José Brunner


José Brunner
José Brunner
Minerva Institute for German History
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv Campus
Tel Aviv 69978
Tel: +972-3-6409731
Fax: +972-3-6409464
Mail: [email protected]
2005Director, Minerva Institute for German History, Tel Aviv University.
2002Professor of Philosophy of Science and History of Ideas, Buchmann Faculty of Law,
and Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv
D. Phil. in Politics. St. Antony's College, Oxford University.
B.A. in Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Jena Center 20th Century History, FriedrichSchiller University, Jena (summer term).
Visiting Hannah Foundation Professor. Department of Social Studies of Medicine,
McGill University, Montreal.
Senior Lecturer, Buchmann Faculty of Law and Cohn Institute for the History and
Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University.
Visiting Senior Lecturer, Buchmann Faculty of Law and Cohn Institute of the
History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University.
Visiting Scholar. Sigmund Freud Center for Research and Study in Psychoanalysis,
Department of Psychology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Jewish Studies, Northwestern
University (summer term).
Visiting Fellow. Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard
Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv University.
Instructor, Tel Aviv University, Department of Political Science, Tel Aviv
Instructor (external teacher), Department of Political Science, Hebrew University
of Jerusalem.
International Steering Committee, research project „Praxis, Ergebnisse,
und Folgewirkungen der Zwangsarbeiterentschädigung [Practice, Results
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
and Effects of the Compensation for Forced Labor].“ With Constantin
Goschler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Director), Philippe Ther, European
University Institute, Florence, and Krysztof Ruchniewicz, Willi-Brandt
Center, Wroclaw University. Research grant by Foundation „Erinnerung,
Verantwortung und Zukunft [Memory, Responsibility and Future]“.
Principal Investigator, Research project “The Globalization of
Wiedergutmachung”. With Norbert Frei, Friedrich Schiller-Universität,
Jena, and Constantin Goschler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Research grant by
German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development.
Principal Investigator, Research project “The Practice of Wiedergutmachung: NSVictims and Indemnification in Israel and Germany, 1952-2002”. With Norbert Frei,
Friedrich Schiller-Universität, Jena. Research grant by German-Israeli Foundation
for Scientific Research and Development.
2007Editorial Advisory Board, Tabur: Yearbook for European History, Society, Culture
and Thought [Hebrew].
2005Editor-in-Chief, Tel Aviv Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte.
2005Series Editor, Schriftenreihe des Minerva Instituts für deutsche Geschichte.
2003Editorial Advisory Board, Psychoanalysis and History.
2001International Scientific Advisory Board, Institute for Social Research
(Institut für Sozialforschung), Frankfurt/Main.
Expert Advisor, State Commission of Inquiry on Financial Support for Holocaust
Survivors (Chaired by Supreme Court Judge Dalia Dorner; January-April).
Editorial Board, Hagar: International Social Science Review.
2005Academic Advisory Board, S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional
LLB Committee, Buchmann Faculty of Law.
PhD Committee, Buchmann Faculty of Law.
Coordinator, Research Track, MA Degree, Cohn Institute.
Planning and Development Committee, Buchmann Faculty of Law.
PhD Committee, School of Cultural Studies.
Convener and Editor of Quality Self-Assessment Report (8 vols.), submitted by the
Buchmann Faculty of Law to the Council of Higher Education of Israel.
2009Scientific Committee, Two International Conferences, "The Eichmann Trial: Event
and Legacy" to be held in February 2011 at the Ghetto Fighters’ House in Kibbutz
Lohamei Hageta'ot and in Paris, in June 2011.
Academic Co-Organizer of Weimar Summer School, July 21-30, 2009. Weimar. With
Volkhard Knigge and Axel Dossmann.
Academic Co-Organizer of International Conference, “Between Mameloshn and
Muttersprache: Yiddish and German in Dialogue,” 1-2 June 2009, Tel Aviv
University. With Hana Wirth-Nesher.
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
Academic Co-Organizer of International Conference, “Double Unification: Germany
and Europe After 1989”. 23 April 2009, Tel Aviv University. With Miriam EliavFeldon.
Academic Co-Organizer of International Conference, "Jews and Muslims in
Germany: Culture, Law and Politics from the Age of Enlightenment to the Time of
Multiculturalism." 6-8 April 2008, Tel Aviv University. With Shai Lavi.
Academic Co-Organizer of International Conference, "The Holocaust as Paradigm of
Trauma for the 20th Century". 23-27 January 2007, Tel Aviv University. With
Nathalie Zajde.
International Steering Committee of the 3rd International Conference of the
Trauma Research Net, 14-17 September, St. Moritz.
Academic Co-Organizer, International Workshop, "Body, Technology, Society in
Prewar Germany," 28 May, Tel Aviv University. With Nitzan Lebovic.
Academic Organizer, International Workshop, "Compensation for Holocaust
Survivors from Today’s Perspective: A German-Israeli Research Dialogue," 21-23
November, Tel Aviv University.
July 2009
How does difference turn into otherness? Conceptualizing changing responses to
social diversity. International workshop: Regulating Freedoms – Legal
Incorporation of Jews and Muslims in Europe. Goettingen.
Dec. 2008
Die Medikalisierung des Zeitzeugen. Politische Gewalt, Erinnerung und Trauma.
International Conference: Die Geburt des Zeitzeugen nach 1945, Jena.
May 2008
Why and how did Holocaust survivors in Israel prove that they belonged to the
“Circle of German Language and Culture”? Annual Conference of the Law and
Business Journal, Herzeliya. With Iris Nachum.
Sept. 2007
Beyond one-dimensional identification with trauma victims. International
Workshop: Historical trauma between Family, Civil Society and State in Israel and
Palestine, European University Institute, Florence. With Arnona Zahavi.
May 2007
In the shadow of totalitarianism: Democracy and humility. International
Conference: Philosophy's Moods: Exploring the Affective Dimension of Thinking.
Tel Aviv.
Jan. 2007
Trauma as the paradigm of the Holocaust. International Conference: The
Holocaust as the Paradigm of Psychic Trauma in the 20th Century. Tel Aviv.
Sept. 2006
Schalom Schiller: Wie israelische Antragsteller ihre Zugehörigkeit zum
deutschen Sprach- und Kulturkreis beweisen mussten. 46. Deutscher
Historikertag Konstanz, Germany.
June 2006
The competition of victims in Israel/Palestine: The politics of trauma in the
shadow of the two Intifadas. International Conference: Healing the war:
psychosocial perspectives and experiences in war-torn societies, Rome.
May 2006
The naked mother, or: Why Freud did not write about railway accidents.
International Workshop: Body, Technology and Society in Prewar Germany. Tel
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
Nov. 2009
Die Politik des Traumas. Menschenrechte, kollektive Gewalt und seelisches Leiden
[The politics of trauma: Human rights, collective violence and psychic suffering].
Adorno Lectures, 4-6 November, Frankfurt/Main.
June 2008
Geschichte als Kriminalroman. Historiographie nach Freud und Hitler [History as a
crime story: Historiography after Freud and Hitler]. Friedrich-Schiller University,
May 2008
Breaking points: Representing the traumatization of Israeli soldiers. International
Conference: Psychology on the Couch. Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Nov. 2007
On trauma and collective identity in Israel. Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Interdisciplinary Colloquium: Psychology on Sociology’s Couch [Hebrew].
June 2007
Erfahrungen ohne Ende: Wie verursachen traumatische Ereignisse chronische
Krankheiten und warum ist das eine moralische Frage? [Never ending experiences:
How do traumatic events cause chronic illnesses and why is this a moral question?]
Gesellschaft für hermeneutische Anthropologie und Daseinsanalyse. Zürich.
March 2007 Efficient naiveté: Fetishism and political consciousness in Israel. Van Leer
Jerusalem Institute. Lecture series on Desire and Perversion.
March 2007 Trauma in Jerusalem? Die Zeugenaussagen im Eichmann-Prozess [Trauma in
Jerusalem? The testimonies in the Eichmann trial]. International Conference:
Zeugenschaft des Holocaust: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge aus Polen, Israel und
Deutschland. Fritz Bauer Institut, Arnoldshain.
Nov. 2006
Broken soldiers: Guilt, shame and pleasure in the professional discourse on PTSD
from the Yom Kippur War to the First Intifada. Guest Lecture at First Student
Research Conference of the Department of Psychology, Bar Ilan University, Ramat
Gan [Hebrew].
Sept. 2006
How do posttraumatic disorders become chronic, and why is this a moral question?
On emotions, ethics, and excess. Plenary Lecture at the 3rd International Trauma
Research Net Conference. Trauma—Stigma and Distinction. Social Ambivalences in
the Face of Extreme Suffering. St. Moritz.
May 2006
Railways in discontent: Freud on traumatic technology. Symposium at the occasion
of Freud's 150th birthday. The Sigmund Freud Chair of the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, The Israel Psychoanalytic Association, The Austrian Cultural Forum and
the Minerva Institute for German History, Tel Aviv University. Jerusalem.
April 2006
Moments of rupture: Soldiers' traumas in the eyes of mental health professionals
from the Yom Kippur War to the first Intifada. Independence Conference, held
under the auspices of the rector of Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv.
June 2005
The competition of victims in Israel-Palestine: On the politics of trauma discourse
in the shadow of the Intifadas. Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem.
Buchmann Faculty of Law:
• Time, happiness and law in 20th century thought
• Introduction to ethics and political philosophy
• Human rights, political violence and psychic trauma
• Trauma, society and the law
• Liberal rights
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Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas:
• Freud in a philosophical context
• Research, ethics and politics in the human sciences
• The politics of trauma in Israel/Palestine, 1948-2008
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
1. Freud and the Politics of Psychoanalysis (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1995).
2. Freud and the Politics of Psychoanalysis, with a new introduction (New Brunswick, NJ:
Transaction Publishers, 2001) [Paperback edition of 1.].
3. Psyche und Macht: Freud politisch lesen (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 2001) [German translation of
In Preparation:
4. Geschichte als Kriminalroman. Historische Fragen nach Freud und Hitler. Jena Center
Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vorträge und Kolloquien 4 (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag,
forthcoming in winter 2009/10).
5. Die Politik des Traumas. Menschenrechte, kollektive Gewalt und seelisches Leiden. AdornoVorlesungen (Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, forthcoming spring 2010).
6. Die Praxis der Wiedergutmachung: Geschichte, Erfahrung und Wirkung in Deutschland und
Israel. Co-edited with Norbert Frei and Constantin Goschler (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag,
7. Juden und Muslime in Deutschland: Recht, Religion, Identität. Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für
deutsche Geschichte/Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History 37. Co-edited with Shai Lavi
(Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2009).
8. Väterliche Autorität und mütterliche Macht. Elternbilder im deutschen Diskurs. Tel Aviver
Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte/Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History 36 (Göttingen:
Wallstein Verlag, 2008).
9. Demographie—Demokratie—Geschichte. Deutschland und Israel. Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für
deutsche Geschichte/Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History 35 (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag,
In Preparation:
10. Personal Compensation for Holocaust Survivors: History, Procedures and Effects in Germany
and Israel (Bne Brak: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, forthcoming winter 2009/10) [Hebrew,
shortened translation of 6.].
11. Holocaust-Trauma: Kritische Perspektiven zur Entstehung und Wirkung eines Paradigmas. Coedited with Nathalie Zajde (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, forthcoming fall 2010).
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
12. Politische Leidenschaften: Macht, Gefühl und Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Tel Aviver
Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte/Tel Aviv Yearbook for German History 38 (Göttingen:
Wallstein Verlag, forthcoming spring 2010).
13. Die Globalisierung der Wiedergutmachung. Co-edited with Norbert Frei and Constantin
Goschler (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, forthcoming fall 2011).
Accepted for Publication:
14. The value of culture: On the German legislation and Israeli practices of examination
regarding the Germanness of Holocaust survivors. Forthcoming in Law and Business Journal, 8
2009 [Hebrew].
15. Liberal laws v. the law of large numbers: How demography arouses anxiety (in Germany).
Journal of Law & Ethics of Human Rights, 2 (2008): 54-87.
16. Modern times: Law, temporality and happiness in Hobbes, Locke and Bentham. Theoretical
Inquiries in Law, 8 (2007): 105-138.
17. The naked mother, or Why Freud did not write about railway accidents. History and
Psychoanalysis, 9 (2007): 71-82.
18. The Eichmann trial between history and genealogy. Zmanim No. 98 (May 2007): 71-80
[Hebrew, expanded version of 55.]
19. Die nackte Mutter, oder: Warum Freud nicht über Eisenbahnunglücke schrieb. WestEnd: Neue
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 3 (no. 2, 2006): 114-124 [German translation of 17.]
20. Trauma, Ideologie und Erinnerung im jüdischen Staat: Zur Politik der Verletzbarkeit in der
israelischen Fachliteratur. Psyche: Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen, 59
(Beiheft 2005): 91-105.
21. On the history of the vulnerable individual: Medicine, law and politics in the discourse on
traumatic disorders. Shiso [Thought] No. 972 (2005): 5-43 [Japanese, expanded version of
22. Die Politik der Traumatisierung. Zur Geschichte des verletzbaren Individuums. WestEnd: Neue
Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (2004): 7-24.
23. Humanizing Hitler: Psychohistory and the making of a monster. Tel Aviv Yearbook for German
History 32 (2004): 148-174.
24. Freud’s Jewishness: From reduction to deconstruction. Zmanim No. 88 (2004): 35-43
[Hebrew, revised translation of 46.].
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
25. Trauma in court: Medico-legal dialectics in the late 19th century German discourse on mental
injuries. Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (2003): 713-743.
26. Identifications, suspicions, and the history of traumatic disorders. Harvard Review of
Psychiatry 10 (2002): 179-184.
27. Freud’s (de)construction of the conflictual mind. Thesis Eleven 71 (2002): 21-36.
28. Wordly powers: A political reading of the Rat Man. American Imago 58 (2001): 501-524.
29. ”Oh those crazy cards again:” A history of the debate on the Nazi Rorschachs, 1946-2001.
Political Psychology 22 (2001): 233-261.
30. Will, desire and experience: Etiology and ideology in the German and Austrian medical
discourse on war neuroses, 1914-1922. Transcultural Psychiatry 37 (2000): 295-320.
31. Eichmann’s mind: Psychological, philosophical and legal perspectives. Theoretical Inquiries in
Law 1 (2000): 429-464.
32. Das Elend des liberalen Multikulturalismus: Kymlicka und seine Kritiker. Deutsche Zeitschrift
für Philosophie 46 (1998): 369-391. With Yoav Peled.
33. Pride and memory: Nationalism, narcissism and the historians' debates in Germany and Israel.
History and Memory 9 (1997/98): 256-300.
34. Fear and envy: Sexual difference and the economies of feminist critique in psychoanalytic
discourse. Science in Context 10 (1997): 129-170.
35. Rawls on respect and self-respect: An Israeli perspective. Political Studies 44 (1996): 287302. With Yoav Peled.
36. Eichmann, Arendt and Freud in Jerusalem: On the pleasures of thoughtlessness and the evils
of narcissism. History and Memory 8 (1996): 61-88.
37. Die Macht der Phantasie – die Phantasie der Macht: Freud und die Politik der Religion. Psyche:
Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre Anwendungen 50 (Special issue 9/10, September/
October 1996): 786-816.
38. Staatsbürgerliche Identität und Selbstachtung im jüdischen Staat: eine Rawls'sche
Perspektive. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 43 (1995): 329-348. With Yoav Peled
[German translation of 35.].
39. Looking into the hearts of the workers, or: How Erich Fromm transformed critical theory into
empirical research. Political Psychology 15 (1994): 631-650.
40. ”Every path must end in darkness,” or: Why psychoanalysis needs metapsychology. Science in
Context 7 (1994): 83-101.
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
41. The mother's voice: dialectics of feminist self-consciousness. Zmanim No. 46-47 (1993): 4-17
42. Erich Fromm: From critical theory to empirical research. Zmanim No. 44 (1993): 92-102
[Hebrew, revised translation of 39.].
43. Toward a political economy of evils: responding to Ophir's "plea for a hermeneutic ethics."
Philosophical Forum 23 (1992): 231-247.
44. Psychiatry, psychoanalysis and politics during the First World War. Journal of the History of
the Behavioral Sciences 27 (1991): 323-336.
45. Comments on political evil. Theory and Criticism: An Israeli Forum 1 (1991): 79-90 [Hebrew,
revised translation of 43.].
46. The (ir)relevance of Freud's Jewish identity to the origins of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis
and Contemporary Thought 14 (1991): 655-684.
47. From Rousseau to 'totalitarian democracy': The French Revolution in J. L. Talmon's
historiography. History and Memory 3 (1991): 60-85.
48. On the political rhetoric of Freud's individual psychology. History of Political Thought 5
(1984): 315-332.
Accepted for Publication:
49. From religious fantasies of omnipotence to scientific myths of emancipation: Freud and the
dialectics of psychohistory. In Psychoanalytic Approaches to Historical Consciousness, Jörn
Rüsen and Jürgen Straub (eds.) (Oxford: Berghahn, forthcoming 2010).
50. The Experts’ Memory: Critical and ideological dimensions in writings of mental health
practitioners on the professional attitude toward Holocaust survivors in Israel’s first decades.
In Trauma and Memory in Israeli Society: Collective Dimensions. Rakefet Zalashik, Michal
Albertal and Nadav Davidovich (eds.) (Bar Ilan University Press, forthcoming 2010)[Hebrew].
51. Ironías de la historia española: Observaciones sobre el olvido y el recuerdo en el posfranquismo [Ironies of Spanish history: Remarks on the post-Franco politics of forgetting and
remembering]. Forthcoming in: Reflexiones interdisciplinarias en torno a la Guerra Civil
Española, Número Monográfico, Silvina Schammah-Gesser, Raanan Rein, Javier Ugarte (eds.),
(Revista de Historia Contemporanea, forthcoming 2009) [Spanish].
52. “Vor dem Gesetz steht ein Türhüter”. Wie jüdische Antragsteller in Israel ihre Zugehörigkeit
zum deutschen Sprach- und Kulturkreis beweisen mussten. With Iris Nachum. In 6., 352-389.
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
53. The naked mother, or why Freud wrote of railway accidents only once. In: Gaby Sheffler, ed.,
Freud: Culture and Psychoanalysis (Jerusalem: Kinneret, Zmora-Bitan, Dvir, 2008), 81-97
[Hebrew translation of 16.].
54. Trauma and justice: The moral grammar of trauma discourse from Wilhelmine Germany to
post-Apartheid South Africa. In Trauma and Memory: Reading, Healing and Making Law,
Austin Sarat, Michal Alberstein and Nadav Davidovich, eds. (Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 2007), 98-118.
55. Trauma in Jerusalem? Zur Polyphonie der Zeugenaussagen im Eichmann-Prozess. In:
Zeugenschaft des Holocaust: Zwischen Trauma, Tradierung und Ermittlung. Ed. Fritz Bauer
Institut (Jahrbuch 2007 zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust; Frankfurt/Main: Campus
Verlag), 92-115.
56. Critique of pure banality: On Arendt’s dehumanization of Eichmann. In Hannah Arendt: A
Half-Century of Polemics. Idith Zertal and Moshe Zuckermann, eds. (Bne Brak: Hakibbutz
Hameuchad, 2005), 81-106 [Hebrew].
57. English shock: Railway accidents, medical experts and tort law in late nineteenth century
Britain. Technologies of Justice: Law, Science and Culture. Shai Lavi, ed. (Tel Aviv: Ramot –
Tel Aviv University Press, 2003), 89-122 [Hebrew].
58. Contentious origins: Psychoanalytic comments on the debate over Israel’s creation. In
Psychoanalysis, Identity, and Ideology: Critical Essays on the Israel/Palestine Case, John
Bunzl and Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, eds. (Boston: Kluwer, 2002), 107-135.
59. Freud and the rule of law: From Totem and Taboo to psychoanalytic jurisprudence. In The
Analytic Freud: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, Michael Levine, ed. (London: Routledge,
2000), 277-293.
60. Culture is not enough: A democratic critique of liberal multiculturalism. In Ethnic Challenges
to the Modern Nation-State, Shlomo Ben-Ami, Yoav Peled and Alberto Spektorovski, eds.
(Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000), 65-92. With Yoav Peled.
61. Yigal Amir, in Fifty to Forty-Eight: Critical Moments in the History of the State of Israel.
Special Issue of Theory and Criticism: An Israeli Forum 12-13 (1999): 441-449 [Hebrew].
62. Oedipus Politicus: Freud's paradigm of social relations. In Sigmund Freud: Conflict and
Culture, Michael Roth, ed. (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1998), 80-93.
63. Die Macht der Vergangenheit: Freud und die Religion. In Die dunkle Spur der Vergangenheit:
Psychoanalytische Zugänge zum Geschichtsbewusstsein, Jörn Rüsen and Jürgen Straub, eds.
(Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1998), 82-100.
64. On autonomy, capabilities and democracy: A Critique of Liberal Multiculturalism. In
Multiculturalism in a Democratic and Jewish State, Menahem Mautner, Avi Sagi and Ronen
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
Shamir, eds. (Tel Aviv: Ramot Press, 1998), 107-132. With Yoav Peled [Hebrew, revised
translation of 58.].
65. Pride and memory: Nationalism, narcissism and the historians' debates in Germany and Israel.
In: G. Ne’eman Arad (ed.), Passing into History: Nazism and the Holocaust Beyond Memory
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997), 256-300 (Reprint of 33.).
OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Editorials, Prefaces, Introductions, Comments and Postscripts):
66. Komplizierte Lernprozesse. Zur Aktualität und Geschichte der Wiedergutmachung. With
Norbert Frei and Constantin Goschler. Introduction to 6., 9-47.
67. Editorial. With Shai Lavi. Preface to 7., 9-19.
68. Property, solidarity and (German) history. Theoretical Inquiries in Law Forum 10.1 (2009): 916.
69. An ethics of claiming and giving: Preface. In Axel Honneth, Disrespect and Recognition:
Toward a New Critical Theory (Bne Brak: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2008), 7-34 [Hebrew].
70. Editorial. Preface to 7., 9-27.
71. Editorial. Preface to 6., 9-22.
72. In Glück und Leid. Zum westlichen Vokabular des (Un-)Glücklichseins. In: Was heißt und zu
welchem Ende studiert man die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts? Norbert Frei, ed.
(Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2006), 218-225.
73. Preface to Blackwell edition of Ernest Gellner’s The Psychoanalytic Movement. (Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers, 2003), x-xxx.
74. Freud and the Politics of the Mind, 1900 – 2000. Introduction to 2., vii-xxxi.
75. Die Freudsche Dialektik. Oder: jenseits der Kontroverse Hermeneutik-oder-Wissenschaft. In
Psyche und Macht: Freud politisch lesen. Introduction to 3., 7-33.
76. Ernest Gellner: Fox and hedgehog. Postscript to the Hebrew edition of Ernest Gellner's
Nations and Nationalism (Tel Aviv: The Open University of Israel, 1994), 182-187 [Hebrew].
Book Reviews:
77. Mental Health in Terror's Shadow: The Israeli Experience, Eli Somer and Avi Bleich, eds.,
Theory and Criticism: An Israeli Forum, 28 (2006): 231-239 [Hebrew].
78. The Limits of Nationalism, Chaim Gans, European Legacy, 10 (2005): 648-649 [Shortened
English translation of 77.].
CV: José Brunner, October 2009
79. The Limits of Nationalism, Chaim Gans, Tel Aviv University Law Review 28 (2004): 593-601
80. Responsibility and the Individual in Modern Society, John Lachs, Political Studies 31 (1983):
81. Ideology and Social Psychology, Michael Billig, Political Studies 31 (1983): 695.
82. On Human Needs, Kate Soper, Political Studies 30 (1982): 620.