Alumni Newsletter XLVI, Dezember


Alumni Newsletter XLVI, Dezember
Alumni Newsletter
No. 46, December 2011
elcome to the forty-sixth editon of
our online newsletter bringing you
the highlights from the Kaiserslautern Graduate School „Mathematics as a Key
the Hubert Groß Quartett.
Afterwards the graduates gathered with family and department members in the Mensa,
where the team around chefs Vitali Hammerschmidt and Pascal Harter prepared a
delicious buffet.
We wish the graduates all the best for their
personal and professional future!
Graduation Ceremony
As every year the graduation ceremony from
our department took place in the Audimax the
last Friday before the lectures of the winter
semester start. In the past academic year
176 students graduated, from whom 76 attended the ceremony and were honored. The
Hubert Groß Quartett (Hubert Groß, Helmut
Engelhard, Michael Lakatos and Johannes
Schädlich) accompanied the ceremony with
Highlight of this year’s graduation ceremony
was the award of the University Medal to Prof.
Neunzert. He was honored for his lifework
– invention of Industrial Mathematics and
helping to establish it worldwide, starting the
internationalization of our mathematics department, founding the Fraunhofer ITWM and still
being active as Ambassador of Technology of
the city of Kaiserslautern, taking care of the
Felix-Klein students, being a member of the
ITWM Scientific Advisory Board and being in
charge of international activities and Alumni
work at ITWM.
Prof. Helmut Neunzert was also the guest
speaker during the ceremony. He diverted the
audience with an interesting speech about the
change of mathematics in the last 40 years
and development of the mathematics department in Kaiserslautern. The former dean of the
department, Prof. Ralf Korn, lead through the
programme and Prof. René Pinnau - the new
dean - gave a review of the year’s events.
Felix Riemann held the speech in the name
of the graduates and thanked for the good supervision and “open door policy” at the department. At the end of the official part the graduate
choir sang the Gaudeamus, accompanied by
Pictures of the Graduation Ceremony
The pictures of our last graduation ceremony
are placed under:
DAAD-Preis 2011 verliehen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lothar Litz, Vizepräsident für
Lehre und Studium der TU Kaiserslautern,
hat den DAAD-Preis 2011 für hervorragende
akademische Leistungen und bemerkenswertes gesellschaftliches Engagement
ausländischer Studierender an deutschen
Hochschulen an Giles-Arnaud Nzouankeu
Nana überreicht. Dieser Preis des Deutschen
Akademischen Austauschdienstes ist mit
1.000 Euro dotiert.
Der 27-jährige Kameruner beendete nach
nur sieben Semestern im Mai sein Diplomstudium der Wirtschaftsmathematik. Seine
Diplomarbeit wurde mit der Bestnote „sehr gut
(1,0)“ bewertet. Im Juni 2011 begann er seine
Promotion bei Professor Ralf Korn im Bereich
Finanzmathematik. Giles-Arnaud Nzouankeu
Nana engagiert sich als Vorstandsmitglied
aktiv im Verein Afrikanischer Studierender
FROM THE department
in Kaiserslautern und ist Mitglied im Rat der
Evangelischen Studierendengemeinde, wo
er auch im Gospel-Chor mit singt.
Der DAAD ist eine gemeinsame Einrichtung
der deutschen Hochschulen. Er fördert mit
öffentlichen Mitteln die internationale akademische Zusammenarbeit, insbesondere
den Austausch von Studierenden und Wissenschaftlern.
PhD Thesis Published in October
Burger, Michael (10.10.2011)
„Optimal Control of Dynamical Systems:
Calculating Input Data for Multibody System Simulation“
Supervisor: Simeon
Nowak, Uwe (28.10.2011)
Circle Placements to Rectangle
Scholarships for PhD
Placements - Nonlinear Optimization in
There are 4 DAAD scholarships available Electronic Design Automation“
for PhD students in the field “Mathematics Supervisor: Küfer
in Industry and Commerce” (MIC). The
selected candidates start in August 2012. Altendorf, Hellen (07.11.2011)
Applications have to reach us until 31 „3D Morphological Analysis and Modeling
December 2011.
Details: http://www. of Random Fiber Networks“ Supervisor: Korn
Tschauder, Nicole (11.11.2011)
„Stochastische Modelle und Aspekte im
ERC-Advanced Grant awarded to Prof. System-on-Chip-Design“
Dr. Malle
Supervisor: Korn
Prof. Dr. G. Malle, research
Reséndiz Flores, Edgar Omar (22.11.2011)
group Algebra, Geometry,
„Optimal Control of Particles in Fluids“
and Computer Algebra,
Supervisor: Pinnau
has been awarded the
ERC-Advanced Grant,
which is the highest reHorbenko, Nataliya (25.11.2011)
search award of the European Union. His „Robuste Ansätze für Operationelle Risikresearch project “Symmetriegruppen” will en von Banken“
be financed with 1.4 million Euro for the Supervisor: Ruckdeschel
coming 5 years.
The main aim of the ERC (European
Research Council) is to promote quality Guests at the Department
research in Europe through competitive
funding. In order to strengthen the European Ms. Euna Gesare Nyarige from the Departfrontier research, only the brightest minds ment of Statistics and Acturial Sciences at
across all fields of science are supported. the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture
From 2,284 research proposals the ERC and Technology in Nairobi, Kenya is guest of
will merely support a dozen Mathematics Prof. Dr. Franke, Statistics, from 6 October
projects in Europe – only two of them in - 23 December.
Therefore it is a great honor for the Univer- Attila Maróti from the Renyi Institute of Mathesity and especially the Department of Mathe- matics, Budapest, Hungary was guest in
matics to be the “home” of such an outstand- the research group Algebra, Geometry, and
Computer Algebra from 20-23 November.
ing researcher as Professor Malle.
FROM THe university
New Chip cards
The time of red, yellow, green and black
coins to get a meal in the Mensa has ended
a long time ago. Instead the ‘Mensakarte’ was
used. Now this card is also replaced. With the
beginning of the new winter term students and
employees received a new identiy chip card
with multiple functions ‘all in one’. It can be
used as library ID, public transport ticket (for
students), copy and printing card and as a
pre-paid card for the Mensa and Cafeteria.
Mit dem Deutschlandstipendium hat die Bundesregierung ein neues nationales Förderprogramm auf den Weg gebracht, das dazu
beitragen soll, begabte und engagierte Studierende finanziell zu unterstützen und damit die
Förderkultur an deutschen Universitäten zu
stärken. Bildung und Nachwuchsförderung sind
dabei nicht allein Aufgabe des Staates, sondern
der ganzen Gesellschaft. Daher wird das
Deutschlandstipendium zur Hälfte von privaten
Geldgebern und vom Bund bereitgestellt.
Rund Dreiviertel der Hochschulen in Deutschland beteiligt sich an diesem zukunftsweisenden Fördermodell. Dazu zählt im
Wintersemester 2011/12 auch unsere TU.
Innerhalb weniger Wochen ist es gelungen,
Fördermittel in Höhe von rund 100.000 Euro für
die in 2011 zu vergebenden 54 Deutschlandstipendien bei Unternehmen und Stiftungen
zu akquirieren. Diese Zahl entspricht der vom
Bund vorgegebenen Quote von 0,45 Prozent
der Studierenden der TU. Die Stipendiatinnen
und Stipendiaten erhalten eine Förderung von
300 Euro monatlich - zunächst für ein Jahr. Für
den 8. Dezember ist eine feierliche Übergabe
in der Villa Denis geplant.
(Unispectrum 4/2011)
2.000ste Mitarbeiterin begrüßt
New Homepage
When you are looking at our university
website you will no longer find the familiar
surface. It has changed. We welcome you
to find out under
Skulpturen an der TU
‚Gebogener, gratiger Findling‘. Der Künstler
Professor Franz Xaver Ölzant hat ihn im
Jahre 1982 geschaffen. Eingebunden in ein
„grünes Refugium“ auf der Rückseite von
Gebäude 48 steht die Skulptur als gratiger,
gebogener, fast zerbrechlich wirkender
Findling. Dieser wird vor allem bei Streiflicht
durch seine flachen Noppen und Bänder aus
runden Vertiefungen lebendig. Die poröse
Beschaffenheit der dunkelgrauen Basaltlava
scheint sich in der wohlüberlegten Oberflächenstruktur fortzusetzen.
TU-Präsident Prof. Dr. Helmut Schmidt hat
Melanie Roth als 2.000ste Mitarbeiterin offiziell
begrüßt und ein Willkommensgeschenk überreicht. Mit 2.000 sozialversicherungspflichtigen
Arbeitsverhältnissen, darunter 151 Professoren,
27 Juniorprofessoren, 943 wissenschaftlichen
Mitarbeitern und 124 Auszubildenden (Stichtag: 01.11.2011), zählt die Universität zu den
größten Arbeitgebern im Kreis. Insbesondere
durch die Erfolge in der Drittmitteleinwerbung
in den letzten Jahren ist die Zahl der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter stärker gestiegen als
die Zahl der nichtwissenschaftlichen Mitarbei(Foto: Karina Kuproth)
ter. (Unispectrum 4/2011)
from kaiserslautern
United States of America
Wissen schafft Integration Knowledge creates Integration
Partner - fellow citizens - friends. Dr.
Weichel, Lord Mayor, gave his thanks
to all people involved in the international
evenings during the year. This last event
in the scientific program amazed the
audience with entertaining performances.
There was the USAFE Band „Wings of
Dixie“, the „Elementary School Honor
Choir“ and the Soul musician W. Harding.
Inbetween short interviews with guests
the ‚Dancing Cheers‘, the ‚Pikes‘ and
‚Rope Skippers‘ earned much applause.
A colorful, rhytmic and vively presentation in
the Fruchthalle: „Camerun, Rwanda, Eritrea
and Tanzania - Roads to Kaiserslautern“
was the motto on the Africa evening. Music
and dances are activities that characterize
an African musical expression. The drum
playing group ‚Ikiyago‘ from Burundi showed
the power of their instruments.
The importance of the German-American
Community Office, which helps Americans
to integrate in the German community,
was emphasized. Miniburger, muffins and
brownies were prepared for the guests.
Good news on the Mall
Professor Nehmer, Technology Ambassador
of Kaiserslautern and organizer of the
evening, gave an overview of the partnership between our university and the university
in Kigali, Rwandas capital city. African
students in Kaiserslautern appreciate the
nice people, good organisation, the excellent
reputation of the university, especially in
mathematics and computer science and
the cooperation with different nationalities.
Among the invited guests was Christine
Nkulikiyinka, Ambassador of Rwanda in
Germany. She said that it is hard for students
to return to Africa and find appropriate
jobs. But her country is still fighting to
be independent and therefore economic
support is very important. Well educated
students are asked to return to their home
The african dance group of our university
showed impressive dancing.
Looking back: Kaiserslauterns city council
had already passed a basic resolution
supporting the shopping center in April.
Not all citizens’ were convinced and
therefore formed an initiative called ‘Neue
Mitte Kaiserslautern’. Their concern was
the sale of the grounds to ECE (investor
for shopping centers). They started a
campaign and collected 8,236 legal
signatures for a survey. It was held on 23rd
of October. 76,504 persons were allowed
to vote. 28,947 persons participated
in voting, whereas 28,856 votes were
accepted. The majority of Kaiserslauterns
citizens, 19,166 persons, showed their
trust into the project and voted for the
construction of the Mall. This means that
the grounds will be sold. Dr. Weichel,
Lord Mayor, said: “It couldn’t have gone
better”. The start of the construction with
20,900 sqm is planned for spring 2013.
From germany, the world
eAT – the electronic residence permit
Non-European citizens need a visa for their
stay in Germany. So far the visa was an
adhesive label, which was placed in the
passport. Starting from September 2011 and
based on European law all foreigners get a
plastic ID card (size of a credit card) with
an electronic chip. Saved on the chip are a
digital photo and two fingerprints, as well as
the information about the type of visa.
For details please check:
h t t p : / / w w w. b a m f . d e / S h a r e d D o c s /
One advantage of the chip card is that the
international students need not carry their
national passport around with them all the
time. On the other hand – the new card is
not cheap at all. It costs 80 €, which have
to be covered by the applicant, and a visa
extension requires a new card. The new rule
applies only for a long term stay in Germany
like study or work. For short term visits
in Germany the old visa type is still valid.
Julian Kwame
Williams was born
on November 02,
2011. His weight
was 3460 grams
and his lenght was
55 cm.
Judy Nyagah Williams has studied Financial
Mathematics until November 2008.
and our best wishes!
Sriyansh Shrestha was born on November
18, 2011 in Kathmandu, Nepal. His weight
was 2.750 grams. His proud parents
are Samir Shrestha, PhD student
in the Technomathematics Group, TU
Kaiserslautern, and Ramila Shreshta
presently still in their home country.
Dear Dr. Triebsch and team,
I write with pleasure to inform you of my
marriage ceremony which came off on the
9th of October 2011, with Charity Ameh
Vincent Kofi Dedu, Kumasi, Ghana
and our best wishes!
Many thanks to all for the nice feedback
and our best wishes!
deutsch-ecke, FCK
Das Graduate School Team
wünscht euch allen
Frohe Weihnachten
und ein gutes, gesundes
250 gr. Mehl
210 gr. Butter
1 Ei
70 gr. Puderzucker
100 gr. Mandeln, gemahlen
Marmelade und Puderzucker
Mehl mit 1 Prise Salz vermischen, eine
Mulde hineindrücken, Butterwürfel, Ei,
Mandeln und Puderzucker hineingeben
und rasch zu einem Mürbeteig kneten. Teig
flach drücken, in Folie wickeln und etwa 30
Minuten im Kühlschrank ruhen lassen.
In der Zwischenzeit 2 Backbleche mit
Backpapier auslegen.
Teig einen 1/2 cm dick ausrollen. Mit 3 verschieden großen Keksausstecher jeweils
gleich viele Kekse ausstechen und auf die
Backbleche legen. Backofen auf 200 Grad
vorheizen und Kekse ca. 8 Minuten backen.
Auskühlen lassen. Auf das Große und auf das
mittlere Keks einen Tupfer Marmelade geben
und zu einer Terrasse zusammenfügen.
Puderzucker darüberstreuen.
7. FCK
Der 1. FCK steht nach seiner schlechtesten
Saisonleistung mit dem Rücken zur Wand.
Das 0:1 beim 1. FC Nürnberg war ein
Armutszeugnis. Man konnte das Spiel nicht
als Bundesliga-Niveau bezeichnen. Es fehlte
die Leidenschaft und das Offensivspiel war
kläglich. In der Tabelle steht der FCK auf dem
drittletzten Platz. Es gibt viel aufzuholen.
und friedliches
Neues Jahr !
Alumni News 46, 2011
Graduate School „Mathematics as a Key Technology“
University of Kaiserslautern
Department of Mathematics
P.O. Box 3049
67653 Kaiserslautern
E-mail : [email protected]
: +49 631 205 2048
Editors: Jessica Rigden, Beate Siegler, Falk Triebsch
Beate Siegler
Next issue: February 2012
Deadline for contributions: January 15, 2012