conference guide / guide du congrès
conference guide / guide du congrès
CONFERENCE GUIDE / GUIDE DU CONGRÈS JUNE 22-25 | DU 22 AU 25 JUIN 2016 Canadian Paediatric Society 93rd Annual Conference June 22-25, 2016 Delta Prince Edward, PEI Convention Centre #CPS2016 @CanPaedSociety @SocCanPed Credit/Source : ©Tourism PEI/Tourisme Î.-P.-É. 93e congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie du 22 au 25 juin 2016 Hôtel Delta Prince Edward Palais des congrès de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard Contents / Table des matières Welcome / Mots de bienvenue CPS President/ Présidente de la SCP CPS Annual Conference Committee Chair / Présidente du comité du congrès annuel 2016 CPS Annual Conference Committee / Comité du congrès annuel 2016 de la SCP 1 2 3 Program At-a-Glance/ Coup d’œil sur le programme 5 Floor Plans / Plans des étages 6 Program Information / Renseignements sur le programme 2016 CPS award recipients / Lauréats des prix de la SCP en 2016 7 General Sessions / Séances générales 8 Accreditation, CanMEDS Roles, Certificate of Attendance / Agrément, rôles CanMEDS, certificat de présence 9 Topic codes, Attention Family Physicians / Codes de sujet, avis aux médecins de famille 10 Conference Programming / Programme du congrès Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin Saturday, June 25 / Le samedi 25 juin Presenters / Présentateurs Faculty directory and conflict of interest information / Répertoire des conférenciers et divulgation de conflits d’intérêts Oral abstract presenters and conflict of interest information / Présentateurs des communications orales et renseignements sur les conflits d’intérêts 12 16 20 23 24 27 Trade Show and Poster Sessions / Salon des exposants et séances d’affiches Exhibitors / Exposants Guided poster tours / Visite guidée des affiches Index to abstracts / Index des communications Oral presentations / Communications Poster abstract presentations / Présentation de communications par affiches Presenting abstract authors / Auteurs présentateurs 29 30 31 32 33 38 General Information / Renseignements généraux Allergies and dietary restrictions / Allergies et restrictions alimentaires Child care services / Services de garde Complimentary shuttle service – Coach Atlantic Group / Navette gratuite – Coach Atlantic Group Control of conference materials / Contrôle du matériel du congrès Evaluation forms / Formulaires d’évaluation Identification badges / Cocardes Management office hours / Heures de bureau de la direction Session pre-registration / Préinscription aux séances Social media / Médias sociaux Speaker handouts / Documentation remise par les conférenciers Special needs / Besoins particuliers 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 Message from the CPS President Message de la présidente de la SCP For nearly 100 years, the Canadian Paediatric Society has been a national force for child and youth health and well-being, for equitable access to care and services, and for the professional development of Canadian paediatricians. Once a year we converge to learn, share ideas and experiences, brush up on essentials, and be inspired by our colleagues and friends. As always—and especially close to my heart—there are great advocacy initiatives to get involved with and support. There are so many children and youth at risk who need our help: some living in First Nations and Inuit communities, others in foster care or street-involved or in families coping with poverty. This year’s wave of Syrian newcomers gives new meaning and impetus to our Caring for Kids New to Canada website. The CPS has a wealth of information you can use in any practice setting to help identify, assess and intervene when needed. With kids at risk, sometimes just asking the right questions starts a process that can be life-changing. To residents and recent graduates, a special welcome: This gathering is a gateway to your future! Teaching formats are geared to learners like you, with new media playing a greater role every year. There are all kinds of opportunities to network, socialize and share formative experiences. We also offer a range of forums for hearing about the latest research, for presenting your own work, and for getting recognized—and rewarded!—for doing so. Of course, we are always on the lookout for fresh talent to populate our Committees and Sections and to take up leadership roles. Depuis près de 100 ans, la Société canadienne de pédiatrie est une force nationale pour la santé et le bien-être des enfants et des adolescents, pour l’accès équitable aux soins et aux services et pour le perfectionnement professionnel des pédiatres canadiens. Une fois par année, nous convergeons pour apprendre, partager des idées et des expériences, nous rappeler les essentiels et nous laisser inspirer par nos collègues et nos amis. Comme toujours, et j’y tiens tout particulièrement, d’excellentes initiatives de défense d’intérêts nous sont proposées pour que nous nous engagions et que nous les soutenions. Il y a tant d’enfants et d’adolescents à risque qui ont besoin de notre aide : certains vivent dans des communautés inuites et des Premières nations, d’autres en famille d’accueil, dans la rue ou dans des familles aux prises avec la pauvreté. La vague de nouveaux arrivants syriens de cette année a donné un nouveau sens et un nouvel élan au site Web Les soins aux enfants néo-canadiens. La SCP possède une foule d’information que vous pouvez utiliser dans tout milieu de pratique pour dépister, évaluer et intervenir, au besoin. Auprès des enfants à risque, le fait de poser simplement les bonnes questions peut lancer un processus qui pourra changer des vies. Nous souhaitons tout particulièrement la bienvenue aux résidents et aux récents diplômés. Cette rencontre est une porte ouverte sur votre avenir! Les structures de formation sont orientées vers les apprenants comme vous, et les nouveaux médias y occupent toujours plus de place année après année. Il y a toutes sortes de possibilités de réseautage, de socialisation et de partage d’expériences formatrices. Nous offrons également toute une série de tribunes pour être informés des dernières recherches et présenter notre propre travail, et nous sommes salués et récompensés de le faire. Bien sûr, nous sommes toujours à la recherche de nouveaux talents pour siéger à nos comités et nos sections et pour assumer des rôles de leadership. As CPS members and allied professionals, we meet each year to learn and to recommit ourselves to providing better, safer care and improving public policy for all children and youth. Welcome, all of you, to the 93rd CPS annual conference. En qualité de membres de la SCP ou d’autres professionnels de la santé, nous nous rencontrons chaque année pour apprendre et nous réengager à fournir des soins, à la fois meilleurs et plus sécuritaires, et à améliorer les politiques publiques pour tous les enfants et les adolescents. Nous vous souhaitons tous la bienvenue au 93e congrès annuel de la SCP. Dr. Robin Williams President, Canadian Paediatric Society Docteure Robin Williams Présidente, Société canadienne de pédiatrie CONFERENCE GUIDE 1 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. Message from the CPS Annual Conference Committee Chair Message de la présidente du comité du congrès annuel de la SCP Welcome friends and colleagues, to the 93rd CPS annual conference, Chers amis et collègues, bienvenue au 93e congrès annuel de la SCP. Building on last year’s successful event in Toronto, which more than 900 delegates attended, we have planned our best conference yet in one of Canada’s most beautiful settings: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Fort de la réussite du congrès de l’an dernier à Toronto, auquel plus de 900 congressistes ont assisté, nous avons planifié le meilleur congrès de notre histoire dans l’un des lieux les plus pittoresques du Canada : Charlottetown, à l’Île-du-PrinceÉdouard. Featuring—as always—the best of paediatric medicine in Canada, this year’s educational lineup offers keynote and concurrent seminars and workshops on over 100 topics, covering a wide range of stimulating, up-to-date, evidencebased information. Designed for a broad range of professionals and trainees, the CPS annual conference has something for everyone: a strong scientific program with lots of opportunities for learning, information exchange, networking and fun! Mettant en vedette les meilleurs aspects de la pédiatrie au Canada, comme toujours, l’offre de formation de cette année inclut un conférencier principal, des séminaires et des ateliers concomitants sur plus de 100 sujets traitant d’un large éventail d’information stimulante, à jour et fondée sur des données probantes. Conçu pour des professionnels et des stagiaires de tous les horizons, le congrès annuel de la SCP a quelque chose à offrir à chacun : un programme scientifique solide comportant de nombreuses possibilités d’apprentissage, d’échange d’information, de réseautage et de plaisir! We encourage you to take advantage of as much of the program as possible. Also, we need your feedback: What inspired you? Can you suggest improvements? Are there innovative learning platforms or methods you’ve encountered that you’d like to share? Nous vous invitons à profiter le plus possible du programme. Nous avons également besoin de vos commentaires : qu’est-ce qui vous a inspiré? Quelles améliorations nous suggérez-vous? Avez-vous déjà expérimenté des plateformes d’apprentissage novatrices dont vous aimeriez nous faire profiter? The Annual Conference Committee is always on the lookout for ways to develop and evolve our meeting to enhance the overall learning experience. With your help, we can start preparing for the 94th iteration, scheduled for Vancouver in 2017. Le comité du congrès annuel cherche toujours à développer et à faire évoluer cet événement, de manière à accroître votre expérience d’apprentissage global. Avec votre aide, nous pouvons commencer à préparer la 94e édition, qui aura lieu à Vancouver en 2017. In the meantime, there is much to see and do in Charlottetown. I hope you enjoy this CPS annual conference so much that you’ll save the dates for next year’s event. Entre-temps, il y a beaucoup à voir et à faire à Charlottetown. J’espère que vous aurez du plaisir à ce congrès annuel de la SCP et que vous inscrirez les dates du prochain congrès dans votre agenda. Sincerely, Cordialement, Dr. Dawn Hartfield Chair, CPS Annual Conference Committee Docteure Dawn Hartfield Présidente, comité du congrès annuel de la SCP CONFERENCE GUIDE 2 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. 2016 CPS Annual Conference Committee Comité du congrès annuel 2016 de la SCP Dawn Hartfield, MD (Chair), Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, University of Alberta; Medical Director, Quality, Edmonton Zone, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton, Alta. (Présidente), professeure agrégée, département de pédiatrie, université de l’Alberta; directrice médicale de la qualité, zone d’Edmonton, Alberta Health Services, Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Marie Adèle Davis Executive Director, Canadian Paediatric Society, Ottawa, Ont. Directrice générale, Société canadienne de pédiatrie, Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Wendy Eligh Manager, Annual Conference and Trade Show, Canadian Paediatric Society, Ottawa, Ont. Gestionnaire, congrès annuel et salon des exposants, Société canadienne de pédiatrie, Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Lauralee Gallinger Coordinator, Conference Services, Canadian Paediatric Society, Ottawa, Ont. Coordonnatrice, services du congrès, Société canadienne de pédiatrie, Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Rania Gosselin-Papadopoulos, MD President, CPS Resident Section, London Health Sciences Center – Victoria Hospital, London, Ont. Présidente, section des résidents de la SCP, London Health Sciences Center – Victoria Hospital, London (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Catherine Hervouet-Zeiber, MD Associate Professor of Paediatrics, SainteJustine UHC, Montreal, Que. Professeure agrégée de pédiatrie, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Natasha Johnson, MD Head, Division of Adolescent Medicine, Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, McMaster University, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, Ont. Chef, division de médecine de l’adolescent, professeure agrégée, département de pédiatrie, université McMaster, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Roxanne MacKnight, MD Family physician, Miramichi, N.B. Médecin de famille, Miramichi (Nouveau-Brunswick) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Jackie Millette Director, Education, Committees and Sections, Canadian Paediatric Society, Ottawa, Ont. Directrice, éducation, comités et sections, Société canadienne de pédiatrie, Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Ayaz Ramji, MD General Paediatrics, Prince Albert, Sask. Pédiatre général, Prince Albert (Saskatchewan) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Robin Williams, MD CPS President, ACMOH, Ontario, Ministry of Health, Government of Ontario, St. Davids, Ont. Présidente de la SCP, médecin hygiéniste en chef intérimaire de l’Ontario, ministère de la Santé, gouvernement de l’Ontario, St. Davids (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Ellen Wood, MD Professor of Paediatrics, Dalhousie University, Paediatric Neurologist, IWK Health Centre, Halifax, N.S. Professeure de pédiatrie, université Dalhousie; neurologue pédiatre, IWK Health Centre, Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Mitchell Zelman, MD Paediatrician, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlottetown, P.E.I. Pédiatre, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlottetown (Île-du-Prince-Édouard) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun Amy Ornstein, MDCM Medical Director, IWK Child Protection Team, Head, Division of General Paediatrics, Associate Professor of Paediatrics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. Directrice médicale de l’équipe de la protection de la jeunesse de l’IWK Health Centre; chef, division de pédiatrie générale, professeure agrégée de pédiatrie, université Dalhousie, Halifax (Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Conflits d’intérêts potentiels : Aucun CONFERENCE GUIDE 3 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. Download your CPS conference app Télechargez l’application du congrès de la SCP See what’s happening! Soyez au courant de ce qui se passe! You can view the Vous pouvez jeter un coup d’œil sur : • • le programme du congrès, •Abstracts • les communications scientifiques, • Exhibitor/sponsor information • l’information sur les exposants et les commanditaires, • Speaker bios • les biographies des conférenciers, • Social events • les activités sociales. Conference program And you can access your personal itinerary downloaded from your registration form! Vous pouvez également accéder à votre horaire personnalisé, téléchargé à partir de votre formulaire d’inscription! Select your format Sélectionnez votre support • For iPhone (plus, iPod Touch and iPad) and Android phones: Visit the App Store or Android Market on your phone and search for CPS. • Téléphones iPhone (plus, iPod Touch et iPad) et Android : Visitez votre magasin d’applications ou votre marché Android à l’aide de votre téléphone et cherchez CPS. • For all other phone types (including Blackberry and all other web browser-enabled devices): Go to You’ll be directed to the proper version to download. Bookmark this page for future reference. • Tous les autres types de téléphone (y compris le Blackberry et tous les autres appareils dont le navigateur est activé par un disportif Web) : Rendez-vous à la page cps-scp2016/. Vous serez orienté vers la version à télécharger. Mettez cette page en signet pour pouvoir vous y reporter. A representative from our developer, EventMobi, is on site Wednesday, June 22, to help and answer questions. CONFERENCE GUIDE Un représentant de notre développeur, EventMobi, est sur place le mercredi 22 juin pour vous aider et répondre à vos questions. 4 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. Program At-a-Glance / Coup d’œil sur le programme Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin 0630-1700 Registration open / Inscription 0630-1700 Registration open / Inscription 0730-1600 Section programming / Programmes des sections 0700-0830 1000-1030 Health break / Pause-santé 1130-1230 Lunch/ Dîner 1200-1330 Special event / Activité spéciale CPS Leadership Forum and breakfast with the Board of Directors (all delegates welcome) / Forum sur le leadership de la SCP et déjeuner avec le conseil d’administration (ouvert à tous les congressistes) 1345-1445 Seminars / Séminaires 0830-1030 1345-1600 Section programming (continued from morning sessions) / Programme des sections (suite des séances du matin) CPS Annual General Meeting (all delegates welcome) / Assemblée générale annuelle de la SCP (ouvert à tous les congressistes) 1030-1045 Refreshment break / Pause-rafraîchissement 1500-1600 Seminars / Séminaires 1045-1145 Seminars / Séminaires 1600-1630 Refreshment break / Pause-rafraîchissement 1045-1145 1630-1830 Opening ceremonies / Cérémonies d’ouverture Platform abstract presentations B / Présentations de communications plateformes B 1830-2000 Welcome reception / Réception de bienvenue 1045-1145 Workshops / Ateliers 1900-2100 2016 Distinguished Community Paediatrician Award dinner / Banquet du prix d’excellence 2016 en pédiatrie (off site / hors site) 1130-1230 Lunch / Dîner 1200-1330 Residents Advocacy Luncheon (all registered residents welcome) / Dîner des résidents pour la défense d’intérêts des enfants (tous les résidents inscrits sont les bienvenus) 1215-1315 Lunch 'n Learn / Dîner-conférence Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 1345-1445 Seminars / Séminaires 0630-1700 Registration open / Inscription 1345-1445 Workshops / Ateliers 0730-1500 Trade Show and poster sessions (breakfast from 0730-0900) / Salon des exposants et séance d’affiches (déjeuner de 7 h 30 à 9 h) 1345-1445 Paediatric Pursuit / Quelques arpents de pièges en pédiatrie 0830-0930 CPS Child and Youth Health Lecture Series / Série de conférences de la SCP sur la santé des enfants et des adolescents 1445-1515 Health break / Pause-santé 1515-1615 The CPS President’s Lecture / Conférence de la présidente de la SCP 0930-1000 Health break (with Trade Show and poster session 1) / Pause-santé (conjointement avec le salon des exposants et la séance d’affiches 1) 1630-1730 Workshop / Atelier 1800-2000 1000-1100 Seminars / Séminaires Practice what you preach Walk/ Run and Reception / Marche ou course Faites ce que vous prêchez et réception 1000-1100 Platform abstract presentations A / Présentations de communications plateformes A 1930-2130 1100-1300 Lunch (with Trade Show) / Dîner (conjointement avec le salon des exposants) Global Child and Youth Health Section – “World Class” dinner / Section de la santé des enfants et des adolescents dans le monde – souper de classe mondiale (off site / hors site) 1300-1430 Workshop / Atelier Saturday, June 25 / Le samedi 25 juin 1300-1545 Section programming / Programmes des sections 0730-1000 Registration open / Inscription 1430-1500 Health break (with Trade Show and poster session 2) / Pause-santé (conjointement avec le salon des exposants et la séance d’affiches 2) 0830-1000 Headline News / En primeur 1000-1015 Refreshment break / Pause-rafraîchissement 1015-1215 Paediatric Update and Closing / Mise à jour en pédiatrie et clôture 1900-2100 2016 Emerging Leader in Neonatology Award dinner / Banquet du prix du leader émergent 2016 en néonatologie (off site / hors site) 1500-1545 Section programming (continued) / Programme des sections (suite) 1545-1600 Refreshment break / Pause-rafraîchissement 1600-1730 Goldbloom Journal Club / Club de lecture Goldbloom 1830-2300 Social Fun Night / Soirée de plasir CONFERENCE GUIDE 5 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. Floor Plans / Plans des étages CPS Conference Office / Bureau de la SCP au congrès (Robert Dickie) CPS Resource Centre / Centre des ressources de la SCP (Confederation Ballroom Foyer) Registration area / Zone d’inscription (Confederation Ballroom Foyer) Media Room / Salle de presse (Office #1) Speaker Ready Room / Salle de préparation des conférenciers (Alexander Galt) CONFEDERATION BALLROOM FOYER CONFERENCE GUIDE 6 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PROGRAM INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE PROGRAMME 2016 CPS Award recipients/ Lauréats des prix 2016 de la SCP Recognizing excellence in paediatrics / Hommage à l’excellence en pédiatrie Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 1505-1515 0830-0930 Paediatric Emergency Medicine Section Program / Programme de la section de la médecine d’urgence pédiatrique Anna Jarvis Paediatric Emergency Medicine Teaching Award / Prix d’enseignement Anna Jarvis en médecine d’urgence pédiatrique The CPS Child and Youth Health Lecture Series / Série de conférences sur la santé des enfants et des adolescents Victor Marchessault Advocacy Award / Prix Victor Marchessault de défense des enfants Claude Cyr, MD Sherbrooke (Québec) Vincent Grant, MD Calgary (Alberta) Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin 1630-1830 Opening Ceremonies / Cérémonies d'ouverture Alan Ross Award / Prix Alan Ross Brent Scott, MD Calgary (Alberta) Danielle Grenier Member Recognition Award / Prix Danielle Grenier en hommage à un membre Mark Awuku, MD Windsor (Ontario) Honorary Membership / Membre honoraire Honourable Margaret McCain Toronto (Ontario) Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 1600-1730 Goldbloom Journal Club / Club de lecture Goldbloom Career Research Award / Prix de carrière en recherche Grant A. Mitchell, MD Montréal (Québec) Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin 1515-1615 The CPS President’s Lecture / Conférence de la Présidente de la SCP Michel Weber Education Award / Prix de l’enseignement Michel Weber Mona Jabbour, MD Ottawa (Ontario) Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin 1900-2100 Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin 2016 Distinguished Community Paediatric Award dinner / Banquet du prix d’excellence 2016 en pédiatrie communautaire Distinguished Community Paediatrician Award / Prix d’excellence en pédiatrie communautaire 0830-1030 Rosemary Moodie, MD Toronto (Ontario) Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin 1900-2100 2016 Emerging Leader in Neonatology Award dinner / Banquet du prix du leader émergent 2016 en néonatologie Emerging Leader in Neonatology Award / Le prix d’un leader émergent en néonatologie Paige Terrien Church, MD Toronto (Ontario) CPS Annual General Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle de la SCP Noni MacDonald Award / Prix Noni MacDonald Evelyne D. Trottier, MD Montréal (Québec) CPS Life Membership Awards / Membres à vie de la SCP Ann Jefferies, MD Toronto (Ontario) For full award winner details visit Heather Onyett, MD Kingston (Ontario) Pour tout savoir sur les lauréats, visitez la page CONFERENCE GUIDE 7 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PROGRAM INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE PROGRAMME General Sessions / Séances générales Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin Saturday, June 25 / Le samedi 25 juin 1630-1830 0700-0830 1015-1215 Opening Ceremonies / Cérémonies d'ouverture CPS Leadership Forum and breakfast with the Board of Directors / Forum sur le leadership et déjeuner avec le conseil d’administration Paediatric Update and Closing / Mise à jour en pédiatrie et clôture The Reason You Walk Keynote speaker / Conférencier prinicipal Isabelle Chevalier, MD One common language to awaken leadership in the health system Wab Kinew John Van Aerde, MD Jean Clinton, MD Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 0830-0930 Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin The CPS Child and Youth Health Lecture Series / Série de conférences sur la santé des enfants et des adolescents 1515-1615 Allergy testing: The dark side of ‘new age’ health care Gregory Rex, MD Natasha Johnson, MD The CPS President’s Lecture / Conférence de la présidente de la SCP Now is the time! Eradicating child poverty in Canada Joanne Langley, MD Janet Austin John Leblanc, MD Julia Orkin, MD Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 1600-1730 Michael Rieder, MD Goldbloom Journal Club / Club de lecture Goldbloom Saturday, June 25 / Le samedi 25 juin Isabelle Chevalier, MD 0830-1000 Headline News / En primeur Physician-assisted dying: Should kids ever be considered? Paul Thiessen, MD Dawn Davies, MD Julie Emberley, MD Mary Shariff, PhD CONFERENCE GUIDE 8 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PROGRAM INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE PROGRAMME Accreditation Agrément Maintenance of Certification (MOC) This event has been approved by the Canadian Paediatric Society for a maximum of 20.5 credit hours as an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Maintien du certificat (MDC) Le présent événement est une activité de formation collective agréée (section 1) au sens que lui donne le programme de Maintien du certificat du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada, approuvée par la Société canadienne de pédiatrie pour un maximum de 20,5 heures-crédits. AMA PRA Category 1 Through an agreement between the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert Royal College MOC credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on this process can be found at Crédits de catégorie 1 de l’AMA PRA En vertu d’une entente conclue entre le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada et l’American Medical Association, les médecins peuvent convertir leurs crédits de MDC du Collège royal en crédits de catégorie 1 de l’AMA PRA. L’information sur ce processus figure, en anglais, dans le site European Continuing Medical Education Credits Live educational activities, occurring in Canada, and recognized by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada as Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1), are deemed by the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS) to be eligible for ECMEC®. Crédits européens de formation médicale continue Les activités éducatives tenues au Canada et reconnues par le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada comme des activités d’apprentissage collectif agréées (section 1) sont réputées admissibles à des crédits européens de formation médicale continue par l’Union européenne des médecins spécialistes. CPS member benefit As a CPS member, you can transfer earned CME credits to the “Mainport” subsite on the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada website. All you need to do is provide your RCPSC ID number and your CPS membership number when you register for the Annual Conference online. It’s that easy! Avantage pour les membres de la SCP En qualité de membre de la SCP, vous pouvez transférer vos crédits de FMC accumulés dans le site Web secondaire « Mainport » du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada. Il vous suffit de fournir votre numéro de membre du CRMCC et votre numéro de membre de la SCP au moment de votre inscription virtuelle. Ce n’est pas plus compliqué que ça! Mainpro-M1 Credits This program has been accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Prince Edward Island Chapter for up to 19.5 Mainpro-M1 credits. Crédits Mainpro-M1 Ce programme est agrée par le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada et la section de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard pour un maximum de 19,5 crédits Mainpro-M1. American Academy of Family Physicians Members of the American Academy of Family Physicians are eligible to receive up to 19.5 Prescribed credit hours for attendance at this meeting/event due to a reciprocal agreement with the College of Family Physicians of Canada. American Academy of Family Physicians En vertu d’une entente de réciprocité avec Le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada, les membres de l’American Academy of Family Physicians peuvent accumuler jusqu’à 19,5 heures-crédits prescrites en participant à ce congrès ou cet événement. CanMEDS Roles Rôles CanMEDS CanMEDS is an initiative to improve patient care by defining the key competencies needed for medical education and practice. CanMEDS refers to seven core roles: Medical expert (the central role), Communicator, Collaborator, Leader, Health advocate, Scholar and Professional. Each session identifies which roles are addressed. Le cadre CanMEDS est une initiative visant à améliorer les soins aux patients. Son objectif est d’exposer une définition complète des compétences requises pour l’enseignement et la pratique de la médecine. CanMEDS est organisé en fonction de sept rôles : expert médical (rôle central), communicateur, collaborateur, leader, promoteur de la santé, érudit et professionnel. Le rôle abordé par chaque séance est indiqué en regard de chacune d’elles. Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur Collaborator Collaborateur Leader Leader Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel Certificate of Attendance Certificat de présence A Certificate of Attendance is available for all delegates attending the conference. An email will be sent to you following the conference. Tous les congressistes qui assistent au congrès pourront obtenir un certificat de présence. Vous recevrez un courriel à cet effet après le congrès. CONFERENCE GUIDE 9 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PROGRAM INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LE PROGRAMME Topic codes Codes de sujet Topic codes are assigned to plenary sessions, workshops, seminars, and platform abstracts. Some sessions have more than one. Des codes de sujet sont attribués aux séances plénières, ateliers, séminaires et présentations de communications plateformes. Certaines séances peuvent comporter plus d’un code de sujet. Adolescent health Advocacy Allergy and immunology Bioethics Child abuse and neglect Complementary and alternative medicine Complex care Critical care Dermatology Developmental paediatrics Emergency medicine Endocrinology and metabolism Environmental health Gastroenterology General paediatrics Healthy active living Hematology and oncology Hospital paediatrics Infectious diseases International health Medical education Mental health Neonatology-Perinatology Neurology Nutrition Oral health Otolaryngology Patient safety Pharmacology and therapeutics Physician wellness Prevention and anticipatory guidance Radiology Resident/trainee Respirology Social paediatrics Sport Technology Toxicology ADOL ADV ALL BIO ABUSE ALT COMPLEX ICU DERM DEV EME ENDO ENV GASTRO GENERAL HAL HEMA HOSP INF INTNL EDUC MENTAL NEO NEURO NUT ORAL OTO SAFETY PHARMACO WELLNESS PREVENT RAD RESIDENT RESP SOCIAL SPORT TECH TOXIC Santé de l’adolescent Défense d’intérêts Allergies et immunologie Bioéthique Violence et négligence faites aux enfants Médecine complémentaire et parallèle Soins complexes Soins intensifs Dermatologie Pédiatrie du développement Médecine d’urgence Endocrinologie et métabolisme Santé de l’environnement Gastroentérologie Pédiatrie générale Vie saine et active Hématologie et oncologie Pédiatrie hospitalière Infectiologie Santé des enfants dans le monde Formation en médecine Santé mentale Néonatologie et périnatologie Neurologie Nutrition Santé buccodentaire Otorhinolaryngologie Sécurité des patients Pharmacologie et thérapeutique Bien-être des médecins Prévention et conseils préventifs Radiologie Résident et stagiaire Pneumologie Pédiatrie sociale Sport Technologie Toxicologie Attention Family Physicians Avis aux médecins de famille The CPS Annual Conference is an opportunity to engage and learn the latest in paediatric education. Sessions of special interest to family physicians are . identified by Le congrès annuel de la SCP est l’occasion pour les médecins de famille de s’investir en pédiatrie et d’acquérir les connaissances les plus à jour dans le domaine. Les séances susceptibles d’intéresser les médecins de . famille sont suivies du pictogramme CONFERENCE GUIDE 10 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. SPECIAL EVENT / ACTIVITÉ SPÉCIALE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 / LE MERCREDI 22 JUIN 1200-1330 MACDONALD/COLES “The child may not remember, but the body remembers” « L’enfant oublie peut-être, mais pas son corps. » Exclusive screening of the Sundance documentary about toxic stress and childhood experiences. Projection exclusive du documentaire de Sundance sur le stress toxique et les expériences des enfants. Open to all registered delegates. / Ouvert à tous les congressistes inscrits. CPS Resource Centre / Centre des ressources de la SCP Regardless of your practice profile you’ll find solutions at the CPS resource centre. Staff are on hand to answer questions. Quel que soit votre profil de pratique, vous trouverez des solutions au centre des ressources de la SCP. Du personnel sera sur place pour répondre à vos questions. CONFERENCE OFFER ONLY 50% off membership fees for new members! OFFRE APPLICABLE AU CONGRÈS SEULEMENT : 50 % de rabais sur l’adhésion pour les nouveaux membres! Do you need to recharge your smartphone or tablet? Drop by the CPS resource centre to use the mobile charging kiosk. Vous avez besoin de charger votre téléphone intelligent ou votre tablette? Passez à la station de recharge mobile, au centre des ressources de la SCP. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin (Maximum study credits: 5.75 hours / crédits d’études maximaux : 5,75 heures) 1345-1445 Workshops with case discussions: REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION 0630-1700 Confederation Ballroom Foyer CPS RESOURCE CENTRE / CENTRE DES RESSOURCES DE LA SCP Brown (Mezzanine Level) Workshop A: The role of community paediatricians in caring for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder – Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, MD Chandler (Mezzanine Level) Workshop B: What in the world is a non-epileptic event? Differential diagnosis and management – Ellen Wood, MD 0800-1700 Confederation Ballroom Foyer BUSINESS MEETING / SÉANCE DE TRAVAIL 0800-0900 McDougall (Mezzanine Level) CPS Child and Youth Maltreatment Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la prévention de la maltraitance d’enfants et d’adolescents de la SCP CPS SECTION PROGRAMMING / PROGRAMME DES SECTIONS DE LA SCP 0730-1600 ICU DEV Langevin Workshop C: Diagnosis and management of DCD – Elizabeth Mickelson, MD, Jill Zwicker, PhD 1500-1600 Workshops repeated Hosted by the CPS Developmental Paediatrics Section Organisé par la section de la pédiatrie du développement de la SCP 0730-1500 HOSP INF SP1 What’s new in developmental paediatrics? Sir John A Chair / Présidente : Clare Mitchell, MD Prominent clinician-researchers present new concepts in the field of developmental paediatrics, focusing on autism spectrum disorder, epileptic and non-epileptic events, and the diagnosis and treatment of developmental coordination disorder. Case-based discussions and practical tools are used to develop clinical frameworks. The everpopular “Hot topics in developmental paediatrics”, with Dr. Nancy Lanphear, is a highlight. Workshops are offered in the afternoon. 0730-0735 Welcome and introductions (Refreshments compliments of CPS Developmental Paediatrics Section) 0735-0825 Autism in the DSM-5 era: Lessons learned and thoughts for the future – Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, MD 0825-0915 When is a ‘seizure’ not a seizure or something else? – Ellen Wood, MD 0915-1005 Developmental coordination disorder (DCD): State of the evidence – Jill Zwicker, PhD SP2 “Wiser choices for inpatient paediatric infectious diseases” and “What’s new in hospital paediatrics for 2016?” Archibald/Campbell Chair / Président : Niraj Mistry, MD The morning program focuses on effective and efficient diagnostic and therapeutic decisions for hospitalized children with infectious diseases. Topics include: (1) community-acquired pneumonia (CAP); (2) diagnostic testing for respiratory infections; (3) oral vs. prolonged parenteral therapies for osteomyelitis, infantile UTI and complicated pneumonia; and (4) empiric acyclovir for suspected CNS infections. The afternoon session summarizes innovations and new research that impact care of the hospitalized child. 0730-0800 Continental breakfast/networking (Compliments of CPS Hospital Paediatrics Section) 0800-0810 Welcome and introductions 0810-0850 CAP – Joan Robinson, MD 0850-0930 Diagnostic testing – Tim Mailman, MD 0930-1010 Parenteral vs. oral antibiotics – Valérie Lamarre, MD 1450-1500 Evaluations and closing remarks Hosted by the CPS Hospital Paediatrics Section Organisé par la section de la pédiatrie hospitalière de la SCP 0730-1600 NEO GENERAL SP3 Controversies and innovations in neonatal surgery Tilley Chair / Président : Kevin Coughlin, MD Original science abstract presentations are followed in the morning by presentations on the pathophysiology and management of common but controversial neonatal surgical conditions (e.g., intraventricular hemorrhage [IVH]/post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus [PHHC] and necrotizing enterocolitis [NEC]), with focus on newer diagnostic tools and evidence-based management. Afternoon presentations feature new developments in anesthesia and pain control for the neonate, and the role of extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in the NICU in the year 2016. 0730-0750 Continental breakfast/networking (Compliments of CPS NeonatalPerinatal Medicine Section) 0750-0755 Welcome and introductions 0755-0955 Original science abstract presentations. See page 32 for list of abstracts being presented. 0955-1010 Health break (Confederation Ballroom Foyer) 1010-1050 Surgical interventions in management of IVH/PHHC – Sandrine de Ribaupierre, MD 1050-1130 Surgical management of NEC: Evidence-based practice and novel approaches? – Agostino Pierro, MD 1130-1330 Lunch (on your own) 1345-1425 Neonatal anesthesia impacts on neurodevelopment – Mary Ellen McCann, MD 1425-1505 ECMO: Is there still a role for it in the NICU in 2016? – Allan de Caen, MD 1030-1115 Acyclovir – Jeremy Friedman, MD 1505-1555 Updates from the CPS Fetus and Newborn Committee – Presenting new and emerging guidelines from committee – Thierry Lacaze, MD 1030-1125 Hot topics in developmental paediatrics – Nancy Lanphear, MD 1115-1130 Wrap-up 1555-1600 Evaluations and closing remarks 1130-1330Lunch (on your own) 1125-1130 Evaluations and closing remarks 1345-1350 Introductions Hosted by the CPS Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Section 1130-1330 Lunch (on your own) 1350-1450 What’s new in hospital paediatrics for 2016? – Isabelle Chevalier, MD, Joanna Holland, MD 1005-1030 Health break (Confederation Ballroom Foyer) Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur 1010-1030 Health break (Confederation Ballroom Foyer) Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 12 Organisé par la section de la médecine néonatale et périnatale de la SCP Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin (continued / suite) 0730-1515 EME PREVENT LUNCH / DÎNER SP4 Hot topics in paediatric emergency medicine Our lunch options have changed for 2016. provided by the lab. This seminar aims to clarify some typical challenges to interpreting common endocrine tests. Henry/Johnson Les possibilités de repas ont changé pour 2016. Faculty / Conférencières : Elizabeth Cummings, MD, Teresa Pinto, MD Chair / Présidente : Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff, MD 1130-1230 1345-1445 MENTAL GENERAL The goal of this program is to provide paediatricians and child health professionals with a comprehensive review of key paediatric emergency topics relevant to various settings. Topics include telephone referrals, fever in the young child, emergencies on or near the beach, interesting radiology cases, a review of sedation and pain management principles, an update on recent paediatric resuscitation guidelines, and a review of how to manage paediatric psychosis and the agitated patient. Lunch with the Trade Show (Thursday) is included in your conference registration. On Wednesday and Friday, you can purchase food at kiosks, which will be set up from 1130 to 1230 pm in the PEI Convention Centre. 0730-0745 Refreshment break/networking (Compliments of CPS Paediatric Emergency Medicine Section) 0745-0750 Welcome and introductions 0750-0830 How to investigate and deal with a psychotic patient – Shannon MacPhee, MD 0830-0910 Hot kids: What do we do with febrile infants and toddlers in the postpneumococcal conjugate vaccination era? – Kevin Chan, MD 0910-0950 Answering the call: Teaching safe practice with PEM telephone referrals – Dominic Allain, MD, Heather Rose, MD 0950-1005 Health break (Confederation Ballroom Foyer) 1005-1040 Interesting radiology cases – Aaron Sibley, MD 1040-1120 Close encounters of the beach kind – Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff, MD 1130-1330 Lunch (on your own) 1345-1425 Treating the ouch! What’s new in pain and sedation – Laura Weingarten, MD 1425-1505 2015 Resuscitation Guidelines – What’s changed for the paediatric emergency medicine physician? – Farhan Bhanji, MD 1505-1515 Presentation of the Anna Jarvis Paediatric Emergency Medicine Teaching Award Hosted by the CPS Paediatric Emergency Medicine Section Organisé par la section de la médecine d’urgence en pédiatrie de la SCP Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur Le dîner qui a lieu au salon des exposants (le jeudi) est inclus dans votre inscription au congrès. Le mercredi et le vendredi, vous pourrez acheter des aliments aux stands qui seront installés de 11 h 30 à 12 h 30 au Palais des congrès de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. SPECIAL EVENT / ACTIVITÉ SPÉCIALE Resilience – The biology of stress & the science of hope 1200-1330 MacDonald/Coles Join us for a special screening of this new documentary by KPJR Films that follows trailblazers in paediatrics, education, and social welfare who are helping to protect children from the insidious effects of toxic stress. Open to all registered delegates. Assistez à la projection de ce nouveau documentaire anglais de KPJR Films sur des pionniers dans les domaines de la pédiatrie, de l’éducation et du travail social qui contribuent à protéger les enfants des effets insidieux du stress toxique. Ouvert à tous les congressistes inscrits. 1B Depression and anxiety disorders: Focus on diagnosis Tupper Chair / Présidente : Natasha Johnson, MD This seminar reviews diagnostic changes in the DSM-5 pertaining to depression and anxiety disorders, with focus on their relevance for paediatricians and child and youth care professionals. Case-based presentations are the starting point for interactive discussions around formulation, diagnostic considerations and key differential diagnoses. Faculty / Conférencières : Daphne Korczak, MD, Suneeta Monga, MD 1345-1445 NEURO COMPLEX 1C ‘Tip-toe through the tulips’: Identifying early signs of neurological and neuromuscular disease in the toe-walking child Cartier Chair / Président : Barry Adams, MD This seminar reviews important clinical signs and symptoms that differentiate behavioural toewalking, idiopathic toe-walking, and toe-walking associated with an underlying neurological or neuromuscular disorder. Indications for laboratory tests, imaging and subspecialty referrals to optimize patient care and management are also reviewed. Faculty / Conférenciers : Anna McCormick, MD, Hugh McMillan, MD SEMINARS / SÉMINAIRES CPS SECTION PROGRAMMING / PROGRAMME DES SECTIONS DE LA SCP 1345-1445 ENDO GENERAL 1345-1600 (continued from morning sessions) (suite des séances du matin) 1A Alphabet soup: Making sense of common endocrine tests in paediatrics SP1 What’s new in developmental paediatrics? (Sir John A) Steeves/McGee (Mezzanine Level) SP2 “Wiser choices for inpatient paediatric infectious diseases” and “What’s new in hospital paediatrics for 2016?” (Archibald/ Campbell) Chair / Président : Ayaz Ramji, MD General paediatricians are often the first to see children with possible endocrine disorders, such as thyroid disease, poor growth or delayed puberty. They may choose to draw various hormone levels as part of the work-up, but interpretation may not be as clear-cut as comparison with normal ranges Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 13 SP3 Controversies and innovations in neonatal surgery (Tilley) SP4 Hot topics in paediatric emergency medicine (Henry/Johnson) Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin (continued / suite) BUSINESS MEETINGS / SÉANCES DE TRAVAIL 1500-1600 HAL SPORT 1F The role of exercise as medicine in a clinical setting 1500-1600 McCully (Mezzanine Level) CPS Hospital Paediatrics Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la pédiatrie hospitalière de la SCP Steeves/McGee 1515-1615 Henry/Johnson (Mezzanine Level) Regular exercise is an essential component of healthy growth and development. This seminar focuses on the role of exercise as medicine, with special attention to exercise testing and physical activity counselling. We’ll discuss research supporting the role of exercise as medicine and describe practical approaches from a unique exercise medicine clinic treating children with chronic medical conditions. CPS Paediatric Emergency Medicine Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la médecine d’urgence en pédiatrie de la SCP SEMINARS / SÉMINAIRES 1500-1600 ADV ADOL 1D The use and misuse of tobacco among Indigenous children and youth in Canada Faculty / Conférenciers : Burke Baird, MD, Brian Timmons, PhD REFRESHMENT BREAK / PAUSE-RAFRAÎCHISSEMENT Cartier Chair / Présidente : Rania Gosselin-Papadopoulos, MD Tobacco is sacred in many Indigenous cultures, yet the recreational use of commercial tobacco is highly addictive and harmful. Smoking rates among Indigenous youth and families have reached alarming levels in Canada, putting health, quality of life and life expectancy—for individuals and communities—in danger. Paediatric health care providers must be more aware of this crisis and make optimal use of their unique position to collaborate with communities in preventing and treating tobacco misuse. Faculty / Conférencière : Radha Jetty, MD 1500-1600 GASTRO NUT 1E What’s up with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity? Sir John A Chair / Présidente : Amy Ornstein, MD Confused about which test to order for celiac? Can you diagnose celiac disease without biopsy? What is gluten sensitivity and why are the FODMAP and gluten-free diets so popular? This seminar addresses the latest evidence on the diagnosis and management of celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and intolerance to easily fermentable carbohydrates. Participants are ‘offered’ different foods or food labels to help identify whether gluten is present. Faculty / Conférenciers : Herbert Brill, MD, Diana Mager, PhD Medical Expert Expert médical Chair / Président : David Smith, MD Communicator Communicateur 1600-1630 Concourse, Confederation Centre of the Arts 1630-1830 ADV GENERAL OPENING CEREMONIES / CÉRÉMONIES D’OUVERTURE Homburg Theatre, Confederation Centre of the Arts Master of ceremonies / Maître de cérémonie : Denis Leduc, MD The CPS President’s Welcoming remarks / Remarques de bienvenue de la présidente de la SCP : Robin Williams, MD Keynote speaker / Conférencier principal : Wab Kinew The Reason You Walk Wab Kinew is an awesome talent, named by Postmedia News as one of nine Aboriginal “movers and shakers you should know.” He is the associate vice-president for Indigenous relations at the University of Winnipeg and a correspondent with Al Jazeera America. Raised on the Onigaming First Nation in northwestern Ontario and in south Winnipeg, he is a son of Tobasonakwut Kinew, also known as Peter Kelly, a widely known Anishinaabe scholar and advocate for civil and language rights. The elder Kinew was also a residential school survivor, taken from his home as a five-year old. Kinew’s recent memoir, The Reason You Walk, is a deeply personal story of a son’s reconciliation with his father, and a father’s reconciliation with his country. Invoking hope, healing and forgiveness, this is a poignant story of a towering but damaged person and his son, sharing a journey to repair family and cultural bonds. By turns lighthearted and serious, Kinew gives us an inspiring vision Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 14 for family and cross-cultural reconciliation, and opens a wider conversation about the future of Indigenous peoples. The winner of the Alan Ross Award, Dr. Brent Scott, will be recognized. Hommage au docteur Brent Scott, lauréat du prix Alan Ross. Award sponsored by an unrestricted grant from Abbott Nutrition Prix commandité par une bourse sans restrictions d’Abbott Nutrition WELCOME RECEPTION / RÉCEPTION DE BIENVENUE 1830-2000 Harbourview Terrace Before heading out for the evening, join friends and colleagues for a drink and hors d’oeuvres on the Harbourview Terrace of the PEI Convention Centre. This informal gathering celebrates the start of the 93rd CPS annual conference. Avant de sortir pour la soirée, prenez un verre et savourez quelques hors-d’œuvre avec vos amis et vos collègues sur la terrasse Harbourview du Palais des congrès de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Cette rencontre amicale souligne le lancement du 93e congrès annuel de la SCP. 2016 Distinguished Community Paediatrician Award dinner / Banquet du prix d’excellence 2016 en pédiatrie communautaire 1900-2100 Dunes-Beach, The Holman Grand Hotel Tickets must be purchased in advance: $80/person. Les billets doivent être achetés d’avance : 80 $ par personne. 2016 Emerging Leader in Neonatology Award dinner / Banquet du prix du leader émergent 2016 en néonatologie 1900-2100 Memorial Hall, Confederation Centre of the Arts Tickets must be purchased in advance: $75/person. Les billets doivent être achetés d’avance : 75 $ par personne. Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. The CPS tries to reduce its environmental ‘footprint’ with each annual conference. This year, we won’t distribute session materials, handouts or note paper. Be sure to have your laptop or notebook with you and use our mobile conference app to view presentations. À chaque nouveau congrès, la SCP tente de réduire son empreinte environnementale davantage. Cette année, nous ne distribuerons pas de documentation relative aux séances ni de feuilles de notes. Assurezvous d’avoir votre ordinateur, votre tablette ou votre bloc-notes avec vous et d’utiliser l’application mobile du congrès pour voir les présentations. Here are a few other “green initiatives”: D’autres initiatives vertes seront également adoptées : The Delta Prince Edward and The Great George are providing guests with the option – and incentives! – to forgo housekeeping service. Les hôtels Delta Prince Edward et The Great George offrent à leurs clients la possibilité de décliner les services d’entretien ménagers et assortissent cette offre de récompenses! All conference badges and lanyards are biodegradable. Les cocardes et leur cordon sont biodégradables. All health break-related dishes, cutlery and linens are reusable. No more single-serving containers for food and condiments. No more plastic water bottles. Instead, we have water stations. We’ve partnered with Delta Prince Edward and Upper Room Hospitality Ministry, PEI’s central food bank and soup kitchen, to help serve families in need. Canadian Paediatric Society La vaisselle, les ustensiles, les nappes et les serviettes utilisées aux pauses-santé sont réutilisables. Il n’y aura plus de contenants à usage unique pour les aliments et les condiments. Il n’y aura plus de bouteilles de plastique. Nous offrirons plutôt des postes d’eau. Nous nous sommes associés à l’hôtel Delta Prince Edward et au Upper Room Hospitality Ministry, la principale banque alimentaire et soupe populaire de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, pour aider les familles dans le besoin. Société canadienne de pédiatrie CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin (Maximum study credits: 6.25 hours / crédits d’études maximaux : 6,25 heures) REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION 0630-1700 Confederation Ballroom Foyer CPS RESOURCE CENTRE / CENTRE DES RESSOURCES DE LA SCP 0800-1700 Confederation Ballroom Foyer BUSINESS MEETINGS / SÉANCES DE TRAVAIL 0800-0930 Campbell CPS Community Paediatrics Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la pédiatrie communautaire de la SCP 0800-1000 Chandler (Mezzanine Level) CPS Neonatal-Perinatal Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la médecine néonatale et périnatale de la SCP 0800-1000 McCully (Mezzanine Level) CPS Paediatric Oral Health Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la santé buccodentaire en pédiatrie de la SCP 1000-1100 John Hamilton (Mezzanine Level) CPS Mental Health Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la santé mentale de la SCP TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES (breakfast from 0730-0830 / déjeuner de 7 h 30 à 8 h 30) 0730-1500 EDUC Coles/Gray/Palmer/Pope Tour the booths and play the ‘Trade Show game’ for great prize opportunities, including one grand prize: an Apple watch! To win, submit your answers on the conference app and be at the Trade Show in person during the afternoon health break (1430-1500). You can check your score at any time on the conference app or game board in the exhibit hall. Science and research posters, clinical cases and resident advocacy posters are on view all day. Poster viewing is worth 0.5 credits per poster under RCPSC Section 2. Visitez les exposants et jouez au « jeu du salon des exposants » pour courir la chance de remporter de magnifiques prix, y compris le premier prix, une montre Apple! Pour être admissible, soumettez vos réponses au moyen de l’application du congrès et soyez au salon pendant la pause-santé de l’après-midi, de 14 h 30 à 15 h. Vous pouvez vérifier votre pointage en tout temps sur l’application du congrès ou le plateau de jeu du salon des exposants! Les affiches de recherche, de cas cliniques et de défense d’intérêts des résidents seront exposées toute la journée. Conformément à la section 2 du programme de maintien du certificat du CRMCC, ce visionnement donne 0,5 crédit par affiche. De 12 h 15 à 12 h 45, participez à une visite guidée d’affiches virtuelles. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous à la page 30 ou cliquez sur l’onglet « Programme » de votre application. Communicator Communicateur 0930-1000 Coles/Gray/Palmer/Pope Poster 1 presenters attend in this time-slot to discuss their work with you. Poster viewing is worth 0.5 credits per poster under RCPSC Section 2. Les présentateurs des affiches 1 sont là pour discuter de leurs travaux avec vous. Conformément à la section 2 du programme de maintien du certificat du CRMCC, ce visionnement donne 0,5 crédit par affiche. SEMINARS / SÉMINAIRES 1000-1100 INF GENERAL 2A Common phone or curbside consults with the ID doc Chandler (Mezzanine Level) Chair / Présidente : Rania Gosselin-Papadopoulos, MD 0830-0930 ALL GENERAL THE CPS CHILD AND YOUTH HEALTH LECTURE SERIES / SÉRIE DE CONFÉRENCES SUR LA SANTÉ DES ENFANTS ET DES ADOLESCENTS DE LA SCP Sir John A/MacDonald Chair / Présidente : Dawn Hartfield, MD Allergy testing: The dark side of ‘new age’ health care This seminar focuses on common issues for the infectious diseases physician, such as: dealing with lice, finding negative hepatitis B titres in an adolescent headed off to university, what to do about a baby exposed to chickenpox in a sibling or to zoster in a breastfeeding mother, whether to try eradicate MRSA in a family with boils, and how to prophylax for neonatal ophthalmia. Answers to these questions are based on current science and guidelines. Learn about tests commonly used in clinical allergy and review the limitations and abuses of conventional allergy tests. Some familiar ‘quack’ allergy diagnostic procedures and treatments are revisited, and we also consider how best to develop a framework for effective discussion with patients and families. 2B Optimizing care for neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) Faculty / Conférencier : Gregory Rex, MD Archibald The winner of the Victor Marchessault Advocacy Award, Dr. Claude Cyr, will be recognized. Chair / Président : Doug McMillan, MD Hommage au docteur Claude Cyr, lauréat du prix Victor Marchessault de défense des enfants. Funded by an endowment established by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Foundation. Financé par un fonds de dotation créé par la Fondation du Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l’est de l’Ontario. Join an e-poster tour from 1215-1245. For details, see page 30 or the “Program” section on your app. Medical Expert Expert médical HEALTH BREAK / PAUSE-SANTÉ Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 16 Faculty / Conférencières : Joan Robinson, MD, Marina Salvadori, MD 1000-1100 NEO GENERAL The dramatic increase in the incidence of NAS has placed a major strain on maternal-newborn services as well as on families separated from their infants. Paediatricians and other health care professionals caring for these infants need to be aware of potential health problems and management plans that emphasize the motherinfant dyad and optimize outcomes for both patient and family. Faculty / Conférenciers : Vibhuti Shah, MD, Paul Thiessen, MD Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin (continued / suite) Campbell greater symptom complex, but at other times such changes present alone and can, potentially, foretell serious health issues. Exposure to these cutaneous signs can help the paediatrician improve early identification and treatment of serious health issues. Chair / Président : Jeremy Friedman, MD W1 Mindfulness for teens: Practical pointers for busy clinicians Faculty / Conférencier : James Bergman, MD Henry/Johnson (Mezzanine Level) 1000-1100 HOSP OTO 2C Drool school: Sialorrhea in neurologically impaired children Saliva control issues are common in children who are neurologically challenged. Using interactive teaching techniques and principles from adult learning theory, this seminar explores the etiology, risk factors and complications, both overt and occult, of sialorrhea. Through clinical scenarios, the different complications encountered (e.g., skin breakdown, infections, aspiration pneumonia), are discussed. Evidence-based treatment options, including both medical and surgical modalities, are reviewed. Faculty / Conférenciers : Marie-Joëlle Doré-Bergeron, MD, Ramsay MacNay, MD 1000-1100 COMPLEX GENERAL 2D Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use in the management of autism spectrum disorders (ASD): The good, the bad, and the ugly! Tilley/Tupper 2F Caring for kids new to Canada Langevin Chair / Président : Robert Hilliard, MD A significant number of children arrive in Canada as immigrants and refugees every year. They usually have unique health needs and often these needs go beyond the health care setting to involve culture, social and environmental conditions. This seminar offers some key tools for providing culturally competent care to newcomer children. 1000-1100 GENERAL PLATFORM ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS A / PRÉSENTATION DE COMMUNICATIONS PLATEFORMES A Chair / Président : Ayaz Ramji, MD Cartier With over one-third of families integrating CAM into the management of ASD, clinicians need to know how to help guide them and to advocate for young patients. Nutritional supplements, casein- or gluten-free diets, hyperbaric oxygen, craniosacral massage, acupuncture, stem cell transplants, chelation and antifungals are readily available to families. This evidence-informed seminar provides clinicians with practical skills to help families make informed decisions and allow for open and honest dialogue to occur around CAM therapies. Chair / Présidente : Natasha Johnson, MD Faculty / Conférencières : Hsing Jou, MD, Lyn Sonnenberg, MD Sir John A Chair / Président : David Smith, MD Occasionally, serious diseases present clues for diagnosis based on the morphology of skin lesions. Sometimes these skin changes are just part of a Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur Faculty / Conférencier : Dzung Vo, MD Hosted by the CPS Adolescent Health Section Organisé par la section de la santé de l’adolescent de la SCP CPS SECTION PROGRAMMING / PROGRAMME DES SECTIONS DE LA SCP 1300-1545 ABUSE ORAL SP5 “Open wide”... What the busy paediatrician needs to know about the oral examination and forensic assessment of mouth injuries and bites in at-risk children and youth Campbell Présentation de communications orales sur de nouvelles recherches en pédiatrie. Détails en page 32. This program introduces participants to the basics of forensic odontology and comprehensive oral health assessment for children at risk of maltreatment. Specific focus is given to the assessment of bite marks, dental neglect and sentinel injuries. Overviews of dental caries and the role of the paediatrician in oral health care are also provided. LUNCH / DÎNER 1100-1300 (with Trade Show and Poster Session 2) 2E SOS dermatology: A guide to cutaneous signs of systemic disease Evidence is mounting for the benefits of mindfulness-based interventions for teens coping with a wide range of stressors, including chronic pain and illness, depression and anxiety. Especially adapted for teens, the Mindful Awareness and Resilience Skills for Adolescents (MARS-A) curriculum is an effective clinical intervention for teens experiencing a variety of conditions, including anxiety and depression. Oral abstract presentations of new paediatric research are featured. Details on page 32. Coles/Gray/Palmer/Pope 1000-1100 DERM GENERAL 1300-1430 ADOL GENERAL Chair / Présidente : Natasha Johnson, MD 1000-1100 SOCIAL GENERAL Faculty / Conférenciers : Mark Awuku, MD, Andrea Hunter, MD WORKSHOP / ATELIER (conjointement avec le salon des exposants et la séance d’affiches 2) All registered delegates are invited to join a guided poster tour. Details on page 30. Tous les congressistes inscrits sont invités à participer à une visite guidée des affiches. Détails en page 30. Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 17 Chair / Président : Terry Farquhar, MD 1300-1310 Welcome and introductions 1310-1350 What the busy paediatrician needs to know about the oral cavity, teeth and dentistry – Trang Nguyen, DDS 1350-1430 What the paediatrician needs to know about the evaluation of bite marks – Marlene Thibault, MD 1430-1455 Health break (Trade Show) 1455-1535 Orofacial findings in child maltreatment - Laurel ChauvinKimoff, MD Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin (continued / suite) 1535-1545 Evaluations and closing remarks Hosted by the CPS Child and Youth Maltreatment and Paediatric Oral Health Sections Organisé par la section de la prévention de la maltraitance d’enfants et d’adolescents et la section de la santé buccodentaire en pédiatrie de la SCP 1300-1545 ADV GENERAL SP6 How to succeed with your idea for change: An advocacy case series Archibald Chair / Présidente : Krista Baerg, MD Attendees can learn from paediatricians involved with child health advocacy projects at different levels: local, provincial/territorial and federal. Practical approaches and tips for effective advocacy are provided, based on exemplary case studies such as “Smoking in indoor public spaces”, “Banning bodychecking in peewee hockey”, the CPS status report “Are We Doing Enough?”, and vaccine advocacy. their thoughts to the audience to provide further insights for all. 1300-1545 ENV GENERAL 1300-1305 Welcome and introductions SP9 Water quality and children’s health: Distilling the issues 1305-1345 Working collaboratively to develop better health practices: One community at a time – Lola Baydala, MD, Shawna O’Hearn, Noni MacDonald, MD 1345-1430 Facilitators lead small group, casebased discussion on international, Indigenous and urban community challenges – Lola Baydala, MD, Shawna O’Hearn, Noni MacDonald, MD 1430-1500 Health break (Trade Show) 1500-1530 Report from small groups to large group and discussion 1530-1545 Evaluations and closing remarks Hosted by the CPS Global Child and Youth Health Section Organisé par la section de la santé des enfants et des adolescents dans le monde de la SCP Cartier Chair / Présidente : Catherine Hervouet-Zeiber, MD Evidence increasingly links disease development with the microbiome. Infant feeding, antibiotics and water quality can influence the microbiome’s composition and subsequent health. Parents seek advice on issues related to water quality in their home (e.g., well water contaminants, tap water and bottled water safety, water filters) or worry about issues discussed in the media (cyanobacteriae in lakes, oil fracking and ground/ surface water contamination). This session provides evidence-based information and practical take-home messages. 1300-1305 Opening remarks 1305-1350 The microbiome and microbiomeenvironment interactions: Potential implications for health – Robert Issenman, MD 1350-1430 Are we doing enough? – Michael Dickinson, MD Tilley/Tupper 1350-1440 Navigating murky waters: Addressing parental concerns around water contaminants in the paediatric practice – Irena Buka, MD, Catherine Hervouet-Zeiber, MD Chair / Présidente : Aven Poynter, MD 1440-1540Discussion 1430-1455 Health break (Trade Show) ADHD diagnosis and management are often complicated by extensive differential diagnosis and frequent comorbidities. Using a case-based approach, this session addresses ADHD occurring in five specific settings: autism, intellectual disability, FASD, genetic syndromes and following prematurity. The focus is on identifying ADHD in the context of these conditions, looking for these conditions in the context of identified ADHD, and learning how comorbidities affect assessment and treatment choices. 1540-1545 Evaluations and closing remarks 1300-1305 Welcome and introductions 1300-1545 NEURO GENERAL 1305-1350 Practical, effective advocacy – Andrew Lynk, MD SP8 ADHD in special populations 1455-1535 How to succeed with advocacy for vaccination – Lamont Sweet, MD 1535-1545 Evaluations and closing remarks Hosted by the CPS Community Paediatrics Section Organisé par la section de la pédiatrie générale de la SCP 1300-1545 SOCIAL INTNL SP7 Engaging communities to develop better health practices: One community at a time 1300-1305 Welcome and introductions Langevin 1305-1430 ADHD in special populations – Debbi Andrews, MD, Stacey Belanger, MD, Brenda Clark, MD Chair / Président : Robert Bortolussi, MD 1430-1450 Health break (Trade Show) Invited faculty are among Canada’s foremost experts on community engagement in international, Indigenous and urban communities. Core principles for successful community engagement are discussed, then participants are divided into smaller groups to discuss ‘case scenarios’ illustrating challenges to community engagement, along with ideas for avoiding and overcoming problems. Each group presents 1450-1455Introductions Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur 1455-1540 Mental Health Journal Club – Afhild Larson, MD, Sarah Shea, MD 1540-1545 Evaluations and closing remarks Hosted by the CPS Mental Health Section Organisé par la section de la santé mentale de la SCP Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 18 Hosted by the CPS Paediatric Environmental Health Section Organisé par la section de la santé environnementale en pédiatrie de la SCP 1300-1545 SOCIAL GENERAL SP10 Asthma hot topics: From EIA to EIB and beyond Sir John A Chair / Présidente : April Price, MD This session covers topics of interest in the asthma field. Patients who present with exertional dyspnea are discussed and diagnostic considerations in the work-up of these patients reviewed. Exercise-induced asthma (EIA), exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB), and conditions that mimic EIA such as upper airway disorders, including vocal cord dysfunction, are also considered. A pro/con debate on the symptom-driven treatment of asthma with intermittent inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) vs. continuous ICS will follow, and the session concludes with a ‘quick-hit’ tour of the latest asthma papers. Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin (continued / suite) 1300-1305 Welcome and introductions 1305-1355 Exercise-induced asthma – Wanda Phipatanakul, MD 1355-1445 Pro/con debate: Intermittent vs. continuous ICS use – Francine Ducharme, MD, Wanda Phipatanakul, MD 1445-1500 Health break (Trade Show) REFRESHMENT BREAK / PAUSE-RAFRAÎCHISSEMENT BUSINESS MEETINGS / SÉANCES DE TRAVAIL 1545-1600 Confederation Ballroom Foyer 1430-1600 Chandler (Mezzanine Level) CPS Developmental Paediatrics Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la pédiatrie du développement de la SCP 1600-1730 GENERAL GOLDBLOOM JOURNAL CLUB / CLUB DE LECTURE GOLDBLOOM 1500-1540 Asthma year in review – Patrick Daigneault, MD 1540-1545 Evaluations and closing remarks Hosted by the CPS Respiratory Health Section Organisé par la section de la santé respiratoire de la SCP Sir John A/MacDonald Chair / Présidente : Dawn Hartfield, MD Join Drs. Isabelle Chevalier and Paul Thiessen as they highlight the top paediatric articles published within the last year. The winner of the Career Research Award, Dr. Grant Mitchell, will be recognized. HEALTH BREAK / PAUSE-SANTÉ 1430-1500 Hommage au docteur Grant Mitchell, lauréat du prix de carrière en recherche Coles/Gray/Palmer/Pope (with Trade Show and Poster Session 2) (conjointement avec le salon des exposants et la séance d’affiches 2) Poster 2 presenters attend in this time-slot to discuss their work with you. Poster viewing is worth 0.5 credits per poster under RCPSC Section 2. Award sponsored by The Hospital for Sick Children, department of paediatrics and University of Toronto. Prix financé par le département de pédiatrie de The Hospital for Sick Children et l’université de Toronto. 1600-1730 Brown (Mezzanine Level) CPS Residents Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section des résidents de la SCP 1615-1730 Henry/Johnson (Mezzanine Level) CPS Paediatric Environmental Health Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la santé environnementale en pédiatrie de la SCP 1715-1815 Archibald CPS Global Child and Youth Health Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la santé des enfants et des adolescents dans le monde de la SCP 1730-1830 McGee (Mezzanine Level) CPS Adolescent Health Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la santé de l’adolescent de la SCP Les présentateurs des affiches 2 sont là pour discuter de leurs travaux avec vous. Conformément à la section 2 du programme de maintien du certificat du CRMCC, ce visionnement donne 0,5 crédit par affiche. CPS SECTION PROGRAMMING / PROGRAMME DES SECTIONS DE LA SCP 1500-1545 (continued / suite) SP5 “Open wide”... What the busy paediatrician needs to know about the oral examination and forensic assessment of mouth injuries and bites in at-risk children and youth (Campbell) SP6 How to succeed with your idea for change: An advocacy case series (Archibald) Social Fun Night – A Kitchen Party! Soirée de plaisir – un party de cuisine! SP7 Engaging communities to develop better health practices: One community at a time (Langevin) Thursday, June 23 Le jeudi 23 juin 1830-2300 Lobster on the Wharf Restaurant de 18 h 30 à 23 h Restaurant Lobster on the Wharf SP8 ADHD in special populations (Tilley/Tupper) Casual attire (jeans acceptable) Tenue décontractée (jeans acceptés) Tickets are required for admission. Billets exigés à l’entrée Participants to gather in the Confederation Ballroom Foyer at 1815 for a short walk to the restaurant. Les participants se réunissent au foyer de la salle de bal Confederation à 18 h 15 pour marcher ensemble jusqu’au restaurant, situé tout près. SP9 Water quality and children’s health: Distilling the issues (Cartier) SP10 Asthma hot topics: From EIA to EIB and beyond (Sir John A) Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 19 Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin (Maximum study credits: 5 hours / crédits d’études maximaux : 5 heures) president, president-elect, and vice president step into their roles. REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION 0630-1700 Confederation Ballroom Foyer CPS RESOURCE CENTRE / CENTRE DES RESSOURCES DE LA SCP 0800-1700 Confederation Ballroom Foyer 0700-0830 GENERAL CPS LEADERSHIP FORUM AND BREAKFAST WITH CPS BOARD OF DIRECTORS / FORUM SUR LE LEADERSHIP DE LA SCP ET DÉJEUNER AVEC LE CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION DE LA SCP Découvrez tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur la SCP : nos récents travaux de défense d’intérêts, nos nouveaux programmes pour soutenir les pédiatres ainsi que les enfants et les adolescents qu’ils soignent et les remarquables membres de la SCP qui recevront l’un des prix réservés aux membres. Donnez également votre avis sur le prochain plan stratégique de la SCP. Élisez le conseil d’administration pour 2016-2017 et soyez témoin des mouvements au sein de la direction tandis que les nouveaux président, président désigné et vice-président entreront en fonction. Open to all delegates / Ouvert à tous les congressistes One common language to awaken leadership in the health system Chair / Présidente : Dawn Hartfield, MD Leadership roles can be foggy and difficult to delineate. The LEADS framework (Lead self, Engage others, Achieve results, Develop coalitions, and System transformation), which was developed in Canada and is accepted by many provincial/ territorial and national organizations within the health system, offers a common ‘language’ for leadership and leadership development. After a brief description of this approach, how the LEADS model can be used to ‘grow’ leaders and facilitate organizational development are explored. Faculty / Conférencier : John Van Aerde, MD CPS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING / ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE DE LA SCP Open to all delegates / Ouvert à tous les congressistes PLATFORM ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS B / PRÉSENTATION DE COMMUNICATIONS PLATEFORMES B John Hamilton (Mezzanine Level) Chair / Présidente : Catherine Hervouet-Zeiber, MD Oral abstract presentations of new paediatric research are featured. Details on page 32. Présentation de communications orales sur de nouvelles recherches en pédiatrie. Détails en page 32. WORKSHOP / ATELIER 1045-1145 EDUC GENERAL REFRESHMENT BREAK / PAUSE-RAFRAÎCHISSEMENT W2 How to prepare a great poster 1030-1045 Confederation Ballroom Foyer MacDonald/Coles 1045-1145 GENERAL Langevin SEMINARS / SÉMINAIRES 1045-1145 DEV GENERAL 3A Etiological investigation of children with global developmental delay, intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder Doing research is a path to professional advancement for residents, fellows or academic physicians, and poster presentations are an excellent way to share results. This workshop offers practical strategies for developing an efficient and effective poster design. Faculty / Conférencière : Noni MacDonald, MD Sir John A 1045-1145 EME TOXIC Chair / Président : Ayaz Ramji, MD W3 Managing the acutely poisoned child: A ‘toxicology lab’ for busy paediatricians Global developmental delay, intellectual disability, and autism spectrum disorder are common reasons for paediatric consultation. Physicians must be familiar with the clinical guidelines for identifying and investigating these disorders, especially because their clinical features overlap, the differential diagnosis is broad, access to subspecialists is limited, and the early diagnosis of treatable diseases (such as inborn errors of metabolism) affects prognosis. Faculty / Conférencières : Stacey Bélanger, MD, Joannie Caron, MD 1045-1145 NEURO GENERAL Tilley/Tupper This ‘hands-on’ toxicology lab invokes all the clinician’s senses (“touch, see, taste, smell”) to help identify common and important toxins. An interactive workshop focusing on the practical aspects of identifying and managing poisoned children includes common household poisons in the kitchen, garage and backyard, as well as key management principles. Faculty / Conférenciers : Yaron Finkelstein, MD, Savithiri Ratnapalan, MD 1045-1145 HOSP TECH MacDonald/Coles 3B Benign epilepsy syndromes and movement disorders in childhood Chair / Présidente : Robin Williams, MD Archibald/Campbell W4 A practical approach with ‘pearls’ for managing common issues in the technologydependent child Learn all about the CPS: Our recent advocacy work, new programs to support paediatricians and the children and youth they serve, and the incredible CPS members receiving membership awards this year. Come and give input into the next CPS strategic plan. Chair / Présidente : Charlotte Moore-Hepburn, MD Henry (Mezzanine Level) This interactive seminar uses video clips to show benign epileptic syndromes and movement disorders in childhood. Particular focus is placed on how to differentiate these conditions from more serious etiologies. Elect the 2016-2017 Board of directors and see some “executive action” as the new CPS Faculty / Conférenciers : Asif Doja, MD, Erick Sell, MD Featuring practical, interactive, ‘hands-on’ approaches to technologies for treating medically complex children, such as tracheostomies and gastrostomy tubes, this workshop also helps clinicians to recognize and manage common associated issues. 0830-1030 Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 20 Faculty / Conférencières : Tobey Audcent, MD, Kheirie Issa, MD Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin (continued / suite) LUNCH / DÎNER Our lunch options have changed for 2016. Les possibilités de repas ont changé pour 2016. 1130-1230 your lunch and learn evidence-based strategies for working with vaccine-hesitant parents, especially those with safety concerns. Faculty / Conférencière : Noni MacDonald, MD SEMINARS / SÉMINAIRES You can purchase food at kiosks, which will be set up from 1130 to 1230 pm in the PEI Convention Centre. 1345-1445 RAD GENERAL Vous pourrez acheter des aliments aux stands qui seront installés de 11 h 30 à 12 h 30 au Palais des congrès de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. John Hamilton 1200-1330 ADV RESIDENT RESIDENTS ADVOCACY LUNCHEON DÎNER DES RÉSIDENTS POUR LA DÉFENSE D’INTÉRÊTS DES ENFANTS 3C Bone scan: Still useful in 2016? Chair / Présidente : Amy Ornstein, MD At a time when imaging modalities seem to be multiplying, it is sometimes difficult to determine which test is appropriate. This seminar reviews the value of bone scan in various clinical contexts, its benefits and disadvantages compared with other imaging modalities, and radiation doses associated with this technology. Chair / Présidente : Rania Gosselin-Papadopoulos, MD Sir John A Residents are invited to hear Drs. Radha Jetty and Sam Wong discuss "Northern exposures: A conversation on working with Indigenous patients", a short discussion on Indigenous health, its importance, how to improve your clinical care when treating Indigenous children and you, and some ways to improve Indigenous communities. Faculty / Conférenciers : Radha Jetty, MD, Sam Wong, MD Winners of the Awards for Excellence will be announced. / Le nom des gagnants des prix d’excellence sera dévoilé. The standard approach to managing encopresis includes a colon ‘cleanout’ followed by maintenance treatment with stool softeners, plus a behavioural program which includes scheduled toileting. Adherence to treatment is often a challenge, and even with good adherence this program may work only temporarily or not at all. Case vignettes from our multidisciplinary clinic are used to illustrate when and how we modify the standard treatment protocol. Clinic resources are also available. Faculty / Conférencières : Joanne Gillespie, PhD, Alfhild Larson, MD 3E Pills, periods and bones: What youth health care providers need to know about the female athlete triad and contraception Hosted by the CPS Residents Section Cartier Organisé par la section des résidents de la SCP Chair / Présidente : Ellen Wood, MD 1215-1315 MacDonald/Coles Chair / Présidente : Roxanne MacKnight, MD Moving vaccine hesitancy to acceptance: Why, when, where and how Addressing the concerns of vaccine-hesitant parents is a priority for health care providers. Bring Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur 1345-1445 ADOL GENERAL This seminar focuses on a practical approach to adolescents with components of the female athlete triad (disordered eating, menstrual dysfunction, low bone density) and how to identify youth at risk for developing serious complications, such as menstrual dysfunction and osteoporosis. Treatment options are reviewed, including new Canadian contraception guidelines for adolescents. Faculty / Conférencières : Amanda Black, MD, Megan Harrison, MD Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 21 Faculty / Conférenciers : Elissa Abrams, MD, Edmond Chan, MD Hosted by the CPS Allergy Section Organisé par la section des allergies de la SCP W6 Cases in antimicrobial stewardship: The science behind the practice Henry (Mezzanine Level) Chair / Président : Ayaz Ramji, MD An update on the 2015 Resident Advocacy Grant Project, “Early obesity prevention program in preschool-aged children in lower socioeconomic status”, given by Drs. Hilarie Garland and Geneviève Michaud, follows. LUNCH ‘N LEARN / DÎNER-CONFÉRENCE Mounting evidence over the last few years suggests that the early introduction of allergenic foods, rather than their avoidance, helps to protect against the development of food allergy. Although lifestyle and dietary manipulation have long been the focus of research, some interventions, such as restricting the infant diet, have been imperfect. 1345-1445 INF GENERAL 3D Encopresis: What to do when standard care isn’t working Pope W5 Food allergy prevention Chair / Présidente : Jan Roberts, MD 1345-1445 GASTRO GENERAL (réservé aux résidents et aux étudiants en médecine) 1345-1445 ALL GENERAL Tilley/Tupper Faculty / Conférencier : Marc-André Levasseur, MD (for residents and medical students only) WORKSHOPS / ATELIERS While we are accustomed to prescribing antibiotics for common and not-so-common infections, we are also beginning to see increasing resistance to antimicrobials worldwide. The emerging literature on short and long-term effects of antimicrobial usage is compelling, and this workshop discusses how best to manage five common infectious disease cases using recent evidence-based information. Faculty / Conférencières : Nicole Le Saux, MD, Michelle Science, MD 1345-1445 RESIDENT PAEDIATRIC PURSUIT / QUELQUES ARPENTS DE PIÈGES EN PÉDIATRIE Palmer Co-moderators / Comodérateurs : Richard Stanwick, MD, Mitchell Zelman, MD Two teams of residents match wits and medical wisdom in this epic confrontation. Come out, cheer us on, and feel free to provide an answer or two! Dans une confrontation épique, deux équipes de résidents mettent leurs compétences intellectuelles et médicales à l’épreuve. Venez pour participer, nous encourager ou même proposer une réponse ou deux! Hosted by the CPS Residents Section Organisé par la section des résidents de la SCP Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin (continued / suite) BUSINESS MEETINGS / SÉANCES DE TRAVAIL The winner of the Michel Weber Education Award, Dr. Mona Jabbour will also be recognized. 1445-1515 Langevin CPS Allergy Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section des allergies de la SCP 1630-1730 McDougall (Mezzanine Level) CPS Respiratory Health Section business meeting / Séance de travail de la section de la santé respiratoire de la SCP HEALTH BREAK / PAUSE-SANTÉ We’re back to Friday! Nous revenons au vendredi! Hommage au lauréat du prix de l’enseignement Michel Weber, la docteure Mona Jabbour Award sponsored by the Sainte-Justine UHC Foundation and the University of Montreal’s department of paediatrics. Prix commandité par la Fondation du CHU Sainte-Justine et le département de pédiatrie de l’Université de Montréal WORKSHOP / ATELIER 1445-1515 Confederation Ballroom Foyer 1800-2000 PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH WALK/RUN AND RECEPTION 1630-1730 EDUC RESIDENT W7 “Movin’ on up!”: Transitioning from residency to practice 1515-1615 ADV GENERAL THE CPS PRESIDENT’S LECTURE / CONFÉRENCE DE LA PRÉSIDENTE DE LA SCP Steeves/McGee Sir John A Now is the time! Eradicating child poverty in Canada Chair / Présidente : Robin Williams, MD One in five Canadian children are poor – a number that is higher today than it was in 1989, when parliamentarians passed a unanimous, all-party resolution to end child poverty by the year 2000. And for Indigenous, racialized and new immigrant families, the picture is even worse – with 40% of Indigenous children and one in two children of single-parent mothers now living in poverty. With a new federal government committed to developing a national poverty reduction strategy, we have a chance to drive real systemic change and eradicate child poverty for good. What will it take for Canada to implement a comprehensive poverty reduction strategy? Presenters will discuss what role paediatricians can play, both in their daily practice and as engaged citizens committed to the best possible future for our children. MARCHE OU COURSE FAITES CE QUE VOUS PRÊCHEZ ET RÉCEPTION This informal gathering of practicing paediatricians discusses how to prepare for the transition from residency to practice, including the benefits of different fee structures (i.e.,for service, salary and locum). Faculty / Conférencières : Sarah Gander, MD, Pier Diane Glaude, MD CPS Global Child and Youth Health Section – “World Class” dinner / Section de la santé des enfants et des adolescents dans le monde de la SCP – souper de classe mondiale 1930-2130 Lobster on the Wharf Restaurant Tickets must be purchased in advance: $90/person ($30 for residents) Les billets doivent être achetés d’avance : 90 $ par personne (30 $ pour les résidents) Wrap up the day with a leisurely 2 km/5 km walk/run in our beautiful host city, Charlottetown. Challenge a fellow delegate to join you or bring your family and friends along for the fun all in support of the Healthy Generations Foundation. Cost: $25 per person. No fee for children and youth under 18 years of age. Participants to gather in the Confederation Ballroom Foyer at 1730. Net proceeds go to the Healthy Generations Foundation to support CPS priority initiatives. RAIN OR SHINE! Terminez la journée par une marche ou une course agréable de 2 km ou 5 km dans la magnifique ville hôtesse de Charlottetown. Mettez un collègue au défi de vous accompagner ou faites participer votre famille et vos amis au plaisir afin de soutenir la Fondation Générations en santé. Coût : 25 $ par personne. Gratuit pour les enfants et les adolescents de moins de 18 ans. Les participants se réunissent dans le foyer de la salle de bal Confederation à 17 h 30. Le produit net est versé à la Fondation Générations en santé pour soutenir les priorités de la SCP. Faculty / Conférencières : Janet Austin, Julia Orkin, MD BEAU TEMPS, MAUVAIS TEMPS! Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 22 Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. CONFERENCE PROGRAM / PROGRAMME DU CONGRÈS All presentations are delivered in English unless otherwise indicated. / Toutes les présentations sont données en anglais, à moins d’une indication à l’effet contraire. Saturday, June 25 / Le samedi 25 juin (Maximum study credits: 3.5 hours / crédits d’études maximaux : 3,5 heures) 1031-1041 2. To vape or not to vape? That is the question REGISTRATION / INSCRIPTION 0730-1000 Confederation Ballroom Foyer The use of e-cigarettes in Canada is a relatively recent phenomenon. Some epidemiology and current controversies are reviewed. 0830-1000 ADV GENERAL Faculty / Conférencière : Natasha Johnson, MD HEADLINE NEWS / EN PRIMEUR Physician-assisted dying: Should kids ever be considered? Sir John A Moderator / Modérateur : Emmett Francoeur, MD In February 2016, a special joint parliamentary committee on physician-assisted dying recommended that, for now, evolving legislation should only apply to people over the age of 18. However, it also called for research and consultation over the next 3 years, with the possibility of including mature minors. Paediatricians need to consider impending changes under Canadian law, which could have social, ethical and medical implications for the care of a very small yet significant number of children and youth. Faculty / Conférencières : Dawn Davies, MD, Julie Emberley, MD, Mary Shariff, PhD REFRESHMENT BREAK / PAUSE-RAFRAÎCHISSEMENT 1000-1015 Confederation Ballroom Foyer 1015-1215 ADOL GENERAL INF MENTAL The Canadian Task Force on Preventative Health Care released a statement in April recommending against screening for developmental delay (DD) using standardized tools in children under age 4 years old who have no apparent signs of DD and whose parents or health care providers have no concerns about their development. This presentation discusses how primary care providers should interpret this new recommendation for use in daily practice. Faculty / Conférencier : John LeBlanc, MD 1053-1103 4. Choosing Wisely Canada: The CPS list Choosing Wisely Canada is a campaign to help physicians and patients engage and converse regarding unnecessary or unproven tests and treatments. Their information helps both parties make smarter, more effective choices and helps ensure quality care. The presenter describes what Choosing Wisely does, and how their information can be used to improve clinical practice. Medical marijuana is a therapeutic option for certain groups of children with medical problems that are unresponsive to other therapies. However, unique legal and practical aspects apply to how medical marijuana therapy for children should be initiated and monitored. This presentation covers many specific considerations for the clinician who is wondering whether medical marijuana is an option for a child in their care. Faculty / Conférencier : Michael Rieder, MD 1126-1200 Question-and-answer period, evaluations and closing remarks. 1200-1215 Closing Ceremonies / Cérémonies de clôture Join Dr. Dawn Hartfield in saying “adieu, until next year” when we’ll return to beautiful Vancouver. Save these dates for next year’s annual conference: May 31-June 3, 2017! Avec la docteure Dawn Hartfield, dites « Au revoir, à l’an prochain », lorsque nous nous reverrons à Vancouver. Inscrivez déjà les dates du prochain congrès annuel à votre agenda : du 31 mai au 3 juin 2017! Faculty / Conférencière : Isabelle Chevalier, MD PREVENT 1042-1052 3. The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommends NOT screening for developmental delay in young children: Do you agree or disagree? 1115-1125 6. Medical marijuana as a therapy for children: Legal and practical aspects PAEDIATRIC UPDATE AND CLOSING / MISE À JOUR EN PÉDIATRIE ET CLÔTURE Sir John A Chair / Présidente : Dawn Hartfield, MD 1020-1030 1. Current knowledge of Zika virus Zika virus, a mosquito-borne infection first identified in the 1940s in Africa, was declared by the World Health Organization in February 2016 to be a public health emergency of international concern. Zika infection has been linked to newborn microcephaly and neurologic illness. What do we know about transmission, pathophysiology and prevention? 1104-1114 5. Attending to infant social and emotional well-being In our busy iPhone high-tech world, are parents missing everyday opportunities to ‘connect’ with their babies? Are parents too consumed with correcting and ‘educating’ young children? This presentation reinforces the need for clinicians to observe parent-child interactions, to catch early relationship problems and share the 4T’s (transfer/ tolerate/treat/terminate risk) to assist. Faculty / Conférencière : Jean Clinton, MD Faculty / Conférencière : Joanne Langley, MD Medical Expert Expert médical Communicator Communicateur Collaborator Collaborateur CONFERENCE GUIDE Leader Leader 23 Health Advocate Promoteur de la santé Scholar Érudit Professional Professionnel GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PRESENTERS / PRÉSENTATEURS Faculty directory and conflict of interest information / Répertoire des conférenciers et renseignements sur les conflits d’intérêts Faculty disclosure and conflict of interest The CPS policy on disclosure of financial relationships and resolution of conflicts of interest aims to ensure quality, objective, balanced, and scientifically rigorous CPS CME activities. All individuals in a position to influence and/or control the content of CPS CME activities are required to disclose to the CPS, and subsequently to learners, whether they have no relevant financial relationship, or any financial relationship, with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product(s) and/or provider(s) of commercial services discussed. All potential conflicts of interest are identified and resolved before an individual’s confirmation of involvement in a CPS CME activity. Beyond disclosure of financial relationships, CPS CME faculty are required to disclose when they plan to discuss or demonstrate pharmaceuticals and/or medical devices that are not approved, and/or medical or surgical procedures involving the unapproved or “off-label” use of an approved device or pharmaceutical. The CPS is committed to providing learners with commercially unbiased CME activities. Divulgation des conflits d’intérêts des conférenciers La politique de divulgation de relations financières et de résolution de conflits d’intérêts de la SCP est conçue pour garantir des formations médicales continues (FMC) objectives, équilibrées, scientifiquement rigoureuses et de qualité, données par la SCP. Toutes les personnes en position d’influencer ou de contrôler le contenu des FMC de la SCP doivent informer la SCP, puis les apprenants, si elles ont ou non une relation financière avec le(s) fabricant(s) de produits commerciaux ou le(s) fournisseur(s) de services commerciaux abordés. Tous les conflits d’intérêts potentiels sont divulgués et résolus avant de confirmer une présentation dans le cadre d’une FMC de la SCP. En plus de divulguer leurs relations financières, les conférenciers aux FMC de la SCP doivent divulguer à la SCP s’ils prévoient traiter de produits pharmaceutiques ou d’appareils médicaux qui ne sont pas approuvés ou d’interventions médicales ou chirurgicales qui font appel à un instrument ou un produit pharmaceutique non approuvé ou approuvé mais utilisé dans un emploi non conforme. La SCP s’engage à offrir aux apprenants des FMC exemptes de parti pris commercial. Bhanji, Farhan, MD, FRCPC, MSc (Ed), FAHA – SP4 Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None A Abrams, Elissa, MD, FRCPC – W5 Winnipeg (Manitoba) Potential competing interests: None Black, Amanda, MD – 3E Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: Member of an advisory board, consultant or equivalent for Actavis, Pfizer and Bayer. Member of a speaker bureau fro Actavis, Bayer and Pfizer. Has received an honorarium for CME events from Actavis, Bayer and Pfizer. Is currently participating in or has participated in clinical trials with Bayer, Actavis and Abbott. Allain, Dominic, MD, FRCPC – SP4 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Andrews, Debbi, MD, FRCPC – SP8 Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Audcent, Tobey, MD, FRCPC – W4 Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Brill, Herbert, MD, FRCPC, MBA – 1E Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: Member of an advisory board, consultant or equivalent for Abbvie and Janssen. Member of a speaker bureau for Janssen and Mead Johnson. Has participated in or is currently participating in paediatric safety studies with Janssen and Abbvie. Austin, Janet Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None Awuku, Mark, MD, FRCPC, FGCP – 2F Windsor (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Buka, Irena, MD, FRCPC – SP9 Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None B Baird, Burke, MD – 1F Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None C Baydala, Lola, MD, FRCPC – SP7 Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Caron, Joannie, MD, FRCPC – 3A Lévis (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Bélanger, Stacey, MD, PhD, FRCPC – SP8, 3A Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Chan, Edmond, MD, FRCPC – W5 Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: Member of an advisory board, consultant or equivalent for Sanofi (Allerject). Has received a grant or honorarium for CME lectures for physicians from Mead Johnson, Bergman, James, MD, FRCPC – 2E Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None CONFERENCE GUIDE 24 Nestlé, Pfizer and Sanofi. Has participated in or is currently participating in clinical trials on peanut epicutaenous immunotherapy and milk oral immunotherapy, with DBV Technologies and CIHR. Chan, Kevin, MD, MPH – SP4 St. John’s (Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) Potential competing interests: None Chauvin-Kimoff, Laurel, MD – SP4, SP5 Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Chevalier, Isabelle, MD, FRCPC, MSc – SP2 Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Clark, Brenda, MD, FRCPC – SP8 Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Clinton, Jean, MD, FRCPC Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Cummings, Elizabeth, MD – 1A Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interest: Has participated in or is currently participating in diabetes, postmarketing GH, and bone health studies with Lilly Canada, Novartis and CIHR. D Daigneault, Patrick, MD, FRCPC – SP10 Québec (Québec) Potential competing interest: Has participated in or is currently participating in clinical trials with PTC Therapeutics, Pharmaxis. Davies, Dawn, MD, FRCPC, MA Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PRESENTERS / PRÉSENTATEURS de Caen, Allan, MD, FRCPC – SP3 Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None de Ribaupierre, Sandrine, MD, FRCPC – SP3 London (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Dickinson, Michael, MD, FRCPC – SP6 Miramichi (New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick) Potential competing interests: None Doja, Asif, MD, FRCPC – 3B Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: Has received an unrestricted research grant from Shire. Doré-Bergeron, Marie-Joëlle, MD – 2C Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Ducharme, Francine, MD, FRCPC – SP10 Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: Consultancy for Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck HQ/Merck, Member of the Merck Investigator Consultation Network. Has received an honorarium for CME conferences from Takeda in April and May of 2013. Has received an expert member’s honorarium from Boehringer Ingelheim for being on the tiotropium in asthma paediatric advisory board and an expert member’s honorarium for the DSMD Chicago trial. Has received unrestricted donations to a research chair from Merck Canada (2014), Takeda, GlaxoSmithKline, Boehringer Ingelheim and Trudell Medical Inc. E Emberley, Julie, MD, FRCPC, MHSc St. John’s (Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) Potential competing interests: None Issa, Kheirie, MD, FRCPC – W4 Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Issenman, Robert, MD, FRCPC – SP9 Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: Member of an advisory board, consultant or equivalent for Abbvie, Nestlé and Janssen. Participating in or has participated in a clinical trial with Abbvie and Janssen. J Gander, Sarah, MD, FRCPC – W7 Saint John (New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick) Potential competing interests: None Le Saux, Nicole, MD, FRCPC – W6 Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None LeBlanc, John, MD, FRCPC, MSc, FAAP Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Levasseur, Marc-André, MD, FRCPC – 3C Sherbrooke (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Lynk, Andrew, MD, FRCPC, MSc – SP6 Sydney (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None M MacDonald, Noni, MD, FRCPC – SP7, W2 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None MacNay, Ramsay, MD, FRCPC – 2C Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None MacPhee, Shannon, MD, FRCPC – SP4 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Jetty, Radha, MD, FRCPC – 1D Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Mager, Diana, PhD, RD – 1E Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Johnson, Natasha, MD, FRCPC Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Mailman, Tim, MD, FRCPC – SP2 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Jou, Hsing, MD, FRCPC – 2D Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None McCann, Mary Ellen, MD, MPH – SP3 Boston (Massachusetts) Potential competing interests: None Lacazze, Thierry, MD, PhD, FRCPC – SP3 Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None G Harrison, Megan, MD, FRCPC – 3E Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None I L Friedman, Jeremy, MD, FRCPC – SP2 Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None H Hunter Andrea, MD, FRCPC – 2F Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Korczak, Daphne, MD, FRCPC, MSc – 1B Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None F Glaude, Pier Diane, MD, FRCPC – W7 Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Holland, Joanna, MD, FRCPC – SP2 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None K Finkelstein, Yaron, MD – W3 Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Gillespie, Joanne, PhD, RPsych – 3D Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Hervouet-Zeiber, Catherine, MD, FRCPC, MPH – SP9 Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Lamarre, Valérie, MD – SP2 Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Langley, Joanne, MD Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: Has participated in or is currently participating in clinical vaccine studies with Sanofi, GSK, Merck, Immunovaccine, Dynavax and Jannsen. Lanphear, Nancy, MD – SP1 Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None McCormick, Anna, MD, FRCPC – 1C Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None McMillan, Hugh, MD, FRCPC – 1C Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: Participating in or has participated in a clinical trial with Eli-Lilly, Tadalafil study on boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Member of an editorial board for the Journal of Child Neurology. Mickelson, Elizabeth, MD, BSc (PT) – SP1 Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None Monga, Suneeta, MD, FRCPC – 1B Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None N Nguyen, Trang, DDS, FRCDC, MSc – SP5 St. John’s (Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) Potential competing interests: None Larson, Alfhild, MD, FRCPC, FAAP – SP8, 3D Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None CONFERENCE GUIDE 25 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PRESENTERS / PRÉSENTATEURS O S O’Hearn, Shawna, MA, MSc (OT) – SP7 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None V Salvadori, Marina, MD, FRCPC – 2A London (Ontario) Potential competing interests: Member of speakers bureau for accredited CME lectures for Merck and Pfizer. Science, Michelle, MD, FRCPC, MSc – W6 Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Orkin, Julia, MD, FRCPC, MSc Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None P Phipatanakul, Wanda, MD – SP10 Boston (Massachusetts) Potential competing interests: None Sell, Erick, MD – 3B Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Pierro, Agostino, MD, FRCPC, DBE – SP3 Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Shah, Vibhuti, MD, FRCPC, MSc – 2B Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Pinto, Teresa, MD, FRCPC – 1A Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: Participating in or has participated in a clinical trial with Eli Lilly Canada Inc.: the Genetics and Neuroendocrinology of Short Stature International Study (GeNeSIS), with NIH, JDRF, ADA (REB approval Dec. 2006); TRIALNET Natural history study of the development of type 1 diabetes and TRIALNET Oral insulin study; and CIHR: the Improving Renal Complications in Adolescents with Type 2 Diabetes through research (iCare) cohort study. Shariff, Mary, PhD Winnipeg (Manitoba) Potential competing interests: None R Ratnapalan, Savithri, MD, MEd – W3 Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Rex, Gregory, MD, FRCPC Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: Has received a grant or an honorarium from Merck and Takeda for CME activities. Shea, Sarah, MD, FRCPC – SP8 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Sibley, Aaron, MD, FRCPC – SP4 Stratford (Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard) Potential competing interests: None Sonnenberg, Lyn, MD, FRCPC, MEd, MSc – 2D Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Sweet, Lamont, MD, FRCPC – SP6 Stratford (Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard) Potential competing interests: Member of an advisory board, consultant or equivalent: Atlantic Canadian HCV Advisory, supported by Abbvie. Van Aerde, John, MD, PhD, FRCPC, MA Ladysmith (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None Vo, Dzung, MD – W1 Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: Receives book royalties from New Harbinger Publications for The Mindful Teen. W Weingarten, Laura, MD, FRCPC – SP4 Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Sam Wong, MD, FRCPC Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Wood, Ellen, MD, FRCPC – SP1 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Z Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie, MD, MSc – SP1 Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: Was the site lead on a grant provided by SynapDx. Zwicker, Jill, PhD, MA, BA, BScOT – SP1 Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: Has received devices provided by Medtronic for a research study. T Rieder, Michael, MD, PhD, FRCPC London (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Thibault, Marlene, MD, FRCPC, MScCH – SP5 Québec (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Robinson, Joan, MD – SP2, 2A Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: Received a grant from Abbott in June 2014. Thiessen, Paul, MD, FRCPC – 2B Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None Rose, Heather, MD, FRCPC, MHSc – SP4 Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Timmons, Brian, PhD – 1F Hamilton (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None CONFERENCE GUIDE 26 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. PRESENTERS / PRÉSENTATEURS Oral abstract presenters and conflict of interest / Présentateurs des communications orales et renseignements sur les conflits d’intérêts Neonatal-perinatal medicine (platform presenters) / Présentations plateformes en médecine néonatale et périnatale Afifi, Jehier, MD Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: I am currently participating in MOBYDIck trial of maternal DHA supplementation to prevent bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm infants. The trial received a grant from CIHR. Platform abstract presenters (A) / Présentation plateforme d’affiches A Abstract Presentation B (Platform) / Présentation plateforme d’affiches B Bethune, Peggy, MD Charlottetown (Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard) Potential competing interests: None Ballantyne, Marilyn Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Carwana, Matthew, MD Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None Campbell-Yeo, Marsha, PhD Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Desjardins, Marie Pier, MD Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Bhogal, Jagmeet, MD Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Goldfarb, Alexander London (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None El-Naggar, Walid, MD Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Gray, Clare, MD Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Kobylianski, Anna, MD Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Le, Cathie-Kim Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Shah, Vibhuti, MD, FRCPC, MSc Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Le May, Sylvie, PhD Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Thomas, Sumesh, MD, FRCPC Calgary (Alberta) Conflict of interest: Holds a patent for a product referred to in the CME/CPD program or that is marked by a commercial organization: Resuscitation device for placental circulation, Alberta Health Services. MacCuspie, Jillian, MD Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: None Yusuf, Kamran, MD, FAAP Calgary (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None Paquin, Hugo, MD Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Ratnani, Yasmine, MD Montréal (Québec) Potential competing interests: None Barrett, Rachel, MD Halifax (Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Écosse) Potential competing interests: None Bettinger, Julie, MD Vancouver (British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique) Potential competing interests: The Canadian Immunization Monitoring Program, ACTive (IMPACT) is a national surveillance initiative managed by the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) and conducted by the IMPACT network of paediatric investigators. The CPS receives ongoing funding for IMPACT from the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Centre for Immunization and Respiratory Infectious Diseases. From January 1991 to March 2005, IMPACT’s pneumococcal surveillance was also supported by an unrestricted grant to the CPS from Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Giroux, Ryan Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Le Saux, Nicole, MD, FRCPC Ottawa (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Piccininni, Caroline Kingston (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Rodd, Celia, MD Winnipeg (Manitoba) Potential competing interests: Has received an honorarium from Alexion. Stade, Brenda, RN Toronto (Ontario) Potential competing interests: None Wee, Wallace, MD Edmonton (Alberta) Potential competing interests: None CONFERENCE GUIDE 27 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. The Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program (CPSP) invites you to visit the following abstracts on Thursday June 23, 2016 to learn about study and survey results: Le Programme canadien de surveillance pédiatrique (PCSP) vous invite à visualiser les résumés par affiches suivants le jeudi 23 juin 2016 pour en savoir plus sur les résultats des études et des sondages : • Early-Onset Neonatal Sepsis in Canada: 2011-2012 • Awareness of Sentinel Injuries amongst Canadian Paediatricians: A CPSP One-Time Survey • Early Results of National Surveillance of Childhood Tuberculosis • Surveillance of Periodic Fever Syndromes in Canada • Severe Alcohol Intoxication in Canadian Adolescents: 2-Year Surveillance Data We take this opportunity to thank all the CPSP research teams and the 2,500 paediatricians and paediatric subspecialists for their dedication in contributing data that helps inform policies, guidelines, education and advocacy for children and youth. Nous en profitons pour remercier toutes les équipes de recherche du PCSP et les 2 500 pédiatres et pédiatres surspécialisés pour leur dévouement à fournir des données qui contribuent à éclairer les politiques, les directives, l’éducation et la défense d’intérêts pour les enfants et leur famille. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 0730-1500 Coles/Gray/Palmer/Pope Visit the Trade Show and WIN! Set aside some time to tour this year’s exhibits and see the very latest in paediatric products and publications. Be sure to participate in the Trade Show game. Winners must complete the game, submit answers using the conference app, and be present when prizes are awarded (at the afternoon break 1430-1500). Don’t forget to check out your score on the conference app or the game board! Visitez le salon des exposants et GAGNEZ! Prenez le temps de visiter le salon des exposants et de découvrir les publications et produits les plus récents en pédiatrie. N’oubliez pas de participer au jeu du salon des exposants. Pour courir une chance de gagner, vous devez participer au jeu, soumettre vos réponses au moyen de l’application du congrès et être présent au salon des exposants. Les prix sont décernés pendant la pause de l’après-midi, de 14 h 30 à 15 h. Vous pouvez vérifier votre pointage au tableau! Our exhibitors / Liste des exposants AbbVie Corporation (7) Air Liquide Healthcare, Division of / de Vitalaire Canada Inc. (24) Alberta Health Services (23) CADDRA(8) Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Genetics / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada, Institut de génétique (2) Eczema Society of Canada / La Société canadienne de l’eczéma (5) Ferring Pharmaceuticals (11) GlaxoSmithKline(9) Government of Nunavut, Department of Health / Gouvernement du Nunavut, ministère de la santé (28) Hill Dermaceuticals, Inc. (25) Hydralyte(15) Janssen Inc. (14) Laerdal Medical (22) CONFERENCE GUIDE Mead Johnson Nutrition (Canada) Co. Merck Canada Inc. Mustela (Expanscience Laboratories) / Mustela (Laboratoires Expanscience) Nestlé Canada Novartis Pharma Canada Inc. Pediapharm Inc. Pfizer Canada Inc. Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmétique Canada Inc. Public Health Agency of Canada / Agence de la santé publique du Canada Sanofi Pasteur Shire Pharma Canada ULC TELUS Health / TELUS Santé Trudell Medical International University of Calgary / Université de Calgary Valeant Canada 29 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. (16) (4) (17) (1) (3) (18,19) (20) (21) (29) (26) (10) (6) (27) (12) (13) TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES Guided Poster Tours / Visite guidée des affiches Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin Your guide highlights six posters, preselected for quality of research, clinical practice and policy, during a 30-minute ‘tour’ at one of two e-poster stations in the exhibit hall. Votre guide a sélectionné six affiches pour la qualité des recherches, la pratique clinique et les politiques, et vous les présente pendant une visite de 30 minutes à l’une des deux stations d’affiches virtuelles situées dans le hall des exposants. Tour #1 / Visite no 1 Time / Heure : 1215-1245 Leader / Responsable : Laurel Chauvin-Kimoff, MD Theme / Thème : Paediatric Emergency Medicine/ Médecine d’urgence pédiatrique Tour commences at e-poster station 1. / La tournée commence à la station d’affiches virtuelles 1. Poster # / Affiche no Author / Auteur 56 Savithiri Ratnapalan, MD 59 Elise Martin, MD 62 Evelyne Trottier, MD The FAN study: Intranasal fentanyl and inhaled nitrous oxide for fracture pain reduction 63 Sydney Todorovich, MD Family perceptions and provision of analgesia for acutely painful conditions in children: A multi-centred prospective survey 64 Gabrielle Brodeur, MD Évaluation de la sécurité de l’implantation d’un protocole de prise en charge de la fièvre sans foyer d’infection bactérienne sévère chez les enfants de 3 à 36 mois à l’urgence 65 Evelyne Trottier, MD Treating and reducing anxiety and pain in the paediatric emergency department (the TRAPPED 2 survey): Time for action – a Pediatric Emergency Research Canada (PERC) project Title / Titre Incident reporting as a quality improvement tool in paediatric resuscitations Association between ROME III diagnostic criteria and treatment failure in children brought for emergency department care Tour #2 / Visite no 2 Time / Heure : 1215-1245 Leader / Responsable : Clare Mitchell, MD Theme / Thème: Developmental Paediatrics / Pédiatrie du développement Tour commences at e-poster station 2. / La tournée commence à la station d’affiches virtuelles 2. Poster # / Affiche no Author / Auteur 49 Magdalena Jaworski, MD 51 Brenda Stade, RN Title / Titre Development of a novel tool, the OWL-Sleep Inventory, for the assessment of sleep disorders in children with comorbid psychiatric illness Prevalence of autism in children prenatally exposed to alcohol: A pilot study 52 Elizabeth Young, MD 53 Ripudaman Minhas, MD The generalizability of the Paediatric Developmental Passport: A multi-site randomized controlled trial 54 Weeda Zabih, MD Learning problems among children of refugee background: A systematic scoping review Screening for risk of developmental delay in a primary care setting using the Nippising District Development Screen CONFERENCE GUIDE 30 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES Index to Abstracts / Index des communications Subspecialty categories / Catégories de surspécialité Abstract numbers / Numéros de communications Adolescent medicine / Médecine de l’adolescent 18, 29-34, 134 Advocacy / Défense d’intérêts 35 Allergy and immunology / Allergies et immunologie 36 Cardiology / Cardiologie 16, 37 Child abuse and neglect / Maltraitance et négligence d’enfants 23, 38 Community paediatrics / Pédiatrie communautaire 41 Complex care / Soins complexes 43 Critical care (ICU) / Soins intensifs 44 Developmental paediatrics / Pédiatrie du développement 17, 19-21, 46-54, 135-137 Emergency medicine / Médecine d’urgence 9-12, 56, 59-60, 62-65, 140, 141 Endocrinology and metabolism / Endocrinologie et métabolisme 142 Epidemiology / Épidémiologie 25-27, 69, 70 Fetal and maternal issues / Médecine foetomaternelle 71, 143, 144 Gastroenterology / Gastroentérologie 72-74 General paediatrics / Pédiatrie générale 14, 75-79, 138 Healthy active living / Vie saine et active 80 Hematology and oncology / Hématologie et oncologie 83 Hospital paediatrics / Pédiatrie hospitalière 84, 85 Infectious diseases / Infectiologie 23, 86-88 Injury prevention / Prévention des blessures 89, 90 Medical education / Formation médicale 91-94 Mental health / Santé mentale 13, 95, 96 Neonatology and perinatology / Néonatologie et périnatologie 1-8, 99-101, 104-108, 110-121 Nutrition 124-126 Respirology / Pneumologie 15, 24, 127 Social paediatrics / Pédiatrie sociale 128-132 Technology / Technologie 133 CONFERENCE GUIDE 31 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES Oral presentations / Communications Wednesday, June 22 / Le mercredi 22 juin 8 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine (Platform presentations) / Présentations plateformes en médecine néonatale et périnatale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0755-0810 THE EFFECTS OF HIGH FREQUENCY OSCILLATORY VENTILATION (HFOV) WITH VOLUME GUARANTEE (VG) ON LEFT VENTRICULAR FUNCTION, SYSTEMIC AND REGIONAL OXYGENATION, AND VENTILATION WHEN COMPARED TO HFOV AND CONVENTIONAL MECHANICAL VENTILATION (CMV) IN A NEWBORN PIGLET MODEL OF RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME (RDS) – *J Bhogal, AL Solevag, M O’Reilly, TF Lee, M Lu, C Joynt, L Hornberger, G Schmolzer, P-Y Cheung 0810-0825 EARLY ONSET NEONATAL SEPSIS IN CANADA: 2011-2012 – M Sgro, *A Kobylianskii, K Sankaran, D Tran, M Yudin, D Campbell Platform Abstract Presentations A / Présentations de communications plateformes A 9 10 0855-0910 NEURODEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOMES IN PRETERM INFANTS WITH INTRAVENTRICULAR HEMORRHAGE IN CANADA – *V Shah, P Shah, E Kelly, A Mukerji, J Afifi, W El-Naggar, M Vincer 0910-0925 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF NEONATAL STROKE: A POPULATION-BASED STUDY – B Clive, M Vincer, T Ahmad, N Khan, S Kuhle, J Afifi, *W El-Naggar 0925-0940 CAN WE PREDICT POST-HEMORRHAGIC VENTRICULAR DILATATION IN PRETERM INFANTS WITH SEVERE INTRAVENTRICULAR HEMORRHAGE? – *J Afifi, M Vincer, V Shah, XY Ye, PS Shah, K Barrington, E Kelly, B Piedboeuf, W El-Naggar The Best Paediatric Trainee Research Competition: Awards for excellence / Le concours des meilleures recherches des stagiaires en pédiatrie : des prix d’excellence 15 Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 0825-0840 ENHANCING BREAST MILK PRODUCTION WITH DOMPERIDONE IN MOTHERS OF PRETERM NEONATES: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL (EMPOWER TRIAL) – E Asztalos, *M Campbell-Yeo, O DaSilva, A Kiss, D Knoppert, S Ito 0840-0855 CHANGES IN PULMONARY FUNCTION AFTER A CAFFEINE LOADING DOSE AND EXTUBATION OUTCOME IN PRETERM INFANTS WITH RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME – *K Yusuf, A Elsharkawy, B Alshaikh, L Petan, M Vine 0940-0955 INCIDENCE AND OUTCOMES OF PULMONARY HYPERTENSION IN PRETERM INFANTS WITH BRONCHOPULMONARY DYSPLASIA: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS – G Al-ghanem, *S Thomas, S el Helou, C Fusch, A Mukerji 11 12 13 14 1005-1008 A RANDOMIZED DOUBLE-BLIND TRIAL COMPARING THE EFFECT ON PAIN OF AN ORAL SUCROSE SOLUTION VERSUS PLACEBO IN CHILDREN 1 TO 3 MONTHS OLD NEEDING URETHRAL CATHETERIZATION – *MP Desjardins, S Gouin, N Gaucher, D Lebel, J Gravel 1008-1011 A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL ON ORAL ANALGESIC UTILIZATION FOR CHILDREN PRESENTING WITH A MUSCULOSKELETAL TRAUMA IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT– *S Le May, S Ali, A Plint, B Mâsse, G Neto, MC Auclair, AL Drendel, C Khadra, A Ballard, E Villeneuve, S Parent, P McGrath, S Gouin 1011-1014 THE UTILITY OF POINT-OF-CARE ULTRASOUND IN DETECTING DISTAL FOREARM BUCKLE FRACTURES IN PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS – N Poonai, F Myslik, J Fan, *A Goldfarb, M Columbus, R Soegtrop, T Wong, G Joubert, D Thompson, V Fayez, A Misir 1014-1017 EVALUATION OF AN ORAL MORPHINE PROTOCOL FOR TREATMENT OF ACUTE PAIN CRISIS IN SICKLE CELL PATIENTS IN THE OUTPATIENT SETTING – *H Paquin, ED Trottier, Y Pastore, N Robitaille, M-J Doré Bergeron, B Bailey 1017-1020 THE HEADS-ED: A BRIEF MENTAL HEALTH SCREENING TOOL FOR USE IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT – *C Gray, P Cloutier, M Cappelli, A Kennedy, R Zemek 1020-1023 RAPID, NON-INVASIVE URINE COLLECTION IS FEASIBLE IN INFANTS UP TO 12 MONTHS OLD – *P Bethune, JA Mills, GJ German CONFERENCE GUIDE 32 16 17 18 1023-1026 IS THERE AN APP FOR THAT? ASSESSING THE QUALITY AND CONTENT OF APPS FOR ASTHMA MANAGEMENT AVAILABLE IN CANADA – *M Carwana, C Yang 1026-1029 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KAWASAKI DISEASE, COMMON INFECTIONS AND MYOCARDIAL PROFILING – *CK Le, A Dionne, J Autmizguine, N Dahdah 1029-1032 DIAGNOSIS VS. FUNCTION: A REVIEW OF ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SUPPORTS AND SERVICES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS/ DISABILITIES IN CANADA – *J MacCuspie 1032-1035 HEALTH IMPACT OF ADVERSE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES AMONG YOUTHS IN CUSTODY: THE SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION OF SEXUAL ABUSE – *Y Ratnani, M Hébert, M Robichaud, M Duchesne, JY Frappier, R Villemaire-Krajden, S Bergeron, Y Lambert, R Chartrand, P Mcduff Friday, June 24 / Le vendredi 24 juin Platform Abstract Presentations B / Présentations de communications plateformes B 19 20 21 1050-1053 COST-EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF WAIT TIME REDUCTION FOR INTENSIVE BEHAVIOURAL INTERVENTIONS IN ONTARIO – *C Piccininni, M Penner 1053-1056 COST BURDEN OF RAISING A CHILD WITH FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDER – *B Stade, S Cheema, W Watson, J Bonifacio, D Campbell, B Becker, M Sgro 1056-1059 IMPROVING TRANSITION PRACTICES: UNDERSTANDING FAMILY EXPERIENCES AND NEEDS IN TRANSITIONING THEIR CHILD TO DEVELOPMENTAL/ REHABILITATION SERVICES – *M Ballantyne, A Sozer, T Orava, S Bernardo, A McPherson, P Church, D Fehlings, E Cohen GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES 22 23 1059-1102 AWARENESS OF SENTINEL INJURIES AMONG CANADIAN PAEDIATRICIANS: A CPSP ONE-TIME SURVEY – *R Barrett, L Hanes, A Ornstein 1102-1105 DECREASES IN ROTAVIRUS HOSPITALIZATIONS: IMPACT DATA PREAND 3 YEARS POST- FIRST PUBLICALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS – *N Le Saux, S Halperin, W Vaudry, D Scheifele, J Bettinger 24 25 1105-1108 DRY-POWDER INHALER DELIVERY OF AEROSOLIZED TOBRAMYCIN WITH IN VITRO MODELS OF TRACHEOSTOMIZED PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS – *W Wee, S Tavernini, A Martin, I Amirav, C Majaesic, W Finlay 1108-1111 INCREASING INCIDENCE OF OPTIC NERVE HYPOPLASIA/SEPTO-OPTIC DYSPLASIA SPECTRUM: GEOGRAPHIC CLUSTERING IN NORTHERN CANADA – *C Rodd, T Khaper, M Bunge, I Clark, M Rafay, A Mhanni, N Kirouac, A Sharma, B Wicklow 26 1111-1114 MIDPOINT RESULTS OF NATIONAL SURVEILLANCE OF CHILDHOOD TUBERCULOSIS – *R Giroux, A Jamal, I Kitai, R Consunji-Araneta, M Baikie, SK Morris 1114-1117 27 INVASIVE PNEUMOCOCCAL DISEASE IN CANADIAN CHILDREN, 2000-2014: THE CANADIAN IMMUNIZATION MONITORING PROGRAM, ACTIVE – *J Bettinger, D Scheifele, J Kellner, N Le Saux, J Embree, O Vanderkooi, I Martin, G Tyrrell, W Vaudry, S Halperin Poster abstract presentations / Présentation de communications par affiches 34 EMBODIED MOTHERHOOD: AN EXPLORATION OF BODY IMAGE IN PREGNANT AND PARENTING YOUTH – *M Harrison, N Obeid, K Rohde, N McLean, K Haslett, C Simpson, D Barriault, C Clarkin Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 0730-1030 Poster session 1 / Séance d’affiches 1 Presenters will be available from 1000-1030 to discuss their work. Posters are on display until 1030. Les présentateurs seront sur place 10 h à 10 h 30 pour discuter de leurs travaux. Les affiches seront exposées jusqu’à 10 h 30. (*denotes presenting author / L’astérisque [*] indique l’auteur présentateur.) 28 SURVEILLANCE OF PERIODIC FEVER SYNDROMES IN CANADA – *P Dancey, S Benseler, P Miettunen, L Turner, M Gattorno, R M Laxer, A Junker 29 SEVERE BRADYCARDIA FOLLOWING INITIATION OF LOW-DOSE OLANZAPINE IN A PATIENT WITH ANOREXIA NERVOSA – *H Mijovic, C Grant, J Couturier 30 SEXUAL HEALTH OF ADOLESCENTS ADMITTED TO A PSYCHIATRIC UNIT – *S Van Zanten, A Noel, L Gresham, A Boafo, M Norris, A Robinson, D Turner, M Harrison, J Chan 31 ASSESSING SUBSTANCE USE AND MENTAL HEALTH IN ADOLESCENTS WITH CHRONIC CONDITIONS – *K Leslie, C Korenblum, A Vandermorris, R Joshi, C DeSouza, D Levy 32 TOBACCO USE AMONG ADOLESCENTS ENTERING QUEBEC YOUTH PROTECTION CENTRES – *N Haley, G Lambert, A Gervais, C Tremblay, E Roy, J-Y Frappier 33 SEVERE ALCOHOL INTOXICATION IN CANADIAN ADOLESCENTS: 2-YEAR SURVEILLANCE DATA – *A Acker, K Dow, M Norris, D Allain, K Thomas 35 A RETROSPECTIVE EVALUATION OF A PAEDIATRIC CONSULT CLINIC SERVING UNINSURED CHILDREN IN CANADA – *S Suleman, J Humphreys, A Singer, R Markin, F Razik, H Au 36 ORAL FOOD CHALLENGES: A RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF A CANADIAN PAEDIATRIC ALLERGY CLINIC – *A Dhar, L Liao, J Liem, A Sidhu, S Kassum 37 AUDIT OF PULSE OXIMETRY SCREENING FOR CRITICAL CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE (CCHD) IN NEWBORNS – M Lightfoot, P Hough, A Hudak, M Gordon, S Barker, R Meeder, M Colpitts, J Roberts, *WG Smith 38 SELF-BLAME AND AVOIDANCE COPING AS PREDICTORS OF POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS SYMPTOMS AMONG SEXUALLY ABUSED CHILDREN – *AC Bernard-Bonnin, A Gauthier-Duchesne, C Allard-Dansereau, M Hébert 44 TWO DECADES OF MEASURING INS AND OUTS: 20 YEARS OF PAEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT ADMISSIONS AND DISCHARGES AT A SMALL, TERTIARY CARE PAEDIATRIC HOSPITAL WITH A LARGE GEOGRAPHIC CATCHMENT AREA – *K Krmpotic, M Young 45 PARENTAL USE OF SUN PROTECTION FOR THEIR CHILDREN – DOES SKIN COLOUR MATTER? – *S Nag, Marcus Tan, M Weinstein 46 DEVELOPING SKILLS FOR DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES: ASSESSING EFFICACY IN AN INNOVATIVE PRECLINICAL ELECTIVE – *L Peters, S Penner, R Kanji, D Andrews 47 A RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF SERVICE DOCUMENTATION BY PHYSICIANS FOLLOWING FAMILIES OF CHILDREN DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER: IDENTIFYING GAPS IN COMMUNICATION – *H Dunlap, S Ler, T Jegathesan, R Minhas, J Huber, E Young 48 DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY? GRADUATING MEDICAL STUDENTS’ KNOWLEDGE OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT – *P MacPherson, M Bischoff, CR North, S Tough, D Andrews 49 DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL TOOL, THE OWL-SLEEP INVENTORY, FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SLEEP DISORDERS IN CHILDREN WITH COMORBID PSYCHIATRIC ILLNESS – *M Jaworski, M Chicoine, E Martello, R Godbout, C Belhumeur 50 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 39 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 40 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 41 FAMILY HISTORY-TAKING IN PAEDIATRICS: IT’S MUCH MORE THAN JUST A CHECKLIST – *L Tessier, J Brehaut, B Potter, P Chakraborty, J Carroll, B Wilson 42 AN EXPLORATION OF CARE MAPPING AMONG FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH MEDICAL COMPLEXITY (CMC) – S Adams, D Nicholas, N Weiser, S Mahant, *R Kanani, K Boydell, E Cohen 43 TRANSITION OF CHILDREN WITH MEDICAL COMPLEXITY TO ADULT CARE: A SURVEY OF CURRENT CANADIAN PRACTICES – *V Chan, N Major-Cook CONFERENCE GUIDE 33 51 PREVALENCE OF AUTISM IN CHILDREN PRENATALLY EXPOSED TO ALCOHOL: A PILOT STUDY – *E Young, B Stade, A Falsetti, E Fulford, T Jegathesan GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES 52 THE GENERALIZABILITY OF THE PAEDIATRIC DEVELOPMENTAL PASSPORT: A MULTI-SITE RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL – *E Young, R Aiyadurai, U Cellupica, T Jegathesan, K Dillon, G Friedman, J Huber, S Merchant, R Minhas, J Maguire 53 65 LEARNING PROBLEMS AMONG CHILDREN OF REFUGEE BACKGROUND: A SYSTEMATIC SCOPING REVIEW – H Graham, *R Minhas 54 SCREENING FOR RISK OF DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY IN A PRIMARY CARE SETTING USING THE NIPPISING DISTRICT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN – *W Zabih, P Parkin, C Borkhoff, M Van den Heuvel, C Korosheygi, J Maguire, C Birken, J Cairney, TARGet Kids! 66 INCIDENT REPORTING AS A QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TOOL IN PAEDIATRIC RESUSCITATIONS – *S Ratnapalan, I Kelly, L Fearey 57 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 58 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 59 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN ROME III DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA AND TREATMENT FAILURE IN CHILDREN BROUGHT FOR EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT CARE – M Eltorki, *E Martin 60 61 PAEDIATRIC VISITS TO COMMUNITY EMERGENCY DEPARTMENTS: OUTCOMES FROM REFERRALS AND UNSCHEDULED RETURN VISITS TO A PAEDIATRIC CENTRE – *E Reiner, E Grafstein, Q Doan WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 62 THE FAN STUDY: INTRANASAL FENTANYL AND INHALED NITROUS OXIDE FOR FRACTURE REDUCTION – J Hoeffe, *ED Trottier, B Bailey, D Shellshear, M Lagacé, C Sutter, G Grimard, R Cook, FE Babl 63 FAMILY PERCEPTIONS AND PROVISION OF ANALGESIA FOR ACUTELY PAINFUL CONDITIONS IN CHILDREN: A MULTI – CENTRED PROSPECTIVE SURVEY – *S Todorovich, C Poonai, B Wright, S Ali, C Bhatt, S Todorovich, K Canton, A Mishra, K Speechley, A Stang, G Thompson, N Poonai 64 ÉVALUATION DE LA SÉCURITÉ DE L’IMPLANTATION D’UN PROTOCOLE DE PRISE EN CHARGE DE LA FIÈVRE SANS FOYER D’INFECTION BACTÉRIENNE SÉVÈRE CHEZ LES ENFANTS DE 3 À 36 MOIS À L’URGENCE – *G Brodeur, C Guimont, R Turgeon, J Caron, L Blouin WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 75 HOW WELL DOES THE NIPISSING DISTRICT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN (NDDS) IDENTIFY COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS IN INFANTS? – *M Van den Heuvel, C Borkhoff, C Koroshegyi, W Zabih, J Maguire, C Birken, P Parkin 76 OBESITY AND ETHNICITY: OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA RISK FACTORS POORLY REPRESENTED IN SLEEP APNEA SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRES – *A Chaudhry, L Nguyen, E Constantin 77 INVESTIGATING THE NEED FOR ROUTINE HIP ULTRASOUND TO DETECT DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF THE HIPS IN BABIES BORN WITH BREECH PRESENTATION – *M D’Alessandro, K Dow 67 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 68 55 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 56 TREATING AND REDUCING ANXIETY AND PAIN IN THE PAEDIATRIC EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT (THE TRAPPED 2 SURVEY): TIME FOR ACTION – A PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY RESEARCH CANADA (PERC) PROJECT – *ED Trottier, J Gravel, S Ali, TRAPPED 2 group via PERC (Pediatric Emergency Research Canada) G Meckler, M Blanchet, A Stang, R Porter, S Lemay, AS Dubrovsky, M Chan, R Jain, T Principi, G Joubert, A Kam, J Thull-Freedman, G Neto, M Lagacé 69 70 PRÉVALENCE ET DÉTERMINANTS DE LA NON-VACCINATION CONTRE L’HÉPATITE B CHEZ LES ADOLESCENTS AU CANADA, 2013 – *L Caron-Poulin, N Gilbert, S Wilson, H Gilmour ROTAVIRUS GENOTYPES CIRCULATING IN ONTARIO, CANADA, BEFORE AND AFTER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM, 2010-2013 – *S Isabel, RR Higgins, A Peci, SL Deeks, JB Gubbay PREVALENCE OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY IN CANADIAN CHILDREN: A DECADE OF PROGRESS IN THE CANADIAN COMMUNITY HEALTH AND HEALTH MEASURE SURVEYS – *C Rodd, A Sharma 71 SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF A CHANGE IN PRACTICE TO OPTIMIZE TIMING OF UMBILICAL CORD CLAMPING IN PRETERM NEONATES: A QUALITY IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE – *L Irvine, A Abou Mehrem, N Singhal, S Thomas, S Cooper 72 FEEDING DIFFICULTIES AND GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT MORPHOLOGY AND INNERVATION IN ‘CHARGE’ SYNDROME – *A Hudson, M Macdonald, K Cloney, S Steele, J Berman, K Blake, M Stoyek, R Croll, F Smith 73 CLINICAL AND SEROLOGIC PATTERNS IN A LARGE CANADIAN PAEDIATRIC COHORT WITH CELIAC DISEASE, AT PRESENTATION AND FOLLOW-UP – *M Gould, J Dowhaniuk, J Arredondo, J Cheng, P Azzopardi, T Hu, H Mileski, A Carpenter, N Pai, H Brill 74 ASSESSMENT OF GLUTEN EXPOSURES IN CHILDREN WITH CELIAC DISEASE – *H Brill, J Dowhaniuk, J Cheng, N Pai, H Mileski, P Tutelman, J Saab CONFERENCE GUIDE 34 78 HIV-EXPOSED BUT UNINFECTED INFANTS: IDENTIFYING DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY AND THE CHALLENGES FACED IN ACCESSING DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES FROM A CANADIAN TERTIARY CENTRE – *K Abdulwahab, L Olson, A Adjudani, Z Pakzad, A Alimenti, L Sauvé 79 INFECTIOUS EPISODES IN PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH MODERATE-TO-SEVERE CHRONIC BENIGN NEUTROPENIA AND NORMAL BONE MARROW EVALUATION – *J Bernard-Genest, L Beaulieu-Genest, B Michon 80 SCREENS AND SLEEP: ARE INTERACTIVE SCREEN ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH SHORT AND INEFFICIENT SLEEP? – *R Irving, S Paquin, R Tesfaye, R Gruber 81 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 134 CHARACTERISTICS AND TRENDS IN INTENTIONAL ACETAMINOPHEN INTOXICATION IN ADOLESCENTS OVER TWO DECADES – *M Caudron, R Gosselin-Papadopoulos, O Jamouelle, S Swaleh, D Taddeo JY Frappier 135 IMPROVING DIAGNOSTIC EFFICIENCY IN CHILDREN AGED 12-39 MONTHS REFERRED FOR AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) – *JF Lemay, S Langenberger, P Amin 136 DO CHILDREN WITH ADHD SHOW IMPROVEMENTS IN MEMORY AND BEHAVIOUR WHEN STIMULANT MEDICATION DOSAGE IS TITRATED? – *JF Lemay, H Kubas, J Witzke, K Murphy, N Bergstrom, J McKee 137 PARENTAL SATISFACTION TOWARDS AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR CHILDREN 12-39 MONTHS. – *JF Lemay, S Langenberger GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES 138 USING ART AS A MEDIUM FOR FIRST NATIONS YOUTH TO EXPRESS THEIR PAIN: A TWO-EYED SEEING QUALITATIVE STUDY – *M Latimer, S Rudderham, K Harman, A Finley, L Dutcher, D Hutt-Macleod, K Paul 162 YOU CAN’T SPELL “POOR GROWTH” WITHOUT THE LETTER “PEE” – *E Heydari Resident Advocacy Projects / Projets des résidents pour la défense d’intérêts des enfants 164 A CASE OF UNCOMPLICATED NEONATAL LINEAR IgA BULLOUS DERMATOSIS – *J Wong, M Mazurek, R Banihani, M Weinstein, Y Etoom 145 ‘MAKE ROOM TO READ’: A RESIDENT-LED, CLINIC-BASED LITERACY INITIATIVE FOR MEDICALLY UNINSURED CHILDREN IN THE GREATER TORONTO AREA – *L Kinlin, A Jamal, S Suleman, P Caulford, J D’Andrade, H Au 146 THE ANXIETY PREVENTION PROJECT: A MEDICAL STUDENT-RUN INITIATIVE TO BUILD CHILDHOOD RESILIENCE – *P Adler, M Kapur, B Steele, I McDowell 147 LET THE MUSIC PLAY: PROMOTING DEVELOPMENT IN AT-RISK PRESCHOOLERS THROUGH ALLEGRO, AN EARLY-CHILDHOOD MUSIC PROGRAM – *S Suleman, F Chan, E Van Brummelen, A Kan, M Louie, S Luongo, J Mohr, J Pai, B Smith, L Xuan Wang, S Suleman, G Creighton, C Loock 163 A SOFT CRY AND WEAK HEART: AN UNUSUAL PRESENTATION OF CARDIAC DISEASE – *J Wong 165 MISTAKEN IDENTITY: AN INTERESTING CASE IN A NEW IMMIGRANT – *L Fleming, S Desai, M Fulford 166 A CASE OF KWASHIORKOR PRESENTING WITH PERICARDIAL EFFUSION – *A Surak, G Bravo, A McMurray, S Taheri Thursday, June 23 / Le jeudi 23 juin 1100-1500 Poster Session 2 / Séances d’affiches 2 Presenters will be available from 1430-1500 to discuss their work. Posters are on display until 1500. 148 FROM STANDING BY TO STANDING ON GUARD FOR VULNERABLE CHILDREN AND YOUTH: THE UBC SOCIAL PAEDIATRICS (SOC) CURRICULUM INITIATIVE – S Laskin, *M Carwana, K Stockley, T Sotindjo, E Moore, J Greenman, C Loock Les présentateurs seront sur place de 14 h 30 à 15 h pour discuter de leurs travaux. Les affiches seront exposées jusqu’à 15 h. Clinical Case Reports / Rapports de cas cliniques 82 DESCRIPTION D’UNE COHORTE RÉTROSPECTIVE DE PATIENTS PÉDIATRIQUES ATTEINTS DE THROMBOPÉNIE IMMUNE AIGUË – *MC Hendriks, MP Toussaint, B Michon, M Veilleux-Lemieux 155 HALLUCINATIONS IN A 7-YEAR-OLD BOY WITH VARICELLA – *S Blain 156'SHIVER ME TIMBERS' ; THAT’S A PICKY DIET!– *E MacDonald 157 WHEN STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE GOES ROGUE: A CURIOUS CASE OF NECROTIZING FASCIITIS – *T McGrath 158 A 16-MONTH-OLD BOY WITH WORSENING ENCEPHALITIS – *M Harel-Sterling, A Bamaga, A Yeh, A Bitnun, J Orkin 159 A NEWBORN WITH HYPERGLYCEMIA – *S Suleman, S Doctor 160 VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY LEADING TO XEROPHTHALMIA AND VISION LOSS IN A CHILD WITH AUTISM AND SEVERELY RESTRICTED DIET – *L Kinlin, M Mouzaki, N Tehrani, M Shouldice, A Ali, L Vresk, J Friedman 161 THE CURIOUS CASE OF CAPTAIN WHISKERS – *K Hardy-Brown, N Nashid, S Morriss 87 COMPARISON OF FIRST- AND SECONDSEASON PALIVIZUMAB PROPHYLAXIS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE (CLD) IN THE ‘CARESS’ DATABASE (20052014) – *B Paes, D Wang, A Li, I Mitchell, K Lanctot 88 COMPARING FIRST- AND SECOND-SEASON PALIVIZUMAB PROPHYLAXIS IN PATIENTS WITH HEMODYNAMICALLY SIGNIFICANT CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE (HSCHD) IN THE ‘CARESS’ DATABASE (2005-2014) – *B Paes, A Li, I Mitchell, K Lanctot 89 90 EVALUATION OF A CHILD SAFETY PROGRAM BASED ON THE SAFE COMMUNITY MODEL IN CANADA – *E Beaulieu, C Cyr, M Santschi 91 DEVELOPMENT OF A PAEDIATRIC MUSCULOSKELETAL SKILLS WORKSHOP FOR CANADIAN MEDICAL STUDENTS – *M Chan, D Rumsey, J Ellsworth, H Foster 92 BURNING THE MIDNIGHT OIL: A FOCUS GROUP STUDY OF MEDICAL STUDENT NIGHT CALL PREFERENCES – *O Scott, C Novak, J Lee, K Forbes 93 ASSESSMENT OF THE TRAINING NEEDS OF PAEDIATRIC RESIDENTS IN DEVELOPING A CURRICULUM IN GASTROENTEROLOGY – *K McNeil, M Rashid 94 THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF PAEDIATRIC RESIDENTS: A DESCRIPTIVE CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY – *S McLeod, L Sonnenberg (*denotes presenting author / L’astérisque [*] indique l’auteur présentateur.) 83 REVIEW OF CLINICAL PRESENTATION AND TRAJECTORY OF PAEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH A DIAGNOSIS OF PRIMARY BRAIN TUMOUR IN A PAEDIATRIC TERTIARY CENTRE – *J Abou-Diab, S Gouin, I Bouhout, AS Carret 84 DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NOVEL ON-CALL STRUCTURE FOR PAEDIATRIC RESIDENTS – T Cawthorn, *M Ruhl, M Dhalla, S Lam, S Hall 85 REDUCTION OF THE 28-DAY READMISSION RATE FOR CHILDREN WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE – *C Beck, M Kirby-Allen, M Cheong, K Langrish, A Clarke, C Nishimura, M Palmer, A Gervais, J Moloney, L Mack 86 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE CONFERENCE GUIDE 35 PREDICTORS OF UNINTENTIONAL INJURIES IN PAEDIATRIC IMMIGRANTS IN ONTARIO – *N Saunders, A Macpherson, A Guttmann 95 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT ONLINE MENTAL HEALTH INFORMATION: PARENT AND ADOLESCENT PERSPECTIVES TO INFORM DEVELOPMENT OF CANADIAN MENTAL HEALTH E-RESOURCES FOR PAEDIATRICS – *M Jovanovic, S Monga, D Korczak, S Grewal 96 VALIDATION OF HEARTS-MAP, A PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT TOOL APPLIED TO CHILDREN AND YOUTH WITH MENTAL HEALTH-RELATED PAEDIATRIC EMERGENCY VISITS – *A Lee, M Deevska, K Stillwell, T Black, G Meckler, A Eslami, D Park, Q Doan 97 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 98 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 99 SERUM CALCIUM DERANGEMENTS IN NEONATES WITH HYPOXIC ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY (HIE) WITH AND WITHOUT THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA – R Bashir, S Vayalthrikkovil, L Espinoza, *K Mohammad GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES 100 THE IMPACT OF CONTINUOUS DIGITAL VIDEO ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM (cEEG) INTRODUCTION ON THE USE OF ANTI-EPILEPTIC DRUGS (AEDs) IN NEONATES WITH HYPOXIC ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY (HIE) – RA Bashir, L Espinoza, S Vayalthrikkovil, J Buchhalter, L Bello-Espinosa, *K Mohammad 101 PREVALENCE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF INTRACRANIAL AND EXTRACRANIAL HEMORRHAGES IN NEONATES WITH HYPOXIC ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY (HIE) – *S Vayalthrikkovil, RA Bashir, L Espinoza, L Irvine, K Mohammad 112 THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN HYPERLACTATEMIA AND ADVERSE LONG-TERM OUTCOME IN INFANTS WITH MODERATE-TO-SEVERE HYPOXIC ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY – *M Elboraee 124 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MILK FAT CONTENT, VITAMIN D AND ADIPOSITY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD – *S Vanderhout, J Maguire, C Birken, P Parkin, G Lebovic, Y Chen, D O’Connor 113 RESTRUCTURING CARE TEAMS WITHIN A NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT – *C Ward, H Chinnery, MA Landry, S O’Blenes, Rounds Working Group, K Kumaran 125 THE COST OF THE GLUTEN-FREE DIET: HOUSEHOLD FOOD EXPENDITURES IN FAMILIES WITH A CHILD OR ADOLESCENT WITH CELIAC DISEASE – *A Alzaben, D Mager, J Turner, M Marcon, S Anders 103 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 114 QUANTITATIVE 3D AND 2D HEAD ULTRASOUND TO DETERMINE THRESHOLDS FOR INTERVENTION IN PRETERM NEONATES WITH POSTHEMORRHAGIC VENTRICULAR DILATION – *J Kishimoto, DSC Lee, F Salehi, W Romano, A Fenster, S de Ribaupierre 104 LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF SALINE BOLUSES IN VERY PRETERM INFANTS (VPI) – *A Aslam, M Vincer, A Allen, S Imanullah, C O’Connell 115 NRP PROMPT: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL OF A MOBILE APP FOR NEONATAL RESUSCITATION TRAINING – *N Chan, D Campbell, N Mistry 105 NEURODEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOMES FOLLOWING EXTENSIVE CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION IN THE DELIVERY ROOM FOR INFANTS BORN <29 WEEKS’ GESTATIONAL AGE – *N Fischer, A Soraisham, A Lodha, J Ting, J Rabi, A Synnes, D Creighton, P Shah, N Singhal, D Dewey, A Metcalfe, M Ballantyne, S Cooper 116 DEVELOPING A CONSULTATION MODEL FOR NEONATAL NEUROCRITICAL CARE: A 2-YEAR EXPERIENCE – *K Mohammad, I Goswami, J Buchhalter, L Bello-Espinosa 102 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 106 LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! THE IMPACT OF SINGLE-ROOM DESIGN ON THE NEURODEVELOPMENT OF PRETERM INFANTS – *P Church, E Ng, D Weisz, A Cavanagh, M Dunn 107 ACADEMIC CHALLENGES FOR THE PRETERM INFANT: PARENT AND EDUCATOR PERSPECTIVES – *P Church, V Shah, A Cavanagh 108 3-YEAR SURVIVAL AND NEURODEVELOPMENTAL OUTCOMES IN EXTREMELY PREMATURE NEONATES: A 15-YEAR ODYSSEY – *S Bhattacharya, M Miller, K Coughlin 109 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 110 BIOCHEMICAL DERANGEMENTS IN PATIENTS WITH HYPOXIC ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY TREATED WITH THERAPEUTIC HYPOTHERMIA – *J Hagel, C Tomlinson 111 ANTENATAL, PERINATAL AND NEONATAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH PERIVENTRICULAR WHITE MATTER INJURY IN VERY PRETERM INFANTS – *S Ghotra, M Vincer, V Allen, N Khan, S Kuhle 117 CURRENT PRACTICES AND USE OF SIMULATION IN NEONATAL RESUSCITATION PROGRAM COURSES ACROSS CANADA – *J McMullen, K Kalaniti, D Campbell 118 CHANGES TO ANTIBIOTIC USE AFTER THE INTRODUCTION OF AN ANTIMICROBIAL STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM IN A NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT – *K Leifso, K Dow, S McKnight, P Sheth, L Tomalty 119 THE EFFECT OF UMBILICAL CORD MILKING ON HEMODYNAMIC STATUS OF PRETERM INFANTS: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL – *W El-Naggar, D Simpson, A Hussain, A Armson, L Dodds, A Warren, R Whyte, D McMillan 126 PROLONGED NASOENTERAL TUBE FEEDING IN CHILDREN CONTRADICTS BEST PRACTICE GUIDELINES – *J Turner, M Abobo, D Blatz, D Hartfield, D Mager, 127 EVALUATING CAREGIVER MANAGEMENT OF ASTHMA EXACERBATIONS AT HOME – *T Yeung, I Amirav 128 INNER-CITY FATHERS OF CHILDREN AFFECTED BY CHRONIC ILLNESS: A SYSTEMATIC SCOPING REVIEW OF THEIR EXPERIENCES – *A Kobylianskii, T Jegathesan, E Young, K Fung, J Huber, R Minhas 129 THE FIRST STEP TO HELPING: ASKING ABOUT POVERTY – *J Teicher, J Ysselstein Qadri, G Bloch, L Ford-Jones, J Orkin 130 GENERALIZED HEALTH IMPACT OF SOCIAL AND MATERIAL DEPRIVATION ON PERINATAL OUTCOMES IN NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA – *J Orkin, P O’Campo, K Shankardass, L Dodds, KS Joseph, V Allen 131 A MIXED-METHODS EVALUATION OF A SOCIAL PAEDIATRICS BLOCK ROTATION FOR PAEDIATRIC RESIDENTS –*A Hunter, S Kay, K Parker, A Delahunty-Pike, G Wahi 132 A SINGLE NUTRISTEP™ QUESTION AS A FOOD INSECURITY SCREENING TOOL – *CM Borkhoff, I Bayoumi, KM Nurse, Y Chen, JL Maguire, PC Parkin, C Birken 120 INTEGRATED NEONATAL SUPPORT WITH PLACENTAL TRANSFUSION AND RESUSCITATION (INSPIRE): A FEASIBILITY STUDY – *L Irvine, S Thomas, A Abou Mehrem, N Singhal, D Kowal, A Soraisham, S Cooper, A Stritzke, P Murthy 133 USE OF MOBILE TECHNOLOGY IN THE CARE OF ADOLESCENTS WITH DIABETES – *J Ranawaya, D Saleh, K Gregroire, L Ruhland 121 EPIDEMIOLOGY OF 140 URINE CLEAN CATCH COLLECTION IN THE PAEDIATRIC EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT: SUCCESS, TIME TO VOID AND CONTAMINATION RATES – *J Kaufman, S Tosif, P Fitzpatrick, S Donath, S Hopper, P Bryant, F Babl POSTHEMORRHAGIC VENTRICULAR DILATATION IN CANADIAN NEONATAL INTENSIVE CARE UNITS – *J Afifi, M Vincer, V Shah, X Ye, P Shah, K Barrington, B Piedboeuf, E Kelly, W El-Naggar 122 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE 123 WITHDRAWN / RETIRÉE CONFERENCE GUIDE 36 139 WITHDRAWN/ RETIRÉE 141 QUICK-WEE: A NOVEL NONINVASIVE URINE COLLECTION METHOD FOR INFANTS IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT – *J Kaufman, S Tosif, S Donath, S Hopper, P Bryant, F Babl, P Fitzpatrick GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES 142 EVALUATION OF DELAYED PUBERTY: WHAT DIAGNOSTIC TESTS SHOULD BE DONE IN THE SEEMINGLY OTHERWISE WELL ADOLESCENT? – * L Abitbol, S Zborovski, M Palmert 143 BETTER BEGINNINGS: AT RISK MOMS – WHAT ARE WE MISSING? – *A Lamond 144 A COMPARISON OF PRENATAL EXPOSURES IN CHILDREN WITH AND WITHOUT A DIAGNOSIS OF AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER IN AN ATLANTIC CANADIAN CITY – *A Saunders 152 NICU GRADUATE PLAYGROUPS AND FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM: SUPPORTING FAMILIES BEYOND THE NICU – *A Chomyn, S Rengan, K Staub, J Toye 153 THE COMPLEX CARE ADVOCACY INITIATIVE: STRENGTH AND RESILIENCY IN KNOWLEDGE – *N Kanga, K Mellor, S Adams, J Orkin 154 THE INCLUSIVE “KITCHEN TABLE”: CREATING NATIONAL UNDERSTANDING IN SOCIAL PAEDIATRICS – S Laskin, M Carwana, *A Singer, S Suleman, S Bennett, C Loock 171 AN AUTISTIC CHILD WITH A LIMP: LEUKEMIA...OR SCURVY? – *C Gagnon 172 NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS CAUSED BY COBALAMIN DEFICIENCY IN THE ABSENCE OF ANEMIA OR MACROCYTOSIS IN ADOLESCENCE – *G Abu Kuwaik, F Abu Kuwaik, K Bezu, S Greenberg 173 IS SEROTYPE 3 UNSTOPPABLE? A COMPLICATED CASE OF INVASIVE STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE – *T McGrath, M Fowler Clinical Case Reports / Rapports de cas cliniques 174 IMPACT OF ADOLESCENT GENDER DYSPHORIA ON TREATMENT UPTAKE IN AN OBESITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM – *M Cooney, M Kaufman, C Birken, E Dettmer, A Toulany 149 MÉDECINS IMPLIQUÉS DANS LA RÉALISATION D’ACTIVITÉS COMMUNAUTAIRES POUR LES ENFANTS DE SHERBROOKE – *C Langlois-Pelletier, E Beaulieu 167 PANCYTOPENIA IN A TPN-DEPENDENT PREMATURE NEONATE – *R GosselinPapadopoulos, B E Brown, P Atkison 175 AN 11-WEEK-OLD MALE WITH COMPLICATED SALMONELLA MENINGITIS – *A Zipursky, B A Yama, C Beck 168 MISTAKEN MENSES – *K Hardy-Brown, J Curtis, A Marr 150 TAP THE TAP: DRINK WATER BETWEEN MEALS – *T Chobotuk 176 WILSON’S DISEASE - A 12-YEAR-OLD MALE WITH ACUTE LIVER FAILURE – *D Jacobson 169 PANCYTOPENIA IN AN INFANT WITH SEVERE VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY – *D Yue 151 YOUTH PERSPECTIVES ON MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT: A VIDEO ADVOCACY PROJECT – *E Lehan, M Kapur, A Prayal-Brown 170 ANEMIA DUE TO IRON DEFICIENCY, BUT FAILED TO RESPOND TO ORAL IRON SUPPLEMENT. – *J Wu Resident Advocacy Projects / Projets des résidents pour la défense d’intérêts des enfants Estérel CPS Lifelong Learning in Paediatrics FALL COURSE QUÉBEC October 21-23, 2016 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ENDS SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 INSCRIPTION HÂTIVE JUSQU’AU 19 SEPTEMBRE 2016 Apprentissage continu en pédiatrie de la SCP COURS DE L’AUTOMNE du 21 au 23 octobre 2016 ESTÉREL RESORT (only 20 minutes from Mont Saint-Sauveur) (à seulement 20 minutes du Mont Saint-Sauveur) © Photo : Stephane Groleau • • • • Emergency medicine Developmental paediatrics Infectious diseases Nutrition • • • • Urgentologie Pédiatrie du développement Infectiologie Nutrition CONFERENCE GUIDE 37 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. TRADE SHOW AND POSTER SESSIONS / SALON DES EXPOSANTS ET SÉANCES D’AFFICHES Presenting abstract authors / Auteurs présentateurs Author / Auteur Abdulwahab, K Abstract / No de communication 78 Abitol, L 142 Abou-Diab, J 83 Abu Kuwaik, G 172 Abstract / No de communication Author / Auteur Giroux, R Goldfarb, A Gosselin-Papadopoulos, R Gould, M Author / Auteur 26 Mijovic, H 11 Minhas, R 167 Abstract / No de communication Mohammad, K 73 Nag, S 29 53 99, 100, 116 45 Acker, A 33 Gray, C 13 Orkin, J 130 Adler, P 146 Hagel, J 110 Paes, B 87, 88 7, 121 Haley, N 32 Afifi, J Alzaben, A 125 Hardy-Brown, K Aslam, A 104 Harel-Sterling, M 161, 168 Paquin, H 12 Peters, L 46 158 Piccininni, C 19 133 Ballantyne, M 21 Harrison, M 34 Ranawaya, J Barrett, R 22 Hendriks, MC 82 Ratnani, Y 18 Beaulieu, E 90 Heydari, E Ratnapalan, S 56 Beck, C 85 Hudson, A 72 Reiner, E 60 Bernard-Bonnin, AC 38 Hunter, A 131 Rodd, C 25, 70 Bernard-Genest, J 79 Irvine, L 71, 120 Ruhl, M Bethune, P 14 Irving, R 80 Saunders, A 144 Bettinger, J 27 Isabel, S 69 Saunders, N 89 Bhattacharya, S Bhogal, J Binmanee, A 162 108 Ismail, A M 109 Scott, O 92 1 Jaworski, M 49 Shah, V 5 Singer, A 97 Kanga, N 153 Blain, S 155 Kanani, R 42 Borkhoff, CM 132 Kaufman, J Brill, H 74 Kinlin, L Brodeur, G 64 Kishimoto, J Campbell-Yeo, M Caron-Poulin, L 84 3 68 Kobylianskii, A 37 140, 141 Stade, B 20 145, 160 Suleman, S Surak, A 166 2, 128 Teicher, J 129 Krmpotic, K 44 Tessier, L 41 8 15, 148 Lamond, A 143 Thomas, S Caudron, M 134 Latimer, M 138 Todorovich, S 91 Chan, N Chan, V 35, 147, 159 114 Carwana, M Chan, M 154 Smith, WG 63 Le, CK 16 Trottier, E D 115 Le May, S 10 Turner, J 43 Le Saux, N 23 Van den Heuvel, M 75 Chaudhry, A 76 Lee, A 96 Van Zanten, S 30 Chobotuk, T 150 Lehan, E 151 Vanderhout, S 124 Chomyn, A 152 Lemay, JF Vayalthrikkovil, S 101 113 Church, P 126 Lepage-Côté, N 40 Ward, C D’Alessandro, M 77 Leslie, K 31 Wee, W 24 Dancey, P 28 MacCuspie, J 17 Wong, J 86, 163, 164 Desjardins, MP Dhar, A Dunlap, H Elboraee, M El-Naggar, W 106, 107 135, 136, 137 62, 65 9 MacDonald, E 156 Wu, J 170 36 MacPherson, P 48 Yeung, T 127 47 Martin, E 59 Young, E 51, 52 112 McGrath, T 157 6, 119 McLeod, S 94 Yusuf, K 4 117 Zabih, W 54 Fischer, N 105 McMullen, J Fleming, L 165 McNeil, K Gagnon, C 171 Ghotra, S 111 CONFERENCE GUIDE Yue, D 93 38 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. 169 GENERAL INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENTS GÉNÉRAUX Allergies/dietary restrictions Allergies et restrictions alimentaires Delegates with dietary restrictions should indicate them when registering online to receive a special meal ticket for scheduled function where food is available. Personal dietary requirements cannot be met without this meal ticket. Show the ticket to your server to obtain a personalized meal. We work closely with our food and beverage vendors to provide safe and delicious meals for all conference participants. However, we cannot guarantee that menu items are free of trace amounts of allergens or any other ingredient. Vous devez indiquer vos restrictions alimentaires lors de votre inscription virtuelle pour recevoir un billet spécial dans le cadre des activités organisées au cours desquelles des aliments sont servis. Il est impossible de respecter vos restrictions alimentaires si vous n’avez pas ce billet. Vous devrez montrer ce billet aux serveurs pour obtenir votre repas personnalisé. Nous collaborons avec nos fournisseurs d’aliments et de boissons pour servir des repas à la fois sécuritaires et délicieux à tous les congressistes. Nous ne pouvons toutefois pas garantir que les éléments au menu ne contiendront aucune trace d’allergènes ou d’autres ingrédients à éviter. Child care services Services de garde To arrange for family care service, contact the hotel concierge. Pour obtenir des services de gardiennage, téléphonez au concierge de votre hôtel. Complimentary shuttle service – Coach Atlantic Group The CPS has arranged for complimentary shuttle service to the airport for conference goers. Shuttles will only run on Saturday, June 25 as the conference closes and only from designated conference hotels: the Delta Prince Edward, the Rodd Charlottetown, The Great George or the Holman Grand. Find the shuttle schedule on the mobile app (see “General Information”) or ask at the concierge desk. Control of conference materials Taking photographs, videotaping or audio taping posters, scientific exhibits, sessions or presentations without the prior written permission of the CPS is strictly prohibited. Anyone found violating this policy may have their badge confiscated and be escorted from the meeting. Also, any survey done on site must be pre-approved by the CPS. The CPS takes photographs during meetings and events for organizational use, including print, electronic or other media, and the CPS website. Certain portions of the conference are videotaped. By participating in the annual conference, you permit the CPS to use your image and name for such purposes. Evaluation forms Evaluations help us to plan future conferences. Faculty evaluation forms can be completed on the conference app following each session. The annual conference evaluation form is posted online, and you’ll find an e-mail containing a link to this form in your in-box following the conference. Evaluation takes only a minute to do, and submitting a conference evaluation form makes you eligible to win complimentary registration for next year’s annual conference in Vancouver, B.C. Navette gratuite – Coach Atlantic Group La SCP a organisé un service de navette gratuit vers l’aéroport à l’intention des congressistes. Les navettes fonctionneront seulement le samedi 25 juin à la clôture du congrès, et seulement à partir des hôtels désignés du congrès : les hôtels Delta Prince Edward, The Rodd Charlottetown, The Great George et Holman Grand. Trouvez l’horaire de la navette dans l’application mobile (à la rubrique Renseignements généraux) ou informez-vous au concierge. Contrôle du matériel du congrès Il est strictement interdit de prendre des photos, de filmer des vidéos ou de prendre des enregistrements des présentations d’affiches, des expositions scientifiques, des séances ou des présentations sans l’autorisation préalable écrite de la SCP. Les personnes qui contreviennent à cette politique peuvent se faire confisquer leur cocarde et être escortées à l’extérieur du congrès. Par ailleurs, tout sondage effectué sur place doit être préapprouvé par la SCP. La SCP prend des photos pendant ses congrès et événements afin de les publier sur papier, par voie électronique, dans d’autres médias et sur son site Web. Certaines parties du congrès sont filmées sur vidéo. En participant au congrès annuel, vous autorisez la SCP à utiliser votre image et votre nom à cet effet. Formulaires d’évaluation Les évaluations nous aident à planifier les futurs congrès. Il est possible de remplir les formulaires d’évaluation des conférenciers à la fin de chaque séance, à partir de l’application du congrès. Le formulaire d’évaluation du congrès annuel est affiché dans Internet. Après le congrès, vous trouverez un courriel pour y accéder dans votre boîte de réception. Il ne faut qu’une minute pour remplir le formulaire d’évaluation du congrès, et si vous le soumettez, vous serez admissible au tirage d’une inscription gratuite au congrès de l’an prochain à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique. Identification badges Cocardes Wearing your ID badge is required for admission to all conference activities. Badges indicate the workshop selections for which you have registered in advance. Le port de la cocarde est exigé pour permettre l’admission à toutes les activités du congrès. La cocarde indique la sélection d’ateliers auxquels vous vous êtes préinscrit. CONFERENCE GUIDE 39 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. GENERAL INFORMATION / RENSEIGNEMENTS GÉNÉRAUX Heures de bureau de la direction Management office hours PEI Convention Centre Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, June 21 June 22 June 23 Friday, June 24 Saturday, June 25 Registration – 1200-2000 0630-1700 Confederation Ballroom Foyer 0630-1700 0630-1700 0730-1000 CPS 0800-1700 0800-1700 Conference Office – Robert Dickie Media Room – Office #1 Speaker Ready Room – Alexander Galt 0800-1700 0730-1900 0730-1900 Palais des congrès de l’Île-du-PrinceÉdouard Le mardi 21 juin Le mercredi 22 juin Le jeudi 23 juin Le vendredi 24 juin Le samedi 25 juin 12 h à 20 h 6 h 30 à 17 h 6 h 30 à 17 h 6 h 30 à 17 h 7 h 30 à 10 h 0800-1700 0800-1700 0800-1200 Inscription – Foyer de la salle de bal Confederation 8 h à 17 h 0800-1700 0800-1700 Bureau du congrès de la SCP – Robert Dickie 0730-1900 0730-1900 0730-1200 Salle de presse – Office #1 Session pre-registration Pre-registration is required for all workshops because space is limited. Seating begins 15 minutes before the session start-time. To ensure that all pre-registered delegates are seated, we ask that you arrive early. Delegates who do not pre-register will only be allowed to enter once a session begins. All other sessions are seated on a first-come, firstserved basis. Note: For reasons of safety, session attendees are not allowed to sit on the floor or to stand at the back of a room, and no extra seating is provided once a session is full. When all chairs are filled, the doors are closed. Be sure to choose a fall-back session in case your session-of-first-choice is full. Social media Get connected! Join the conversation and share your excitement. Follow the CPS annual conference: #CPS2016 @CanPaedSociety Speaker handouts Speaker handouts are available through the conference app. Available handouts can be found as an attachment on the session details. Special needs The CPS tries to ensure that all educational and social events are fully accessible. If you have special needs or requests, please bring them to the attention of registration staff. CONFERENCE GUIDE 8 h à 17 h 8 h à 17 h 8 h à 17 h 8 h à 17 h 8 h à 17 h 8 h à 17 h 8 h à 12 h Salle de 7 h 30 à 19 h 7 h 30 à 19 h 7 h 30 à 19 h 7 h 30 à 19 h 7 h 30 à 12 h préparation des Conférenciers – Alexander Galt Préinscription aux séances Il faut être inscrit pour assister aux ateliers, car les places y sont limitées. Il est possible de prendre place 15 minutes avant l’heure prévue de la séance. Nous demandons aux congressistes inscrits à ces séances d’arriver tôt pour s’assurer d’avoir une place. Les congressistes non inscrits pourront entrer une fois la séance commencée. À toutes les autres séances, les places sont attribuées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Remarque : Pour des raisons de sécurité, les congressistes ne sont pas autorisés à s’asseoir par terre ou à se tenir debout à l’arrière de la pièce, et aucune chaise supplémentaire ne sera ajoutée lorsqu’une séance sera complète. Une fois les places comblées, les portes seront fermées. Les congressistes sont invités à sélectionner une deuxième séance, au cas où la première serait complète. Médias sociaux Soyez branché! Participez à la conversation et partagez votre enthousiasme. Suivez le congrès annuel de la SCP #CPS2016 @SocCanPed Documentation remise par les conférenciers Vous pouvez obtenir la documentation remise par les conférenciers dans l’application du congrès, sous forme de pièce jointe à l’information sur les séances. Besoins particuliers La SCP s’efforce de s’assurer que toutes les activités de formation et activités sociales sont accessibles. Si vous avez des besoins particuliers ou des demandes spéciales, présentez-les au personnel du bureau d’inscription. 40 GUIDE DU CONGRÈS TO ACCESS ALL CONFERENCE INFORMATION DOWNLOAD OUR APP (SEE PAGE 4) AND ADD IT TO YOUR SMART PHONE HOME PAGE. TÉLÉCHARGEZ NOTRE APPLICATION EN PAGE 4 ET AJOUTEZ-LA À LA PAGE D’ACCUEIL DE VOTRE TÉLÉPHONE INTELLIGENT POUR ACCÉDER À L’INFO SUR LE CONGRÈS. All courses are accredited. / Tous les cours sont agréés. eCME: Professional online education Canadian Paediatric Society courses are: • Evidence-based, balanced and up-to-date • Free • Convenient • User-friendly, flexible log in/log out privileges Cyberformation : Perfectionnement professionnel en ligne Caractéristiques des cours de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie : • Fondés sur des données probantes, équilibrés et à jour • Gratuits • Pratiques • Conviviaux, peuvent être effectués en plusieurs sessions Courses are developed through unrestricted education grants. / Les cours sont préparés grâce à des subventions d’éducation sans restrictions. Visit / Visitez le site NOW AVAILABLE! N ila a av w e! No abl ail av THE PREFERRED NSAID FOR TREATING PAIN ACCOMPANIED BY INFLAMMATION N ila a av Pediapharm Naproxen Suspension easy to take LE PRÉFÉRÉ PARMI LES AINS POUR TRAITER LA DOULEUR ACCOMPAGNÉE D'INFLAMMATION MAINTENANT OFFERT ! N ila a av w e! No ilabl a av N ila a av Pediapharm Naproxen Suspension Facile à prendre UNSURPASSED EFFICACY IN KILLING HEAD LICE AND EGGS Products containing neurotoxic pesticides like permethrin have long been used to treat head lice infestations, and lice have developed a resistance to them1. NYDA® kills lice through asphyxiation, which prevents the development of resistance and optimizes its efficacy2. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 93% 98% Demonstrated efficacy of NYDA® in killing head lice4 100% 83% 14% 10 23% 30 27% 1 NYDA® NIX® 34% 8 10 30 1 8 Rate of cure [%] Percent of unhatched eggs Demonstrated efficacy of NYDA® in killing head lice eggs3 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 * * 94.5% 97.2% 66.7% Dimeticone (NYDA®) Permethrin (NIX®) 1% aqueous solution Day 2 Exposure time (10 and 30 minutes, 1 and 8 hours) REFERENCES: 1. Marcoux D et al. “Pyrethroid Pediculicide Resistance of Head Lice in Canada Evaluated by Serial Invasive Signal Amplification Reaction”, J Cut Med & Surg, Vol. 14, No 3, May/June 2010, 115-118. 2. Heukelbach J et al. “Dimeticone-Based Pediculicides: A Physical Approach to Eradicate Head Lice”, Open Derm J, Vol. 4, 2010, 77-78. 3. Strycharz JP et al. “Ovicidal response of NYDA formulations on the human head louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae) using a hair tuft bioassay”, J Med Ent, Vol. 49, No 2, March 2012, 336-342. 4. Heukelbach J et al. “A highly efficacious pediculicide based on dimeticone: Randomized observer blinded comparative trial”, BMC Infectious Diseases, Vol. 8, 2008, 115. *Pharmacy Practice+ and Profession Santé 2016 Survey on OTC Counselling and Recommendations, Lice Treatment category. 67.6% Day 9 *p<0.0001 L’EFFICACITÉ INÉGALÉE POUR ÉLIMINER LES POUX DE TÊTE ET LES LENTES Des produits contenant des pesticides neurotoxiques, telle la perméthrine, sont utilisés depuis longtemps pour lutter contre les infestations par les poux de tête. Mais désormais, les poux y résistent1. Pour sa part, NYDA® tue les poux par asphyxie, ce qui en optimise l’efficacité tout en évitant l'apparition d'une résistance2 au traitement chez ces parasites. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 93 % Efficacité démontrée de NYDA® pour l’élimination des poux4 98 % 100 % 83 % 14 % 10 23 % 30 27 % 1 NYDA® NIX® 34 % 8 10 30 1 8 Taux de réussite [%] Pourcentage de lentes non écloses Efficacité démontrée de NYDA® pour l’élimination des lentes3 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 * * 94,5 % 97,2 % 66,7 % Diméticone (NYDA®) Perméthrine (NIX®) en solution aqueuse de 1 % Jour 2 Temps d’exposition (10 et 30 minutes, 1 et 8 heures) RÉFÉRENCES : 1. Marcoux, D. et coll. « Pyrethroid Pediculicide Resistance of Head Lice in Canada Evaluated by Serial Invasive Signal Amplification Reaction », J Cut Med & Surg, vol. 14, no 3, mai/juin 2010, p. 115-118. 2. Heukelbach, J. et coll. « Dimeticone-Based Pediculicides: A Physical Approach to Eradicate Head Lice », Open Derm J, vol. 4, 2010, p. 77-78. 3. Strycharz, J. P. et coll. « Ovicidal response of NYDA formulations on the human head louse (Anoplura: Pediculidae) using a hair tuft bioassay », J Med Ent, vol. 49, no 2, mars 2012, p. 336-342. 4. Heukelbach, J. et coll. « A highly efficacious pediculicide based on dimeticone: Randomized observer blinded comparative trial », BMC Infectious Diseases, vol. 8, 2008, p. 115. *Enquête annuelle 2016 sur les recommandations en matière de MVL réalisée par Profession Santé et Pharmacy Practice+, catégorie Pédiculidices. 67,6 % Jour 9 *p < 0.0001 Flu is tough… Flu is bad… Help prevent flu with Pediatric FLUAD® The only adjuvanted option for flu prevention in children 6–23 months of age.* 21 3 of every 4 (72%) caused by the A strain As reported by the IMPACT network from 2014-2015: The majority of influenza-associated hospitalizations in children aged 6 to 23 months were caused by the A strain. 21 A strain (H3 + H1+ unsubtyped) B strains FLUAD® Pediatric will not treat influenza or its complications, including influenza-related hospitalizations, and does not protect against the common cold. Antibody responses to vaccines in young infants are reduced compared with older children.16† FLUAD® Pediatric is indicated for active immunization against influenza in children 6 months to <2 years of age.1 Please consult the reference list relating to this advertisement at Consult the complete Product Monograph at for important information about: •Contraindications in patients with a known hypersensitivity to the active substances, to any of the excipients and to eggs, chicken proteins, kanamycin and neomycin sulphate, formaldehyde, and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) or who have had a life-threatening reaction to previous influenza vaccination. •Relevant warnings and precautions regarding intramuscular administration, clinically significant bleeding disorders, endogenous or iatrogenic immunosuppression, Guillain-Barré syndrome within 6 weeks of receipt of prior influenza vaccine, availability of appropriate medical treatment and supervision in case of a rare anaphylactic event following administration of the vaccine and febrile illness or acute infections. •Conditions of clinical use, adverse reactions, drug interactions and dosing instructions. The Product Monograph is also available by calling us at 1-800-363-8883. *Comparative clinical significance unknown. †FLUAD ® Pediatric is indicated in infants and children (6 months to <2 years of age). FLUAD is a registered trademark. Product Monograph available on request. Printed in Canada © Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc. 2016 PRO/FLU/0008E ® PEDIATRIC La grippe est difficile… La grippe est mauvaise… Aidez a prévenir la grippe grace a FLUAD Pédiatrique MD MD PÉDIATRIQUE Le seul vaccin avec adjuvant pour la prévention de la grippe chez les enfants âgés de 6 à 23 mois*17. 21 3 cas sur 4 (72 %) étaient causés par des souches A . Souche A (H3 + H1+ autre sous-type indéterminé) Souches B Le réseau IMPACT a rapporté que pour 2014-2015 : la majorité des hospitalisations attribuables à la grippe chez les enfants de 6 à 23 mois étaient causées par la souche A . 21 FLUADMD Pédiatrique ne sert pas à traiter la grippe ou ses complications, y compris les cas d’hospitalisation liés à la grippe, et n’offre pas de protection contre le rhume. La production d’anticorps en réponse aux vaccins est plus faible chez les nourrissons que chez les enfants plus âgé16†. FLUADMD Pédiatrique est indiqué pour l’immunisation active contre la grippe chez les enfants âgés de 6 mois à moins de 2 ans1. Vous pouvez consulter la liste des références se rapportant à cette publicité en visitant le site Veuillez consulter la monographie de produit à l’adresse pour obtenir des renseignements importants à propos : • des contre-indications chez les personnes qui présentent une hypersensibilité connue aux substances actives ou à l’un des excipients contenus dans le vaccin, ou aux œufs, aux protéines de poulet, à la kanamycine et au sulfate de néomycine, au formaldéhyde, et au bromure de d’hexadécyltriméthylammonium (CTAB). Il est également contre-indiqué d’administrer ce vaccin à toute personne ayant déjà eu une réaction menaçant le pronostic vital après l’administration d’un vaccin antigrippal. • des mises en garde et précautions pertinentes à propos de troubles hémorragiques significatifs sur le plan clinique, d’une d’immunosuppression endogène ou iatrogène, du syndrome de Guillain-Barré survenu au cours des 6 semaines suivant l’inoculation d’un vaccin contre la grippe, de la disponibilité d’un traitement médical et de la supervision appropriés en cas d’un événement anaphylactique rare suivant l’administration d’un vaccin et d’une maladie fébrile ou d’une infection aiguë. • de l’usage clinique, des effets indésirables, des interactions médicamenteuses et des renseignements posologiques. Vous pouvez également vous procurer la monographie en nous appelant au 1-800-363-8883. * La portée clinique comparative est inconnue. †FLUADMD Pédiatrique est indiqué chez les nourrissons et les enfants (âgés de 6 mois à moins de 2 ans). FLUAD est une marque déposée. Monographie offerte sur demande. Imprimé au Canada © Novartis Pharma Canada inc., 2016 PRO/FLU/0008F MD PÉDIATRIQUE VACCIN ANTIGRIPPAL CONTENANT L’ADJUVANT MF59® General Consultant Pediatricians James Paton Memorial Regional Health Centre and Central Newfoundland Regional Health Centre Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland & Labrador (Full-time and locum opportunities available) The physician will join two other paediatricians sharing the workload and on-call duties within the department at either of two regional referral sites. Paediatric services at our regional hospitals include outpatient clinics, Emergency Department and inpatient coverage, routine neonatal care and attendance at difficult deliveries. Interdisciplinary clinics in the areas of development, behavior, obesity and chronic disease could be developed based on a physician’s interests. The position offers a vigorous and varied caseload, and the fulfillment of serving the needs of families in this rural part of the province. Short- and long-term locum opportunities exist, compensated at a daily rate of $1188*. Travel, accommodations and meals are remunerated. Take the chance to see a new part of the country, and enjoy true Newfoundland hospitality while using the full breadth of your clinical skills. Gander is a town of 10,000 people, offering top-notch recreational opportunities and an international airport, all within driving distance of St. John’s. Check out the possibilities for true work/life balance at Grand Falls-Windsor is a centrally located town of 13,725 people, offering top-notch recreational opportunities, and is within driving distance of St. John’s and Marble Mountain Ski Resort. Check out the possibilities at Come be a part of the dedicated team of physicians at the Central Regional Health Authority! *For more information, contact Regional Chief Dr. Jill Starkes at [email protected] or Janelle Hillier (Director of Medical Services) at [email protected] or (709) 292-2450. To apply, email your CV to [email protected] Le spray douceur The softness spray La crème en spray à l’oxyde de zinc. Ezeva, c’est la nouvelle façon de prendre soin des fesses de bébé. Avec son spray pratique, on ne se tache plus les mains. Plus hygiénique, car on ne contamine pas la crème avec les doigts. Un nouveau produit pour aider à prévenir et à traiter l’érythème fessier de bébé. Plus pratique. Plus hygiénique. Zinc oxide cream spray. Ezeva is the new way to care for your baby's bottom. Its convenient cream spray does not stick to your hands. More hygienic: because your fingers don’t touch the cream, you avoid contamination. A new product to help prevent and treat diaper rash. More convenient. More hygienic. Ce produit peut ne pas vous convenir. Toujours lire l'étiquette et suivre le mode d'emploi. MC Marque de commerce utilisée sous licence par Sandoz Canada Inc. QC, Canada J4B 7K8 This product may not be suitable for you. Always read the label and follow instructions for use. Trademarks used under license by Sandoz Canada Inc. QC, Canada J4B 7K8 TM Bébé respire mieux. Maman aussi. Baby is breathing better. Mom too. Les tout-petits sont incapables de se moucher. Salinex® offre des solutions douces, parfaites pour faciliter le drainage des voies nasales et des sinus de bébé. Salinex® aide à soulager la sécheresse et l’irritation nasales, maintient les sinus en santé et aide bébé à se sentir mieux. Un soulagement tout en douceur qui apaise les petits nez congestionnés… ainsi que les inquiétudes de maman. Babies are not able to blow their noses. Salinex® is a gentle solution perfect for facilitating drainage of baby’s nasal passages and sinuses. Salinex® helps relieve nasal dryness and irritation, maintains sinus health and helps baby feel better. Compte-gouttes eau saline Atomiseur eau saline Vaporisateur eau de mer Enfant de 0 à 2 ans Enfant de 2 ans et plus Enfant de 2 ans et plus Nasal drops saline solution Nasal spray saline solution Nasal spray seawater Child from 0 to 2 years Child over 2 years Child over 2 years Pour plus d’information sur la famille Salinex®, consultez For more information on Salinex® products, please visit Ce produit peut ne pas vous convenir. Toujours lire l'étiquette et suivre le mode d'emploi. ®, TM Marques de commerce détenues ou utilisées sous licence par Sandoz Canada Inc. QC, Canada J4B 7K8 Questions ou problèmes: 1 800 361-3062 This product may not be suitable for some people. Always read product labels and follow the instructions for use. ®, TM Trademark owned or used under license by Sandoz Canada Inc. Boucherville, Québec, Canada J4B 7K8 Questions or Concerns: 1-800-361-3062 A solution that gently relieves congested little noses… and allays Mom’s worries. IPA 2016 The International Pediatric Association (IPA) invites you to join us this summer in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to help improve the health and well-being of children and youth throughout the world. 17-22 August 2016, Vancouver, Canada 12 Pre-Congress Workshops 9 25 Plenary Sessions 57 Meet the Experts Concurrent Sessions The IPA 2016 program features more than 160 prominent guest speakers including: EARN 30 CM E Anthony Lake Executive Director, UNICEF Anthony Costello Director - Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health, WHO CRED ITS Olayinka Omigbodun Professor of Psychiatry/Consultant in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Ibadan Mickey Chopra Lead Health Specialist, World Bank James Perrin Professor, Harvard Medical School Congress registration is $675 USD with discounts available to students and nurses. Congress Secretariat: MCI Canada/AFEA Email: [email protected] | Phone: +1 604 688 9655 ext 2 | Visit us @ | Rendez-nous visite @ SHAREABLE RESOURCES VIDEOS RESSOURCES PARTAGEABLES VIDÉOS INFOGRAPHICS NUTRITION RESEARCH RESSOURCES INFOGRAPHIQUES RECHERCHE EN NUTRITION GLOBAL CONTENT AND MORE CONTENU MONDIAL ET PLUS Create your login and profile information to receive the latest news and perks! Inscrivez-vous en créant un profil et un mot de passe afin de recevoir les avantages et dernières nouvelles ! WWW.BELLINSTITUTE.CA The green way to go GET A HOME OR AUTO INSURANCE QUOTE TO WIN $30,000 Prenez le virage vert DEMANDEZ UNE SOUMISSION D’ASSURANCE AUTO OU HABITATION ET COUREZ LA CHANCE DE GAGNER 30 000 $ FOR AN ECO-FRIENDLY HOME RENOVATION POUR RÉNOVER VOTRE MAISON DE FAÇON ÉCORESPONSABLE A WIN-WIN FOR YOU AND THE ENVIRONMENT! GAGNANT POUR VOUS, GAGNANT POUR L’ENVIRONNEMENT ! Get a quote for your chance to win! Pour courir la chance de gagner, demandez votre soumission ! 1-888-476-8737 1 888 476-8737 Already insured with The Personal? As a client, you’ve already been entered into the draw. It’s our way of saying thanks! Vous êtes déjà client de La Personnelle ? Vous êtes automatiquement inscrit au concours. C’est notre façon de vous remercier ! The right fit. La bonne combinaison. Certain conditions apply. The Personal refers to The Personal General Insurance Inc. in Quebec and The Personal Insurance Company in all other provinces and territories of Canada. Auto Insurance is not available in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia due to government-run plans. No purchase necessary. Contest ends on December 31, 2016 and the draw will take place on January 16, 2017. There is one (1) prize to be won: the winner may select an amount of $30,000 (CAN) awarded in the form of gift vouchers to a home renovation or building supplier, exchangeable for eco-friendly products or eco-friendly renovations; or a cheque for $30,000 (CAN). The winner will be responsible for selecting suppliers — upon approval by The Personal — and coordinating all work. Chances of winning depends upon the number of quotes received and the number of policies in force with The Personal on December 31, 2016. The winner must correctly answer a skilltesting question to receive the prize. Full contest rules and details available at Certaines conditions s’appliquent. La Personnelle désigne La Personnelle, assurances générales inc. au Québec et à la Personnelle, compagnie d’assurances dans les autres provinces et territoires au Canada. L’assurance automobile n’est pas offerte au Manitoba, en Saskatchewan ni en Colombie-Britannique où il existe des régimes d’assurance gouvernementaux. Aucun achat requis. Le concours se termine le 31 décembre 2016. Le tirage aura lieu le 16 janvier 2017. Il y a un (1) prix à gagner : le gagnant aura le choix entre un montant de 30 000 $ CAN remis sous forme de cartes-cadeaux échangeables dans un centre de rénovation contre des produits ou des services de rénovations écoresponsables ou un chèque de 30 000 $ CAN. Le gagnant sera responsable de choisir les fournisseurs – sur approbation de La Personnelle – et de coordonner tous les travaux. Les chances de gagner dépendent du nombre de soumissions obtenues ainsi que du nombre de polices en vigueur à La Personnelle au 31 décembre 2016. Le gagnant doit répondre correctement à une question d’habileté mathématique pour recevoir son prix. Détails et règlement disponibles à Conference Sponsors / Commanditaires du congrès The Canadian Paediatric Society gratefully acknowledges the following companies for their educational grants in support of the 2016 CPS Annual Conference and for working with the CPS to advance the health of children and youth in Canada. La Société canadienne de pédiatrie tient à remercier les entreprises suivantes qui ont versé une subvention d’éducation en appui au congrès annuel 2016 de la SCP et qui œuvrent avec la SCP à faire progresser la santé des enfants et des adolescents du Canada. Silver/ Argent Bronze Friends of CPS / Amis de la SCP Call for Proposals! / Appel de propositions! May 31-June 3, 2017 Du 31 mai au 3 juin 2017 New deadline Date! / Nouvelle dates limite! September 15, 2016 / Le 15 septembre 2016 Format: • Seminars cover critically chosen, innovative subjects. • Workshops provide case-based and/or hands-on learning, with time for interaction and discussion. The process for submitting a proposal electronically will be available in August 2016 at Structure : • Séminaires sur des sujets novateurs et bien choisis • Ateliers fondés sur des cas ou sous forme d’apprentissage pratique, comportant des périodes d’interaction et de discussion Le processus de soumission des projets par voie électronique sera accessible à compter d’août 2016, à