Risk, Capital and Liquidity Management for Insurers


Risk, Capital and Liquidity Management for Insurers
Course Director
Prof. Dr. Pablo Koch Medina
Center for Finance and Insurance
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.cfi.uzh.ch
Dr. Benjamin Wilding
Managing Director Finance and Teaching
University of Zurich
Department of Banking and Finance
Plattenstrasse 14
8032 Zurich
+41 44 634 40 56
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.finance-weiterbildung.uzh.ch
Continuing Education Risk, Capital and Liquidity Management for Insurers
Continuing Education
Risk, Capital
and Liquidity
Management for
Center for Finance and Insurance
University of Zurich
Risk, Capital and Liquidity
Management for Insurers
In recent decades, there has been a clear trend towards using economic
valuation and economic capital approaches in the insurance and
reinsurance sector. This trend has had an impact on the technical skill set
required for a successful career in the finance and risk functions in this
sector. This course aims at helping professionals develop these skills.
This course addresses the most important issues related to the risk,
capital and liquidity management in insurance and reinsurance
companies. The principles-based approach makes the course suitable for
professionals from all types of insurance and reinsurance companies.
Participants will gain an understanding of the main issues in risk, capital
and liquidity management for insurance and reinsurance companies.
They will also be provided with a consistent conceptual economic
framework that takes regulatory side constraints into consideration.
Economic Valuation and Performance Measurement, Risk Management
and Governance, Insurance Regulation, Insurance Accounting, Risk
Capital, Steering from a Treasury Perspective, Asset Liability
Management and Investments, a view from the top (with Tom Wilson)
Target audience
Insurance and reinsurance professionals who work at (or interface with)
the risk and finance functions and who want to improve and expand
their knowledge in finance and risk management topics with a specific
focus on insurance companies.
Participants have a graduate degree and several years of working
experience. A working knowledge of quantitative techniques is beneficial
but not indispensable for a successful completion. The course language is
Course director
Prof. Dr. Pablo Koch Medina, UZH, Director Center for Finance and
Associate lecturers
–– Sebastian Bodemer, Partner, Finyon
–– Hansjörg Germann, Chief Risk Officer Global Life, Zurich Insurance
–– Dr. Astrid Jäckel, Partner, Oliver Wyman
–– Jan Jäger, Head Group Economic Value Management, Swiss Re
–– Dr. Philipp Keller, Partner, Deloitte
–– Dr. Lutz Wilhelmy, Head Group Regulatory Risk Management, Swiss Re
Special session with
Dr. Thomas Wilson, CRO Allianz Group and author of
Value and Capital Management: A Handbook for the Finance and Risk
Functions of Financial Institutions, Wiley, 2015
Classroom (attendance required), Zurich:
29 September – 1 October 2016
Center for Continuing Education, University of Zurich,
Schaffhauserstrasse 228, 8057 Zurich (www.zwb.uzh.ch)
Course fee
CHF 3 000.–
Registration deadline is June 30, 2016
Further details
Confirmation of participation (3 ECTS)
The credits can be transferred to the DAS in Finance and the
MAS in Finance.
Continuing Education Risk, Capital and Liquidity Management for Insurers
Continuing Education Risk, Capital and Liquidity Management for Insurers