Case study RIO NOVELA


Case study RIO NOVELA
Eurodoc-Production 2004-2005
Length : 52 & 85 min
Director : Cathie Lévy
Photography : Cleisson Vidal
Editing : Isabela Monteiro de Castro
Sound : Valeria Ferro
Format : Digibeta 4/3
Producer : Alexandre Cornu & Arnaud de Mezamat
Company : Les Films du Tambour de Soie & Abacaris Films in association with 4 Ventos, Brazil
Partners :
France 5 : Carlos Pinsy & Sophie Chégaray
France 3 : Muriel Rosé & Anna Glogowski
RTBF : Claire Colart
TSR : Gaspard Lamunière
Distributor : Stephan Riguet – Andana Films
Mail : [email protected]
Une co-production
Abacaris Films
15, passage de la Main d'or
75011 Paris
Tél : 01 48 05 19 19
Fax: 01 48 05 64 14
[email protected]
Les Films du Tambour de Soie
20, rue Beauvau
13001 Marseille
Tél : +33 4 91 33 35 75
Fax : +33 4 91 33 35 24
[email protected]
Rio de Janeiro. It is dawn, but already over 100 apparently healthy women are
waiting outside Santa Casa de Misericordia, one of the oldest benevolent hospitals
in Brazil. In a city where one in two women over 50 has undergone cosmetic
surgery, these women do not see why their low income should keep them from the
scalpel. In Brazil, physical beauty and youth are all-important and the fact that
only the richest can afford cosmetic surgery makes it all more alluring to the poor.
These women are waiting for Professor Ivo Pitanguy’s plastic surgery consultation
to open. The professor is a world famous high priest of cosmetic surgery. He heads
one of the most famous and most expensive plastic surgery clinics in Rio de
Janeiro, but he has also vowed to treat the poorest members of society.
From March to June, the Professor’s staff, most of whom are volunteers, handle the
request of 3,000 women. They come to this unique centre of cosmetic surgery –
facelifts, liposuction, silicon implants and so on – at a very low price which just
covers the cost of the equipment used during the operation. Over four months of
waiting, appointments and shared dreams, Edna, Iolanda and Teresa meet there
and tell each other their stories, without embarrassment, sometimes laughing at
themselves. Will the promise of happiness really be kept at the end of the long
wait ?
Rio de Janeiro, dés l’aube, elles sont déjà plus de cent devant la Santa Casa de
Misericordia l’une des plus anciennes institutions soignantes caritatives du Brésil.
Que veulent ces femmes, en apparente bonne santé ? De tous âges, de toutes
générations, de toutes classes sociales. La file semble s’allonger à l’infini... Elles
attendent l’ouverture du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du célèbre Professeur Ivo
Pitanguy, célébré partout comme le « Bistouri d’or »...
De mars à juin, l’équipe du professeur, composée essentiellement de bénévoles,
accueille dans ce centre unique au monde, trois mille femmes qui viennent ici pour
leurs interventions esthétiques. Liftings, liposucions, implants de silicone… sont à
prix modique, simplement pour couvrir le coût du matériel opératoire !
Edna, Iolanda, Teresa, s’y rencontrent et s’y racontent avec humour et simplicité.
Quatre mois d’attente, de rendez vous et de rêves partagés.
La promesse du bonheur sera-t-elle tenue au bout de ce long parcours ?
Cathie Lévy
Cathie Lévy is a director. She has worked in Germany and France. She
collaborated on the series Comme un Dimanche (produced by Point du Jour &
France 3), on the TV magazine Mezzo l'Info and on France 3's collection Aléas.
A few titles :
"Ils étaient une fois à Berlin Est", a 67' documentary - Do cume ntar y Awar d a t
Stra sbo urg Fe sti va l - selected for Cinéma du Réel - broadcast in Germany on
DFF in October 1991 and on Planète in January 1998.
"Der Fall Nr 21 548" (Le rachat de la maison"), 60' & 2x30' - broadcast in
on ORB in December 1992 and on Planète in January 1998 - sele cted f or t he
SCA M Di s co ver y A ward i n 2 000.
"Lévy et les vaches", 52' documentary produced by Play Films and France 3 Alsace
- selected for Cinéma du Réel - broadcast on France 3 in August 2003.
"Le Temps du repli", dance-video for ARTE choreographed by Josef Nadj,
produced by Play Film, 2004.
“A la recherche de Franck Burns”, 82’ documentary produced by Les Films du
Tambour de Soie. Broacasted on ARTE, in September 2007
“Rio, la Beauté à tous prix”, 52’, 80’ and 135’ documentaries, produced by
Abacaris Films, Les Films du Tambour de Soie and Quatro Ventos (Brazil). France
5, France 3, RTBF, TSR – 2007.
AL EX AN DRE COR N U, prod ucer
He took part in the creation of the production company Les Films du Tambour de Soie in
1987 and became its manager in 1996.
Les Films du Tambour de Soie produces, creative documentaries for both French and
foreign television channels, centred around history, discovery, arts and society. They have
the support of directors as diverse as Jean-Paul Fargier (Impressionnisme, les Origines,
Special Mention at the Biennale Internationale du film d’Art in Paris in 1994, or Gaston
Chaissac, Selected in Input, Fort Worth, Texas - 1999), Sandra Kogut (Adieu Monde,
awarded in more than twenty international festivals), Alain Bergala (Fernand Léger or Pier
Paolo Pasolini), Marie Mandy (Madeleine au Paradis, broadcast by RTBF and France 2, in
2002), Alain Fleischer, Jean-Louis Comolli, Bernard Boespflug, Jacques Malaterre, Bernard
George and many others with whom they have a long term work relationship…
He was a member of the CNC's Writing Grants Commission (Commission d'Aide à
l'Ecriture) from 1999 to 2001.
He was selected (final selections) for the Best French Producer Award in 2001 and 2004.
He was the president of the PROCIREP's Television Commission in 2005& 2006.
Since few years, he is tutoring in workshops for the Femis, EDN and Eurodoc
Last b roa dc ast ed pro ducti ons
BELFA ST GI RLS – Malin Andersson, 58 ‘
ART E, marc h 29t h 20 07
A portrait of two young women, Mairead and Christine, who are living on both sides of the
peace walls, built ten years ago in Belfast. ARTE FRANCE, FISK, SVT, YLE, RTE, LICHPUNT,
RTBF, DRTV, ETV, NRK, Documentary Channel. In coproduction with WG Films (sweden).
DIF FU SIO N SU R AR TE 29 M AR S 2 007.
LOOKI NG F O R FR AN CK B UR N S - Cathie Levy, 82’
ART E, se ptem ber 16th 2007
2002, the publishing house "L'Ecailler du Sud" in Marseilles, receives a manuscript signed
Franck Burns, describing the life of the homeless. The publisher wants to publish it but the
writter cannot be found. The director decides to search him... Broadcaster Arte Strasbourg
with the support of CNC, Procirep, Region PACA, Marseilles Council.
T HE BEA UTI FUL E SCAPE O F JEA N-CLAU DE IZ ZO - Jean-Laurent Feurra, 30’
ART E, se ptem ber 16th 2007
Short portrait of the french writer Jean-Claude Izzo and his fascination about his own town
Marseilles, which has been the main character in his books. Broadcaster : Arte Strasbourg
– supported by CNC.
T HE CO UR T OF T HE ME R C HA ND S – Bernard Boespflug, 52’
FR AN CE 5 , octo ber 14th 2007
An inventory on the operation of the trade courts in France. Associate producer : Comic
Strip Production.
Broadcaster : France 5. With the support of CNC, Procirep, Region PACA.
France 5
84 000
France 3
60 000
Centre National du Cinéma - Cosip
40 000
CNC - Aide au sous-titrage
2 500
Les Films du Tambour de Soie
10 000
Quatro vento (Rio de Janeiro)
10 000
10 000
6 000
5 200
Andana Films (à valoir distributeur)
6 000
Conseil général des Bouches du Rhône - CG 13
5 000
62 228
300 928 euros
Paris, le 17 septembre 2007