and women’s community. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press. Todes, A.; Sithole, Pearl; Williamson, Amanda (2007): Local government, gender and integrated development planning. Cape Town: HSRC Press. CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES / KONTINENTE, LÄNDER + STÄDTE AFRICA / AFRIKA Sheldon, Kathleen E. (1996): Courtyards, markets, city streets: urban women in Africa. Boulder Colorado: WestviewPress. Egypt / Ägypten El-Kholy, Heba Aziz (2002): Defiance and compliance: negotiating gender in low-income Cairo. New York: Berghahn Books. Hüsken, Thomas (2007): Youth, gender and the city: social anthropological explorations in Cairo. Cairo: Goethe Inst. Ägypten. GENDER + COMMUNITY / THEORY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 29 Ismail, Salwa (2006): Political life in Cairo’s new quarters. Minneapolis (et al.): University of Minnesota Press. Ivaska, Andrew M. (2011): Cultured states: youth, gender, and modern style in 1960s Dar es Salaam. Durham NC: Duke University Press. Singerman, Diane (1996): Development, change, and gender in Cairo a view from the household. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Kenia Schultz, Ulrike (1996): Nomadenfrauen in der Stadt. Die Überlebensökonomie der Turkanafrauen. Berlin: Reimer. Marocco / Marokko Newcomb, Rachel (2009): Women of Fes. Ambiguities of urban life in Morocco. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. South Africa / Südafrika Kalabamu, Faustin (2005): Gender, generation and urban living conditions in southern Africa. Roma Lesotho: Institute of Southern African Studies National University of Lesotho. Murray, Noëleen; Shepherd, Nick; Hall, Martin (2007): Desire lines: space, memory and identity in a post-apartheid city. London: Routledge. Larsson, Anita (2003): Gender and urban housing in southern Africa - emerging issues. Roma Lesotho: Institute of Southern African Studies National University of Lesotho. Tanzania / Tansania Creighton, Colin; Omari, C. K. (2000): Gender, family and work in Tanzania. Aldershot: Ashgate. Ivaska, Andrew M. (2004): “Anti-mini militants meet modern misses”. Urban style, gender, and the politics of “national culture” in 1960s Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In: Fashioning Africa. Bloomington [u.a.]: Indiana Univ. Press, p. 104 -121. Tunisia / Tunesien Holmes-Eber, Paula (2003): Daughters of Tunis. Women, family, and networks in a Muslim city. Boulder: Westview Press. Palestinia / Palästina Monterescu, Daniel (ed.) (2007): Mixed towns, trapped communities. Historical Narratives, Spatial Dynamics, Gender Relations and Cultural Encounters in Palestinian Israeli Towns. Aldershot: Ashgate. Zimbabwe Osirim, Mary Johnson (2009): Enterprising women in urban Zimbabwe. Gender, microbusiness, and globalization. Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University Press; Chesham : Combined Academic. GENDER + COMMUNITY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 30 ASIA / ASIEN Thorbek, Susanne (1994): Gender and slum culture in urban Asia. London: Zed. Azerbaijan / Aserbaidschan Heyat, Farideh (2002): Azeri women in transition: women in Soviet and post-Soviet Azerbaijan. London: Routledge. China Cheung, Siu Keung (2007): Gender and community under British colonialism. Emotion, struggle and politics in a Chinese village. New York: Routledge. Evans, Harriet; Strauss, Julia C. (2011): Gender in flux: agency and its limits in contemporary China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hanser, Amy (2008): Service encounters: class, gender, and the market for social distinction in urban China. Stanford Calif: Stanford University Press. Shi, Shumei: Gender, race, and semicolonialism: Liu Na’ou’s urban Shanghai landscape. In: The Journal of Asian Studies 01 November 1996 55: p. 934 - 956. India / Indian Hancock, Mary Elizabeth (1999): Womanhood in the making. Domestic ritual and public culture in urban South India. Boulder: Westview Press. Natrajan, Balmurli (2012): The culturalization of caste in India. Identity and inequality in a multicultural age. London: Routledge. Wit, Joop W. de (1996): Poverty, policy, and politics in Madras slums: dynamics of survival, gender and leadership. New Delhi: Thousand Oaks. EUROPE / EUROPA Germany / Deutschland Anna, Susanne (Hg.) (2007): Sex und die Stadt. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz. Backes, Gertrud (1991): Ältere und alte Frauen in Berlin (West) - geschlechtsspezifische Alter(n) sproblematik in der Großstadt. Kassel: Gesamthochschulbibliothek. Breejen, Ria den (1997): Berlin für Frauen. Baden-Baden: Elster Verlag. Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main (Hg.) (2000): Die Weiber-Wirtschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Frauenreferat der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Mushaben, Joyce Marie (2008): The changing faces of citizenship: Social Integration and Political Mobilization Among Ethnic Minorities in Germany. New York (et al.): Berghahn Books. Riepl-Schmidt, Maja (1998): Wider das verkochte und verbügelte Leben: Frauenemanzipation in Stuttgart seit 1800. Tübingen: Silberburg-Verlag. GENDER + COMMUNITY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 31 Von Dücker, Elisabeth (Hg.) (2005): Sexarbeit. Prostitution - Lebenswelten und Mythen. Bremen: Ed. Temmen. France/Frankreich Amara, Fadela (2006): Breaking the silence. French women’s voices from the ghetto. Berkeley: University of California Press. Ottersbach, Markus (2009): Jugendliche im Abseits. Zur Situation in französischen und deutschen marginalisierten Stadtquartieren. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Selby, Jennifer A. (2012): Questioning French secularism. Gender politics and islam in a Parisian suburb. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Italy / Italien Goddard, Victoria A. (1996): Gender, family, and work in Naples. Oxford; Washington D.C: Berg. Naples, Nancy A. (1998): Grassroots warriors. Activist mothering, community work and the war on poverty. New York; London: Routledge. Russia / Russland Rouhier-Willoughby, Jeanmarie (2008): Village values. Negotiating identity, gender, and resistance in contemporary Russian life-cycle rituals. Bloomington: Slavica Publ. Switzerland / Schweiz Baumgartner, Doris (2003): Kunststück Familie: Mütter und Väter in Zürich - Fakten, Zahlen, Porträts. Zürich: Limmat-Verlag. Dubach, Renate (1996): FrauenLebenBern: Handbuch mit Portraits und Adressen von Frauengruppen, Organisationen, Projekten und Beratungsstellen. Bern: eFeF. Eidenbenz, Eva (2000): Geschlechtergleichstellung: Frauen in der Stadt Zürich 1990-2000: eine Bilanz. Zürich: Büro für die Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann der Stadt Zürich. Rauch, Katja (1998): Zapp Zappina: eine Zeitreise mit Zürichs Frauen: 150 Jahre Stadtgeschichte für Menschen ab 10 Jahren. Bern: eFeF-Verlag Verein Frauenstadtrundgang (Basel); Amstutz, Irene (2001): Ansichtssache (neun Frauenstadtrundgänge durch Basel). Zürich: Limmat Verlag. Wyl, Agnes von (1993): Frau, Stadt, Angst, Raum: wie frei bewegen sich Zürichs Frauen in ihrer Stadt? Zürich: Frauenlobby Städtebau. Turkey / Türkei Ozyegin, Gul (2001): Untidy gender. Domestic service in Turkey. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Wedel, Heidi (1999): Lokale Politik und Geschlechterrollen: Stadtmigrantinnen in türkischen Metropolen. Hamburg: Dt. Orient-Inst. GENDER + COMMUNITY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 32 United Kingdom / Grossbritannien Firth, Raymond (ed.) (1970): Families and their relatives; kinship in a middle-class sector of London. An anthropological study. New York: Humanities Press. Phillipson, Chris; Ahmed, Nilufar; Latimer, Joanna (2004): Women in transition: a study of the experience of Bangladeshi women living in Tower Hamlets. Bristol: Policy Press. Power, Anne (2007): City survivors. Bringing up children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods. Bristol: Policy Press. SOUTH AMERICA / SÜDAMERIKA Brazil / Brasilien Hautzinger, Sarah J. (2007): Violence in the city of women: police and batterers in Bahia, Brazil. Berkeley: University of California Press. Kulick, Don (1998): Travesti sex, gender, and culture among Brazilian transgendered prostitutes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Sant’Anna, Ana (2002): Homicides among teenagers in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil vulnerability, susceptibility, and gender cultures. Homicídios entre adolescentes na cidade de Porto Alegre. Rio de Janeiro: SciELO. Caribbean / Karibik Chevannes, Barry (2001): Learning to be a man. Culture, socialization and gender identity in five Caribbean communities. Barbados: University of the West Indies Press. Columbia / Kolumbien Bohman, Kristina (1984): Women of the barrio: class and gender in a Colombian city. Stockholm: Dept. of Social Anthropology University of Stockholm. Ecuador Gauderman, Kimberly (2003): Women’s lives in colonial Quito: gender, law, and economy in Spanish America. Austin: University of Texas Press. Guatemala Few, Martha (2002): Women who live evil lives. Gender, religion and the politics of power in colonial Guatemala. Austin: University of Texas Press. Honduras Urban, Anne-Marie; Rojas, Mary Hill (1994): Shifting boundaries. Gender, migration and community resources in the foothills of Choluteca. Honduras. S.l.: Clark University. Mexico / Mexiko Bliss, Katherine Elaine (2001): Compromised positions: prostitution, public health, and gender politics in revolutionary Mexico City. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. GENDER + COMMUNITY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 33 Gaspar Alba, Alicia de; Guzmán, Georgina (ed.) (2010): Making a killing. Femicide, free trade and la frontera. Austin, Tex: University of Texas Press. González de la Rocha, Mercedes (1994): The resources of poverty: women and survival in a Mexican city. Oxford UK; Cambridge USA: Blackwell. Higgins, Michael James; Coen, Tanya Leigh (2000): Streets, bedrooms, and patios. The ordinariness of diversity in urban Oaxaca: ethnographic portraits of the urban poor, transvestites, discapacitados, and other popular cultures. Austin: University of Texas Press. Gutmann, Matthew C. (2007): The meanings of macho: being a man in Mexico City. Berkeley: University of California Press. Katsulis, Yasmina (2008): Sex work and the city the social geography of health and safety in Tijuana, Mexico. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. Mora, Luis (2007): Social cohesion, renconciliation policies and public budgeting: a gender approach: international experts meeting, October 24-26, 2005, Mexico City. México: Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas Cooperación Técnica Alemana. Ramirez, Josué (2008): Against machismo: young adult voices in Mexico City. New York: Berghahn Books. Staudt, Kathleen A. (2008): Violence and activism at the border. Gender, fear and everyday life in Ciudad Juárez. Austin: University of Texas Press. University of Chicago; Benería, Lourdes (1987): The crossroads of class and gender: industrial homework, subcontracting, and household dynamics in Mexico City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Venezuela Watson-Franke, Maria-Barbara (1972): Tradition und Urbanisation. Guajiro-Frauen in der Stadt. Wien: Stiglmayr. NORTH AMERICA / NORDAMERIKA Canada / Kanada Ross, Becki (2009): Burlesque West. Showgirls, sex and sin in postwar Vancouver. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. USA Brennan, Pauline Katherine (2002): Women sentenced to jail in New York City. New York: LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC. Brown, Leslie (2008): Upbuilding Black Durham: gender, class, and Black community development in the Jim Crow South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Bryan, Violet Harrington (1993): The myth of New Orleans in literature: dialogues of race and gender. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. GENDER + COMMUNITY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 34 Cashin, Edward J. (2001): Paternalism in a southern city: race, religion, and gender in Augusta, Georgia. Athens: University of Georgia Press. Gregory, Steven (1999): Black Corona. Race and the politics of place in an urban community. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Hayden, Dolores (1995): The power of place: urban landscapes as public history. Cambridge Mass: MIT Press. Hayden, Dolores (2002): Redesigning the American dream: the future of housing, work, and family life. New York: Norton. Healey (2006): Race, ethnicity, gender, and class. The sociology of group conflict and change. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Pine Forge Press. Heath, Shirley Brice (1993): Identity and innercity youth beyond ethnicity and gender. New York: Teachers College Press. Hill, Anita (2011): Reimagining equality: stories of gender, race, and finding home. Boston Mass: Beacon Press. Leadbeater, Bonnie J. (1996): Urban girls. New York: New York University Press. Marable, Manning (2008): Seeking higher ground: the Hurricane Katrina crisis, race, and public policy reader. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Miller, Susan L. (1999): Gender and community policing: walking the talk. Boston: Northeastern University Press. Murphy, Lucy Eldersveld; Venet, Wendy Hamand (1997): Midwestern women: work, community, and leadership at the crossroads. Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press. Peiss, Kathy Lee (1986): Cheap amusements. Working women and leisure in turn-of-the-century New York. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Randolph, Lewis A. (2003): Rights for a season: the politics of race, class, and gender in Richmond, Virginia. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. Reed, Christopher Robert (2000): All the world is here! The black presence at white city. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Richie, Beth (1995): Gender entrapment: life stories of African American battered women in a New York City jail. New York: Routledge. Ricourt, Milagros (2002): Dominicans in New York City: power from the margins. New York: Routledge. Rotman, Deborah L. (2003): Shared spaces and divided places: material dimensions of gender relations and the American historical landscape. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. O’Connor, Alice (2001): Urban inequality: evidence from four cities. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Center. Oklahoma Statistical Analysis Center. (2004): Gender, crime, and incarceration in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City Oklahoma: Oklahoma Criminal Justice Resource Center. GENDER + COMMUNITY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 35 Tate, Gayle T. (2006): The Black urban community: from dusk till dawn. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Vecchio, Diane C. (2006): Merchants, midwives, and laboring women: Italian migrants in urban America. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press. GENDER + COMMUNITY / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 36 INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES / ALTERNATIVES LEBEN IN GEMEINSCHAFT HER_HISSTORY / GESCHICHTE Corporaal, Marguerite; Leeuwen, Evert Jan van (2010): The literary utopias of cultural communities, 1790-1910. Amsterdam, New York, NY: Rodopi. Ellickson, Robert C. (2008): The Household: Informal Order around the Hearth. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Sreenivasan, Jyotsna (2008): Utopias in American History. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. MANUALS / HANDBÜCHER Christian, Diana (2003): Creating a life together. Practical tools to grow ecovillages and intentional communities. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers. Cnaan, Ram A. (2007): Handbook of Community Movements and Local Organizations. New York. London: Springer. Fellowship for Intentional Community (2000): Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Communities and Cooperative Living. Rutledge, MO: Fellowship for Intentional Community. Freundlich, Paul (1979): A Guide to Cooperative Alternatives. New Haven, Conn.: Community Publications Cooperative. Macklin, Eleanor (1983): Contemporary Families and Alternative Lifestyles: Handbook on Research and Theory. Beverly Hills: Sage. Parker, Martin (2010): The Dictionary of Alternatives Utopianism and Organisation. London, England: Zed Books. Selth, Jefferson P. (1985): Alternative Lifestyles. A guide to research collections on intentional communities, nudism, and sexual freedom. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. THEORY / THEORIE I Goodwin, Barbara (2001): The Philosophy of Utopia. London: Frank Cass. Miles, Malcolm (2008): Urban Utopias. The Built and Social Architectures of Alternative Settlements. London; New York: Routledge. Sargent, Lyman Tower (2010): Utopianism. A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Taylor, Michael (1982): Community, Anarchy and Liberty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES / HER_HISSTORY / MANUALS / THEORY URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 37 THEORY / THEORIE II Becker, Ruth (2009): Frauenwohnprojekte - keine Utopie! Ein Leitfaden zur Entwicklung autonomer Frauen(wohn)räume mit einer Dokumentation realisierter Projekte in Deutschland. Studien Netzwerk Frauenforschung NRW Nr. 3, Dortmund. Becker, Ruth (2007): Emanzipative Wohnformen von Frauen. In: Christina Altenstraßer, Gabriella Hauch, Hermann Kepplinger (Hg.): gender housing - geschlechtergerechtes bauen, wohnen, leben, Insbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag, S. 154 - 171. Becker, Ruth (2006): Frauenwohnprojekte – eine Alternative für das Wohnen in Zeiten demografischen Wandels? In: Ministerium für Generationen, Familie, Frauen und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (Hg): Demografischer Wandel. Die Stadt, die Frauen und die Zukunft., Düsseldorf, S. 369 - 383. Becker, Ruth (2001): Frauenwohnprojekte in der BRD - ein Überblick. In: Frauen in der Einen Welt. Orte für Frauen - Wohnraum planen und schaffen 1/2001, Nürnberg, S. 25 - 43. Best, James (1978): Another way to live. Experiencing intentional community. Wallingford, Pa: Pendle Hill Publications. Bouvard, Marguerite (1975): The intentional community movement. Building a new moral world. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press. Brown, Susan Love (2002): Intentional community. Albany: State University of New York Press. Ellickson (2008): The Household. Princeton, NJ (u. a.): Princeton University Press. Fromm, Dorit (1991): Collaborative Communities. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Hren, Stephen (2011): Tales from the sustainable underground. A wild journey with people who care more about the planet than the law. New York: New Society Publishers. Jansen, Harrie; Kesler, Beatrice; Poldervaart, Saskia (2001): Contemporary utopian struggles: communities between modernism and postmodernism. Amsterdam: Askant Academic Publishers. Leonard, Liam (2009): The transition to sustainable living and practice. Bingley: Emerald. Manzella, Joseph C. (2010): Common purse, uncommon future: the long, strange trip of communes and other intentional communities. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger. Richter, Peyton (1971): Utopias social ideals and communal experiments. Boston: Holbrook Press. Schehr (1997): Dynamic Utopia. Establishing intentional communities as a new social movement. Westport, Conn.: Bergin and Garvey. Shenker, Barry (1986): Intentional communities: ideology and alienation in communal societies. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Smith, Luther E. (1994): Intimacy and mission. Intentional community as crucible for radical discipleship. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press. Veling, Terry A. (1996): Living in the margins. Intentional communities and the art of interpretation. New York: Crossroad. INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES / THEORY II URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 38 CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES / KONTINENTE, LÄNDER + STÄDTE AUSTRALIA New Zealand / Neuseeland Sargisson (2004): Living in Utopia. New Zealand’s intentional communities. Aldershot: Ashgate. EUROPE / EUROPA Peters, Volker; Stengel, Martin (2005): Eurotopia. Intentional communities and ecovillages in Europe. Poppau: Volker Peters Verlag. NORTH AMERICA / NORDAMERIKA USA Hicks, George L. 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In: Critique of Anthropology 25 (3), p. 229 - 251. INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 39 COHOUSING / WOHNGEMEINSCHAFTEN THEORY / THEORIE Field, Martin (2004): Thinking about cohousing: The creation of intentional neighbourhoods. London: Diggers & Dreamers. Fosket, Jennifer; Mamo, Laura (2009): Living Green. Communities that sustain. New York: New Society Publishers. Fromm, Dorit (1991): Collaborative Communities. Cohousing, central living, and other new forms of housing with shared facilities. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. McCamant, Kathryn; Durrett, Charles; Hertzman, Ellen (1994): Cohousing: a contemporary approach to housing ourselves. Berkeley, Calif.: Ten Speed Press. Meltzer, Graham Stuart (2005): Sustainable community. Learning from the cohousing model. Victoria, B.C.: Trafford. MacCamant, Kathryn (1989): Cohousing. Berkeley, Calif: Habitat Press/Ten Speed Press. 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CO-HOUSING / AGE / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 41 LESBIAN GAY BISEXUAL TRANSGENDER (LGBT) COMMUNITIES / LESBEN SCHWULE BISEXUELLE TRANSGENDER GEMEINSCHAFTEN HER_HISSTORY / GESCHICHTE Bollé, Michael (1984): Eldorado: homosexuelle Frauen und Männer in Berlin 1850-1950: Geschichte, Alltag und Kultur (Ausstellung im Berlin-Museum, 26. Mai - 8. Juli 1984, Katalog). Berlin: Frölich und Kaufmann. Bronski, Michael (2011): A queer history of the United States. Boston: Beacon Press. Butt, Gavin (2005): Between you and me. Queer disclosures in the New York art world, 1948 1963. Durham: Duke University Press. Chauncey, George (1994): Gay New York: gender, urban culture, and the makings of the gay male world, 1890-1940. New York: Basic Books. Cook, Matt (2008): London and the culture of homosexuality, 1885-1914. New York: Cambridge University Press. Eaklor, Vicki Lynn (2008): Queer America: a GLBT history of the 20th century. 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THEORY / THEORIE Abraham, Julie (2009): Metropolitan lovers: the homosexuality of cities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Bailey, Robert W. (1999): Gay politics, urban politics: identity and economics in the urban setting. New York: Columbia University Press. Bedford, Susan (2001): A remembrance of kinship studies past: A call for their rebirth. In: History and Anthropology 12 (4), p. 315 - 341. Beemyn, Brett (1997): Creating a place for ourselves: Lesbian, gay, and bisexual community histories. New York: Routledge. Bell, David (1995): Mapping Desire. London, New York: Routledge. Bell, David (2000): The sexual citizen: queer politics and beyond. Cambridge UK; Malden MA: Polity Blackwell Publishers. Bell, David (2001): Pleasure zones. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. Bell, David (2004): Authenticating queer space: citizenship, urbanism and governance. In: Urban Studies 41 (9), S. 1807–1820. Bell, D. 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Whittle, Stephen (1994): The margins of the city: gay men’s urban lives. Aldershot Hants England; Brookfield Vt: Arena Ashgate. URBAN PLANNING / STADTPLANUNG Brown, Jules (1997): Lesbian and gay communities: reconciliation in the built environment: a planning obligation. Newcastle upon Tyne UK: Dept. of Town and Country Planning University of Newcastle. Doan, Petra L. (2011): Queerying Planning: Challenging heteronormative assumptions and reframing planning practice. Burlington VT: Ashgate Pub. Company. Jeyasingham, Dharman (2010): Building heteronormativity: the social and material reconstruction of men’s public toilets as spaces of heterosexuality. In: Social and Cultural Geography 11 (4), p. 307 - 325. Sandercock, Leonie (1998): Making the invisible visible: a multicultural planning history. Berkeley: University of California Press. LGBT / THEORY / URBAN PLANNING URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 46 CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES / KONTINENTE, LÄNDER + STÄDTE AFRICA / AFRIKA South Africa / Südafrika Gevisser; Mark; Cameron, Edwin (ed.) (1995). Defiant desire. Gay and lesbian lives in South Africa. New York: Routledge. Munro, Brenna M. (2012): South Africa and the dream of love to come: queer sexuality and the struggle for freedom. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Sonnekus, Theo (2010): ‘We want to see something different (but not too different)’: spatial politics and the Pink Loerie Mardi Gras in Knysna. In: Critical Arts 24 (2), p. 192 - 209. Stobie (2007): Somewhere in the double rainbow. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press. Tucker (2009): Queer visibilities. Space, identity and interaction in Cape Town. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. ASIA / ASIEN Cambodia / Kambodscha / Vietnam Goss, John (2005): Utopia guide to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam: the gay and lesbian scene in Southeast Asia including Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Angkor. United States: UtopiaAsia.com. China Goss, John (2006): Utopia Guide to China: The Gay and Lesbian scene in 50 Chinese cities including Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai. United States: Utopia-Asia.com. India / Indien Shahani, Parmesh (2008): Gay Bombay. Globalization, love and (be)longing in contemporary India. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. Japan / South Korea / Taiwan / Japan Südkorea / Taiwan Goss, John (2006): Utopia guide to Japan, South Korea and Taiwan: the gay and lesbian scene in 45 cities including Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Seoul, Pusan and Tapei. United States: Utopia-Asia. com. Goss, John (2007): Utopia guide to Japan: the gay and lesbian scene in 27 cities including Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya. United States: Utopia-Asia.com. Damm (2003): Homosexualität und Gesellschaft in Taiwan. Münster: LIT. LGBT / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 47 Singapore / Malaysia / Indonesia / Singapur / Malaysia / Indonesien Goss, John (2006): Utopia guide to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia: the gay and lesbian scene in 60 cities including Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Johor Bahru, and the Islands of Bali and Penang. United States: Utopia-Asia.com. Goss, John (2007): Utopia Guide to Indonesia: the gay and lesbian scene in 43 cities including Jakarta and the Island of Bali. United States: Utopia-Asia.com. Goss, John (2007): Utopia guide to Singapore: the gay and lesbian scene in the lion city. United States: Utopia-Asia.com. Thailand Goss, John (2007): Utopia guide to Thailand: the gay and lesbian scene in 18 cities including Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya & Phuket. United States: Utopia-Asia.com. Jackson, Peter A. 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Annandale NSW: Pluto Press City of Melbourne (2003): Melbourne gay and lesbian visitors’ guide. Melbourne: City of Melbourne. Ruting, Brad (2008): Economic Transformations of Gay Urban Spaces: revisiting Collins’ evolutionary gay district model. In: Australian Geographer 39 (3), p. 259 - 269. Willett, Graham (2011): Queen City of the South: Gay and Lesbian Melbourne. Melbourne: State Library of Victoria Foundation. Wotherspoon, Garry (1991): City of the plain: history of a gay sub-culture. Sydney NSW: Hale and Iremonger. LGBT / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 48 New Zealand / Neuseeland Rankine, Jenny (2008): Lesbian, gay, bisexual, takatapui, transgender community center needs assessment. Auckland N.Z.: Auckland City Council. EUROPE / EUROPA Andrusia, David (2003): Frommer’s gay and lesbian Europe: the top cities and resorts. New York: Wiley Pub. El-Tayeb, Fatima (2011): European others. Queering ethnicity in postnational Europe. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Austria / Österreich Wurmdobler, Christopher (2004): Queer Vienna: Gehen und Sehen: Wien unterm Regenbogen: 7 Stadtspaziergänge für Schwule, Lesben und andere Neugierige. Wien: Falter. Frankreich Bizot, Jean-François (2004): Spécial marche des fiertés lesbiennes, gaies, bi et trans: programme Paris province, soirées, bars, clubs, boutiques. Paris: Nova magazine. Brunnock, Lindsay (2007): The pretty women of Paris: a guide to pleasure, for visitors to the gay city. London: Hanbury Press. Provencher, Denis M. (2007): Queer French. Globalization, language and sexual citizenship in France. Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT: Ashgate. Germany / Deutschland Bremert, Marco (2011): Das Leben der Homosexuellen in der Stadt Neubrandenburg. Comingout oder Underground? Neubrandenburg: Hochschulbibliothek. Dobler, Jens (2009): Verzaubert in Nord-Ost - die Geschichte der Berliner Lesben und Schwulen in Prenzlauer Berg, Pankow und Weissensee. Berlin: Gmünder. Flubisz, Milan (2010): Madame Bardo wirkt nach: Saarbrücken: Eine Stadt, die schwul pulsiert. In: Saarbrücker Hefte: die saarländische Zeitschrift für Kultur und Gesellschaft 104, S. 20 - 23. Jäck, S. (2003): Wohnprojekt in Berlin: Wo Schwule und Lesben gemeinsam alt werden können. In: Pflege Zeitschrift 56 (3), S. 181 - 183. Selheim, Thomas (2000): Berlin City. Disco Boys: Party-Geschichten. Berlin: Verlag Rosa Winkel. Krahnert, Ulrike (2004): Queeres Nachtleben: Lesben und Schwule seien sich nicht grün, heißt es; gefeiert wird mittlerweile jedoch immer öfter zusammen - auch mit Heteros. In: Szene Hamburg 31 (2), S. 30 - 33. Sonnenbrink, Christopher (2004): “Wir sind noch nicht am Ziel”: EuroPride nennt sich der Christopher Street Day (CSD) auf europäischer Ebene. In: Szene Hamburg 31 (6), S. 36 - 37. LGBT / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 49 Great Britain / Grossbritannien Galford, Ellen; Wilson, Ken (2006): Rainbow city. Stories from lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Word Power Books. Graham, Hugh (2009): Time out London: gay lesbian London. Time Out Guides: Publishers Group West. Green, Sarah F. (1997): Urban amazons: lesbian feminism and beyond in the gender, sexuality, and identity battles of London. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Johnson, Stephen (2008): Steel City rainbow: a look at lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender life in Sheffield. Sheffield: UNISON City of Sheffield Brannch. Manchester City Council (ed.) (2011): Source guide for the history of Manchester’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Manchester: Manchester City Council. Morrison, Colin (2000): The experience of violence and harassment of gay men in the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Central Research Unit. Mort, Frank (2010): Capital affairs. London and the making of the permissive society. New Haven, Conn.; London: Yale University Press. Plant, Moira (2000): Experiences and perceptions of violence and intimidation of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities in Edinburgh: a report for the City of Edinburgh Council‘s Community Safety Unit. Edinburgh: City of Edinburgh Council. Turner, Mark W. (2003): Backward glances. Cruising the queer streets of New York and London. London: Reaktion Books. Netherlands/Niederlande Korper, S. R. (1988): Man to man: gay lesbian guide to holland: with take-out map of Amsterdam. Amsterdam: City Map Produkties. Russia / Russland Stella, Francesca (2008): Lesbian identities and everyday space in contemporary urban Russia. Glasgow: Glasgow University. Switzerland / Schweiz Homosexuelle Arbeitsgruppen Zürich. Stadthaus Zürich. (2003): Unverschämt: Lesben und Schwule gestern und heute (Ausstellung im Stadthaus Zürich, 11. Oktober 2002 bis 18. Januar 2003). Zürich: Kopfwerken. SOUTH AMERICA / SÜDAMERIKA Ramos, Juanita (1994): Compañeras. Latina lesbians: an anthology. New York: Routledge. Brazil / Brasilien Parker, Richard G. (1999): Beneath the equator: cultures of desire, male homosexuality, and emerging gay communities in Brazil. New York: Routledge. LGBT / CONTINENTS, COUNTRIES + CITIES URBAN CULTURES AND COMMUNITIES IN THE FRAME OF GENDER 50 Santos, Rick J. (2008): Estudos gays e lésbic@s: uma visão de teóricos brasileiros. Garden City NY; Brazil: Nassau Community College Latin American-Latino/a Studies Projecto UFES Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo GEITES Grupo de Estudos Interdisciplinares de Transgressão ES. Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik Decena, Carlos Ulises (2011): Tacit subjects. Belonging and same-sex desire among Dominican immigrant men. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Mexico / Mexiko Centro Cultural Santa Teresa (Mexico City, Mexico) (2001): 2do. Festival de Diversidad Sexual Juvenil de la Cd. de México: altarte y nueva generación de jóvenes lesbianas. Mexico City: ExTeresa Arte Actual. Garrido, Anahi Russo (2009): “ElAmbiente” according to her. Gender, class, mexicanidad and the cosmopolitan in queer Mexico City. NWSA journal Bloomington, Ind. 21, 3, p. 24 - 45. Henriquez, Patricio (2003): Juchitán queer paradise. New York, NY: Filmmakers Library. Higgins, Michael James (2000): Streets, bedrooms and patios. The ordinariness of diversity in urban Oaxaca: ethnographic portraits of the urban poor, transvestites, discapacitados, and other popular cultures. Austin: University of Texas Press. Laguarda, Rodrigo (2009): Ser gay en la ciudad de México: lucha de representaciones y apropiación de una identidad, 1968-1982. México D.F: CIESAS Instituto Mora. Laguarda, Rodrigo (2011): La Calle de Amberes: Gay street de la Ciudad de México. 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