Bulletin Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine


Bulletin Forum UNESCO - Université et Patrimoine
MAI 2012
Conférence ENCATC "Networked
12-14 septembre 2012. London, RU
Universitat Politècnica de
València (UPV) Espagne
Isabel Tort Ausina
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lucía Gil
Lupe Navarro
Luz Campos
Marielle Richon
Montse Martínez
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Concha de Soto
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1666
Université Polytechnique de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. Espagne
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
Courriel: f o r u m @ f u u h.u pv.e s
In 2012, ENCATC (European Network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy
Education) celebrates the 20th anniversary of its foundation with a broad range of activities and events. A key highlight in 2012 will be the ENCATC Jubilee Conference
“Networked Culture” from 12 till 14 September in London, organized in partnership
with the Goldsmiths, University of London.
This high level event will bring together academics, researchers, professionals from
the cultural and educational sector, organizations, students, policy makers, artists and
media from more than 35 countries to debate on Creative Industries, Cultural Diplomacy and Networks.
Register Now: http://www.encatc.org/register/register.lasso?ID=69
+ Info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=104
Architecture de terre
Architecture de terre
Comment apprendre des ruines ? Une archéologue autrichienne nommée Scientifique de l'année 2011
Venons compléter l'article du BE Autriche 143 concernant l'archéologue autrichienne de Klagenfurt, Sabine Ladstätter (43
ans), nommée "Scientifique de l'année 2011 " par le club des journalistes de l'image et de la science lors d'une conférence
de presse à Vienne début 2012 .
Sabine Ladstätter, qui a d'abord étudié à l'Université de Graz puis obtenu son doctorat et son habilitation à l'université de
Vienne , est actuellement directrice de l'Institut autrichien d'archéologie (OAI) depuis 2009 et des fouilles autrichiennes à
Ephèse (Turquie) depuis 2010 auxquelles elle participait depuis 1995. C'est un défi pour elle que d'obtenir des aides des
décideurs et de lutter contre l'interminable bureaucratie. Elle ne craint pas de pointer du doigt le manque d'archives écrites
ou photographiques disponibles et les structures vieillissantes loin d'être à la hauteur face à une recherche de plus en plus
moderne et exigeante. Le titre de " Scientifique de l'année " repose sur l'effort, le travail mais également sur la médiation
et la vulgarisation envers le grand public, différentes qualités permettant d'élever l'image de la recherche autrichienne.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69745.htm
Journées départementales de l'archéologie : Histoire à gratter - Musée départemental de la Bresse. Domaine
des Planons (France) 23 et 24 juin 2012
Toutes les associations, structures et collectivités intéressées sont sollicitées pour proposer des animations visant à
valoriser l'archéologie départementale les 23 et 24 juin. Toutes les facettes de la discipline et toute forme de patrimoine
pourront être valorisées durant le week- end.
Le Conseil général s'engage à centraliser les actions et gérer la promotion de l'évènement dans les médias locaux…
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1938&dossier=15
The Earhart Project - Gardner Island, now Nikumaroro (Republic of Kiribati)
The Earhart Project is testing the hypothesis that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan landed, and eventually died, on Gardner
Island, now Nikumaroro in the Republic of Kiribati.
+ info: http://tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/AEdescr.html
Job Offers - Research Officer - Quantify damage to historic buildings and archaeological sites from floods and
driving rain in the context of climate change - University of Bath - United Kingdom - Deadline for Application: 6
May 2012
The position advertised is for a Research Officer to work for 1 year fixed term on a 3 year Research Council funded project.
The PARNASSUS project is a multidisciplinary collaborative project funded under the Science & Heritage programme jointly
by the Arts and Humanities (AHRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Councils (EPSRC).
The University of Bath coordinates a group of 4 university departments (Archaeology at Southampton, Civil Engineering
and Geography at University of Bristol) and 10 commercial and non-profit organisations, providing industrial support.
The successful candidate will have technical and academic experience in the field of conservation engineering, and ability to
dialogue and cooperate within different disciplines.
+ info: http://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=BB1019
The National Museum of Civil War Medicine is trying to determine if a preserved
human forearm is a relic of the Civil War Battle of Antietam - Frederick - MarylandUSA
Long after the guns fell silent at Antietam, the earth yielded up gruesome reminders of the
bloodiest day of the American Civil War: bodies, bones, buttons and entire severed limbs —
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Architecture de terre
one of which is now the focus of intense study at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine.
A Sharpsburg-area farmer is said to have found the human forearm while plowing a field two
weeks after the 1862 battle.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54696
Divinely beautiful Greek charioteer comes to London - The British Museum. London (United
He is called the charioteer and although damaged, with his turning, athletic body and robe so fine and
clinging that every muscle is revealed, he is one of the most exquisite surviving Greek sculptures. And the
British Museum has managed to borrow him for the duration of the Olympic Games.
From 1 May, the fifth-century BC Auriga (charioteer) of Mozia (where he was found) will be on display in
the Duveen Gallery surrounded by the Parthenon Marbles, which are slightly younger by about 30 years.
Normally, to see the charioteer you have to make a lengthy pilgrimage to a remote island off the west
coast of Sicily, to the little museum set up in memory of the English marsala importer Giuseppe Whitaker, who personally
funded decades of excavations there.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Divinely-beautiful-Greek-charioteer-comes-to-London/26280
Archaeologists Blast Hasty World Heritage Listings
One of the most significant global committees that you never heard of summoned a couple
of hundred experts to the island of Menorca, Spain last week. The meeting involved politics,
the remnants of great civilizations, human catastrophes, architectural triumphs, religious
works of art and architecture, use of tourism, the rise and fall of empires, and did we say
The International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management, or ICAHM, held its
first conference on how to manage the world’s myriad archaeological World Heritage sites.
This wildly varied array of places encompasses many of the most celebrated sites of human cultural accomplishment and
catastrophe—everything from the pyramids and Roman fortifications to Mongol-era tombs and prehistoric rock art. ICAHM’s
key job is to advise the World Heritage Committee about new sites proposed for the famous list. I attended as a guest of
the Congress, which paid for my travel.
+ info: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/04/18/archaeologists-blast-hasty-world-heritage-listings/
Le patrimoine est-il bien protégé ? Radio France International
Par Jean-François Cadet - Vincent Michelon, journaliste au quotidien Métro, auteur « La France
solde son patrimoine » aux éditions Jean-Claude Gawsewitch.
- Mechtilde Rossler, chef de la section politique du patrimoine au centre du patrimoine mondial
de l’UNESCO.
- Panayiota Andrianopoulou, archéologue et ethnologue grecque, membre de l’Union des
archéologues de Grèce.
+ info: http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20120418-le-patrimoine-est-il-bien-protege
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien est en danger - Un état de lieu de minarets,
mosquées, monastères qui ont été endommagés ou pillés - Appel à la communauté
internationale - Euromed Heritage
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien subit divers types de dommages et de dégradations à
différents degrés, qu’il s’agisse de monuments ou de quartiers historiques, de sites
archéologiques, de musées ou de lieux de culte. Ces destructions ont
commencé dès le 15 mars 2011, date de la montée en puissance du soulèvement syrien.
Nous souhaitons que cet appel puisse devenir le fondement de travaux à venir sur la question
des dommages infligés aux biens culturels du pays. Il a aussi pour objectif d'éviter que se reproduisent des destructions
aussi graves et généralisées que celles qui
ont eu lieu lors de la répression subie par la ville de Hama en 1982, qui a notamment vu ses quartiers historiques et son
patrimoine mobilier dévastés, ainsi que son musée pillé, déprédations dont personne n'a jamais osé parler depuis.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/euroshared/doc/appel%20de%20detresse%20patrimoine%20syrien%20-%20fr.
Colossus Re-Erected at Memnon - Egypt
The Colossi of Memnon have been famous landmarks in the Nile Valley since
antiquity. Originally, however, there were three pairs of colossal statues, two on
either side of each monumental gateway, or pylon, of Pharaoh Amenhotep III's
mortuary temple. Along with the rest of the vast temple, these colossi vanished in
antiquity after a series of earthquakes, leaving the two famous Colossi of Memnon
as the only major visible remnants. Excavations and WMF-supported conservation
work have been ongoing at the site since the first World Monuments Watch-listing
in 1998, and over several seasons large sections of toppled colossi have been uncovered. On March 1 a ceremony marked
the partial re-erection of one of the colossi. The conserved head and torso will be mounted early next year. A slideshow of
some recent work is available online.
+ info: www.wmf.org/slide-show/conservation-egypts-colossi-memnon-and-amenhotep-iii-temple
Israel antiquities authority inspectors seized two covers of
ancient sarcophagi that previously contained egyptian mummies
and were smuggled into Israel
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Architecture de terre
Inspectors of the Israel Antiquities Authority recently seized two covers of
Egyptian sarcophagi that contained ancient mummies in the past. The
covers were confiscated by inspectors of the Unit for the Prevention of
Antiquities Robbery while checking shops in the market place of the Old
City in Jerusalem. The ancient covers, which are made of wood and
coated with a layer of plaster, are adorned with breathtaking decorations and paintings of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The coffins were taken for examination on the suspicion they might be stolen property.
+ info: http://www.antiquities.org.il/article_Item_eng.asp?sec_id=25&subj_id=240&id=1925&module_id=#as
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Découverte d’une sculpture représentant les enfants de Cléopâtre et Marc-Antoine
Après plusieurs années d’étude d’une sculpture conservée au musée du Caire, l’égyptologue italienne
Giuseppina Capriotti a découvert qu’il s’agissait de la représentation des jumeaux que Cléopâtre eut de
La sculpture de près d’un mètre en grès gris est conservée au musée du Caire depuis 1918, après sa
découverte près du temple d’Hathor à Dendérah. Giuseppina Capriotti, égyptologue du Conseil national de
recherches en Italie, est parvenue à identifier les deux enfants représentés : il s’agirait d’Alexandre Hélios
et Cléopâtre Séléné, les jumeaux que la dernière reine d’Egypte Cléopâtre eut avec le général romain MarcAntoine. La scientifique a fait publié ses recherches et analyses par le Centre polonais d’archéologie méditerranéenne à
l’Université de Varsovie.
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99971/decouverte-d-une-sculpture-representant-lesenfants-de-cleopatre-et-marc-antoine.php
Sur les traces de l'homme en Aquitaine - Un site pour s'initier à l'archéologie
préhistorique et découvrir la vie de nos lointains ancêtres
L'établissement Cap Sciences de Bordeaux (France) propose un site dédié au mode de vie des
hommes du Paléolithique supérieur (- 35 000 à - 9 000 ans) dans la région Aquitaine. Ce site,
intitulé Sur les traces de l'homme en Aquitaine, s'adresse aux jeunes à partir de 8 ans
Le site nous conduit sur un chantier de fouilles. Le chantier est organisé en 6 espaces :
Art mobilier
Feu et alimentation
Chasse et cueillette
Tente de l'archéologue
En cliquant sur l'un de ces espaces, nous avons accès à différents objets. L'espace "outils" par exemple présente la pointe
de flèche, le biface, le galet, le racloir, etc. Chaque objet est décrit dans un court texte.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/18070/sur-les-traces-homme-aquitaine/
Emergence et développement de l'archéologie préhistorique en Midi Toulousain entre 19e et 20e siècle
Par Sébastien Dubois Dès le milieu du XIXe siècle, Toulouse apparaît comme un pôle dynamique du développement des
études en archéologie préhistorique. " Laboratoire " d'expériences institutionnelles de la jeune discipline, enseignements
universitaires, revues, sociétés savantes et musées toulousains favorisent en effet l'implantation d'une communauté
scientifique dont l'examen sociologique révèle l'ampleur des réseaux à différentes échelles, notamment à travers l'étude
des correspondances et archives personnelles de ces premiers préhistoriens.Parmi les nombreuses personnalités
scientifiques ayant participé à ce développement et favorisé l'essor des recherches en ce domaine, la figure d'Emile
Cartailhac (1845-1921) apparaît comme emblématique de cette communauté savante. La longue et prolifique carrière de
ce scientifique provincial, son engagement dans la structuration de la communauté locale, ses relations avec les savants
français et étrangers ainsi que son implication active dans les grands débats de son époque le placent au cœur d'une
problématique visant à redéfinir le rôle de ces érudits locaux dans la constitution des savoirs entre XIXe et XXe siècle. Ce
travail propose donc à travers l'étude de la pensée et de la production de ce préhistorien toulousain, notamment par
l'examen de ses archives personnelles, une lecture de l'histoire de la discipline et des apports de ces savants d'envergure "
secondaire ".
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00690340
Des Armes et des Hommes. L'archerie à la transition fin du Néolithique/Age du Bronze en Europe occidentale Université Toulouse Le Mirail. Toulouse II (France)
Part importante de l'armement préhistorique pour les périodes récentes (quantitativement et qualitativement), l'archerie
représente un objet d'étude riche en développements problématiques. A l'aube de l'introduction progressive de la
métallurgie dans les usages techniques, il est intéressant de saisir le ou les processus de transferts mis en œuvre.
Transition chronologique (Néolithique/Age du bronze), transition matérielle (types de pièces produites et types de
matériaux employés) et transition comportementale sont ainsi envisagées pour parvenir à préciser le statut de cet
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Architecture de terre
armement dans les sociétés concernées. En nous basant sur la caractérisation de la panoplie de l'archer, sur l'identification
des contextes de fabrication, sur la reconnaissance des champs fonctionnels (utilisations et usagers) et sur l'analyse archéobalistique des vestiges de traumatismes par flèches dans le cadre de violences interhumaines, il en résulte un ensemble
exhaustif qui renouvelle sensiblement la perception de cet armement dans le temps et dans les usages.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655169/en/
Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the Acheulean strata of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape
Province (South Africa)
By Francesco Bernaa, Paul Goldberga, Liora Kolska Horwitzc, James Brinkd, Sharon Holtd, Marion Bamfordf and Michael
Chazang The ability to control fire was a crucial turning point in human evolution, but the question when hominins first
developed this ability still remains. Here we show that micromorphological and Fourier transform infrared
microspectroscopy (mFTIR) analyses of
intact sediments at the site of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape province, South Africa, provide unambiguous evidence—in
the form of burned bone and ashed plant remains—that burning took place in the cave during the early Acheulean
occupation, approximately 1.0 Ma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the earliest secure evidence for burning in an
archaeological context.
+ info: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/03/27/1117620109.full.pdf
Coverage of Archaeological Ruins of the Abbey of St. Maurice / Savioz Fabrizzi Architectes 2010. Saint-Maurice (Switzerland)
The abbey of Saint Maurice was built almost 1500 years ago. It is situated against a cliff in a section
of the road between Geneva and the Simplon Pass. This particular site was likely to be chosen for its
defensive position given by the cliff. However the planned for tification proved a failure due to rock
fragments falling from the cliffon to the building.
Throughout the history rock slide shadan important influence causing several damages: In 1611 a
huge rock fall caused a convulsion of the abbey, 1942 a rock destroyed the cross-spire and portalnave of the building. Those slides have constantly been occurring and marked the site throughout history…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230941
Séminaire : "Recherches croisées en Dobrogea" - Dobrogea - Roumanie (17-18 Mai 2012)
Cette rencontre aura pour sujet principal la région de la Dobrogea, et se proposera d'exposer les recherches
multidisciplinaires des équipes de scientifiques roumains et français en archéologie, géologie, paléontologie, biodiversité,
réunissant ainsi de manière inédite des disciplines proches par l'appréhension du temps, mais parfois très différentes par
les sujets traités et les méthodes utilisées.
Ce colloque soutenu par l'Institut Français de Roumanie à travers les "ateliers scientifiques franco-roumains" a pu voir le
jour grâce à l'implication de nombreuses institutions universitaires et muséales.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69879.htm
Personal Hebrew seal from the end of the First Temple period discovered in Jerusalem
The remains of a building dating to the end of the First Temple period were discovered below the base
of the ancient drainage channel that is currently being exposed in IAA excavations beneath Robinson’s
Arch in the Jerusalem Archaeological Garden, adjacent to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. This
building is the closest structure to the First Temple found to date in archaeological excavations.
+ info: http://www.antiquities.org.il/article_Item_eng.asp?
Job Offer - 5 month Internship - Saving the Stones - International Conservation Centre - Old City of Acre
Saving the Stones is a 5 month international practical training internship in historical and archaeological conservation. It is
implemented through theoretical lessons and practical workshops taught by conservation specialists from the Israel
Antiquities Authority.
Core contents of the program:
Hands on experience in documentation of historical sites
Hands on experience in traditional building techniques such as masonry work, stone-cutting, carpentry and plastering
Heritage classes, cultural and social events
Study trips
The program also includes: activities with the diverse communities in Akko; archaeological excavations; enrichment
The program opens twice each year.
The program is supported by MASA – Israel Journey
The program is sponsored by the Israel National Committee to UNESCO
+ info: http://www.antiquities.org.il/akko/about.asp
1st. MAC International Workshop of Archaeological Geophysics - Girona (Spain) 21-25 may 2012
The discipline of archaeological geophysics has been in constant development since the 1970s. The increasing capability of
different sensors for non-destructively mapping the shallow subsurface has produced very useful images for archaeologists
in the last few years. The 1st MAC-IWAG is another activity offered by Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya in order to
support research in the field of non-destructive technologies for archaeological prospection, after two years of testing some
of these technologies in Catalonian archaeological sites.
With the participation of some of the best experts in archaeological geophysics worldwide, MAC-IWAG offers archaeologists
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Architecture de terre
and geophysicists an intensive 5-day course, within the framework of the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Ullastret
+ info: http://www.mac.cat/eng/Branches/Ullastret/Activitats/Cursos/1st.-MAC-International-Workshop-of-ArchaeologicalGeophysics-MAC-IWAG
Yenikapı Transfer Point and Archaeo-Park / MVRDV + ABOUTBLANK - Istanbul
With Istanbul as the immutable intersection of vast and diverse mobilities, the rich design by
MVRDV + ABOUTBLANK for the Yenikapı Transfer Point and Archaeo Park offer a unique
possibility to combine and transpose contemporary transportation intelligence with a
remarkable historical heritage. Layers in time will be combined with numerous lines through
the city of Istanbul, a myriad of interactions of time and space.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231362/
Archaeologists find ancient Mayan workshop for astronomers in northeastern
Archaeologists have found a small room in Mayan ruins where royal scribes apparently used
walls like a blackboard to keep track of astronomical records and the society's intricate
calendar some 1,200 years ago. The walls reveal the oldest known astronomical tables from
the Maya. Scientists already knew they must have been keeping such records at that time,
but until now the oldest known examples dated from about 600 years later. Astronomical
records were key to the Mayan calendar, which has gotten some attention recently because
of doomsday warnings that it predicts the end of the world this December. Experts say it makes no such prediction. The
new finding provides a bit of backup: The calculations include a time span longer than 6,000 years that could extend well
beyond 2012.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55294
Researchers from British Museum in London say they have new clue to Lost Colony - North Carolina (USA)
A new look at a 425-year-old map has yielded a tantalizing clue about the fate of the Lost Colony, the settlers who
disappeared from North Carolina's Roanoke Island in the late 16th century. Experts from the First Colony Foundation and
the British Museum in London discussed their findings Thursday at a scholarly meeting on the campus of the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Their focus: the "Virginea Pars" map of Virginia and North Carolina created by explorer John
White in the 1580s and owned by the British Museum since 1866.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55158
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien est en danger : Un état de lieu de minarets, mosquées, monastères qui ont
été endommagés ou pillés - Appel à la communauté internationale
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien subit divers types de dommages et de dégradations à différents degrés, qu’il s’agisse de
monuments ou de quartiers historiques, de sites archéologiques, de musées ou de lieux de culte. Ces destructions ont
commencé dès le 15 mars 2011, date de la montée en puissance du soulèvement syrien.
Par cet appel, nous souhaitons porter ces destructions à la connaissance de tous et inviter la communauté internationale à
soutenir et accompagner l’inventaire et la dénonciation d'exactions portant atteinte à un patrimoine qui, à plus d’un titre,
concerne l'humanité toute entière.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/euroshared/doc/appel%20de%20detresse%20patrimoine%20syrien%20-%20fr.
Bedouin animal sacrifice rituals provide insights to ancient practices
Harvard University educated archaeologist and president of the Paleontological Research
Corporation, Dr. Joel Klenck, conducted an ethnoarchaeological study of modern Bedouin
sacrificial practices in the Levant to provide insight on the deposition of remains at ancient
cult sites. Ethnoarchaeology comprises the analysis of modern behaviors and the remains
left over from these activities.
+ info: http://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.fr/2012/03/bedouin-animal-sacrifice-rituals.
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Architecture de terre
Exhibition - Un jour, j'achetai une momie... - Emile Guimet et l'Egypte antique - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
30 mars - 02 julliet 2012 Lyon. France
Organizateurs: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/mba/sections/fr/expositions-musee/expo-egypte-antique/emile-guimet?
Exhibition - The Sanctuaries of Demeter and Persephone at Morgantina - J. Paul Getty Museum
14 avril 2012 - 21 janvier 2013 Los Angeles, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: J. Paul Getty Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://news.getty.edu/images/9036/morgantina.pdf
Exhibition - Arqueología de Buenos Aires. Pasado y presente de una ciudad cambiante
21 avril - 28 juin 2012 Buenos Aires. Argentine
Organizateurs: Espacio Virrey Liniers y la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
+ info: http://www.iaa.fadu.uba.ar/cau/?p=3351#more-3351
Exhibition - Tomb Treasures of Han China - Fitzwilliam Museum
05 mai - 11 novembre 2012 Cambridge. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Fitzwilliam Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.tombtreasuresofhanchina.org/
Exhibition - Maya 2012: Lords of time - Penn Museum
05 mai - 01 décembre 2012 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Penn Museum and the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.penn.museum/sites/2012/exhibit/
Exhibition - Breaking Ground: 75 Years of Pioneering Archaeology - UCL (University College London) Institute
of Archaeology - A.G. Leventis Gallery
10 mai 2012 - 28 février 2013 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: UCL (University College London) Institute of Archaeology - A.G. Leventis Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/calendar/articles/20120510
Call for Papers - How To Build A Dam And Save Cultural Heritage Workshop
06 julliet - 07 julliet 2012 Durham. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Durham University Department of Archaeology
Contact: Michelle de Gruchy or Emma Cunliffe at [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 18 may 2012
+ info: https://sites.google.com/site/saveculturalheritage/events
21st International Radiocarbon Conference - 2012
09 julliet - 13 julliet 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: National Electrostatics Corp
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.radiocarbon2012.com/
Course - Cultural Heritage Protection in the Asia - Pacific Region 2012: research, analysis and preservation of
archaeological sites and remains
04 septembre - 04 octobre 2012 Nara. Japon
Organizateurs: Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation Office, Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU Nara)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 jun 2012
+ info: http://iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2012_09archaeological-sites-Nara_en.shtml
Conference - Connections, Contributions and Complexity: Africa's Later Holocene Archaeology in Global
21 septembre - 23 septembre 2012 Cambridge. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Mcdonald Institute for Archeological Research
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/events/event-docs/120921/
31st Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA 31)
17 octobre - 20 octobre 2012 Antwerp. Belgique
Organizateurs: Our People make the Difference and Royal Manufacturers of Tapestry
Contact: [email protected]
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Architecture de terre
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2012
+ info: http://www.chriscooksey.demon.co.uk/dha/dha31.html
Conference - IV Modern Conflict Archaeology
20 octobre 2012 Bristol. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: University of Bristol
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2012
+ info: http://mcaconf.com/call-for-papers/
National Park Service to Plan Events for National Archaeology Day - USA
20 octobre 2012 -Organizateurs: The Archaeological Institute of America
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/news/nad/8685
Conference - The restored Villa and New Researches on Late Antique Housing - Piazza Armerina
07 novembre - 10 novembre 2012 Sicily. Italie
Organizateurs: Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull’edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo (CISEM)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jul 2012
+ info: http://w3.uniroma1.it/cisem/attivitaeprogetti/convegno/convegnove.html
Call for Papers - Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)'s 13th Congress
03 janvier - 06 janvier 2013 Seattle, Washington State. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Archaeological Institute of America (AIA)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 ago 2012
+ info: http://aia.archaeological.org/webinfo.php?page=10453
La France racontée par les archéologues - Fouilles et découvertes au XXIe siècle
Par Cyril Marcigny
ISBN-13: 978-2070137251
Editions Gallimard
Faisant la synthèse des résultats inédits de dix années de recherche, ce livre revisite l'histoire et la
géographie de la France à la lumière des découvertes les plus marquantes de l'Inrap. La France racontée
par les archéologues embrasse 200.000 ans de présence humaine. Des traces de pré-Néandertaliens
dans la vallée de la Seine jusqu'aux stigmates des conflits du XXe siècle en Picardie et en Ile-de-France,
cette fresque fait découvrir des aspects insoupçonnés de notre passé : changements climatiques, transformations des
paysages, migrations et occupation du territoire, modes de vie, hiérarchies sociales, habitat, techniques agricoles,
artisanales et industrielles, échanges économiques, religions, pratiques funéraires, art... Et elle nous rappelle que partout,
sous nos pas, les "archives du sol" attendent encore leurs découvreurs.
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1955&dossier=15
The Classical World
Discover the wonders of the great Greek and Roman Empires that dominated the ancient Mediterranean
for more than 1,000 years. This special collector's edition of ARCHAEOLOGY magazine surveys it all.
Stunning photography and vivid storytelling shed light on southern Italy's 2,500-year-old Greek temples,
and on evidence of daily life found in a 1st century A.D.Roman villa. Learn how the world's first computer
was used to predict both lunar and solar eclipses. See how one weapon, deployed in the waters off of
Sicily, changed the course of a decades-long war. And see how gladiators ate and exercised in preparation
for combat.
Visit excavations in Naples where subway construction has revealed the earliest days of that city. And, see how, in the
center of Rome, a mountain of discarded amphorae hold clues to the ancient olive oil trade, the basis of the Roman
economy. The Classical World has all this, and more. Don't miss it!
+ info: http://archaeology.k-online.biz/cgi-bin/8CDB3672/mac/additmdtl.mac/showItemDetail?loadItem=ZARC%20CLAS
Collaborative Archaeology, Archaeological Review from Cambridge 26(2) - Cambridge
University - United Kingdom
Dominic Walker, a member of the HRG and a PhD student in the Division of Archaeology, has recently
edited a themed volume on collaborative archaeology (Archaeological Review from Cambridge 26-2). The
contributions to the volume explore the principles, practices, and ethical foundations of collaborative
+ info: http://www.societies.cam.ac.uk/arc/
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Three winners of the 2012 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
The Tourism for Tomorrow Awards are organised by the World Travel & Tourism Council, with the support of its strategic
partners Travelport and The Travel Corporation Conservation Foundation. The Awards are also supported by a number of
contributors and media partners.
+ info: http://www.tourismfortomorrow.com/
Environnement: Bristol, Copenhague et Francfort présélectionnées pour le prix de la Capitale
verte de l’Europe 2014
Le prix de la Capitale verte de l’Europe récompense une ville montrant l’exemple en matière de mode de
vie urbain respectueux de l’environnement. Un groupe d’experts évalue les villes candidates sur la base
de 12 indicateurs environnementaux en fonction de leur capacité à se conformer à des normes
environnementales élevées, de leur engagement en faveur d’objectifs constants et ambitieux pour
améliorer l’environnement et favoriser le développement durable, ainsi que de leur potentiel à servir de
modèle et promouvoir les meilleures pratiques auprès d’autres villes européennes.
Le jury comprend des représentants de la Commission européenne, du Parlement européen, du Comité des régions, de
l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement, de l’ICLEI (Les gouvernements locaux pour le développement durable), du
Bureau de la convention des maires et du Bureau européen de l’environnement.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/europeangreencapital/shortlist/
Winners of the 2012 Western Australian Heritage Awards
The Western Australian Heritage Awards was established in 1992 to recognise outstanding
commitment and contribution to heritage conservation and the promotion of heritage in
Western Australia.
The Awards are held annually and are widely acknowledged as showcasing excellence in
revitalising heritage places, setting standards for future interpretation, conservation and
adaptive reuse of places on the State Register of Heritage Places.
The 2012 Western Australian Heritage Awards were held at Government House Ballroom
on 17 April in the presence of His Excellency Mr Malcolm McCusker AO CVO QC, Governor of Western Australia.
+ info: http://stateheritage.wa.gov.au/2012-western-australian-heritage-award-winners
Winners of the 2012 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra
The winners of the 2012 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards
are announced by the European Commission and Europa Nostra (see list below). The awards
will be presented on 1 June during a ceremony at the Jerónimos Monastery in Lisbon in the
presence of Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, and Plácido Domingo, the world-renowned tenor and President of
Europa Nostra.
The event is taking place under the patronage of Aníbal Cavaco Silva, President of Portugal, who will also be present, and
José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the Commission. Of the 28 winning projects from 15 different European countries,
six will be named as 'grand prix' laureates as 2012’s most outstanding heritage achievements.
+ info: http://www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1292%3Awinners-of-the-2012european-union-prize-for-cultural-heritage-europa-nostra-awards
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize - Deadline call for nominations: 31
July 2012
Established in 2008, the World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize is awarded biennially to
an innovative architectural or design solution that has preserved or enhanced a modern
landmark or group of landmarks.
The prize is awarded in recognition of completed (built) work, and may be awarded for an
individual project or a body of work. The award consists of $10,000 and a limited-edition Mies
van der Rohe–designed Barcelona chair, created by Knoll in honor of the award. The prize is
awarded to the designer, architect, or firm responsible for the work.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/modernism/
Goldman Environmental Prize Awards - San Francisco, California (USA)
The Goldman Environmental Foundation today announced the six recipients of the 2012
Goldman Environmental Prize, a group of fearless emerging leaders working against all odds
to protect the environment and their communities.
The Goldman Environmental Prize, now in its 23rd year, is awarded annually to grassroots
environmental heroes from each of the world’s six inhabited continental regions and is the largest award for grassroots
activism with an individual cash prize of $150,000. The winners will be awarded the Prize at an invitation-only ceremony on
Monday, April 16, 2012 at 5 p.m. at the San Francisco Opera House. A smaller ceremony at the Smithsonian's National
Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. will follow on Wednesday, April 18.
+ info: http://www.goldmanprize.org/pressroom/2012/print/pressreleases
Prix du jeune chercheur de la Ville de Lyon Édition 2012 - Date limite de candidature : 1er juin 2012
L'objectif de ce prix est de valoriser les jeunes chercheurs nés après 1976 et ayant suivi une partie au moins de leur cursus
universitaire ou de leur formation ou travail de chercheur dans l'un des établissements de l'Université de Lyon. Les
candidats devront avoir soutenu leur thèse entre le 1er avril 2007 et le 1er avril 2012 et envoyer leur candidature au plus
tard le 1er juin 2012. 4 prix seront décernés dans les domaines suivants :
Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé,
Humanités et Sciences de la Société.
Sciences de la Matière et de la Technologie,
Economie, Droit, Sciences politiques, Sociologie.
+ info: http://www.lyoncampus.info/downloads/
Richard Meier Honored at 2012 Ellis Island Family Heritage Awards
On April 19th, architect Richard Meier, known for buildings such as The Athaneum, the Douglas House and thd Getty Center
was honored with the 2012 Ellis Island Family Heritage Awards by the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation at Ellis
Island in New Jersey. Meier was one of two recipients, the other former St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa, whose
grandparents emigrated through Ellis Island. Angela Lansbury was honored as well, having immigrated to America herself
at the age of fourteen.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228977/
Public Choice Award: vote for your favourite 2012 European Union Prize for Cultural
Heritage / Europa Nostra Award - Deadline for voting: 22 May 2012
Make your voice heard by choosing your favourite heritage achievement among the 28 selected
The winner of the Public Choice Award will be publicly announced and presented during the European
Heritage Awards Ceremony in Lisbon.
The European Commissioner responsible for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, Androulla
Vassiliou and Europa Nostra President, Plácido Domingo will co-host this exceptional event, in the
presence of H.E. Aníbal Cavaco Silva, President of the Republic of Portugal.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/news/223/
Riverside Museum Wins European Museum Academy Micheletti Award 2012 / Zaha
Hadid Architects - Glasgow, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Attracting more than 1.4 million visitors since opening in June, the Riverside Museum,
designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, recently won the European Museum Academy Micheletti
Award 2012. Named the most innovative museum in the fields of technology, labor and
social history, Riverside competed against museums in 12 other European countries to win
the 17th annual award.
In their citation, the judges noted that: “The careful planning of the museum included
involving visitors and volunteers at every stage of the development.” The judges concluded: “The museum has put its
budget and its large workforce to excellent use, it is completely publicly oriented, flexible and always on the outlook. It is
making a change to a rundown neighborhood, as well as being a showcase of past, present and future transport industries
of Glasgow.”
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232230/
Skål Sustainable Development in Tourism Awards - Deadline for entries: 31 May 2012
Skål, founded as an international association in 1934 is the largest organisation of travel and tourism professionals in the
world, embracing all sectors of the tourism industry, including hoteliers, travel agents, airlines, tourism media, tourism
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
students etc. Skål with 20,000 members is active in 90 Countries and approximately 500 locations worldwide.
Skål International is an Affiliate Member of the World Tourism Organization whose mission is to promote the development
of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. Skål has adopted the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism, and
is also a sponsor to the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from sexual exploitation in tourism, and supports the
new project ST-EP (Sustainable Tourism- Eliminating Poverty)
+ info: http://skalnet20.skal.org/sites/skalnet/files/pdf/sdt_guidelines.pdf
Rafael Moneo (Spain) receives the 2012 Prince of Asturias Award
Announced today on his 75th birthday, Spanish Architect Rafael Moneo has been named winner
of the prestigious Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts – an award bestowed to an individual,
institution or group of individuals or institutions whose work in Cinematography, Theatre,
Dance, Music, Photography, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture or any other form of artistic
expression constitutes a significant contribution to Mankind’s culture heritage.
As the 32nd laureate, Rafael Moneo is the fifth architect who has received this award, following
Oscar Niemeyer in 1989, Santiago Calatrava in 1999, Franciscco Javier Sáenz de Oíza in 1993
and Lord Foster in 2009.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/233185/
Photographers from 76 countries in competition for Prix Pictet
Submissions for the fourth cycle of the Prix Pictet are now in, and in total we received
643 nominations for work by photographers in 76 countries, including the most
substantial ever showing of work from the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific.
Our expert network of curators, picture editors, photographers, artists and collectors had
the task of creating the initial list of nominees. The nominees will be presented to the
Prix Pictet jury in May 2012, and their Shortlist will be announced at Les Rencontres
d’Arles on Wednesday 4 July 2012…
+ info: http://www.prixpictet.com/news/latest/article/date/2012/04/photographers-from-76-countries-in-competition-forprix-pictet/
Remise des aides à projets 2012 de la Fondation VMF (Vieilles Maisons Françaises): un soutien à une quinzaine
d'initiatives - France
Créée en 2009 sous l'égide de la Fondation du Patrimoine, la Fondation VMF pour la sauvegarde et le rayonnement du
patrimoine défend, en France et dans le monde, le patrimoine français ou d'influence française. A ce titre, elle prolonge
l'action de l'association Vielles Maisons Françaises, présente sur le terrain depuis 1958.
La Fondation VMF a choisi d'apporter son expertise et son soutien, en priorité, au patrimoine en péril, afin d'aider à sauver
des lieux gravement menacés, en amont du projet de restauration.
Cette année, ce sont huit projets, parmi de nombreux dossiers reçus, que la Fondation VMF a choisi d'aider dans la
catégorie "Patrimoine en péril" pour un montant total de 108 000 €.
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1969&dossier=15
2012 MAD Travel Scholarship - DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 30 June
MAD Architects recently launched their 2012 Travel Scholarship, which provides
mainland Chinese students with an opportunity to travel abroad and research an
architectural topic of their choosing. Established in 2009, and with the support of
long-term sponsor VERTU, this year, 5 students will have the opportunity to travel
for 7-10 days in their chosen city or region of independent study. Following their trip,
the students will give a public presentation of their experience. The application
deadline is June 30. For more detailed information, please visit their website.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231881/2012-mad-travel-scholarship/
6th RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship Winner Announced
The 2012 RIBA Norman Foster Travelling Scholarship has been awarded to Thomas Aquilina of Edinburgh School of
Architecture and Landscape Architecture, part of the University of Edinburgh. He will be granted £6,000 to develop his
proposal, ‘Material Economies: recycling practices in informal settlements along African longitude 30ºE’ , which takes the
scholarship’s theme of resources and addresses recycling in informal African settlements.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/229064/
Becas Endesa para Iberoamérica de patrimonio cultural (Spain) Deadline for candidatures: 10 May 2012
Becas Endesa para Iberoamérica de patrimonio cultural, en colaboración con la Secretaría de Estado de Cultura del
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España y el Centro Coordinador de Formación Hispánica, de la Fundación
Duques de Soria
+ info: http://www.mcu.es/becas/FundacionEndesa2012.html
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Appel à communication « Les acteurs de la recherche rencontrent les professionnels de l'image » - Festival du
film de chercheur 2012. Nancy (France) 6-10 juin 2012. Date limite : 20 avril 2012
Dans le cadre du Festival du film de chercheur 2012 – 6 au 10 juin 2012, un appel à communications est lancé intitulé «
Les acteurs de la recherche rencontrent les professionnels de l’image ». Il s’adresse à tout personnel rattaché
administrativement à un laboratoire ou à une structure d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche qui désire valoriser sa
recherche à travers un document audiovisuel.
Le Festival offrira aux chercheurs la possibilité de présenter un travail de recherche devant un public de médias invités
(journalistes, producteurs, réalisateurs, diffuseurs, ...). Une sélection sera faite par un jury de chercheurs et de
professionnels de l’image afin de choisir 10 présentations maximum.
Le vendredi 8 juin 2012, les chercheurs retenus présenteront leurs travaux au cours du Festival du film de chercheur à
Nancy (54), France.
+ info: http://www.filmdechercheur.eu/spip.php?article225
40th anniversary U.S. Video Challenge
To contribute to the 2012 celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage
Convention, the National Park Service, HISTORY, and the U.S. National Commission for
UNESCO recently launched the Video Challenge “Why do you think U.S. World Heritage sites
are important to the world?”
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/874
Appel à projets - Travaux de Restauration de milieux naturels - Ministère français
de l'environnement - Date limite de candidature: 22 juin 2012
Les aires protégées constituent un élément important du maillage écologique du territoire,
souvent réservoirs de biodiversité mais aussi corridors écologiques. Elles sont devenues en
quelques décennies des territoires de très forts enjeux d’interface nature/société car elles
constituent un socle important d’activités, voire d’identités, territoriales. Les pratiques de
conservation de la biodiversité ne peuvent désormais plus s’extraire des contextes
sociétaux : trop souvent perçues comme facteurs de contraintes supplémentaires, les aires
protégées peuvent aussi être des vecteurs de « croissance verte ». Conduire des opérations exemplaires de restauration
des milieux naturels est la démarche la plus à même de faire évoluer les représentations collectives et de les inscrire dans
une gestion patrimoniale « intégrée » et donc de développement durable « territorialisé ».
C’est la raison pour laquelle le présent appel à projets permettra d’apporter un concours financier à des investissements
ayant pour finalité la restauration de milieux naturels dégradés nécessaires aux continuités écologiques, qui conjuguent
génie écologique et implication des acteurs du territoire.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/B-Travaux-de-Restauration-de.html
Appel à projets - Rétablissement de continuités écologiques sur des infrastructures de transport existantes Ministère français de l'environnement. Date limite de candidature: 22 juin 2012
La qualité des continuités écologiques est un des paramètres qui garantit l’état de conservation d’une espèce et le bon
fonctionnement des populations. Les infrastructures de transport linéaires peuvent avoir de forts impacts sur les continuités
écologiques par effet de rupture ou de morcellement si elles ne prennent pas en compte, dès leur conception, ces
exigences. Si les nouveaux projets, en application de la réglementation, doivent être conçus de manière à éviter de tels
impacts (et le cas échéant, à les réduire et à les compenser), les infrastructures existantes, en particulier les plus
anciennes, mises en service avant l’application des dispositions réglementaires actuelles, peuvent avoir été conçues sans
tenir compte des continuités écologiques, ou comporter des aménagements peu ou pas efficaces du point de vue de la
fonctionnalité écologique.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/A-Retablissement-de-continuites.html
New Cathedral Notre Dame de l'Assomption international design
competition - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) Deadline: 15 November 2012
The competition is undertaken with support and guidance from Faith & Form
magazine and the Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN), an
agency of the government of Haiti, seeking the best outcomes for structures of
national significance.
This unique competition is for the purpose of enlisting the talents and creative
energies of architects around the world. These will inform the reconstruction of
the Port-au-Prince cathedral destroyed in the earthquake of January 12, 2010.
You will be able to sign up for an account from April 15 through July 15, 2012. Entries can be submitted from October 15 to
November 15, 2012.
+ info: http://competition.ndapap.org/index.php
King's College London - The Strand Quadrangle Competition. London (United Kingdom)
Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 1 June 2012
RIBA Competitions recently announced the launch of a new Invited Design Competition on behalf
of King’s College London. Expressions of Interest are sought from architects or architectural
practices for the redevelopment of the Quadrangle and its associated buildings at the College’s
historic Strand Campus in London WC2. This £20 million project to design and redevelop the Quad
site will provide an additional 3,700 square meters of teaching space and student facilities. King’s
is committed to appointing an architect based on their ability to bring innovative thinking to a
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
significant historical site in order to revitalize a learning community. The deadline for receipt of Expressions of Interest is
June 1.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231204/
Winners announced for the National Mall Redesign Competition. Washington D.C. (USA)
After an intense and highly publicized competition, the Trust for the National Mall has announced the three
winning teams selected to redesign the neglected sites of America’s front yard. As reported by the
Washington Post, Rogers Marvel Architects & Peter Walker and Partners will redesign Constitution Gardens
east of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, while Weiss/Manfredi & OLIN will bring new life to the Sylvan
Theater, southeast of the Washington Monument. The Union Square will be forwarded to the Architect of
the Capitol and transformed by Gustafson Guthrie Nichol & Davis Brody Bond…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231625/
Offres d¡emploi
Research Officer - Quantify damage to historic buildings and archaeological sites from floods and driving rain
in the context of climate change - University of Bath - United Kingdom - Deadline for Application: 6 May 2012
The position advertised is for a Research Officer to work for 1 year fixed term on a 3 year Research Council funded project.
The PARNASSUS project is a multidisciplinary collaborative project funded under the Science & Heritage programme jointly
by the Arts and Humanities (AHRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Councils (EPSRC).
The University of Bath coordinates a group of 4 university departments (Archaeology at Southampton, Civil Engineering
and Geography at University of Bristol) and 10 commercial and non-profit organisations, providing industrial support.
The successful candidate will have technical and academic experience in the field of conservation engineering, and ability to
dialogue and cooperate within different disciplines.
+ info: http://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=BB1019
Programme pour jeune commissaire et conservateur - Le Centre Canadien
d’Architecture (CCA) Montréal, Québec (Canada) Date limite : 27 avril 2012
La pratique muséologique telle qu’on la connaît depuis le début du XXe siècle subit un
remaniement important. Les modifications profondes du statut de l’objet, de la culture, des
diverses disciplines, de l’information et de l’éducation entraînent une transformation inévitable
du rôle et des compétences du commissaire. La pratique curatoriale suscite depuis peu un
regain d’intérêt en architecture.
Pour la deuxième année, le CCA propose deux programmes curatoriaux : le programme pour
jeune commissaire et le programme de stages curatoriaux Power Corporation du Canada.
+ info: http://www.cca.qc.ca/fr/le-cca-propose/1670-possibilites-curatoriales-2012
International chair in Evolutionary Marine Ecology - LabexMer. University of
Brest (France) Deadline for applications: 31 May 2012
LabexMER is enthusiastically inviting applications for an international chair in
Evolutionary Marine Ecology. This chair aims to promote research on both the
evolutionary influences on ecological processes and on the ecological influences on
evolutionary processes, using both theoretical and experimental approaches.
The applicants should have an international recognition and a significant publication
record in ecology, especially in functional ecology. One of the potential pathways to
tackle these questions could rely on experimental approaches where evolutionary processes on short time scales
(phenotypic plasticity, changes in life history traits) influence ecological processes. The development of theoretical models
will represent one of the expected outcomes of this chair.
The chair is set up for a duration of three years. It is awarded with a grant of 200,000 €/year. These funds include the
salary of the successful candidate. Part of this funding may also be used for equipment purpose, operating costs and costs
related to personnel hired on a fix-termed contract basis, that cannot exceed the duration of the project.
+ info: http://www.labexmer.eu/international-fellowships/international-chair?set_language=en
International Post-doctoral Fellowships in Marine Sciences - LabexMer laboratories. University of Brest
(France) Deadline for Applications : 21 May 2012 - noon (French time)
The brightest young scientists are also the most creative. They are able to conceive and carry out independent research.
The existing funding for post-doctoral researchers in France is targeted most of the time at very specific projects that do
not leave enough opportunities for independent research and creative ideas. To overcome this problem, the LabexMER
partners are creating a new post-doctoral program. It is inspired by successful similar programs such as the U.S. NOAA
Climate Change and Global Change postdoctoral program or WHOI postdoctoral fellowship. It will allow young scientists to
propose their own research project in marine sciences (within the LabexMER research axes) to be carried out in one or
several LabexMER laboratories. The competitive awards are designed to further the education and training of the applicant
with primary emphasis placed on the individual's research promise and relevance to Labex Mer research Axis.
+ info: http://www.labexmer.eu/international-fellowships/post-doctoral-fellowships
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Arrêté fixant le nombre maximum de spécimens de loups (Canis lupus) dont la destruction pourra être
autorisée pour la période 2012-2013 - France
+ info: http://www.consultations-publiques.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/uploads/tinyMCE/les-consultations-publiquesdu-ministere-du-developpement-durable/loup-2012/projet-am-loup-texte-integral-nombre.pdf
Gabon to incinerate audited ivory stockpiles
As a symbol of its commitment to tackling illegal wildlife trade, Gabon will burn
its entire ivory stockpile in the coming months, at a date to be announced
The news came as Central African and Asian governments, together with
specialised UN agencies and international organizations such as CITES,
INTERPOL, and the Kenya Wildlife Service, were meeting this week in Libreville,
in response to the growing threat of poaching and trafficking of protected and
endangered species in Central Africa. The meeting brought together more than 150 experts from 3 continents, paving the
way forward to increase national, regional and international co-operation to combat wildlife crimes in the Congo Basin
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2012/4/5/gabon-to-incinerate-audited-ivory-stockpiles.html
Un nouveau site web pour le Parc national du Mercantour - France
Le site Internet du Parc national du Mercantour fait peau neuve avec un design épuré, des contenus réorganisés et une
ergonomie simplifiée.
+ info: http://www.parcsnationaux.fr/Acces-direct/Actualites/Un-nouveau-site-web-pour-le-Parc-national-du-Mercantour
Diverse bacteria may aid honey bee survival
New ideas about the decline in colonies are still emerging. At present, honey bee researchers view the
alarming losses as a likely product of multiple honey bee pathogens overlapped with chronic stressors,
including poor nutrition, increased pathogen loads, and a lack of genetic diversity among colonies' work
+ info: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=2012032111242122
Arabian Wildlife Encyclopedia Online - La faune et la flore arabes à bout de clics
Si la présence des cétacés et des requins n’est point surprenante dans la péninsule arabique, vous
découvrirez sur Arabian Wildlife Online que la variété florale de la région, n’est pas moins fantastique.
Arabian Wildlife Online, la version en ligne du périodique spécialisé portant le même nom, couvre une large
gamme d’animaux et de plantes qui peuplent et font la richesse écologique de cette région du monde.
Une visite du site, très riche en illustrations fascinantes, constitue également une véritable exploration de la
vie animale et florale sous tous ses aspects : histoire, descriptif, évolution, etc.
+ info: http://www.arabianwildlife.com/
L'étude des sols, un domaine qui explose aujourd'hui
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_79/03_2012.html (1 de 6) [28/05/2012 13:35:32]
Là où la plupart d'entre nous ne perçoit qu'un banal sol de terre, Lionel Ranjard sait qu'il s'y développe une extraordinaire
biodiversité microbienne. Celle-ci est d'autant plus importante que, mieux utilisée, elle pourrait permettre à terme le
développement d'une agriculture plus saine et par conséquent durable. Ainsi dès 2007, dans le cadre du Groupement
d'Intérêt Scientifique (GIS) Sol, dont l'objectif est alors de mettre en place un réseau de surveillance des sols à l'échelle du
territoire français, ce chercheur INRA, spécialiste de la microbiologie des sols, a participé avec ses collègues à l'élaboration
des premières cartes de l'abondance et de la diversité microbienne des sols du territoire français. Une première !
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69812.htm
Noé Conservation: Conserver la Biodiversité
Noé Conservation a pour mission de sauvegarder la biodiversité, par des programmes de
conservation d’espèces menacées et de leurs milieux naturels, et en encourageant le
changement de nos comportements en faveur de l’environnement.
L’érosion actuelle de la biodiversité, la disparition définitive de milliers d’espèces de plantes et
d’animaux, la destruction des milieux naturels due aux activités humaines, et finalement la
dégradation de notre environnement quotidien, nous semble inacceptable. Inacceptable tant
pour des raisons éthiques et morales que parce que cela va à l’encontre de l’intérêt général et
du bien-être de l’humanité. En effet, nous vivons au quotidien grâce à la biodiversité !
+ info: http://www.noeconservation.org
Programme court en gestion des ressources fauniques - TELUQ - Université à distance de l'UQAM (Université
du Québec à Montréal - Canada)
l'objectif du programme est comprendre les effets des interventions dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources
fauniques et de leurs habitats en relation avec les problématiques environnementales. Relier les activités scientifiques et
socio-économiques à la base de l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources renouvelables.
+ info: http://www.teluq.uquebec.ca/siteweb/etudes/offre/prog/TELUQ/0265/?p_herit=etu
Human-Modified Habitats Indirectly Influence Bird-Mating Patterns
Birds provide one of the most common ways to encounter nature in cities, but few people
wonder how their actions affect birds looking for love. A new study published in the journal
Ecology and Evolution this month suggests that changes by people in suburban environments
can affect the number of breeding pairs, their selection of a mate and even shape how a species
evolves. The study tracked gray catbirds nesting in Washington, D.C.-area parks and in local
backyards participating in a citizen science project called Neighborhood Nestwatch, which is run
by the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s Migratory Bird Center…
+ info: http://newsdesk.si.edu/releases/human-modified-habitats-indirectly-influence-bird-mating-patterns-smithsonianconservationCOMPETITIONS - Appel à projets - Rétablissement de continuités écologiques sur des infrastructures de
transport existantes - Ministère français de l'environnement. Date limite de candidature: 22 juin 2012
La qualité des continuités écologiques est un des paramètres qui garantit l’état de conservation d’une espèce et le bon
fonctionnement des populations. Les infrastructures de transport linéaires peuvent avoir de forts impacts sur les continuités
écologiques par effet de rupture ou de morcellement si elles ne prennent pas en compte, dès leur conception, ces
exigences. Si les nouveaux projets, en application de la réglementation, doivent être conçus de manière à éviter de tels
impacts (et le cas échéant, à les réduire et à les compenser), les infrastructures existantes, en particulier les plus
anciennes, mises en service avant l’application des dispositions réglementaires actuelles, peuvent avoir été conçues sans
tenir compte des continuités écologiques, ou comporter des aménagements peu ou pas efficaces du point de vue de la
fonctionnalité écologique.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/A-Retablissement-de-continuites.html
COMPETITONS - Appel à projets - Travaux de Restauration de milieux naturels Ministère français de l'environnement - Date limite de candidature: 22 juin 2012
Les aires protégées constituent un élément important du maillage écologique du territoire,
souvent réservoirs de biodiversité mais aussi corridors écologiques. Elles sont devenues en
quelques décennies des territoires de très forts enjeux d’interface nature/société car elles
constituent un socle important d’activités, voire d’identités, territoriales. Les pratiques de
conservation de la biodiversité ne peuvent désormais plus s’extraire des contextes
sociétaux : trop souvent perçues comme facteurs de contraintes supplémentaires, les aires
protégées peuvent aussi être des vecteurs de « croissance verte ». Conduire des opérations exemplaires de restauration
des milieux naturels est la démarche la plus à même de faire évoluer les représentations collectives et de les inscrire dans
une gestion patrimoniale « intégrée » et donc de développement durable « territorialisé ».
C’est la raison pour laquelle le présent appel à projets permettra d’apporter un concours financier à des investissements
ayant pour finalité la restauration de milieux naturels dégradés nécessaires aux continuités écologiques, qui conjuguent
génie écologique et implication des acteurs du territoire.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/B-Travaux-de-Restauration-de.html
A first look at the Biodiversity Heritage Library-Europe portal
The Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe aims to make early published biodiversity literature accessible to anyone who’s
interested. One of the most important access points to this content will be the BHL-Europe portal, which will be available in
no less than 12 languages! The portal’s development now nears its end – and it’s high time we take a look at the
homepage’s design and functionality.
+ info: http://www.bhl-europe.eu/es/novedades/first-look-the-bhl-europe-portal
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Un guide pour une meilleure gestion des sangliers : utilité et nécessité de couloirs de chasse dans le maïs Allemagne
Le Ministère fédéral pour l'alimentation, l'agriculture et la protection des consommateurs (BMELV), le Syndicat des
agriculteurs allemands (DBV) et l'Association allemande de chasse (DJV) ont publié le 4 avril 2012 la brochure intitulée
"Gestion des sangliers dans le paysage agricole - problèmes et mesures".
Le document repose sur un projet pilote conduit à l'initiative du BMELV entre 2008 et 2010. Celui-ci se place dans le
contexte de la récente évolution des cultures énergétiques, avec le maïs en tête. En effet, l'augmentation des surfaces de
production de maïs et leur forte concentration régionale rendent d'une part difficile la chasse aux sangliers, mais d'autre
part, ceux-ci raffolant de cette céréale, créent d'importants dégâts dans les champs ce qui n'est pas sans conséquences sur
les rendements : le sanglier devient l'été l'ennemi numéro un des producteurs de maïs.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69853.htm
Par Clara Péron D'après le dernier rapport du Groupe Intergouvernemental d'Experts sur l'Evolution du Climat (GIEC), la
réalité d'un réchauffement majeur du climat est sans équivoque. Ce travail de thèse a consisté à dresser un bilan des
changements climatiques passés et récents dans l'océan Austral et à évaluer si l'impact de ces changements sur la
distribution spatiale des oiseaux marins était déjà détectable et/ou prévisible. Grâce aux données historiques d'observation
en mer par bateau sur 12 espèces d'oiseaux marins, nous avons mis en évidence une diminution d'abondance chez trois
espèces et des changements de distribution contrastés entre les années 1980 et 2000. Ces espèces ont la particularité
d'exploiter les eaux subtropicales où le réchauffement a été plus intense pendant cette période. Les suivis télémétriques
apportent des informations précieuses sur la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la distribution des zones d'alimentation.
+ info: tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00660322
Ducklings signal hope for world's rarest bird - Antsohihy (Madagascar)
The Madagascar pochard - arguably the world’s rarest bird - has bred successfully in captivity
building hope that it can be saved from extinction.
Eighteen precious pochard ducklings are being reared at a specially built centre in Antsohihy,
Madagascar, opened last year by Dr Lee Durrell. The birth of the ducklings is a key milestone in
the conservation of the species, including an emergency expedition two years ago to take eggs
into captivity. It is the ducks from those eggs that have now bred for the first time.
The pochard breeding programme is part of a joint project to save the bird by Durrell Wildlife
Conservation Trust and Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), the Peregrine Fund, Asity Madagascar and the Government of
+ info: http://www.durrell.org/Latest/News/Ducklings-signal-hope-for-worlds-rarest-bird/
Land of the Leopard National Park was announced at the meeting of the Russian
Geographical Society in Saint Petersburg - Russian Federation
By resolution of the government of the Russian Federation, the Land of the Leopard National Park
was established on 262 thousand hectares in the southwest of Primorsky Province.
This single protected territory has the capacity to ensure the survival of at least 50 Far Eastern
leopards and covers 60% of its remaining habitats. And most importantly, the park includes all
breeding grounds, which leopards use from generation to generation. The national park will also
become home to 10 Amur tigers that are key for Changbaishan population in China and a valuable
Korean pine forest…
+ info: http://www.wwf.ru/resources/news/article/eng/9425
Herders of upland Mongun-Taiga Area in Republic of Tuva learn to value
snow leopard (Russian Federation)
Herders of South-Western Tuva still live of life of their ancestors. The people live
on selling meat and sheep. Loss of a single sheep is a disaster for them as herding
remains the main occupation for the dwellers for Tuva. The tuvinian people are not
ready to share their cattle with the snow leopard that neighbors his home range
with herders. They tend to shoot the animal as a revenge for cattle loss which is
the main threat for a snow leopard in South-Western Tuva.
WWF along with Ubsunurskaya Hollow Nature Reserve started the project of educating the herders and involving them into
conservation project.
+ info: http://www.wwf.ru/resources/news/article/eng/9422
Unique Catfish Found in Ecuador
A new species of suckermouth armored catfish (pictured) has been found
in Ecuador, a new study says. DePaul University scientist Windsor Aguirre
found five specimens of the odd-looking fish in 2008 in the Santa Rosa
River and sent them to Alabama's Auburn University for identification.
The lack of head plates suggests the species is a "missing link" between
other Cordylancistrus species and the related genus Chaetostoma, which
has an unplated snout, Tan said.
The arrangement makes the new species "a really unusual fish," said Tan, who named the animal Cordylancistrus
santarosensis after its home river.
+ info: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2012/04/pictures/120410-new-armored-suckermouth-catfish-discovery-
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Un poisson robot capable de guider les bancs de poissons
Une étude du Conseil national des recherches, en collaboration avec l'Université de New York, a
démontré qu'un poisson robot est capable de s'intégrer à un banc de poissons jusqu'à se faire
considérer comme un leader, et être suivi. La recherche ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour la
protection des espèces marines à risques.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69944.htm
7ème centre de recherche de la DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - Agence allemande de moyens pour
la recherche) consacré à la biodiversité
Le Sénat de la Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG - Agence allemande de moyens pour la recherche) a décidé en
octobre 2010 la création d'un nouveau centre de recherche consacré à la biodiversité. Ce centre, qui doit voir le jour d'ici
octobre 2012, deviendra ainsi le 7ème centre de recherche que la DFG met en place dans une université allemande depuis
le début de ce programme en 2000. Le choix de l'emplacement du centre a été pris par une commission d'évaluation.
L'appel à candidature s'est déroulé en deux étapes : déclaration d'intention jusqu'au 14 janvier 2011, puis sélection des
dossiers finalistes en juillet 2011 afin que les universités postulantes déposent un dossier de candidature complet. La
décision finale a été prise le 27 avril 2012 à Bonn. C'est à Leipzig (Saxe) que le nouveau centre s'établira sous le nom de
"German Centre of Integrative Biodiversity Research - iDiv". Trois universités se sont associées pour porter le projet et
atteindre la première place de la sélection : l'Université de Leipzig, l'Université de Iéna (Thuringe) et l'Université de HalleWittenberg (Saxe-Anhalt)…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69948.htm
Séminaire : "Recherches croisées en Dobrogea" - Dobrogea - Roumanie (17-18 Mai 2012)
Cette rencontre aura pour sujet principal la région de la Dobrogea, et se proposera d'exposer les recherches
multidisciplinaires des équipes de scientifiques roumains et français en archéologie, géologie, paléontologie, biodiversité,
réunissant ainsi de manière inédite des disciplines proches par l'appréhension du temps, mais parfois très différentes par
les sujets traités et les méthodes utilisées.
Ce colloque soutenu par l'Institut Français de Roumanie à travers les "ateliers scientifiques franco-roumains" a pu voir le
jour grâce à l'implication de nombreuses institutions universitaires et muséales.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69879.htm
Atelier international de l'UNESCO sur l'apprentissage de la biodiversité
02 mai - 04 mai 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: Mr Bernard Combes - [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=6184&cHash=9950e6aba0
World Migratory Bird Day 2012
12 mai - 13 mai 2012 -Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/866
Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia - Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) International Rhino Foundation
The Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the rarest species of mammals and one of
the most endangered rhinoceros species, with fewer than 60 animals believed to exist in two
known populations. Between 40 and 60 individuals inhabit Ujung Kulon National Park in West
Java, Indonesia, and between three and five individuals are part of a likely non-viable population
in the Cat Loc section of Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam.
Because Javan Rhinos inhabit dense tropical forests, they are not easy targets for poachers with
guns. But they are vulnerable to poachers who use snares and traps to capture and kill the rhino so its horn can then be
+ info: http://www.rhinos-irf.org/ujungkulon/
Website - Digital images from Historia Piscium available with more than a
thousand others in the online Royal Society Picture Library
The Royal Society Picture Library is an online database of digital images of paintings,
drawings and prints held in our collections. It has been created to inspire the exploration of
science through its visual history.
Browse and search rare, intriguing, beautiful and often surprising pictures selected from the
collections of the Royal Society, the world’s oldest scientific academy.
Images will be added to the website on a regular basis so keep checking back to see what’s
+ info: https://pictures.royalsociety.org/home
Fish in bags among wildlife menagerie seized at Bangkok airport
Ever since their stunning discovery of a tiger cub hidden in a smuggler’s bag in 2010,
wildlife authorities at Thailand’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport have been on the
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lookout for others attempting such crazy schemes. Now, it seems that vigilance has paid
Critically endangered tortoises, water dragons and even American Paddlefish that can grow
up to two-meters long, were among the surprising list of wildlife that unsuccessful
smugglers have tried to slip past security at Suvarnabhumi International Airport so far this
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2012/4/13/fish-in-bags-among-wildlife-menagerie-seized-at-bangkok-airp.html
Meeting sparks international interest in wildlife detector dog programmes
More than 50 participants met earlier this week in Budapest to share experiences on the use of
wildlife detector dogs in tackling wildlife crime.
The participants came from 20 countries, mainly from within Europe, but also including Nepal
and Kenya. They included representatives from international organizations such as INTERPOL
and the World Customs Organization (WCO).
Countries currently operating wildlife detector dog programmes who were present at the
meeting included Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kenya, the Netherlands and the UK.
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2012/4/26/meeting-sparks-international-interest-in-wildlife-detector-d.html
Training to boost wildlife crime investigation in Belum-Temengor, Malaysia
Enforcement officers from 11 agencies working across one of Peninsular Malaysia’s most
important wildlife landscapes took part in a two-day intensive training session to boost wildlife
crime investigation in the area.
Participants from the Royal Malaysian Police, Anti- Smuggling Unit and the Department of
Wildlife and National Parks, working in the Belum-Temengor Forest Complex, were drilled in
wildlife legislation, investigation techniques, informant handling as well as evidence collection
and handling…
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2012/4/24/training-to-boost-wildlife-crime-investigation-in-belum-teme.html
Transport companies in China urged to be on the lookout for illegal wildlife trade
Representatives from logistical and transport companies, including airlines, delivery and
postal services, met last week in Beijing to examine ways to counter wildlife trafficking.
The meeting on control of trafficking in endangered wildlife products was co-hosted by
China’s CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora) Management Authority, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Railways, State
Civil Aviation Administration and State Post Administration.
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2012/4/17/transport-companies-in-china-urged-to-beon-the-lookout-for.html
Recent Plant Diversity Changes on Europe’s Mountain Summits
In mountainous regions, climate warming is expected to shift species’ ranges to higher altitudes. Evidence for such shifts is
still mostly from revisitations of historical sites. We present recent (2001 to 2008) changes in vascular plant species
richness observed in a standardized monitoring network across Europe’s major mountain ranges. Species have moved
upslope on average. However, these shifts had opposite effects on the summit floras’ species richness in boreal-temperate
mountain regions (+3.9 species on average) and Mediterranean mountain regions (–1.4 species), probably because recent
climatic trends have decreased the availability of water in the European south. Because Mediterranean mountains are
particularly rich in endemic species, a continuation of these trends might shrink the European mountain flora, despite an
average increase in summit species richness across the region.
+ info: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6079/353.abstract
A sweet step towards protection of Sugar Gliders in Malaysia
Sweet-faced and wide-eyed, the Sugar Glider has become such a popular exotic pet in
Malaysia that the country’s authorities want to put it on the protected animal list, to track
the burgeoning trade better.
These small, shy nocturnal creatures are found only in the forests of eastern Indonesia,
Papua New Guinea and Australia. Most of those available in Malaysian pet shops originate
from Indonesia.
Sugar Gliders Petaurus breviceps are not fully protected under Indonesia’s wildlife laws, but
are subject to a Government issued quota that dictates how many can be taken out of the wild each year.
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2012/4/18/a-sweet-step-towards-protection-of-sugar-gliders-in-malaysia.html
Exhibition - Animal Inside Out - Waterhouse Gallery- Natural History Museum
06 avril - 16 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Natural History Museum
+ info: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/visit-us/whats-on/temporary-exhibitions/animal-inside-out/index.html
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Patrimoine bâti
Patrimoine bâti
Combien d'églises détruites dans 20 ans ? Observatoire du patrimoine religieux France
Après l'annonce du relèvement de 30% des droits à construire sur l'ensemble du territoire
français, véritable menace pour le patrimoine monumental de notre pays, l'Observatoire du
Patrimoine Religieux, association non-confessionnelle œuvrant au rayonnement et à la
préservation du patrimoine religieux français, dresse un état des lieux de la situation du
patrimoine cultuel.
En dépit de l'excellent travail de nombreux maires ou responsables des lieux de culte, ce patrimoine reste fragile et
menacé. Vols à répétition, ventes et transformations de lieux de culte, destructions et - pire encore à long terme abandons purs et simples, constituent les premières menaces. A celles-ci, la crise financière actuelle pose à moyen terme la
question du financement de l'entretien et de l'ouverture de ce patrimoine identitaire auquel les Français sont très attachés.
En effet, l'affaiblissement des finances publiques et l'endettement considérable de l'Etat et des collectivités locales sont
autant d'hypothèques sur l'avenir de l'ensemble extraordinaire des édifices cultuels français. Des milliers de monuments
religieux pourraient disparaitre d'ici à 20 ans !
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1981&dossier=11
Job Offers - Research Officer - Quantify damage to historic buildings and archaeological sites from floods and
driving rain in the context of climate change - University of Bath - United Kingdom - Deadline for Application: 6
May 2012
The position advertised is for a Research Officer to work for 1 year fixed term on a 3 year Research Council funded project.
The PARNASSUS project is a multidisciplinary collaborative project funded under the Science & Heritage programme jointly
by the Arts and Humanities (AHRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Councils (EPSRC).
The University of Bath coordinates a group of 4 university departments (Archaeology at Southampton, Civil Engineering
and Geography at University of Bristol) and 10 commercial and non-profit organisations, providing industrial support.
The successful candidate will have technical and academic experience in the field of conservation engineering, and ability to
dialogue and cooperate within different disciplines.
+ info: http://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=BB1019
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Sydney Architecture Walks / Supple Design - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia
Supple Design shared with us their Sydney Architecture Walks, which consists of an ongoing series of public walking and
bicycle tours of Sydney that use contemporary architecture to open up conversations political, cultural, economic and
environmental. Their premise is that cities are made not found, so architecture becomes the lens to open up other
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Patrimoine bâti
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228041/sydney-architecture-walks-supple-design/
Philadelphia jazz enthusiasts seek to repair the deteriorating John Coltrane House Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
Music enthusiasts in the City of Brotherly Love are looking to rekindle a love supreme for the
deteriorating John Coltrane House, a preservation effort that mirrors a broader mission to
reclaim and promote Philadelphia's rich jazz heritage. Cultural officials gathered more than
100 local jazz musicians on Friday for a group photo in front of the rowhouse where
Coltrane, a renowned saxophonist, lived from 1952 to 1958. It became a national historic
landmark in 1999.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54753
Competitions - King's College London - The Strand Quadrangle Competition. London
(United Kingdom) Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 1 June 2012
RIBA Competitions recently announced the launch of a new Invited Design Competition on behalf
of King’s College London. Expressions of Interest are sought from architects or architectural
practices for the redevelopment of the Quadrangle and its associated buildings at the College’s
historic Strand Campus in London WC2. This £20 million project to design and redevelop the Quad
site will provide an additional 3,700 square meters of teaching space and student facilities. King’s
is committed to appointing an architect based on their ability to bring innovative thinking to a
significant historical site in order to revitalize a learning community. The deadline for receipt of Expressions of Interest is
June 1.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231204/
Construction works in public spaces began in Honduras
As part of UNESCO’s actions in the Joint Programme Creativity and Cultural Identity for Local Development of the Culture
and Development Window in Honduras, in January this year began the construction of the seven works proposed by the
communities in the country. Among the works is the restoration of the Monument La Gruta, La Esperanza Intibucá and of
the House of Culture Choluteca, as well as the reconstruction of the House of Culture Taulabé.
The works in these spaces, chosen by their importance for the strengthening of the identity and because they favor social
cohesion with neighboring communities, will continue for three and a half years.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3301
Website - National Treasures - USA
They are beloved one-room local schoolhouses, inspiring national monuments, ancient sites, and modern masterpieces.
They reflect our past while enriching our future.
Today, thousands of these irreplaceable buildings, landscapes, and communities are endangered as never before. That’s
why the National Trust for Historic Preservation has launched an innovative, new campaign to save them. With the support
of thousands of local preservationists and preservation professionals from coast to coast, the National Trust is identifying
endangered National Treasures and taking action to save them. Together, we’re raising needed funds, building coalitions to
prevent demolition, fighting in the courts to save sites from deterioration, and making sure that the icons of the past
remain present with us in the future.
And you can help! The National Trust has been protecting America’s historic places for more than 60 years. Working
together, we can magnify our proven record of success in dramatic ways.
Together we can protect America’s heritage. Let’s get to work.
+ info: http://www.preservationnation.org/national-treasures/
Awards - Rafael Moneo (Spain) receives the 2012 Prince of Asturias Award
Announced today on his 75th birthday, Spanish Architect Rafael Moneo has been named winner
of the prestigious Prince of Asturias Award for the Arts – an award bestowed to an individual,
institution or group of individuals or institutions whose work in Cinematography, Theatre,
Dance, Music, Photography, Painting, Sculpture, Architecture or any other form of artistic
expression constitutes a significant contribution to Mankind’s culture heritage.
As the 32nd laureate, Rafael Moneo is the fifth architect who has received this award, following
Oscar Niemeyer in 1989, Santiago Calatrava in 1999, Franciscco Javier Sáenz de Oíza in 1993
and Lord Foster in 2009.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/233185/
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
SAHC is an Erasmus Mundus masters course in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical
The objective of SAHC is to offer an advanced education programme on the engineering of
conservation of structures, with a focus on architectural heritage. The main focus of this training is
the application of scientific principles in analysis, innovation and practice of conservation of
monuments and historical constructions worldwide.
The Masters Course has duration of one academic year and is held on a rotating basis among
partners, so each student follows coursework in one partner institution and dissertation in another one. The language of
instruction and examinations is English. The degree awarded is a Master's degree, provided as a double degree from the
institutions involved.
+ info: http://www.msc-sahc.org/upload/docs/Leaflet_low.pdf
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Patrimoine bâti
World Monuments Fund announces partnership with Government of the State of Madhya Pradesh - India
Bonnie Burnham, President of World Monuments Fund (WMF), and officials of Madhya Pradesh, announced today a
partnership to conserve a portfolio of historic sites in the Indian state. The initial focus will be on a group of seventeen
significant buildings at various locations throughout the state, with WMF committing up to $5 million for assessment,
documentation, and development of conservation management plans, as well as monitoring the implementation of selected
conservation projects to completion. The Madhya Pradesh government will fund the implementation of the projects with
funds from the Indian government’s 13th Finance Commission…
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/sites/default/files/press_releases/Madhya-Pradesh-Partnership.pdf
Renovation of the Baeza Town Hall / Viar Estudio Arquitectura - 2011 - Baeza (Spain)
The Baeza Township Project has been read as a unit in a duration, as a constant change process
where the new design has been thought as an additional stratum, as the last sediment layer in
time the building has created. The thought about the temporal process of architecture is
Historical architecture is based on overlays, accumulating many different pasts in what could be
called the «durée» of architecture. Henri Bergson said that the ultimate reality is not the being,
nor the changing being, but the continuous process of change which he called «durée» or duration.
Architecture has a way of being in time, a becoming that lasts, a change that is substance on its own.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/233388/
Intervenciones en el patrimonio edificado - Curso de perfeccionamiento 2012
25 avril - 06 octobre 2012 Buenos Aires. Argentine
Organizateurs: CICOP (Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio) Argentina
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://cicop.blogspot.fr/2012/03/la-dimension-del-actuar-sobre-el.html
VII Curso de verano en Restauración de la Arquitectura - Patrimonio Urbano y Cultural- Inventario urbano de
Ambalema centro histórico - Malecón
30 julliet - 10 août 2012 Ibagué. Colombie
Organizateurs: Universidad de Ibagué
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: www.unibague.edu.co/sitios/escuelaverano/
Atelier pilote international sur la conservation de la pierre et le projet de régénération urbaine
20 août - 30 septembre 2012 Martos, Andalucía. Espagne
Organizateurs: Les projets de DIADRASIS
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 mai 2012 PROLONGÉE : 5 juin
+ info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/martos/general_description_fr.html
Conference - The Best in Heritage
27 septembre - 29 septembre 2012 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: European Heritage Association
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/about/
First Announcement - 2nd Conference on Construction and Building Research
14 novembre - 16 novembre 2012 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.coinvedi.com
3rd International Conservation Conference and Exhibition
17 décembre - 19 décembre 2012 Dubai. Émirats Arabes Unis
Organizateurs: The Dubai Government and Municipality, and held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid
Al-Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance and Chairman of Dubai Municipality
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.architecturalconservation.info/About
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Patrimoine bâti
Magazine de la Route européenne de l’Art nouveau: Coup de fouet 18 (2011)
La Route européenne de l’Art nouveau est une association sans but lucratif de gouvernements locaux et
d’institutions non gouvernementales qui se sont unis avec l’engagement commun de développer des
mécanismes utiles et efficaces pour la promotion internationale et la protection du patrimoine moderniste.
La Route souhaite également fomenter la communication et l’échange entre ses membres pour partager
des expériences concernant la restauration de monuments, les programmes de sensibilisation publique,
les stratégies de financement et le développement d’un tourisme durable.
La Route publie dans la revue coupDefouet, les contenus qui sont des apports désintéressés des membres.
Elle a aussi édité le catalogue Route européenne de l’Art nouveau, qui constitue un résumé du panorama du meilleur
patrimoine Art nouveau.
La Route européenne de l’Art nouveau s’est constituée en 2000, lors d’une première réunion plénière à laquelle assistèrent
des représentants de 46 mairies et 33 institutions (musées, fondations, entreprises privées…) et n’a pas cessé de se
développer depuis.
+ info: http://www.artnouveau.eu/fr/magazine.php
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et
Les modèles numériques peuvent-ils retracer la météo des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles ?
Le projet CHEDAR (Climate and gealth data rescue and modelling) a pour objectif d’évaluer la capacité des
modèles numériques à simuler les séquences météorologiques emblématiques (vagues de chaleur ou de
froid, épisodes post-éruption volcanique…) des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, avant la mise en place des grands
réseaux de stations météorologiques. Financé par l’ANR, il réunit des climatologues du Laboratoire des
sciences du climat et l'environnement(1) (LSCE/IPSL,CNRS / CEA / UVSQ), laboratoire coordinateur du
projet, du Laboratoire de météorologie dynamique(1) (LMD/IPSL, CNRS / ENS / UPMC / École
Polytechnique), de Météo-France et des historiens du Centre de recherche d'histoire quantitative (CRHQ,
CNRS / Université de Caen Basse-Normandie). L’une des étapes du projet, la numérisation de relevés météorologiques du
fonds d’archives de la Société royale de médecine, vient de s’achever. Les documents sont aujourd’hui consultables sur un
site accessible au grand public.
+ info: www.insu.cnrs.fr/environnement/atmosphere/les-modeles-numeriques-peuvent-ils-retracer-la-meteo-des-xviiie-etxixe-sie
Le comportement hors-norme des glaciers du Karakorum - Pakistan, Inde et Chine
À l’aide de données issues du satellite SPOT5 et de la navette spatiale Endeavour (SRTM),
des chercheurs du Laboratoire de glaciologie et géophysique de l'environnement (LGGE/
OSUG, UJF/ CNRS), du Laboratoire d'études en géophysique et océanographie spatiales
(LEGOS/OMP, UPS / CNRS / CNES / IRD) et du Laboratoire d'études des transferts en
hydrologie et environnement (LTHE/OSUG, UJF / CNRS / INPG / IRD) ont mis en évidence le
comportement atypique des glaciers du Karakorum, une région de la chaine himalayenne.
Ils ont notamment montré que leur masse avait légèrement augmenté entre 1999 et 2008.
À l’heure où nombre de glaciers du globe fondent, enregistrant des pertes de masse de plus en plus fortes, les glaciers de
cette région semblent faire exception…
+ info: www.insu.cnrs.fr/environnement/cryosphere/le-comportement-hors-norme-des-glaciers-du-karakorum
Job Offers - Research Officer - Quantify damage to historic buildings and archaeological sites from floods and
driving rain in the context of climate change - University of Bath - United Kingdom - Deadline for Application: 6
May 2012
The position advertised is for a Research Officer to work for 1 year fixed term on a 3 year Research Council funded project.
The PARNASSUS project is a multidisciplinary collaborative project funded under the Science & Heritage programme jointly
by the Arts and Humanities (AHRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Councils (EPSRC).
The University of Bath coordinates a group of 4 university departments (Archaeology at Southampton, Civil Engineering
and Geography at University of Bristol) and 10 commercial and non-profit organisations, providing industrial support.
The successful candidate will have technical and academic experience in the field of conservation engineering, and ability to
dialogue and cooperate within different disciplines.
+ info: http://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=BB1019
Quel avenir pour les forêts françaises face au changement climatique ?
Ecology Letters vient de publier les résultats d'une étude menée par un groupe de chercheurs de
l'Université Paris-Sud, de l'INRA, du CNRS, du CEA, d'AgroParisTech et de l'Université Joseph Fourier
de Grenoble. Réalisés dans la cadre du projet QDIV et soutenus par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
(ANR) et le GIS "Climat, Environnement, Société", ces travaux ont permis d'évaluer, à partir de huit
modèles écologiques de dernière génération, la réponse des forêts, et plus particulièrement de cinq
essences forestières dominantes en France, au changement climatique, mais aussi de souligner les
incertitudes qui subsistent dans les prévisions. Difficile en effet de prédire l'impact du changement climatique sans disposer
d'une meilleure connaissance des effets directs de l'augmentation de la teneur en CO2 atmosphérique sur la végétation,
d'autant plus quand on sait que de fortes teneurs en CO2 peuvent protéger les arbres contre la sécheresse…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69816.htm
Satellite observes rapid ice shelf disintegration in Antarctic
As ESA’s Envisat satellite marks ten years in orbit, it continues to observe the rapid retreat of one of
Antarctica’s ice shelves due to climate warming.
One of the satellite’s first observations following its launch on 1 March 2002 was of break-up of a main
section of the Larsen B ice shelf in Antarctica – when 3200 sq km of ice disintegrated within a few days due
to mechanical instabilities of the ice masses triggered by climate warming.
Now, with ten years of observations using its Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR), Envisat has
mapped an additional loss in Larsen B’s area of 1790 sq km over the past decade.
+ info: http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Envisat/SEMDWMEWF0H_0.html
Les écosystèmes riches fragiles face aux variations climatiques extrêmes
Les écosystèmes sont de plus en plus soumis à des perturbations d'origine anthropique, le changement climatique étant
l'une d'entre elles. Les travaux sur le sujet indiquent que la fréquence et l'intensité des évènements climatiques extrêmes
tels que les ouragans, les inondations ou les sécheresses ont augmenté et risquent encore de se renforcer. Face à cette
variabilité accrue, comment les écosystèmes vont-ils réagir ?
C'est à cette question que s'est intéressé une équipe de recherche en biologie théorique de l'université de Linköping. Les
études précédentes sur les réseaux trophiques suggéraient que les écosystèmes riches en espèces sont plus robustes que
ceux à faible diversité. Les résultats publiés par l'équipe suédoise dans la revue " Ecology and Evolution" sont assez
différents. En simulant, grâce à un modèle mathématique, la dynamique de différents écosystèmes en cas de perturbations
environnementales majeures, les auteurs ont observé que les systèmes méga-divers étaient les plus vulnérables.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69769.htm
Slight mass gain of Karakoram glaciers in the early twenty-first century
By Julie Gardelle, Etienne Berthier & Yves Arnaud Assessments of the state of health of Hindu-Kush–Karakoram–Himalaya
glaciers and their contribution to regional hydrology and global sea-level rise suffer from a severe lack of observations1.
The globally averaged mass balance of glaciers and ice caps is negative. An anomalous gain of mass has been suggested
for the Karakoram glaciers, but was not confirmed by recent estimates of mass balance. Furthermore, numerous glacier
surges in the region that lead to changes in glacier length and velocity complicate the interpretation of the available
observations. Here, we calculate the regional mass balance of glaciers in the central Karakoram between 1999 and 2008,
based on the difference between two digital elevation models. We find a highly heterogeneous spatial pattern of changes in
glacier elevation, which shows that ice thinning and ablation at high rates can occur on debris-covered glacier tongues. The
regional mass balance is just positive at +0.11±0.22 m yr−1 water equivalent and in agreement with the observed
reduction of river runoff that originates in this area. Our measurements confirm an anomalous mass balance in the
Karakoram region and indicate that the contribution of Karakoram glaciers to sea-level rise was −0.01 mm yr−1 for the
period from 1999 to 2008, 0.05 mm yr−1 lower than suggested before.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v5/n5/full/ngeo1450.html
World Migratory Bird Day 2012
12 mai - 13 mai 2012 -Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/866
Par Lola Corre Au sein du système complexe que constitue le climat, l'océan joue un rôle primordial. D'une part, il
enregistre et intègre les effets du changement climatique; d'autre part, les échelles de temps de ses variations naturelles,
et notamment son inertie thermique environ mille fois supérieure à celle de l'atmosphère, en font un acteur important
susceptible de moduler les effets futurs du changement climatique. Cette thèse se propose de mettre en évidence des
signatures du changement climatique d'origine anthropique dans l'océan. Pour cela, nous étudions les évolutions observées
de la température océanique de sub-surface et de la salinité océanique de surface, au cours des trente à cinquante
dernières années. Des méthodes statistiques de détection de la réponse au forçage anthropique sont utilisées pour
déterminer si une influence humaine peut être détectée dans les changements récents observés.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00690817
Étude multi-échelles des précipitations et du couvert végétal au Cameroun : Analyses spatiales, tendances
temporelles, facteurs climatiques et anthropiques de variabilité du NDVI (Normalized DifferenceVegetation
Par Viviane Djoufack De par sa géométrie et sa situation géographique (2°N-13°N - 8°E-16°E ; ouverture sur l'océan
Atlantique), le Cameroun offre l'avantage de proposer un ensemble représentatif des climats régionaux rencontrés en
Afrique tropicale. La diminution des cumuls de précipitations enregistrée dans la région pendant la seconde moitié du XXe
siècle, est associée à la récurrence de périodes anormalement sèches, essentiellement au coeur de la saison des pluies. Ces
conditions ont amplifié la dégradation du couvert végétal au travers ses contraintes socioéconomiques et démographiques
(déforestation, extension des surfaces d'activité). Les conséquences souvent dommageables de la variabilité climatique en
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
général, et des sécheresses en particulier, sur les hommes et leurs activités suscitent l'intérêt de développer des études
pour mieux comprendre comment le climat et les pressions naturelles et environnementales interagissent localement.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00690359
Par Clara Péron D'après le dernier rapport du Groupe Intergouvernemental d'Experts sur l'Evolution du Climat (GIEC), la
réalité d'un réchauffement majeur du climat est sans équivoque. Ce travail de thèse a consisté à dresser un bilan des
changements climatiques passés et récents dans l'océan Austral et à évaluer si l'impact de ces changements sur la
distribution spatiale des oiseaux marins était déjà détectable et/ou prévisible. Grâce aux données historiques d'observation
en mer par bateau sur 12 espèces d'oiseaux marins, nous avons mis en évidence une diminution d'abondance chez trois
espèces et des changements de distribution contrastés entre les années 1980 et 2000. Ces espèces ont la particularité
d'exploiter les eaux subtropicales où le réchauffement a été plus intense pendant cette période. Les suivis télémétriques
apportent des informations précieuses sur la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la distribution des zones d'alimentation.
+ info: tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00660322
Regards croisés sur l'avenir des forêts françaises face au changement climatique
Une nouvelle étude menée par des chercheurs de l’Université Paris-Sud, de l’INRA, du CNRS, du CEA, d’AgroParisTech et de
l’Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble a permis d’évaluer, à partir de huit modèles de dernière génération, la réponse des
forêts au changement climatique et de souligner les incertitudes associées. L’objectif de l’analyse était en effet de comparer
les sorties de différentq types de modèles écologiques et de les combiner afin d’avoir des scénarii plus fiables. L’étude a
porté sur une sélection de cinq essences forestières dominantes en France. En général, les auteurs montrent que les
plaines de l'ouest, du sud-ouest et du centre de la France seront les plus fortement touchées d'ici 2050. Le changement
climatique en France compromettra l'avenir de certaines essences d'arbre en plaine, comme le pin sylvestre. Ces résultats
viennent d’être publiés dans la revue "Ecology Letters".
+ info: www.insu.cnrs.fr/environnement/sols-hydrosphere-et-biosphere-continentales/regards-croises-sur-l-avenir-desforets-fr
Un dirigeable pour la recherche sur le changement climatique
Dans quelques jours commencera le plus long déploiement de Zeppelin NT pour la recherche climatique. Le 4 mai 2012
dans la ville de Friedrichshafen (Bade-Wurtemberg), commune sur la rive nord du lac de Constance (Bodensee), la Ministre
fédérale de l'enseignement et de la recherche Annette Schavan a lancé ce nouveau projet conjointement avec Robert-Jan
Smits, Directeur Général de la DG Recherche de la Commission Européenne, et divers représentants du monde scientifique.
Au total, le Zeppelin NT volera une vingtaine de semaines à travers le ciel européen, et mesurera la composition de l'air
dans les Pays-Bas, l'Italie, et au-dessus de l'Adriatique, pour finir sa course en Finlande. Les coordinateurs du projet, des
scientifiques du Centre de recherche de Jülich (Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie), font également partie du projet de
recherche de l'Union européenne "PEGASOS" (Pan-European-Gas-AeroSOl-Climate Interaction), financé par la Commission
dans le cadre du 7ème PCRD…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69949.htm
Recent Plant Diversity Changes on Europe’s Mountain Summits
In mountainous regions, climate warming is expected to shift species’ ranges to higher altitudes. Evidence for such shifts is
still mostly from revisitations of historical sites. We present recent (2001 to 2008) changes in vascular plant species
richness observed in a standardized monitoring network across Europe’s major mountain ranges. Species have moved
upslope on average. However, these shifts had opposite effects on the summit floras’ species richness in boreal-temperate
mountain regions (+3.9 species on average) and Mediterranean mountain regions (–1.4 species), probably because recent
climatic trends have decreased the availability of water in the European south. Because Mediterranean mountains are
particularly rich in endemic species, a continuation of these trends might shrink the European mountain flora, despite an
average increase in summit species richness across the region.
+ info: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6079/353.abstract
Programme Sociétés & Changements Environnementaux (SOC&ENV) - Date Limite de soumission des
dossiers : vendredi 25 mai 2012 13:00
25 mai 2012 -Organizateurs: L'Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/programmes-de-recherche/appel-detail/societes-changementsenvironnementaux-soc-env-2012/
Les Changements globaux: Enjeux et défis
09 julliet - 12 julliet 2012 Toulouse. France
Organizateurs: CNFCG (Comité National Français du Changement Global)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2012
+ info: http://cnfcg2012.monooti.net/
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) Report: Freshwater under Threat : Pacific
Islands - Vulnerability Assessment of Freshwater Resources to Environmental Change
This study undertakes a vulnerability assessment of the freshwater resources of the Pacific Island Countries
(PICs), based on input from technical experts and regional resource managers. The approach assumes that
the vulnerability of freshwater resources is dependent upon the resources available to meet the productive,
consumptive and environment uses; the pollution and development pressures; and the management
capacity to respond to these pressures. This approach highlights the importance of drivers such as climate
variability and change, population growth, urban migration and economic development to water resource
vulnerability through their influence on the state of freshwater resources and the associated pressures.
+ info: http://www.unep.org/roap/Portals/96/Freshwater%20Under%20Threat%20-%20Pacific%20Islands.pdf
UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) Resource book on IWRM (Integrated Water
Resources Management Planning Approach for Small Island Developing States (SIDS))
Year of Publication: 2012
Author: UNEP
ISB: 978-92-807-3254-2
This Resource Book makes the case for IWRM Guidelines specific to SIDS, and argues that unlike traditional
models, SIDS desiring to implement IWRM need not start with expensive and timeconsuming institutional
reforms. They can start small, using pressing water-related issues as “entry points”, and fine-tuning their
IWRM strategies from experience. This pragmatic approach towards sustainable water management promotes co-ordinated
development and management of water, land and related resources without compromising the sustainability of vital
The publication contains numerous case studies of best practices of IWRM in SIDS, and a practical and logical framework of
activities at various levels—national, watershed, and community. It puts forward a SIDS IWRM Planning Cycle and
Methodology, a framework with three important pillars: stakeholder participation; continuous sensitisation and public
awareness; and the creation of scenarios.
+ info: http://www.unep.org/pdf/sids.pdf
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Patrimoine Culturel
Patrimoine Culturel
Fellowships - Remise des aides à projets 2012 de la Fondation VMF (Vieilles Maisons Françaises): un soutien à
une quinzaine d'initiatives - France
Créée en 2009 sous l'égide de la Fondation du Patrimoine, la Fondation VMF pour la sauvegarde et le rayonnement du
patrimoine défend, en France et dans le monde, le patrimoine français ou d'influence française. A ce titre, elle prolonge
l'action de l'association Vielles Maisons Françaises, présente sur le terrain depuis 1958.
La Fondation VMF a choisi d'apporter son expertise et son soutien, en priorité, au patrimoine en péril, afin d'aider à sauver
des lieux gravement menacés, en amont du projet de restauration.
Cette année, ce sont huit projets, parmi de nombreux dossiers reçus, que la Fondation VMF a choisi d'aider dans la
catégorie "Patrimoine en péril" pour un montant total de 108 000 €.
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1969&dossier=15
Combien d'églises détruites dans 20 ans ? Observatoire du patrimoine religieux France
Après l'annonce du relèvement de 30% des droits à construire sur l'ensemble du territoire
français, véritable menace pour le patrimoine monumental de notre pays, l'Observatoire du
Patrimoine Religieux, association non-confessionnelle œuvrant au rayonnement et à la
préservation du patrimoine religieux français, dresse un état des lieux de la situation du
patrimoine cultuel.
En dépit de l'excellent travail de nombreux maires ou responsables des lieux de culte, ce patrimoine reste fragile et
menacé. Vols à répétition, ventes et transformations de lieux de culte, destructions et - pire encore à long terme abandons purs et simples, constituent les premières menaces. A celles-ci, la crise financière actuelle pose à moyen terme la
question du financement de l'entretien et de l'ouverture de ce patrimoine identitaire auquel les Français sont très attachés.
En effet, l'affaiblissement des finances publiques et l'endettement considérable de l'Etat et des collectivités locales sont
autant d'hypothèques sur l'avenir de l'ensemble extraordinaire des édifices cultuels français. Des milliers de monuments
religieux pourraient disparaitre d'ici à 20 ans !
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1981&dossier=11
Journée des monuments (18 avril 2012)
Chaque année, le 18 avril, l'ICOMOS célèbre la « Journée internationale des monuments et sites »,
dont la création a été approuvée par la 22e Conférence générale de l'UNESCO en 1983. Le thème
pour 2012 est le Patrimoine mondial en célébration du 40ème anniversaire de la Convention du
Patrimoine mondial.
L'objectif de la Journée internationale des monuments et sites est d'encourager les communautés
locales et les individus à travers le monde à considérer l'importance du patrimoine culturel dans
leurs vies, leurs identités et leurs communautés, et de promouvoir la prise de conscience de sa
diversité et de sa vulnérabilité et des efforts nécessaires pour le protéger et le conserver.
+ info: http://www.international.icomos.org/publications/e-news/2012/E-news_76_18_avril_22_03_2012.pdf
Le patrimoine est-il bien protégé ? Radio France International
Par Jean-François Cadet - Vincent Michelon, journaliste au quotidien Métro, auteur « La France
solde son patrimoine » aux éditions Jean-Claude Gawsewitch.
- Mechtilde Rossler, chef de la section politique du patrimoine au centre du patrimoine mondial
de l’UNESCO.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_79/06_2012.html (1 de 8) [28/05/2012 13:35:44]
Patrimoine Culturel
- Panayiota Andrianopoulou, archéologue et ethnologue grecque, membre de l’Union des
archéologues de Grèce.
+ info: http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20120418-le-patrimoine-est-il-bien-protege
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien est en danger - Un état de lieu de minarets,
mosquées, monastères qui ont été endommagés ou pillés - Appel à la communauté
internationale - Euromed Heritage
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien subit divers types de dommages et de dégradations à
différents degrés, qu’il s’agisse de monuments ou de quartiers historiques, de sites
archéologiques, de musées ou de lieux de culte. Ces destructions ont
commencé dès le 15 mars 2011, date de la montée en puissance du soulèvement syrien.
Nous souhaitons que cet appel puisse devenir le fondement de travaux à venir sur la question
des dommages infligés aux biens culturels du pays. Il a aussi pour objectif d'éviter que se reproduisent des destructions
aussi graves et généralisées que celles qui
ont eu lieu lors de la répression subie par la ville de Hama en 1982, qui a notamment vu ses quartiers historiques et son
patrimoine mobilier dévastés, ainsi que son musée pillé, déprédations dont personne n'a jamais osé parler depuis.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/euroshared/doc/appel%20de%20detresse%20patrimoine%20syrien%20-%20fr.
Entretien - TV5 Monde - Patrimoine culturel: Sauvetage à tout prix?
Idée spectaculaire que celle de ce directeur du musée d'art contemporain près de Naples en
Italie. Antonio Manfredi brûle les œuvres de son musée pour protester contre les importantes
coupes budgétaires du gouvernement. Préoccupant dans un pays qui dit abriter la moitié du
patrimoine culturel mondial. La crise peut-elle justifier que l'on délaisse un patrimoine ?
Entretien avec Christian Manhart, chef de la section musées à l'UNESCO.
+ info: http://www.tv5.org/cms/chaine-francophone/info/
Upgrade for Bendigo's Trams - Melbourne. Victoria (Australia)
Page 4 of the document linked A multi-million dollar refurbishment of Bendigo Tram Depot and
Museum, improving the work environment and tourism potential of Australia’s oldest operating
tram depot, has been completed.
Bendigo Trust CEO Thomas Seddon explained the works had been a combination of
conservation works, site safety, depot function and appearance and amenity to provide a good
balance of ‘functioning depot and workshop’ with ‘high quality tourist experience’.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Réunion du Comité scientifique du projet de la Route de l'esclave - Calaba, Nigéria (14-16 mars 2012)
En étroite collaboration avec le projet La Route de l'esclave de l'UNESCO, le Centre des arts et des civilisations noirs et
africains (CBAAC) accueillera la prochaine réunion du Comité scientifique international du projet. A cette occasion, se
tiendra également une Conférence internationale sur: « La Traite négrière et l’esclavage dans le monde arabo-musulman:
une tragédie occultée et un héritage partagé » du 13 au 16 mars 2012 à Calabar (Nigéria).
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/africas-events/
Site web - Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles de Grenoble (France)
Le site Internet de l’Observatoire est un outil d’information et de ressources pour le public. Il délivre une actualité sur les
activités de l’OPC, offre des ressources écrites, audio et vidéos.
La Plateforme culture collectivités propose des abonnements groupés pour des services de collectivités ou des organismes
culturels. Elle comprend une série de contenus inédits en ligne, un abonnement à l’ensemble des publications OPC et
stimule un esprit
réseau entre abonnés.
La Plateforme www.reseauculture21.fr, portée par l’Observatoire et animée par Christelle Blouët, invite le public à
témoigner, mutualiser les expériences et débattre des enjeux autour de la culture et du développement durable.
+ info: http://www.observatoire-culture.net/
Arts Education Monitoring System - Europe
The aim of the AEMS policy analysis grouping is to set up and sustainably implement a
European structural tool that will make national European data on the resource input in arts
education comparable and accessible to stakeholders – culture and education policy makers,
practitioners and researchers.
+ info: http://www.educult.at/en/forschung/aems/
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Patrimoine Culturel
Afrodescendientes. El color olvidado - Grupo Córdoba Ruta del Esclavo (Argentina)
Para reconciliar la memoria con la verdad, la ONU declaró a 2011 como Año Internacional de
los Afrodescendientes, reconociéndolos como un sector de la población cuyos derechos
deben ser protegidos. Es que el racismo y la xenofobia afectan aún hoy a quienes
descienden de las víctimas del comercio de esclavos entre África, Europa y América, tráfico
que desterró violentamente a unas 20 millones de personas.
El legado de este colectivo social en la Argentina comenzó a estudiarse en 2004, cuando la
UNESCO inició el proyecto Ruta del Esclavo en el Río de la Plata, identificando sitios ligados
al esclavismo con el fin de crear itinerarios conmemorativos y revalorizar la cultura generada por la presencia de
+ info: http://rutadelesclavocba.wordpress.com/2012/04/15/491/
Master of Arts Management - Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
The Master of Arts Management (MAM) program at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College is designed to create
innovative leaders in the visual and performing arts. The program combines rigorous finance, marketing and fundraising
coursework with practical experience to prepare you to excel in a public, private or nonprofit arts environment.
Heinz College's MAM program provides what other arts administration master's degrees cannot -- the solid foundation of
quantitative management principles for which CMU is known globally. Students leave the University with the arts
management and administration tools necessary to solve some of the most pressing economic and operational challenges
currently facing arts organizations in the U.S. and internationally.
+ info: http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/school-of-public-policy-management/arts-management-mam/index.aspx
European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education (ENCATC)
was awarded by UNESCO the title of a UNESCO partner NGO with associate status
On 10 March 2012, ENCATC was awarded by UNESCO the title of a UNESCO partner NGO with
associate status. This important recognition was offered to ENCATC because it has proved
competence in the field of education and has a record of regular major contributions to framing
UNESCO’s objectives and implementing its programmes.
This new partnership means ENCATC will maintain effective coordination with UNESCO’s field
units and with the National Commissions for UNESCO in the various countries.
This reclassification of NGO partnership with UNESCO following the approval of new directives concerning UNESCO’s
partnership with NGOs adopted by the General Conference during its 36th session which took place in Paris from 25
October to 11 November 2011. This new statutory framework modernises, simplifies and renews the UNESCO engagement
for a stronger and more efficient partnership between UNESCO and NGOs. This initiative bears witness to UNESCO’s
determination to be more open to external partners and civil society.
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/Newsletters_2012/ENCATC_NEWSLETTER_2012_N3_DIGEST.
Laboratório HERCULES - Herança Cultural, Estudos e Salvaguarda, Universidade de Evora, Evora (Portugal)
O Laboratório HERCULES é uma infra-estrutura científica dedicada ao estudo e conservação do património composta por
uma equipa multidisciplinar divididos em 3 unidades diferentes (Unidade de Salvaguarda, Unidade de Investigação de
Materiais e Unidade de Recursos Educativos) que funcionam de forma integrada.
+ info: http://www.uevora.pt/investigar/unidades_de_investigacao/laboratorio
Día del Patrimonio Cultural en Chile - Universidad de Concepción - Chile
En el contexto del Día del Patrimonio Cultural en Chile (actividad organizada desde el Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales)
la Universidad de Concepción de Chile ha sido nombrada como la institución que encabece dichas celebraciones en el mes
de mayo en la Región del Bio Bío. Una de las estrategias es la creación un grupo en Facebook.
Creemos importante difundir a través de esta plataforma (Red Social) los valores de la Universidad de Concepción, valores
que se han desarrollado por más de 93 años y que reflejan los contenidos de la Convención de Patrimonio Mundial.
+ info: http://www.facebook.com/PatrimonioUdec
Website - National Treasures - USA
They are beloved one-room local schoolhouses, inspiring national monuments, ancient sites, and modern masterpieces.
They reflect our past while enriching our future.
Today, thousands of these irreplaceable buildings, landscapes, and communities are endangered as never before. That’s
why the National Trust for Historic Preservation has launched an innovative, new campaign to save them. With the support
of thousands of local preservationists and preservation professionals from coast to coast, the National Trust is identifying
endangered National Treasures and taking action to save them. Together, we’re raising needed funds, building coalitions to
prevent demolition, fighting in the courts to save sites from deterioration, and making sure that the icons of the past
remain present with us in the future.
And you can help! The National Trust has been protecting America’s historic places for more than 60 years. Working
together, we can magnify our proven record of success in dramatic ways.
Together we can protect America’s heritage. Let’s get to work.
+ info: http://www.preservationnation.org/national-treasures/
Panel on the protection of cultural heritage in the Caribbean at the International
Book Fair Cuba 2012 - Fortress San Carlos de la Cabaña - Havana - Cuba - (18
February 2012)
Specialists from the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean
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Patrimoine Culturel
presented the panel “Strengthening of capacities for the protection and safeguarding of the
cultural heritage in the Caribbean”. The panel was presented on Saturday 18 February at the
Fortress San Carlos de la Cabaña as part of the activities for the International Book Fair Cuba
2012, the most important editorial event in the country.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3266
Cambridge Heritage Research Group Annual Seminar - Heritage Studies: Stories in the Making (28 April 2012)
- Reflections on a Conference. Cambridge University (United Kingdom)
By: Jessie Lipkowitz The 13th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar was held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological
Research on Saturday 28 April 2012. The central theme was reflections on the heritage field with contributions from
Cambridge Heritage MPhil Alumni. The conference provided a unique forum for alumni, heritage practitioners and current
students to discuss their professional and personal interactions with heritage. The intent of this structure was to strengthen
our existing network as well as provide the audience with a narrative of the evolution of heritage as a field, to discuss its
present challenges, to critically evaluate and reorient current practices, and reflect on its trajectory for the future— the
story of heritage and its stories in the making.
+ info: http://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/heritage/weeklybulletin/7th_May_2012.pdf
Conférence sur l'architecture religieuse en France au XIXème et XXème siècle, par le
Professeur Leniaud à l'Université d'architecture Ion Mincu - Roumanie (25 février
Le 25 février, l'Université d'Architecture Ion Mincu a accueilli le Professeur Jean-Michel Leniaud,
Directeur de l'Ecole des Chartes à l'occasion d'une conférence sur l'architecture religieuse aux
XIXème et XXème siècles en France.
M. Leniaud, en tant que spécialiste d'histoire de l'architecture et d'histoire du patrimoine s'est
évertué à répondre aux questions posées par l'évolution du patrimoine religieux français à cette
époque. A travers de nombreuses illustrations, il a dévoilé la complexité du sujet qui revêt aussi bien des aspects
liturgiques, artistiques, matériels ou encore financier, la liste n'étant pas exhaustive. Ce panorama a permis d'aborder des
monuments et des architectes illustres, l'un des exemples le plus représentatif étant la Chapelle Notre-Dame du Haut
construite à Ronchamp en 1955 par Le Corbusier…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69895.htm
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien est en danger : Un état de lieu de minarets, mosquées, monastères qui ont
été endommagés ou pillés - Appel à la communauté internationale
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien subit divers types de dommages et de dégradations à différents degrés, qu’il s’agisse de
monuments ou de quartiers historiques, de sites archéologiques, de musées ou de lieux de culte. Ces destructions ont
commencé dès le 15 mars 2011, date de la montée en puissance du soulèvement syrien.
Par cet appel, nous souhaitons porter ces destructions à la connaissance de tous et inviter la communauté internationale à
soutenir et accompagner l’inventaire et la dénonciation d'exactions portant atteinte à un patrimoine qui, à plus d’un titre,
concerne l'humanité toute entière.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/euroshared/doc/appel%20de%20detresse%20patrimoine%20syrien%20-%20fr.
Sustcult European Project Newsletter Issue nº2 - February 2012
Stay up-to-date with the latest SUSTCULT project news simply by filling in the short form below with your email address.
Free newsletters will be delivered to your inbox on a six months basis and will keep you informed about project progresses
and news about relevant initiatives and events in the cultural heritage field in the SEE area and beyond. Sign up today!
+ info: http://www.sustcult.eu/newsletter.php
World Monuments Fund announces partnership with Government of the State of Madhya Pradesh - India
Bonnie Burnham, President of World Monuments Fund (WMF), and officials of Madhya Pradesh, announced today a
partnership to conserve a portfolio of historic sites in the Indian state. The initial focus will be on a group of seventeen
significant buildings at various locations throughout the state, with WMF committing up to $5 million for assessment,
documentation, and development of conservation management plans, as well as monitoring the implementation of selected
conservation projects to completion. The Madhya Pradesh government will fund the implementation of the projects with
funds from the Indian government’s 13th Finance Commission…
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/sites/default/files/press_releases/Madhya-Pradesh-Partnership.pdf
UNESCO Iraq Office Newsletter 2012 Vol.2 No.1 (January - March 2012)
During the first three months of 2012, prominent occasions of special importance animated the life of Iraqis, showing very
promising signs on the shorter and longer terms.
On behalf of UNESCO, I would like to congratulate the Iraqi government and citizens for their successful organization of the
Arab Summit in Baghdad. With its many implications, this event showed the readiness of Iraq to restore its international
and regional function.
On 8 March, the country lively celebrated with the whole world the International Women's Day. This occasion recalls the
urgent need to take courageous steps to promote gender equality in Iraq.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/field_en/05_publicationUNESCOIraq.pdf
AIA (Archaeological Institute of America) : Project Expands Heritage Protection
Education to Children at Banteay Chhmar, Cambodia
The heritage protection and community development project at Banteay Chhmar, Cambodia
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Patrimoine Culturel
continues to make great progress. After having completed the English language program,
twelve individuals are being trained to become local tour guides at this late 12th century site.
The trainees participate in the tour guide program for four hours a week. In the initial stage of
the training, trainees were being taught basic guiding techniques, practical issues related to
guiding visitors at a heritage site, and methods on relating their community to visitors. The training activities included
theory, group activities, and on-site tour guide practice.
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/news/currentprojects/8917
High tech guide helps new generations explore Shakespeare's church - Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
Visitors and pilgrims can explore Shakespeare’s church in new and exciting ways thanks to an innovative mobile phone app
created for Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon by the University of York.
+ info: http://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2012/church-app/
MA Courses in the history and business of art - Institut d'Etudes Supérieures des Arts and Wallace Collection
Paris & London - France & Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: La grande école des métiers de la culture et du marché de l'art
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.iesa.fr/formation/marche-art/master-collection-art
Call for contributions: La Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural en Costa Rica - Fecha limite: 30 de Junio de
27 avril - 30 juin 2012 -Organizateurs: EDA, Esempi di Architettura
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
+ info: http://www.esempidiarchitettura.it/ebcms2.lm.php?mod=news&modAzione=scheda&o_nome=news&o_id=569_ITA
Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
Throughout Australia
01 mai - 31 mai 2012 -Organizateurs: Blue Shield Australia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Media-Release-Blue-Shield-Australia-Disaster-Recovery-Workshops2012.pdf
Journée du patrimoine culturel du Chili dédiée au 40ème anniversaire
27 mai 2012 Santiago. Chili
Organizateurs: El Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/856/
Congrès international sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel
29 mai - 01 juin 2012 Split. Croatie
Organizateurs: Université de Zagreb, Université de Ljubljana et Croatian Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://eu-chic.eu/index.php/news/entry/eu-chic_final_conference_in_split_-_preliminary_information/
Heritage Conservation and Place - A course at the University of Victoria
18 juin - 23 juin 2012 British Columbia. Canada
Organizateurs: The Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 21 may 2012
+ info: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/cultural/
Conference - Imagining conservation: the next twenty years
06 julliet - 07 julliet 2012 York. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The University of York - Department of Archaeology
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 29 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.york.ac.uk/archaeology/news-and-events/events/external/css/conservation-studies-conference-2/
Call for Papers - How To Build A Dam And Save Cultural Heritage Workshop
06 julliet - 07 julliet 2012 Durham. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Durham University Department of Archaeology
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Patrimoine Culturel
Contact: Michelle de Gruchy or Emma Cunliffe at [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 18 may 2012
+ info: https://sites.google.com/site/saveculturalheritage/events
2nd Call for Applications - International Summer Academy: Constructing Heritage in the Light of Sustainable
Development (ISAC)
09 julliet - 21 julliet 2012 Cottbus. Allemagne
Organizateurs: UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies In cooperation with the German Commission for UNESCO and under the
auspices of the World Heritage Centre Paris and Mrs. Cornelia Pieper, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 27 may 2012
+ info: www.tu-cottbus.de/interkulturalitaet/summer-academy/index.php
2° Coloquio Internacional RIGPAC
Fecha límite para inscripciones: 30 de Junio de 2012
12 julliet - 14 julliet 2012 Florencia. Italie
Organizateurs: Fundación Romualdo Del Bianco Life Beyond Tourism (Italia)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.lifebeyondtourism.org/wp-content/themes/k2/workshop/dett_workshop.asp?id_work=388
Symposium and Workshop "Understanding Each Other's Heritage - Challenges for Heritage Communication in a
Globalized World"
19 julliet - 21 julliet 2012 Cottbus. Allemagne
Organizateurs: IAWHP - International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.iawhp.com/
20th European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education (ENCATC) Annual Conference
"Networked Culture"12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Goldsmiths, University of London
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 8 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/Call_for_papers/ENCATC_call_for_abstracts_2012_01.pdf
International Committee for Museums of Ethnography (ICME) Annual Conference 2012: 'Commodifying
Culture? Cultural Villages and Living Museums'
12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 Windhoek. Namibie
Organizateurs: ICOM - ICME
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://icme.icom.museum/index.php?id=118
Conference - The Best in Heritage
27 septembre - 29 septembre 2012 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: European Heritage Association
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/about/
31st Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA 31)
17 octobre - 20 octobre 2012 Antwerp. Belgique
Organizateurs: Our People make the Difference and Royal Manufacturers of Tapestry
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2012
+ info: http://www.chriscooksey.demon.co.uk/dha/dha31.html
Appel à Communications - EuroMed2012 : Conférence internationale sur le patrimoine culturel (CH)
29 octobre - 03 novembre 2012 Limassol. Chypre
Organizateurs: Union européenne, CIPA, ISPRS et ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 28 may 2012
+ info: http://www.euromed2012.eu/
Symposium ICOMOS "Réduire les risques pour le patrimoine culturel face aux catastrophes naturelles et
d'origine humaine"
31 octobre 2012 Pékin. Chine
Organizateurs: ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icomos.org/fr/accueil-home/178-english-categories/news/446-symposium-icomos-qreduire-les-risques-
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Patrimoine Culturel
Par Vincent MICHELON
ISBN: 9782350133157
La République met en vente une partie de ses « bijoux de famille ». Quelques 1700 biens, du local
administratif au monument classé sont en vente dans le but de contribuer au désendettement de l'Etat, dont
le déficit atteint en 2011 des records historiques. Des casernes, des prisons, des tribunaux, de luxueux
appartements mais aussi des châteaux, et jusqu'aux plus précieux hôtels particuliers hérités de l'Ancien
Régime, alimentent sans interruption les colonnes de France Domaine, le service du ministère du Budget
chargé de les vendre. Aujourd’hui, de nombreux investisseurs privés attendent de cueillir le fruit mûr ! Mais jusqu'où doiton protéger notre patrimoine de la privatisation ? La vente de ce patrimoine, jugé trop coûteux à entretenir, fait office de
politique immobilière depuis cinq ans et se poursuivait dans une relative indifférence jusqu'à l'affaire, très médiatisée, de la
cession avortée de l'hôtel de la Marine…
+ info: http://www.jcgawsewitch.com/livre.php?id_livre=276
Proyecto "Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo. 18 prácticas exitosas" Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
La Organización de Estados Americanos, OEA, actualmente está desarrollando el proyecto “La cultura en
el desarrollo: una red interamericana de información”, que tiene como objetivo “crear conciencia entre los
distintos sectores sociales e instituciones gubernamentales acerca del rol fundamental de la cultura en el
crecimiento económico, la inclusión social y el desarrollo sostenible”. A través de este proyecto busca
apoyar las experiencias exitosas y concretas en América en las cuales la cultura ha contribuido
precisamente a la generación de desarrollo. Uno de los frutos de este proyecto es la publicación del libro
Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo.
+ info: http://desarrolloycultura.net/red/actividades/%E2%80%9Ccultura-com%C3%BAn-denominador-para-el-desarrollo18-pr%C3%A1cticas-exitosas%E2%80%9D-oea
Journal of Cultural Management and Policy - European network on Cultural Management and
Cultural Policy education (ENCATC)
VOL 1 / ISSUE 1 / 2011
The objective of the ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy is to stimulate debate on the
topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers and cultural
mangaers. The Journal is based on a multidisciplinary perspective and aims at connecting theory and
practice in the realm of the cultural sector.
+ info: http://issuu.com/encatc/docs/journal_vol1_issue1_dec2011
Magazine de la Route européenne de l’Art nouveau: Coup de fouet 18 (2011)
La Route européenne de l’Art nouveau est une association sans but lucratif de gouvernements locaux et
d’institutions non gouvernementales qui se sont unis avec l’engagement commun de développer des
mécanismes utiles et efficaces pour la promotion internationale et la protection du patrimoine moderniste.
La Route souhaite également fomenter la communication et l’échange entre ses membres pour partager
des expériences concernant la restauration de monuments, les programmes de sensibilisation publique,
les stratégies de financement et le développement d’un tourisme durable.
La Route publie dans la revue coupDefouet, les contenus qui sont des apports désintéressés des membres.
Elle a aussi édité le catalogue Route européenne de l’Art nouveau, qui constitue un résumé du panorama du meilleur
patrimoine Art nouveau.
La Route européenne de l’Art nouveau s’est constituée en 2000, lors d’une première réunion plénière à laquelle assistèrent
des représentants de 46 mairies et 33 institutions (musées, fondations, entreprises privées…) et n’a pas cessé de se
développer depuis.
+ info: http://www.artnouveau.eu/fr/magazine.php
La diversidad cultural como agente de desarrollo en Argentina
Publicación de la Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación y de UNESCO
Jorge Coscia, Secretario de Cultura, indica que “a poco más de diez años de la Declaración
Universal de la UNESCO sobre la Diversidad Cultural, surgió el proyecto [que da título a la
publicación], con el objetivo de implementar políticas públicas y culturales /.../”
Se realizaron encuentros a través de talleres organizados para reflexionar sobre
interculturalidad, desarrollo sostenible, género, medios de comunicación y bienes
culturales, entre otros temas.
Por su parte, Frédéric Vacheron, especialista del Programa de Cultura de la Oficina de UNESCO Montevideo-Multipaís para
Argentina, Paraguay y Uruguay y Representación de la UNESCO para MERCOSUR, indica que “esta Convención vino a
complementar las otras normativas específicas adoptadas por la UNESCO como resultado de más de sesenta años de labor
en pro de la diversidad cultural y el desarrollo sostenible. Estas normas universales adoptadas por los Estados parte de la
Organización van desde la valorización y preservación del patrimonio en todas sus esferas, hasta el fomento de la
creatividad como portador de identidad de individuos y comunidades. La Convención de 2005, que es la séptima y la más
reciente de estas normativas, vela para que todas las culturas tengan la posiblidad de autorrepresentarse y expresarse, a
la vez que se enriquecen mediante el contacto mutuo”.
La Secretaría de Cultura de la Presidencia de la Nación Argentina fue anfitriona y coorganizadora con UNESCO, en el marco
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Patrimoine Culturel
de la presidencia pro tempore del MERCOSUR, del coloquio “Reflexiones acerca de la Convención sobre la Protección y la
Promoción de la Diversidad de las Expresiones Culturales (2005)”, que reunió a más de diez países para realizar un balance
de los primeros años de la implementación de la Convención y su impacto en las políticas públicas y la sociedad civil (18 y
19 de abril, Buenos Aires, Argentina).
+ info: http://www.cultura.gov.ar/prensa/index.php?info=noticia&id=1449
Proceedings of the 11th International Colloquium on ancient mosaics (Uludag University Turkey - 2009)
Edited by Mustafa Şahin
ISBN 978-605-5607-81-4
Turkey is home to some of the most abundant and beautiful ancient mosaics traceable uninterruptedly
since their first emergence. Yet, there has not been serious study on this worthy cultural heritage. In
order to compensate the lack of serious studies on them Mozaik Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma
Merkezi, the Mosaic Research Center (AIEMA-Turkey), was established by Uludağ University. This book
contains 70 of the 114 papers and 10 posters presented at the 11th AIEMA International Mosaic Colloquium held in
collaboration with Association Internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique (AIEMA), on October 16th-20th 2009 at
the Bursa Ördekli Cultural Center by 150 participants from 20 different countries. The colloquium was supported by the
Uludağ University Rectorship, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Bursa Governorship, the Metropolitan Municipality of
Bursa, and TÜBİTAK.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/field_en/04_18publicationMosaicTUR.pdf
Knowledge Management for Culture and Development: South-East Europe. MDG-F Joint
Programmes in Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina and Turkey
The regional e-publication “Knowledge Management for Culture and Development: South-East
Europe” concerns the MDG-F Culture and Development Joint Programmes implemented in Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Turkey and gathers information and data on the impact and main
achievements of these 3 Joint Programmes, on national ownership, the beneficiaries they have
touched, their operational challenges, and their success stories.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/culture/mdgf/pdf/South-east-europe/
Cultural Heritage and Prisoners of War: Creativity Behind Barbed Wire
Book edited by Gilly Carr and Harold Mytum
ISBN: 978-0-415-52215-1
Published: March 2012
Following on from a successful conference at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research in 2010,
this book focuses on the numerous examples of creativity produced by POWs and civilian internees during
their captivity, including: paintings, cartoons, craftwork, needlework, acting, musical compositions,
magazine and newspaper articles, wood carving, and recycled Red Cross tins turned into plates, mugs and
makeshift stoves, all which have previously received little attention. The authors of this volume show the wide potential of
such items to inform us about the daily life and struggle for survival behind barbed wire. Previously dismissed as items
which could only serve to illustrate POW memoirs and diaries, this book argues for a central role of all items of creativity in
helping us to understand the true experience of life in captivity. The international authors draw upon a rich seam of
material from their own case studies of POW and civilian internment camps across the world, to offer a range of
interpretations of this diverse and extraordinary material.
+ info: http://www.ice.cam.ac.uk/news-and-events/research-news/1173-cultural-heritage-and-prisoners-of-war-creativitybehind-barbed-wire
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Paysages culturels
Paysages culturels
Mairie Conseil: Paysage et urbanisme durable - France
Ce réseau de territoires intercommunaux regroupe des élus et des techniciens opérant au quotidien sur le terrain, ainsi que
des partenaires apportant leur expertise. L’objectif du réseau est de partager des expériences et des questionnements, de
connaître des interlocuteurs et de trouver des pistes concrètes sur les questions liées au paysage rural et au
développement urbain (que l’on souhaiterait plus durable…).
+ info: http://www.mairieconseilspaysage.net/
La nouvelle vitrine Web interactive sur l'agriculture urbaine montréalaise est en
ligne - Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - Canada
Les mordus d’agriculture et les jardiniers en herbe peuvent désormais découvrir les potagers
et les fermes de l’île de Montréal en accédant à la toute nouvelle vitrine Web interactive, une
initiative de l’Institut des sciences de l’environnement de l’UQAM et de son Collectif de
recherche en aménagement paysager et agriculture urbaine durable (CRAPAUD), en
partenariat avec la Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ) de Montréal et la Direction de santé
publique de Montréal. Le lancement de la vitrine a eu lieu le 12 avril, à la Maison du
développement durable, en présence des partenaires du projet.
+ info: http://www.nouvelles.uqam.ca/2012/2130-nouvelle-vitrine-web-interactive-lagriculture-urbaine-montrealaise-esten-ligne?utm_source=Liste+compl%C3%A8te+des+abonn%C3%A9s+-+groupes&utm_campaign=51cfe9e5bd-UA5755289-1&utm_medium=email
Stickwork / Patrick Dougherty
Patrick Dougherty is best known for his sculptures that break down over time. You may have
seen one of his temporary works without realizing it. Built primarily from tree saplings woven
together, each sculptures is approximately a three-week construction project where
Dougherty and his group of volunteers carefully create the habitat or environment of this a
tangled web of all natural materials. Because the sculptures are made of organic matter they
disintegrate, break down and fall apart, becoming part of the landscape once again.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/224561/stickwork-patrick-dougherty/
Woodrow Wilson House - Washington D.C. - USA
Purchased by President Woodrow Wilson in 1921, the Georgian Revival mansion and garden were
designed in 1915 for Henry Parker Fairbanks by architect Waddy Wood (his only known townhouse garden
design).The mansion, which sits close to the street, is approached along a semi-circular entry drive
flanked by symmetrical planting beds lined with evergreen shrubs.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landscapes/woodrow-wilson-house
Biography of Frances Benjamin Johnston - USA
House and garden photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston was
born in Grafton, West Virginia a year before the end of the
American Civil War. She was the only child of journalist Frances
Antoinette Benjamin and Anderson Doniphan Johnston, a clerk at
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Paysages culturels
the U.S. Treasury in Washington, D.C. From 1873 the family lived in
the house that Johnston’s father purchased from his treasury
colleague, American naturalist John Burroughs.
+ info: http://tclf.org/pioneer/biography-frances-benjamin-johnston
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Cañadas Park / Abis Architecture - Pliego - Murcia - Spain
The village of Pliego has an urban design characteristic of Islamic rural farmhouses. As a
result we have an urban sinuous and disorganized, whose logicis based on its own
orographic base adapting to the slope of the mountain.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228113/canadas-park-abis-architecture/
Funding Sought to Restore Dan Kiley Masterwork at
NationsBank Plaza - Tampa - Florida - USA
In 2006 the Kiley Garden (formerly NationsBank Plaza) was
featured on Landslide, The Cultural Landscape Foundation's annual
list of at-risk and threatened landscapes, and the future of the site
was very much in doubt. Now, the 2-level garage structure that sits
beneath the garden has undergone a $4.3 million renovation and
the Tampa City Council is seeking funds to complete restoration of
the park.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landslides/funding-sought-restore-kiley-masterwork
Paysage et participation : une recherche-action en Val de Loire
Un programme de recherche coordonné par David Montembault (UP Paysage
INHP Angers – Agrocampus Ouest) réunit des chercheurs et des paysagistes afin
d'essayer de répondre à la question : « La participation conduit-elle au
renouvellement des pratiques paysagistes ? Et si oui, comment ? ». Il a été
retenu dans le cadre du 2ème appel à projet Programme Paysage et développement durable (PDD2) du Ministère du
développement durable.
Le programme associe 3 écoles du paysage (Agrocampus Ouest, Versailles, Bordeaux) et va expérimenter la participation
paysagère à travers des recherche-actions dans le Val de Loire et dans les Deux-Sèvres.
En Val de Loire, la Mission Val de Loire et le Parc naturel Anjou Touraine sont partenaires du projet.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/Paysage-et-participation
"Quante storie nella storia" - Reggio Emilia - Italy - (10&12 May 2012)
Nell’ambito delle attività di valorizzazione dei beni archivistici, la Soprintendenza sostiene "Quante storie nella storia" Settimana della didattica in Archivio, tramite la realizzazione e la stampa del pieghevole promozionale e la pubblicazione e
diffusione on-line del programma attraverso i media a sua disposizione.
Informazioni e prenotazioni: tel. 0522 443251
e-mail: [email protected] - http://www.emiliacentrale.it
+ info: http://www.emiliacentrale.it/progetti/cbec/sito/cbec.nsf?Open
Sur les traces des voyageurs d'autrefois : le projet VIATICALPES à l'Université de
Lausanne (Suisse)
Tôt après l'invention de l'imprimerie, les récits de voyage ont fait leur apparition. Illustrés et
commentés, ils offrent l'équivalent de photographies du territoire et des coutumes bien avant
l'invention de la photographie elle-même. L'Université de Lausanne a entrepris de mettre en
valeur les trésors accumulés depuis 400 ans dans les bibliothèques de Suisse et même d'audelà, par le projet Viaticalpes.
Des milliers de gravures et d'illustrations réparties du 16 ième au 19 ième siècle permettent
de remonter le temps, de voir l'évolution, de retrouver des traces, de reconstituer l'histoire des lieux et de ceux qui y sont
passés. Les possibilités sont immenses. À voir.
+ info: http://www.unil.ch/viaticalpes
Newsletter April Landscapes in transition - IFLA 2012 Congress
Did you know that Johan van Papendorp and his team at OvP Associates were featured in the prestigious Property
magazine in the February/March issue? The article noted that Landscape architecture is a 'refined discipline' and was titled
"Creating common ground''. It featured a range of work recently carried out by OvP including the redevelopment of Green
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Paysages culturels
Point Common into the wonderful new public park surrounding the World Cup stadium in Cape Town. This features the
upgrade of the public access areas around the stadium building, the realignment of the existing golf course, a new biodiversity garden, play facilities for young and old as well as the physically challenged and it is all designed sustainably using
natural water resources that flow off Table Mountain and are now channelled to this area through a wetland and water
feature system.
+ info: http://www.gmtiny.com/oIcND
Competitions - Winners announced for the National Mall Redesign Competition. Washington D.
C. (USA)
After an intense and highly publicized competition, the Trust for the National Mall has announced the three
winning teams selected to redesign the neglected sites of America’s front yard. As reported by the
Washington Post, Rogers Marvel Architects & Peter Walker and Partners will redesign Constitution Gardens
east of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, while Weiss/Manfredi & OLIN will bring new life to the Sylvan
Theater, southeast of the Washington Monument. The Union Square will be forwarded to the Architect of
the Capitol and transformed by Gustafson Guthrie Nichol & Davis Brody Bond…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231625/
30 Years After its Conception, Garden Designed by Sol LeWitt is Now Under Way -Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA On May 24, 2012, the Philadelphia Museum of Art will commemorate the installation of Sol LeWitt’s Lines in Four Directions
in Flowers, a garden consisting of rows of flowers in four different colors planted on a long rectangular plot of land in the
William M. Reilly Memorial at Fairmount Park, adjacent to the Museum’s Anne d’Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden. A leading
figure in the Conceptual Art movement,LeWitt (1928-2007) conceived this installation 30 years ago, yet it has remained
unrealized until now. It is the only project of its kind within LeWitt’s acclaimed and remarkably diverse body of work…
+ info: http://www.philamuseum.org/press/releases/2012/916.html
‘See Yesterday…Today’.Today invites outdoor visitors to see the Reynolda landscape as if they were in the late
1910s and early 1920s using archival photographs and images - Reynolda House Museum of American Art Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Throughout the spring and summer of 2012, Reynolda House Museum of American Art is celebrating the landscape of
Reynolda, along with the landscapes of other famous country estates built during the Country Place Era. A Genius for Place:
American Landscapes of the Country Place Era is on view at the Museum through August 5, 2012.
See Yesterday…Today invites outdoor visitors to see the Reynolda landscape as visitors to the Reynolda Estate might have
experienced it in the late 1910s and early 1920s, using archival photographs and images. The Reynolda landscape was
thoughtfully and artfully envisioned by Katharine Smith Reynolds alongside her landscape architect Thomas Sears. Eight
locations between the Estate’s front entrance and the boathouse at the foot of Sunset Hill are marked with signs that
highlight the beauty and history of the Reynolda landscape.
+ info: http://www.reynoldahouse.org/newsletter/seeyesterday/seeyesterday.html
Interpret Europe Conference 2012. Caring for nature and culture: interpretation as a
management tool. Pisa, Italy (19 - 22 May 2012)
Tuscany has some of Europe’s finest landscapes, a wonderful heritage of cities, towns and villages,
and a rich artistic legacy. Our 2012 conference will be held in Pisa and the Migliarino San Rossore
Regional Park, right in the heart of the Tuscan countryside.
Tuscan landscapes offer a stunning diversity, from the Mediterranean coast to rocky mountain
summits. There are places of outstanding beauty and harmony, shaped both by nature and man. But
there are also places where this harmony is threatened, or has been lost already…
+ info: http://www.interpret-europe.net/top/whats-on/events/interpret-europe-conference-2012.html
Exposition - Projets artistiques de Giuseppe Penone
06 avril - 07 novembre 2012 Chaumont, Sur-Loire. France
Organizateurs: Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.domaine-chaumont.fr/index.php?page=programmation-2012&cat=2&expandable=0
21ème Festival International des jardins
25 avril - 21 octobre 2012 Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire. France
Organizateurs: Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.domaine-chaumont.fr/pdf/dp-festival-2012-en.pdf
Onzième Réunion des Ateliers Convention Européenne du paysage
04 juin - 05 juin 2012 Carbonia. Italie
Organizateurs: Conseil de l'Europe
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/cultureheritage/heritage/landscape/reunionateliers/carbonia_FR.asp?
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Paysages culturels
Appel à communications - Conférence scientifique international "Paysage et Invention"
02 mai - 04 mai 2013 Paris. France
Organizateurs: UNISCAPE et l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-La Villette
Contact: Tessa Goodman - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.uniscape.eu
Connaître les paysages et en reconnaître la valeur
Revue du ministère de l’Écologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et du Logement
Ce dixième numèro de la revue ministérielle « Pour Mémoire » paraît après une année d’intense
activité du comité d’Histoire.
Ainsi, six journées ou demi-journées d’études ont été organisées, sur les ingénieurs des ponts en
Afrique, les cent ans de l’administration du tourisme, l’âge d’or des ingénieurs économistes, le
bicentenaire de la Commission des phares et balises, le séminaire « aménagement et décentralisation
», les politiques en faveur des villes moyennes et les sources de la création du ministère de
l’Environnement, à l’occasion de son quarantième anniversaire.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/pour_memoire_no_10-2.pdf
European Network of Local&Regional Authorities for the Implementation of the European
Landscape Convention (Recep-Enelc): Working landscapes - Landscape Strategies in Spain: A
compared analysis
Since its creation, one of RECEP-ENELC's goals has been offering its members technical assistance in order
to support the development of the landscape policies which are carried out in their territories. To this end,
it counts with a Technical Co-ordination Board which is a technical body made up of some of the members
of the network.
Among the functions of the Board, the production of technical and scientific documents based on the
political and administrative experience of its members can be highlighted. The aim of these documents is sharing
information and experiences, disseminating the acquired knowledge, promoting co-operation among members and finally,
pushing forward the European Landscape Convention at the local and regional scale throughout Europe.
In order to disseminate the work of the Board, RECEP-ENELC launches the Working Landscapes series, a collection of
monographic technical documents gathering specific experiences developed by members.
+ info: http://www.recep-enelc.net/allegati/Recep-Enelc_Working%20Landscapes%201.pdf
Revue du patrimoine mondial N°62 - Patrimoine mondial et peuples autochtones
ISSN 1020-4520
EAN 3059630102629
Les populations autochtones possèdent une connexion puissante et intime avec les terres sur lesquelles
elles vivent. Leur identité culturelle façonne (et est façonnée à son tour par) leur environnement naturel.
Les cultures riches et les pratiques traditionnelles de ces populations, ainsi que les problématiques
qu’elles rencontrent dans le monde actuel, réfèrent à de nombreuses sphères telles que le développement
économique, l’environnement et les droits de l’homme. L’article principal rédigé par M. Tumu te Heuheu,
Grand Chef de la tribu maorie Ngati Tuwharetoa de Nouvelle-Zélande, ancien Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial,
et M. Richard Tuheiava, Sénateur français représentant de la Polynésie française, abordera les questions clefs et les défis
liés aux populations autochtones et au patrimoine mondial. Cet article apportera de précieuses informations sur les
politiques en matière de questions autochtones.
Ce numéro traitera entre autres du peuple saami de Laponie, en Suède, et du peuple nama du Paysage culturel et
botanique du Richtersveld en Afrique du Sud qui continuent de pratiquer un style de vie semi-nomade fondé sur la
transhumance saisonnière de leurs troupeaux.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/revue/62/
Conceptualising heritage through the maritime lens: a heritage ethnography of maritime
By Charlotte Andrews
Published in the International Journal of Heritage Studies, in the 2012 Special Issue 'Memory in the
Maritime Museum: Objects, Narratives, Identities'
This article presents the key findings of recent maritime heritage research in Bermuda. It recounts the
essential ways contemporary Bermudians use their relationships with the sea to formulate identity and
community and thereby generate maritime heritage. The summarised single-region, grassroots-orientated,
maritime-themed heritage ethnography examines relationships with past and present maritimes; remembrance and
forgetting of ‘race’ and its legacies; beliefs in authenticity; curatorial practices of community museology; and aspirational
remedies to social crisis. Together, these five ethnographic dimensions offer a holistic and realistic picture of maritime
heritage in this mid-Atlantic community. This overview encapsulates and expands upon this ethnographic analysis of
maritime heritage and examines its contribution to heritage and museum studies.
+ info: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13527258.2011.647535
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Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées, fleuves...)
Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées,
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Recommandations pour des couloirs transnationaux pour l’inscription des Routes de la soie au
patrimoine mondial
Le Groupe du travail d’experts du comité de coordination sur la nomination au patrimoine mondial des
Routes de la soie donne des recommandations prioritaires pour deux couloirs transnationaux pour
l’inscription en série et transnationale des Routes de la soie au patrimoine mondial
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/870
Qhapaq Ñan Harmonisation Meeting - Bolivia (26-28 April 2012)
Thanks to the generous invitation of the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Ministry
of Cultures, the 8th International Meeting of the Technical Secretariat, dedicated to the
preparation of the nomination of Qhapaq Ñan/ Andean Road System for inclusion on the
UNESCO World Heritage List, is taking place from 26-28 April 2012.
Representatives from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Cultural Heritage Directors from
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, accompanied by their respective national
Qhapaq Ñan project coordinators, will meet in La Paz to move forward with the final discussions
on the harmonisation of the final nomination file of the Main Andean Road. During three days of intense work the group will
debate the final presentation of the cartography and the conservation and management system of this serial transnational
nomination that, without a doubt, poses a unique challenge in the history of the 1972 Convention. Representatives from
the six State Parties involved will advance with the necessary institutional coordination strategy and policy to ensure
international commitment to preserve the Outstanding Universal Value of Qhapaq Ñan for future generations.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/882/
8th International Meeting of the Technical Secretariat: Qhapaq Ñan - La Paz - Bolivia - (26 - 28 April 2012)
Thanks to the generous invitation of the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Ministry of Cultures, the 8th
International Meeting of the Technical Secretariat, dedicated to the preparation of the nomination of Qhapaq Ñan/ Andean
Road System for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is taking place from 26-28 April 2012.
Representatives from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Cultural Heritage Directors from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, accompanied by their respective national Qhapaq Ñan project coordinators, will meet in La
Paz to move forward with the final discussions on the harmonisation of the final nomination file of the Main Andean Road.
During three days of intense work the group will debate the final presentation of the cartography and the conservation and
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Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées, fleuves...)
management system of this serial transnational nomination that, without a doubt, poses a unique challenge in the history
of the 1972 Convention. Representatives from the six State Parties involved will advance with the necessary institutional
coordination strategy and policy to ensure international commitment to preserve the Outstanding Universal Value of
Qhapaq Ñan for future generations.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/882
Exhibition - Visions of Empire: The Quest for a Railroad Across America, 1840-1880 - The Huntington Library,
Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
21 avril - 23 julliet 2012 San Marino, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.huntington.org/huntingtonlibrary_02.aspx?id=10450
Exhibition - Royal River: Power, Pageantry and the Thames - National Maritime Museum
27 avril - 09 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Maritime Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rmg.co.uk/visit/events/royal-river
Route 66 Economic Impact Study - USA
Author: David Listokin et al, the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey
Country: United States
Related Projects: HISTORIC ROUTE 66
To better understand and quantify the positive effects of historic preservation along Route 66 and related
tourism activities, an Economic Impact Study was undertaken by Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey, in collaboration with the US National Park Service and World Monuments Fund, with the support of
American Express. This volume, the Synthesis of Findings, summarizes the outcomes of the study and identifies
opportunities for the preservation of Route 66 to enhance community revitalization, economic development, and
sustainable tourism along America’s iconic Mother Road.
+ info: www.wmf.org/dig-deeper/publication/route-66-economic-impact-study-synthesis-findings
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Le Chant des Dunes - Publication de l'IPR (Institut de Physique de Rennes) dans
Physical Review E - Université de Rennes (France)
Dans le monde, il existe une cinquantaine de dunes de sable qui ont la propriété surprenante
d’émettre un son grave et puissant lorsqu’une avalanche de sable se produit sur la face la plus
pentue de la dune.
Patrick Richard, Sean McNamara et Merline Tankeo, chercheurs du département « Milieux
Divisés » de l’Institut de Physique de Rennes (département associé à l’Observatoire des
Sciences de l’Univers de Rennes-OSUR) ont étudié ce phénomène dans la revue Physical Review
+ info: www.univ-rennes1.fr/themes/actualites/uneActualite/Le_chant_des_dunes.cid72416
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Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
Job Offers - Research Officer - Quantify damage to historic buildings and archaeological sites from floods and
driving rain in the context of climate change - University of Bath - United Kingdom - Deadline for Application: 6
May 2012
The position advertised is for a Research Officer to work for 1 year fixed term on a 3 year Research Council funded project.
The PARNASSUS project is a multidisciplinary collaborative project funded under the Science & Heritage programme jointly
by the Arts and Humanities (AHRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Councils (EPSRC).
The University of Bath coordinates a group of 4 university departments (Archaeology at Southampton, Civil Engineering
and Geography at University of Bristol) and 10 commercial and non-profit organisations, providing industrial support.
The successful candidate will have technical and academic experience in the field of conservation engineering, and ability to
dialogue and cooperate within different disciplines.
+ info: http://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=BB1019
Le patrimoine est-il bien protégé ? Radio France International
Par Jean-François Cadet - Vincent Michelon, journaliste au quotidien Métro, auteur « La France
solde son patrimoine » aux éditions Jean-Claude Gawsewitch.
- Mechtilde Rossler, chef de la section politique du patrimoine au centre du patrimoine mondial
de l’UNESCO.
- Panayiota Andrianopoulou, archéologue et ethnologue grecque, membre de l’Union des
archéologues de Grèce.
+ info: http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20120418-le-patrimoine-est-il-bien-protege
Entretien - TV5 Monde - Patrimoine culturel: Sauvetage à tout prix?
Idée spectaculaire que celle de ce directeur du musée d'art contemporain près de Naples en
Italie. Antonio Manfredi brûle les œuvres de son musée pour protester contre les importantes
coupes budgétaires du gouvernement. Préoccupant dans un pays qui dit abriter la moitié du
patrimoine culturel mondial. La crise peut-elle justifier que l'on délaisse un patrimoine ?
Entretien avec Christian Manhart, chef de la section musées à l'UNESCO.
+ info: http://www.tv5.org/cms/chaine-francophone/info/Les-dossiers-de-la-redaction/
Demolition of the Orange County Government Center - Goshen, New York State (USA)
Preservationists see the artistic value of the building and the legacy of previous county
administrators wishing to present Goshen as a thriving and dynamic community. The Orange
County government should be responsible stewards of this legacy.
Sign the petition and show your support for Paul Rudolph’s Orange County Government Center.
Once it’s demolished, there are no second chances.
+ info: www.change.org/petitions/orange-county-new-york-legislature-oppose-the-demolitionof-the-orange-county-government-center-in-goshen-ny
Presentations and resources from the seminar entitled 'In safe hands? Guaranteeing
our collections for future generations' - British Library, London (United Kingdom) 3
February 2012
A Research Libraries UK and Preservation Advisory Centre joint seminar for RLUK members which
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Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
explored the relationship between research libraries' approaches to preservation and conservation
and the wider context of their overall strategy for collection management.
This one day seminar examined how research libraries are addressing collections issues in terms
of decision making, risk assessment and prioritisation. Speakers presented on using preservation
as a strategy now and in the future; using digital surrogates as a preservation strategy; issues around disposal and the
need to preserve the national collection. The seminar consisted of a mixture of presentations and breakout discussion
sessions and provided the opportunity to consider ways to take forward the work completed as part of the jointly funded
three-year Preservation Learning Project which ends in March 2012.
+ info: http://www.bl.uk/blpac/safehands.html
Emergency Response and Salvage app outlines critical stages of disaster response, such as stabilizing the
environment and assessing damage
ERS outlines critical stages of disaster response, such as stabilizing the environment and assessing damage. It will help
users protect precious collections and significant records, access reliable information instantly, and save damaged objects.
+ info: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ers-emergency-response-salvage/id513081280?mt=8
Albania to prepare for disaster risk to World Heritage properties
The Conference on “Disaster Risk Preparedness and Management in Cultural Heritage Sites”
scheduled at the World Heritage site of Berat in Albania on 8 May 2012 is jointly organized by
the UNESCO Venice Office with the SUSTCULTproject "Achieving SUSTainability through an
integrated approach to the management of CULTural heritage”, led by the City of Venice and
financed by the South East Europe (SEE) Programme, and the One UN Programme in Albania, in
partnership with ICCROM and the Ministry of Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Sports of
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/venice/about-this-office/single-view/news/
Congrès international sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel
29 mai - 01 juin 2012 Split. Croatie
Organizateurs: Université de Zagreb, Université de Ljubljana et Croatian Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://eu-chic.eu/index.php/news/entry/eu-chic_final_conference_in_split_-_preliminary_information/
International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2012
08 septembre - 22 septembre 2012 Kyoto, Kobe and Tohoku. Japon
Organizateurs: International Network on Disaster Mitigation of Cultural Heritage and Historic Cities
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 may 2012
+ info: http://www.ritsumei-gcoe.jp/heritagerisknet.dmuch/itc/index.html
Symposium ICOMOS "Réduire les risques pour le patrimoine culturel face aux catastrophes naturelles et
d'origine humaine"
31 octobre 2012 Pékin. Chine
Organizateurs: ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icomos.org/fr/accueil-home/178-english-categories/news/446-symposium-icomos-qreduire-les-risquespour-le-patrimoine-culturel-face-aux-catastrophes-naturelles-et-dorigine-humaineq
Septième réunion du Comité pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé
01 novembre - 30 novembre 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4939&cHash=ddefde0ba9
Symposium on "Cultural Heritage Protection in Times of Risk: Challenges and Opportunities"
15 novembre - 17 novembre 2012 Istanbul. Turquie
Organizateurs: Yildiz Technical University and ICOMOS-ICORP (International Committee on Risk Preparedness)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.har.yildiz.edu.tr/
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Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
ICCROM BOOK: Protecting Cultural Heritage in Times of Conflict
Edited by Simon Lambert and Cynthia Rockwell
ISBN: 978-92-9077-233-0 ©2012 ICCROM
Contributions from the participants of the International course on First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of
During the course, each participant gave short presentations about the protection of endangered cultural
heritage, focusing on their regional, national or professional context. These presentations were so
appreciated by both groups that the participants themselves suggested that a publication should be
prepared to collect all these experiences and share them with the rest of the world.
+ info: http://iccrom.org/pdf/ICCROM_18_ProtectingHeritageConflict_en.pdf
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Website - Arago: Le portail de la photographie
Arago a pour but d’offrir l’accès libre et direct sur Internet à l’ensemble des
collections de photographies conservées en France. En commençant d’abord par les
collections de la Direction générale des Patrimoines et celles des établissements
publics du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Puis Arago s’ouvrira
progressivement à d’autres ensembles et fonds, tant publics (établissements
publics, collectivités locales), que privés (associations, fondations, fonds d’auteurs,
Ce portail porte le nom de l’astronome et homme politique français, François Arago (1786-1853) qui a révélé, en août
1839, devant les Académies des Sciences et des Beaux-Arts réunies, le procédé de Daguerre et en a proposé l’acquisition
par l’État pour l’offrir symboliquement au monde.
+ info: http://www.photo-arago.fr
Database - Over 80,000 records of documents of the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University and at
the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech can now be accessed. Database updated and relaunched in 19 March
The digitization project is being launched with 2,000 high-quality images on March 19, 2012. The project will continue
throughout 2012.
Over 80,000 records of documents held in original and as copies in the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University
(AEA) and at the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech (EPP) can now be accessed with a user-friendly interface via the
The system offers easy navigation, displaying the search results and additional information such as filters, related topics
and similar items.
Some of the digitized documents are accompanied by annotated transcriptions and translations, as edited by the EPP and
published in the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein by Princeton University Press (PUP). These documents are searchable as
full text.
The Albert Einstein Archives include scientific writings and correspondance, non-scientific writings and correspondace,
family letter and travel diaries.
Einstein Archives Online presents images Einstein's handwritten manuscripts; it includes correspondence, typewritten
manuscripts, photos, audio material, etc.
+ info: http://alberteinstein.info/manuscripts.html
Ciclo de conferencias y exposición del Archivo Histórico y Museo de Minería, MEXICO
El Archivo Historico y Museo de Minería, Asociación Civil, le invita al primer ciclo de conferencias, que como parte de los
festejos de su 25 aniversario, llevará acabo.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Ciclo_AHMM.pdf
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
A first look at the Biodiversity Heritage Library-Europe portal
The Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe aims to make early published biodiversity literature accessible to anyone who’s
interested. One of the most important access points to this content will be the BHL-Europe portal, which will be available in
no less than 12 languages! The portal’s development now nears its end – and it’s high time we take a look at the
homepage’s design and functionality.
+ info: http://www.bhl-europe.eu/es/novedades/first-look-the-bhl-europe-portal
Les archives de Michel Foucault sanctuarisées « trésor national »
Les 37 000 feuillets, manuscrits et textes dactylographiés que constituent les archives de Michel Foucault
ont été classés « trésor national » par le ministère de la Culture. Cette mesure préventive vise à interdire
leur vente à l’étranger.
Pour s’assurer que les archives de Michel Foucault ne quittent pas le territoire, l’État français a décidé de
les classer « trésor national » samedi 14 avril, par un avis publié au Journal Officiel. Saisie par le
ministère de la Culture, la Commission consultative des Trésors nationaux avait fait valoir que les 37 000
feuillets, manuscrits et textes dactylographiés sont « sans équivalent pour la connaissance de son œuvre
». Ces documents couvrent la quarantaine d’années d’activité du philosophe et permettent de dresser l’évolution de sa
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99629/les-archives-de-michel-foucault-sanctuarisees--tresor-national--.php
La British Library acquiert un Evangile du VIIe siècle pour 11 millions d'euros Londres (Royaume-Uni)
Le livre tient dans la paume de la main. Si petit qu’il soit, cet ouvrage religieux, datant du VIIe
siècle, est le plus ancien qui ait survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il a été acheté 9 millions de livres
(presque 11 millions d’euros) par la British Library.
L’ouvrage, relié de cuir rouge richement décoré d’entrelacs, mesure 9,6 x 13,6 cm. Il s’agit
d’une copie manuscrite en latin de l’Evangile selon saint Jean. Appelé Evangile de saint
Cuthbert, il a été réalisé au monastère de l’île de Lindisfarne (Nord Est de l’Angleterre) à la fin
du VIIe siècle. Enfermé dans le cercueil de saint Cuthbert, ce dernier est déplacé lorsque les Vikings envahissent
Lindisfarne. Arrivé à Durham, le cercueil est ouvert en 1104 ; on y découvre l’Evangile…
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99763/la-british-library-acquiert-un-evangile-du-viiesiecle-pour-11-millions-d-euros.php
Social Network : Pinterest for Heritage - Europeana's Experiment
Some say it is just another one of those social net-work hypes, while many others claim
it is a bandwagon that every brand should be pouncing on. One thing is for sure, the
recent buzz and excitement surrounding Pinterest is massive and without a doubt hard
to miss. If you are one of the few that are still not familiar with ‘pinning’ — you will be
Pinterest is a social network that responds to what us humans do naturally: collect
things we like. It allows its users (now over 11 million) to create and share virtual ‘pin
boards’ of images and videos that they find on the web or from their computer. Add to that the social dimension of the web
and ‘et voilà’ - success is imminent.
+ info: http://blog.europeana.eu/2012/03/pinterest-for-glams-europeanas-experiment/
The European Commission is to fund the development of Linked Data tools that will enable more libraries and
archives to provide digital content to Europeana
Europe's largest cultural heritage portal. Funding has also been allocated for the development of tools that will enable
innovative re-use of Europeana data in teaching and research contexts.
The software to be developed will allow for the contextualisation and linking of vast cultural heritage data sets drawn from
some of Europe's most prominent memory institutions. This will in turn allow scholars, students and the wider public to
interact with with cultural objects and their associated metadata in innovative ways.
+ info: http://www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1300%3Aannouncing-dm2edigitised-manuscripts-to-europeana
Website - The New York Department of Records announces on-line access to a
gallery of over 870.000 images of the city. New York City, New York State (USA)
Welcome to the New York City Municipal Archives Online Gallery. This ever-expanding gallery
is your entry point into the vast visual holdings of the Archives. The Online Gallery provides
free and open research access to over 800,000 items digitized from the Municipal Archives’
collections, including photographs, maps, motion-pictures and audio recordings. The holdings
are arranged by collection; or you may search “All Collections” by keyword or any of the
advanced search criteria. Patrons may order prints or digital files, and license images or film
clips for commercial use. Please see the Order Page for further details about ordering prints or licensing the materials. To
order prints directly from the gallery click on the “Buy Print” button in the image detail view to launch the shopping cart…
+ info: http://www.nyc.gov/html/records/html/gallery/home.shtml
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Presentations and resources from the seminar entitled 'In safe
hands? Guaranteeing our collections for future generations' British Library, London (United Kingdom) 3 February 2012
A Research Libraries UK and Preservation Advisory Centre joint seminar
for RLUK members which explored the relationship between research
libraries' approaches to preservation and conservation and the wider
context of their overall strategy for collection management.
This one day seminar examined how research libraries are addressing
collections issues in terms of decision making, risk assessment and prioritisation. Speakers presented on using preservation
as a strategy now and in the future; using digital surrogates as a preservation strategy; issues around disposal and the
need to preserve the national collection. The seminar consisted of a mixture of presentations and breakout discussion
sessions and provided the opportunity to consider ways to take forward the work completed as part of the jointly funded
three-year Preservation Learning Project which ends in March 2012.
+ info: http://www.bl.uk/blpac/safehands.html
University of Oxford and the Holy See announced a plan to collaborate in
digitizing 1.5 million pages of rare and ancient texts to be made accessible
This week the University of Oxford and the Vatican announced a plan to collaborate
in digitizing 1.5 million pages of rare and ancient texts, most dating from the 16th
century or earlier. The project is expected to span about 4 years and was made
possible by a donation of £2 million (approximately $3.1 million) from the Polonsky
Foundation—a charitable organization that supports higher education, medical
research, and other general matters in the arts and sciences…
+ info: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2012/04/15-million-pages-of-ancient-texts-to-be-made-accessible-online.
Collections Trust secures 8€ million EU investment to help bring collections online - United
Helping museums, archives and libraries share collections.
The Collections Trust has secured major European Commission investment in projects worth a total of
€8m to help museums, archives and libraries share their collections online safely and sustainably.
EUROPEANA INSIDE is a €3.8million research and development project in partnership with 10 leading
Collections Management Software providers, all of whom are members of the Collections Trust’s
‘SPECTRUM Partner’ Scheme. The project will develop open- source tools, enabling cultural
organisations to manage the sharing and re-use of their Collections online.
+ info: www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1345
State aid: Commission approves France’s plan to digitise its film heritage
This scheme is in line with the Commission’s policy for the preservation and dissemination of Europe’s cultural heritage.
The digitisation of film heritage should help to enhance the distribution of European films, interoperability and accessibility
to collections, in particular by way of the EU public digital library Europeana (http://www.europeana.eu/portal/), in
accordance with the principles highlighted in the Digital Agenda for Europe (see IP/10/581).
The breakthrough represented by digital technology impacts the dissemination of heritage among the public and its
transmission from one generation to the next. In order for the public to continue to have access to certain cultural works,
especially old films, which are not available in a suitable technical format, the restoration and digitisation of these works is
+ info: http://www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1303
5th General Meeting of the Memory of the World Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok
(Thailand) 14 - 16 May 2012
The 5th General Meeting of the Memory of the World Regional Committee for Asia Pacific will be held in Bangkok, Thailand,
from 14 to 16 May 2012. The meeting is being hosted by the Ministry of Education of Thailand and the Thai National
Committee on Memory of the World Programme of UNESCO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and
the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Archaeolgy and Fine Arts. This is the biennial
gathering of representatives of national Memory of the World Committees in the Asia Pacific region, and of UNESCO
National Commissions from countries, which still do not have national MOW committees.
+ info: www.unesco.mowcap.org/coming_events_and_meetings.htm
Syracuse University Unveils First Phase of Marcel Breuer Digital Archive - Syracuise,
New York State (USA)
Marcel Breuer, born in Hungary in 1902, was educated under the Bauhaus manifesto of “total
construction”; this is likely why Breuer is well known for both his furniture designs as well as his
numerous works of architecture, which ranged from small residences to monumental architecture
and governmental buildings. His career flourished during the Modernist period in conjunction with
architects and designers such as founder of Bauhaus Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and Mies van
der Rohe.
In 2009, Syracuse University’s Special Collection Research Center recieved a National Endowment for the Humanities grant
with which it began creating the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive. The digital archive, available online, is a collaborative effort
headed by the library and includes institutions such as the Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin, the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, the
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Harvard University, the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian
Institution, the University of East Anglia, and the Vitra Design Museum. It is in the first phase, which includes Breuer work
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
up until 1955, of digitzing over 30,000 drawings, photographs, letters and other related material of his work.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230833
Einstein Archives website received nearly 1 million unique visitors in its first month
In the month following its launch, the updated and expanded Einstein Archives website recorded
tens of millions of hits and was visited by nearly 1 million people from around the world.
Launched by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at a March 19 press conference, the site contains
a catalog of more than 80,000 Einstein-related documents, and a visual display of 2,000
documents up to the year 1921, with more digitized documents to follow.
The website, www.alberteinstein.info, recorded more than 21 million hits and 650,000 unique
visitors in its first five days, and more than 34 million hits and 925,000 unique visitors in its first
month. Visitors to the site came from 160 countries, among them Arab countries. The launch was reported by hundreds of
news outlets across the globe and spent five consecutive days as a top story on Google News…
+ info: http://www.huji.ac.il/cgi-bin/dovrut/dovrut_search_eng.pl?mesge133508654305872560
Website - Digital images from Historia Piscium available with more than a
thousand others in the online Royal Society Picture Library
The Royal Society Picture Library is an online database of digital images of paintings,
drawings and prints held in our collections. It has been created to inspire the exploration of
science through its visual history.
Browse and search rare, intriguing, beautiful and often surprising pictures selected from the
collections of the Royal Society, the world’s oldest scientific academy.
Images will be added to the website on a regular basis so keep checking back to see what’s
+ info: https://pictures.royalsociety.org/home
British Council announces digitisation of over 120 unique films from its own archive
- London (United Kingdom)
Over 120 films providing fascinating snapshots of the UK’s cultural, sporting, industrial and
political heritage have been launched online to the public today thanks to funding from
Google and the British Council. The films are from the British Council’s own film archive
which dates back to late 1939 – and give an insight not only into a bygone age, but also
serve to capture how cultural relations has changed. For several decades, the Council was an
enthusiastic commissioner and distributor of documentaries, designed to showcase Britain to
the outside world and promote democratic values at a time when fascism was spreading across Europe. The films were
largely shown at embassies, consulates and to students and schoolchildren around the world.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55163
Amateur sleuth helps stop National Archives and Records Administration thefts Washington D.C. (USA)
When J. David Goldin saw the recorded interview of baseball great Babe Ruth for sale on
eBay he knew something was wrong. There was only one original record of that 1937
interview of Ruth on a hunting trip, and Goldin had donated it to a government archive more
than 30 years ago. Now someone was auctioning it off, the winning bid just $34.75. "I took
one look at the record label and I said, 'holy smokes, that's my record,'" said the retired
radio engineer. From his home in Connecticut, filled with antique radios and tape reels,
Goldin launched an amateur sleuthing effort that helped uncover a thief ripping off the country's most important repository
of historical records. The heist turned out to be an inside job. The culprit was the recently retired head of the video and
sound branch of the National Archives and Records Administration — the government agency entrusted with preserving
such documents as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55160
‘See Yesterday…Today’.Today invites outdoor visitors to see the Reynolda landscape as if they were in the late
1910s and early 1920s using archival photographs and images - Reynolda House Museum of American Art Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Throughout the spring and summer of 2012, Reynolda House Museum of American Art is celebrating the landscape of
Reynolda, along with the landscapes of other famous country estates built during the Country Place Era. A Genius for Place:
American Landscapes of the Country Place Era is on view at the Museum through August 5, 2012.
See Yesterday…Today invites outdoor visitors to see the Reynolda landscape as visitors to the Reynolda Estate might have
experienced it in the late 1910s and early 1920s, using archival photographs and images. The Reynolda landscape was
thoughtfully and artfully envisioned by Katharine Smith Reynolds alongside her landscape architect Thomas Sears. Eight
locations between the Estate’s front entrance and the boathouse at the foot of Sunset Hill are marked with signs that
highlight the beauty and history of the Reynolda landscape.
+ info: http://www.reynoldahouse.org/newsletter/seeyesterday/seeyesterday.html
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Exhibition - Naked before the Camera - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
27 mars - 09 septembre 2012 New York City, New York State. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2012/naked-before-the-camera
Exhibition - Picturing a New Society: Photographs from the Soviet Union 1920s-1980s - Museum of Fine Arts
14 avril - 19 août 2012 St. Petersburg, Florida. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Museum of Fine Arts
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://fine-arts.org/collection/picturing-a-new-society-photographs-from-the-soviet-union-1920s-1980s/
Exhibition - Visions of Empire: The Quest for a Railroad Across America, 1840-1880 - The Huntington Library,
Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
21 avril - 23 julliet 2012 San Marino, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.huntington.org/huntingtonlibrary_02.aspx?id=10450
Exhibition - I Spy: Photography and the Theater of the Street, 1938-2010 - National Gallery of Art
22 avril - 05 août 2012 Landover, Maryland. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: National Gallery of Art and the generous support of The Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation and the
Trellis Fund.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/ispyinfo.shtm
Exhibition - Rétrospective Eugène Atget, Paris - Musée Carnavalet
25 avril - 29 julliet 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Musée Carnavalet
+ info: http://carnavalet.paris.fr/fr/expositions/eugene-atget-paris
Exhibition - Brancusi: The Photographs - Bruce Silverstein Gallery
26 avril - 23 juin 2012 New York City, New York State. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Bruce Silverstein Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.brucesilverstein.com/documents/4f85de3e3f691.pdf
Exhibition - Paroles d'esclaves, Mémoires des lieux - UNESCO Headquarters
09 mai - 23 mai 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/unesco-house/cultural-events/?tx_browser_pi1[plugin]
Congrès international sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel
29 mai - 01 juin 2012 Split. Croatie
Organizateurs: Université de Zagreb, Université de Ljubljana et Croatian Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://eu-chic.eu/index.php/news/entry/eu-chic_final_conference_in_split_-_preliminary_information/
Exhibition - Elegy - Royal Ontario Museum
2 July 2012
02 julliet 2012 Toronto, Ontario. Canada
Organizateurs: Royal Ontario Museum
+ info: http://www.rom.on.ca/exhibitions/special/elegy.php
Atelier - MEPPI Abu Dhabi 2012
11 novembre - 19 novembre 2012 Campus Downtown, NYU Abu Dhabi Institute. Émirats Arabes Unis
Organizateurs: La Fondation Arabe pour l’Image, le Art Conservation Department de l’Université du Delaware, le
Museum of Art, et le Getty Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 27 may 2012
+ info: http://www.meppi.org/MEPPI-Abu-Dhabi-2012
Photographic Materials Working Group Interim Meeting
11 février - 15 février 2013 Wellington. Nouvelle- Zélande
Organizateurs: ICOM - International Council Museums. Committee Conservation
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.icom-cc.org/54/document/2013-photographic-materials-wg-interim-meeting-call-for-papers/?id=1095
Brush and Shutter. Early Photography in China
Author: Edited by Jeffrey W. Cody and Frances Terpak
ISBN: 978-1-60606-054-4
Year: 2011
The essays in this volume shed new light on the birth of a medium. Jeffrey Cody and Frances Terpak,
together with Edwin Lai, discuss the medium’s evolution, commercialization, and dissemination; Wu
Hung examines the invention of a portrait style through the lens of Milton Miller; Sarah Fraser
investigates how this style shaped China’s national image; and Wen-hsin Yeh addresses the camera’s
role in Republican Shanghai and wartime Chongqing. The catalogue accompanies an exhibition of the same name at the J.
Paul Getty Museum from February 8 to May 1, 2011.
+ info: http://shop.getty.edu/product869.html
Getty Conservation Institute: Demonstration Assessment of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Retrofit Lamps
Final Report prepared in support of the U.S. DOE Solid-State Lighting Technology Demonstration GATEWAY Program
This document is a report of observations and results obtained from a lighting demonstration project conducted under the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) GATEWAY Demonstration Program. The program supports demonstrations of highperformance solid-state lighting (SSL) products in order to develop empirical data and experience with in-the-field
applications of this advanced lighting technology. The DOE GATEWAY Demonstration Program focuses on providing a
source of independent, third-party data for use in decision-making by lighting users and professionals; this data should be
considered in combination with other information relevant to the particular site and application under examination. Each
GATEWAY Demonstration compares SSL products against the incumbent technologies used in that location. Depending on
available information and circumstances, the SSL product may also be compared to alternate lighting technologies. Though
products demonstrated in the GATEWAY program may have been prescreened for performance, DOE does not endorse any
commercial product or in any way guarantee that users will achieve the same results through use of these products.
+ info: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/publications/pdfs/ssl/getty_museum_gateway_final.pdf
Le Net Art au musée. Stratégies de conservation des oeuvres en ligne
Auteur: Anne Laforest
Éditeur: Questions théoriques - Niveau : Universitaire
ISBN: 978-2917131046
Le net art - la création artistique par et pour Internet - rejoint depuis quelques années les collections des
musées, posant de nouvelles et complexes questions de conservation et d'exposition.
D'une part, les matériaux numériques de ces oeuvres sont fragiles; d'autre part, le déploiement complet de
leur dispositif suppose qu'elles soient en ligne et activées par leurs visiteurs. Il faut donc tenir compte à la
fois de la matérialité particulière des oeuvres et de la façon dont la conservation dialogue avec les autres fonctions du
Anne Laforet présente et interroge les différentes stratégies de conservation expérimentées par les musées, les archives,
les artistes, etc. Documentation, émulation, migration, partition, ré-interprétation, auto-archivage, archivage automatique
et en tire la proposition d'une conservation hybride, celle du " musée archéologique ".
+ info: cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/18081/net-art-musee-strategies-conservation-des
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Architecture de terre
Architecture de terre
Taller de Construcciones de Tierra
22-24 junio 2012. Villa de Leyva, Ricaurte (Colombia)
Organiza: Fundación HabitTierra
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Leyva2012.pdf
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Création d'une maîtrise en gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers - Université du
Québec à Montréal. Montréal, Québec (Canada)
À compter de septembre prochain, l’UQAM offrira un nouveau programme de maîtrise, à caractère
professionnel, en gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers, dont le responsable est le professeur
Christian Messier, du Département des sciences biologiques.
Les finissants du programme seront en mesure de proposer et de piloter des projets de
développement forestier durable pour l'ensemble des ressources des écosystèmes forestiers, de
développer des stratégies cohérentes avec l'aménagement écosystémique et de participer à la gestion
d'un territoire forestier en introduisant des approches d'aménagement intégré des ressources et de gestion participative.
Ses diplômés pourront aussi mener des consultations publiques et collaborer à la mise en place d'un processus de
certification forestière.
+ info: http://www.nouvelles.uqam.ca/2012/2121-creation-dune-maitrise-en-gestion-durable-ecosystemes-forestiers
Création d'une malle pédagogique sur le lin
L'association Au fil du Queffleuth et de la Penzé (Nord Finistère), membre de la Fédération
Patrimoine-Environnement, œuvre depuis 20 ans dans les domaines de la valorisation et de
l'éducation aux patrimoines naturels et culturels. Le lin s'avère être une thématique forte de son
territoire et "Au fil du Queffleuth et de la Penzé" a organisé pendant plusieurs années Riboul al
lin, une manifestation intercommunale valorisant l'histoire et le patrimoine du lin.
L'association s'est également impliquée dès 2007 dans le projet régional "Route des Toiles de
Bretagne" porté par l'association lin et chanvre en Bretagne…
+ info: http://www.associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1982
Bilan et reconduction du programme Parcours Patrimoine créé par le
groupement Rempart Ile-de-France et soutenu par la Fondation du
Patrimoine (France)
Le projet "Parcours Patrimoine" du Groupement REMPART Ile-de-France, conduit sur
les années 2009, 2010 et 2011, a proposé aux jeunes en difficulté forums, ateliersdécouverte et participation à des chantiers-patrimoine. Le Groupement dresse un
bilan très positif de cette expérience, prouvant que la formation aux métiers d'art
peut jouer un rôle important dans l'insertion sociale et professionnelle des jeunes, et
dans la transmission des savoir-faire, tout en contribuant à préserver notre patrimoine.
Cette opération a bénéficié d'un soutien de la Fondation du Patrimoine grâce au mécénat de la Fondation Total, à hauteur
de 10 000 euros (soit 40% du montant global des coûts engagés). Face au succès de cette opération, le Groupement
REMPART Ile-de-France a décidé de poursuivre cette action qui sera soutenue à hauteur de 17 000 euros par la Fondation
du Patrimoine, dans le cadre de son Fonds spécial pour l'insertion, la formation et la transmission des savoir-faire, lancé en
2011 et renouvelé en 2012.
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1948&dossier=15
EU (European Union) and Mediterranean States to deepen academic cooperation
European Union and southern Mediterranean partner countries plan to establish a mechanism to enhance collaboration and
the response of universities and research centres to socio-economic needs.
An observatory of scientific cooperation across the Mediterranean will be created under the auspices of MIRA, the
Mediterranean Innovation and Research Coordination Action.
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
The partnership will support the creation of an electronic network connecting scientists in universities and research centres,
and promote the cultural diversity-oriented postgraduate study and research programmes of the Slovenia-based EuroMediterranean University, an existing international network of universities comprising 179 members from 38 countries.
+ info: http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20120407105937236
New MA Programme: Buddhist art and its conservation - The Courtauld Institute of Art. London (United
The Courtauld Institute of Art is delighted to announce the creation of a new MA programme in Buddhist Art: History and
Conservation. Generously funded by an endowment of £2.5 million by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation of Hong
Kong, the programme will operate in collaboration with School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
Professor Deborah Swallow, Märit Rausing Director of The Courtauld, and previously Keeper of the Asian Department at the
Victoria and Albert Museum, said: “The new MA integrates The Courtauld’s strengths in conservation, art history and
curating in a remarkably innovative manner. I am delighted that this initiative, which draws on the international excellence
of our partner SOAS, reflects our long-term goals and those of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, as well as The
Courtauld’s expansion into the field of Asian art.”
+ info: http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/presscentre/2012/Courtauld_Institute_Buddhist_MA_pressrelease.pdf
Programme court en gestion des ressources fauniques - TELUQ - Université à distance de l'UQAM (Université
du Québec à Montréal - Canada)
l'objectif du programme est comprendre les effets des interventions dans le domaine de la gestion des ressources
fauniques et de leurs habitats en relation avec les problématiques environnementales. Relier les activités scientifiques et
socio-économiques à la base de l'utilisation rationnelle des ressources renouvelables.
+ info: http://www.teluq.uquebec.ca/siteweb/etudes/offre/prog/TELUQ/0265/?p_herit=etu
Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture : D.E.S. (Diplôme d'études spécialisées) en
Architecture des milieux : Un 3ème cycle pour devenir Chercheur en
Environnement. Paris (France) Date limite de candidature: 15 juin 2012
L’École Spéciale d’Architecture est née il y a plus de 140 ans et s’est depuis sans cesse
régénérée dans la lutte inventive, dans sa pédagogie comme dans ses structures.
Plus ancienne école d’architecture en France, membre de la Conférence des Grandes
Écoles (CGE) depuis 2010, elle est sous la double tutelle du Ministère de l’Enseignement
Supérieur et de la Recherche et celui de la Culture et de la Communication.
Renouvelant sans cesse son ancestrale promesse, être Spéciale, l’équipe pédagogique s’emploie à faire de cette école un
lieu d’apprentissage et d’excellence (du 1er cycle au 3ème cycle, en passant par la formation continue, la formation
permanente et la recherche), de diversité (950 étudiants dont 25% sont étrangers, 110 enseignants dont 10%
d’étrangers), de créativité et d’ouverture sur le monde.
+ info: http://www.esa-paris.fr/-3eme-Cycle-.html?lang=fr
Numbers of young scientists declining in Japan. Government policies are
hampering the country's next generation of research leaders, advisory body says.
Junior researchers are being squeezed out of Japanese universities by government policies
aimed at cutting costs. The claim, from the Council for Science and Technology Policy
(CSTP), the government’s top advisory body on science, is raising concerns that the
country’s next generation of scientific leaders is under threat and that the trend may already
be harming research productivity.
The CSTP analysis comes from a draft report on Japan's science and technology activities
scheduled for publication in the next several weeks. It points out that although the number of tenured and contract faculty
at publicly funded universities has grown from around 50,000 to 63,000 over the past 30 years, the number of faculty
under 35 has plunged from more than 10,000 to 6,800…
+ info: http://www.nature.com/news/numbers-of-young-scientists-declining-in-japan-1.10254
Google has announced its partnership for the Google Art Project with the
Savannah College of Art and Design Museum of Art (Savannah - Georgia - USA)
and the Gibbes Museum of Art (Charleston - South Carolina - USA)
Google is pleased to announce its partnership with the SCAD Museum of Art in Savannah,
Georgia, and the Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston, South Carolina, bringing a number of
the museums' top works online with the innovative Google Art Project. The museums are
the only two in the Southeastern United States to participate in the project.
The Google Art Project is a unique collaboration between Google and the world's most
respected and acclaimed museums, enabling visitors to virtually explore museums, discover and view hundreds of artworks
online at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share their own collection of masterpieces with a few clicks of a
+ info: http://www.scadmoa.org/press/2012/google-scad-museum-gibbes-art-project
International Park Service (USA) International Volunteers-in-Parks Programme
Every year, ore than one hundred individuals from all over the world volunteer in America's National
Parks. The International Volunteers-in-Parks Program (IVIP) benefits both the individual volunteer
and the National Park Service (NPS): the volunteer receives training in park management, wildlife
research, environmental education, etc., and the National Park Service gains a fresj prespective on
park management in addition to assistance with carrying out the Service's mission.
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
+ info: http://www.nps.gov/oia/topics/ivip/ivip.htm
Site web - The Civil War in Art: Teaching & Learning through Chicago Collections. Chicago,
Illinois (USA)
"The Civil War in Art: Teaching and Learning through Chicago Collections" is intended to help teachers and
students learn about the Civil War—its causes and effects—and connect to the issues, events, and people
of the era through works of art.
The website was initiated, funded, and developed by the Chicago-based Terra Foundation for American Art
in acknowledgement of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War (1861–1865). From 2010 to 2012,
the Terra Foundation collaborated with six Chicago cultural organizations on the project. Each partner
contributed images from its collection along with written descriptions, questions for discussion, and additional reading
sources. Content specialists from DePaul University curated the selection of objects and wrote the Exhibit texts and
selected object descriptions. Terra Foundation staff contributed to the writing and editing of the Exhibit texts, object
descriptions, and other content in collaboration with the partners and content specialists.
+ info: http://www.civilwarinart.org/
European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education (ENCATC)
was awarded by UNESCO the title of a UNESCO partner NGO with associate status
On 10 March 2012, ENCATC was awarded by UNESCO the title of a UNESCO partner NGO with
associate status. This important recognition was offered to ENCATC because it has proved
competence in the field of education and has a record of regular major contributions to framing
UNESCO’s objectives and implementing its programmes.
This new partnership means ENCATC will maintain effective coordination with UNESCO’s field
units and with the National Commissions for UNESCO in the various countries.
This reclassification of NGO partnership with UNESCO following the approval of new directives concerning UNESCO’s
partnership with NGOs adopted by the General Conference during its 36th session which took place in Paris from 25
October to 11 November 2011. This new statutory framework modernises, simplifies and renews the UNESCO engagement
for a stronger and more efficient partnership between UNESCO and NGOs. This initiative bears witness to UNESCO’s
determination to be more open to external partners and civil society.
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/Newsletters_2012/ENCATC_NEWSLETTER_2012_N3_DIGEST.
Arts Education Monitoring System - Europe
The aim of the AEMS policy analysis grouping is to set up and sustainably implement a
European structural tool that will make national European data on the resource input in arts
education comparable and accessible to stakeholders – culture and education policy makers,
practitioners and researchers.
+ info: http://www.educult.at/en/forschung/aems/
Master of Arts Management - Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
The Master of Arts Management (MAM) program at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College is designed to create
innovative leaders in the visual and performing arts. The program combines rigorous finance, marketing and fundraising
coursework with practical experience to prepare you to excel in a public, private or nonprofit arts environment.
Heinz College's MAM program provides what other arts administration master's degrees cannot -- the solid foundation of
quantitative management principles for which CMU is known globally. Students leave the University with the arts
management and administration tools necessary to solve some of the most pressing economic and operational challenges
currently facing arts organizations in the U.S. and internationally.
+ info: http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/school-of-public-policy-management/arts-management-mam/index.aspx
The European Commission is to fund the development of Linked Data tools that will enable more libraries and
archives to provide digital content to Europeana
Europe's largest cultural heritage portal. Funding has also been allocated for the development of tools that will enable
innovative re-use of Europeana data in teaching and research contexts.
The software to be developed will allow for the contextualisation and linking of vast cultural heritage data sets drawn from
some of Europe's most prominent memory institutions. This will in turn allow scholars, students and the wider public to
interact with with cultural objects and their associated metadata in innovative ways.
+ info: http://www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1300%3Aannouncing-dm2edigitised-manuscripts-to-europeana
Conservation Volunteers e-News May 2012
Conservation Volunteers has partnered with individuals, businesses and governments in the conservation of our unique
environment since 1982. In that time we have welcomed hundreds of thousands of volunteers from around Australia and
across the world and supported their participation in a diversity of important projects to protect and enhance our
+ info: http://www.conservationvolunteers.com.au/staging/newsletters/may2012
Sur les traces de l'homme en Aquitaine - Un site pour s'initier à l'archéologie
préhistorique et découvrir la vie de nos lointains ancêtres
L'établissement Cap Sciences de Bordeaux (France) propose un site dédié au mode de vie des
hommes du Paléolithique supérieur (- 35 000 à - 9 000 ans) dans la région Aquitaine. Ce site,
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
intitulé Sur les traces de l'homme en Aquitaine, s'adresse aux jeunes à partir de 8 ans
Le site nous conduit sur un chantier de fouilles. Le chantier est organisé en 6 espaces :
Art mobilier
Feu et alimentation
Chasse et cueillette
Tente de l'archéologue
En cliquant sur l'un de ces espaces, nous avons accès à différents objets. L'espace "outils" par exemple présente la pointe
de flèche, le biface, le galet, le racloir, etc. Chaque objet est décrit dans un court texte.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/18070/sur-les-traces-homme-aquitaine/
Politique de la recherche - "Willkommen in Deutschland" : les meilleures universités allemandes pour les
chercheurs étrangers
Un nouveau classement de la Fondation Alexander von Humboldt [1], paru le 20 avril 2012, présente les universités
allemandes les plus attractives pour les chercheurs étrangers. Le classement se base sur le nombre de séjours effectués en
Allemagne ces cinq dernières années par des chercheurs de pointe et des jeunes chercheurs étrangers en tant que
boursiers ou lauréats de la Fondation Alexander von Humboldt. Les cinq premières places sont occupées par l'Université
libre (FU) de Berlin, l'Université Humboldt (Berlin), l'Université Ludwig Maximilian de Munich (Bavière), l'Université de Bonn
(Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie) et l'Université technique de Munich…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69850.htm
De Versailles à Gondar, les élèves explorent les fastes royaux
Quel point commun y a-t-il entre la ville de Gondar en Ethiopie et celle de Versailles en France ? L'une est située en Afrique
et l'autre en Europe et pourtant elles présentent des similitudes historiques mises au jour par le projet pédagogique
"Dessine-moi un château".
En effet, Gondar et Versailles ont connu un essor important au 17ème siècle, chefs-lieux de deux royaumes dirigés à
l'époque par deux puissants souverains chrétiens : Iyassou le Grand et Louis XIV. En 2010, les élèves de Gondar et du
département des Yvelines ont participé au projet pédagogique susmentionné pour découvrir les similitudes et différences de
ces deux sites exceptionnels.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/dossiers-articles/articles/17941/versailles-gondar-les-eleves-explorent-les/
Volunteer student labour available via Deakin University - Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)
Do you have a project – cataloguing, picture management, even data entry – which could give a volunteer student
exposure to the workings of a heritage business or organisation? If you do, Deakin Cultural Heritage & Museum Studies
program has postgraduates (predominantly sensible grown–ups) who would love to observe and learn from you.
We have students based around the nation – not just Melbourne or Victoria. They know that job experience is even more
critical than credentials in getting into the heritage trade – every little bit counts on a beginner-CV. And if you can become
a contact, a referee, a mentor, even a friend, you will have helped that student take steps into the heritage scene, which
matters almost as much…
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-531/#8
Laboratório HERCULES - Herança Cultural, Estudos e Salvaguarda, Universidade de Evora, Evora (Portugal)
O Laboratório HERCULES é uma infra-estrutura científica dedicada ao estudo e conservação do património composta por
uma equipa multidisciplinar divididos em 3 unidades diferentes (Unidade de Salvaguarda, Unidade de Investigação de
Materiais e Unidade de Recursos Educativos) que funcionam de forma integrada.
+ info: http://www.uevora.pt/investigar/unidades_de_investigacao/
Cambridge Heritage Research Group Annual Seminar - Heritage Studies: Stories in the Making (28 April 2012)
- Reflections on a Conference. Cambridge University (United Kingdom)
By: Jessie Lipkowitz The 13th Annual Cambridge Heritage Seminar was held at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological
Research on Saturday 28 April 2012. The central theme was reflections on the heritage field with contributions from
Cambridge Heritage MPhil Alumni. The conference provided a unique forum for alumni, heritage practitioners and current
students to discuss their professional and personal interactions with heritage. The intent of this structure was to strengthen
our existing network as well as provide the audience with a narrative of the evolution of heritage as a field, to discuss its
present challenges, to critically evaluate and reorient current practices, and reflect on its trajectory for the future— the
story of heritage and its stories in the making.
+ info: http://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/heritage/weeklybulletin/7th_May_2012.pdf
AIA (Archaeological Institute of America) : Project Expands Heritage Protection
Education to Children at Banteay Chhmar, Cambodia
The heritage protection and community development project at Banteay Chhmar, Cambodia
continues to make great progress. After having completed the English language program,
twelve individuals are being trained to become local tour guides at this late 12th century site.
The trainees participate in the tour guide program for four hours a week. In the initial stage of
the training, trainees were being taught basic guiding techniques, practical issues related to
guiding visitors at a heritage site, and methods on relating their community to visitors. The
training activities included theory, group activities, and on-site tour guide practice.
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/news/currentprojects/8917
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Troisième Congrès international sur l'EFTP - Shanghai, Chine - (13 - 16 mai 2012)
L’enseignement et la formation techniques et professionnels (EFTP) jouent un rôle capital
dans la promotion du développement durable et la prise en compte de problèmes
économiques et sociaux tels que le chômage des jeunes. C’est sur l’avenir de l’EFTP que se
concentrera le troisième Congrès international sur l’enseignement et la formation techniques
et professionnels (Shanghai, 13-16 mai 2012).
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/education/themes/education-building-blocks/thirdinternational-congress-on-tvet/
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
SAHC is an Erasmus Mundus masters course in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical
The objective of SAHC is to offer an advanced education programme on the engineering of
conservation of structures, with a focus on architectural heritage. The main focus of this training is
the application of scientific principles in analysis, innovation and practice of conservation of
monuments and historical constructions worldwide.
The Masters Course has duration of one academic year and is held on a rotating basis among
partners, so each student follows coursework in one partner institution and dissertation in another one. The language of
instruction and examinations is English. The degree awarded is a Master's degree, provided as a double degree from the
institutions involved.
+ info: http://www.msc-sahc.org/upload/docs/Leaflet_low.pdf
Atelier international de l'UNESCO sur l'apprentissage de la biodiversité
02 mai - 04 mai 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: UNESCO
Contact: Mr Bernard Combes - [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=6184&cHash=9950e6aba0
Maîtrise d'études avancées (MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et muséologie
des Beaux-Arts. Genève (Suisse) 2012 - 2013
Les Universités de Genève, Lausanne et Fribourg proposent une Maîtrise d’études
avancées (Master of Advanced Studies – MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et
muséologie des Beaux-Arts pour l’année académique 2012-2013.
Cette formation de deux semestres comporte un tronc d’enseignement commun – notions
de conservation du patrimoine, d’inventaire, d’histoire des collections, des musées, et de
droit de l’art – et deux options de spécialisation, l’une de muséologie des Beaux-Arts,
l’autre de conservation du patrimoine et de l’architecture. L’enseignement (constitué de cours et de séminaires) est
dispensé pendant le premier semestre, alors que le deuxième est consacré au stage et à la rédaction du mémoire de stage.
L’ensemble de la formation comporte 60 crédits : 30 crédits pour les modules d’enseignement, 15 pour le stage, 15 pour le
mémoire de stage. Les taxes d’inscriptions s’élèvent à 1400 CHF par semestre.
Programme, règlement et plan d’étude 2011-2012 en pièce jointe. Le programme sera prochainement réactualisé. Délai
d’inscription : 30 avril 2012 (délai demande de visa: 28 février) Pour tout supplément d'informations à ce sujet, prendre
contact avec le secrétariat.
+ info: http://cms2.unige.ch/mas/
Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development - Turin (Italy) 15
October 2012 - 30 September 2013. Deadline for applications: 2 September 2012
Cultural activities are a major contributor to national development, job creation and social
cohesion. The master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development aims to
impart the necessary competencies and skills to participants in the conservation and
promotion of World Heritage Sites as well as in the conceptualization of sustainable projects
designed around a wide spectrum of cultural activities in the fields of natural and cultural
heritage, creative industries, museums and tourism.
The Programme provides a solid foundation in a variety of cultural economics topics and the value chain of cultural and
natural sites. It explores in detail the economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse
categories of UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites.
The Master is designed by the University of Torino , the Politecnico di Torino , the International Training Centre of the ILO
(ITCILO), and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
+ info: http://worldheritage.itcilo.org/home
Job Offer - 5 month Internship - Saving the Stones - International Conservation Centre - Old City of Acre
Saving the Stones is a 5 month international practical training internship in historical and archaeological conservation. It is
implemented through theoretical lessons and practical workshops taught by conservation specialists from the Israel
Antiquities Authority.
Core contents of the program:
Hands on experience in documentation of historical sites
Hands on experience in traditional building techniques such as masonry work, stone-cutting, carpentry and plastering
Heritage classes, cultural and social events
Study trips
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_79/12_2012.html (5 de 8) [28/05/2012 13:36:15]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
The program also includes: activities with the diverse communities in Akko; archaeological excavations; enrichment
The program opens twice each year.
The program is supported by MASA – Israel Journey
The program is sponsored by the Israel National Committee to UNESCO
+ info: http://www.antiquities.org.il/akko/about.asp
Lettre des Amis du Cimetière non-catholique de Rome
L'édition du printemps 2012 de la Lettre des Amis du Cimetière non-catholique de Rome est
maintenant disponible. Dans ce numéro figure un article sur le Cours international sur la
conservation de la pierre, organisé par l'ICCROM et le Getty Conservation Institute en 2011.
Pendant le cours, le cimetière a été utilisé comme une étude de cas et six tombes ont été
restaurées par les participants.
+ info: http://iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/various_en/04_23non-catholiccemetery_en.pdf
Universita Della Montagna: April-June 2012 Programme of activities
Edolo. Italie
Organizateurs: Corso di laurea in Valorizzazione e Tutela dell'Ambiente e del Territorio Montano
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/italiano/studenti/calendario.html
MA Courses in the history and business of art - Institut d'Etudes Supérieures des Arts and Wallace Collection
Paris & London - France & Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: La grande école des métiers de la culture et du marché de l'art
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.iesa.fr/formation/marche-art/master-collection-art
Talleres Fundación ILAM - Registro y Catalogación de Colecciones
Taller virtual
11 mai - 23 juin 2012 -Organizateurs: Fernando Almarza-Rísquez
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/959.html?task=view
I Conferencia Internacional de Voluntariado: capital social y desarrollo humano
24 mai - 25 mai 2012 Bogotá. Colombie
Organizateurs: YMCA
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 18 may 2012
+ info: http://www.ymcabogota.org/
Talleres Fundación ILAM - Diseño y Montaje de Exposiciones
Taller virtual
25 mai - 07 julliet 2012 -Organizateurs: Laura Evangelina Dragonetti
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/849.html?task=view
Course - Financial Management in Cultural Organizations
04 juin - 09 juin 2012 Victoria, British Columbia. Canada
Organizateurs: University of Victoria
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/Course/Financial-Management-in-Cultural-Organizations/HA488Q/
Heritage Conservation and Place - A course at the University of Victoria
18 juin - 23 juin 2012 British Columbia. Canada
Organizateurs: The Cultural Resource Management Program at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 21 may 2012
+ info: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/cultural/
Course - Cultural economics and Creative industries - Instituto Universitario Lingue Moderne
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
02 julliet - 11 julliet 2012 Milan. Italie
Organizateurs: Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione -Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 may 2012
+ info: http://www.iulm.com/wps/wcm/connect/iulmcom/iulm-com/study-at-iulm/iulm-summer-programme/culturaleconomics-and-creative-industries/cultural-economics-and-creative-industries
Corso di Formazione di Geografia sulle Dolomiti Patrimonio UNESCO
06 julliet - 08 julliet 2012 San Martino. Italie
Organizateurs: Fondazione G. Angelini in collaborazione con Parco Naturale di Paneveggio e Pale di San Martino,
Fondazione Dolomiti-Dolomiten-Dolomites-Dolomitis Unesco, CAI Veneto, SAT, Museo delle Scienze di Trento, Associazione
Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/
Curso de verano UNIMAR - Patrimonio Industrial y Turismo: Potencialidades y Propuestas
09 julliet - 11 julliet 2012 Molina de Segura. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional del Mar
Contact: Mónica López-Sánchez - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 2 jul 2012
+ info: http://www.um.es/unimar/ficha-curso.php?estado=V&cc=50997
Course - Cultural Heritage Protection in the Asia - Pacific Region 2012: research, analysis and preservation of
archaeological sites and remains
04 septembre - 04 octobre 2012 Nara. Japon
Organizateurs: Cultural Heritage Protection Cooperation Office, Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU Nara)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 jun 2012
+ info: http://iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2012_09archaeological-sites-Nara_en.shtml
Itinerant course on stone conservation
10 septembre - 22 septembre 2012 Toruń. Pologne
Organizateurs: LNEC National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, PT and Nicolaus Copernicus University Institute of Physics
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.charismaproject.eu/news--events/charisma/2012/2-semestre/itinerant-course-on-stone-conservation.
20th European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education (ENCATC) Annual Conference
"Networked Culture"12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Goldsmiths, University of London
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 8 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/Call_for_papers/ENCATC_call_for_abstracts_2012_01.pdf
Become a Cultural Heritage Entrepreneur! Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development Turin School of Development
15 octobre 2012 - 30 septembre 2013 Turin. Italie
Organizateurs: Turin School of Development
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 2 jun 2012
+ info: http://worldheritage.itcilo.org/home
ICCROM - Cours international sur la conservation du papier en Amérique latine
17 octobre - 30 octobre 2012 Mexico. Mexique
Organizateurs: Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
(CNCPC-INAH), Mexico (Mexique); Institut national de recherche sur les biens culturels, Tokyo (Japon) et ICCROM (Centre
national d’études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/01train_fr/announce_fr/2012_10latam_jpc_MEX_fr.shtml
Call for Papers - International Colloquium on Education and the Role of Media in Promoting Cultural Diversity
19 novembre - 21 novembre 2012 Nouakchott. Mauritanie
Organizateurs: Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS)
Contact: Mohamed Lemine Cheikh Abdellahi - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2012
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/MAURITANIE-1.doc
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Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Journal of Cultural Management and Policy - European network on Cultural Management and
Cultural Policy education (ENCATC)
VOL 1 / ISSUE 1 / 2011
The objective of the ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy is to stimulate debate on the
topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers and cultural
mangaers. The Journal is based on a multidisciplinary perspective and aims at connecting theory and
practice in the realm of the cultural sector.
+ info: http://issuu.com/encatc/docs/journal_vol1_issue1_dec2011
Proyecto "Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo. 18 prácticas exitosas" Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
La Organización de Estados Americanos, OEA, actualmente está desarrollando el proyecto “La cultura en
el desarrollo: una red interamericana de información”, que tiene como objetivo “crear conciencia entre los
distintos sectores sociales e instituciones gubernamentales acerca del rol fundamental de la cultura en el
crecimiento económico, la inclusión social y el desarrollo sostenible”. A través de este proyecto busca
apoyar las experiencias exitosas y concretas en América en las cuales la cultura ha contribuido
precisamente a la generación de desarrollo. Uno de los frutos de este proyecto es la publicación del libro
Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo.
+ info: http://desarrolloycultura.net/red/actividades/%E2%80%9Ccultura-com%C3%BAn-denominador-para-el-desarrollo18-pr%C3%A1cticas-exitosas%E2%80%9D-oea
Informe sobre "Acceso de los jóvenes a la cultura en Iberoamérica: Tendencias, obstáculos y
Edición: Jordi Baltà y Nadja Wallraff
© Interarts, Barcelona, 2012
Interarts y la red Proyecta Cultura acaban de publicar el informe “Acceso de los jóvenes a la cultural en
Iberoamérica : Tendencias, obstáculos y experiencias”, resultado de una investigación realizada en 12
Estados iberoamericanos durante 2011. En cada uno de los países analizados, corresponsales locals
describieron los marcos institucionales y jurídicos relativos al acceso de los jóvenes a la cultura, las
tendencias actuales en este ámbito y diversos casos de estudio, y recogieron testimonios de jóvenes en relación con su
percepción de la vida cultural.
Posteriormente, un equipo de redacción analizó los datos en conjunto para elaborar el informe final. El proyecto ha estado
financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) y sirve de base para la
realización de nuevas acciones en el marco de Proyecta Cultura, en las que participa Interarts.
+ info: http://www.interarts.net/descargas/interarts1242.pdf
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Création d'une maîtrise en gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers - Université du
Québec à Montréal. Montréal, Québec (Canada)
À compter de septembre prochain, l’UQAM offrira un nouveau programme de maîtrise, à caractère
professionnel, en gestion durable des écosystèmes forestiers, dont le responsable est le professeur
Christian Messier, du Département des sciences biologiques.
Les finissants du programme seront en mesure de proposer et de piloter des projets de
développement forestier durable pour l'ensemble des ressources des écosystèmes forestiers, de
développer des stratégies cohérentes avec l'aménagement écosystémique et de participer à la gestion
d'un territoire forestier en introduisant des approches d'aménagement intégré des ressources et de gestion participative.
Ses diplômés pourront aussi mener des consultations publiques et collaborer à la mise en place d'un processus de
certification forestière.
+ info: http://www.nouvelles.uqam.ca/2012/2121-creation-dune-maitrise-en-gestion-durable-ecosystemes-forestiers
Une forêt jeune chargée d'histoire - Verdun (France)
La forêt domaniale de Verdun a été créée au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale
sur l’ancien champ de bataille. Elle englobe pour l’essentiel d’anciennes terres agricoles
dévastées et déclarées impropres à l'agriculture par les autorités, mais aussi des zones
autrefois boisées.
Située à proximité de Verdun, ce haut lieu de mémoire de presque 10.000 ha, accueille
chaque année de nombreux visiteurs. Profondément marquée par la Grande Guerre,
dont elle porte encore les séquelles, la forêt a évolué au fil des ans et des interventions
forestières. Elle abrite aujourd'hui des espèces animales et végétales protégées. Elle est gérée par l’Office national des
+ info: http://www.onf.fr/enforet/verdun/@@index.html
Quel avenir pour les forêts françaises face au changement climatique ?
Ecology Letters vient de publier les résultats d'une étude menée par un groupe de chercheurs de
l'Université Paris-Sud, de l'INRA, du CNRS, du CEA, d'AgroParisTech et de l'Université Joseph Fourier
de Grenoble. Réalisés dans la cadre du projet QDIV et soutenus par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche
(ANR) et le GIS "Climat, Environnement, Société", ces travaux ont permis d'évaluer, à partir de huit
modèles écologiques de dernière génération, la réponse des forêts, et plus particulièrement de cinq
essences forestières dominantes en France, au changement climatique, mais aussi de souligner les
incertitudes qui subsistent dans les prévisions. Difficile en effet de prédire l'impact du changement
climatique sans disposer d'une meilleure connaissance des effets directs de l'augmentation de la teneur en CO2
atmosphérique sur la végétation, d'autant plus quand on sait que de fortes teneurs en CO2 peuvent protéger les arbres
contre la sécheresse…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69816.htm
388 km² of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest verified by DETER (Real Time
Deforestation Detection System of Brazilian National Institute for Space Research) in
the last three months - Brazil
DETER, a system based on satellites of Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (Instituto
Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE) aimed at monitoring Amazon rainforest, has warned
388.13 km² of clearing or degradation in January, February and March, 2012.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_79/13_2012.html (1 de 2) [28/05/2012 13:36:17]
The number represents the sum of warnings recorded in the last three months of 2012. The
distribution of areas in the states is presented in the following chart…
+ info: http://www.inpe.br/ingles/news/news.php?Cod_Noticia=296
Étude multi-échelles des précipitations et du couvert végétal au Cameroun : Analyses spatiales, tendances
temporelles, facteurs climatiques et anthropiques de variabilité du NDVI (Normalized DifferenceVegetation
Par Viviane Djoufack De par sa géométrie et sa situation géographique (2°N-13°N - 8°E-16°E ; ouverture sur l'océan
Atlantique), le Cameroun offre l'avantage de proposer un ensemble représentatif des climats régionaux rencontrés en
Afrique tropicale. La diminution des cumuls de précipitations enregistrée dans la région pendant la seconde moitié du XXe
siècle, est associée à la récurrence de périodes anormalement sèches, essentiellement au coeur de la saison des pluies. Ces
conditions ont amplifié la dégradation du couvert végétal au travers ses contraintes socioéconomiques et démographiques
(déforestation, extension des surfaces d'activité). Les conséquences souvent dommageables de la variabilité climatique en
général, et des sécheresses en particulier, sur les hommes et leurs activités suscitent l'intérêt de développer des études
pour mieux comprendre comment le climat et les pressions naturelles et environnementales interagissent localement.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00690359
Commission européenne - Secteur forestier et exploitation illégale des forêts : Les accords de partenariats
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/what/development-policies/intervention-areas/environment/forestry_intro_fr.htm
Regards croisés sur l'avenir des forêts françaises face au changement climatique
Une nouvelle étude menée par des chercheurs de l’Université Paris-Sud, de l’INRA, du CNRS, du CEA, d’AgroParisTech et de
l’Université Joseph Fourier de Grenoble a permis d’évaluer, à partir de huit modèles de dernière génération, la réponse des
forêts au changement climatique et de souligner les incertitudes associées. L’objectif de l’analyse était en effet de comparer
les sorties de différentq types de modèles écologiques et de les combiner afin d’avoir des scénarii plus fiables. L’étude a
porté sur une sélection de cinq essences forestières dominantes en France. En général, les auteurs montrent que les
plaines de l'ouest, du sud-ouest et du centre de la France seront les plus fortement touchées d'ici 2050. Le changement
climatique en France compromettra l'avenir de certaines essences d'arbre en plaine, comme le pin sylvestre. Ces résultats
viennent d’être publiés dans la revue "Ecology Letters".
+ info: www.insu.cnrs.fr/environnement/sols-hydrosphere-et-biosphere-continentales/regards-croises-sur-l-avenir-desforets-fr
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Patrimoine géologique
Patrimoine géologique
Découverte d'oeufs fossiles de dinosaures en Tchétchénie - Fédération de Russie
Les participants d'une expédition géologique dans la république nord-caucasienne de Tchétchénie ont découvert un groupe
d'oeufs fossiles dans le district de Charoïski.
L'équipe a trouvé une quarantaine d'oeufs avec des diamètres de 24 à 100 cm. " L'image d'une section montre que sa
coquille, le jaune et l'albumen sont bien délimités. Nous avons pris plusieurs échantillons pour vérifier la composition
chimique et physique " a indiqué M. Dzhabrailov de l'université d'Etat de Tchétchénie.
Les scientifiques pensent que ces oeufs sont ceux de dinosaures herbivores vivants il y a environ 60 millions d'années.
Cette découverte est une première du genre en Tchétchénie.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69810.htm
Subduction dynamics and the origin of Andean orogeny and the Bolivian orocline
The building of the Andes results from the subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate underneath the South American continent.
However, how and why the Andes and their curvature, the Bolivian orocline, formed in the Cenozoic era (65.5 million years
(Myr) ago to present), despite subduction continuing since the Mesozoic era (251.0–65.5 Myr ago), is still unknown. Threedimensional numerical subduction models demonstrate that variations in slab thickness, arising from the Nazca plate’s age
at the trench, produce a cordilleran morphology consistent with that observed…
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v480/n7375/full/nature10596.html
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Séminaire : "Recherches croisées en Dobrogea" - Dobrogea - Roumanie (17-18 Mai 2012)
Cette rencontre aura pour sujet principal la région de la Dobrogea, et se proposera d'exposer les recherches
multidisciplinaires des équipes de scientifiques roumains et français en archéologie, géologie, paléontologie, biodiversité,
réunissant ainsi de manière inédite des disciplines proches par l'appréhension du temps, mais parfois très différentes par
les sujets traités et les méthodes utilisées.
Ce colloque soutenu par l'Institut Français de Roumanie à travers les "ateliers scientifiques franco-roumains" a pu voir le
jour grâce à l'implication de nombreuses institutions universitaires et muséales.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69879.htm
1st. MAC International Workshop of Archaeological Geophysics - Girona (Spain) 21-25 may 2012
The discipline of archaeological geophysics has been in constant development since the 1970s. The increasing capability of
different sensors for non-destructively mapping the shallow subsurface has produced very useful images for archaeologists
in the last few years. The 1st MAC-IWAG is another activity offered by Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya in order to
support research in the field of non-destructive technologies for archaeological prospection, after two years of testing some
of these technologies in Catalonian archaeological sites.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_79/15_2012.html (1 de 2) [28/05/2012 13:36:19]
Patrimoine géologique
With the participation of some of the best experts in archaeological geophysics worldwide, MAC-IWAG offers archaeologists
and geophysicists an intensive 5-day course, within the framework of the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Ullastret
+ info: http://www.mac.cat/eng/Branches/Ullastret/Activitats/Cursos/1st.-MAC-International-Workshop-of-ArchaeologicalGeophysics-MAC-IWAG
Par Nicolas CHARLES
ISBN : 978-2-7159-2529-8
BRGM - 2012
Les falaises crayeuses de l'estuaire de la Gironde, les conches de la Côte de Beauté, les dunes de la Côte
Sauvage, les marais salants de l¿île de Ré ou encore les coraux fossiles de la pointe du Chay Si l'on connaît
ces paysages, on ignore souvent qu'ils nous racontent une histoire vieille de plusieurs centaines de millions
d'années : l'histoire géologique. En Aunis et Saintonge, celle-ci est indissociable de celle du bassin d'Aquitaine.
+ info: http://www.brgm.fr/Livres/detail.jsp?id=EDV-ART-227
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Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
Une forêt jeune chargée d'histoire - Verdun (France)
La forêt domaniale de Verdun a été créée au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale
sur l’ancien champ de bataille. Elle englobe pour l’essentiel d’anciennes terres agricoles
dévastées et déclarées impropres à l'agriculture par les autorités, mais aussi des zones
autrefois boisées.
Située à proximité de Verdun, ce haut lieu de mémoire de presque 10.000 ha, accueille
chaque année de nombreux visiteurs. Profondément marquée par la Grande Guerre,
dont elle porte encore les séquelles, la forêt a évolué au fil des ans et des interventions
forestières. Elle abrite aujourd'hui des espèces animales et végétales protégées. Elle est gérée par l’Office national des
+ info: http://www.onf.fr/enforet/verdun/@@index.html
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien est en danger - Un état de lieu de minarets,
mosquées, monastères qui ont été endommagés ou pillés - Appel à la communauté
internationale - Euromed Heritage
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien subit divers types de dommages et de dégradations à
différents degrés, qu’il s’agisse de monuments ou de quartiers historiques, de sites
archéologiques, de musées ou de lieux de culte. Ces destructions ont
commencé dès le 15 mars 2011, date de la montée en puissance du soulèvement syrien.
Nous souhaitons que cet appel puisse devenir le fondement de travaux à venir sur la question
des dommages infligés aux biens culturels du pays. Il a aussi pour objectif d'éviter que se reproduisent des destructions
aussi graves et généralisées que celles qui
ont eu lieu lors de la répression subie par la ville de Hama en 1982, qui a notamment vu ses quartiers historiques et son
patrimoine mobilier dévastés, ainsi que son musée pillé, déprédations dont personne n'a jamais osé parler depuis.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/euroshared/doc/appel%20de%20detresse%20patrimoine%20syrien%20-%20fr.
The Siege of Sarajevo Museum - The Art of Living 1992-1996 Fama Collection /
Studio Zec + ahA + Filter - Sarajevo - Bosnia-and-Herzegovina
A collaborative work by Studio Zec + ahA + Filter, The Siege of Sarajevo Museum – The Art
of Living 1992-1996 project is launching a new way of interacting and learning about the
phenomenon of the Siege of Sarajevo. Regarding urban survival, Sarajevo has become a
powerful symbol and a lesson for current and future generations. The museum will be a
unique depository of human knowledge – where human ingenuity, creativity and intelligence
will be captured amidst the urban post-cataclysmic realm. It is a heritage snap-shot of faces
and voices that have shaped the longest siege in the modern history of mankind.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/227965/the-siege-of-sarajevo-museum-the-art-of-living-1992-1996-fama-collectionstudio-zec-aha-filter/
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien est en danger : Un état de lieu de minarets, mosquées, monastères qui ont
été endommagés ou pillés - Appel à la communauté internationale
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien subit divers types de dommages et de dégradations à différents degrés, qu’il s’agisse de
monuments ou de quartiers historiques, de sites archéologiques, de musées ou de lieux de culte. Ces destructions ont
commencé dès le 15 mars 2011, date de la montée en puissance du soulèvement syrien.
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Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
Par cet appel, nous souhaitons porter ces destructions à la connaissance de tous et inviter la communauté internationale à
soutenir et accompagner l’inventaire et la dénonciation d'exactions portant atteinte à un patrimoine qui, à plus d’un titre,
concerne l'humanité toute entière.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/euroshared/doc/appel%20de%20detresse%20patrimoine%20syrien%20-%20fr.
Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
Throughout Australia
01 mai - 31 mai 2012 -Organizateurs: Blue Shield Australia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Media-Release-Blue-Shield-Australia-Disaster-Recovery-Workshops2012.pdf
Conference - IV Modern Conflict Archaeology
20 octobre 2012 Bristol. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: University of Bristol
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2012
+ info: http://mcaconf.com/call-for-papers/
Conference - Islands of War, Islands of Memory 06 avril - 07 avril 2013 Cambridge. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. University of Cambridge
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2012
+ info: http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/events/event-docs/130407/Islands_of_War_Islands_of_Memory_cfp.pdf
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Report: Greening the Blue Helmets :
Environmental, Natural Resources and UN Peace-Keeping Operations
© 2012, United Nations Environment Programme
ISBN: 978-92-807-3237-5
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has published the report titled, Greening the Blue
Helmets: Environment, Natural Resource, and Peacekeeping Operations.This report aims to provide a
comprehensive overview of how peacekeeping operations affect and are affected by natural resources and
environmental conditions. The report is a component of ongoing technical collaboration between UNEP,
DPKO and DFS, to increase the consideration given to natural resources and the environment in UN peacekeeping efforts
It report has been open to peer review by all of the current UN peacekeeping missions as well as to a selected number of
international experts, academics and non-governmental organizations.
+ info: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=41897
Conceptualising heritage through the maritime lens: a heritage ethnography of maritime
By Charlotte Andrews
Published in the International Journal of Heritage Studies, in the 2012 Special Issue 'Memory in the
Maritime Museum: Objects, Narratives, Identities'
This article presents the key findings of recent maritime heritage research in Bermuda. It recounts the
essential ways contemporary Bermudians use their relationships with the sea to formulate identity and
community and thereby generate maritime heritage. The summarised single-region, grassroots-orientated,
maritime-themed heritage ethnography examines relationships with past and present maritimes; remembrance and
forgetting of ‘race’ and its legacies; beliefs in authenticity; curatorial practices of community museology; and aspirational
remedies to social crisis. Together, these five ethnographic dimensions offer a holistic and realistic picture of maritime
heritage in this mid-Atlantic community. This overview encapsulates and expands upon this ethnographic analysis of
maritime heritage and examines its contribution to heritage and museum studies.
+ info: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13527258.2011.647535
Cultural Heritage and Prisoners of War: Creativity Behind Barbed Wire
Book edited by Gilly Carr and Harold Mytum
ISBN: 978-0-415-52215-1
Published: March 2012
Following on from a successful conference at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research in 2010,
this book focuses on the numerous examples of creativity produced by POWs and civilian internees during
their captivity, including: paintings, cartoons, craftwork, needlework, acting, musical compositions,
magazine and newspaper articles, wood carving, and recycled Red Cross tins turned into plates, mugs and
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Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
makeshift stoves, all which have previously received little attention. The authors of this volume show the wide potential of
such items to inform us about the daily life and struggle for survival behind barbed wire. Previously dismissed as items
which could only serve to illustrate POW memoirs and diaries, this book argues for a central role of all items of creativity in
helping us to understand the true experience of life in captivity. The international authors draw upon a rich seam of
material from their own case studies of POW and civilian internment camps across the world, to offer a range of
interpretations of this diverse and extraordinary material.
+ info: http://www.ice.cam.ac.uk/news-and-events/research-news/1173-cultural-heritage-and-prisoners-of-war-creativitybehind-barbed-wire
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Economie du patrimoine
Economie du patrimoine
Sarajevo museums under siege - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s major cultural institutions, including the National Gallery and the
National Museum, which are both in the capital Sarajevo, are in danger of closing indefinitely
due to a lack of funding and government support. Staff, many of whom have been not been
paid for months, have responded by organising events and exhibitions to bring attention to
the crisis. The situation stems from the country’s dysfunctional administrative system and
the lack of a national cultural ministry.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Sarajevo-museums-under-siege/26174
US museums rebuild but fears of relapse linger - Directors' optimism tempered by
sluggish economy and slow recovery of investments (USA)
Leading US museums are finally in recovery mode and their directors are much more
optimistic about the financial outlook than a year ago, but few are feeling bullish.
Endowments may have increased but they have not regained their peak of 2007. Of the ten
richest museums we surveyed, seven were within sight of their previous levels, but the
wealthiest, the Getty Trust, is only a third of the way to the $1.8bn it lost during the
downturn (see table, p10). The road to financial health will be long for all but a fortunate
few, and many fear that the economic recovery may prove short-lived. Nevertheless, many directors describe themselves
as “cautiously optimistic”.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/US-museums/26128
Life Returns to Howard Theatre - Washington D.C. - USA
The rebirth of The Howard Theatre is coming soon. Each day the team of construction workers led by Ellis Development
Group pushes forward on the top-to-bottom, $29 million renovation of the historic arts landmark that launched the careers
of Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Marvin Gaye, the Supremes, and many others.
Chip Ellis, a principal with Ellis Development Group, said as of January, 2012, over 80% of the work has been completed to
renovate the theatre, which was constructed in 1910 in Washington’s Shaw neighborhood near the corner of 7th and T
Streets, NW. Interior and exterior finishes are now underway, including the special effort to reconstruct the 1910 façade
with its original 17 windows.
+ info: http://www.howardtheatre.org/home.html
Culture can save the economy
One of Italy's top culture officials has pushed private investment in the country's museums and galleries and the seemingly
insatiable Chinese and Indian appetites for art and archaeology as the way to pull the country out of its recession. Mario
Resca, a former CEO of McDonald's Italian operations who was appointed in 2008 by the government of Silvio Berlusconi to
be director-general of the Culture Ministry, said that an increase in ticket sales to Italian museums has not been matched
by an increase in state finding.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54710
Le patrimoine est-il bien protégé ? Radio France International
Par Jean-François Cadet - Vincent Michelon, journaliste au quotidien Métro, auteur « La France
solde son patrimoine » aux éditions Jean-Claude Gawsewitch.
- Mechtilde Rossler, chef de la section politique du patrimoine au centre du patrimoine mondial
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Economie du patrimoine
de l’UNESCO.
- Panayiota Andrianopoulou, archéologue et ethnologue grecque, membre de l’Union des
archéologues de Grèce.
+ info: http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20120418-le-patrimoine-est-il-bien-protege
Art Fund calls on Government to drop plan to cap charitable donations - United
The Art Fund has joined forces with other charities to call on the Government to drop its plan
to introduce a cap on tax relief on donations to charity. Director Stephen Deuchar said the
plan would have a ‘devastating impact’ on planned fundraising appeals.
The Chancellor announced in the March Budget that from April 2013 tax relief on charitable
donations will be capped at £50,000 or 25% of income. This will deter the most generous
givers, and will have a disproportionate impact on the arts, museums and cultural charities,
which are often dependent on a small pool of larger-value donors…
+ info: http://www.artfund.org/news/1330/art-fund-calls-on-government-to-drop-plan-to-cap-charitable-donations
Call to close every other museum raises storm in Germany - Artists respond
that the call to close every other museum would "destroy the base of the
public funding of culture"
A call by a group of academics and cultural commentators to close every second statesubsidised cultural institution—in particular art museums and theatres—in response to
the economic downturn has provoked a robust response from German artists,
filmmakers and writers. The proposal, by the consultant and director of the Centre for
Cultural Research think tank in Berlin, Dieter Haselbach, the director of the statefunded Swiss arts council, Pro Helvetia, Pius Knüsel, and academics Armin Klein, and Stephan Opitz (also an official at the
ministry of culture in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein), was set out in the recent book Der Kulturinfarkt (Cultural
Heart Attack) as well as in an article in the German magazine Der Spiegel. In an open letter under the banner of “Akademie
der Künste” (Academy of Arts), artists including Rosemarie Trockel, Klaus Staeck and Harun Farocki, along with the
filmmaker Wim Wenders and the author Günter Grass wrote: “[We] protest against this… infringement of a taboo, which
destroys the base of the public funding of culture. [It is] an unequalled attempt to discredit the publicly funded support of
culture.” The letter also referred to “a late exhalation of neo-liberal thinking”.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Call-to-close-every-other-museum-raises-storm-in-Germany/26303
Upgrade for Bendigo's Trams - Melbourne. Victoria (Australia)
Page 4 of the document linked A multi-million dollar refurbishment of Bendigo Tram Depot and
Museum, improving the work environment and tourism potential of Australia’s oldest operating
tram depot, has been completed.
Bendigo Trust CEO Thomas Seddon explained the works had been a combination of
conservation works, site safety, depot function and appearance and amenity to provide a good
balance of ‘functioning depot and workshop’ with ‘high quality tourist experience’.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/99315/Inherit-54-Mar-Apr12.pdf
Funding Sought to Restore Dan Kiley Masterwork at
NationsBank Plaza - Tampa - Florida - USA
In 2006 the Kiley Garden (formerly NationsBank Plaza) was
featured on Landslide, The Cultural Landscape Foundation's annual
list of at-risk and threatened landscapes, and the future of the site
was very much in doubt. Now, the 2-level garage structure that sits
beneath the garden has undergone a $4.3 million renovation and
the Tampa City Council is seeking funds to complete restoration of
the park.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landslides/funding-sought-restore-kiley-masterwork
University of Oxford and the Holy See announced a plan to collaborate in
digitizing 1.5 million pages of rare and ancient texts to be made accessible
This week the University of Oxford and the Vatican announced a plan to collaborate
in digitizing 1.5 million pages of rare and ancient texts, most dating from the 16th
century or earlier. The project is expected to span about 4 years and was made
possible by a donation of £2 million (approximately $3.1 million) from the Polonsky
Foundation—a charitable organization that supports higher education, medical
research, and other general matters in the arts and sciences…
+ info: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2012/04/15-million-pages-of-ancient-texts-to-be-made-accessible-online.
En Allemagne, les auteurs d'un livre polémique suggèrent la fermeture de la moitié
des musées du pays
Dans un ouvrage provocateur paru fin mars, quatre acteurs du monde culturel dressent un bilan
très sombre du modèle culturel allemand. En réaction à une politique jugée élitiste et figée, ils
avancent des propositions pour le moins brutales et controversées.
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Economie du patrimoine
A défaut d’apocalypse, la suggestion entraîne en tout cas une jolie polémique outre-Rhin. Et
pour cause, les auteurs de cette provocation sont des acteurs reconnus du monde de l’art : deux
professeurs d’universités, un membre de l’administration culturelle et le directeur d’une
fondation suisse. Dans un livre intitulé « Der Kulturinfarkt » (« L’infarctus culturel »), les quatre hommes exposent leur
vision d’une offre culturelle allemande qu’ils jugent élitiste et surdimensionnée. Un pavé de 288 pages, jeté dans la mare
tranquille des institutions allemandes.
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99789/en-allemagne-les-auteurs-d-un-livre-polemiquesuggerent-la-fermeture-de-la-moitie-des-musees-du-pays.php
Philadelphia jazz enthusiasts seek to repair the deteriorating John Coltrane House Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
Music enthusiasts in the City of Brotherly Love are looking to rekindle a love supreme for the
deteriorating John Coltrane House, a preservation effort that mirrors a broader mission to
reclaim and promote Philadelphia's rich jazz heritage. Cultural officials gathered more than
100 local jazz musicians on Friday for a group photo in front of the rowhouse where
Coltrane, a renowned saxophonist, lived from 1952 to 1958. It became a national historic
landmark in 1999.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54753
Zaha Hadid’s Maxxi Museum faces Closure two years after its Opening - Rome
Just two years after its opening, the Maxxi Museum in Rome is threatened with closure. The
country’s current economic crisis has resulted in major cuts in cultural funding, causing a
great deal of stress on the arts. As BD reports, earlier this month the museum was told that
the government’s contribution to its €11 million budget would fall to less than €2 million for
2012. Now, as the museum officials failed to set a budget for 2013, the government has
reportedly begun proceedings to put the high-profile museum under special administration.
Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, the 2010 Stirling Prize winning national art and architecture museum has attracted
more than 450,000 visitors per year. Hadid has described the museum’s success as “remarkable”, as it quickly built a
prestigious, international reputation within the world of contemporary art.
As reported by the Guardian, problems arose once the Italian government uncovered a €800,000 hole in Maxxi’s 2011
accounts. Although the museum stated that this amount was offset by 2010 profits, the Italian government is considering
putting the museum in the hands of administrators and will reveal the museums fate within the next few weeks.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230049/
Collections Trust secures 8€ million EU investment to help bring collections online - United
Helping museums, archives and libraries share collections.
The Collections Trust has secured major European Commission investment in projects worth a total of
€8m to help museums, archives and libraries share their collections online safely and sustainably.
EUROPEANA INSIDE is a €3.8million research and development project in partnership with 10 leading
Collections Management Software providers, all of whom are members of the Collections Trust’s
‘SPECTRUM Partner’ Scheme. The project will develop open- source tools, enabling cultural
organisations to manage the sharing and re-use of their Collections online.
+ info: www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1345
La British Library acquiert un Evangile du VIIe siècle pour 11 millions d'euros Londres (Royaume-Uni)
Le livre tient dans la paume de la main. Si petit qu’il soit, cet ouvrage religieux, datant du VIIe
siècle, est le plus ancien qui ait survécu jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il a été acheté 9 millions de livres
(presque 11 millions d’euros) par la British Library.
L’ouvrage, relié de cuir rouge richement décoré d’entrelacs, mesure 9,6 x 13,6 cm. Il s’agit
d’une copie manuscrite en latin de l’Evangile selon saint Jean. Appelé Evangile de saint
Cuthbert, il a été réalisé au monastère de l’île de Lindisfarne (Nord Est de l’Angleterre) à la fin
du VIIe siècle. Enfermé dans le cercueil de saint Cuthbert, ce dernier est déplacé lorsque les Vikings envahissent
Lindisfarne. Arrivé à Durham, le cercueil est ouvert en 1104 ; on y découvre l’Evangile…
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99763/la-british-library-acquiert-un-evangile-du-viiesiecle-pour-11-millions-d-euros.php
Le Getty de Los Angeles cherche de nouvelles sources de
Confrontés à des baisses de budget, le Musée va concentrer ses
ressources sur ses « missions essentielles ».
Adossé à la fondation d'art la plus riche du monde, le Getty de Los
Angeles n'est cependant pas à l'abri de la crise. Malgré des débuts
en trombe, il est confronté à des difficultés financières dont
l’importance va croissante depuis juillet 2008. « Deux forces
contraires nous affectent » explique à l’AFP son PDG James Cuno, « d’une part une pression à la baisse sur notre dotation,
de l’autre la hausse sur les dépenses, que ce soit les frais de personnel ou les dépenses courantes ». Ces difficultés obligent
le Musée à recentrer ses ressources sur ses « missions essentielles » : l'exposition et la conservation des oeuvres, les
publications et les programmes éducatifs…
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Economie du patrimoine
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99777/le-getty-de-los-angeles-cherche-de-nouvellessources-de-financement.php
500-year-old painting back to Jewish family - Tallahassee - Florida -USA
A 500-year-old painting auctioned by the French government during the Nazi occupation in World War
II is back in the hands of a Jewish family who proved it was sold illegally. U.S. authorities in
Tallahassee on Wednesday signed paperwork to return the 16th century Baroque painting to
representatives of the family of Federico Gentili di Giuseppe. He died in 1940 shortly before the Nazis
occupied France. The Vichy government sold the painting, but the sale has been deemed illegal. The
family plans to auction "Christ Carrying the Cross" later this year. It could fetch up to $3.5 million. U.S.
authorities seized the painting from a Florida museum in November after discovering the family had
been seeking its return. A federal judge in February ordered that the painting be returned to the family.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54839
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 29 | Le 02/05/2012 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info: http://fondation-patrimoine.org/
Renaissance exhibition from Accademia Carrara (Bergamo - Italy) in the National Gallery of Australia was a
resounding success attracting almost 213,000 visitors. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (Australia)
The National Gallery of Australia today announced that the Renaissance exhibition of 15th and 16th century Italian
paintings from Accademia Carrara, Bergamo was a resounding success attracting almost 213,000 visitors from all over
Australia to Canberra.
+ info: http://www.nga.gov.au/AboutUs/press/RTF/RenWrapupMR.rtf
Art&Tourism: relaunching culture in Italy and throughout the world - Cultural
tourism is not suffering a recession, but it is often considered something
We need a real Copernican revolution in the relationship between development and
culture. Cultural assets and the whole world of knowledge must cease to be considered
burdensome unproductive goods like “leftovers from a glorious past,” which have to be
maintained and must once again become crucial for the consolidation of a public
democratic concerns, for real growth, and for the creation of jobs” - this point of view was
expressed in the now famous Manifesto per la cultura published by “Sole 24 Ore,” and it is in this context that Art&Tourism
takes its place…
+ info: http://www.eturbonews.com/29195/arttourism-relaunching-culture-italy-and-throughout-world
World Monuments Fund announces partnership with Government of the State of Madhya Pradesh - India
Bonnie Burnham, President of World Monuments Fund (WMF), and officials of Madhya Pradesh, announced today a
partnership to conserve a portfolio of historic sites in the Indian state. The initial focus will be on a group of seventeen
significant buildings at various locations throughout the state, with WMF committing up to $5 million for assessment,
documentation, and development of conservation management plans, as well as monitoring the implementation of selected
conservation projects to completion. The Madhya Pradesh government will fund the implementation of the projects with
funds from the Indian government’s 13th Finance Commission…
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/sites/default/files/press_releases/Madhya-Pradesh-Partnership.pdf
The Heritage Lottery Fund gives lead support to save Manet's Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has announced its lead support of the Ashmolean Museum’s campaign to
save Edouard Manet’s Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus, 1868, for the public with a major grant of £5.9 million.
Since launching the campaign in February, the Ashmolean has also been awarded a significant grant from
The Art Fund of £750,000, along with £200,000 of gifts from individuals and The Friends of the Ashmolean.
The painting has been sold to a foreign buyer for £28.35 million but, under a private treaty sale, with tax
remission it can be purchased by an approved UK public collection at the greatly reduced price of £7.83
million. The Ashmolean has until 7 August 2012, before the export bar ends, to raise the remaining
£908,000 to acquire the painting. The portrait is a preparatory study for Le Balcon (1868–9) now in the Musée d’Orsay one of the key images of the Impressionist movement. Having previously been exhibited only once since it was painted, it
is currently on display in the Museum’s Impressionist Gallery…
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55199
A new generation of wealthy Asians build their own art museums to display
collections they've amassed
Over the past two years Wang Wei and her husband Liu Yiqian dropped a reported $317
million on their hobby. Now they need somewhere to display the collection they've amassed.
The solution: a private art museum that Wang hopes will impart some class to China's flashy
nouveau riche. Wang and billionaire investor Liu are part of a new generation of wealthy
Asians that is better known for splashing out on extravagant toys such as private jets, mega-
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Economie du patrimoine
sized yachts and supercars. Some, instead, have built big art collections and now aspire to showcase their refined
sensibility to a wider audience.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55274
The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia reaches 100,000 visitors three weeks after its reopening - Sydney,
New South Wales (Australia)
MCA Director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor says: “These figures are a true testament to the success of the redevelopment. The
Galleries and National Centre for Creative Learning are bustling with people, the MCA Cafe and Store are thriving and I am
delighted to say that everywhere I turn, I see crowds interacting with art. The enthusiastic response to the redevelopment
is evident everywhere. Sam Marshall’s response to the need for a more open and accessible MCA has clearly struck a
The redevelopment stemmed from the Museum’s exponential audience growth, that itself bore witness to the increased
interest in contemporary art. Upon completion of the $53 million transformation, the MCA’s vision to facilitate access for
everyone from school groups to people with disabilities turned into a reality and, says Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, “one that I
am extremely proud of. The MCA is back and it is positively brimming with energy.”
+ info: http://www.mca.com.au/media/uploads/files/MCA_reaches_100000_visitors_Media_Release.pdf
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) Awarded Major Grant for
Unprecedented Online Collection Catalogue - San Francisco, California (USA)
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) is pleased to announce that the museum has
been awarded a $375,000 grant from the Getty Foundation for the implementation of its first
online collection catalogue, featuring works by Robert Rauschenberg in the museum's permanent
collection. The grant supports further work on the Rauschenberg Research Project, the digital
publication SFMOMA is developing for the Getty's Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative (OSCI), an
effort dedicated to bringing museum collection catalogues into the digital age. Scheduled for
launch in mid-2013, SFMOMA's catalogue promises to be the largest and most comprehensive repository of Rauschenberg
research available online, and will serve as a vital and highly accessible resource for the field.
+ info: http://www.sfmoma.org/about/press/press_news/releases/921
Crocker Art Museum receives long-term loan and future gift of paintings by
California's premier Impressionist - Sacramento, California (USA)
The Crocker Art Museum, which houses one of the country’s largest collections of Californian
art, is pleased to announce it will be the recipient of a comprehensive collection by the
Golden State’s foremost Impressionist painter, Guy Rose. “Guy Rose was as important to
California as Monet was to France,” explains Scott A. Shields, the Crocker Art Museum’s
Associate Director and Chief Curator. “He is nationally recognized as one of the most
significant American artists of his generation.” Guy Rose was perhaps best known for his
landscapes, but was equally skilled at painting still lifes and the figure. His deft touch and approach to color were influenced
by French example more so than any other artist of the American West. The collection will feature nearly 40 of Rose’s
paintings representing the breadth of the artist’s styles, subjects, and achievements, from an early figurative painting
shown at the Paris Salon to his final Monterey landscapes.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54872
Amherst College's Mead Art Museum receives $1,000,000 Endowment Challenge
Grant - Amherst, Massachusetts (USA)
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Amherst College’s Mead Art Museum a
$1,000,000 matching grant to endow its Coordinator of College Programs position and
thereby ensure the continuation of the museum’s successful initiatives to integrate the
college’s art collection meaningfully into its curriculum. As a condition of the grant, Amherst
College has committed to raise a minimum of $1,000,000 within three years. The college
seeks to raise an additional $500,000 to underwrite the museum-based academic programs,
overseen by the Coordinator, that engage 90 percent of Amherst’s student body each year. The matching grant follows a
previous grant of $500,000 that the Foundation awarded to the Mead in December 2008 to create a position for a
Coordinator of College Programs, a museum-based scholar charged with spurring and facilitating curricular engagement
with the collection. The 2008 grant also launched an ongoing series of semiannual faculty seminars in which visiting experts
“teach the teachers” about specific areas of the college’s wide-ranging, fine-quality art collection; established stipends for
faculty guest curators of collection-based exhibitions; and piloted a program of two-year post-baccalaureate curatorial
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54942
Civil War shipwreck in the way of Georgia port project - Savannah, Georgia (USA)
Before government engineers can deepen one of the nation's busiest seaports to
accommodate future trade, they first need to remove a $14 million obstacle from the past —
a Confederate warship rotting on the Savannah River bottom for nearly 150 years.
Confederate troops scuttled the ironclad CSS Georgia to prevent its capture by Gen. William
T. Sherman when his Union troops took Savannah in December 1864. It's been on the river
bottom ever since. Now, the Civil War shipwreck sits in the way of a government agency's
$653 million plan to deepen the waterway that links the nation's fourth-busiest container
port to the Atlantic Ocean. The ship's remains are considered so historically significant that dredging the river is prohibited
within 50 feet of the wreckage.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55187
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Economie du patrimoine
MA Courses in the history and business of art - Institut d'Etudes Supérieures des Arts and Wallace Collection
Paris & London - France & Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: La grande école des métiers de la culture et du marché de l'art
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.iesa.fr/formation/marche-art/master-collection-art
Exhibition - Marking a Century: Recent and Promised Gifts to the Bruce Museum - Bruce Museum
14 avril - 08 julliet 2012 Greenwich, Connecticut. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Bruce Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/marking
Congrès international sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel
29 mai - 01 juin 2012 Split. Croatie
Organizateurs: Université de Zagreb, Université de Ljubljana et Croatian Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://eu-chic.eu/index.php/news/entry/eu-chic_final_conference_in_split_-_preliminary_information/
Course - Financial Management in Cultural Organizations
04 juin - 09 juin 2012 Victoria, British Columbia. Canada
Organizateurs: University of Victoria
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/Course/Financial-Management-in-Cultural-Organizations/HA488Q/
Course - Cultural economics and Creative industries - Instituto Universitario Lingue Moderne
02 julliet - 11 julliet 2012 Milan. Italie
Organizateurs: Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione -Istituto Universitario Lingue Moderne
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 may 2012
+ info: http://www.iulm.com/wps/wcm/connect/iulmcom/iulm-com/study-at-iulm/iulm-summer-programme/culturaleconomics-and-creative-industries/cultural-economics-and-creative-industries
20th European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education (ENCATC) Annual Conference
"Networked Culture"12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Goldsmiths, University of London
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 8 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/Call_for_papers/ENCATC_call_for_abstracts_2012_01.pdf
Par Vincent MICHELON
ISBN: 9782350133157
La République met en vente une partie de ses « bijoux de famille ». Quelques 1700 biens, du local
administratif au monument classé sont en vente dans le but de contribuer au désendettement de l'Etat, dont
le déficit atteint en 2011 des records historiques. Des casernes, des prisons, des tribunaux, de luxueux
appartements mais aussi des châteaux, et jusqu'aux plus précieux hôtels particuliers hérités de l'Ancien
Régime, alimentent sans interruption les colonnes de France Domaine, le service du ministère du Budget
chargé de les vendre. Aujourd’hui, de nombreux investisseurs privés attendent de cueillir le fruit mûr ! Mais jusqu'où doiton protéger notre patrimoine de la privatisation ? La vente de ce patrimoine, jugé trop coûteux à entretenir, fait office de
politique immobilière depuis cinq ans et se poursuivait dans une relative indifférence jusqu'à l'affaire, très médiatisée, de la
cession avortée de l'hôtel de la Marine…
+ info: http://www.jcgawsewitch.com/livre.php?id_livre=276
Route 66 Economic Impact Study - USA
Author: David Listokin et al, the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey
Country: United States
Related Projects: HISTORIC ROUTE 66
To better understand and quantify the positive effects of historic preservation along Route 66 and related
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Economie du patrimoine
tourism activities, an Economic Impact Study was undertaken by Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey, in collaboration with the US National Park Service and World Monuments Fund, with the support of
American Express. This volume, the Synthesis of Findings, summarizes the outcomes of the study and identifies
opportunities for the preservation of Route 66 to enhance community revitalization, economic development, and
sustainable tourism along America’s iconic Mother Road.
+ info: www.wmf.org/dig-deeper/publication/route-66-economic-impact-study-synthesis-findings
Proyecto "Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo. 18 prácticas exitosas" Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
La Organización de Estados Americanos, OEA, actualmente está desarrollando el proyecto “La cultura en
el desarrollo: una red interamericana de información”, que tiene como objetivo “crear conciencia entre los
distintos sectores sociales e instituciones gubernamentales acerca del rol fundamental de la cultura en el
crecimiento económico, la inclusión social y el desarrollo sostenible”. A través de este proyecto busca
apoyar las experiencias exitosas y concretas en América en las cuales la cultura ha contribuido
precisamente a la generación de desarrollo. Uno de los frutos de este proyecto es la publicación del libro
Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo.
+ info: http://desarrolloycultura.net/red/actividades/%E2%80%9Ccultura-com%C3%BAn-denominador-para-el-desarrollo18-pr%C3%A1cticas-exitosas%E2%80%9D-oea
Journal of Cultural Management and Policy - European network on Cultural Management and
Cultural Policy education (ENCATC)
VOL 1 / ISSUE 1 / 2011
The objective of the ENCATC Journal of Cultural Management and Policy is to stimulate debate on the
topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers and cultural
mangaers. The Journal is based on a multidisciplinary perspective and aims at connecting theory and
practice in the realm of the cultural sector.
+ info: http://issuu.com/encatc/docs/journal_vol1_issue1_dec2011
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et
United States Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Clarification - USA
The Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP) is asking the Senate to postpone voting on the United
States Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Clarification Act until it has addressed concerns with this bill
through open hearings.
The proposed legislation will allow foreign governments to immunize themselves from U.S. lawsuits when loaning art and
antiquities to American museums. Although LCCHP supports the bill's purpose of cultural exchange, we fear that it would
leave victims of theft and looting without recourse to recover their rightful property. By allowing museums to knowingly
exhibit illicit artwork, it will also send a terrible message to the public, which undermines the longstanding U.S.
commitment to cultural heritage preservation…
+ info: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/675086/876fba989d/285206853/1ed564d745/
Blue Shield Australia Disaster Recovery Workshops
Throughout Australia
01 mai - 31 mai 2012 -Organizateurs: Blue Shield Australia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Media-Release-Blue-Shield-Australia-Disaster-Recovery-Workshops2012.pdf
The First Intangible Cultural Heritage Researchers Forum: the implementation of UNESCO's Intangible
Heritage Convention
03 juin 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: La Maison des Cultures du Monde and International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia
and the Pacific Region (IRCI)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ichresearchers-forum.org/?page_id=12
Atelier sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel
12 septembre - 17 septembre 2012 Havane. Cuba
Organizateurs: Le Bureau régional pour la culture en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes de l'UNESCO à La Havane
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
Septième réunion du Comité pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé
01 novembre - 30 novembre 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=4939&cHash=ddefde0ba9
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Mairie Conseil: Paysage et urbanisme durable - France
Ce réseau de territoires intercommunaux regroupe des élus et des techniciens opérant au quotidien sur le terrain, ainsi que
des partenaires apportant leur expertise. L’objectif du réseau est de partager des expériences et des questionnements, de
connaître des interlocuteurs et de trouver des pistes concrètes sur les questions liées au paysage rural et au
développement urbain (que l’on souhaiterait plus durable…).
+ info: http://www.mairieconseilspaysage.net/
Colloque : « [S']Approprier la ville. Du patrimoine urbain aux paysages culturels » - Université du Québec à
Montréal (Canada) 16-18 avril 2012
À l'occasion de la remise d'un doctorat honorifique de l'Université du Québec à Montréal à Jean-Claude Marsan, ce colloque
international veut faire le point sur les enjeux de l'aménagement et des imaginaires urbains à l'aube du XXIe siècle. Une
ville peut-elle encore être plus scandinave, plus française, plus espagnole? [S']Approprier la ville invite à discuter des
instruments de la planification urbaine, des outils de la patrimonialisation et des autres moyens mis en œuvre afin de
penser comment s'aménage le vivre et le devenir-ensemble dans un milieu de vie suffisamment intégrateur et représentatif
pour susciter l'attachement et l'appropriation de ses citoyens d'aujourd’hui et de demain. Il s'agit, en d'autres mots, de
réfléchir de concert au devenir-ensemble et à l'avenir du génie du lieu.
+ info: http://girofle2.telecom.uqam.ca/calend/calendrier/liste_sdc.php?CodeFORM=31709
La nouvelle vitrine Web interactive sur l'agriculture urbaine montréalaise est en
ligne - Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - Canada
Les mordus d’agriculture et les jardiniers en herbe peuvent désormais découvrir les potagers
et les fermes de l’île de Montréal en accédant à la toute nouvelle vitrine Web interactive, une
initiative de l’Institut des sciences de l’environnement de l’UQAM et de son Collectif de
recherche en aménagement paysager et agriculture urbaine durable (CRAPAUD), en
partenariat avec la Conférence régionale des élus (CRÉ) de Montréal et la Direction de santé
publique de Montréal. Le lancement de la vitrine a eu lieu le 12 avril, à la Maison du
développement durable, en présence des partenaires du projet.
+ info: http://www.nouvelles.uqam.ca/2012/2130-nouvelle-vitrine-web-interactive-lagriculture-urbaine-montrealaise-esten-ligne?utm_source=Liste+compl%C3%A8te+des+abonn%C3%A9s+-+groupes&utm_campaign=51cfe9e5bd-UA5755289-1&utm_medium=email
Life Returns to Howard Theatre - Washington D.C. - USA
The rebirth of The Howard Theatre is coming soon. Each day the team of construction workers led by Ellis Development
Group pushes forward on the top-to-bottom, $29 million renovation of the historic arts landmark that launched the careers
of Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald, Marvin Gaye, the Supremes, and many others.
Chip Ellis, a principal with Ellis Development Group, said as of January, 2012, over 80% of the work has been completed to
renovate the theatre, which was constructed in 1910 in Washington’s Shaw neighborhood near the corner of 7th and T
Streets, NW. Interior and exterior finishes are now underway, including the special effort to reconstruct the 1910 façade
with its original 17 windows.
+ info: http://www.howardtheatre.org/home.html
Job Offers - Research Officer - Quantify damage to historic buildings and archaeological sites from floods and
driving rain in the context of climate change - University of Bath - United Kingdom - Deadline for Application: 6
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
May 2012
The position advertised is for a Research Officer to work for 1 year fixed term on a 3 year Research Council funded project.
The PARNASSUS project is a multidisciplinary collaborative project funded under the Science & Heritage programme jointly
by the Arts and Humanities (AHRC) and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Councils (EPSRC).
The University of Bath coordinates a group of 4 university departments (Archaeology at Southampton, Civil Engineering
and Geography at University of Bristol) and 10 commercial and non-profit organisations, providing industrial support.
The successful candidate will have technical and academic experience in the field of conservation engineering, and ability to
dialogue and cooperate within different disciplines.
+ info: http://www.bath.ac.uk/jobs/Vacancy.aspx?ref=BB1019
PRIX - Environnement: Bristol, Copenhague et Francfort présélectionnées pour le prix de la
Capitale verte de l’Europe 2014
Le prix de la Capitale verte de l’Europe récompense une ville montrant l’exemple en matière de mode de
vie urbain respectueux de l’environnement. Un groupe d’experts évalue les villes candidates sur la base
de 12 indicateurs environnementaux en fonction de leur capacité à se conformer à des normes
environnementales élevées, de leur engagement en faveur d’objectifs constants et ambitieux pour
améliorer l’environnement et favoriser le développement durable, ainsi que de leur potentiel à servir de
modèle et promouvoir les meilleures pratiques auprès d’autres villes européennes.
Le jury comprend des représentants de la Commission européenne, du Parlement européen, du Comité des régions, de
l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement, de l’ICLEI (Les gouvernements locaux pour le développement durable), du
Bureau de la convention des maires et du Bureau européen de l’environnement.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/europeangreencapital/shortlist/
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Demolition of the Orange County Government Center - Goshen, New York State (USA)
Preservationists see the artistic value of the building and the legacy of previous county
administrators wishing to present Goshen as a thriving and dynamic community. The Orange
County government should be responsible stewards of this legacy.
Sign the petition and show your support for Paul Rudolph’s Orange County Government Center.
Once it’s demolished, there are no second chances.
+ info: www.change.org/petitions/orange-county-new-york-legislature-oppose-the-demolitionof-the-orange-county-government-center-in-goshen-ny
Upgrade for Bendigo's Trams - Melbourne. Victoria (Australia)
Page 4 of the document linked A multi-million dollar refurbishment of Bendigo Tram Depot and
Museum, improving the work environment and tourism potential of Australia’s oldest operating
tram depot, has been completed.
Bendigo Trust CEO Thomas Seddon explained the works had been a combination of
conservation works, site safety, depot function and appearance and amenity to provide a good
balance of ‘functioning depot and workshop’ with ‘high quality tourist experience’.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/99315/Inherit-54-Mar-Apr12.pdf
Easter Sculpture Museum / Exit Architects - 2011 - Hellín- Albacete - Spain
In the competition winning proposal we included the completely refurbished Casa del Conde as a part of the Museum. We
even wanted to give it a main role, incorporating the former backyard facade as the background of the new main exhibition
space. The inner court of the house played also a significant role as an exhibition area which established a relationship
between the old and the new parts. The upper levels hosted an administration area and a library.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/226586/easter-sculpture-museum-exit-architects/
Sydney Architecture Walks / Supple Design - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia
Supple Design shared with us their Sydney Architecture Walks, which consists of an ongoing series of public walking and
bicycle tours of Sydney that use contemporary architecture to open up conversations political, cultural, economic and
environmental. Their premise is that cities are made not found, so architecture becomes the lens to open up other
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228041/sydney-architecture-walks-supple-design/
Project - Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MMAW) / Camilo Rebelo - Warsaw Poland
The design proposal for the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MMAW) by Camilio Rebelo
results from the fusion of two themes always present in the history of Art expression:
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
nature’s figurative and abstract representation. The museum demonstrates an amalgam of
distinct realities, diverse cultures, and simultaneously a neutral setting as well as hold a
unique and magnetic identity: Mutant Nature.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228287/museum-of-modern-art-in-warsaw-mmaw-camilorebelo/
Cañadas Park / Abis Architecture - Pliego - Murcia - Spain
The village of Pliego has an urban design characteristic of Islamic rural farmhouses. As a
result we have an urban sinuous and disorganized, whose logicis based on its own
orographic base adapting to the slope of the mountain.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228113/canadas-park-abis-architecture/
Website - The New York Department of Records announces on-line access to a
gallery of over 870.000 images of the city. New York City, New York State (USA)
Welcome to the New York City Municipal Archives Online Gallery. This ever-expanding gallery
is your entry point into the vast visual holdings of the Archives. The Online Gallery provides
free and open research access to over 800,000 items digitized from the Municipal Archives’
collections, including photographs, maps, motion-pictures and audio recordings. The holdings
are arranged by collection; or you may search “All Collections” by keyword or any of the
advanced search criteria. Patrons may order prints or digital files, and license images or film
clips for commercial use. Please see the Order Page for further details about ordering prints or licensing the materials. To
order prints directly from the gallery click on the “Buy Print” button in the image detail view to launch the shopping cart…
+ info: http://www.nyc.gov/html/records/html/gallery/home.shtml
Video: London Aerial / Jason Hawkes
Aerial photographer Jason Hawkes captures London’s hazy skyline in both day and
night. Although still under construction, The Shard appears to already dwarf most to
the city. The building is designed by Renzo Piano and is slated to become the tallest in
Europe. In addition, Norman Foster’s infamous Gherkin, formally known as the Swiss
Re Building, is instantly recognizable in nearly every frame as it is a landmark within
the dense metropolis.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230871/video-london-aerial-jason-hawkes/
Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism, and Science and Technology Centre / JB
Ferrari & Associates- Chalet-à-Gobet - Lausanne - Switzerland
The iconic nature of the winning proposal for the Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism,
and Science and Technology Centre is balanced by a rational response to the brief and
the constraints of the site. By isolating the planetarium and the activities linked closely
to it the design by JB Ferrari & Associates is able to exploit the strong potential for
volumetric expression. This allows for a more subdued intervention to the historic
buildings. Seemingly evident, such a direction is not an obvious reading of the brief but
is made possible through astute reinterpretation of the district plan.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230060/
Competitions - Winners announced for the National Mall Redesign Competition. Washington D.
C. (USA)
After an intense and highly publicized competition, the Trust for the National Mall has announced the three
winning teams selected to redesign the neglected sites of America’s front yard. As reported by the
Washington Post, Rogers Marvel Architects & Peter Walker and Partners will redesign Constitution Gardens
east of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, while Weiss/Manfredi & OLIN will bring new life to the Sylvan
Theater, southeast of the Washington Monument. The Union Square will be forwarded to the Architect of
the Capitol and transformed by Gustafson Guthrie Nichol & Davis Brody Bond…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231625/
PAI (Pôle d'attraction inter-universitaire) "City and Society in the Low Countries (ca. 1200 - ca. 1850). The
"condition urbaine": between resilience and vulnerability" - Université libre de Belgique (ULB)
« City and Society in the Low Countries » is a vibrant network of senior and junior researchers devoted to the study of the
urban history of the historical Low Countries (present-day Belgium and the Netherlands), that builds on the know-how
acquired in IAP phases III, IV, V and VI. For this phase (2012-2017), the network proposes a new collaborative research
project entitled « City and Society in the Low Countries (ca. 1200-ca. 1850). The condition urbaine : between resilience
and vulnerability ». Environmental problems, issues of social identity, and of community building have claimed their place
on the world's social sciences programmes, and are therefore of great historical interest. Yet, the questions and results of
this historical research often remain isolated and, therefore, need to be reintegrated in a questionnaire that claims not only
historical but also wider social relevance. From an historical perspective, one of the most striking features of urban society
is its capacity to undergo moments of stress and extreme crisis or long-term destabilisation, but to re-emerge in the end.
This remarkable resilience of the urban phenomenon - or condition urbaine - will be the leading concept of this research
network in the following years, allowing for a critical assessment. The common goal of the different research projects
proposed by the network is to give a realistic and contingent evaluation of the opportunities, challenges, successes and
failures of urban societies…
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
+ info: http://www.ulb.ac.be/recherche/presentation/programmes/paideligne.html
Cycle de tables rondes sur les acteurs et les conflits de représentations liés au patrimoine urbain, France Roumanie - Turquie (juin et décembre 2011)
Ce projet porté par le service de coopération et d'action culturelle de l'Ambassade de France en Roumanie, par l'UMR CNRS
LAVUE 7218, la MSH Paris-Nord, , les laboratoires Mosaïques (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense), CRH (Ecole
nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris- Val de Seine), l'UMR CNRS CETOBAC 8032 et l'ANR Transtur a pour but
d'approcher la question des acteurs de la gestion du patrimoine bâti et celle des conflits de mémoire que cette gestion
Cette rencontre entend ainsi explorer les aspects concrets de la gestion du patrimoine et de sa gouvernance à différentes
échelles, de la prise de décision à la réception, en passant par les systèmes de négociation entre acteurs (locaux,
nationaux, internationaux)…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69898.htm
Accessible Ribadeo / Abalo Alonso Arquitectos - 2010 - Ribadeo, Galicia (Spain)
Ribadeo is located in the north-west of Galicia, at the border with Asturias and edging the
estuary which bears its very same name. It has some nine thousand inhabitants, most of them
working at the services sector. It has a protected historical quarter, a marina and a commercial
port, which is strategically located in the Cantabrian coast.
Within the municipality of Ribadeo lies the Catedrales beach, whose surrounding area is the
second most visited place in Galicia, following Santiago de Compostela’s Cathedral. Ribadeo is a
favorite summer holiday destination not just for people from the Lugo province, but also from
people from every corner of Spain.
We could highlight then two outstanding features in the region: on the one hand, a consolidated population, a population
with a future, and growing tourism both sporadic and regular. On the other hand, a villa swinging in between two ends: on
one end, the marina and commercial port; on the other end, the historical quarter.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232883
Yenikapı Transfer Point and Archaeo-Park / MVRDV + ABOUTBLANK - Istanbul
With Istanbul as the immutable intersection of vast and diverse mobilities, the rich design by
MVRDV + ABOUTBLANK for the Yenikapı Transfer Point and Archaeo Park offer a unique
possibility to combine and transpose contemporary transportation intelligence with a
remarkable historical heritage. Layers in time will be combined with numerous lines through
the city of Istanbul, a myriad of interactions of time and space.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231362/
Universita Della Montagna: April-June 2012 Programme of activities
Edolo. Italie
Organizateurs: Corso di laurea in Valorizzazione e Tutela dell'Ambiente e del Territorio Montano
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/italiano/studenti/calendario.html
Exhibition - Arqueología de Buenos Aires. Pasado y presente de una ciudad cambiante
21 avril - 28 juin 2012 Buenos Aires. Argentine
Organizateurs: Espacio Virrey Liniers y la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
+ info: http://www.iaa.fadu.uba.ar/cau/?p=3351#more-3351
Exhibition - Royal River: Power, Pageantry and the Thames - National Maritime Museum
27 avril - 09 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Maritime Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rmg.co.uk/visit/events/royal-river
SEMINÁRIO Política urbana e cidadania na metrópole
02 mai 2012 Rio do Norte. Brésil
Organizateurs: Universidad Federal do Rio do Norte
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.cchla.ufrn.br/dpp
Conference - Tallin Old Town: Our World Heritage
29 mai 2012 Tallinn. Estonie
Organizateurs: Tallinn City Centre Administration and Estonian National Commission for UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://vanalinnapaevad.ee/en
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion des villes du patrimoine mondial à Bruges
31 mai - 01 juin 2012 Bruges. Belgique
Organizateurs: Centre du Patrimoine Mondial (WHC)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/828/
Exposition - VIIIe Foire moderniste de Barcelone
01 juin - 03 juin 2012 Barcelona. Espagne
Organizateurs: Trade and Professional Association for the Right Side of the Eixample, and the Institut del Paisatge Urbà,
Barcelona City Council
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rutadelmodernisme.com/default.aspx?Idioma=fr
2° Coloquio Internacional RIGPAC
Fecha límite para inscripciones: 30 de Junio de 2012
12 julliet - 14 julliet 2012 Florencia. Italie
Organizateurs: Fundación Romualdo Del Bianco Life Beyond Tourism (Italia)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.lifebeyondtourism.org/wp-content/themes/k2/workshop/dett_workshop.asp?id_work=388
Atelier pilote international sur la conservation de la pierre et le projet de régénération urbaine
20 août - 30 septembre 2012 Martos, Andalucía. Espagne
Organizateurs: Les projets de DIADRASIS
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 mai 2012 PROLONGÉE : 5 juin
+ info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/martos/general_description_fr.html
20th European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education (ENCATC) Annual Conference
"Networked Culture"12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Goldsmiths, University of London
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 8 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/Call_for_papers/ENCATC_call_for_abstracts_2012_01.pdf
Indigenous Modernities - Negotiating Architecture and Urbanism
Author: Jyoti Hosagrahar
Published by Routledge, 2005
ISBN 978-0415323765
This book examines how a historic and so-called 'traditional' city quietly evolved into one that was modern
in its own terms; in form, use and meaning. Through a focused study of Delhi, the author challenges
prevalent assumptions in architecture and urbanism to identify an interpretation of modernism that goes
beyond conventional understanding.
Part one reflects on transformations and discontinuities in built form and spatial culture and questions accepted notions of
the static nature of what is normally referred to as traditional and non-Western architecture.
Part two is a critical discussion of Delhi in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, redefining modernism in a way that
separates the city's architecture and society from the objectified realm of the exotic whilst acknowledging non-Western
ideas of modernity.
In the final part the author considers 'indigenous modernities': the irregular, the uneven and the unexpected in what
uncritical observers might call a coherent 'traditional' society and built environment.
+ info: http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=12823
MONU Magazine New Issue: Non-Urbanism
MONU – magazine on urbanism is a unique bi-annual international forum for artists, writers and designers
that are working on topics of urban culture, development and politics.
Each issue collects essays, projects and photographs from contributors from all over the world to a given
topic. Thus MONU examines the rural as a strict counterpart to the urban as it appears to be a condition of
the past. At least, this is what Kees Christiaanse posits in an interview with us entitled “The New Rural:
Global Agriculture, Desakotas, and Freak Farms”. He points out that, today, non-urban spaces interact so
frequently and intensely with urbanity that you can no longer describe something as strictly rural.
Therefore, we can no longer separate the city from the countryside as these are not polarized entities and each other’s
enemies, but rather the result of each other.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/227259/monu-magazine-new-issue-non-urbanism/
Proyecto "Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo. 18 prácticas exitosas" Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
La Organización de Estados Americanos, OEA, actualmente está desarrollando el proyecto “La cultura en
el desarrollo: una red interamericana de información”, que tiene como objetivo “crear conciencia entre los
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
distintos sectores sociales e instituciones gubernamentales acerca del rol fundamental de la cultura en el
crecimiento económico, la inclusión social y el desarrollo sostenible”. A través de este proyecto busca
apoyar las experiencias exitosas y concretas en América en las cuales la cultura ha contribuido
precisamente a la generación de desarrollo. Uno de los frutos de este proyecto es la publicación del libro Cultura, común
denominador para el desarrollo.
+ info: http://desarrolloycultura.net/red/actividades/%E2%80%9Ccultura-com%C3%BAn-denominador-para-el-desarrollo18-pr%C3%A1cticas-exitosas%E2%80%9D-oea
The Historic Urban Landscape - Managing Heritage in an Urban Century
Authors: Francesco Bandarin & Ron van Oers
ISBN: 9780470655740
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Much of the current debate on how we should preserve our cultural heritage revolves around urban sites historic monuments in urban settings, historic districts, or complete historic towns. The growing
complexity of urban heritage conservation makes reaching a consensus on how to manage urban heritage
difficult. Additionally, the sharp increase in the world's population now living in urban areas, combined
with a lack of policies to facilitate a sustainable use of heritage assets means the pressure on historic sites is set to rise.
Unless new and innovative ways of managing these sites can be agreed on, there is a real danger that historic cities as we
know them today will not survive the first decades of the 21st century…
+ info: http://www.diazdesantos.es/libros/bandarin-francesco-the-historic-urban-landscape-managing-heritage-in-anurban-century-C0440620926578.html
Culture et mondialisation: les villes, la politique culturelle et la gouvernance
Authors: Helmut K Anheier - Hertie School of Governance, Germay. University of Heidelberg & Yudhishthir
Raj Isar - The American University of Paris
Paperback ISBN: 97814462012
Hardcover ISBN: 9781446201220
Today is a new metropolitan age and for the first time ever more people live in cities than they do
anywhere else. As cities strengthen their international and cultural influence, the global world is acted out
most articulately in the world's urban hubs - through its diverse cultures, broad networks and innovative
styles of governance. Looking at the city through its internal dynamics, the book examines how governance and cultural
policy play out in a national and international framework.
Making a truly global contribution to the literature, editors Isar and Anheier bring together a truly international and highlyrespected collection of scholars. In doing so, they skilfully steer debates beyond the city as an economic powerhouse, to
cover issues that fully comprehend a city's cultural dynamics and its impact on policy including alternative economies,
creativity, migration, diversity, sustainability, education and urban planning.
Innovative in its approach and content, this book is ideal for students, scholars and researchers interested in sociology,
urban studies, cultural studies, and public policy.
+ info: http://www.sagepub.com/books/Book236685
Conceptualising heritage through the maritime lens: a heritage ethnography of maritime
By Charlotte Andrews
Published in the International Journal of Heritage Studies, in the 2012 Special Issue 'Memory in the
Maritime Museum: Objects, Narratives, Identities'
This article presents the key findings of recent maritime heritage research in Bermuda. It recounts the
essential ways contemporary Bermudians use their relationships with the sea to formulate identity and
community and thereby generate maritime heritage. The summarised single-region, grassroots-orientated,
maritime-themed heritage ethnography examines relationships with past and present maritimes; remembrance and
forgetting of ‘race’ and its legacies; beliefs in authenticity; curatorial practices of community museology; and aspirational
remedies to social crisis. Together, these five ethnographic dimensions offer a holistic and realistic picture of maritime
heritage in this mid-Atlantic community. This overview encapsulates and expands upon this ethnographic analysis of
maritime heritage and examines its contribution to heritage and museum studies.
+ info: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13527258.2011.647535
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Trafic illicite des biens culturels
Trafic illicite des biens culturels
Experts Sound Alarm Over Syrian Arab Republic Archaeological Treasures
Syria's year-long revolt has exposed to looting and destruction the country's archaeological
treasures, including the ancient city of Palmyra and the Greco-Roman ruins of Apamea,
experts warned Thursday.
Most vulnerable are strife-torn areas that have fallen outside the full control of the regime
where looters have already targeted museums, excavation sites and monuments, they said.
"In the past three to four months there has been a lot of looting," said Hiba al-Sakhel,
director of museums in Syria.
+ info: http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/35824-experts-sound-alarm-over-syria-archaeological-treasures
United States Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Clarification - USA
The Lawyers' Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP) is asking the Senate to postpone voting on the United
States Foreign Cultural Exchange Jurisdictional Immunity Clarification Act until it has addressed concerns with this bill
through open hearings.
The proposed legislation will allow foreign governments to immunize themselves from U.S. lawsuits when loaning art and
antiquities to American museums. Although LCCHP supports the bill's purpose of cultural exchange, we fear that it would
leave victims of theft and looting without recourse to recover their rightful property. By allowing museums to knowingly
exhibit illicit artwork, it will also send a terrible message to the public, which undermines the longstanding U.S.
commitment to cultural heritage preservation…
+ info: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/675086/876fba989d/285206853/1ed564d745/
Un tableau de Paul Cézanne, volé en 2008, retrouvé à Belgrade
La police serbe a découvert mercredi soir à Belgrade un tableau du peintre français Paul Cézanne volé en
2008 et a arrêté trois suspects, ont rapporté jeudi les médias. Le tableau «Jeune garçon au gilet rouge»,
datant de 1888-89 et dont la valeur est estimé à plusieurs dizaines de millions d’euros, avait été volé en
2008 en Suisse dans un musée de Zurich en même temps que d’autres toiles d’Edgar Degas, Vincent
van Gogh et Claude Monet, a indiqué la chaîne B92.
L’opération d’arrestation des suspects, qui s’est déroulée à Belgrade et Cacak, ville à 140 km au sudouest de la capitale serbe, a été préparée pendant plusieurs mois avec la coopération des polices de
plusieurs pays, a-t-on indiqué. Le ministère serbe de l’Intérieur, interrogé par l’AFP, s’est borné à préciser qu’un point de
presse à ce sujet aurait lieu dans l’après- midi à Belgrade. Le télévision d’Etat serbe (RTS) a, de son côté, indiqué que des
experts suisses étaient attendus prochainement à Belgrade pour établir l’authenticité de la toile découverte.
+ info: http://fr.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idFRPAE83B0FG20120412
Two Chinese artifacts that were stolen from Durham University's Oriental Museum
have been recovered by the police
Detectives investigating the theft of priceless Chinese artefacts from a museum in Durham
have seized two cars suspected of being used by the burglars.
On the night of Thursday, April 5 intruders smashed a hole in the wall of the Malcolm
MacDonald gallery at the Oriental Museum in Elvet Hill, Durham.
They made off with a solid jade bowl dating from 1769 and a Dehua porcelain figurine, both
from the Qing Dynasty and together valued at over £2m.
Last Friday night, April 13 they were recovered from a field in the Brandon area, a few miles to the south-west of Durham
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Trafic illicite des biens culturels
Both items were examined by an expert from the museum on Monday afternoon who confirmed they were in excellent
condition, with no apparent damage resulting from their removal from the museum.
+ info: http://www.durham.police.uk/press/news.php?id=2182&area=0&station=0
Israel antiquities authority inspectors seized two covers of
ancient sarcophagi that previously contained egyptian mummies
and were smuggled into Israel
Inspectors of the Israel Antiquities Authority recently seized two covers of
Egyptian sarcophagi that contained ancient mummies in the past. The
covers were confiscated by inspectors of the Unit for the Prevention of
Antiquities Robbery while checking shops in the market place of the Old
City in Jerusalem. The ancient covers, which are made of wood and
coated with a layer of plaster, are adorned with breathtaking decorations and paintings of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The coffins were taken for examination on the suspicion they might be stolen property.
+ info: http://www.antiquities.org.il/article_Item_eng.asp?sec_id=25&subj_id=240&id=1925&module_id=#as
500-year-old painting back to Jewish family - Tallahassee - Florida -USA
A 500-year-old painting auctioned by the French government during the Nazi occupation in World War
II is back in the hands of a Jewish family who proved it was sold illegally. U.S. authorities in
Tallahassee on Wednesday signed paperwork to return the 16th century Baroque painting to
representatives of the family of Federico Gentili di Giuseppe. He died in 1940 shortly before the Nazis
occupied France. The Vichy government sold the painting, but the sale has been deemed illegal. The
family plans to auction "Christ Carrying the Cross" later this year. It could fetch up to $3.5 million. U.S.
authorities seized the painting from a Florida museum in November after discovering the family had
been seeking its return. A federal judge in February ordered that the painting be returned to the family.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54839
Les héritiers de Vollard réclament 429 toiles à la Serbie
Le Musée de Belgrade conserve depuis 1949 des toiles de la collection Vollard dont l’acquisition est
âprement discutée. Les héritiers Vollard viennent de porter plainte.
Une plainte vient d’être déposée à l’encontre du Musée de Belgrade. François Honnorat, l’avocat qui
représente les héritiers d’Ambroise Vollard, lui reproche de détenir illégalement 429 œuvres issues de sa
collection. « Les directeurs de Musée qui exposent ces travaux ne peuvent feindre de l’ignorer » a écrit
l’avocat dans la plainte déposée le 18 avril 2012 retranscrite par Reuters.
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99828/les-heritiers-de-vollardreclament-429-toiles-a-la-serbie.php
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien est en danger : Un état de lieu de minarets, mosquées, monastères qui ont
été endommagés ou pillés - Appel à la communauté internationale
Le patrimoine archéologique syrien subit divers types de dommages et de dégradations à différents degrés, qu’il s’agisse de
monuments ou de quartiers historiques, de sites archéologiques, de musées ou de lieux de culte. Ces destructions ont
commencé dès le 15 mars 2011, date de la montée en puissance du soulèvement syrien.
Par cet appel, nous souhaitons porter ces destructions à la connaissance de tous et inviter la communauté internationale à
soutenir et accompagner l’inventaire et la dénonciation d'exactions portant atteinte à un patrimoine qui, à plus d’un titre,
concerne l'humanité toute entière.
+ info: http://www.euromedheritage.net/euroshared/doc/appel%20de%20detresse%20patrimoine%20syrien%20-%20fr.
Website - Loot Busters
The basic premise is to try to list photos of all stolen and looted archaeological material, starting with Egyptian, Greek and
Roman. We are only listing material reported missing after 1970 by governments or their representatives, except in the
case of Nazi-related claims where we go back to 1933. Much material is already up, and more is being added. The photos
are publicly available to all on the web site, so anyone can browse, and anyone who wishes to mirror the site is welcome
to. If anyone spots stolen material, and would like our help, we are happy to do so: we do not charge, and have a good
track record negotiating returns. There is no database yet, although material is sorted by reporter, material, iconography
and so forth. One reason is that although we were offered good funding by a government and the art market, this led to
some controversies, and we decided it was better to initially go forward with a budget of $300, which covers the domain
name and web hosting costs.
+ info: http://www.lootbusters.com/
Amateur sleuth helps stop National Archives and Records Administration thefts Washington D.C. (USA)
When J. David Goldin saw the recorded interview of baseball great Babe Ruth for sale on
eBay he knew something was wrong. There was only one original record of that 1937
interview of Ruth on a hunting trip, and Goldin had donated it to a government archive more
than 30 years ago. Now someone was auctioning it off, the winning bid just $34.75. "I took
one look at the record label and I said, 'holy smokes, that's my record,'" said the retired
radio engineer. From his home in Connecticut, filled with antique radios and tape reels,
Goldin launched an amateur sleuthing effort that helped uncover a thief ripping off the country's most important repository
of historical records. The heist turned out to be an inside job. The culprit was the recently retired head of the video and
sound branch of the National Archives and Records Administration — the government agency entrusted with preserving
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Trafic illicite des biens culturels
such documents as the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55160
UNESCO Iraq Office Newsletter 2012 Vol.2 No.1 (January - March 2012)
During the first three months of 2012, prominent occasions of special importance animated the life of Iraqis, showing very
promising signs on the shorter and longer terms.
On behalf of UNESCO, I would like to congratulate the Iraqi government and citizens for their successful organization of the
Arab Summit in Baghdad. With its many implications, this event showed the readiness of Iraq to restore its international
and regional function.
On 8 March, the country lively celebrated with the whole world the International Women's Day. This occasion recalls the
urgent need to take courageous steps to promote gender equality in Iraq.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/field_en/05_publicationUNESCOIraq.pdf
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Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
Steam Blower House / Heinrich Böll Architect - 2010 - Bochum - Germany
The building is situated adjacent to the “Jahrhunderthalle”, a huge industrial hall hosting
theater and music performances. The steam blower house serves this big hall as a studio
stage and provides storage room for stage equipment.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/225945/steam-blower-house-heinrich-boll-architect/
Database - Over 80,000 records of documents of the Albert Einstein Archives at the
Hebrew University and at the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech can now be accessed. Database updated and
relaunched in 19 March 2012
The digitization project is being launched with 2,000 high-quality images on March 19, 2012. The project will continue
throughout 2012. Over 80,000 records of documents held in original and as copies in the Albert Einstein Archives at the
Hebrew University (AEA) and at the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech (EPP) can now be accessed with a user-friendly
interface via the internet. The system offers easy navigation, displaying the search results and additional information such
as filters, related topics and similar items.
Some of the digitized documents are accompanied by annotated transcriptions and translations, as edited by the EPP and
published in the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein by Princeton University Press (PUP). These documents are searchable as
full text. The Albert Einstein Archives include scientific writings and correspondance, non-scientific writings and
correspondace, family letter and travel diaries.
Einstein Archives Online presents images Einstein's handwritten manuscripts; it includes correspondence, typewritten
manuscripts, photos, audio material, etc.
+ info: http://alberteinstein.info/manuscripts.html
Ciclo de conferencias y exposición del Archivo Histórico y Museo de Minería, MEXICO
El Archivo Historico y Museo de Minería, Asociación Civil, le invita al primer ciclo de conferencias, que como parte de los
festejos de su 25 aniversario, llevará acabo.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Ciclo_AHMM.pdf
Un centre d'interprétation de l'estuaire et de la Loire à Saint-Nazaire (France)
Ce centre ouvrira courant 2015 dans l’ancienne usine élévatoire, témoin du passé historique
et industriel de la ville qui fût édifiéé au début du XXème siècle et qui a cessé son activité en
1989. Le projet dont le coût avoisinera les 10 millions d'euros est initié par la Région Pays de
la Loire, la ville de Saint-Nazaire et le Grand Port Maritime Nantes-Saint-Nazaire.
Ce centre d'interprétation et de valorisation veut devenir un véritable lieu de vie, de débats
et de rencontres autour de la thématique de l’estuaire et de la Loire. Paysages,
environnement, activité économique, vie sociale : la Loire a en effet profondément structuré
la vie quotidienne des habitants de l'estuaire et des bords de Loire.
Le projet culturel et scientifique prévoit de relier la ville-port, l’estuaire et la Loire amont, notamment le Val de Loire inscrit
au patrimoine mondial.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Education/Un-centre-d-interpretation-de-l-estuaire-et-de-la-Loire-aSaint-Nazaire
Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism, and Science and Technology Centre / JB
Ferrari & Associates- Chalet-à-Gobet - Lausanne - Switzerland
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Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
The iconic nature of the winning proposal for the Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism,
and Science and Technology Centre is balanced by a rational response to the brief and
the constraints of the site. By isolating the planetarium and the activities linked closely
to it the design by JB Ferrari & Associates is able to exploit the strong potential for
volumetric expression. This allows for a more subdued intervention to the historic
buildings. Seemingly evident, such a direction is not an obvious reading of the brief but
is made possible through astute reinterpretation of the district plan.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230060/
The Plant: An Old Chicago Factory is Converted into a No-Waste Food Factory Chicago, Illinois (USA)
The old red-brick building sporting a “BEER” sign may not look impressive, but what is going
on inside certainly is. “The Plant” is an indoor vertical farm that triples as a food-business
incubator and research/education space located inside an 87-year old meat packing factory
in the Union Stockyards of Chicago, Illinois. The project was partly funded by the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity with a $1.5 million grant. Browse
through the Plant Chicago’s Flickr Photostream and you can watch the space steadily
transform into an urban farm that will grow fresh produce, farm fresh fish, brew beer and produce kombucha all while
recycling the waste of the facility to make it a Net-Zero Energy System.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231844/
"Enjeux et critères de la sauvegarde du patrimoine industriel" - Paris, France (11 mai 2012)
La métropole parisienne se reconnaît-elle comme une ville au riche passé industriel ? Quelles sont les instruments de la
sauvegarde ? Comment interviennent les principaux acteurs – associations, institutions, élus… ?
Les débats, pour cette dernière séance avant la visite de terrain, seront animés par le professeur Anne-Françoise Garçon,
Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, directrice du Master Histoire des Techniques et responsable du Centre d'Histoire
des Techniques (EA 127 – CH2ST).
+ info: http://www.iledefrance.fr/patrimoines-et-inventaire/actualites/evenement/enjeux-et-criteres-de-la-sauvegarde-dupatrimoine-industriel/
Archaeologists find ancient Mayan workshop for astronomers in northeastern
Archaeologists have found a small room in Mayan ruins where royal scribes apparently used
walls like a blackboard to keep track of astronomical records and the society's intricate
calendar some 1,200 years ago. The walls reveal the oldest known astronomical tables from
the Maya. Scientists already knew they must have been keeping such records at that time,
but until now the oldest known examples dated from about 600 years later. Astronomical
records were key to the Mayan calendar, which has gotten some attention recently because
of doomsday warnings that it predicts the end of the world this December. Experts say it makes no such prediction. The
new finding provides a bit of backup: The calculations include a time span longer than 6,000 years that could extend well
beyond 2012.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55294
Exposition - Phares - Musée national de la Marine
07 mars - 04 novembre 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Musée national de la Marine
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.musee-marine.fr/expo_paris_phares.html
Exhibition - Decorative Arts at the World's Fairs. 1851 - 1939 - The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
14 avril - 19 août 2012 Kansas City, Missouri. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nelson-atkins.org/art/exhibitions/worldsfairs/exhibition-themes.html
Exposition - VIIIe Foire moderniste de Barcelone
01 juin - 03 juin 2012 Barcelona. Espagne
Organizateurs: Trade and Professional Association for the Right Side of the Eixample, and the Institut del Paisatge Urbà,
Barcelona City Council
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rutadelmodernisme.com/default.aspx?Idioma=fr
Curso de verano UNIMAR - Patrimonio Industrial y Turismo: Potencialidades y Propuestas
09 julliet - 11 julliet 2012 Molina de Segura. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional del Mar
Contact: Mónica López-Sánchez - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 2 jul 2012
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Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
+ info: http://www.um.es/unimar/ficha-curso.php?estado=V&cc=50997
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Patrimoine immatériel
Patrimoine immatériel
Safeguarding Nepal's Intangible Cultural Heritage: capacity building to start next week in Kathmandu - Nepal
(16-20 April 2012)
Nepal’s traditions, performing arts, festive events and the skills of its people to produce traditional crafts are as precious as
its many heritage buildings. But often, the capacity to safeguard this intangible heritage is low. UNESCO therefore initiates
on 16 April a series of workshops on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible
Cultural Heritage, which Nepal has ratified in 2010.
The first workshop in this capacity building initiative is being organized in Kathmandu from 16 to 20 April 2012 jointly by
the Ministry of Federal Affairs, Constituent Assembly, Parliamentary Affairs and Culture and the UNESCO Office in
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/about-this-office/single-view/news/safeguarding
Afrodescendientes. El color olvidado - Grupo Córdoba Ruta del Esclavo (Argentina)
Para reconciliar la memoria con la verdad, la ONU declaró a 2011 como Año Internacional de
los Afrodescendientes, reconociéndolos como un sector de la población cuyos derechos
deben ser protegidos. Es que el racismo y la xenofobia afectan aún hoy a quienes
descienden de las víctimas del comercio de esclavos entre África, Europa y América, tráfico
que desterró violentamente a unas 20 millones de personas.
El legado de este colectivo social en la Argentina comenzó a estudiarse en 2004, cuando la
UNESCO inició el proyecto Ruta del Esclavo en el Río de la Plata, identificando sitios ligados
al esclavismo con el fin de crear itinerarios conmemorativos y revalorizar la cultura generada por la presencia de
+ info: http://rutadelesclavocba.wordpress.com/2012/04/15/491/
BTU (Brandeburg Technical University) Cottbus project: Cultural Capital
Counts, Newsletter 2 - Cottbus, Germany
Cultural Capital Counts is the name of a project that unites 10 European regions
from 6 nations. Our common goal: to enable a positive development of the
regions by focussing on our immaterial resources like living traditions, knowledge
and talents. For three years (2011 – 2014) the regions will work together to
utilize their cultural heritage for a positive future development. We are convinced
that the knowledge of the people, their experience and their social interactions
are the most valuable resource for our regions' development.
+ info: http://www.culturalcapitalcounts.eu/
Réunion du Comité scientifique du projet de la Route de l'esclave - Calaba, Nigéria (14-16 mars 2012)
En étroite collaboration avec le projet La Route de l'esclave de l'UNESCO, le Centre des arts et des civilisations noirs et
africains (CBAAC) accueillera la prochaine réunion du Comité scientifique international du projet. A cette occasion, se
tiendra également une Conférence internationale sur: « La Traite négrière et l’esclavage dans le monde arabo-musulman:
une tragédie occultée et un héritage partagé » du 13 au 16 mars 2012 à Calabar (Nigéria).
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/africas-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
For the first time in Port-au-Prince the French Tumba La Caridad de Oriente - Haiti
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Patrimoine immatériel
Within the framework of the Francophone Week and the celebrations of its 150th
anniversary, the French Tumba La Caridad de Oriente will make a special performance today
at 5:00 p.m., at the Palacio de Delmas, in Port-au-Prince. The group, invited by the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of Haiti, visits for the first time the country
where the artistic tradition originated.
The programme includes dances Mason and Yuba played by 17 performers under the
leadership of 60-year old dancer and member of the group Andrea Quiala. Government
authorities and Cuban cooperation workers in Haiti will attend the gala performance…
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3282
Bulletin Nº 19 du Centre Régional pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel
Immatériel de l'Amérique latine - CRESPIAL - Pérou (en espagnol)
Le CRESPIAL a été créé en février 2006, à partir de l'abonnement à Paris de l'Accord de
Constitution du CRESPIAL, signé entre l'UNESCO et le Gouvernement du Pérou dans le but
de promouvoir et de soutenir des actions de sauvegarde et de protection du vaste
patrimoine culturel immatériel des peuples de l'Amérique latine. Étant un Centre de
Catégorie 2, il est sous les auspices de l'UNESCO.
Le CRESPIAL a pour but de contribuer à la formulation de politiques publiques dans les pays
de la Région, à partir de l'identification, l’évaluation et la diffusion de leur culture vivante, des actions qui aboutiront à
l'enrichissement de la diversité culturelle de l'Amérique latine, et qui sont en accord avec l'esprit de la Convention pour la
Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (2003).
+ info: http://www.crespial.org/boletin/boletin_20.php
IX Meeting of the Executive Committee of Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio
Cultural Inmaterial de América Latina (CRESPIAL) - Lima - Peru - (27 - 28 January 2012)
The Ninth Meeting of the Executive Committee of CRESPIAL (COE) closed in Lima, Peru after two days (27
and 28 January) of intense work.
Representatives from Brazil, Cuba, Chile, Paraguay and Peru met under the Presidency of Brazil and with
Cuba as Secretary of the Committee. The representative of Bolivia acted in the capacity as President of
the Administrative Council.
The Committee approved the mission of the Director-General of CRESPIAL, Fernando Villafuerte, the
President of the Executive Committee, Mrs. Celia Corsino, and the President of the Administrative Council, Mrs. Dolores
Charaly to UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris for institutional coordination matters…
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3255
UNESCO's journal: 'Oralidad No. 17' in the 21st International Book Fair Cuba 2012 Havana - Cuba - (9 - 19 February 2012)
The 21st International Book Fair Cuba 2012 was the best space for the presentation of Oralidad
No. 17, a journal published since 1988 by the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin
America and the Caribbean to contribute to the safeguarding of the intangible heritage in the
Herman van Hooff, Director of the Regional Office, gave detailed information about the journal
from its origins to the current issue, which includes a message from UNESCO Director-General
Irina Bokova emphasizing the key role of culture in development and the new humanism that should prevail in international
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3263
3rd meeting of the project Cultural Universe of the People of African Descent
08 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Recife, Pernambuco. Brésil
Organizateurs: The National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage of Brazil (IPHAN) and the Centre for the Safeguarding
of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America (CRESPIAL)
Contact: Gabriela Valenzuela – [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3287
Groupe de travail - Sixième séminaire annuel sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel dans le Sud-est européen
10 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Athens. Grèce
Organizateurs: Le Bureau de l’UNESCO à Venise, en coopération avec le Ministère hellénique de la culture et du tourisme et
la Commission Nationale hellénique pour l’UNESCO
Contact: Anthony Krause at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/all-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]=6370&cHash=77ea0ffc22
Chile searches for new Human Living Treasures - Deadline for for submissions: 15 May 2012
The Minister of Culture of Chile, Luciano Cruz-Coke, launched the fourth call for Human Living Treasures 2012. The
invitation, which will be open until 15 May, is looking for candidates to become the six new Treasures bearers of traditions
or endangered cultural traditions.
15 mayo 2012 -Organizateurs: Council for Culture opens the Call for submissions for the fourth consecutive year
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3286
Culture and Cosmovision Mbya Guaraní: Presentation of the documentary "Y TU - EL ARROYO"
- Buenos Aires - Argentina - (21 March 2012)
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Patrimoine immatériel
The programme “The Voice of those Without a Voice” and La Huerta de Saavedra - Espacio CUCOCO –
invite to the presentation: CULTURA Y COSMOVISION MBYA GUARANÍ on Wednesday 21 March 2012 at
19hs. in La Huerta de Saavedra - Espacio CUCOCO. Plaza Oeste 3556 – Federal Capital. Buenos Aires,
Presentation of the documentary “Y TU – EL ARROYO”. The documentary was made with the Mbya
Guaraní “Y TU” community of the Dpt. of Caazapá, Paraguay. The Mbya Guaranís are suffering from
territorial aggression for the imposition of the soy crop. The deforestation of the forests in which they have lived since
ancient times impacts directly their traditional habitat, and therefore their culture. In spite of this, the Mbya Guaranís
continue to preserve their culture and their cosmovision, which include ecological practices and a human sense of life.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3283
The Kichwas Audiovisual Producers Association presents the documentary Mindalae - Quito,
Ecuador (6 March 2012)
The Kichwas Audiovisual Producers Association (APAK) which focuses on the historic events related to the
travels and trade of crafts makers of the Otavalo communities of Peguche, Quinchuquí, Agato and La
Compañía since 1905, when thousands of Otavalo Kichwas began to search markets for their woven textiles
and their crafts.
This project, which included an ethnic-historic research parallel to the making of video on the production of
the textiles, the travels and the trade of crafts and traditional music of the Kichwa identity, has counted on
the support of the UNESCO Quito Office, the National Secretariat of Migrations (SENAMI), the Iberamerican Institute of
natural and Cultural Heritage of the Convenio Andrés Bello (IPANC) and the Otavalo municipality.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3291
"Places of memory in Córdoba" Enslaved Blacks: Absence and Presence - Alta Gracia - Córdoba Argentina - (9 February - 8 April 2012)
The Museum of Jesuit Mission of Alta Gracia and House of the Viceroy Liniers presents the exhibition
“PLACES OF MEMORY IN CÓRDOBA” Enslaved Blacks: Absence and Presence from 9 February 2012.
The objective of the exhibition is to show how the process of slavery in America has made invisible in
society these ethnic groups, their descendants and their cultural legacy. The places of memory exhibited
were identified by the Slave Route Group of Córdova. Since its confirmation in 2010, the Group began to
recover the tangible places that treasure the memory of hundreds of enslaved Blacks who worked and built
the memory in the territory.
Sponsored by CONAPLU and the UNESCO Mercosur Cluster, the exhibition will remain open until April 8, 2012. Admission is
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3303
Renforcer les capacités des communautés à inventorier le patrimoine culturel
immatériel en Bosnie-Herzégovine (21 - 27 mai 2012)
Un atelier national de formation sur l’élaboration d’inventaires du patrimoine culturel
immatériel avec la participation des communautés sera organisé par l’UNESCO (Bureau à
Venise/Antenne de Sarajevo), en coopération étroite avec le Ministère des Affaires Civiles et
la Commission Nationale pour l’UNESCO de Bosnie-Herzégovine.
Cet atelier rassemblera différents experts, représentants d’ONG et de communautés,
autorités locales et gouvernementales, impliqués dans la mise en œuvre de la Convention de
2003 pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel. L’objectif sera de renforcer les capacités de tous les acteurs
concernés à inventorier le patrimoine culturel immatériel, avec la participation des communautés.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
Exposition - Le PCI (Patrimoine culturel immatériel), qu'est-ce que c'est ? Exposition multimédia - CFPCI
(Centre français du PCI)-MCM (Maison des Cultures du Monde)
04 mai - 29 julliet 2012 Vitré. France
Organizateurs: CFPCI (Centre français du PCI)-MCM (Maison des Cultures du Monde)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.festivaldelimaginaire.com/programme/le-pci-qu-est-ce-que-c-est-37.html
Exhibition - Maya 2012: Lords of time - Penn Museum
05 mai - 01 décembre 2012 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Penn Museum and the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.penn.museum/sites/2012/exhibit/
Exhibition - Paroles d'esclaves, Mémoires des lieux - UNESCO Headquarters
09 mai - 23 mai 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: UNESCO Headquarters
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/events/unesco-house/cultural-events/?tx_browser_pi1[plugin]
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Patrimoine immatériel
The First Intangible Cultural Heritage Researchers Forum: the implementation of UNESCO's Intangible
Heritage Convention
03 juin 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: La Maison des Cultures du Monde and International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia
and the Pacific Region (IRCI)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ichresearchers-forum.org/?page_id=12
Atelier sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel
12 septembre - 17 septembre 2012 Havane. Cuba
Organizateurs: Le Bureau régional pour la culture en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes de l'UNESCO à La Havane
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/culture-events/?tx_browser_pi1[showUid]
International Committee for Museums of Ethnography (ICME) Annual Conference 2012: 'Commodifying
Culture? Cultural Villages and Living Museums'
12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 Windhoek. Namibie
Organizateurs: ICOM - ICME
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://icme.icom.museum/index.php?id=118
Proyecto "Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo. 18 prácticas exitosas" Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA)
La Organización de Estados Americanos, OEA, actualmente está desarrollando el proyecto “La cultura en
el desarrollo: una red interamericana de información”, que tiene como objetivo “crear conciencia entre los
distintos sectores sociales e instituciones gubernamentales acerca del rol fundamental de la cultura en el
crecimiento económico, la inclusión social y el desarrollo sostenible”. A través de este proyecto busca
apoyar las experiencias exitosas y concretas en América en las cuales la cultura ha contribuido
precisamente a la generación de desarrollo. Uno de los frutos de este proyecto es la publicación del libro
Cultura, común denominador para el desarrollo.
+ info: http://desarrolloycultura.net/red/actividades/%E2%80%9Ccultura-com%C3%BAn-denominador-para-el-desarrollo18-pr%C3%A1cticas-exitosas%E2%80%9D-oea
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
Biodiversité marine et côtière
Institute of Marine Genomics / Barré Lambot Architectes - Université Pierre et
Marie Curie - Roscoff - France
The quality of the site, both symbolic and architectural, leads us to propose a building
organized around an interior garden ; while preserving the site unity. Whe make the most of
the authorized outline to propose a building with a simple construction principle and rational
organization, while maintaining the garden’s qualities.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/226394/institute-of-marine-genomics-barre-lambotarchitectes/
Site web: Plancton du monde
Plancton du monde est une initiative portée par Océanopolis, Parc de
Découverte des Océans à Brest.
Ce site est le prolongement d'une action qui a lieu chaque année dans
le cadre de la Journée Mondiale des Océans. Outil de partage et de
regard croisé sur le plancton cette initiative est un lieu d'échange et de
mutualisation des observations.
+ info: http://www.plancton-du-monde.org/
Le Parc national des Calanques rejoint la famille des parcs nationaux français - France
Le Premier ministre, François Fillon, Ministre de l'Ecologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et
du Logement, a signé le 18 avril 2012 le décret de création du Parc national des Calanques.
Il s'agit du 10ème parc national français et du premier parc périurbain d'Europe. Paysage emblématique
de la Provence méditerranéenne, le site des Calanques est connu dans le monde entier pour sa valeur
paysagère, sa biodiversité et son patrimoine culturel.
Le Parc national des Calanques est avant tout un parc maritime, puisque 90% de sa surface est en mer. Il
s'inscrit dans le cadre des objectifs de la stratégie nationale pour la création et la gestion des aires
marines protégées.
Le projet a été mis en place par le Groupement d'intérêt public des calanques, en concertation avec les acteurs locaux.
+ info: http://www.parcsnationaux.fr/Acces-direct/Actualites/Les-Calanques-rejoignent-la-famille-des-parcs-nationauxfrancais
Arrêté du 13 avril 2012 relatif à la conduite de la procédure d'étude et de création d'un parc naturel marin en
Martinique - France
+ info: http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000025705797&dateTexte=&categorieLien=id
TARA EXPEDITIONS: L'aventure continue !
Après plus de deux ans et demi d’expédition, Tara est de retour à Lorient. Ce dernier périple
d'étude de la vie marine aura permis au navire de se tailler une place indiscutable dans le
monde scientifique et de l'aventure. La goélette poursuit sa route dans le sillage des grands
navires océanographiques.
Etienne Bourgois, président de Tara Expéditions, a quant à lui les yeux déjà tournés vers
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
+ info: http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/en/the-adventure-continues.php?id_page=1012
Un centre d'interprétation de l'estuaire et de la Loire à Saint-Nazaire (France)
Ce centre ouvrira courant 2015 dans l’ancienne usine élévatoire, témoin du passé historique
et industriel de la ville qui fût édifiéé au début du XXème siècle et qui a cessé son activité en
1989. Le projet dont le coût avoisinera les 10 millions d'euros est initié par la Région Pays de
la Loire, la ville de Saint-Nazaire et le Grand Port Maritime Nantes-Saint-Nazaire.
Ce centre d'interprétation et de valorisation veut devenir un véritable lieu de vie, de débats
et de rencontres autour de la thématique de l’estuaire et de la Loire. Paysages,
environnement, activité économique, vie sociale : la Loire a en effet profondément structuré
la vie quotidienne des habitants de l'estuaire et des bords de Loire.
Le projet culturel et scientifique prévoit de relier la ville-port, l’estuaire et la Loire amont, notamment le Val de Loire inscrit
au patrimoine mondial.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Education/Un-centre-d-interpretation-de-l-estuaire-et-de-la-Loire-aSaint-Nazaire
Par Lola Corre Au sein du système complexe que constitue le climat, l'océan joue un rôle primordial. D'une part, il
enregistre et intègre les effets du changement climatique; d'autre part, les échelles de temps de ses variations naturelles,
et notamment son inertie thermique environ mille fois supérieure à celle de l'atmosphère, en font un acteur important
susceptible de moduler les effets futurs du changement climatique. Cette thèse se propose de mettre en évidence des
signatures du changement climatique d'origine anthropique dans l'océan. Pour cela, nous étudions les évolutions observées
de la température océanique de sub-surface et de la salinité océanique de surface, au cours des trente à cinquante
dernières années. Des méthodes statistiques de détection de la réponse au forçage anthropique sont utilisées pour
déterminer si une influence humaine peut être détectée dans les changements récents observés.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00690817
Job Offers - International chair in Evolutionary Marine Ecology - LabexMer.
University of Brest (France) Deadline for applications: 31 May 2012
LabexMER is enthusiastically inviting applications for an international chair in
Evolutionary Marine Ecology. This chair aims to promote research on both the
evolutionary influences on ecological processes and on the ecological influences on
evolutionary processes, using both theoretical and experimental approaches.
The applicants should have an international recognition and a significant publication
record in ecology, especially in functional ecology. One of the potential pathways to
tackle these questions could rely on experimental approaches where evolutionary processes on short time scales
(phenotypic plasticity, changes in life history traits) influence ecological processes. The development of theoretical models
will represent one of the expected outcomes of this chair.
The chair is set up for a duration of three years. It is awarded with a grant of 200,000 €/year. These funds include the
salary of the successful candidate. Part of this funding may also be used for equipment purpose, operating costs and costs
related to personnel hired on a fix-termed contract basis, that cannot exceed the duration of the project.
+ info: http://www.labexmer.eu/international-fellowships/international-chair?set_language=en
Circulaire du 20 janvier 2012 relative à la gestion durable et intégrée du domaine public maritime naturel France
Résumé : la présente circulaire a pour objectif de rappeler les grands principes de la gestion du domaine public maritime
naturel. Par ailleurs, dans la perspective de la gestion intégrée de la mer et du littoral, elle définit des orientations en
termes de gestion de cet espace.
Catégorie : directive adressée par la ministre aux services chargés de son application, sous réserve, le cas échéant, de
l’examen particulier des situations individuelles.
Domaine : transports, équipement, logement, tourisme, mer.
Mots clés : littoral – domaine public maritime naturel – mer – rivages – inaliénabilité – redevance domaniale – aires
marines protégées – extensions portuaires.
+ info: http://www.bulletin-officiel.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/fiches/BO20127/met_20120007_0100_0033.pdf
EXPO 2012 - Pour des côtes et des océans vivants
12 mai - 12 août 2012 Yeosu. République de Corée
Organizateurs: EXPO 2012 Yeosu Corée
+ info: http://fra.expo2012.kr/is/ps/unitybbs/bbs/selectBbsDetail.html?ispsBbsId=BBS001&ispsNttId=0000000002
Atelier sur les Observatoires câblés en eaux profondes
24 mai - 25 mai 2012 Amsterdam. Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: Nikhef/University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=165389
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Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Une forêt jeune chargée d'histoire - Verdun (France)
La forêt domaniale de Verdun a été créée au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale
sur l’ancien champ de bataille. Elle englobe pour l’essentiel d’anciennes terres agricoles
dévastées et déclarées impropres à l'agriculture par les autorités, mais aussi des zones
autrefois boisées.
Située à proximité de Verdun, ce haut lieu de mémoire de presque 10.000 ha, accueille
chaque année de nombreux visiteurs. Profondément marquée par la Grande Guerre,
dont elle porte encore les séquelles, la forêt a évolué au fil des ans et des interventions
forestières. Elle abrite aujourd'hui des espèces animales et végétales protégées. Elle est gérée par l’Office national des
+ info: http://www.onf.fr/enforet/verdun/@@index.html
The National Museum of Civil War Medicine is trying to determine if a preserved
human forearm is a relic of the Civil War Battle of Antietam - Frederick - MarylandUSA
Long after the guns fell silent at Antietam, the earth yielded up gruesome reminders of the
bloodiest day of the American Civil War: bodies, bones, buttons and entire severed limbs —
one of which is now the focus of intense study at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine.
A Sharpsburg-area farmer is said to have found the human forearm while plowing a field two
weeks after the 1862 battle.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54696
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Site web - The Civil War in Art: Teaching & Learning through Chicago Collections. Chicago,
Illinois (USA)
"The Civil War in Art: Teaching and Learning through Chicago Collections" is intended to help teachers and
students learn about the Civil War—its causes and effects—and connect to the issues, events, and people
of the era through works of art.
The website was initiated, funded, and developed by the Chicago-based Terra Foundation for American Art
in acknowledgement of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War (1861–1865). From 2010 to 2012,
the Terra Foundation collaborated with six Chicago cultural organizations on the project. Each partner
contributed images from its collection along with written descriptions, questions for discussion, and additional reading
sources. Content specialists from DePaul University curated the selection of objects and wrote the Exhibit texts and
selected object descriptions. Terra Foundation staff contributed to the writing and editing of the Exhibit texts, object
descriptions, and other content in collaboration with the partners and content specialists.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_79/22_2012.html (1 de 4) [28/05/2012 13:37:01]
Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
+ info: http://www.civilwarinart.org/
Des Armes et des Hommes. L'archerie à la transition fin du Néolithique/Age du Bronze en Europe occidentale Université Toulouse Le Mirail. Toulouse II (France)
Part importante de l'armement préhistorique pour les périodes récentes (quantitativement et qualitativement), l'archerie
représente un objet d'étude riche en développements problématiques. A l'aube de l'introduction progressive de la
métallurgie dans les usages techniques, il est intéressant de saisir le ou les processus de transferts mis en œuvre.
Transition chronologique (Néolithique/Age du bronze), transition matérielle (types de pièces produites et types de
matériaux employés) et transition comportementale sont ainsi envisagées pour parvenir à préciser le statut de cet
armement dans les sociétés concernées. En nous basant sur la caractérisation de la panoplie de l'archer, sur l'identification
des contextes de fabrication, sur la reconnaissance des champs fonctionnels (utilisations et usagers) et sur l'analyse archéobalistique des vestiges de traumatismes par flèches dans le cadre de violences interhumaines, il en résulte un ensemble
exhaustif qui renouvelle sensiblement la perception de cet armement dans le temps et dans les usages.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655169/en/
La représentation des bateaux en europe entre le VIIIè et le XIIIè siècle.
Par Barbara Auger L'étude de la représentation des bateaux en Europe du Nord-Ouest ne se limite pas à la seule question
iconographique et pose pour l'objectif la compréhension de l'humain dans son acte représentatif. Aussi la problématique
s'intéresse-t-elle à la modalité perceptive et sa mise en culture. Comprendre la représentation des bateaux durant le Moyen
Age nord-européen s'attache ainsi à définir la verbalisation de l'objet technologique qu'est le navire, les modes de
productions visuelles et les schémas mentaux qui lestent chacune des images tant mentales que visuelles d'un sens
culturel. Il s'agit de donner une définition anthropologique de l'image du bateau restituée à son contexte de développement
et d'ainsi rétablir l'intentionnalité créatrice de chacun des auteurs. Image d'un processus créatif en cours, le bateau
mythologique pose donc les questions d'un comportement humain fondamental, aussi est-il important de baser cette
analyse sur un questionnement épistémologique. Il s'agit de véritablement d'appréhender le mouvement créatif humain.
Cette thèse est un bateau.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00665915
Cutty Sark / Grimshaw - London - United Kingdom
Cutty Sark epitomises the great age of sail; she is the last surviving tea clipper. Herre
markable story is tangible evidence of the centuries long importance of sea-trade to this
country and to the growth of London as theworld’s pre-eminent port and trading centre. Built
as a tea clipper, where speed to market was critical, it is the combination of sail and hull
form which gave Cutty Sarkher edge. The hull shape is defined by the revolutionary 19th
century composite iron and timber ship building technique.
A comprehensive programme of conservation began on Cutty •
Sark in 2004, which saw the biggest overhaul of the Grade I listed landmark for 50 years with the ship’s reopening planned
to take place in 2009. The project was brought to a dramatic halt when a fire in 2007 swept through the wooden structure,
causing extensive damage to the centre of the ship. The disaster caught the public’s interest and initiated a major fund
raising campaign, enabling the project not only to be resumed at the end of 2009 but to an enhanced design brief…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232948/cutty-sark-grimshaw-2/
Top Architects invited to reimagine San Francisco's Fort Mason Center - San Francisco,
California (USA)
A mix of twenty local and internationally renowned firms have been invited to participate in a
design competition seeking “creative and practical design concepts” on thirteen acres of prime
waterfront real estate at the historic Fort Mason Center in San Francisco. Although mostly
comprised of parking lots and former military buildings, the site attracts nearly one million
annual visitors with its stellar views, cultural events, historic background and well-respected
Depending on who accepts the challenge, local firms may compete with big names such as James Corner Field Operations,
SANAA, Studio Gang Architects and BIG.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232263/
Researchers from British Museum in London say they have new clue to Lost Colony - North Carolina (USA)
A new look at a 425-year-old map has yielded a tantalizing clue about the fate of the Lost Colony, the settlers who
disappeared from North Carolina's Roanoke Island in the late 16th century. Experts from the First Colony Foundation and
the British Museum in London discussed their findings Thursday at a scholarly meeting on the campus of the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Their focus: the "Virginea Pars" map of Virginia and North Carolina created by explorer John
White in the 1580s and owned by the British Museum since 1866.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55158
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Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Exposition - Phares - Musée national de la Marine
07 mars - 04 novembre 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Musée national de la Marine
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.musee-marine.fr/expo_paris_phares.html
Exhibition - Occupied Behind Barbed Wire - Jersey Museum
31 mars - 30 décembre 2012 Saint Helier, Jersey. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Jersey Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.jerseyheritage.org/events/occupied-behind-barbed-wire
Exhibition - Royal River: Power, Pageantry and the Thames - National Maritime Museum
27 avril - 09 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Maritime Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rmg.co.uk/visit/events/royal-river
Exhibition - L'Algérie - 1830-1962 -Musée de l'Armée
16 mai - 29 julliet 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Musée de l'Armée
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.invalides.org/dp/EDD24.pdf
Conference - IV Modern Conflict Archaeology
20 octobre 2012 Bristol. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: University of Bristol
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2012
+ info: http://mcaconf.com/call-for-papers/
Conference - Islands of War, Islands of Memory 06 avril - 07 avril 2013 Cambridge. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. University of Cambridge
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2012
+ info: http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/events/event-docs/130407/Islands_of_War_Islands_of_Memory_cfp.pdf
Examining the memorialscape of occupation and liberation: a case study from the British
Channel Islands
By Dr Gillian Carra
Volume 18, Issue 2, 2012
Special Issue:
This paper introduces the concept of the ‘memorialscape’ as a tool for studying the inter-relationship of
memorials within a single rural or urban environment or landscape. Using a case study of the British
Channel Islands, where the number of memorials relating to the German occupation of 1940–1945 has
increased greatly since 1985 (the 40th anniversary of liberation), I examine the active role these memorials have played in
changing the occupation narrative of the islands. This paper will also explore the importance of memorial marginality and
centrality; memorial inter-visibility; the difference between the memorialscape of the capital towns of Guernsey and Jersey
and the groups they commemorate; and the narrative that the resulting memorialscape produces.
+ info: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13527258.2011.606330
Cultural Heritage and Prisoners of War: Creativity Behind Barbed Wire
Book edited by Gilly Carr and Harold Mytum
ISBN: 978-0-415-52215-1
Published: March 2012
Following on from a successful conference at the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research in 2010,
this book focuses on the numerous examples of creativity produced by POWs and civilian internees during
their captivity, including: paintings, cartoons, craftwork, needlework, acting, musical compositions,
magazine and newspaper articles, wood carving, and recycled Red Cross tins turned into plates, mugs and
makeshift stoves, all which have previously received little attention. The authors of this volume show the wide potential of
such items to inform us about the daily life and struggle for survival behind barbed wire. Previously dismissed as items
which could only serve to illustrate POW memoirs and diaries, this book argues for a central role of all items of creativity in
helping us to understand the true experience of life in captivity. The international authors draw upon a rich seam of
material from their own case studies of POW and civilian internment camps across the world, to offer a range of
interpretations of this diverse and extraordinary material.
+ info: http://www.ice.cam.ac.uk/news-and-events/research-news/1173-cultural-heritage-and-prisoners-of-war-creativitybehind-barbed-wire
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Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Conceptualising heritage through the maritime lens: a heritage ethnography of maritime
By Charlotte Andrews
Published in the International Journal of Heritage Studies, in the 2012 Special Issue 'Memory in the
Maritime Museum: Objects, Narratives, Identities'
This article presents the key findings of recent maritime heritage research in Bermuda. It recounts the
essential ways contemporary Bermudians use their relationships with the sea to formulate identity and
community and thereby generate maritime heritage. The summarised single-region, grassroots-orientated,
maritime-themed heritage ethnography examines relationships with past and present maritimes; remembrance and
forgetting of ‘race’ and its legacies; beliefs in authenticity; curatorial practices of community museology; and aspirational
remedies to social crisis. Together, these five ethnographic dimensions offer a holistic and realistic picture of maritime
heritage in this mid-Atlantic community. This overview encapsulates and expands upon this ethnographic analysis of
maritime heritage and examines its contribution to heritage and museum studies.
+ info: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13527258.2011.647535
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Offres d'emploi - Programme pour jeune commissaire et conservateur - Le Centre
Canadien d’Architecture (CCA) Montréal, Québec (Canada) Date limite : 27 avril 2012
La pratique muséologique telle qu’on la connaît depuis le début du XXe siècle subit un
remaniement important. Les modifications profondes du statut de l’objet, de la culture, des
diverses disciplines, de l’information et de l’éducation entraînent une transformation inévitable
du rôle et des compétences du commissaire. La pratique curatoriale suscite depuis peu un
regain d’intérêt en architecture.
Pour la deuxième année, le CCA propose deux programmes curatoriaux : le programme pour
jeune commissaire et le programme de stages curatoriaux Power Corporation du Canada.
+ info: http://www.cca.qc.ca/fr/le-cca-propose/1670-possibilites-curatoriales-2012
MUSEVI / TEN Arquitectos - 2011 - Villahermosa - Tabasco- Mexico
A new elevated museum complete with an outdoor amphitheater at its base. MUSEVI is
phase one of a three-phased Master Plan for Paseo Tabasco. By physically connecting two
otherwise insulated lakes, Vaso Cencalli and Lagoon of Illusions, MUSEVI proposes a new
form of exhibition and public space that encourages connectivity and social gathering.
Likewise, the accompanying amphitheater has become a new focal point for Tomas Garrido
Park. And with parts of the building protruding into and over the landscape, the museum, at
the same time, encourages an intimate and reflective contemplation of the surrounding
nature, if not acting as an unequivocal celebration thereof.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/226906/musevi-ten-arquitectos/
Eames House Conservation Project - Getty Conservation Institute. Los Angeles, California (USA)
The Eames House, designed by Charles and Ray Eames in 1949, and located in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles, is
an iconic work of modern architecture. The GCI is working with the Eames Foundation to understand and assess the current
condition of the house, its contents, and setting, and to assist in the development of a long-term conservation management
plan that includes a maintenance program. The project will address a number of interrelated conservation issues that
* Material Investigation, Analysis, and Environmental Climate Control
* Conservation Management Planning
* Long-term Care and Conservation
+ info: http://www.getty.edu/conservation/our_projects/field_projects/eameshouse/eames_overview.html
The Neutra Embassy Building in Karachi, Pakistan: A Petition to Save Modernism Karachi - Pakistan
Richard Neutra‘s Embassy Building in Karachi, Pakistan is a relic of the Cold War – an effort by
the United States to express its authority and wealth in other countries. The building is in the
modernist style, designed in 1959, by an architect whose work is still admired today. Until
2011, the Embassy was occupied by the U.S. General Consulate and was a symbol of
modernity in Karachi. The Neutra Institute for Survival through Design has begun a petition to
help save this building from demolition. It proclaims that this modernist icon is “the only
surviving Neutra Structure in the region”.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/227775/the-neutra-embassy-building-in-karachi-pakistan-a-petition-to-savemodernism/
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
City Approves Marine Stadium Restoration - Miami, Florida (USA)
On March 8, Miami commissioners voted 3-2 in favor of a plan to renovate Miami
Marine Stadium, a 1960s modernist building on Virginia Key. The vote of approval
comes after years of campaigning by Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, a
grassroots group who successfully nominated the site to the 2010 Watch.
Following Watch-listing, WMF contributed to a study demonstrating reuse
potential. Following the March decision, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium have
two years to develop a fundraising strategy and a viable operational plan.
+ info: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs069/1101578329274/archive/1109677425618.html
Demolition of the Orange County Government Center - Goshen, New York State (USA)
Preservationists see the artistic value of the building and the legacy of previous county
administrators wishing to present Goshen as a thriving and dynamic community. The Orange
County government should be responsible stewards of this legacy.
Sign the petition and show your support for Paul Rudolph’s Orange County Government Center.
Once it’s demolished, there are no second chances.
+ info: www.change.org/petitions/orange-county-new-york-legislature-oppose-the-demolitionof-the-orange-county-government-center-in-goshen-ny
Prizes - World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize - Deadline call for
nominations: 31 July 2012
Established in 2008, the World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize is awarded biennially to
an innovative architectural or design solution that has preserved or enhanced a modern
landmark or group of landmarks.
The prize is awarded in recognition of completed (built) work, and may be awarded for an
individual project or a body of work. The award consists of $10,000 and a limited-edition Mies
van der Rohe–designed Barcelona chair, created by Knoll in honor of the award. The prize is
awarded to the designer, architect, or firm responsible for the work.
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/modernism/
"Lost" Le Corbusier Building Sparks Preservation Movement in Iraq - Baghdad (Iraq)
In Upstate New York, residents are clamoring to raze down their Government Center, Paul
Rudolph’s classic 1970 example of brutalist design. Ostensibly, this is due to flood-damage. But it
can’t hurt that, as one resident was quoted in The New York Times as saying, it’s “a big ugly
In Minnesota, city officials would rather tear down M. Paul Fiedberg’s Peavey Plaza, a “Modernist
gem” completed in ’73, than spend the time, money, and effort to revitalize it.
In Baghdad, on the other hand, a gymnasium completed in 1982, suffering the signs of decades
of violence, poverty, and ill-executed renovation, has sparked a small preservation movement, reawakening a country to its
neglected cultural heritage.
The architect behind this Iraqi endeavor? None other than Le Corbusier himself.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228601/
Reactive Monitoring Mission assesses World Heritage in Brasília - Federal District Brazil
A Reactive Monitoring Mission, held jointly by the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO and
ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites), shall begin on Tuesday (13/03) in
Brasilia, to assess the conservation status of the site, which is registered on the World Heritage
During four days, two international experts in architecture and urbanism - Luis Maria Calvo and
Carlos Sambricio – will visit the “Pilot Plan” and will interview authorities representing the GDF,
the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Heritage (Iphan) as well as civil society representatives regarding the
conditions of preservation of federal capital…
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3289
Syracuse University Unveils First Phase of Marcel Breuer Digital Archive - Syracuise,
New York State (USA)
Marcel Breuer, born in Hungary in 1902, was educated under the Bauhaus manifesto of “total
construction”; this is likely why Breuer is well known for both his furniture designs as well as his
numerous works of architecture, which ranged from small residences to monumental architecture
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
and governmental buildings. His career flourished during the Modernist period in conjunction with
architects and designers such as founder of Bauhaus Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier and Mies van
der Rohe.
In 2009, Syracuse University’s Special Collection Research Center recieved a National Endowment for the Humanities grant
with which it began creating the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive. The digital archive, available online, is a collaborative effort
headed by the library and includes institutions such as the Bauhaus-Archiv Berlin, the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, the
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Harvard University, the Archives of American Art at the Smithsonian
Institution, the University of East Anglia, and the Vitra Design Museum. It is in the first phase, which includes Breuer work
up until 1955, of digitzing over 30,000 drawings, photographs, letters and other related material of his work.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230833
AD Classics: Holy Cross Church / Walter Förderer - 1966-1969. Chur (Switzerland)
Standing at the foot of the Alps is the highly contemporary Holy Cross Church in Chur, Switzerland.
Designed by Basel born Swiss architect Walter Förderer, the church evokes strong features of Brutalism.
Built between 1966 to 1969, the church appears like a mass fortress that conveys a symbolic defensive
The polygonal tower at the south west corner of the building is the dominant feature that contains four
bells: the trinity bell, the cross bell, the peace bell, and the Marien bell…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232766/
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Montagnes et glaciers
Le comportement hors-norme des glaciers du Karakorum - Pakistan, Inde et Chine
À l’aide de données issues du satellite SPOT5 et de la navette spatiale Endeavour (SRTM),
des chercheurs du Laboratoire de glaciologie et géophysique de l'environnement (LGGE/
OSUG, UJF/ CNRS), du Laboratoire d'études en géophysique et océanographie spatiales
(LEGOS/OMP, UPS / CNRS / CNES / IRD) et du Laboratoire d'études des transferts en
hydrologie et environnement (LTHE/OSUG, UJF / CNRS / INPG / IRD) ont mis en évidence le
comportement atypique des glaciers du Karakorum, une région de la chaine himalayenne.
Ils ont notamment montré que leur masse avait légèrement augmenté entre 1999 et 2008.
À l’heure où nombre de glaciers du globe fondent, enregistrant des pertes de masse de plus en plus fortes, les glaciers de
cette région semblent faire exception…
+ info: www.insu.cnrs.fr/environnement/cryosphere/le-comportement-hors-norme-des-glaciers-du-karakorum
Satellite observes rapid ice shelf disintegration in Antarctic
As ESA’s Envisat satellite marks ten years in orbit, it continues to observe the rapid retreat of one of
Antarctica’s ice shelves due to climate warming.
One of the satellite’s first observations following its launch on 1 March 2002 was of break-up of a main
section of the Larsen B ice shelf in Antarctica – when 3200 sq km of ice disintegrated within a few days due
to mechanical instabilities of the ice masses triggered by climate warming.
Now, with ten years of observations using its Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR), Envisat has
mapped an additional loss in Larsen B’s area of 1790 sq km over the past decade.
+ info: http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Envisat/SEMDWMEWF0H_0.html
Un nouveau site web pour le Parc national du Mercantour - France
Le site Internet du Parc national du Mercantour fait peau neuve avec un design épuré, des contenus réorganisés et une
ergonomie simplifiée.
+ info: http://www.parcsnationaux.fr/Acces-direct/Actualites/Un-nouveau-site-web-pour-le-Parc-national-du-Mercantour
Subduction dynamics and the origin of Andean orogeny and the Bolivian orocline
The building of the Andes results from the subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate underneath the South American continent.
However, how and why the Andes and their curvature, the Bolivian orocline, formed in the Cenozoic era (65.5 million years
(Myr) ago to present), despite subduction continuing since the Mesozoic era (251.0–65.5 Myr ago), is still unknown. Threedimensional numerical subduction models demonstrate that variations in slab thickness, arising from the Nazca plate’s age
at the trench, produce a cordilleran morphology consistent with that observed…
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v480/n7375/full/nature10596.html
Slight mass gain of Karakoram glaciers in the early twenty-first century
By Julie Gardelle, Etienne Berthier & Yves Arnaud Assessments of the state of health of Hindu-Kush–Karakoram–Himalaya
glaciers and their contribution to regional hydrology and global sea-level rise suffer from a severe lack of observations1.
The globally averaged mass balance of glaciers and ice caps is negative. An anomalous gain of mass has been suggested
for the Karakoram glaciers, but was not confirmed by recent estimates of mass balance. Furthermore, numerous glacier
surges in the region that lead to changes in glacier length and velocity complicate the interpretation of the available
observations. Here, we calculate the regional mass balance of glaciers in the central Karakoram between 1999 and 2008,
based on the difference between two digital elevation models. We find a highly heterogeneous spatial pattern of changes in
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glacier elevation, which shows that ice thinning and ablation at high rates can occur on debris-covered glacier tongues. The
regional mass balance is just positive at +0.11±0.22 m yr−1 water equivalent and in agreement with the observed
reduction of river runoff that originates in this area. Our measurements confirm an anomalous mass balance in the
Karakoram region and indicate that the contribution of Karakoram glaciers to sea-level rise was −0.01 mm yr−1 for the
period from 1999 to 2008, 0.05 mm yr−1 lower than suggested before.
+ info: http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v5/n5/full/ngeo1450.html
Recent Plant Diversity Changes on Europe’s Mountain Summits
In mountainous regions, climate warming is expected to shift species’ ranges to higher altitudes. Evidence for such shifts is
still mostly from revisitations of historical sites. We present recent (2001 to 2008) changes in vascular plant species
richness observed in a standardized monitoring network across Europe’s major mountain ranges. Species have moved
upslope on average. However, these shifts had opposite effects on the summit floras’ species richness in boreal-temperate
mountain regions (+3.9 species on average) and Mediterranean mountain regions (–1.4 species), probably because recent
climatic trends have decreased the availability of water in the European south. Because Mediterranean mountains are
particularly rich in endemic species, a continuation of these trends might shrink the European mountain flora, despite an
average increase in summit species richness across the region.
+ info: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6079/353.abstract
Corso di Formazione di Geografia sulle Dolomiti Patrimonio UNESCO
06 julliet - 08 julliet 2012 San Martino. Italie
Organizateurs: Fondazione G. Angelini in collaborazione con Parco Naturale di Paneveggio e Pale di San Martino,
Fondazione Dolomiti-Dolomiten-Dolomites-Dolomitis Unesco, CAI Veneto, SAT, Museo delle Scienze di Trento, Associazione
Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Musées, Muséologie, Médiation et Patrimoine mobilier
City Museum / Vicente Núñez Arquitectos - Salamanca - Spain
The development of this project marked the start of the recovery of the first
inhabited area of the city of Salamanca and has allowed to stop environmental
degradation by restoring the secular road layout. Following the agreement with
owners in a complex and lengthy operation of urban land subdivision has allowed
the construction on the remains of the old Convent of San Vicente of a center for
research, conservation, exhibition and public dissemination of the many important
remains behind in the environment.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/226567/city-museum-vicente-nunez-arquitectos/
Printemps numérique au musée du quai Branly - Paris - France
Jusqu'au 22 avril , à l'occasion des vacances printanières, le Musée du quai Branly présente l'événement
Vacances de printemps Musée numérique. Il y a au programme de nombreuses activités parmi lesquelles
une découverte des coulisses de la réserve des instruments de musique à l'aide de téléphones intelligents
prêtés par le musée, l'essai du nouveau guide multimédia nomade et d'un plan de découverte interactive à
l'aide de dispositifs tactiles, un parcours interactif parsemé de codes QR au jardin du musée et une tableronde sur le transmédia.
+ info: cursus.edu/dossiers-articles/articles/18214/printemps-numerique-musee-quai-branly/
US museums rebuild but fears of relapse linger - Directors' optimism tempered by
sluggish economy and slow recovery of investments (USA)
Leading US museums are finally in recovery mode and their directors are much more
optimistic about the financial outlook than a year ago, but few are feeling bullish.
Endowments may have increased but they have not regained their peak of 2007. Of the ten
richest museums we surveyed, seven were within sight of their previous levels, but the
wealthiest, the Getty Trust, is only a third of the way to the $1.8bn it lost during the
downturn (see table, p10). The road to financial health will be long for all but a fortunate
few, and many fear that the economic recovery may prove short-lived. Nevertheless, many directors describe themselves
as “cautiously optimistic”.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/US-museums/26128
Mucha's "Slav Epic" moved to Prague without approval - Conservationists and art
historians warn temporary venue could damage the paintings - Veletrzni Palac,
Prague (Czech Republic)
The remaining 15 canvases of the Czech artist Alphonse Mucha’s “Slav Epic” cycle have been
removed without approval from the Moravian town of Moravsky Krumlov and taken to Prague,
according to the Alphonse Mucha Foundation. The canvases will be reunited with the five other
parts and the entire series of 20 canvases is due to go on show at Prague’s Veletrzni Palac
(Trade Fair Palace). But leading conservationists and art historians say this venue could cause
severe damage to the paintings, which Mucha considered his masterpiece. “It’s a very serious mistake,” says Petr Kuthan,
the head of restoration at the Czech National Gallery in Prague.
The foundation wants the monumental work, which depicts the history of the Slavic people, to be housed in Prague’s main
train station. “We have issued a formal letter of intent, signed by us, the Czech railways and the Italian developer
overhauling the station,” says John Mucha, the artist’s grandson and the president of the foundation.
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/mucha/26284
Un tableau de Paul Cézanne, volé en 2008, retrouvé à Belgrade
La police serbe a découvert mercredi soir à Belgrade un tableau du peintre français Paul Cézanne volé en
2008 et a arrêté trois suspects, ont rapporté jeudi les médias. Le tableau «Jeune garçon au gilet rouge»,
datant de 1888-89 et dont la valeur est estimé à plusieurs dizaines de millions d’euros, avait été volé en
2008 en Suisse dans un musée de Zurich en même temps que d’autres toiles d’Edgar Degas, Vincent
van Gogh et Claude Monet, a indiqué la chaîne B92.
L’opération d’arrestation des suspects, qui s’est déroulée à Belgrade et Cacak, ville à 140 km au sudouest de la capitale serbe, a été préparée pendant plusieurs mois avec la coopération des polices de
plusieurs pays, a-t-on indiqué. Le ministère serbe de l’Intérieur, interrogé par l’AFP, s’est borné à préciser qu’un point de
presse à ce sujet aurait lieu dans l’après- midi à Belgrade. Le télévision d’Etat serbe (RTS) a, de son côté, indiqué que des
experts suisses étaient attendus prochainement à Belgrade pour établir l’authenticité de la toile découverte.
+ info: http://fr.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idFRPAE83B0FG20120412
Audioguide Louvre - Nintendo 3DS - Paris (France)
Le nouvel audioguide du Louvre offre plus de 35 heures de contenus audio. Interviewés et
enregistrés dans les salles du musée, les spécialistes du Louvre, conservateurs et
conférenciers, vous expliquent de manière vivante et spontanée les œuvres et le palais
qu’ils connaissent si bien.
Vous ne connaissez pas le musée et souhaitez être guidés, choisissez le parcours « chefsd’œuvre » qui vous mènera de la Vénus de Milo à la Joconde à travers les plus beaux
espaces du palais.
Vous ne voulez rien manquer des incontournables du musée, nous les avons sélectionnés pour vous et mis en avant sur
notre plan interactif.
+ info: http://www.louvre.fr/l-audioguide-du-musee
MUSEVI / TEN Arquitectos - 2011 - Villahermosa - Tabasco- Mexico
A new elevated museum complete with an outdoor amphitheater at its base. MUSEVI is
phase one of a three-phased Master Plan for Paseo Tabasco. By physically connecting two
otherwise insulated lakes, Vaso Cencalli and Lagoon of Illusions, MUSEVI proposes a new
form of exhibition and public space that encourages connectivity and social gathering.
Likewise, the accompanying amphitheater has become a new focal point for Tomas Garrido
Park. And with parts of the building protruding into and over the landscape, the museum, at
the same time, encourages an intimate and reflective contemplation of the surrounding
nature, if not acting as an unequivocal celebration thereof.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/226906/musevi-ten-arquitectos/
Sarajevo museums under siege - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s major cultural institutions, including the National Gallery and the
National Museum, which are both in the capital Sarajevo, are in danger of closing indefinitely
due to a lack of funding and government support. Staff, many of whom have been not been
paid for months, have responded by organising events and exhibitions to bring attention to
the crisis. The situation stems from the country’s dysfunctional administrative system and
the lack of a national cultural ministry.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Sarajevo-museums-under-siege/26174
Two Chinese artifacts that were stolen from Durham University's Oriental Museum
have been recovered by the police
Detectives investigating the theft of priceless Chinese artefacts from a museum in Durham
have seized two cars suspected of being used by the burglars.
On the night of Thursday, April 5 intruders smashed a hole in the wall of the Malcolm
MacDonald gallery at the Oriental Museum in Elvet Hill, Durham.
They made off with a solid jade bowl dating from 1769 and a Dehua porcelain figurine, both
from the Qing Dynasty and together valued at over £2m.
Last Friday night, April 13 they were recovered from a field in the Brandon area, a few miles to the south-west of Durham
Both items were examined by an expert from the museum on Monday afternoon who confirmed they were in excellent
condition, with no apparent damage resulting from their removal from the museum.
+ info: http://www.durham.police.uk/press/news.php?id=2182&area=0&station=0
Anhui Provincial Art Museum / RTA-Office - 2012 - Hefei - China
The project developed by RTA-Office belongs to a large masterplan that includes three different
museum buildings surrounded by a big green area. The Anhui Provincial Paleontological Fossils
Museum and the Anhui Provincial New Museum are already built. RTA-Office was involved in the
design of the third one, the Anhui Provincial Art Museum. Located in a new politic and cultural
district in Heifei, China, the new building will occupy the southwest corner of the park.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/227166/anhui-provincial-art-museum-rta-office/
Museum and Exposition Centre / Atelier Kempe Thill - Veenhuizen - The
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Veenhuizen can be typified as a classicistic master plan in which city planning and
architecture form a Gesamtkunstwerk. Where in a “normal” village the market place defines
the centre, in Veenhuizen one finds an enormous prison court.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/227302/museum-and-exposition-centre-atelier-kempethill/
I gioielli nascosti di famiglia (Italy)
Che il nostro patrimonio storico, artistico ed archeologico sia ancora in buona parte poco
conosciuto e fruito non è opinione diffusa, ma dato di fatto: pensando ai soli siti culturali
statali, nel 2010, più della metà dei visitatori si è concentrata in soli 30 dei 424 luoghi
della cultura visitabili. Che l’ampiezza e la diffusione sul territorio di questo enorme
patrimonio rendano la sua gestione complicata è affermazione facilmente comprensibile.
Che oltre a quello che abbiamo davanti ai nostri occhi (contenitori – musei, palazzi storici,
aree archeologiche – e contenuti – tele, sculture, tavole, reperti, etc) ci sia un altro tesoro
“sommerso” e non ben definito può apparire un’asserzione bizzarra. E invece così è, e questo patrimonio oltre ad essere di
valore incommensurabile è effettivamente “incommensurato”: non sappiamo effettivamente quanto e quale sia.
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2012/04/16/i-gioielli-nascosti-di-famiglia/
Culture can save the economy
One of Italy's top culture officials has pushed private investment in the country's museums and galleries and the seemingly
insatiable Chinese and Indian appetites for art and archaeology as the way to pull the country out of its recession. Mario
Resca, a former CEO of McDonald's Italian operations who was appointed in 2008 by the government of Silvio Berlusconi to
be director-general of the Culture Ministry, said that an increase in ticket sales to Italian museums has not been matched
by an increase in state finding.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54710
The National Museum of Civil War Medicine is trying to determine if a preserved
human forearm is a relic of the Civil War Battle of Antietam - Frederick - MarylandUSA
Long after the guns fell silent at Antietam, the earth yielded up gruesome reminders of the
bloodiest day of the American Civil War: bodies, bones, buttons and entire severed limbs —
one of which is now the focus of intense study at the National Museum of Civil War Medicine.
A Sharpsburg-area farmer is said to have found the human forearm while plowing a field two
weeks after the 1862 battle.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54696
Divinely beautiful Greek charioteer comes to London - The British Museum. London (United
He is called the charioteer and although damaged, with his turning, athletic body and robe so fine and
clinging that every muscle is revealed, he is one of the most exquisite surviving Greek sculptures. And the
British Museum has managed to borrow him for the duration of the Olympic Games.
From 1 May, the fifth-century BC Auriga (charioteer) of Mozia (where he was found) will be on display in
the Duveen Gallery surrounded by the Parthenon Marbles, which are slightly younger by about 30 years.
Normally, to see the charioteer you have to make a lengthy pilgrimage to a remote island off the west
coast of Sicily, to the little museum set up in memory of the English marsala importer Giuseppe Whitaker, who personally
funded decades of excavations there.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Divinely-beautiful-Greek-charioteer-comes-to-London/26280
Google has announced its partnership for the Google Art Project with the
Savannah College of Art and Design Museum of Art (Savannah - Georgia - USA)
and the Gibbes Museum of Art (Charleston - South Carolina - USA)
Google is pleased to announce its partnership with the SCAD Museum of Art in Savannah,
Georgia, and the Gibbes Museum of Art in Charleston, South Carolina, bringing a number of
the museums' top works online with the innovative Google Art Project. The museums are
the only two in the Southeastern United States to participate in the project.
The Google Art Project is a unique collaboration between Google and the world's most
respected and acclaimed museums, enabling visitors to virtually explore museums, discover and view hundreds of artworks
online at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share their own collection of masterpieces with a few clicks of a
+ info: http://www.scadmoa.org/press/2012/google-scad-museum-gibbes-art-project
Ciclo de conferencias y exposición del Archivo Histórico y Museo de Minería, MEXICO
El Archivo Historico y Museo de Minería, Asociación Civil, le invita al primer ciclo de conferencias, que como parte de los
festejos de su 25 aniversario, llevará acabo.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Ciclo_AHMM.pdf
Interpretation Newsletter
This issue will look at several different topics, including an article on creating or managing successful partnerships. This is a
topic that is hot now, as many organizations are looking at partnerships to help share costs, staff, marketing, and other
issues to help save money while striving to provide excellent interpretive programs and services. This article was developed
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
a few years ago when I was asked to present an interpretive management course and the partnership issue was a key topic.
I also wanted to share information about “Interpretive Graphic Standards Manuals” – if you design interpretive panels these
would be “useful”. Also a new article about interpretive video production. Finally I wanted to provide updates on JVA
projects, training opportunities. Plus some “conceptual flypaper” topics that I want to “stick in” I hope you enjoy this issue
and find it of interest. Please feel free to copy and post this, or e-mail to other interpreters.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/InterpNEWS_May-June.pdf
Current Technical Research into Painting in Britain from 1550 - 1850 Conference Tate Britain, London (United Kingdom) 30 March 2012
More than 100 paintings conservators and researchers gathered at Tate Britain in London on
30th March 2012 to hear about new insights into the techniques and practices behind some of
the greatest art works produced in Britain between the 16th to 19th centuries. The conference
was supported by the Clothworkers’ Foundation, and took place in the Clore Building of the Tate
Britain gallery.
Results included those of the National Portrait Gallery's 5-year project “Making Art in Tudor
This 5-year project that aims to examine over 120 paintings from the 16th and early 17th century using techniques such as
X-radiography (X-ray), infrared reflectography (IRR), dendrochronology, microscopy and paint sampling.
+ info: http://www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1308
Easter Sculpture Museum / Exit Architects - 2011 - Hellín- Albacete - Spain
In the competition winning proposal we included the completely refurbished Casa del Conde as a part of the Museum. We
even wanted to give it a main role, incorporating the former backyard facade as the background of the new main exhibition
space. The inner court of the house played also a significant role as an exhibition area which established a relationship
between the old and the new parts. The upper levels hosted an administration area and a library.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/226586/easter-sculpture-museum-exit-architects/
Call to close every other museum raises storm in Germany - Artists respond
that the call to close every other museum would "destroy the base of the
public funding of culture"
A call by a group of academics and cultural commentators to close every second statesubsidised cultural institution—in particular art museums and theatres—in response to
the economic downturn has provoked a robust response from German artists,
filmmakers and writers. The proposal, by the consultant and director of the Centre for
Cultural Research think tank in Berlin, Dieter Haselbach, the director of the statefunded Swiss arts council, Pro Helvetia, Pius Knüsel, and academics Armin Klein, and Stephan Opitz (also an official at the
ministry of culture in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein), was set out in the recent book Der Kulturinfarkt (Cultural
Heart Attack) as well as in an article in the German magazine Der Spiegel. In an open letter under the banner of “Akademie
der Künste” (Academy of Arts), artists including Rosemarie Trockel, Klaus Staeck and Harun Farocki, along with the
filmmaker Wim Wenders and the author Günter Grass wrote: “[We] protest against this… infringement of a taboo, which
destroys the base of the public funding of culture. [It is] an unequalled attempt to discredit the publicly funded support of
culture.” The letter also referred to “a late exhalation of neo-liberal thinking”.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Call-to-close-every-other-museum-raises-storm-in-Germany/26303
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Upgrade for Bendigo's Trams - Melbourne. Victoria (Australia)
Page 4 of the document linked A multi-million dollar refurbishment of Bendigo Tram Depot and
Museum, improving the work environment and tourism potential of Australia’s oldest operating
tram depot, has been completed.
Bendigo Trust CEO Thomas Seddon explained the works had been a combination of
conservation works, site safety, depot function and appearance and amenity to provide a good
balance of ‘functioning depot and workshop’ with ‘high quality tourist experience’.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/99315/Inherit-54-Mar-Apr12.pdf
Art Fund calls on Government to drop plan to cap charitable donations - United
The Art Fund has joined forces with other charities to call on the Government to drop its plan
to introduce a cap on tax relief on donations to charity. Director Stephen Deuchar said the
plan would have a ‘devastating impact’ on planned fundraising appeals.
The Chancellor announced in the March Budget that from April 2013 tax relief on charitable
donations will be capped at £50,000 or 25% of income. This will deter the most generous
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
givers, and will have a disproportionate impact on the arts, museums and cultural charities,
which are often dependent on a small pool of larger-value donors…
+ info: http://www.artfund.org/news/1330/art-fund-calls-on-government-to-drop-plan-to-cap-charitable-donations
The Siege of Sarajevo Museum - The Art of Living 1992-1996 Fama Collection /
Studio Zec + ahA + Filter - Sarajevo - Bosnia-and-Herzegovina
A collaborative work by Studio Zec + ahA + Filter, The Siege of Sarajevo Museum – The Art
of Living 1992-1996 project is launching a new way of interacting and learning about the
phenomenon of the Siege of Sarajevo. Regarding urban survival, Sarajevo has become a
powerful symbol and a lesson for current and future generations. The museum will be a
unique depository of human knowledge – where human ingenuity, creativity and intelligence
will be captured amidst the urban post-cataclysmic realm. It is a heritage snap-shot of faces
and voices that have shaped the longest siege in the modern history of mankind.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/227965/the-siege-of-sarajevo-museum-the-art-of-living-1992-1996-fama-collectionstudio-zec-aha-filter/
Sydney Architecture Walks / Supple Design - Sydney - New South Wales - Australia
Supple Design shared with us their Sydney Architecture Walks, which consists of an ongoing series of public walking and
bicycle tours of Sydney that use contemporary architecture to open up conversations political, cultural, economic and
environmental. Their premise is that cities are made not found, so architecture becomes the lens to open up other
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228041/sydney-architecture-walks-supple-design/
The earliest surviving formal portrait of a male transvestite has been discovered by
Philip Mould in a New York saleroom - New York City - New York State - USA
The earliest surviving formal portrait of a male transvestite has been discovered by Philip
Mould in a New York saleroom. On first glance the historic portrait featuring a rather
masculine looking woman piqued the renowned art sleuth’s interest. A gentle clean and
further painstaking research uncovered a rich and colourful history. This investigation that
resulted in the astonishing discovery that the portrait is of the legendary spy, diplomat and
transvestite, Chevalier D’Eon that has been lost since 1926.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=54803
Project - Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MMAW) / Camilo Rebelo - Warsaw Poland
The design proposal for the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MMAW) by Camilio Rebelo
results from the fusion of two themes always present in the history of Art expression:
nature’s figurative and abstract representation. The museum demonstrates an amalgam of
distinct realities, diverse cultures, and simultaneously a neutral setting as well as hold a
unique and magnetic identity: Mutant Nature.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/228287/museum-of-modern-art-in-warsaw-mmaw-camilorebelo/
Site web - The Civil War in Art: Teaching & Learning through Chicago Collections. Chicago,
Illinois (USA)
"The Civil War in Art: Teaching and Learning through Chicago Collections" is intended to help teachers and
students learn about the Civil War—its causes and effects—and connect to the issues, events, and people
of the era through works of art.
The website was initiated, funded, and developed by the Chicago-based Terra Foundation for American Art
in acknowledgement of the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War (1861–1865). From 2010 to 2012,
the Terra Foundation collaborated with six Chicago cultural organizations on the project. Each partner
contributed images from its collection along with written descriptions, questions for discussion, and additional reading
sources. Content specialists from DePaul University curated the selection of objects and wrote the Exhibit texts and
selected object descriptions. Terra Foundation staff contributed to the writing and editing of the Exhibit texts, object
descriptions, and other content in collaboration with the partners and content specialists.
+ info: http://www.civilwarinart.org/
Collections Trust secures 8€ million EU investment to help bring collections online - United
Helping museums, archives and libraries share collections.
The Collections Trust has secured major European Commission investment in projects worth a total of
€8m to help museums, archives and libraries share their collections online safely and sustainably.
EUROPEANA INSIDE is a €3.8million research and development project in partnership with 10 leading
Collections Management Software providers, all of whom are members of the Collections Trust’s
‘SPECTRUM Partner’ Scheme. The project will develop open- source tools, enabling cultural
organisations to manage the sharing and re-use of their Collections online.
+ info: www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1345
Master of Arts Management - Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
The Master of Arts Management (MAM) program at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College is designed to create
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
innovative leaders in the visual and performing arts. The program combines rigorous finance, marketing and fundraising
coursework with practical experience to prepare you to excel in a public, private or nonprofit arts environment.
Heinz College's MAM program provides what other arts administration master's degrees cannot -- the solid foundation of
quantitative management principles for which CMU is known globally. Students leave the University with the arts
management and administration tools necessary to solve some of the most pressing economic and operational challenges
currently facing arts organizations in the U.S. and internationally.
+ info: http://www.heinz.cmu.edu/school-of-public-policy-management/arts-management-mam/index.aspx
Video: Tom Dixon at MOST (Milan and the National Museum of Science and Technology ) Milan (Italy)
Tom Dixon took over Milan and the National Museum of Science and Technology during Salone del
Mobile, transforming parts of an old monastery into an impressive exhibition space for the latest
developments in design. MOST, Dixon’s ambitious environment for innovation and culture consisted of
a handpicked selection of designer friends and brands as well as Dixon’s own work, Luminosity, an
exploration of light. German industrial design manufacturing company Trumpf brought over eight tons
of machinery to demonstrate how to make a signature Tom Dixon chair out of steel, stealing the
limelight from other highlights including gelato-making classes taught by the Carpigiani Gelato University and a pop-up
restaurant run by Dock Kitchen’s Stevie Parle.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/229734
Un centre d'interprétation de l'estuaire et de la Loire à Saint-Nazaire (France)
Ce centre ouvrira courant 2015 dans l’ancienne usine élévatoire, témoin du passé historique
et industriel de la ville qui fût édifiéé au début du XXème siècle et qui a cessé son activité en
1989. Le projet dont le coût avoisinera les 10 millions d'euros est initié par la Région Pays de
la Loire, la ville de Saint-Nazaire et le Grand Port Maritime Nantes-Saint-Nazaire.
Ce centre d'interprétation et de valorisation veut devenir un véritable lieu de vie, de débats
et de rencontres autour de la thématique de l’estuaire et de la Loire. Paysages,
environnement, activité économique, vie sociale : la Loire a en effet profondément structuré
la vie quotidienne des habitants de l'estuaire et des bords de Loire.
Le projet culturel et scientifique prévoit de relier la ville-port, l’estuaire et la Loire amont, notamment le Val de Loire inscrit
au patrimoine mondial.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Education/Un-centre-d-interpretation-de-l-estuaire-et-de-la-Loire-aSaint-Nazaire
En Allemagne, les auteurs d'un livre polémique suggèrent la fermeture de la moitié
des musées du pays
Dans un ouvrage provocateur paru fin mars, quatre acteurs du monde culturel dressent un bilan
très sombre du modèle culturel allemand. En réaction à une politique jugée élitiste et figée, ils
avancent des propositions pour le moins brutales et controversées.
A défaut d’apocalypse, la suggestion entraîne en tout cas une jolie polémique outre-Rhin. Et
pour cause, les auteurs de cette provocation sont des acteurs reconnus du monde de l’art : deux
professeurs d’universités, un membre de l’administration culturelle et le directeur d’une
fondation suisse. Dans un livre intitulé « Der Kulturinfarkt » (« L’infarctus culturel »), les quatre hommes exposent leur
vision d’une offre culturelle allemande qu’ils jugent élitiste et surdimensionnée. Un pavé de 288 pages, jeté dans la mare
tranquille des institutions allemandes.
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99789/en-allemagne-les-auteurs-d-un-livre-polemiquesuggerent-la-fermeture-de-la-moitie-des-musees-du-pays.php
Maidstone Museum / Hugh Broughton Architects - 2012 - Maidstone (United Kingdom)
New ‘gold’ clad extensions hint at treasures inside Maidstone Museum &Bentlif Art Gallery has reopened following an extensive £3 million refurbishment and the addition of a new east wing by
Hugh Broughton Architects. Clad with ‘gold’ shingles which hint at the museum’s collection of
‘treasures’ on display inside, the new East Wing provides the museum with a reinvigorated look
making it the cultural focus for the town centre. Housing a collection of over 600,000 artifacts
and specimens that are outstanding in their diversity and quality, Maidstone Museum forms the
largest mixed collection in Kent and one of the largest in the South-East of England…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/229653/
Zaha Hadid’s Maxxi Museum faces Closure two years after its Opening - Rome
Just two years after its opening, the Maxxi Museum in Rome is threatened with closure. The
country’s current economic crisis has resulted in major cuts in cultural funding, causing a
great deal of stress on the arts. As BD reports, earlier this month the museum was told that
the government’s contribution to its €11 million budget would fall to less than €2 million for
2012. Now, as the museum officials failed to set a budget for 2013, the government has
reportedly begun proceedings to put the high-profile museum under special administration.
Designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, the 2010 Stirling Prize winning national art and architecture museum has attracted
more than 450,000 visitors per year. Hadid has described the museum’s success as “remarkable”, as it quickly built a
prestigious, international reputation within the world of contemporary art.
As reported by the Guardian, problems arose once the Italian government uncovered a €800,000 hole in Maxxi’s 2011
accounts. Although the museum stated that this amount was offset by 2010 profits, the Italian government is considering
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putting the museum in the hands of administrators and will reveal the museums fate within the next few weeks.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230049/
Conférence - Les Français et les Amériques - Exils et migrations (1815-1914) - Cité
nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration. Paris (France)3 mai 2012 - Podcast
Conférence de Sylvie Aprile, professeur en histoire contemporaine, Université Lille III,
IRHIS-UMR CNRS et de Laurent Dornel, maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine à
l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, animée par Emmanuelle Loyer, professeur en
histoire contemporaine, Sciences Po Paris
+ info: http://www.histoire-immigration.fr/2011/8/les-francais-et-les-ameriques
Datong Art Museum design revealed by Foster + Partners - Datong
Construction is underway for the new Datong Art Museum in China, designed
by Foster + Partners. Referred to as China’s ‘Museum of the 21st Century’,
the 32,000-square-meter venue will be one of four major new buildings
within Datong New City’s cultural plaza. The museum will open in 2013 and
represent China in the ‘Beyond the Building’ Basel Art international tour.
Clad in earth-toned Corten steel, the roof is comprised of four interconnected
pyramids that spawn an exterior form that is conceived as an erupted landscape. Each pyramid increases in height and fan
outwards to the four corners of the cultural plaza, creating a scale that relates to the other three cultural buildings in the
plaza, while balancing the overall composition of the master plan and maximizing the internal volume of the Grand Gallery
– the heroically scaled, top-lit exhibition space that is the centerpiece of the building…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/229743/
Le Getty de Los Angeles cherche de nouvelles sources de
Confrontés à des baisses de budget, le Musée va concentrer ses
ressources sur ses « missions essentielles ».
Adossé à la fondation d'art la plus riche du monde, le Getty de Los
Angeles n'est cependant pas à l'abri de la crise. Malgré des débuts
en trombe, il est confronté à des difficultés financières dont
l’importance va croissante depuis juillet 2008. « Deux forces
contraires nous affectent » explique à l’AFP son PDG James Cuno, « d’une part une pression à la baisse sur notre dotation,
de l’autre la hausse sur les dépenses, que ce soit les frais de personnel ou les dépenses courantes ». Ces difficultés obligent
le Musée à recentrer ses ressources sur ses « missions essentielles » : l'exposition et la conservation des oeuvres, les
publications et les programmes éducatifs…
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99777/le-getty-de-los-angeles-cherche-de-nouvellessources-de-financement.php
Norway's one and only painted stone Madonna from the Middle Ages
Mould has been eating away at this sculpture for centuries and loosening and fading the paint.
The curators have just a few months to save the remains, because the sculpture is going back to Holdhus
Church in western Norway.
Mille Stein, a painting restorer and researcher, says that the paint is from the Middle Ages.
Although the paint has lost its original hue and the gold no longer shines like new, they would rather
conserve the sculpture as it is rather than restore it to its original look.
The sculpture, which dates back to the 1450s, glowed of gold, blue, deep green and red when it was new.
+ info: http://sciencenordic.com/mysterious-stone-madonna-north
500-year-old painting back to Jewish family - Tallahassee - Florida -USA
A 500-year-old painting auctioned by the French government during the Nazi occupation in World War
II is back in the hands of a Jewish family who proved it was sold illegally. U.S. authorities in
Tallahassee on Wednesday signed paperwork to return the 16th century Baroque painting to
representatives of the family of Federico Gentili di Giuseppe. He died in 1940 shortly before the Nazis
occupied France. The Vichy government sold the painting, but the sale has been deemed illegal. The
family plans to auction "Christ Carrying the Cross" later this year. It could fetch up to $3.5 million. U.S.
authorities seized the painting from a Florida museum in November after discovering the family had
been seeking its return. A federal judge in February ordered that the painting be returned to the family.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54839
395 nouveaux musées en Chine en 2011
Le New York Times fait le point sur la très expansionniste politique culturelle. Pas moins de
395 musées ont été construits en 2011 tandis que les artistes contemporains sont
activement soutenus.
Après l'industrie, la Chine investit massivement dans l’art. L'ouverture de nombreux musées
s'accompagne d'un lobbying actif tentant de faire exposer des artistes chinois à l'étranger.
Deux modalités d'action qui visent à la fois à flatter la conscience nationale et à permettre au
niveau internationale, une réévaluation de l'héritage artistique chinois. « Du point de vue
occidental, la modernité artistique du 20ème siècle est typiquement occidentale » a déclaré au New York Times, Fan Di'an,
directeur du National Art Museum of China. « Je ne pense pas que cela soit juste, les historiens de l'art devraient
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
davantage prendre en compte la modernité chinoise », a-t-il rajouté.
+ info: http://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/site/archives/docs_article/99973/395-nouveaux-musees-en-chine-en-2011.php
La représentation des bateaux en europe entre le VIIIè et le XIIIè siècle.
Par Barbara Auger L'étude de la représentation des bateaux en Europe du Nord-Ouest ne se limite pas à la seule question
iconographique et pose pour l'objectif la compréhension de l'humain dans son acte représentatif. Aussi la problématique
s'intéresse-t-elle à la modalité perceptive et sa mise en culture. Comprendre la représentation des bateaux durant le Moyen
Age nord-européen s'attache ainsi à définir la verbalisation de l'objet technologique qu'est le navire, les modes de
productions visuelles et les schémas mentaux qui lestent chacune des images tant mentales que visuelles d'un sens
culturel. Il s'agit de donner une définition anthropologique de l'image du bateau restituée à son contexte de développement
et d'ainsi rétablir l'intentionnalité créatrice de chacun des auteurs. Image d'un processus créatif en cours, le bateau
mythologique pose donc les questions d'un comportement humain fondamental, aussi est-il important de baser cette
analyse sur un questionnement épistémologique. Il s'agit de véritablement d'appréhender le mouvement créatif humain.
Cette thèse est un bateau.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00665915
La construction du sens dans les expositions muséales. Études de cas à Chicago et à Paris (France)
Par Castellano Cristina Dans cette thèse, j'ai montré les processus de négociation identitaire, les discours hégémoniques et
les structures du sentiment qui opèrent au sein des expositions qui traitent le multiculturalisme et le métissage. J'ai étudié
des expositions produites par des musées nationaux en France et aux États-Unis. Mes études de cas ont été développées
au Musée National d'Art Mexicain de Chicago et au Musée du quai Branly à Paris entre 2006 et 2009.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655492/en/
Ouverture du Musée Art nouveau à Aveiro - Portugal
Le musée Arte Nova d’Aveiro est le centre d’interprétation du vaste réseau de bâtiments et d’éléments Art nouveau qu’on
peut trouver à travers la ville. Il est abrité dans l’ancienne résidence de l’un des bourgeois de la ville, Mario Pessoa, et la
conception du bâtiment est attribuée à Silva Rocha et/ou à Ernesto Korrodi.
L’accent du musée sur l’Art nouveau est traité d’une manière informative plutôt que documentaire et les éléments
architecturaux, qui en font un mouvement unique au Portugal, possèdent une qualité stylistique très spécifique, comme
c’est le cas dans d’autres pays européens qui possèdent un patrimoine Art nouveau.
+ info: http://www.artnouveau-net.eu/Ler%C3%A9seau/ArtNouveau/Pagedaccueil/tabid/375/id/372/language/fr-FR/
Renaissance exhibition from Accademia Carrara (Bergamo - Italy) in the National Gallery of Australia was a
resounding success attracting almost 213,000 visitors. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory (Australia)
The National Gallery of Australia today announced that the Renaissance exhibition of 15th and 16th century Italian
paintings from Accademia Carrara, Bergamo was a resounding success attracting almost 213,000 visitors from all over
Australia to Canberra.
+ info: http://www.nga.gov.au/AboutUs/press/RTF/RenWrapupMR.rtf
The new Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia grand opening - Big Rapids, Michigan (USA) 26 April 2012
"Using Objects of Intolerance to Teach Tolerance and Promote Social Justice"
+ info: http://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/grandopening.htm
Brandywine River Museum to offer tours of Andrew Wyeth's Studio - Chadds Ford,
Pennsylvania (USA)
In 1911, with the proceeds from his illustrations for Treasure Island, the artist N.C. Wyeth
purchased 18 acres of land on Rocky Hill in the village of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania.
Possessed of "the most glorious sight in the township," Wyeth built his home and studio
overlooking the valley. Here he set down roots which have nourished a family of extraordinary
creativity for more than a century.
N.C. Wyeth died in 1945, and Mrs. Wyeth lived in the house until 1973. Their daughter,
Carolyn Wyeth, lived in the house and painted in the studio until her death in 1994. In 1997, the National Park Service
granted the property National Historic Landmark status. The Brandywine River Museum owns and maintains the land and
buildings which retain much of their original character.
+ info: http://www.brandywinemuseum.org/ncstudio.html
Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism, and Science and Technology Centre / JB
Ferrari & Associates- Chalet-à-Gobet - Lausanne - Switzerland
The iconic nature of the winning proposal for the Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism,
and Science and Technology Centre is balanced by a rational response to the brief and
the constraints of the site. By isolating the planetarium and the activities linked closely
to it the design by JB Ferrari & Associates is able to exploit the strong potential for
volumetric expression. This allows for a more subdued intervention to the historic
buildings. Seemingly evident, such a direction is not an obvious reading of the brief but
is made possible through astute reinterpretation of the district plan.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230060/
"Places of memory in Córdoba" Enslaved Blacks: Absence and Presence - Alta Gracia - Córdoba Argentina - (9 February - 8 April 2012)
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The Museum of Jesuit Mission of Alta Gracia and House of the Viceroy Liniers presents the exhibition
“PLACES OF MEMORY IN CÓRDOBA” Enslaved Blacks: Absence and Presence from 9 February 2012.
The objective of the exhibition is to show how the process of slavery in America has made invisible in
society these ethnic groups, their descendants and their cultural legacy. The places of memory exhibited
were identified by the Slave Route Group of Córdova. Since its confirmation in 2010, the Group began to
recover the tangible places that treasure the memory of hundreds of enslaved Blacks who worked and built
the memory in the territory.
Sponsored by CONAPLU and the UNESCO Mercosur Cluster, the exhibition will remain open until April 8, 2012. Admission is
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3303
Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects to Design Hood Museum's Expansion and Renovation Hanover. Pennsylvania (USA)
Dartmouth today announced that it has selected Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects to design a major
expansion and renovation of its Hood Museum of Art. Since the museum opened in 1985, its collection and
programming have grown exponentially, and it has become a vital educational resource for Dartmouth
students and faculty across a range of disciplines, and for visitors from around the world. The goal of the
project, which encompasses the renovation of the adjacent Wilson Hall and an addition to the 1985 Hood
Museum of Art building, is to significantly increase the museum’s gallery space and classrooms, and feature
new entrance facilities and amenities. The Hood’s expansion and renovation is an integral component of the creation of
Dartmouth’s new Arts District, encompassing the neighboring Hopkins Center for the Arts and the new Black Family Visual
Arts Center, designed by Machado and Silvetti and opening in September 2012. Dartmouth has also initiated a renovation
and expansion project for the Hopkins Center and will be selecting an architect in the coming year.
+ info: http://now.dartmouth.edu/2012/04/tod-williams-billie-tsien-architects-to-design-hood-museums-expansion-andrenovation/
AWARDS - Riverside Museum Wins European Museum Academy Micheletti Award
2012 / Zaha Hadid Architects - Glasgow, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Attracting more than 1.4 million visitors since opening in June, the Riverside Museum,
designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, recently won the European Museum Academy Micheletti
Award 2012. Named the most innovative museum in the fields of technology, labor and
social history, Riverside competed against museums in 12 other European countries to win
the 17th annual award.
In their citation, the judges noted that: “The careful planning of the museum included
involving visitors and volunteers at every stage of the development.” The judges concluded: “The museum has put its
budget and its large workforce to excellent use, it is completely publicly oriented, flexible and always on the outlook. It is
making a change to a rundown neighborhood, as well as being a showcase of past, present and future transport industries
of Glasgow.”
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232230/
A new generation of wealthy Asians build their own art museums to display
collections they've amassed
Over the past two years Wang Wei and her husband Liu Yiqian dropped a reported $317
million on their hobby. Now they need somewhere to display the collection they've amassed.
The solution: a private art museum that Wang hopes will impart some class to China's flashy
nouveau riche. Wang and billionaire investor Liu are part of a new generation of wealthy
Asians that is better known for splashing out on extravagant toys such as private jets, megasized yachts and supercars. Some, instead, have built big art collections and now aspire to
showcase their refined sensibility to a wider audience.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55274
The Heritage Lottery Fund gives lead support to save Manet's Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has announced its lead support of the Ashmolean Museum’s campaign to
save Edouard Manet’s Portrait of Mademoiselle Claus, 1868, for the public with a major grant of £5.9 million.
Since launching the campaign in February, the Ashmolean has also been awarded a significant grant from
The Art Fund of £750,000, along with £200,000 of gifts from individuals and The Friends of the Ashmolean.
The painting has been sold to a foreign buyer for £28.35 million but, under a private treaty sale, with tax
remission it can be purchased by an approved UK public collection at the greatly reduced price of £7.83
million. The Ashmolean has until 7 August 2012, before the export bar ends, to raise the remaining
£908,000 to acquire the painting. The portrait is a preparatory study for Le Balcon (1868–9) now in the Musée d’Orsay one of the key images of the Impressionist movement. Having previously been exhibited only once since it was painted, it
is currently on display in the Museum’s Impressionist Gallery…
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55199
Ogden Museum of Southern Art announces exhibitions with a focus on the
environment - New Orleans, Louisiana (USA)
The beauty and fragility of nature and the environment as interpreted in a variety of media
are the focus of nine exhibitions that opened at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art last
week. The exhibitions include: Shifting: Photographs by Michel Varisco; Sally Chandler: The
Lost World; Mark Messersmith: Maximalist and Naturalist; Alexa Kleinbard: Remedies; Nell
Campbell - Duck Blinds; Colleen Mullins: Elysium; Woody Woodroof: Field Work; CC
Lockwood: Photographs from the Permanent Collection; and Lee Deigaard, Plastic Gulf
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(single channel video). "The Ogden is pleased to present this robust array of exhibitions with such varied representations of
place, identity, process, and material,” says William Andrews, Director of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. “Each of the
artists tells a different version of our story, yet they all share some of the same enduring narrative that is central to the
museum's mission."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54934
Amherst College's Mead Art Museum receives $1,000,000 Endowment Challenge
Grant - Amherst, Massachusetts (USA)
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has awarded Amherst College’s Mead Art Museum a
$1,000,000 matching grant to endow its Coordinator of College Programs position and
thereby ensure the continuation of the museum’s successful initiatives to integrate the
college’s art collection meaningfully into its curriculum. As a condition of the grant, Amherst
College has committed to raise a minimum of $1,000,000 within three years. The college
seeks to raise an additional $500,000 to underwrite the museum-based academic programs,
overseen by the Coordinator, that engage 90 percent of Amherst’s student body each year. The matching grant follows a
previous grant of $500,000 that the Foundation awarded to the Mead in December 2008 to create a position for a
Coordinator of College Programs, a museum-based scholar charged with spurring and facilitating curricular engagement
with the collection. The 2008 grant also launched an ongoing series of semiannual faculty seminars in which visiting experts
“teach the teachers” about specific areas of the college’s wide-ranging, fine-quality art collection; established stipends for
faculty guest curators of collection-based exhibitions; and piloted a program of two-year post-baccalaureate curatorial
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54942
30 Years After its Conception, Garden Designed by Sol LeWitt is Now Under Way -Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA On May 24, 2012, the Philadelphia Museum of Art will commemorate the installation of Sol LeWitt’s Lines in Four Directions
in Flowers, a garden consisting of rows of flowers in four different colors planted on a long rectangular plot of land in the
William M. Reilly Memorial at Fairmount Park, adjacent to the Museum’s Anne d’Harnoncourt Sculpture Garden. A leading
figure in the Conceptual Art movement,LeWitt (1928-2007) conceived this installation 30 years ago, yet it has remained
unrealized until now. It is the only project of its kind within LeWitt’s acclaimed and remarkably diverse body of work…
+ info: http://www.philamuseum.org/press/releases/2012/916.html
The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia reaches 100,000 visitors three weeks after its reopening - Sydney,
New South Wales (Australia)
MCA Director Elizabeth Ann Macgregor says: “These figures are a true testament to the success of the redevelopment. The
Galleries and National Centre for Creative Learning are bustling with people, the MCA Cafe and Store are thriving and I am
delighted to say that everywhere I turn, I see crowds interacting with art. The enthusiastic response to the redevelopment
is evident everywhere. Sam Marshall’s response to the need for a more open and accessible MCA has clearly struck a
The redevelopment stemmed from the Museum’s exponential audience growth, that itself bore witness to the increased
interest in contemporary art. Upon completion of the $53 million transformation, the MCA’s vision to facilitate access for
everyone from school groups to people with disabilities turned into a reality and, says Elizabeth Ann Macgregor, “one that I
am extremely proud of. The MCA is back and it is positively brimming with energy.”
+ info: http://www.mca.com.au/media/uploads/files/MCA_reaches_100000_visitors_Media_Release.pdf
Palais de Tokyo reopened as the largest contemporary art centre in Europe - Paris France
Today Palais de Tokyo will reopen in Paris revealing a fully extended building and exciting
new programme, marking its 10 year anniversary since opening in 2002.
Following ten months of extensive renovation work by architects Anne Lacaton and JeanPhilippe Vassal (responsible for the design of the building’s first restoration in the late 1990s)
Palais de Tokyo has taken over the entire building and now occupies 22,000m2 (approx.
236,000 square feet), making it the largest contemporary art centre in Europe. Visitors will
have access to four floors of vast and extremely diverse exhibition galleries. The architects have deliberately preserved the
diversity of the rooms in order to allow artists to work within a number of complex spaces: light-flooded upper galleries to
the darker, more intimate spaces of the lower gallery, the four cinemas, and the broad open spaces of the curved platform
on the lower concourse. The light and airy building stretches the length of museum hill, from the Avenue du Président
Wilson to the Seine river below. Lacaton and Vassal have conceived the building as a landscape, restoring the existing light
distribution and devising new ways of handling vertical circulation to create as flexible a layout as possible.
On 12 and 13 April 2012, the Palais de Tokyo will present 28 hours of non-stop performances, concerts and installations
followed by the launch of the Triennale on 20th April, a contemporary art exhibition entitled “Intense Proximity” curated by
Okwui Enwezor.
+ info: http://www.architecturetoday.co.uk/?p=22345
Maîtrise d'études avancées (MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et muséologie
des Beaux-Arts. Genève (Suisse) 2012 - 2013
Les Universités de Genève, Lausanne et Fribourg proposent une Maîtrise d’études
avancées (Master of Advanced Studies – MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et
muséologie des Beaux-Arts pour l’année académique 2012-2013.
Cette formation de deux semestres comporte un tronc d’enseignement commun – notions
de conservation du patrimoine, d’inventaire, d’histoire des collections, des musées, et de
droit de l’art – et deux options de spécialisation, l’une de muséologie des Beaux-Arts,
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
l’autre de conservation du patrimoine et de l’architecture. L’enseignement (constitué de cours et de séminaires) est
dispensé pendant le premier semestre, alors que le deuxième est consacré au stage et à la rédaction du mémoire de stage.
L’ensemble de la formation comporte 60 crédits : 30 crédits pour les modules d’enseignement, 15 pour le stage, 15 pour le
mémoire de stage. Les taxes d’inscriptions s’élèvent à 1400 CHF par semestre.
Programme, règlement et plan d’étude 2011-2012 en pièce jointe. Le programme sera prochainement réactualisé. Délai
d’inscription : 30 avril 2012 (délai demande de visa: 28 février) Pour tout supplément d'informations à ce sujet, prendre
contact avec le secrétariat.
+ info: http://cms2.unige.ch/mas/
Crocker Art Museum receives long-term loan and future gift of paintings by
California's premier Impressionist - Sacramento, California (USA)
The Crocker Art Museum, which houses one of the country’s largest collections of Californian
art, is pleased to announce it will be the recipient of a comprehensive collection by the
Golden State’s foremost Impressionist painter, Guy Rose. “Guy Rose was as important to
California as Monet was to France,” explains Scott A. Shields, the Crocker Art Museum’s
Associate Director and Chief Curator. “He is nationally recognized as one of the most
significant American artists of his generation.” Guy Rose was perhaps best known for his
landscapes, but was equally skilled at painting still lifes and the figure. His deft touch and approach to color were influenced
by French example more so than any other artist of the American West. The collection will feature nearly 40 of Rose’s
paintings representing the breadth of the artist’s styles, subjects, and achievements, from an early figurative painting
shown at the Paris Salon to his final Monterey landscapes.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54872
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) Awarded Major Grant for
Unprecedented Online Collection Catalogue - San Francisco, California (USA)
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) is pleased to announce that the museum has
been awarded a $375,000 grant from the Getty Foundation for the implementation of its first
online collection catalogue, featuring works by Robert Rauschenberg in the museum's permanent
collection. The grant supports further work on the Rauschenberg Research Project, the digital
publication SFMOMA is developing for the Getty's Online Scholarly Catalogue Initiative (OSCI), an
effort dedicated to bringing museum collection catalogues into the digital age. Scheduled for
launch in mid-2013, SFMOMA's catalogue promises to be the largest and most comprehensive repository of Rauschenberg
research available online, and will serve as a vital and highly accessible resource for the field.
+ info: http://www.sfmoma.org/about/press/press_news/releases/921
Bohemian Gallery & Museum of Contemporary Art reopens after renovation Montevideo (Uruguay)
The Bohemian Gallery and Museum of Contemporary Art in Montevideo reopened its doors in
March following a six-month renovation. The cultural centre, museum and contemporary art
gallery, run by the Uruguayan collector and gallerist Virginia Robinson, is located in the
classic Tajamar, a 1940s building in the Carrasco district, which was designed by the
Uruguayan architect Juan Antonio Scasso.
One of the museum’s main objectives is to introduce world-class exhibitions to Montevideo.
“For the first time in Uruguay there is a world-class museum with shows that will travel to other international museums,
and that features international works,” Robinson says. She also manages a second space, the Bohemian Gallery in
Overland Park, Kansas.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Montevideo-museum-reopens-after-renovation/26302
Toledo Museum of Art Acquires Seven Glass Objects Made During Historical 1962 Glass Workshops - Toledo,
Ohio (USA)
The seven greenish-blue glass vessels recently acquired by the Toledo Museum of Art look more like the products of a first
time glass blower than masterworks destined for one of the world’s greatest glass collections. But in fact, they are the work
of two first-time glass blowers who happened to be in attendance at the famed March 1962 Toledo Workshop. That
workshop, and one that followed in June of that year, are widely credited with launching the American Studio Glass
+ info: http://www.toledomuseum.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Seven-glass-vessels-acquired.pdf
Important 17th century masterpiece unveiled - National Gallery of Victoria - Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)
The National Gallery of Victoria today unveiled Nicolas Poussin’s The Crossing of the Red Sea after an intensive 12 month
conservation project returning the 17th Century French masterpiece much closer to its original appearance. This important
project was generously sponsored by BNP Paribas Australia and the BNP Paribas Foundation in Paris.
Dr Gerard Vaughan, Director, NGV said: “After nearly two years off display I am delighted to unveil Poussin’s magnificent
masterpiece The Crossing of the Red Sea. This world-renowned work, acquired by the NGV in 1948 through the Felton
Bequest, has been meticulously and successfully restored by Carl Villis, Conservator European Paintings before 1800, NGV.
“The restoration has revealed much about the artists’s magnificent use of colour and light gradation. Now that the project
is complete, I encourage everyone to come and see this majestic work on display once again,” said Dr Vaughan.
+ info: http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/ngv-media
Director of the E.G. Büehrle Foundation says Cezanne damaged in heist can be
restored - Zurich, Switzerland
A Swiss art expert says a $110 million painting by Paul Cezanne damaged following a
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
robbery four years ago can be restored. The director of the E.G. Buehrle foundation that
owns the painting says the French impressionist's work "The Boy in the Red Vest" suffered
rips to its canvas after it was stolen from a Zurich gallery. Lukas Gloor told a news
conference in Zurich on Friday that the repairs will take time but he is confident they will
restore the work to its former state. Four men were arrested in Serbia earlier this month
when a pan-European police operation led to the seizure of the painting, which was stolen from a Zurich gallery in 2008.
Masterpieces by Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh and Edgar Degas were also taken in the heist but subsequently
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55019
Newly discovered landscape drawing by Pieter Bruegel the Elder to go on display
for the first time ever - Museum Mayer van den Bergh. Antwerp, Belgium
From 16 June through 14 October 2012, the Museum Mayer van den Bergh will host the
Pieter Bruegel Unseen! The Hidden Antwerp Collections exhibition. For the first time ever, the
museum will be displaying some 30 prints by Pieter Bruegel the Elder to the general public.
The exhibition will however also unveil another gem: a landscape drawing by the master
newly discovered by curator Manfred Sellink. Fritz Mayer van den Bergh (1858-1901) was a
passionate art collector with a keen eye for masterpieces. One of his favourite artists was
Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Museum Mayer van den Bergh owns two world-renowned works by the Flemish master: Dulle
Griet (Mad Meg) and Twaalf Spreuken (Twelve Proverbs). In addition to these paintings, however, the museum’s collection
also boasts some 30 prints by Brueghel. They will be on display to the general public for the first time ever in the
exhibition, Pieter Bruegel Unseen! The Hidden Antwerp Collections, which runs from 16 June through 14 October, together
with 11 Bruegel prints from the rich collection of the Museum Plantin- Moretus/Prentenkabinet (Museum Plantin-Moretus/
Prints Room).
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55067
Klok & Peel Museum reopens with completely renovated and expanded galleries Asten - The Netherlands
With the ringing of a bell, specially cast for her, Queen Beatrix officially opened Klok & Peel
Museum Asten tuesday morning (April 24). Immediately after the opening, Astens Mayor P.
Grem appointed museum chairman Harry van der Loo as Knight of the Order of Orange
Nassau (Ridder in de Orde van Oranje Nassau). With great interest of the public and press
Queen Beatrix was welcomed at the museum by Queen's Commissioner Van de Donk, Mayor
Grem, museum chairman and museum Van der Loo and museum director Mrs. BotdenLemmens. During the tour of the museum the Queen met employees and volunteers of the museum.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=11&int_new=54970
‘See Yesterday…Today’.Today invites outdoor visitors to see the Reynolda landscape as if they were in the late
1910s and early 1920s using archival photographs and images - Reynolda House Museum of American Art Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Throughout the spring and summer of 2012, Reynolda House Museum of American Art is celebrating the landscape of
Reynolda, along with the landscapes of other famous country estates built during the Country Place Era. A Genius for Place:
American Landscapes of the Country Place Era is on view at the Museum through August 5, 2012.
See Yesterday…Today invites outdoor visitors to see the Reynolda landscape as visitors to the Reynolda Estate might have
experienced it in the late 1910s and early 1920s, using archival photographs and images. The Reynolda landscape was
thoughtfully and artfully envisioned by Katharine Smith Reynolds alongside her landscape architect Thomas Sears. Eight
locations between the Estate’s front entrance and the boathouse at the foot of Sunset Hill are marked with signs that
highlight the beauty and history of the Reynolda landscape.
+ info: http://www.reynoldahouse.org/newsletter/seeyesterday/seeyesterday.html
Interpret Europe Conference 2012. Caring for nature and culture: interpretation as a
management tool. Pisa, Italy (19 - 22 May 2012)
Tuscany has some of Europe’s finest landscapes, a wonderful heritage of cities, towns and villages,
and a rich artistic legacy. Our 2012 conference will be held in Pisa and the Migliarino San Rossore
Regional Park, right in the heart of the Tuscan countryside.
Tuscan landscapes offer a stunning diversity, from the Mediterranean coast to rocky mountain
summits. There are places of outstanding beauty and harmony, shaped both by nature and man. But
there are also places where this harmony is threatened, or has been lost already…
+ info: http://www.interpret-europe.net/top/whats-on/events/interpret-europe-conference-2012.html
UNESCO Iraq Office Newsletter 2012 Vol.2 No.1 (January - March 2012)
During the first three months of 2012, prominent occasions of special importance animated the life of Iraqis, showing very
promising signs on the shorter and longer terms.
On behalf of UNESCO, I would like to congratulate the Iraqi government and citizens for their successful organization of the
Arab Summit in Baghdad. With its many implications, this event showed the readiness of Iraq to restore its international
and regional function.
On 8 March, the country lively celebrated with the whole world the International Women's Day. This occasion recalls the
urgent need to take courageous steps to promote gender equality in Iraq.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/field_en/05_publicationUNESCOIraq.pdf
Workshop: Revitalising World Heritage Site Museums for a Better Interpretation of
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Living Heritage Sites in Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam - Siem Reap and Pakse Cambodia and Lao PDR - (10 - 20 May 2012)
The overall objective of this exhibition is to better explain the outstanding universal values of
the associated World Heritage sites, especially by highlighting the interconnections between
these sites and populations, as well as the role of South East Asia in global history.
The Second Workshop brings together the research contents and accumulated information
provided by scientific coordinators and the participating site-museums, and through intensive
sessions led by experts; the participants will elaborate the sub-regional exhibition and educational programme during the
10 day workshop. A field trip to the archaeological Site of Angkor and Museum of Wat Phu in Champassak, Pakse, will also
take place.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/movable-heritage-and-museums/museums/museum-projects/
High tech guide helps new generations explore Shakespeare's church - Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom
Visitors and pilgrims can explore Shakespeare’s church in new and exciting ways thanks to an innovative mobile phone app
created for Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon by the University of York.
+ info: http://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2012/church-app/
Permanent Exhibition - The Beethoven Frieze - Wiener Secession, Association of Visual Artists
Vienna. Autriche
Organizateurs: Association of Visual Artists
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.secession.at/beethovenfries/index_e.html
Exhibition - Vikings - National Museum of Scotland
01 février 2012 - 26 mai 2013 Edinburgh. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Museum of Scotland
Contact: [email protected].
+ info: http://www.nms.ac.uk/about_us/about_us/press_office/press_releases/2012/major_exhibitions_announced.aspx
Exposition - Phares - Musée national de la Marine
07 mars - 04 novembre 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Musée national de la Marine
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.musee-marine.fr/expo_paris_phares.html
Exhibition - Naked before the Camera - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
27 mars - 09 septembre 2012 New York City, New York State. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2012/naked-before-the-camera
Exhibition - Un jour, j'achetai une momie... - Emile Guimet et l'Egypte antique - Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
30 mars - 02 julliet 2012 Lyon. France
Organizateurs: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mba-lyon.fr/mba/mba/sections/fr/expositions-musee/expo-egypte-antique/emile-guimet?
Exhibition - Occupied Behind Barbed Wire - Jersey Museum
31 mars - 30 décembre 2012 Saint Helier, Jersey. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Jersey Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.jerseyheritage.org/events/occupied-behind-barbed-wire
Exhibition - Animal Inside Out - Waterhouse Gallery- Natural History Museum
06 avril - 16 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Natural History Museum
+ info: http://www.nhm.ac.uk/visit-us/whats-on/temporary-exhibitions/animal-inside-out/index.html
Exhibition - The Sanctuaries of Demeter and Persephone at Morgantina - J. Paul Getty Museum
14 avril 2012 - 21 janvier 2013 Los Angeles, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: J. Paul Getty Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://news.getty.edu/images/9036/morgantina.pdf
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Exhibition - Decorative Arts at the World's Fairs. 1851 - 1939 - The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
14 avril - 19 août 2012 Kansas City, Missouri. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nelson-atkins.org/art/exhibitions/worldsfairs/exhibition-themes.html
Exhibition - Marking a Century: Recent and Promised Gifts to the Bruce Museum - Bruce Museum
14 avril - 08 julliet 2012 Greenwich, Connecticut. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Bruce Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://brucemuseum.org/site/exhibitions_detail/
Exhibition - Picturing a New Society: Photographs from the Soviet Union 1920s-1980s - Museum of Fine Arts
14 avril - 19 août 2012 St. Petersburg, Florida. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Museum of Fine Arts
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://fine-arts.org/collection/picturing-a-new-society-photographs-from-the-soviet-union-1920s-1980s/
Drawings by Rembrandt, His Students, and Circle from the Maida and George Abrams Collection
15 avril - 08 julliet 2012 Houston, Texas. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Museum of Fine Arts
+ info: http://www.mfah.org/exhibitions/drawings-rembrandt-his-students-and-circle-maida-a/
Exposition - Aristide Maillol - Kunsthaus Zürich
17 avril - 16 décembre 2012 Zürich. Suisse
Organizateurs: Kunsthaus Zürich
+ info: http://www.kunsthaus.ch/fr/expositions/actuel/aristide-maillol/?redirect_url=title%3DR%20%20%20%20gle
Exhibition - Crowns and ducats. Shakespeare's money and medals - The British Museum
19 avril - 25 novembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The British Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.britishmuseum.org/whats_on/exhibitions/crowns_and_ducats.aspx
Exhibition - Diana and Actaeon - National Museum Cardiff
19 avril - 17 juin 2012 Cardiff, Wales. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Museum Cardiff
+ info: http://www.museumwales.ac.uk/en/whatson/?event_id=5706
Exhibition - Offering of the Angels: Treasures from the Uffizi Gallery - The James A. Michener Art Museum
21 avril - 10 août 2012 Doylestown, Pennsylvania. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The James A. Michener Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.michenermuseum.org/exhibits/uffizi.php
Exhibition - Arqueología de Buenos Aires. Pasado y presente de una ciudad cambiante
21 avril - 28 juin 2012 Buenos Aires. Argentine
Organizateurs: Espacio Virrey Liniers y la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
+ info: http://www.iaa.fadu.uba.ar/cau/?p=3351#more-3351
Exhibition - Golden Afternoon: English Watercolors from the Elsley Collection - Morris Museum of Art
21 avril - 01 julliet 2012 Augusta, Georgia. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Morris Museum of Art
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://themorris.org/exhibitions.html
Exhibition - Visions of Empire: The Quest for a Railroad Across America, 1840-1880 - The Huntington Library,
Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
21 avril - 23 julliet 2012 San Marino, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.huntington.org/huntingtonlibrary_02.aspx?id=10450
Exhibition - Visions of the orient: western women artist in Asia, 1900-1940 - Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
21 avril - 18 juin 2012 Eugene, Oregon. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: the Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena
Contact: [email protected]
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
+ info: http://jsma.uoregon.edu/onview/Default-details.aspx?ID=147
Exhibition - A Will of Their Own: Judith Sargent Murray and Women of Achievement in the Early Republic National Portrait Gallery
21 avril 2012 - 02 septembre 2013 Washington D.C. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: National Portrait Gallery
+ info: http://www.npg.si.edu/exhibit/murray/index.html
Exhibition - I Spy: Photography and the Theater of the Street, 1938-2010 - National Gallery of Art
22 avril - 05 août 2012 Landover, Maryland. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: National Gallery of Art and the generous support of The Ryna and Melvin Cohen Family Foundation and the
Trellis Fund.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nga.gov/exhibitions/ispyinfo.shtm
Exhibition - Rétrospective Eugène Atget, Paris - Musée Carnavalet
25 avril - 29 julliet 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Musée Carnavalet
+ info: http://carnavalet.paris.fr/fr/expositions/eugene-atget-paris
Exhibition - Brancusi: The Photographs - Bruce Silverstein Gallery
26 avril - 23 juin 2012 New York City, New York State. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Bruce Silverstein Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.brucesilverstein.com/documents/4f85de3e3f691.pdf
Exhibition - Face Jugs: Art and Ritual in 19th-Century South Carolina - Decorative Arts Gallery
26 avril - 05 août 2012 Milwaukee, Wisconsin. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Decorative Arts Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://mam.org/exhibitions/details/face-jugs.php
Exhibition - Victorian Visions: Pre-Raphaelite and Nineteenth-Century Art from the John Schaeffer Collection Leighton House Museum
26 avril - 23 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Leighton House Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rbkc.gov.uk/subsites/museums/leightonhousemuseum/exhibitions.aspx
Exhibition - Royal River: Power, Pageantry and the Thames - National Maritime Museum
27 avril - 09 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: National Maritime Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rmg.co.uk/visit/events/royal-river
Exhibition - Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia - Galerie Max Hetzler
27 avril - 16 juin 2012 Berlin. Allemagne
Organizateurs: Galerie Max Hetzler
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.maxhetzler.com/index.php
Exposition - Neuvième présentation Louvre - DNP (Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd Japan) Museum Lab.
Presentation: El niño azul, Goya et la peinture espagnole au Louvre - Museum Lab
27 avril - 28 octobre 2012 Tokyo. Japon
Organizateurs: Museum Lab and Louvre
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.museumlab.fr/
Exhibition - Nature revealed - National Gallery of Australia
27 avril - 15 julliet 2012 Parkes. Australie
Organizateurs: National Gallery of Australia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.nga.gov.au/VonGuerard/
Exhibition - Highlights Mauritshuis - Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
28 avril 2012 - 30 juin 2014 The Hague. Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Contact: [email protected]
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
+ info: http://www.gemeentemuseum.nl/index.php?id=037129
Exposition - Le Greco et les Modernistes - Museum Kunstpalast
28 avril - 12 août 2012 Düsseldorf. Allemagne
Organizateurs: Museum Kunstpalast
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.smkp.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Ausstellungen/2012/El_Greco/PRESSEINFO_El_Greco_francais.pdf
Exhibition - The Wonders of Ancient Mesopotamia - The British Museum Collections for display at Melbourne
04 mai - 07 octobre 2012 Melbourne, Victoria. Australie
Organizateurs: The British Museum Collections for display at Melbourne Museum
+ info: http://museumvictoria.com.au/melbournemuseum/whatson/current-exhibitions/the-wonders-of-ancientmesopotamia/
Exhibition - Tomb Treasures of Han China - Fitzwilliam Museum
05 mai - 11 novembre 2012 Cambridge. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Fitzwilliam Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.tombtreasuresofhanchina.org/
Exhibition - White Gold: Revealing the World's Earliest Coins - The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
08 mai 2012 - 31 mai 2013 Jérusalem. -Organizateurs: The Israel Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.imj.org.il/exhibitions/presentation/exhibit.asp?id=794
Exhibition - Breaking Ground: 75 Years of Pioneering Archaeology - UCL (University College London) Institute
of Archaeology - A.G. Leventis Gallery
10 mai 2012 - 28 février 2013 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: UCL (University College London) Institute of Archaeology - A.G. Leventis Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/calendar/articles/20120510
Talleres Fundación ILAM - Registro y Catalogación de Colecciones
Taller virtual
11 mai - 23 juin 2012 -Organizateurs: Fernando Almarza-Rísquez
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/959.html?task=view
Exhibition - L'Algérie - 1830-1962 -Musée de l'Armée
16 mai - 29 julliet 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Musée de l'Armée
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.invalides.org/dp/EDD24.pdf
MUSEUM-Next 2012 - Europe's big conference on the digital side of museums
23 mai - 25 mai 2012 Barcelona. Espagne
Organizateurs: Sumo in partnership with three of Spain's leading museums, Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de
Barcelona (CCCB), Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) and Museu Picasso de Barcelona.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.museumnext.org/conference/conference.html
Talleres Fundación ILAM - Diseño y Montaje de Exposiciones
Taller virtual
25 mai - 07 julliet 2012 -Organizateurs: Laura Evangelina Dragonetti
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/849.html?task=view
Exposition - VIIIe Foire moderniste de Barcelone
01 juin - 03 juin 2012 Barcelona. Espagne
Organizateurs: Trade and Professional Association for the Right Side of the Eixample, and the Institut del Paisatge Urbà,
Barcelona City Council
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.rutadelmodernisme.com/default.aspx?Idioma=fr
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Conference - Museum policies in Europe between 1990 and 2010: Negotiating political and professional utopia
27 juin - 29 juin 2012 Oslo. Norvège
Organizateurs: European National Museums (EUNAMUS)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.eunamus.eu/firstpage/osloconf.html
Exhibition - Master Drawings London
27 juin - 05 julliet 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Master Drawings London
+ info: http://www.masterdrawingsinlondon.co.uk/
Exhibition - Elegy - Royal Ontario Museum
2 July 2012
02 julliet 2012 Toronto, Ontario. Canada
Organizateurs: Royal Ontario Museum
+ info: http://www.rom.on.ca/exhibitions/special/elegy.php
2nd Call for Applications - International Summer Academy: Constructing Heritage in the Light of Sustainable
Development (ISAC)
09 julliet - 21 julliet 2012 Cottbus. Allemagne
Organizateurs: UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies In cooperation with the German Commission for UNESCO and under the
auspices of the World Heritage Centre Paris and Mrs. Cornelia Pieper, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 27 may 2012
+ info: www.tu-cottbus.de/interkulturalitaet/summer-academy/index.php
Conference - Navigating the Mainstream: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future
12 julliet - 15 julliet 2012 Missouri. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Saint Louis Art Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.slam.org/bearden2012/
Festival of history: Bringing the story of England to life
14 julliet - 15 julliet 2012 Kelmarsh Hall, Northampton. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: English Heritage
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/events/foh-2012/highlights-for-2012/
Symposium and Workshop "Understanding Each Other's Heritage - Challenges for Heritage Communication in a
Globalized World"
19 julliet - 21 julliet 2012 Cottbus. Allemagne
Organizateurs: IAWHP - International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.iawhp.com/
Conference - Biennial IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works) Vienna
Congress: the Decorative: Conservation and the Applied Arts
10 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 Vienna. Autriche
Organizateurs: IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.iiconservation.org/congress/2012vienna/programme
20th European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education (ENCATC) Annual Conference
"Networked Culture"12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Goldsmiths, University of London
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 8 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/Call_for_papers/ENCATC_call_for_abstracts_2012_01.pdf
International Committee for Museums of Ethnography (ICME) Annual Conference 2012: 'Commodifying
Culture? Cultural Villages and Living Museums'
12 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 Windhoek. Namibie
Organizateurs: ICOM - ICME
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://icme.icom.museum/index.php?id=118
Conference - The Best in Heritage
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
27 septembre - 29 septembre 2012 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: European Heritage Association
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/about/
International Committee for Museums and Collections of Fine Arts (ICFA) Annual Conference: Museums of fine
arts: arial of existence, spheres of influence
30 septembre - 05 octobre 2012 Moscow. Fédération de Russie
Organizateurs: ICOM Russia will be hosted by the State Pushkin museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icom.org.ru/get.asp?Id=N383
Exhibition - Inventing the Modern World: Decorative Arts at the World's Fairs, 1851-1939 - Carnegie Museum
of Art
13 octobre 2012 - 24 février 2013 Pittsbugh, Pennsylvania. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Carnegie Museum of Art
+ info: http://web.cmoa.org/?page_id=4275
Workshop - Recent Advances in Characterizing Asian Lacquer
22 octobre - 26 octobre 2012 Los Angeles, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Getty Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 may 2012
+ info: http://www.getty.edu/conservation/our_projects/education/sci_series/radical.html
L'invention de l'Ecomusée - Genèse du parc d’Armorique (1957-1997) (France)
Par Rosemarie Lucas
ISBN : 978-2-7535-1817-9
Le parc d’Armorique a fêté ses 40 ans d’existence en 2010. Revenir sur ses origines et son histoire permet
d’éclairer les étapes fondamentales de développement des concepts de parc naturel régional et
d’écomusée. Une expérience difficile qui ne permet pas l’aboutissement d’un projet écomuséographique,
mais qui aura contribué à concevoir le patrimoine comme un outil dynamique de développement et à
l’installer dans l’actualité.
+ info: http://www.pur-editions.fr/detail.php?idOuv=2882
Getty Conservation Institute: Demonstration Assessment of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Retrofit Lamps
Final Report prepared in support of the U.S. DOE Solid-State Lighting Technology Demonstration GATEWAY Program
This document is a report of observations and results obtained from a lighting demonstration project conducted under the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) GATEWAY Demonstration Program. The program supports demonstrations of highperformance solid-state lighting (SSL) products in order to develop empirical data and experience with in-the-field
applications of this advanced lighting technology. The DOE GATEWAY Demonstration Program focuses on providing a
source of independent, third-party data for use in decision-making by lighting users and professionals; this data should be
considered in combination with other information relevant to the particular site and application under examination. Each
GATEWAY Demonstration compares SSL products against the incumbent technologies used in that location. Depending on
available information and circumstances, the SSL product may also be compared to alternate lighting technologies. Though
products demonstrated in the GATEWAY program may have been prescreened for performance, DOE does not endorse any
commercial product or in any way guarantee that users will achieve the same results through use of these products.
+ info: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/publications/pdfs/ssl/getty_museum_gateway_final.pdf
Le Net Art au musée. Stratégies de conservation des oeuvres en ligne
Auteur: Anne Laforest
Éditeur: Questions théoriques - Niveau : Universitaire
ISBN: 978-2917131046
Le net art - la création artistique par et pour Internet - rejoint depuis quelques années les collections des
musées, posant de nouvelles et complexes questions de conservation et d'exposition.
D'une part, les matériaux numériques de ces oeuvres sont fragiles; d'autre part, le déploiement complet de
leur dispositif suppose qu'elles soient en ligne et activées par leurs visiteurs. Il faut donc tenir compte à la
fois de la matérialité particulière des oeuvres et de la façon dont la conservation dialogue avec les autres fonctions du
Anne Laforet présente et interroge les différentes stratégies de conservation expérimentées par les musées, les archives,
les artistes, etc. Documentation, émulation, migration, partition, ré-interprétation, auto-archivage, archivage automatique
et en tire la proposition d'une conservation hybride, celle du " musée archéologique ".
+ info: cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/18081/net-art-musee-strategies-conservation-des
Brooklyn Museum Publishes Catalogue of More than 100 Highlights From Works Acquired in the Past Decade
Edited by Kevin L. Stayton
ISBN: 9780872731707
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Collecting for the Future: A Decade of Acquisition Highlights, a fully illustrated volume, presents notable artworks acquired
for the permanent collection of the Brooklyn Museum over the past ten years. Ranging from ancient Egyptian coins from
the Ptolemaic Period to the contemporary Moroccan artist mounir fatmi's work incorporating fifty skateboards covered with
fragments of prayer rugs, more than one hundred exceptional works are reproduced in color plates with accompanying
curatorial commentaries.
+ info: http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/press/uploads/Acquisition_Book_Press_Release.pdf
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Patrimoine naturel et environnement
mars 2012)
A l’occasion de la remise du label du Grand Site de France, le Syndicat Mixte et ses
partenaires ont souhaité réunir et remercier l’ensemble des acteurs (habitants,
collectivités, associations, etc.) ayant participé à l’obtention de ce label.
Une oeuvre d’art intitulée « Écouter le monde », a été réalisée par le sculpteur Bernard
Dejonghe. Elle symbolise les valeurs des Grands Sites de France : la relation entre la
nature et la culture, la pérennité et la fragilité des sites... L’objet sera dévoilé le 8
mars et ensuite, exposé au public au Parc du Marquenterre.
+ info: http://baiedesomme.org/presse/pdf/2012-03-09Communiquy-de-presse.pdf
Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture : D.E.S. (Diplôme d'études spécialisées) en
Architecture des milieux : Un 3ème cycle pour devenir Chercheur en
Environnement. Paris (France) Date limite de candidature: 15 juin 2012
L’École Spéciale d’Architecture est née il y a plus de 140 ans et s’est depuis sans cesse
régénérée dans la lutte inventive, dans sa pédagogie comme dans ses structures.
Plus ancienne école d’architecture en France, membre de la Conférence des Grandes
Écoles (CGE) depuis 2010, elle est sous la double tutelle du Ministère de l’Enseignement
Supérieur et de la Recherche et celui de la Culture et de la Communication.
Renouvelant sans cesse son ancestrale promesse, être Spéciale, l’équipe pédagogique s’emploie à faire de cette école un
lieu d’apprentissage et d’excellence (du 1er cycle au 3ème cycle, en passant par la formation continue, la formation
permanente et la recherche), de diversité (950 étudiants dont 25% sont étrangers, 110 enseignants dont 10%
d’étrangers), de créativité et d’ouverture sur le monde.
+ info: http://www.esa-paris.fr/-3eme-Cycle-.html?lang=fr
Le Parc national des Calanques rejoint la famille des parcs nationaux français - France
Le Premier ministre, François Fillon, Ministre de l'Ecologie, du Développement durable, des Transports et
du Logement, a signé le 18 avril 2012 le décret de création du Parc national des Calanques.
Il s'agit du 10ème parc national français et du premier parc périurbain d'Europe. Paysage emblématique
de la Provence méditerranéenne, le site des Calanques est connu dans le monde entier pour sa valeur
paysagère, sa biodiversité et son patrimoine culturel.
Le Parc national des Calanques est avant tout un parc maritime, puisque 90% de sa surface est en mer. Il
s'inscrit dans le cadre des objectifs de la stratégie nationale pour la création et la gestion des aires
marines protégées.
Le projet a été mis en place par le Groupement d'intérêt public des calanques, en concertation avec les acteurs locaux.
+ info: http://www.parcsnationaux.fr/Acces-direct/Actualites/Les-Calanques-rejoignent-la-famille-des-parcs-nationauxfrancais
PRIX - Environnement: Bristol, Copenhague et Francfort présélectionnées pour le prix de la
Capitale verte de l’Europe 2014
Le prix de la Capitale verte de l’Europe récompense une ville montrant l’exemple en matière de mode de
vie urbain respectueux de l’environnement. Un groupe d’experts évalue les villes candidates sur la base
de 12 indicateurs environnementaux en fonction de leur capacité à se conformer à des normes
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
environnementales élevées, de leur engagement en faveur d’objectifs constants et ambitieux pour
améliorer l’environnement et favoriser le développement durable, ainsi que de leur potentiel à servir de
modèle et promouvoir les meilleures pratiques auprès d’autres villes européennes.
Le jury comprend des représentants de la Commission européenne, du Parlement européen, du Comité des régions, de
l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement, de l’ICLEI (Les gouvernements locaux pour le développement durable), du
Bureau de la convention des maires et du Bureau européen de l’environnement.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/europeangreencapital/shortlist/
Un nouveau site web pour le Parc national du Mercantour - France
Le site Internet du Parc national du Mercantour fait peau neuve avec un design épuré, des contenus réorganisés et une
ergonomie simplifiée.
+ info: http://www.parcsnationaux.fr/Acces-direct/Actualites/Un-nouveau-site-web-pour-le-Parc-national-du-Mercantour
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
COMPETITONS - Appel à projets - Travaux de Restauration de milieux naturels Ministère français de l'environnement - Date limite de candidature: 22 juin 2012
Les aires protégées constituent un élément important du maillage écologique du territoire,
souvent réservoirs de biodiversité mais aussi corridors écologiques. Elles sont devenues en
quelques décennies des territoires de très forts enjeux d’interface nature/société car elles
constituent un socle important d’activités, voire d’identités, territoriales. Les pratiques de
conservation de la biodiversité ne peuvent désormais plus s’extraire des contextes
sociétaux : trop souvent perçues comme facteurs de contraintes supplémentaires, les aires
protégées peuvent aussi être des vecteurs de « croissance verte ». Conduire des opérations exemplaires de restauration
des milieux naturels est la démarche la plus à même de faire évoluer les représentations collectives et de les inscrire dans
une gestion patrimoniale « intégrée » et donc de développement durable « territorialisé ».
C’est la raison pour laquelle le présent appel à projets permettra d’apporter un concours financier à des investissements
ayant pour finalité la restauration de milieux naturels dégradés nécessaires aux continuités écologiques, qui conjuguent
génie écologique et implication des acteurs du territoire.
+ info: http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/B-Travaux-de-Restauration-de.html
Site web - Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles de Grenoble (France)
Le site Internet de l’Observatoire est un outil d’information et de ressources pour le public. Il délivre une actualité sur les
activités de l’OPC, offre des ressources écrites, audio et vidéos.
La Plateforme culture collectivités propose des abonnements groupés pour des services de collectivités ou des organismes
culturels. Elle comprend une série de contenus inédits en ligne, un abonnement à l’ensemble des publications OPC et
stimule un esprit
réseau entre abonnés.
La Plateforme www.reseauculture21.fr, portée par l’Observatoire et animée par Christelle Blouët, invite le public à
témoigner, mutualiser les expériences et débattre des enjeux autour de la culture et du développement durable.
+ info: http://www.observatoire-culture.net/
Land of the Leopard National Park was announced at the meeting of the Russian
Geographical Society in Saint Petersburg - Russian Federation
By resolution of the government of the Russian Federation, the Land of the Leopard National Park
was established on 262 thousand hectares in the southwest of Primorsky Province.
This single protected territory has the capacity to ensure the survival of at least 50 Far Eastern
leopards and covers 60% of its remaining habitats. And most importantly, the park includes all
breeding grounds, which leopards use from generation to generation. The national park will also
become home to 10 Amur tigers that are key for Changbaishan population in China and a valuable
Korean pine forest…
+ info: http://www.wwf.ru/resources/news/article/eng/9425
Call for articles - Environmental Humanities Journal
A new open-access, interdisciplinary journal, Environmental Humanities is about to be launched.
We would like to take this opportunity to issue an open and ongoing call for papers for the journal.
We aim to publish the best interdisciplinary scholarship on the environment coming out of the humanities
and we are confident that the growing and vibrant international community of environmental humanities
scholars will support us in this effort. There are various ways to keep up to date with relevant news and
new issues of the journal. Please see the 'About EH' page of the website.
+ info: http://environmentalhumanities.org/
Prizes - Photographers from 76 countries in competition for Prix Pictet
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Submissions for the fourth cycle of the Prix Pictet are now in, and in total we received
643 nominations for work by photographers in 76 countries, including the most
substantial ever showing of work from the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific.
Our expert network of curators, picture editors, photographers, artists and collectors had
the task of creating the initial list of nominees. The nominees will be presented to the
Prix Pictet jury in May 2012, and their Shortlist will be announced at Les Rencontres
d’Arles on Wednesday 4 July 2012…
+ info: http://www.prixpictet.com/news/latest/article/date/2012/04/photographers-from-76-countries-in-competition-forprix-pictet/
Ogden Museum of Southern Art announces exhibitions with a focus on the
environment - New Orleans, Louisiana (USA)
The beauty and fragility of nature and the environment as interpreted in a variety of media
are the focus of nine exhibitions that opened at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art last
week. The exhibitions include: Shifting: Photographs by Michel Varisco; Sally Chandler: The
Lost World; Mark Messersmith: Maximalist and Naturalist; Alexa Kleinbard: Remedies; Nell
Campbell - Duck Blinds; Colleen Mullins: Elysium; Woody Woodroof: Field Work; CC
Lockwood: Photographs from the Permanent Collection; and Lee Deigaard, Plastic Gulf
(single channel video). "The Ogden is pleased to present this robust array of exhibitions with such varied representations of
place, identity, process, and material,” says William Andrews, Director of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art. “Each of the
artists tells a different version of our story, yet they all share some of the same enduring narrative that is central to the
museum's mission."
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=54934
2nd Call for Applications - International Summer Academy: Constructing Heritage in the Light of Sustainable
Development (ISAC)
09 julliet - 21 julliet 2012 Cottbus. Allemagne
Organizateurs: UNESCO Chair in Heritage Studies In cooperation with the German Commission for UNESCO and under the
auspices of the World Heritage Centre Paris and Mrs. Cornelia Pieper, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 27 may 2012
+ info: www.tu-cottbus.de/interkulturalitaet/summer-academy/index.php
Symposium and Workshop "Understanding Each Other's Heritage - Challenges for Heritage Communication in a
Globalized World"
19 julliet - 21 julliet 2012 Cottbus. Allemagne
Organizateurs: IAWHP - International Association of World Heritage Professionals e.V.
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.iawhp.com/
National Park Service to Plan Events for National Archaeology Day - USA
20 octobre 2012 -Organizateurs: The Archaeological Institute of America
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.archaeological.org/news/nad/8685
L'invention de l'Ecomusée - Genèse du parc d’Armorique (1957-1997) (France)
Par Rosemarie Lucas
ISBN : 978-2-7535-1817-9
Le parc d’Armorique a fêté ses 40 ans d’existence en 2010. Revenir sur ses origines et son histoire permet
d’éclairer les étapes fondamentales de développement des concepts de parc naturel régional et
d’écomusée. Une expérience difficile qui ne permet pas l’aboutissement d’un projet écomuséographique,
mais qui aura contribué à concevoir le patrimoine comme un outil dynamique de développement et à
l’installer dans l’actualité.
+ info: http://www.pur-editions.fr/detail.php?idOuv=2882
Histoire de la recherche agricole en Afrique tropicale francophone
De l'histoire de l'Afrique, a fortiori de celle de l'agriculture de ce continent, qu'en sait aujourd'hui le citoyen
français moyen ? Fort peu le plus souvent, en raison d'une éducation restée trop longtemps eurocentriste.
Difficile dans ces conditions de s'imaginer que "ceux d'en bas", vivant au sud du Sahara, qui plus est des
paysans, aient pu faire preuve d'une extraordinaire créativité durant durant des siècles, notamment en
matière d'agriculture. Or le "voyage", d'une durée de 10.000 années auquel nous invite l'agronome
français René Tourte, nous conduit à voir l'Afrique autrement, sans a priori, tel qu'elle est et a été. Dans
cette monumentale Histoire de la recherche agricole en Afrique tropicale francophone que la FAO vient de
faire paraître sur son site Internet, soit six volumes et quelque 3.000 pages fruit d'une quinzaine d'année de travail de
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
l'agronome René Tourte, celui-ci nous fait découvrir en effet une Afrique créative et innovante qui ne semble pas avoir
attendu que des puissances étrangères l'invitent à entrer dans l'histoire pour s'y installer.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69821.htm
United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Report: Greening the Blue Helmets :
Environmental, Natural Resources and UN Peace-Keeping Operations
© 2012, United Nations Environment Programme
ISBN: 978-92-807-3237-5
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has published the report titled, Greening the Blue
Helmets: Environment, Natural Resource, and Peacekeeping Operations.This report aims to provide a
comprehensive overview of how peacekeeping operations affect and are affected by natural resources and
environmental conditions. The report is a component of ongoing technical collaboration between UNEP,
DPKO and DFS, to increase the consideration given to natural resources and the environment in UN peacekeeping efforts
It report has been open to peer review by all of the current UN peacekeeping missions as well as to a selected number of
international experts, academics and non-governmental organizations.
+ info: http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=41897
La 4e édition du Rapport mondial des Nations Unies sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau
(WWDR4) - 1er volume: Gérer l'eau dans des conditions d'incertitude et de risques
ISBN 978-92-3-104235-5
Conformément à la décision prise lors de la 11e réunion d’ONU-Eau en août 2009 à Stockholm (Suède), le
thème général du rapport est " Gérer l’eau dans des conditions d’incertitude et de risque ". Le WWDR4
s’appuie sur les éditions précédentes. Les deux premières éditions du WWDR passaient en revue toutes les
questions, tendances et développements en se fondant sur les défis prioritaires. La troisième édition a
adopté une nouvelle approche, holistique, du domaine de l’eau tout en reconnaissant les externalités et le rôle qu’elles
jouent dans l’état, l’utilisation et la gestion des ressources en eau de la planète.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/natural-sciences/environment/water/wwap/wwdr/wwdr4-2012/
Revue du patrimoine mondial N°62 - Patrimoine mondial et peuples autochtones
ISSN 1020-4520
EAN 3059630102629
Les populations autochtones possèdent une connexion puissante et intime avec les terres sur lesquelles
elles vivent. Leur identité culturelle façonne (et est façonnée à son tour par) leur environnement naturel.
Les cultures riches et les pratiques traditionnelles de ces populations, ainsi que les problématiques
qu’elles rencontrent dans le monde actuel, réfèrent à de nombreuses sphères telles que le développement
économique, l’environnement et les droits de l’homme. L’article principal rédigé par M. Tumu te Heuheu,
Grand Chef de la tribu maorie Ngati Tuwharetoa de Nouvelle-Zélande, ancien Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial,
et M. Richard Tuheiava, Sénateur français représentant de la Polynésie française, abordera les questions clefs et les défis
liés aux populations autochtones et au patrimoine mondial. Cet article apportera de précieuses informations sur les
politiques en matière de questions autochtones.
Ce numéro traitera entre autres du peuple saami de Laponie, en Suède, et du peuple nama du Paysage culturel et
botanique du Richtersveld en Afrique du Sud qui continuent de pratiquer un style de vie semi-nomade fondé sur la
transhumance saisonnière de leurs troupeaux.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/revue/62/
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Getty Conservation Institute - Improved and updated database of over
118,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and
conservation of material cultural heritage - Art and Archaeology Technical
Abstracts Online
In 1958 Rutherford John Gettens wrote in the foreword to IIC Abstracts, Vol. 2, No.
1: "The success of Abstracts will continue to rest upon the unselfish efforts and
diligence of the numerous volunteer contributors of abstracts..." Almost fifty years
later, this tradition of service remains at the heart of IIC Abstracts' successor,
AATA Online.
AATA Online remains a collaborative effort with an ongoing mission to be "by the field, for the field" and ultimately depends
on the continued support of dedicated volunteer abstractors whose contributions supplement that of the AATA Online staff
and collaborating organizations.
+ info: http://aata.getty.edu/Home
Visualiser la formation du verre en temps réel, une première !
Si le verre est l'un des matériaux les plus anciens fabriqués par l'homme puisqu'il était déjà connu des anciens Egyptiens,
sa formation à partir de poudres granulaires chauffées à plus de 1000° C n'en demeure pas moins ponctuée de zones
d'ombre. D'où l'importance des travaux menée par une équipe du Laboratoire Surface du Verre et Interfaces (CNRS/SaintGobain), en collaboration avec l'Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (CNRS/Université Toulouse III-Paul
Sabatier), le Laboratoire Sciences et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés (CNRS/Institut Polytechnique de GrenobleUniversité Joseph Fourier, Grenoble) et l'INRIA Saclay (Parietal), travaux dont les résultats sont publiés sur le site de The
Journal of the American Ceramic Society. En utilisant la technique d'imagerie 3D qu'est la tomographie X, ces chercheurs
sont en effet parvenus à visualiser la formation du verre en temps réel, qui plus est de l'intérieur même de l'échantillon…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69819.htm
Etude des protéines dans les échantillons du Patrimoine Culturel par spectrométrie Raman et analyse
Par Sophie Dallongeville L'analyse d'échantillons du Patrimoine Culturel est primordiale pour des questions de
compréhension de technique, de conservation et de restauration. Cependant, ces échantillons sont rares et précieux et
l'analyse doit être effectuée sur une faible quantité de matière, ce qui nécessite le développement et l'optimisation de
méthodes analytiques appropriées. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a donc été de développer des méthodes analytiques
dans le but d'étudier les protéines dans des échantillons du Patrimoine Culturel. Les changements structuraux et les
modifications chimiques des protéines des liants de peinture, provoqués par interaction avec les autres composés ou par le
vieillissement ont été mis en évidence grâce à l'utilisation de la micro-spectrométrie Raman et de l'analyse protéomique.
Les travaux ont ensuite ciblés un type de substance protéique abondamment utilisé en tant qu'adhésif et liant de peinture :
la colle animale. Une méthodologie, basée sur l'analyse par spectrométrie de masse à haute résolution et permettant
l'identification de l'espèce d'origine des colles animales est présentée. Elle a été appliquée avec succès sur un échantillon
de dorure du 18ème siècle révélant ainsi la nature de la colle animale utilisée pour la préparation de la couche d'apprêt et
pour la fixation des feuilles d'or. Enfin, une problématique liée à l'identification du contenu des amphores, qui est à l'heure
actuelle un véritable challenge à cause des conditions de conservation des objets archéologiques, a été abordée. Le
développement d'une méthode d'analyse protéomique permettant d'identifier les résidus de protéines piégés dans les
tessons d'amphores archéologiques est exposée.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00689036
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the Acheulean strata of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape
Province (South Africa)
By Francesco Bernaa, Paul Goldberga, Liora Kolska Horwitzc, James Brinkd, Sharon Holtd, Marion Bamfordf and Michael
Chazang The ability to control fire was a crucial turning point in human evolution, but the question when hominins first
developed this ability still remains. Here we show that micromorphological and Fourier transform infrared
microspectroscopy (mFTIR) analyses of
intact sediments at the site of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape province, South Africa, provide unambiguous evidence—in
the form of burned bone and ashed plant remains—that burning took place in the cave during the early Acheulean
occupation, approximately 1.0 Ma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the earliest secure evidence for burning in an
archaeological context.
+ info: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/03/27/1117620109.full.pdf
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
SAHC is an Erasmus Mundus masters course in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical
The objective of SAHC is to offer an advanced education programme on the engineering of
conservation of structures, with a focus on architectural heritage. The main focus of this training is
the application of scientific principles in analysis, innovation and practice of conservation of
monuments and historical constructions worldwide.
The Masters Course has duration of one academic year and is held on a rotating basis among
partners, so each student follows coursework in one partner institution and dissertation in another one. The language of
instruction and examinations is English. The degree awarded is a Master's degree, provided as a double degree from the
institutions involved.
+ info: http://www.msc-sahc.org/upload/docs/Leaflet_low.pdf
Maîtrise d'études avancées (MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et muséologie
des Beaux-Arts. Genève (Suisse) 2012 - 2013
Les Universités de Genève, Lausanne et Fribourg proposent une Maîtrise d’études
avancées (Master of Advanced Studies – MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et
muséologie des Beaux-Arts pour l’année académique 2012-2013.
Cette formation de deux semestres comporte un tronc d’enseignement commun – notions
de conservation du patrimoine, d’inventaire, d’histoire des collections, des musées, et de
droit de l’art – et deux options de spécialisation, l’une de muséologie des Beaux-Arts,
l’autre de conservation du patrimoine et de l’architecture. L’enseignement (constitué de cours et de séminaires) est
dispensé pendant le premier semestre, alors que le deuxième est consacré au stage et à la rédaction du mémoire de stage.
L’ensemble de la formation comporte 60 crédits : 30 crédits pour les modules d’enseignement, 15 pour le stage, 15 pour le
mémoire de stage. Les taxes d’inscriptions s’élèvent à 1400 CHF par semestre.
Programme, règlement et plan d’étude 2011-2012 en pièce jointe. Le programme sera prochainement réactualisé. Délai
d’inscription : 30 avril 2012 (délai demande de visa: 28 février) Pour tout supplément d'informations à ce sujet, prendre
contact avec le secrétariat.
+ info: http://cms2.unige.ch/mas/
Lettre des Amis du Cimetière non-catholique de Rome
L'édition du printemps 2012 de la Lettre des Amis du Cimetière non-catholique de Rome est
maintenant disponible. Dans ce numéro figure un article sur le Cours international sur la
conservation de la pierre, organisé par l'ICCROM et le Getty Conservation Institute en 2011.
Pendant le cours, le cimetière a été utilisé comme une étude de cas et six tombes ont été
restaurées par les participants.
+ info: http://iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/various_en/04_23non-catholiccemetery_en.pdf
Journal News in Conservation - April 2012
The e-paper of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works IIC is an independent international
organisation supported by individual and institutional members. It serves as a forum among professionals with
responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage. It advances knowledge, practice and standards for the conservation
of historic and artistic works through its publications and conferences. It promotes professional excellence and public
awareness through its awards and scholarships.
+ info: http://www.iiconservation.org/system/files/publications/journal/2012/b2012_2_0.pdf
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Conference - Imagining conservation: the next twenty years
06 julliet - 07 julliet 2012 York. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The University of York - Department of Archaeology
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 29 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.york.ac.uk/archaeology/news-and-events/events/external/css/conservation-studies-conference-2/
Atelier pilote international sur la conservation de la pierre et le projet de régénération urbaine
20 août - 30 septembre 2012 Martos, Andalucía. Espagne
Organizateurs: Les projets de DIADRASIS
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 mai 2012 PROLONGÉE : 5 juin
+ info: http://www.diadrasis.org/projects/martos/general_description_fr.html
Itinerant course on stone conservation
10 septembre - 22 septembre 2012 Toruń. Pologne
Organizateurs: LNEC National Laboratory of Civil Engineering, PT and Nicolaus Copernicus University Institute of Physics
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.charismaproject.eu/news--events/charisma/2012/2-semestre/itinerant-course-on-stone-conservation.
International Conference on Metal Conservation
16 septembre 2012 - 20 septembre 2013 Edinburgh. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC Metal Working Group
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.metal2013.org/index.html
31st Meeting of Dyes in History and Archaeology (DHA 31)
17 octobre - 20 octobre 2012 Antwerp. Belgique
Organizateurs: Our People make the Difference and Royal Manufacturers of Tapestry
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2012
+ info: http://www.chriscooksey.demon.co.uk/dha/dha31.html
ICCROM - Cours international sur la conservation du papier en Amérique latine
17 octobre - 30 octobre 2012 Mexico. Mexique
Organizateurs: Coordinación Nacional de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia
(CNCPC-INAH), Mexico (Mexique); Institut national de recherche sur les biens culturels, Tokyo (Japon) et ICCROM (Centre
national d’études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/01train_fr/announce_fr/2012_10latam_jpc_MEX_fr.shtml
Workshop - Recent Advances in Characterizing Asian Lacquer
22 octobre - 26 octobre 2012 Los Angeles, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Getty Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 may 2012
+ info: http://www.getty.edu/conservation/our_projects/education/sci_series/radical.html
11th International Symposium for Wood and Furniture Conservation
09 novembre - 10 novembre 2012 Amsterdam. Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: Stichting Ebenist
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ebenist.org/pagina/aankomend_symposium
Photographic Materials Working Group Interim Meeting
11 février - 15 février 2013 Wellington. Nouvelle- Zélande
Organizateurs: ICOM - International Council Museums. Committee Conservation
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.icom-cc.org/54/document/2013-photographic-materials-wg-interim-meeting-call-for-papers/?id=1095
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Le sable et ses mystères
ISBN : 978-2-7159-2526-7
Quand on voit du sable, on n’imagine pas qu’il a parcouru parfois des milliers de kilomètres,
provenant de paysages des plus fantastiques car modelés par l’érosion. Ni l’extraordinaire variété de
ce qu’il renferme parmi ses grains minuscules : minéraux divers, dont parfois de l’or ou des pierres
précieuses, restes animaux récents ou fossiles, et même graines de végétaux. Suffisamment grossi,
cela donne des clichés magnifiques.
Quant aux hommes qui côtoient ce sable, ils sont extraordinairement divers : géologues, ingénieurs, industriels, bien sûr,
mais aussi plasticiens qui en font des oeuvres d’art, musiciens qui le font chanter... et collectionneurs qui vont le recueillir
aux quatre coins de la planète.
Tout cela à voir et à apprendre dans un livre très documenté et richement illustré.
+ info: http://www.brgm.fr/Livres/detail.jsp?id=EDV-ART-SABLE
Getty Conservation Institute: Demonstration Assessment of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Retrofit Lamps
Final Report prepared in support of the U.S. DOE Solid-State Lighting Technology Demonstration GATEWAY Program
This document is a report of observations and results obtained from a lighting demonstration project conducted under the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) GATEWAY Demonstration Program. The program supports demonstrations of highperformance solid-state lighting (SSL) products in order to develop empirical data and experience with in-the-field
applications of this advanced lighting technology. The DOE GATEWAY Demonstration Program focuses on providing a
source of independent, third-party data for use in decision-making by lighting users and professionals; this data should be
considered in combination with other information relevant to the particular site and application under examination. Each
GATEWAY Demonstration compares SSL products against the incumbent technologies used in that location. Depending on
available information and circumstances, the SSL product may also be compared to alternate lighting technologies. Though
products demonstrated in the GATEWAY program may have been prescreened for performance, DOE does not endorse any
commercial product or in any way guarantee that users will achieve the same results through use of these products.
+ info: http://apps1.eere.energy.gov/buildings/publications/pdfs/ssl/getty_museum_gateway_final.pdf
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Restauration et conservation
Restauration et conservation
New MA Programme: Buddhist art and its conservation - The Courtauld Institute of Art. London (United
The Courtauld Institute of Art is delighted to announce the creation of a new MA programme in Buddhist Art: History and
Conservation. Generously funded by an endowment of £2.5 million by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation of Hong
Kong, the programme will operate in collaboration with School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
Professor Deborah Swallow, Märit Rausing Director of The Courtauld, and previously Keeper of the Asian Department at the
Victoria and Albert Museum, said: “The new MA integrates The Courtauld’s strengths in conservation, art history and
curating in a remarkably innovative manner. I am delighted that this initiative, which draws on the international excellence
of our partner SOAS, reflects our long-term goals and those of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation, as well as The
Courtauld’s expansion into the field of Asian art.”
+ info: http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/presscentre/2012/Courtauld_Institute_Buddhist_MA_pressrelease.pdf
Mucha's "Slav Epic" moved to Prague without approval - Conservationists and art
historians warn temporary venue could damage the paintings - Veletrzni Palac,
Prague (Czech Republic)
The remaining 15 canvases of the Czech artist Alphonse Mucha’s “Slav Epic” cycle have been
removed without approval from the Moravian town of Moravsky Krumlov and taken to Prague,
according to the Alphonse Mucha Foundation. The canvases will be reunited with the five other
parts and the entire series of 20 canvases is due to go on show at Prague’s Veletrzni Palac
(Trade Fair Palace). But leading conservationists and art historians say this venue could cause
severe damage to the paintings, which Mucha considered his masterpiece. “It’s a very serious mistake,” says Petr Kuthan,
the head of restoration at the Czech National Gallery in Prague.
The foundation wants the monumental work, which depicts the history of the Slavic people, to be housed in Prague’s main
train station. “We have issued a formal letter of intent, signed by us, the Czech railways and the Italian developer
overhauling the station,” says John Mucha, the artist’s grandson and the president of the foundation.
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/mucha/26284
Eames House Conservation Project - Getty Conservation Institute. Los Angeles, California (USA)
The Eames House, designed by Charles and Ray Eames in 1949, and located in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles, is
an iconic work of modern architecture. The GCI is working with the Eames Foundation to understand and assess the current
condition of the house, its contents, and setting, and to assist in the development of a long-term conservation management
plan that includes a maintenance program. The project will address a number of interrelated conservation issues that
* Material Investigation, Analysis, and Environmental Climate Control
* Conservation Management Planning
* Long-term Care and Conservation
+ info: http://www.getty.edu/conservation/our_projects/field_projects/eameshouse/eames_overview.html
Getty Conservation Institute - Improved and updated database of over
118,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and
conservation of material cultural heritage - Art and Archaeology Technical
Abstracts Online
In 1958 Rutherford John Gettens wrote in the foreword to IIC Abstracts, Vol. 2, No.
1: "The success of Abstracts will continue to rest upon the unselfish efforts and
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Restauration et conservation
diligence of the numerous volunteer contributors of abstracts..." Almost fifty years
later, this tradition of service remains at the heart of IIC Abstracts' successor,
AATA Online.
AATA Online remains a collaborative effort with an ongoing mission to be "by the field, for the field" and ultimately depends
on the continued support of dedicated volunteer abstractors whose contributions supplement that of the AATA Online staff
and collaborating organizations.
+ info: http://aata.getty.edu/Home
City Approves Marine Stadium Restoration - Miami, Florida (USA)
On March 8, Miami commissioners voted 3-2 in favor of a plan to renovate Miami
Marine Stadium, a 1960s modernist building on Virginia Key. The vote of approval
comes after years of campaigning by Friends of Miami Marine Stadium, a
grassroots group who successfully nominated the site to the 2010 Watch.
Following Watch-listing, WMF contributed to a study demonstrating reuse
potential. Following the March decision, Friends of Miami Marine Stadium have
two years to develop a fundraising strategy and a viable operational plan.
+ info: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs069/1101578329274/archive/1109677425618.html
Current Technical Research into Painting in Britain from 1550 - 1850 Conference Tate Britain, London (United Kingdom) 30 March 2012
More than 100 paintings conservators and researchers gathered at Tate Britain in London on
30th March 2012 to hear about new insights into the techniques and practices behind some of
the greatest art works produced in Britain between the 16th to 19th centuries. The conference
was supported by the Clothworkers’ Foundation, and took place in the Clore Building of the Tate
Britain gallery.
Results included those of the National Portrait Gallery's 5-year project “Making Art in Tudor
This 5-year project that aims to examine over 120 paintings from the 16th and early 17th century using techniques such as
X-radiography (X-ray), infrared reflectography (IRR), dendrochronology, microscopy and paint sampling.
+ info: http://www.heritageportal.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1308
Colossus Re-Erected at Memnon - Egypt
The Colossi of Memnon have been famous landmarks in the Nile Valley since
antiquity. Originally, however, there were three pairs of colossal statues, two on
either side of each monumental gateway, or pylon, of Pharaoh Amenhotep III's
mortuary temple. Along with the rest of the vast temple, these colossi vanished in
antiquity after a series of earthquakes, leaving the two famous Colossi of Memnon
as the only major visible remnants. Excavations and WMF-supported conservation
work have been ongoing at the site since the first World Monuments Watch-listing
in 1998, and over several seasons large sections of toppled colossi have been uncovered. On March 1 a ceremony marked
the partial re-erection of one of the colossi. The conserved head and torso will be mounted early next year. A slideshow of
some recent work is available online.
+ info: www.wmf.org/slide-show/conservation-egypts-colossi-memnon-and-amenhotep-iii-temple
Norway's one and only painted stone Madonna from the Middle Ages
Mould has been eating away at this sculpture for centuries and loosening and fading the paint.
The curators have just a few months to save the remains, because the sculpture is going back to Holdhus
Church in western Norway.
Mille Stein, a painting restorer and researcher, says that the paint is from the Middle Ages.
Although the paint has lost its original hue and the gold no longer shines like new, they would rather
conserve the sculpture as it is rather than restore it to its original look.
The sculpture, which dates back to the 1450s, glowed of gold, blue, deep green and red when it was new.
+ info: http://sciencenordic.com/mysterious-stone-madonna-north
5th General Meeting of the Memory of the World Regional Committee for Asia and the Pacific. Bangkok
(Thailand) 14 - 16 May 2012
The 5th General Meeting of the Memory of the World Regional Committee for Asia Pacific will be held in Bangkok, Thailand,
from 14 to 16 May 2012. The meeting is being hosted by the Ministry of Education of Thailand and the Thai National
Committee on Memory of the World Programme of UNESCO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Thailand and
the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Archaeolgy and Fine Arts. This is the biennial
gathering of representatives of national Memory of the World Committees in the Asia Pacific region, and of UNESCO
National Commissions from countries, which still do not have national MOW committees.
+ info: www.unesco.mowcap.org/coming_events_and_meetings.htm
Maidstone Museum / Hugh Broughton Architects - 2012 - Maidstone (United Kingdom)
New ‘gold’ clad extensions hint at treasures inside Maidstone Museum &Bentlif Art Gallery has reopened following an extensive £3 million refurbishment and the addition of a new east wing by
Hugh Broughton Architects. Clad with ‘gold’ shingles which hint at the museum’s collection of
‘treasures’ on display inside, the new East Wing provides the museum with a reinvigorated look
making it the cultural focus for the town centre. Housing a collection of over 600,000 artifacts
and specimens that are outstanding in their diversity and quality, Maidstone Museum forms the
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Restauration et conservation
largest mixed collection in Kent and one of the largest in the South-East of England…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/229653/
Presentations and resources from the seminar entitled 'In safe hands? Guaranteeing
our collections for future generations' - British Library, London (United Kingdom) 3
February 2012
A Research Libraries UK and Preservation Advisory Centre joint seminar for RLUK members which
explored the relationship between research libraries' approaches to preservation and conservation
and the wider context of their overall strategy for collection management.
This one day seminar examined how research libraries are addressing collections issues in terms
of decision making, risk assessment and prioritisation. Speakers presented on using preservation
as a strategy now and in the future; using digital surrogates as a preservation strategy; issues around disposal and the
need to preserve the national collection. The seminar consisted of a mixture of presentations and breakout discussion
sessions and provided the opportunity to consider ways to take forward the work completed as part of the jointly funded
three-year Preservation Learning Project which ends in March 2012.
+ info: http://www.bl.uk/blpac/safehands.html
Inauguration ceremony to celebrate the completion of the first phase of restoration at San Jose Church - Ouro
Preto - Minas Gerais - Brazil - (18 March 2012)
A ceremony was held on March 18 to celebrate the completion of the first phase of restoration at San Jose Church in Ouro
Preto, Brazil. Located at the top of one of many picturesque hills in the town, the church was neglected and closed to
parishioners for more than 20 years. WMF launched a restoration project three years ago in collaboration with the
Prefeitura de Ouro Preto and Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional. The Archbishop of Mariana celebrated a
high mass at the ceremony, which was attended by many members of the local community and representatives of the
project partners, as well as Bertrand du Vignaud (pictured, second from right), President of WMF Europe.
+ info: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs069/1101578329274/archive/1109677425618.html
Thunderstorms, Wild Turkeys and Broken Glass: A History of Glass Preservation at the Philip
Johnson Glass House - New Canaan - Connecticut - USA
It appeared this winter in the lower lite to the right of the main door—a four to five inch crack almost
invisible to the eye, like “a hair in the glass” according to Brendan Tobin, Manager of Buildings and
Grounds at the Glass House. Tobin immediately scheduled a replacement.
Though this year’s crack was a slight one, a few of the broken glass stories are nothing short of
frightening. Before 3/8” tempered glass (safety glass) replaced the original glass, broken lites posed real
danger. The shards were the size of a pizza slice and larger, and once a piece of plate glass broke,
fragments could hang guillotine-like from the upper steel frame of the house…
+ info: http://philipjohnsonglasshouse.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/thunderstorms-wild-turkeys-and-broken-glass-ahistory-of-glass-preservation-at-the-philip-johnson-glass-house/
Construction works in public spaces began in Honduras
As part of UNESCO’s actions in the Joint Programme Creativity and Cultural Identity for Local Development of the Culture
and Development Window in Honduras, in January this year began the construction of the seven works proposed by the
communities in the country. Among the works is the restoration of the Monument La Gruta, La Esperanza Intibucá and of
the House of Culture Choluteca, as well as the reconstruction of the House of Culture Taulabé.
The works in these spaces, chosen by their importance for the strengthening of the identity and because they favor social
cohesion with neighboring communities, will continue for three and a half years.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3301
Competitions - King's College London - The Strand Quadrangle Competition. London
(United Kingdom) Deadline for Expressions of Interest: 1 June 2012
RIBA Competitions recently announced the launch of a new Invited Design Competition on behalf
of King’s College London. Expressions of Interest are sought from architects or architectural
practices for the redevelopment of the Quadrangle and its associated buildings at the College’s
historic Strand Campus in London WC2. This £20 million project to design and redevelop the Quad
site will provide an additional 3,700 square meters of teaching space and student facilities. King’s
is committed to appointing an architect based on their ability to bring innovative thinking to a
significant historical site in order to revitalize a learning community. The deadline for receipt of Expressions of Interest is
June 1.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231204/
Management Committee of the Project "Heritage Recovery and Cultural Development in
Havana: Segundo Cabo Palace" - Havana - Cuba - (15 March 2012)
The Management Committee of the Project “Heritage Recovery and Cultural Development in
Havana: Segundo Cabo Palace”, implemented by the Office of the Historian of Havana (OHCH) in
collaboration with UNESCO and funding from the European Union, will meet on 15 March at the
UNESCO Havana Office to analyze the progress after the second year of the project and discuss the
steps to be adopted in the 12-month period ahead.
In the first meeting, held on April 12, 2011, the Committee presented the progress and obstacles
faced during the first year of the project’s implementation. Administrative issues were considered as well as the need to
focus on the future cultural use of the building using the means and programming the activities that will maximize
interactivity, knowledge and entertainment with a perspective conceived from and for thought and following contemporary
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Restauration et conservation
museography criteria.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3275
Top Architects invited to reimagine San Francisco's Fort Mason Center - San Francisco,
California (USA)
A mix of twenty local and internationally renowned firms have been invited to participate in a
design competition seeking “creative and practical design concepts” on thirteen acres of prime
waterfront real estate at the historic Fort Mason Center in San Francisco. Although mostly
comprised of parking lots and former military buildings, the site attracts nearly one million
annual visitors with its stellar views, cultural events, historic background and well-respected
Depending on who accepts the challenge, local firms may compete with big names such as James Corner Field Operations,
SANAA, Studio Gang Architects and BIG.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232263/
Renovation of an old barn / Comac - 2012. Charroux (France)
Charroux, village of the XVIIth century part of the heritage of the most beautiful villages of France. An
ancient franked fortified town, eminent point of the medieval trade shining under the air of Dukes du
Bourbonnais. Today mystified, the village looks like a frozen museum where the time seems to have
A meeting, a Project, a XVIIth century barn and a knowlegde. Sharing the passion of the place throughout a
restaurant combining the highlight of the country and cultural heritage. The barn is made of traditionals
stones walls, three wild openings are facing the North, a clay ground and a skeleton entirely recovered with
its original tiles. In the South part, a garden looking onto a street facing the city hall. A frame full of history.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232336/
The Plant: An Old Chicago Factory is Converted into a No-Waste Food Factory Chicago, Illinois (USA)
The old red-brick building sporting a “BEER” sign may not look impressive, but what is going
on inside certainly is. “The Plant” is an indoor vertical farm that triples as a food-business
incubator and research/education space located inside an 87-year old meat packing factory
in the Union Stockyards of Chicago, Illinois. The project was partly funded by the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity with a $1.5 million grant. Browse
through the Plant Chicago’s Flickr Photostream and you can watch the space steadily
transform into an urban farm that will grow fresh produce, farm fresh fish, brew beer and produce kombucha all while
recycling the waste of the facility to make it a Net-Zero Energy System.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/231844/
The Mill / Rural Design - 2011 - Dingwall, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Incorporating the few remaining freestanding walls of a former mill building, the project
engages with the buildings past, without replication of its traditional forms.
The starting point for the Mill project was the few freestanding walls that remained on the
site. The existing walls created a series of courtyards, some of which has begun to be reinhabited by nature.
Our clients brief was for a large family house. We were keen to re-imagine the building in a
progressive form, layering a series of forms over the ruins to create a clear juxtaposition of
old and new.
Some elements are clearly defined as freestanding objects, the Garden Room, Gym and Garage building slide alongside the
existing walls, the new raised upper story is overlaid, with a folded larch roof and wall floating over the castle-like structure
of the existing walls.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/233338/
Renovation of the Baeza Town Hall / Viar Estudio Arquitectura - 2011 - Baeza (Spain)
The Baeza Township Project has been read as a unit in a duration, as a constant change process
where the new design has been thought as an additional stratum, as the last sediment layer in
time the building has created. The thought about the temporal process of architecture is
Historical architecture is based on overlays, accumulating many different pasts in what could be
called the «durée» of architecture. Henri Bergson said that the ultimate reality is not the being,
nor the changing being, but the continuous process of change which he called «durée» or duration.
Architecture has a way of being in time, a becoming that lasts, a change that is substance on its own.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/233388/
Lettre des Amis du Cimetière non-catholique de Rome
L'édition du printemps 2012 de la Lettre des Amis du Cimetière non-catholique de Rome est
maintenant disponible. Dans ce numéro figure un article sur le Cours international sur la
conservation de la pierre, organisé par l'ICCROM et le Getty Conservation Institute en 2011.
Pendant le cours, le cimetière a été utilisé comme une étude de cas et six tombes ont été
restaurées par les participants.
+ info: http://iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/various_en/04_23non-catholiccemetery_en.pdf
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Restauration et conservation
World Monuments Fund announces partnership with Government of the State of Madhya Pradesh - India
Bonnie Burnham, President of World Monuments Fund (WMF), and officials of Madhya Pradesh, announced today a
partnership to conserve a portfolio of historic sites in the Indian state. The initial focus will be on a group of seventeen
significant buildings at various locations throughout the state, with WMF committing up to $5 million for assessment,
documentation, and development of conservation management plans, as well as monitoring the implementation of selected
conservation projects to completion. The Madhya Pradesh government will fund the implementation of the projects with
funds from the Indian government’s 13th Finance Commission…
+ info: http://www.wmf.org/sites/default/files/press_releases/Madhya-Pradesh-Partnership.pdf
Maîtrise d'études avancées (MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et muséologie
des Beaux-Arts. Genève (Suisse) 2012 - 2013
Les Universités de Genève, Lausanne et Fribourg proposent une Maîtrise d’études
avancées (Master of Advanced Studies – MAS) en conservation du patrimoine et
muséologie des Beaux-Arts pour l’année académique 2012-2013.
Cette formation de deux semestres comporte un tronc d’enseignement commun – notions
de conservation du patrimoine, d’inventaire, d’histoire des collections, des musées, et de
droit de l’art – et deux options de spécialisation, l’une de muséologie des Beaux-Arts,
l’autre de conservation du patrimoine et de l’architecture. L’enseignement (constitué de cours et de séminaires) est
dispensé pendant le premier semestre, alors que le deuxième est consacré au stage et à la rédaction du mémoire de stage.
L’ensemble de la formation comporte 60 crédits : 30 crédits pour les modules d’enseignement, 15 pour le stage, 15 pour le
mémoire de stage. Les taxes d’inscriptions s’élèvent à 1400 CHF par semestre.
Programme, règlement et plan d’étude 2011-2012 en pièce jointe. Le programme sera prochainement réactualisé. Délai
d’inscription : 30 avril 2012 (délai demande de visa: 28 février) Pour tout supplément d'informations à ce sujet, prendre
contact avec le secrétariat.
+ info: http://cms2.unige.ch/mas/
Journal News in Conservation - April 2012
The e-paper of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works IIC is an independent international
organisation supported by individual and institutional members. It serves as a forum among professionals with
responsibility for the preservation of cultural heritage. It advances knowledge, practice and standards for the conservation
of historic and artistic works through its publications and conferences. It promotes professional excellence and public
awareness through its awards and scholarships.
+ info: http://www.iiconservation.org/system/files/publications/journal/2012/b2012_2_0.pdf
Job Offer - 5 month Internship - Saving the Stones - International Conservation Centre - Old City of Acre
Saving the Stones is a 5 month international practical training internship in historical and archaeological conservation. It is
implemented through theoretical lessons and practical workshops taught by conservation specialists from the Israel
Antiquities Authority.
Core contents of the program:
Hands on experience in documentation of historical sites
Hands on experience in traditional building techniques such as masonry work, stone-cutting, carpentry and plastering
Heritage classes, cultural and social events
Study trips
The program also includes: activities with the diverse communities in Akko; archaeological excavations; enrichment
The program opens twice each year.
The program is supported by MASA – Israel Journey
The program is sponsored by the Israel National Committee to UNESCO
+ info: http://www.antiquities.org.il/akko/about.asp
Director of the E.G. Büehrle Foundation says Cezanne damaged in heist can be
restored - Zurich, Switzerland
A Swiss art expert says a $110 million painting by Paul Cezanne damaged following a
robbery four years ago can be restored. The director of the E.G. Buehrle foundation that
owns the painting says the French impressionist's work "The Boy in the Red Vest" suffered
rips to its canvas after it was stolen from a Zurich gallery. Lukas Gloor told a news
conference in Zurich on Friday that the repairs will take time but he is confident they will
restore the work to its former state. Four men were arrested in Serbia earlier this month
when a pan-European police operation led to the seizure of the painting, which was stolen from a Zurich gallery in 2008.
Masterpieces by Claude Monet, Vincent van Gogh and Edgar Degas were also taken in the heist but subsequently
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55019
Important 17th century masterpiece unveiled - National Gallery of Victoria - Melbourne, Victoria (Australia)
The National Gallery of Victoria today unveiled Nicolas Poussin’s The Crossing of the Red Sea after an intensive 12 month
conservation project returning the 17th Century French masterpiece much closer to its original appearance. This important
project was generously sponsored by BNP Paribas Australia and the BNP Paribas Foundation in Paris.
Dr Gerard Vaughan, Director, NGV said: “After nearly two years off display I am delighted to unveil Poussin’s magnificent
masterpiece The Crossing of the Red Sea. This world-renowned work, acquired by the NGV in 1948 through the Felton
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Restauration et conservation
Bequest, has been meticulously and successfully restored by Carl Villis, Conservator European Paintings before 1800, NGV.
“The restoration has revealed much about the artists’s magnificent use of colour and light gradation. Now that the project
is complete, I encourage everyone to come and see this majestic work on display once again,” said Dr Vaughan.
+ info: http://www.ngv.vic.gov.au/ngv-media
Exposition - Aristide Maillol - Kunsthaus Zürich
17 avril - 16 décembre 2012 Zürich. Suisse
Organizateurs: Kunsthaus Zürich
+ info: http://www.kunsthaus.ch/fr/expositions/actuel/aristide-maillol/?redirect_url=title%3DR%20%20%20%20gle
Intervenciones en el patrimonio edificado - Curso de perfeccionamiento 2012
25 avril - 06 octobre 2012 Buenos Aires. Argentine
Organizateurs: CICOP (Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio) Argentina
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://cicop.blogspot.fr/2012/03/la-dimension-del-actuar-sobre-el.html
Congrès international sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel
29 mai - 01 juin 2012 Split. Croatie
Organizateurs: Université de Zagreb, Université de Ljubljana et Croatian Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://eu-chic.eu/index.php/news/entry/eu-chic_final_conference_in_split_-_preliminary_information/
Conference - Imagining conservation: the next twenty years
06 julliet - 07 julliet 2012 York. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The University of York - Department of Archaeology
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 29 jun 2012
+ info: http://www.york.ac.uk/archaeology/news-and-events/events/external/css/conservation-studies-conference-2/
VII Curso de verano en Restauración de la Arquitectura - Patrimonio Urbano y Cultural- Inventario urbano de
Ambalema centro histórico - Malecón
30 julliet - 10 août 2012 Ibagué. Colombie
Organizateurs: Universidad de Ibagué
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: www.unibague.edu.co/sitios/escuelaverano/
Conference - Biennial IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works) Vienna
Congress: the Decorative: Conservation and the Applied Arts
10 septembre - 14 septembre 2012 Vienna. Autriche
Organizateurs: IIC (International Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.iiconservation.org/congress/2012vienna/programme
Conference - The Best in Heritage
27 septembre - 29 septembre 2012 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: European Heritage Association
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/about/
Conference - The restored Villa and New Researches on Late Antique Housing - Piazza Armerina
07 novembre - 10 novembre 2012 Sicily. Italie
Organizateurs: Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull’edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo (CISEM)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jul 2012
+ info: http://w3.uniroma1.it/cisem/attivitaeprogetti/convegno/convegnove.html
Atelier - MEPPI Abu Dhabi 2012
11 novembre - 19 novembre 2012 Campus Downtown, NYU Abu Dhabi Institute. Émirats Arabes Unis
Organizateurs: La Fondation Arabe pour l’Image, le Art Conservation Department de l’Université du Delaware, le
Museum of Art, et le Getty Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 27 may 2012
+ info: http://www.meppi.org/MEPPI-Abu-Dhabi-2012
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Restauration et conservation
3rd International Conservation Conference and Exhibition
17 décembre - 19 décembre 2012 Dubai. Émirats Arabes Unis
Organizateurs: The Dubai Government and Municipality, and held under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid
Al-Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance and Chairman of Dubai Municipality
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.architecturalconservation.info/About
Magazine de la Route européenne de l’Art nouveau: Coup de fouet 18 (2011)
La Route européenne de l’Art nouveau est une association sans but lucratif de gouvernements locaux et
d’institutions non gouvernementales qui se sont unis avec l’engagement commun de développer des
mécanismes utiles et efficaces pour la promotion internationale et la protection du patrimoine moderniste.
La Route souhaite également fomenter la communication et l’échange entre ses membres pour partager
des expériences concernant la restauration de monuments, les programmes de sensibilisation publique,
les stratégies de financement et le développement d’un tourisme durable.
La Route publie dans la revue coupDefouet, les contenus qui sont des apports désintéressés des membres.
Elle a aussi édité le catalogue Route européenne de l’Art nouveau, qui constitue un résumé du panorama du meilleur
patrimoine Art nouveau.
La Route européenne de l’Art nouveau s’est constituée en 2000, lors d’une première réunion plénière à laquelle assistèrent
des représentants de 46 mairies et 33 institutions (musées, fondations, entreprises privées…) et n’a pas cessé de se
développer depuis.
+ info: http://www.artnouveau.eu/fr/magazine.php
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Peinture et art rupestre
Art rupestre et patrimoine préhistorique
Découverte d'oeufs fossiles de dinosaures en Tchétchénie - Fédération de Russie
Les participants d'une expédition géologique dans la république nord-caucasienne de Tchétchénie ont découvert un groupe
d'oeufs fossiles dans le district de Charoïski.
L'équipe a trouvé une quarantaine d'oeufs avec des diamètres de 24 à 100 cm. " L'image d'une section montre que sa
coquille, le jaune et l'albumen sont bien délimités. Nous avons pris plusieurs échantillons pour vérifier la composition
chimique et physique " a indiqué M. Dzhabrailov de l'université d'Etat de Tchétchénie.
Les scientifiques pensent que ces oeufs sont ceux de dinosaures herbivores vivants il y a environ 60 millions d'années.
Cette découverte est une première du genre en Tchétchénie.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69810.htm
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Sur les traces de l'homme en Aquitaine - Un site pour s'initier à l'archéologie
préhistorique et découvrir la vie de nos lointains ancêtres
L'établissement Cap Sciences de Bordeaux (France) propose un site dédié au mode de vie des
hommes du Paléolithique supérieur (- 35 000 à - 9 000 ans) dans la région Aquitaine. Ce site,
intitulé Sur les traces de l'homme en Aquitaine, s'adresse aux jeunes à partir de 8 ans
Le site nous conduit sur un chantier de fouilles. Le chantier est organisé en 6 espaces :
Art mobilier, Outillage, Feu et alimentation, Chasse et cueillette, Sépultures, Tente de
l'archéologue. En cliquant sur l'un de ces espaces, nous avons accès à différents objets. L'espace "outils" par exemple
présente la pointe de flèche, le biface, le galet, le racloir, etc. Chaque objet est décrit dans un court texte.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/institutions-formations-ressources/formation/18070/sur-les-traces-homme-aquitaine/
Emergence et développement de l'archéologie préhistorique en Midi Toulousain entre 19e et 20e siècle
Par Sébastien Dubois Dès le milieu du XIXe siècle, Toulouse apparaît comme un pôle dynamique du développement des
études en archéologie préhistorique. " Laboratoire " d'expériences institutionnelles de la jeune discipline, enseignements
universitaires, revues, sociétés savantes et musées toulousains favorisent en effet l'implantation d'une communauté
scientifique dont l'examen sociologique révèle l'ampleur des réseaux à différentes échelles, notamment à travers l'étude
des correspondances et archives personnelles de ces premiers préhistoriens.Parmi les nombreuses personnalités
scientifiques ayant participé à ce développement et favorisé l'essor des recherches en ce domaine, la figure d'Emile
Cartailhac (1845-1921) apparaît comme emblématique de cette communauté savante. La longue et prolifique carrière de
ce scientifique provincial, son engagement dans la structuration de la communauté locale, ses relations avec les savants
français et étrangers ainsi que son implication active dans les grands débats de son époque le placent au cœur d'une
problématique visant à redéfinir le rôle de ces érudits locaux dans la constitution des savoirs entre XIXe et XXe siècle. Ce
travail propose donc à travers l'étude de la pensée et de la production de ce préhistorien toulousain, notamment par
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Peinture et art rupestre
l'examen de ses archives personnelles, une lecture de l'histoire de la discipline et des apports de ces savants d'envergure "
secondaire ".
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00690340
Des Armes et des Hommes. L'archerie à la transition fin du Néolithique/Age du Bronze en Europe occidentale Université Toulouse Le Mirail. Toulouse II (France)
Part importante de l'armement préhistorique pour les périodes récentes (quantitativement et qualitativement), l'archerie
représente un objet d'étude riche en développements problématiques. A l'aube de l'introduction progressive de la
métallurgie dans les usages techniques, il est intéressant de saisir le ou les processus de transferts mis en œuvre.
Transition chronologique (Néolithique/Age du bronze), transition matérielle (types de pièces produites et types de
matériaux employés) et transition comportementale sont ainsi envisagées pour parvenir à préciser le statut de cet
armement dans les sociétés concernées. En nous basant sur la caractérisation de la panoplie de l'archer, sur l'identification
des contextes de fabrication, sur la reconnaissance des champs fonctionnels (utilisations et usagers) et sur l'analyse archéobalistique des vestiges de traumatismes par flèches dans le cadre de violences interhumaines, il en résulte un ensemble
exhaustif qui renouvelle sensiblement la perception de cet armement dans le temps et dans les usages.
+ info: http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655169/en/
Trust for African Rock Art (TARA) Newsletter (December 2011)
TARA, the Trust for African Rock Art, was founded in 1996 by photographer David Coulson under the
patronage of renowned archaeologist, Mary Leakey, and author/conservationist, Laurens van der Post.
Based in Nairobi, Kenya, TARA is committed to recording the rich rock art heritage of the entire African
continent, to making this information widely available and accessible and, to the extent possible,
safeguarding those sites most threatened by both humans and nature, no matter how remote.
TARA achieves this through survey and conservation work, documentation, exhibitions, publications and
community projects. TARA has documented rock art in 19 African countries and digitised over 20,000
images, many of which are available online. It is estimated that over one million people have visited TARA’s exhibitions.
The organisation also works closely with communities in areas where rock art is found, in order to raise awareness of rock
art as a fragile heritage resource, and to improve the lives of people in those communities.
+ info: http://www.africanrockart.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=138&Itemid=80
Microstratigraphic evidence of in situ fire in the Acheulean strata of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape
Province (South Africa)
By Francesco Bernaa, Paul Goldberga, Liora Kolska Horwitzc, James Brinkd, Sharon Holtd, Marion Bamfordf and Michael
Chazang The ability to control fire was a crucial turning point in human evolution, but the question when hominins first
developed this ability still remains. Here we show that micromorphological and Fourier transform infrared
microspectroscopy (mFTIR) analyses of
intact sediments at the site of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape province, South Africa, provide unambiguous evidence—in
the form of burned bone and ashed plant remains—that burning took place in the cave during the early Acheulean
occupation, approximately 1.0 Ma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the earliest secure evidence for burning in an
archaeological context.
+ info: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/03/27/1117620109.full.pdf
New Research: Some Dinosaur Groups Diminishing Before Mass Extinction - American
Museum of Natural History. New York City, New York State (USA)
Were dinosaurs already undergoing a long-term decline before an asteroid hit at the end of the
Cretaceous about 65.5 million years ago? A new study led by Museum scientists gives a multifaceted
The findings, published online today in the journal Nature Communications, suggest that in general,
large-bodied, “bulk-feeding” herbivores were declining during the last 12 million years of the
Cretaceous Period. But carnivorous dinosaurs and mid-sized herbivores were not.
The research team, which includes Brusatte; Mark Norell, chair of the Museum’s Division of Paleontology; and scientists
Richard Butler of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Albert Prieto-Márquez from the Bavarian State Collection for
Palaeontology, both in Germany, is the first to look at dinosaur extinction based on “morphological disparity”—the
variability of body structure within particular groups of dinosaurs.
+ info: http://www.amnh.org/news/2012/05/new-research-some-dinosaur-groups-diminishing-before-mass-extinction/
Georges Agniel, l'un des deux découvreurs de Lascaux est décédé
Georges Agniel (à droite sur la photo), l'un des deux découvreurs de la grotte de Lascaux est décédé
jeudi à Nogent-Sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) des suites d’une longue maladie, a annoncé son entourage.
C’était le 12 septembre 1940, quatre adolescents : Georges Agniel, Marcel Ravidat, Jacques Marsal et
Simon Coencas venaient de découvrir l'une des plus importantes grottes paléolithiques ornées montrant
une véritable richesse et une impressionnante variété dans ses œuvres pariétales. "On est descendus
(...) avec notre lampe à huile et on a avancé. Il n'y avait aucun obstacle. On a traversé une salle et
puis, arrivés au bout, on s'est trouvé devant la paroi et on a vu qu'il y avait plein de dessins", racontait
à l'AFP, en septembre 2010, M. Magniel…
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/grotte-de-lascaux/georges-agniel-l-039-un-des-deux-decouvreurs-de-lascaux-estdecede_art24170.html
Séminaire : "Recherches croisées en Dobrogea" - Dobrogea - Roumanie (17-18 Mai 2012)
Cette rencontre aura pour sujet principal la région de la Dobrogea, et se proposera d'exposer les recherches
multidisciplinaires des équipes de scientifiques roumains et français en archéologie, géologie, paléontologie, biodiversité,
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Peinture et art rupestre
réunissant ainsi de manière inédite des disciplines proches par l'appréhension du temps, mais parfois très différentes par
les sujets traités et les méthodes utilisées.
Ce colloque soutenu par l'Institut Français de Roumanie à travers les "ateliers scientifiques franco-roumains" a pu voir le
jour grâce à l'implication de nombreuses institutions universitaires et muséales.
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/69879.htm
Bedouin animal sacrifice rituals provide insights to ancient practices
Harvard University educated archaeologist and president of the Paleontological Research
Corporation, Dr. Joel Klenck, conducted an ethnoarchaeological study of modern Bedouin
sacrificial practices in the Levant to provide insight on the deposition of remains at ancient
cult sites. Ethnoarchaeology comprises the analysis of modern behaviors and the remains
left over from these activities.
+ info: http://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.fr/2012/03/bedouin-animal-sacrifice-rituals.
Exhibition - Elegy - Royal Ontario Museum
2 July 2012
02 julliet 2012 Toronto, Ontario. Canada
Organizateurs: Royal Ontario Museum
+ info: http://www.rom.on.ca/exhibitions/special/elegy.php
21st International Radiocarbon Conference - 2012
09 julliet - 13 julliet 2012 Paris. France
Organizateurs: National Electrostatics Corp
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.radiocarbon2012.com/
Conference - Connections, Contributions and Complexity: Africa's Later Holocene Archaeology in Global
21 septembre - 23 septembre 2012 Cambridge. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Mcdonald Institute for Archeological Research
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/events/event-docs/120921/
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Green Globe Global Travel and Tourism Industries' Certification Programme
Green Globe is the global travel and tourism industries’ certification program for sustainable tourism.
Green Globe Members save energy and water resources, reduce operational costs, positively
contribute to local communities and their environment and meet the high expectations of green
leisure and business travelers.
Green Globe certification can be performed in English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese and
Portuguese. The Green Globe Solution Center is the online community for sustainability knowledge
and advice.
Global marketing via Green Globe Public Relations reaches over 450,000 travel professionals worldwide. Green Globe
Members attract green leisure and business travelers via the Green Globe App. Green Globe Preferred Partners operate in
83 countries, providing Members local access to professional sustainable tourism consultants and Green Globe Accredited
Auditors. Sustainability training for Members and other professionals is offered via the Green Globe Academy.
+ info: http://greenglobe.travel/
AWARDS - Three winners of the 2012 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
The Tourism for Tomorrow Awards are organised by the World Travel & Tourism Council, with the support of its strategic
partners Travelport and The Travel Corporation Conservation Foundation. The Awards are also supported by a number of
contributors and media partners.
+ info: http://www.tourismfortomorrow.com/
Upgrade for Bendigo's Trams - Melbourne. Victoria (Australia)
Page 4 of the document linked A multi-million dollar refurbishment of Bendigo Tram Depot and
Museum, improving the work environment and tourism potential of Australia’s oldest operating
tram depot, has been completed.
Bendigo Trust CEO Thomas Seddon explained the works had been a combination of
conservation works, site safety, depot function and appearance and amenity to provide a good
balance of ‘functioning depot and workshop’ with ‘high quality tourist experience’.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/99315/Inherit-54-Mar-Apr12.pdf
Site web - Observatoire des Politiques Culturelles de Grenoble (France)
Le site Internet de l’Observatoire est un outil d’information et de ressources pour le public. Il délivre une actualité sur les
activités de l’OPC, offre des ressources écrites, audio et vidéos.
La Plateforme culture collectivités propose des abonnements groupés pour des services de collectivités ou des organismes
culturels. Elle comprend une série de contenus inédits en ligne, un abonnement à l’ensemble des publications OPC et
stimule un esprit
réseau entre abonnés.
La Plateforme www.reseauculture21.fr, portée par l’Observatoire et animée par Christelle Blouët, invite le public à
témoigner, mutualiser les expériences et débattre des enjeux autour de la culture et du développement durable.
+ info: http://www.observatoire-culture.net/
Sur les traces des voyageurs d'autrefois : le projet VIATICALPES à l'Université de
Lausanne (Suisse)
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Tôt après l'invention de l'imprimerie, les récits de voyage ont fait leur apparition. Illustrés et
commentés, ils offrent l'équivalent de photographies du territoire et des coutumes bien avant
l'invention de la photographie elle-même. L'Université de Lausanne a entrepris de mettre en
valeur les trésors accumulés depuis 400 ans dans les bibliothèques de Suisse et même d'audelà, par le projet Viaticalpes.
Des milliers de gravures et d'illustrations réparties du 16 ième au 19 ième siècle permettent
de remonter le temps, de voir l'évolution, de retrouver des traces, de reconstituer l'histoire des lieux et de ceux qui y sont
passés. Les possibilités sont immenses. À voir.
+ info: http://www.unil.ch/viaticalpes
Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism, and Science and Technology Centre / JB
Ferrari & Associates- Chalet-à-Gobet - Lausanne - Switzerland
The iconic nature of the winning proposal for the Planetarium, Centre for Eco Tourism,
and Science and Technology Centre is balanced by a rational response to the brief and
the constraints of the site. By isolating the planetarium and the activities linked closely
to it the design by JB Ferrari & Associates is able to exploit the strong potential for
volumetric expression. This allows for a more subdued intervention to the historic
buildings. Seemingly evident, such a direction is not an obvious reading of the brief but
is made possible through astute reinterpretation of the district plan.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/230060/
AWARDS - Skål Sustainable Development in Tourism Awards - Deadline for entries: 31 May 2012
Skål, founded as an international association in 1934 is the largest organisation of travel and tourism professionals in the
world, embracing all sectors of the tourism industry, including hoteliers, travel agents, airlines, tourism media, tourism
students etc. Skål with 20,000 members is active in 90 Countries and approximately 500 locations worldwide.
Skål International is an Affiliate Member of the World Tourism Organization whose mission is to promote the development
of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism. Skål has adopted the Global Code of Ethics in Tourism, and
is also a sponsor to the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from sexual exploitation in tourism, and supports the
new project ST-EP (Sustainable Tourism- Eliminating Poverty)
+ info: http://skalnet20.skal.org/sites/skalnet/files/pdf/sdt_guidelines.pdf
Art and Tourism Fair - Fortezza da Basso. Florence, Italy (18 - 20 May 2012)
Art&Tourism is the first international fair dedicated to culture and art tourism, and will be
held from 18th- 20th May, 2012, in the elegant environment of the Fortezza Da Basso in
Florence, Italy.
This new appointment, with no equivalent in the trade fair scenery worldwide, will gather in
the heart of Italy the best national and international cultural offers and the main tourism
operators, in line with the most recent market figures, estimating a record 300 million
tourists visiting so called “cultural” destinations each year.
+ info: http://artandtourism.it/en
Art&Tourism: relaunching culture in Italy and throughout the world - Cultural
tourism is not suffering a recession, but it is often considered something
We need a real Copernican revolution in the relationship between development and
culture. Cultural assets and the whole world of knowledge must cease to be considered
burdensome unproductive goods like “leftovers from a glorious past,” which have to be
maintained and must once again become crucial for the consolidation of a public
democratic concerns, for real growth, and for the creation of jobs” - this point of view was
expressed in the now famous Manifesto per la cultura published by “Sole 24 Ore,” and it is in this context that Art&Tourism
takes its place…
+ info: http://www.eturbonews.com/29195/arttourism-relaunching-culture-italy-and-throughout-world
UNESCO Iraq Office Newsletter 2012 Vol.2 No.1 (January - March 2012)
During the first three months of 2012, prominent occasions of special importance animated the life of Iraqis, showing very
promising signs on the shorter and longer terms.
On behalf of UNESCO, I would like to congratulate the Iraqi government and citizens for their successful organization of the
Arab Summit in Baghdad. With its many implications, this event showed the readiness of Iraq to restore its international
and regional function.
On 8 March, the country lively celebrated with the whole world the International Women's Day. This occasion recalls the
urgent need to take courageous steps to promote gender equality in Iraq.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/field_en/05_publicationUNESCOIraq.pdf
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Congrès international sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel
29 mai - 01 juin 2012 Split. Croatie
Organizateurs: Université de Zagreb, Université de Ljubljana et Croatian Conservation Institute
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 may 2012
+ info: http://eu-chic.eu/index.php/news/entry/eu-chic_final_conference_in_split_-_preliminary_information/
Public Review: Promoting Sustainable Destinations - Global Sustainable Tourism Council Destination Criteria Deadline for comments and suggested edits: 2 June 2012
To promote sustainable tourism at a destination level, the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) has established the
GSTC Criteria for Destinations. The development of these criteria has followed a similar path as the original GSTC Criteria
for Hotels and Tour Operators. The Destinations Working Group developed a set of draft criteria based on input from
destination experts around the globe. These draft criteria were submitted to the GSTC International Standards Working
Group for review and input.
The GSTC Criteria for Destinations is available here for public review until June 2, 2012. All comments will be reviewed and
modifications will be made to improve the draft criteria in line with ISEAL guidelines. The draft criteria will be applied and
tested in up to 10 destinations over the next year. Results from the GSTC Early Adopter Program (see below) will be
incorporated into the final version of the criteria.
02 juin 2012 -Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://new.gstcouncil.org/programs/destinations
Curso de verano UNIMAR - Patrimonio Industrial y Turismo: Potencialidades y Propuestas
09 julliet - 11 julliet 2012 Molina de Segura. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional del Mar
Contact: Mónica López-Sánchez - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 2 jul 2012
+ info: http://www.um.es/unimar/ficha-curso.php?estado=V&cc=50997
Conference - The Best in Heritage
27 septembre - 29 septembre 2012 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: European Heritage Association
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2012
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/about/
Conference - Islands of War, Islands of Memory 06 avril - 07 avril 2013 Cambridge. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. University of Cambridge
Contact: [email protected] and [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2012
+ info: http://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/events/event-docs/130407/Islands_of_War_Islands_of_Memory_cfp.pdf
Route 66 Economic Impact Study - USA
Author: David Listokin et al, the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers, The
State University of New Jersey
Country: United States
Related Projects: HISTORIC ROUTE 66
To better understand and quantify the positive effects of historic preservation along Route 66 and related
tourism activities, an Economic Impact Study was undertaken by Rutgers, The State University of New
Jersey, in collaboration with the US National Park Service and World Monuments Fund, with the support of
American Express. This volume, the Synthesis of Findings, summarizes the outcomes of the study and identifies
opportunities for the preservation of Route 66 to enhance community revitalization, economic development, and
sustainable tourism along America’s iconic Mother Road.
+ info: www.wmf.org/dig-deeper/publication/route-66-economic-impact-study-synthesis-findings
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Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
The Earhart Project - Gardner Island, now Nikumaroro (Republic of Kiribati)
The Earhart Project is testing the hypothesis that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan landed, and eventually died, on Gardner
Island, now Nikumaroro in the Republic of Kiribati.
+ info: http://tighar.org/Projects/Earhart/AEdescr.html
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Australian Historic Shipwreck Protection Project (AHSPP) website
The Australian Research Council (ARC) has recently awarded a large Linkage grant to
investigate the excavation, reburial and in-situ preservation of shipwrecks and their
associated artefacts, which are at risk. The project will focus on the early Australian-built
wooden coastal trader Clarence, wrecked near St Leonards in Port Phillip Bay in 1850. The
project will run for three years and involve fieldwork with investigators from the University of
Western Australia (UWA), the Australian National University (ANU), Monash University and
the Western Australian Museum (WAM), supported by research associates and practitioners
from the ten partner organisations, students and volunteers. Heritage Victoria (Victorian Department of Planning and
Community Development) has provided the use of their boat (Trim) during both lead-up work and the fieldwork.
+ info: http://www.ahspp.org.au/
Training on survey and registration techniques for the underwater cultural heritage
starts in Havana - Cuba - (5 March 2012)
The "Training on survey and registration techniques of the underwater cultural heritage
(UCH)" organized by the UNESCO Regional Office for Culture in Latin America and the
Caribbean together with the National Cuban Commission for UNESCO (CNCU), the National
Council for Cultural Heritage of Cuba (CNPC), the Office of the Historian of Havana (OHCH),
the UNESCO Chair at the National Centre for Conservation, Restoration and Museology
(CRECI-CENCREM) and the Scientific Committee of the Cuban Federation of Underwater
Activities (FCAS), began on 5 March 2012 with the participation of experts from Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The event was held at the Hotel Atlántico, located in the beaches east of
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3271
Researchers from British Museum in London say they have new clue to Lost Colony - North Carolina (USA)
A new look at a 425-year-old map has yielded a tantalizing clue about the fate of the Lost Colony, the settlers who
disappeared from North Carolina's Roanoke Island in the late 16th century. Experts from the First Colony Foundation and
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Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
the British Museum in London discussed their findings Thursday at a scholarly meeting on the campus of the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Their focus: the "Virginea Pars" map of Virginia and North Carolina created by explorer John
White in the 1580s and owned by the British Museum since 1866.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55158
Civil War shipwreck in the way of Georgia port project - Savannah, Georgia (USA)
Before government engineers can deepen one of the nation's busiest seaports to
accommodate future trade, they first need to remove a $14 million obstacle from the past —
a Confederate warship rotting on the Savannah River bottom for nearly 150 years.
Confederate troops scuttled the ironclad CSS Georgia to prevent its capture by Gen. William
T. Sherman when his Union troops took Savannah in December 1864. It's been on the river
bottom ever since. Now, the Civil War shipwreck sits in the way of a government agency's
$653 million plan to deepen the waterway that links the nation's fourth-busiest container
port to the Atlantic Ocean. The ship's remains are considered so historically significant that dredging the river is prohibited
within 50 feet of the wreckage.
+ info: http://www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new=55187
Course - Basic Underwater Archaeology Course 2012
04 juin - 15 juin 2012 Zadar. Croatie
Organizateurs: The International Centre on Underwater Archaeology Zadar (ICUA)
Contact: Mr. Mladen Pesic, [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2012
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/venice/about-this-office/single-view/news/
Collaborative Archaeology, Archaeological Review from Cambridge 26(2) - Cambridge
University - United Kingdom
Dominic Walker, a member of the HRG and a PhD student in the Division of Archaeology, has recently
edited a themed volume on collaborative archaeology (Archaeological Review from Cambridge 26-2). The
contributions to the volume explore the principles, practices, and ethical foundations of collaborative
+ info: http://www.societies.cam.ac.uk/arc/
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Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
Paharpur : un village célèbre son patrimoine mondial en présence de la Directrice
générale - Bangladesh
En cette journée du 10 mai, tandis que l’hélicoptère descendait sur un fascinant patchwork de
rizières, d’étangs et de villages à perte de vue, la population de Paharpur s’était réunie pour
accueillir par des danses, des chants et des fleurs le premier Directeur général de l’UNESCO à
rendre visite à leur site inscrit au patrimoine mondial.
C’est ici, à quelque 300 kilomètres au nord de la capitale du Bangladesh, qu’au 6e siècle
l’empereur Dharmapala de la dynastie Pala fit édifier le deuxième plus grand monastère au sud
de l’Himalaya.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/singleview-dg/news/
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Patrimoine vernaculaire
Patrimoine vernaculaire
Fellowships - Remise des aides à projets 2012 de la Fondation VMF (Vieilles Maisons Françaises): un soutien à
une quinzaine d'initiatives - France
Créée en 2009 sous l'égide de la Fondation du Patrimoine, la Fondation VMF pour la sauvegarde et le rayonnement du
patrimoine défend, en France et dans le monde, le patrimoine français ou d'influence française. A ce titre, elle prolonge
l'action de l'association Vielles Maisons Françaises, présente sur le terrain depuis 1958.
La Fondation VMF a choisi d'apporter son expertise et son soutien, en priorité, au patrimoine en péril, afin d'aider à sauver
des lieux gravement menacés, en amont du projet de restauration.
Cette année, ce sont huit projets, parmi de nombreux dossiers reçus, que la Fondation VMF a choisi d'aider dans la
catégorie "Patrimoine en péril" pour un montant total de 108 000 €.
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1969&dossier=15
Création d'un fonds de solidarité pour la sauvegarde des moulins - France
Lors de la dernière Assemblée Générale de la Fédération Française des Associations de sauvegarde des Moulins (FFAM) à
Marigny, il a été décidé la création d’un fonds de solidarité dit "Fonds d’interventions collectives".
Ce fonds, alimenté par des dons, doit permettre aux propriétaires de seuils et moulins de faire face aux frais engendrés par
des recours en justice, à tous échelons, contre des décisions administratives injustifiées, ou pouvant faire jurisprudence.
Un recours au tribunal administratif entraine des frais de l’ordre de 4 à 5 000 euros, et une association, même importante,
n’a pas la capacité financière d’y faire face, a fortiori lorsqu’il faut aller en Cour d’appel administrative. Même chose pour un
recours en Conseil d’État.
+ info: http://associations-patrimoine.org/article.php?id=1970&dossier=11
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 29 | Le 02/05/2012 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info: http://fondation-patrimoine.org/
Forum on traditional architecture of the coastal region - Bluefields - Nicaragua - (23 24 March 2012)
The Forum on Traditional Architecture of the Coastal Region will be held on 23 and 24 March
2012 in Bluefields, RAAS, Nicaragua. The objective of the Forum is to warn on the condition of
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Patrimoine vernaculaire
buildings and public spaces representative of architecture as well as on their cultural and
heritage value. It also aims at creating a space for debate with regards to the possibilities for
conservation and for initiative to raise awareness on their intrinsic value taking into account the
relationship between the infrastructure and the expressions of the intangible cultural heritage of the Caribbean Coast.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3299
Renovation of an old barn / Comac - 2012. Charroux (France)
Charroux, village of the XVIIth century part of the heritage of the most beautiful villages of France. An
ancient franked fortified town, eminent point of the medieval trade shining under the air of Dukes du
Bourbonnais. Today mystified, the village looks like a frozen museum where the time seems to have
A meeting, a Project, a XVIIth century barn and a knowlegde. Sharing the passion of the place throughout a
restaurant combining the highlight of the country and cultural heritage. The barn is made of traditionals
stones walls, three wild openings are facing the North, a clay ground and a skeleton entirely recovered with
its original tiles. In the South part, a garden looking onto a street facing the city hall. A frame full of history.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/232336/
The Mill / Rural Design - 2011 - Dingwall, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Incorporating the few remaining freestanding walls of a former mill building, the project
engages with the buildings past, without replication of its traditional forms.
The starting point for the Mill project was the few freestanding walls that remained on the
site. The existing walls created a series of courtyards, some of which has begun to be reinhabited by nature.
Our clients brief was for a large family house. We were keen to re-imagine the building in a
progressive form, layering a series of forms over the ruins to create a clear juxtaposition of
old and new.
Some elements are clearly defined as freestanding objects, the Garden Room, Gym and Garage building slide alongside the
existing walls, the new raised upper story is overlaid, with a folded larch roof and wall floating over the castle-like structure
of the existing walls.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/233338/
MONU Magazine New Issue: Non-Urbanism
MONU – magazine on urbanism is a unique bi-annual international forum for artists, writers and designers
that are working on topics of urban culture, development and politics.
Each issue collects essays, projects and photographs from contributors from all over the world to a given
topic. Thus MONU examines the rural as a strict counterpart to the urban as it appears to be a condition of
the past. At least, this is what Kees Christiaanse posits in an interview with us entitled “The New Rural:
Global Agriculture, Desakotas, and Freak Farms”. He points out that, today, non-urban spaces interact so
frequently and intensely with urbanity that you can no longer describe something as strictly rural.
Therefore, we can no longer separate the city from the countryside as these are not polarized entities and each other’s
enemies, but rather the result of each other.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/227259/monu-magazine-new-issue-non-urbanism/
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Patrimoine mondial
Patrimoine mondial
Assemblée générale de l'Association des biens français du patrimoine
mondial - Albi (France) 7-9 mars 2012
Ces deux moments forts coïncident avec l’organisation de nos 10èmes
rencontres annuelles. Si ces dernières ont d’abord commencé de façon
informelle, elles sont aujourd’hui un moment attendu de la vie de notre jeune
association. Elles sont évidemment l’occasion de tenir notre assemblée
générale et de faire vivre nos commissions de travail, mais elles nous
permettent surtout d’échanger sur nos expériences individuelles, de valoriser
nos compétences, et de construire un savoir-faire collectif que nous enrichissons année après année.
+ info: http://www.cite-episcopale-albi.fr/assemblee-generale-2012
Experts Sound Alarm Over Syrian Arab Republic Archaeological Treasures
Syria's year-long revolt has exposed to looting and destruction the country's archaeological
treasures, including the ancient city of Palmyra and the Greco-Roman ruins of Apamea,
experts warned Thursday.
Most vulnerable are strife-torn areas that have fallen outside the full control of the regime
where looters have already targeted museums, excavation sites and monuments, they said.
"In the past three to four months there has been a lot of looting," said Hiba al-Sakhel,
director of museums in Syria.
+ info: http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/35824-experts-sound-alarm-over-syria-archaeological-treasures
Archaeologists Blast Hasty World Heritage Listings
One of the most significant global committees that you never heard of summoned a couple
of hundred experts to the island of Menorca, Spain last week. The meeting involved politics,
the remnants of great civilizations, human catastrophes, architectural triumphs, religious
works of art and architecture, use of tourism, the rise and fall of empires, and did we say
The International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management, or ICAHM, held its
first conference on how to manage the world’s myriad archaeological World Heritage sites.
This wildly varied array of places encompasses many of the most celebrated sites of human cultural accomplishment and
catastrophe—everything from the pyramids and Roman fortifications to Mongol-era tombs and prehistoric rock art. ICAHM’s
key job is to advise the World Heritage Committee about new sites proposed for the famous list. I attended as a guest of
the Congress, which paid for my travel.
+ info: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/04/18/archaeologists-blast-hasty-world-heritage-listings/
COMPETITIONS - 40th anniversary U.S. Video Challenge
To contribute to the 2012 celebration of the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage
Convention, the National Park Service, HISTORY, and the U.S. National Commission for
UNESCO recently launched the Video Challenge “Why do you think U.S. World Heritage sites
are important to the world?”
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/874
Entretien - TV5 Monde - Patrimoine culturel: Sauvetage à tout prix?
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Patrimoine mondial
Idée spectaculaire que celle de ce directeur du musée d'art contemporain près de Naples en
Italie. Antonio Manfredi brûle les œuvres de son musée pour protester contre les importantes
coupes budgétaires du gouvernement. Préoccupant dans un pays qui dit abriter la moitié du
patrimoine culturel mondial. La crise peut-elle justifier que l'on délaisse un patrimoine ?
Entretien avec Christian Manhart, chef de la section musées à l'UNESCO.
+ info: http://www.tv5.org/cms/chaine-francophone/info/Les-dossiers-de-la-redaction/
Database - The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State's most significant heritage places and objects Victoria (Australia)
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are classified
by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government Heritage
Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information available
through the VHD.) The right-hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
The Heritage Council determines what places and objects are included in the Victorian Heritage Register. Only those places
and objects of significance to the State of Victoria are added. The process for adding a place or object is a considered one.
+ info: http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/heritage/victorian-heritage-register
Colossus Re-Erected at Memnon - Egypt
The Colossi of Memnon have been famous landmarks in the Nile Valley since
antiquity. Originally, however, there were three pairs of colossal statues, two on
either side of each monumental gateway, or pylon, of Pharaoh Amenhotep III's
mortuary temple. Along with the rest of the vast temple, these colossi vanished in
antiquity after a series of earthquakes, leaving the two famous Colossi of Memnon
as the only major visible remnants. Excavations and WMF-supported conservation
work have been ongoing at the site since the first World Monuments Watch-listing
in 1998, and over several seasons large sections of toppled colossi have been uncovered. On March 1 a ceremony marked
the partial re-erection of one of the colossi. The conserved head and torso will be mounted early next year. A slideshow of
some recent work is available online.
+ info: www.wmf.org/slide-show/conservation-egypts-colossi-memnon-and-amenhotep-iii-temple
Bulletin d'information du Centre du
patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO
* Patrimoine mondial N°62 : Patrimoine mondial et
populations autochtones
* 40è anniversaire de la Convention du patrimoine
mondial 1972-2012
* Commandez la Carte du patrimoine mondial 2011-2012
* Aidez maintenant à préserver le patrimoine mondial!
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/archive/websites/mail-20120420/index-fr.html
Paysage et participation : une recherche-action en Val de Loire
Un programme de recherche coordonné par David Montembault (UP Paysage
INHP Angers – Agrocampus Ouest) réunit des chercheurs et des paysagistes afin
d'essayer de répondre à la question : « La participation conduit-elle au
renouvellement des pratiques paysagistes ? Et si oui, comment ? ». Il a été
retenu dans le cadre du 2ème appel à projet Programme Paysage et développement durable (PDD2) du Ministère du
développement durable.
Le programme associe 3 écoles du paysage (Agrocampus Ouest, Versailles, Bordeaux) et va expérimenter la participation
paysagère à travers des recherche-actions dans le Val de Loire et dans les Deux-Sèvres.
En Val de Loire, la Mission Val de Loire et le Parc naturel Anjou Touraine sont partenaires du projet.
+ info: http://www.valdeloire.org/Actualites/Articles/Tous/Paysage-et-participation
40 aniversario de la Convención de 1972 - Jornada "Patrimonio Mundial y desarrollo sostenible: el papel de las
comunidades locales" Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires (Argentina) 15-18 de Mayo de 2012
Del 15 al 18 se realizó la Jornada "Patrimonio Mundial y desarrollo sostenible: el papel de las comunidades locales",
organizada conjuntamente por la Cátedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural (Untref-Aammnba) e ICOMOS Argentina, comité
nacional del Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios, en ocasión de cumplirse 40 años de la Convención del
Patrimonio Mundial, adoptada por la Conferencia General de UNESCO el 16 de noviembre de 1972. Con la participación de
los especialistas Susan Boyle, Carolina Castellanos, Alfredo Conti y Fédéric Vacheron, la Jornada se propone contribuir a la
reflexión de lo realizado en estas cuatro décadas en relación a los bienes inscriptos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial y a
los desafíos por venir, particularmente en el contexto latinoamericano.
+ info: http://www.turismoculturalun.org.ar/turismo_comite_2011.htm
De Versailles à Gondar, les élèves explorent les fastes royaux
Quel point commun y a-t-il entre la ville de Gondar en Ethiopie et celle de Versailles en France ? L'une est située en Afrique
et l'autre en Europe et pourtant elles présentent des similitudes historiques mises au jour par le projet pédagogique
"Dessine-moi un château".
En effet, Gondar et Versailles ont connu un essor important au 17ème siècle, chefs-lieux de deux royaumes dirigés à
l'époque par deux puissants souverains chrétiens : Iyassou le Grand et Louis XIV. En 2010, les élèves de Gondar et du
département des Yvelines ont participé au projet pédagogique susmentionné pour découvrir les similitudes et différences de
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Patrimoine mondial
ces deux sites exceptionnels.
+ info: http://cursus.edu/dossiers-articles/articles/17941/versailles-gondar-les-eleves-explorent-les/
Inauguration ceremony to celebrate the completion of the first phase of restoration at San Jose Church - Ouro
Preto - Minas Gerais - Brazil - (18 March 2012)
A ceremony was held on March 18 to celebrate the completion of the first phase of restoration at San Jose Church in Ouro
Preto, Brazil. Located at the top of one of many picturesque hills in the town, the church was neglected and closed to
parishioners for more than 20 years. WMF launched a restoration project three years ago in collaboration with the
Prefeitura de Ouro Preto and Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional. The Archbishop of Mariana celebrated a
high mass at the ceremony, which was attended by many members of the local community and representatives of the
project partners, as well as Bertrand du Vignaud (pictured, second from right), President of WMF Europe.
+ info: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs069/1101578329274/archive/1109677425618.html
Website - A website to share photos of World Heritage sites - Our Place newsletter
Join us in helping creating the world's largest and most comprehensive photographic database of the
World's Heritage - those special locations that have been given special recognition by being inscribed
onto the UNESCO World Heritage list.
We believe that this community based web project is a positive way to help spread the message of
our shared global heritage.
We believe that if people are aware of the world's heritage then they can care for the world's heritage.
Photography, with its ability to reach across cultural, language and geographical boundaries is an
ideal medium to spread this positive message.
Share your photographs... Blog with fellow photographers and travellers about their images... your photos could inspire
others to visit and experience the world's most treasured places.
+ info: http://www.ourplacephotos.org/my-photos.aspx
World Heritage Forum. Why World Heritage: The realities and the potentials for
communities. Fremantle, Western Australia (Australia) 18 April 2012
This forum brought together experts on World Heritage and community leaders to discuss
the implications of world heritage listing of natural and cultural sites to local, state and
national communities.
The forum was held to celebrate the International Day of Monuments and Sites and to mark
the 40th anniversary of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, which was adopted in 1972.
The focus was on “World Heritage and Sustainable Development: the Role of Local
Communities” – which spans their involvement in the nomination process, management and conservation of World Heritage
sites, but also as actors and beneficiaries from a socio-economic perspective, and holders of indigenous management
practices and traditional knowledge.
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/Why-World-Heritage-forum.pdf
Reactive Monitoring Mission assesses World Heritage in Brasília - Federal District Brazil
A Reactive Monitoring Mission, held jointly by the World Heritage Centre of UNESCO and
ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites), shall begin on Tuesday (13/03) in
Brasilia, to assess the conservation status of the site, which is registered on the World Heritage
During four days, two international experts in architecture and urbanism - Luis Maria Calvo and
Carlos Sambricio – will visit the “Pilot Plan” and will interview authorities representing the GDF,
the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Heritage (Iphan) as well as civil society representatives regarding the
conditions of preservation of federal capital…
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3289
Georges Agniel, l'un des deux découvreurs de Lascaux est décédé
Georges Agniel (à droite sur la photo), l'un des deux découvreurs de la grotte de Lascaux est décédé
jeudi à Nogent-Sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) des suites d’une longue maladie, a annoncé son entourage.
C’était le 12 septembre 1940, quatre adolescents : Georges Agniel, Marcel Ravidat, Jacques Marsal et
Simon Coencas venaient de découvrir l'une des plus importantes grottes paléolithiques ornées montrant
une véritable richesse et une impressionnante variété dans ses œuvres pariétales. "On est descendus
(...) avec notre lampe à huile et on a avancé. Il n'y avait aucun obstacle. On a traversé une salle et
puis, arrivés au bout, on s'est trouvé devant la paroi et on a vu qu'il y avait plein de dessins", racontait
à l'AFP, en septembre 2010, M. Magniel…
+ info: http://www.maxisciences.com/grotte-de-lascaux/georges-agniel-l-039-un-des-deux-decouvreurs-de-lascaux-estdecede_art24170.html
OVPM (Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial) : Décès de Siri Myrvoll
C’est avec une profonde tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Siri Myrvoll survenu hier le 1er mai.
Malgré son optimisme jusqu’à la fin, la maladie nous l’a enlevée alors qu’elle avait encore tant de projets,
notamment dans le domaine du patrimoine qu’elle chérissait passionnément.
+ info: http://www.ovpm.org/fr/nouvelles/deces_de_siri_myrvoll
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Patrimoine mondial
Management Committee of the Project "Heritage Recovery and Cultural Development in
Havana: Segundo Cabo Palace" - Havana - Cuba - (15 March 2012)
The Management Committee of the Project “Heritage Recovery and Cultural Development in
Havana: Segundo Cabo Palace”, implemented by the Office of the Historian of Havana (OHCH) in
collaboration with UNESCO and funding from the European Union, will meet on 15 March at the
UNESCO Havana Office to analyze the progress after the second year of the project and discuss the
steps to be adopted in the 12-month period ahead.
In the first meeting, held on April 12, 2011, the Committee presented the progress and obstacles
faced during the first year of the project’s implementation. Administrative issues were considered as well as the need to
focus on the future cultural use of the building using the means and programming the activities that will maximize
interactivity, knowledge and entertainment with a perspective conceived from and for thought and following contemporary
museography criteria.
+ info: http://www.unesco.lacult.org/noticias/showitem.php?lg=2&id=3275
Capacity Building workshop for Indian Ocean Small Island Developing States
(SIDS) - Mahé - Seychelles - (30 April- 3 May 2012)
Capacity Building workshop for Indian Ocean SIDS: Enhancing capacities for the integration
of World Heritage site management in the sustainable development of local communities
Within the framework of the Japanese Funds-in-Trust project "Capacity Building to Support
the Conservation of World Heritage Sites and Enhance Sustainable Development of Local
Communities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)" the World Heritage Centre in
collaboration with UNESCO Dar-es-Salaam office will organize a sub-regional capacity
building workshop for Indian Ocean SIDS to enhance their capacities to integrate World Heritage site management within
the sustainable development of local communities, which will be held in Mahé (Seychelles) from 30 April to 3 May 2012.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/881
8th International Meeting of the Technical Secretariat: Qhapaq Ñan - La Paz - Bolivia - (26 - 28 April 2012)
Thanks to the generous invitation of the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Ministry of Cultures, the 8th
International Meeting of the Technical Secretariat, dedicated to the preparation of the nomination of Qhapaq Ñan/ Andean
Road System for inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is taking place from 26-28 April 2012.
Representatives from the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Cultural Heritage Directors from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, accompanied by their respective national Qhapaq Ñan project coordinators, will meet in La
Paz to move forward with the final discussions on the harmonisation of the final nomination file of the Main Andean Road.
During three days of intense work the group will debate the final presentation of the cartography and the conservation and
management system of this serial transnational nomination that, without a doubt, poses a unique challenge in the history
of the 1972 Convention. Representatives from the six State Parties involved will advance with the necessary institutional
coordination strategy and policy to ensure international commitment to preserve the Outstanding Universal Value of
Qhapaq Ñan for future generations.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/882
Ujung Kulon National Park, Indonesia - Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) International Rhino Foundation
The Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the rarest species of mammals and one of
the most endangered rhinoceros species, with fewer than 60 animals believed to exist in two
known populations. Between 40 and 60 individuals inhabit Ujung Kulon National Park in West
Java, Indonesia, and between three and five individuals are part of a likely non-viable population
in the Cat Loc section of Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam.
Because Javan Rhinos inhabit dense tropical forests, they are not easy targets for poachers with
guns. But they are vulnerable to poachers who use snares and traps to capture and kill the rhino so its horn can then be
+ info: http://www.rhinos-irf.org/ujungkulon/
Job Offer - 5 month Internship - Saving the Stones - International Conservation Centre - Old City of Acre
Saving the Stones is a 5 month international practical training internship in historical and archaeological conservation. It is
implemented through theoretical lessons and practical workshops taught by conservation specialists from the Israel
Antiquities Authority.
Core contents of the program:
Hands on experience in documentation of historical sites
Hands on experience in traditional building techniques such as masonry work, stone-cutting, carpentry and plastering
Heritage classes, cultural and social events
Study trips
The program also includes: activities with the diverse communities in Akko; archaeological excavations; enrichment
The program opens twice each year.
The program is supported by MASA – Israel Journey
The program is sponsored by the Israel National Committee to UNESCO
+ info: http://www.antiquities.org.il/akko/about.asp
Workshop: Revitalising World Heritage Site Museums for a Better Interpretation of
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Patrimoine mondial
Living Heritage Sites in Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam - Siem Reap and Pakse Cambodia and Lao PDR - (10 - 20 May 2012)
The overall objective of this exhibition is to better explain the outstanding universal values of
the associated World Heritage sites, especially by highlighting the interconnections between
these sites and populations, as well as the role of South East Asia in global history.
The Second Workshop brings together the research contents and accumulated information
provided by scientific coordinators and the participating site-museums, and through intensive
sessions led by experts; the participants will elaborate the sub-regional exhibition and educational programme during the
10 day workshop. A field trip to the archaeological Site of Angkor and Museum of Wat Phu in Champassak, Pakse, will also
take place.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/movable-heritage-and-museums/museums/museum-projects/
Albania to prepare for disaster risk to World Heritage properties
The Conference on “Disaster Risk Preparedness and Management in Cultural Heritage Sites”
scheduled at the World Heritage site of Berat in Albania on 8 May 2012 is jointly organized by
the UNESCO Venice Office with the SUSTCULTproject "Achieving SUSTainability through an
integrated approach to the management of CULTural heritage”, led by the City of Venice and
financed by the South East Europe (SEE) Programme, and the One UN Programme in Albania, in
partnership with ICCROM and the Ministry of Tourism, Cultural Affairs, Youth and Sports of
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/venice/about-this-office/single-view/news/
Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development - Turin (Italy) 15
October 2012 - 30 September 2013. Deadline for applications: 2 September 2012
Cultural activities are a major contributor to national development, job creation and social
cohesion. The master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development aims to
impart the necessary competencies and skills to participants in the conservation and
promotion of World Heritage Sites as well as in the conceptualization of sustainable projects
designed around a wide spectrum of cultural activities in the fields of natural and cultural
heritage, creative industries, museums and tourism.
The Programme provides a solid foundation in a variety of cultural economics topics and the value chain of cultural and
natural sites. It explores in detail the economic, social, institutional and legal considerations that govern the diverse
categories of UNESCO-designated World Heritage Sites.
The Master is designed by the University of Torino , the Politecnico di Torino , the International Training Centre of the ILO
(ITCILO), and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
+ info: http://worldheritage.itcilo.org/home
Paharpur : un village célèbre son patrimoine mondial en présence de la Directrice
générale - Bangladesh
En cette journée du 10 mai, tandis que l’hélicoptère descendait sur un fascinant patchwork de
rizières, d’étangs et de villages à perte de vue, la population de Paharpur s’était réunie pour
accueillir par des danses, des chants et des fleurs le premier Directeur général de l’UNESCO à
rendre visite à leur site inscrit au patrimoine mondial.
C’est ici, à quelque 300 kilomètres au nord de la capitale du Bangladesh, qu’au 6e siècle
l’empereur Dharmapala de la dynastie Pala fit édifier le deuxième plus grand monastère au sud
de l’Himalaya.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco/about-us/who-we-are/director-general/singleview-dg/news/
UNESCO Iraq Office Newsletter 2012 Vol.2 No.1 (January - March 2012)
During the first three months of 2012, prominent occasions of special importance animated the life of Iraqis, showing very
promising signs on the shorter and longer terms.
On behalf of UNESCO, I would like to congratulate the Iraqi government and citizens for their successful organization of the
Arab Summit in Baghdad. With its many implications, this event showed the readiness of Iraq to restore its international
and regional function.
On 8 March, the country lively celebrated with the whole world the International Women's Day. This occasion recalls the
urgent need to take courageous steps to promote gender equality in Iraq.
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2012_en/field_en/05_publicationUNESCOIraq.pdf
IUCN and UNEP-WCMC have compiled a KML layer with key information on the natural and
mixed World Heritage sites that were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 1
January 2012
IUCN and UNEP-WCMC have compiled a KML layer with key information on the natural and mixed
World Heritage sites that were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as of 1 January 2012.
The information comes from the latest version of the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA).
The WDPA is a joint project of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and IUCN,
maintained at the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre working with the IUCN World
Commission on Protected Areas, governments and collaborating non-governmental organisations.
The information originates from a wide range of sources including UNESCO, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC records, data reported
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Patrimoine mondial
to the WDPA, and the original World Heritage nominations prepared by State Parties to the World Heritage Convention. The
recorded areas given in the KML layer were compiled from UNESCO, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC records, while the boundary
areas were calculated from the GIS boundaries recorded in the WDPA. It is planned to verify both the recorded areas and
GIS boundaries with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, and the KML layer shows which sites have been verified.
+ info: http://www.unep-wcmc.org/kml-file-of-world-heritage-sites_812.html
Exhibition - The Sanctuaries of Demeter and Persephone at Morgantina - J. Paul Getty Museum
14 avril 2012 - 21 janvier 2013 Los Angeles, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: J. Paul Getty Museum
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://news.getty.edu/images/9036/morgantina.pdf
Exhibition - Maya 2012: Lords of time - Penn Museum
05 mai - 01 décembre 2012 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Penn Museum and the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.penn.museum/sites/2012/exhibit/
Outdoor exhibition on World Heritage
20 mai - 30 mai 2012 Sofia. Bulgarie
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/806/
Journée du patrimoine culturel du Chili dédiée au 40ème anniversaire
27 mai 2012 Santiago. Chili
Organizateurs: El Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/856/
Conference - Tallin Old Town: Our World Heritage
29 mai 2012 Tallinn. Estonie
Organizateurs: Tallinn City Centre Administration and Estonian National Commission for UNESCO
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://vanalinnapaevad.ee/en
Colloque international sur la conservation et la gestion des villes du patrimoine mondial à Bruges
31 mai - 01 juin 2012 Bruges. Belgique
Organizateurs: Centre du Patrimoine Mondial (WHC)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/evenements/828/
40e anniversaire - activités en Espagne
01 juin - 30 juin 2012 -Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.aecid.es/es/UNESCO/aniversarios/40_aniv_conv_patrim_mundial.html
Corso di Formazione di Geografia sulle Dolomiti Patrimonio UNESCO
06 julliet - 08 julliet 2012 San Martino. Italie
Organizateurs: Fondazione G. Angelini in collaborazione con Parco Naturale di Paneveggio e Pale di San Martino,
Fondazione Dolomiti-Dolomiten-Dolomites-Dolomitis Unesco, CAI Veneto, SAT, Museo delle Scienze di Trento, Associazione
Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.valmont.unimi.it/
International meeting on the 40th anniversary of the convention: World Heritage, Culture and Development in
Latin America and the Caribbean
17 julliet - 20 julliet 2012 Querétaro. Mexique
Organizateurs: The Mexican Secretary of Tourism, the National Council for Arts and Culture and the National Institute of
Anthropology and History, in collaboration with the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Government of the state of
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/822/
Become a Cultural Heritage Entrepreneur! Master in World Heritage and Cultural Projects for Development Turin School of Development
15 octobre 2012 - 30 septembre 2013 Turin. Italie
Organizateurs: Turin School of Development
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Patrimoine mondial
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 2 jun 2012
+ info: http://worldheritage.itcilo.org/home
Conference - The restored Villa and New Researches on Late Antique Housing - Piazza Armerina
07 novembre - 10 novembre 2012 Sicily. Italie
Organizateurs: Centro Interuniversitario di Studi sull’edilizia abitativa tardoantica nel Mediterraneo (CISEM)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jul 2012
+ info: http://w3.uniroma1.it/cisem/attivitaeprogetti/convegno/convegnove.html
Seminaire international - 40e anniversaire de la Convention du patrimoine mondial (1972-2012) - L’invention
de la « valeur universelle exceptionnelle »
14 novembre - 16 novembre 2012 Dijon. France
Organizateurs: Le laboratoire CIMEOS, le Centre Georges Chevrier et la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de l’Université de
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 jun 2012
+ info: http://colloque-patrimoinemondial.u-bourgogne.fr/
La Acequia Real de la Alhambra en época cristiana (1492-1850) Alhambra, Generalife y Albayzin.
Granada (Spain)
Juan Antonio Vilar (Autor)
ISBN: 978-8498368079
Editor: COMARES - 2011
La ACEQUIA del REY fue el cordón umbilical que nutrió de vida, durante siete siglos, a la fortaleza de la
Alhambra, a sus huertas y a sus jardines. Su fluido consiguió transformar tórridas y desiertas colinas en
frondosos bosques y exuberantes vergeles, recreando una suerte de oasis o paraíso acuático a una altura
que siempre sorprendió a sus visitantes. Su agua, a veces saltarina y risueña, a veces retenida en estanques, albercas o
aljibes, sublimó los refinados palacios alhambreños y embelesó los sentidos, aportando frescor, aromas, música y reflejos
que, cual suerte de fatas morganas, magnificaron el alcázar.
Pero aún más, esta acequia, en su tramo final, regaba a multitud de cármenes, miradores aventajados sobre la Vega y la
Sierra Nevada, suspendidos en las zonas más altas de las colinas de la Asabica, del Ahabul y del Mauror. Antes de que la
especulación y la desidia acaben definitivamente con su recuerdo, este libro pretende, con la mayor rigurosidad científica,
dejar constancia histórica del que fue su trazado, de sus instituciones, ordenanzas, servidores y beneficiarios, abriendo
paso a otros trabajos que acaben por recuperar la memoria de su pasado esplendor.
+ info: http://www.amazon.es/acequia-alhambra-epoca-cristiana-1492-1850/dp/8498368073
Herido por el agua - Federico García Lorca y La Alhambra (La Alhambra, Generalife y Albaicín)
Autor: Antonio Ramos Espejo
ISBN: 978-84-86827-68-7
Herido por el agua cuenta la extraordinaria relación entre Federico García Lorca y la Alhambra. El poeta
granadino halló en el conjunto monumental una constante fuente de inspiración. Nos lo recuerda Antonio
Ramos Espejo, uno de los mayores expertos en la figura y obra de Federico. Por su libro desfilan reyes y
príncipes, viajeros, escritores, pintores, músicos, amigos y familiares que forman parte de la corte de los
viejos y nuevos hijos de la Alhambra. Hay páginas para reconocer la huella que Lorca dejó en Manuel de Falla, Juan Ramón
Jiménez, Manuel Ángeles Ortiz, Rafael Alberti, Gerald Brenan, Carlos Cano, Enrique Morente o Leonard Cohen.
+ info: http://www.alhambratienda.es/es/libro/herido-por-el-agua_779285
Revue du patrimoine mondial N°62 - Patrimoine mondial et peuples autochtones
ISSN 1020-4520
EAN 3059630102629
Les populations autochtones possèdent une connexion puissante et intime avec les terres sur lesquelles
elles vivent. Leur identité culturelle façonne (et est façonnée à son tour par) leur environnement naturel.
Les cultures riches et les pratiques traditionnelles de ces populations, ainsi que les problématiques
qu’elles rencontrent dans le monde actuel, réfèrent à de nombreuses sphères telles que le développement
économique, l’environnement et les droits de l’homme. L’article principal rédigé par M. Tumu te Heuheu,
Grand Chef de la tribu maorie Ngati Tuwharetoa de Nouvelle-Zélande, ancien Président du Comité du patrimoine mondial,
et M. Richard Tuheiava, Sénateur français représentant de la Polynésie française, abordera les questions clefs et les défis
liés aux populations autochtones et au patrimoine mondial. Cet article apportera de précieuses informations sur les
politiques en matière de questions autochtones.
Ce numéro traitera entre autres du peuple saami de Laponie, en Suède, et du peuple nama du Paysage culturel et
botanique du Richtersveld en Afrique du Sud qui continuent de pratiquer un style de vie semi-nomade fondé sur la
transhumance saisonnière de leurs troupeaux.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/revue/62/
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Documento sin título
Forum UNESCO-Université et Patrimoine (FUUP) est un Projet de l'UNESCO pour la mise en oeuvre d'activités visant à protéger et à sauvegarder le
patrimoine culturel, par le biais d'un réseau informel d'institutions de l'enseignement supérieur. FUUP est placé sous la responsabilité commune du
Centre du Patrimoine Mondial de l'UNESCO et de l'Université Polytechnique de Valencia (UPV), Espagne. Ce site web n'est pas un site officiel d'UNESCO,
mais un site créé et géré par l'UPV dans le cadre du projet FUUP.
Accueil - Liens - Contact
UNESCO – Centre de Patrimoine Mondial (WHC)
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP (FRANCE)
Tel: +33 1 45 68 10 25
Fax: +33 1 45 68 55 70
Courriel: [email protected]
WHC: http://whc.unesco.org
UNESCO: http://portal.unesco.org
Programme universités : http://whc.unesco.org/fr/activites/45/
Université Polytechnique Valence (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n 46022
Valence (ESPAGNE)
Tel: +34 96 387 77 80
Fax: +34 96 387 77 89
Courriel : [email protected]
internet: http://universiteetpatrimoine.net
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