Please pray for our CCN Partners in…


Please pray for our CCN Partners in…
Please pray for our CCN Partners in…
Australia: Hobart St. David's Cathedral Austria: Wiener Neustadt Priorat
Stift Neukloster Belarus: Minsk International Conference Centre Johannes
Rau (IBB Minsk) Bosnia and Herzegovina: Mostar Evangelical Church
Burundi: Bujumbura Cathédrale Sainte Trinité, Université Lumière de
Canada: Montreal Church of St James The Apostle, Christ Church
Cathedral; Vancouver Christ Church Cathedral Switzerland: St. Maurice
Fraternité Eucharistein Cuba: Santiago de Cuba St Mary's Church; Havana
Cathedral Episcopal de la Santisima Trinidad Czech Republic: Prague
Military Chaplaincy of the Czech Armed Forces.
Germany: Bad Oeyenhausen Evangelische Kirchengemeinde; Berlin Aktion
Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste, St Marienkirche, Kirche in der Arbeitswelt
'Haus Kreisau', Evangelische Versöhnungsgemeinde, Kaiser-WilhelmGedächtnis-Kirche, Kirche zu den vier Evangelisten Berlin-Pankow, MartinLuther-Gedächtniskirche, St George's Anglican Church.
Germany: Cottbus Schlosskirche; Dachau Evangelische Versöhnungskirche
in der KZ-Gedenkstätte; Darmstadt Evangelische Stadtkirchengemeinde;
Dresden Maria am Wasser, Diakonissenanstalt, Stiftung Frauenkirche,
Germany: Erfurt Evangelisches Augustinerkloster, Evangelische Seelsorge in
der Bundeswehr; Essen Altstadt Kreuzeskirche; Günzburg Hofkirche;
Halle/Saale Hospiz am St. Elisabeth-Krankenhaus, Heilig Kreuz.
Germany: Hamburg Mahnmal St Nikolai, Hauptkirche St. Katharinen; Hanau
Wallonisch-Niederländische Gemeinde; Heilbronn Evangelische Kilianskirche;
Heiligengrabe Kloster Stift zum Heiligengrabe; Hiddensee Inselkirche.
Germany: Karlsruhe Katholisches Dekanat; Kiel St. Nikolai; Kranenburg St.
Peter und Paul; Lagerlechfeld Versöhnungskirche; Leipzig St. Nikolai - St.
Johannis; Lemgo St. Nicolai.
Germany: Lübeck Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde St. Marien; Löhne Evangelische
Kirchengemeinde Mahnen; Löwenstein Evangelische Tagungsstätte;
Magdeburg Evangelischer Kirchenkreis; Mannheim City Kirche Konkordien;
Herscheid Haus Nordhelle.
Germany: Meschede Gemeinsames Kirchenzentrum; Münster
Andreaskirche; Mönchengladbach Evangelische Hauptkirche Rheydt;
Neuruppin Klosterkirche; Nürnberg Sebalduskirche
Germany: Ottobeuren Benediktinerabtei; Pforzheim Evangelische
Stadtkirchengemeinde; Pforzheim-Huchenfeld Evangelische Kirchengemeinde;
Potsdam Stiftung Internationales Versöhnungszentrum Potsdamer
Garnisonkirche; Schliersee-Josefstal Studienzentrum für Evangelische
Germany: Schwerte-Villigst Institut für Kirche und Gesellschaft, Amt für
Jugendarbeit; Stralsund St. Marienkirche; Zinnowitz Nagelkreuzzentrum
Usedom; Weimar St. Peter und Paul; Witten-Annen Evangelische
Kirchengemeinde; Wuppertal Evangelische Kirchengemeinde GemarkeWupperfeld; Würzburg Ökumenische Nagelkreuzinitiative.
Georgia: Tbilisi Cathedral Baptist Church India: Durgapur St. Michael's
Centre Iraq: Baghdad St George's Cathedral Israel/Palestine: Shefar' Am
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, International Peace Centre (House of Hope).
Israel/Palestine: Jerusalem Musalaha, Ecumenical Theological Research
Fraternity in Israel, St. George’s Cathedral, St. Mark's Church and Monastery;
Nablus St Philip's Episcopal Church.
Nigeria: Abuja Gowon Centre for Reconciliation; Jos Centre for Peace
Initiative and Development, ECWA Church Tudun Wada; Kaduna Muslim
Christian Dialogue Forum, St. Michael's Cathedral.
Netherlands: Den Haag Bezuidenhoutkerken, Anglicaanse Kerk van St. John
& St. Philip, Christus Triumfatorkerk, Driekoningenparochie; Middleburg
Abdij Nieuwe Kerk; Arnhem St Walburgis Basilica.
Netherlands: Nijmegen Grote of Sint Stevenskerk; Rotterdam Grote of Sint
Laurenskerk Poland: Krzyzowa Fundacja "Krzyzowa" dla Porozumienia
Europejskiego; Lublin Evangelisch-Augsburgische Dreifaltigkeitsgemeinde
Romania: Sibiu Copiii Europei; Stein/Dacia Centre for Ecumenical Research.
Russia: Moscow St. Andrew's Anglican Church; St. Petersburg St. Catherine
Lutheran Church; Kaliningrad Evangelical Resurrection Church Sierra
Leone: Freetown St. George's Cathedral Slovakia: Modra Lutheran Church
Sudan: Khartoum All Saints Cathedral.
Great Britain: Coventry St Michael’s Cathedral, Allesley All Saints, Barnabas
Fund, Global Care, Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, Queens Road
Baptist Church, St. James' Church Fletchamstead.
Great Britain: Coventry St. John Fisher Roman Catholic Church, University
of Warwick Chaplaincy, Holy Trinity; Cambridge St. Edward King and Martyr.
Henley-on-Thames Christian International Peace Service (CHIPS); Kenilworth
St. John the Evangelist Church; Leamington Spa CORD.
Great Britain: Petersfield Foundation for Relief & Reconciliation in the
Middle East; London St. Alfege Greenwich, St. Ethelburga's Centre;
Rickmansworth Philo Trust; Bromsgrove CFR Footprints and Touch of Hope;
Rugby Rainsbrook STC
Great Britain: Southam St. James' Church; Studley Parish of Studley and
Mappleborough Green; York St Martin’s Northern Ireland: Corrymeela
Community; Keady Crossfire Trust; United States of America: Atlanta St.
Philip’s Cathedral; Chapel Hill The Chapel of the Cross, St. Paul's; Charlotte
All Nations Church.
United States of America: Cincinnati Christ Church Cathedral; Cleveland
Trinity Cathedral; Concord St. Paul's Church; Dayton Christ Episcopal
Church; Denver St John's Cathedral; Jacksonville St. John's Cathedral;
Hartford Christ Church Cathedral.
United States of America: Minneapolis St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral;
Nashville Christ Church Cathedral; New Haven Berkeley Divinity School at
Yale; New York St. Paul's Chapel; Raleigh Pullen Memorial Baptist Church;
Wheaton Wheaton College, Glen Ellyn St. Mark's Episcopal Church; Tucker
Reconciliation NOW.
South Africa: Amanzimtoti KwaMakhutha URCSA; Protea St. Saviour's
Claremont and Church of the Good Shepherd; Cape Town H.O.P.E. Africa,
St. George's Cathedral; George St Mark's Cathedral.
South Africa: Grahamstown Cathedral of St. Michael and St. George; Klein
Drakenstein Church of the Ascension; Pietermaritzburg Cathedral of the
Holy Nativity; Johannesburg Diocese of Christ the King; Volmoed Christian
Conference & Retreat Centre Zambia: Lusaka Anglican Cathedral of the
Holy Cross.
International Cross of Nails Schools (ICONS): China: Hong Kong
Student Aid Society Namibia: Windhoek Farm School Baumgartsbrunn
South Africa: Cape Town St Cyprians College Israel/Palestine:
Bethlehem Mar Ephrem School; Jerusalem Ramallah School; Ramallah Arab
Evangelical Episcopal School
International Cross of Nails Schools (ICONS): United States of
America: Concord St Paul's School; New Hampshire St. Paul’s School.
Germany: Sachsenheim Evangelisches Lichtenstern Gymnasium; Obersulm
Evangelisches Paul-Distelbarth-Gymnasium Northern Ireland: Belfast Lagan
International Cross of Nails Schools (ICONS): Great Britain: Bolton
Canon Slade CE School; Lyme Regis Mrs Ethleston's CE Primary; Ilmington
CE Primary School; Rugby St Matthews Bloxam CE Primary School, St
Oswalds CE Primary School.
International Cross of Nails schools (ICONS): Great Britain:
Coventry Blue Coat CE Secondary School, Harris CE Secondary School,
Westwood Secondary School, King Henry VIII School and Preparatory
School, Willows CE Primary School, Leigh CE Primary School; Allesley All
Saints CE Primary School.
International Cross of Nails schools (ICONS): Great Britain: Foleshill
CE Primary School, Walsgrave CE Primary School; Warwick All Saints CE
Primary School.
The whole world and for Coventry Cathedral. We pray for the Dean, his
Leadership Team and all the staff at Coventry Cathedral. We also pray for
the Canon for Reconciliation and his Team. Help them to strengthen the
ministry of reconciliation to flourish the flower of hope and reconciliation
throughout the world.