Low-Glycemic Meal-Replacement Drink Mix
Low-Glycemic Meal-Replacement Drink Mix
Low-Glycemic Meal-Replacement Drink Mix • Keeps you feeling satisfied longer so you eat less • Supports heart health with essential fatty acids, dietary fibre, and soy protein • Provides vitamins and minerals that are good for the body • Has zero trans fat Make Nutrimeal™ a part of your healthy lifestyle every day. Ask your Independent Associate how USANA’s great-tasting Macro-Optimizers can help you meet your health and weight-loss goals. “As an Olympic athlete, I always try to stay in shape, and one thing that helps me do that is sticking to a healthy diet with USANA’s Macro-Optimizers.” — Jennifer Azzi, Olympic Gold Medalist and former NCAA champion US A N ™ NUTRIMEAL LOW CEM GLY IC ED N N US A IC ED ST CEM GLY ST ED US A ™ NUTRIMEAL LOW ED M A C R O - O PA GTU I M TIE Z E R S ED IC A R AN A R AN GUI M ITEZ E R S M A C R O - O PA T ED CEM GLY L ST A R AN M A C R O - O PATGUI M ITEZ E R S ™ NUTRIMEAL LOW LI TE N I / Fraises Wild Strawberry de Bois C A L LY • 15 grams of soy, whey, and other proteins • 15 grams of soy protein • 15 grams of soy, whey, and other proteins • Very high source of dietary fibre • Contains omega-3 fatty acids • 15 grammes de soya, deAlactosérum U R A NT E et d’autres protéinesA G RAsoya • 15 grammes de protéine NT UAde N US A GARANTI ED U S AN French Vanilla Item #211 ED ST LOW 23 CEM GLY IC S ED ST Meal Replacement / Substitut de repas A T UE E D • N US A S AN S AN GARANTI ED U UE S ED ST • GARANTI ED U ED T UE E D • IB Net Wt. 59 g (2.1 oz) NA • TESTÉ C SA ’U GUARANTE LI L TE LE I N I C A L L Y MI IN D I C E G LY C É C ST IC A •F Q CEM GLY ED IB Dutch Chocolate Item #210 LOW 23 L TE LE I N I C A L L Y MI IN D I C E G LY C É C A •F IB Meal Replacement / Substitut de repas A IC I C A L LY EMENT QU NI NA • TESTÉ C SA ’U GUARANTE LI ED C A •F Net Wt. 59 g (2.1 oz) CEM LI I C A L LY EMENT QU NI ED IC L TE LE I N I C A L L Y MI IN D I C E G LY C É LOW 23 T E N • Source très élevée de fibres GLY oméga-3 • Contient des acides gras C C EMENT QU NI CEM GLY • 1 5 grammes de soya, deAlactosérum U R A NT E et d’autres protéinesA G E GLY LI NA • TESTÉ C SA ’U GUARANTE LI LOW 23 G LOW 23 T E N IC • Contient des acides gras CEM oméga-3 I C A L LY A A • Source très élevée de fibres IC C LI Q US A CEM GLY oméga-3 • Contient des acides gras ED LOW 23 T E N • Source très élevée de fibres ED N • Very high source of dietary fibre • Contains omega-3 fatty acids ED • Very high source of dietary fibre • Contains omega-3 fatty acids Q C L C TE French Vanilla /I NVanille I C A L L Y française C TE Dutch ChocolateI N/I CChocolat hollandais A L LY Net Wt. 59 g (2.1 oz) Meal Replacement / Substitut de repas Wild Strawberry Item #212 Contains: wheat, soy, and milk, and is produced on equipment that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, egg, wheat, sesame, and shellfish.
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