IDS-4F27E-FNR5-Oil Flter


IDS-4F27E-FNR5-Oil Flter
IDS-FORD-4F27E-FNR5-Oil Filter
4-speed / 5-speed
A 09 27 OF099 FNR5
A 09 27 OF099 4F27E
Both filters for 4F27E and FNR5 are nearly identical. The only difference is the length and shape of
the pick-up-pipe/tube.The one of FNR5 is longer while the one of 4F27E is shorter and the height
differs – the tube end is inclined – one side is heigher than the other. Some suppliers explain the
difefernve to be suitable for deep and shallow oil pan. We believe that the deep oil pan (FNR5) is
used only in the Ford Fusion 2006-2010 and in the Mercury Milan of the same years. The shallow
oil pan is used in all 4F27E and both Mazda transmissions (FN4A-EL, FS5A-EL) – unless you will
find a deep oil pan in these applications, too – of which we have not heard until today.
A = approx./ca. 34 mm (1.375”) - deep pan / tiefe Ölwanne - A 09 27 OF099 FNR5
4F27E, FN4A-EL, FS5A-EL: B = approx./ca. 17mm (.635”), C = approx. 14 mm (.551”)
shallow pan / flache Ölwanne – A 09 27 OF099 4F27E
Beide Filter für 4F27E und FNR5 sind nahezu baugleich. Der einizuge Unterschied ist die Länge
und Form des Ansaugrohres. Das vom FNR5 ist länger während das vom 4F27E kürzer und
abgeschrägt ist. Einige Lieferanten erklären den Unterschied durch die Höhe der Ölwanne, tief
oder flach. Wir glauben, dass die tiefe Ölwanne bis jetzt nur im Ford Fusion (2006-2010) und im
Mercury Milan (2006-2009) verwendet wurde. Die flache Ölwanne wird unseres Wissens in allen
4F27E Anwendungen und in beiden Mazda Getrieben (FN4A-EL, FS5A-EL) verwendet. Es sei
denn es gibt diese auch mit einer tiefen Ölwanne, was uns bis heute nicht bekannt ist.
All information in this document is given based on our knowledge of today - it might have changed or may change at any time. All data has been investigated with care, but it might
have happened, that by error we received wrong details. We apologize for such cases but have to reject any responsibility if an item does not fit for the required purpose. Illustrations
can deviate in exceptional cases from the actual product.
If you have more or other Information – please let us know, so that we can update this document.