Casavant Opus: 2517 Contract Specification Date: July 7, 1958
Casavant Opus: 2517 Contract Specification Date: July 7, 1958
Casavant Opus: 2517 Contract Specification Date: July 7, 1958 Location: Séminaire-des-Vocations-Tardives Saint-Jérôme, Québec Installation Date: March 1959 Key Action: Electro-pneumatic Stop Action: Electro-pneumatic (Pitman) Console / Keydesk: 2 manuals Fixed in place With rolltop cover Console Location: Detached Stop Controls: Tablets Arrangement: Rocker tablets over top manual Manual Compass: 61 notes Pedal Compass: 32 notes Expressive Divisions: Récit Tonal Director: Lawrence Phelps Case / Façade: The organ is in one location. Specification Stop Feet Pipes 8 8 4 2-2/3 2 68 68 68 61 61 8 8 8 4 2 8 68 61 68 68 183 68 16 8 8 4 32 12 12 12 Grand Orgue (I) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Principal Dulciane Prestant Quinte Doublette Gr a ndOr g ue4’ Récit (II) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Salicional Voix Céleste Bourdon Gemshorn Plein jeu III Hautbois Trémolo Ré c i t16’ Ré c i t4’ Chimes 12. 13. 14. 15. Bourdon Gedeckt Bourdon Flûte (GG) Pédale (extension of No. 8 (extension of No. 12) (extension of No. 14) Couplers Grand Orgue à la Pédale Récit à la Pédale Récit au Grand Orgue 16 8 8 8 4 4 4 Combination Action Type: Hold-set Department Grand Orgue & Pédale Récit General Thumb 3 3 3 Toe Reversible Piston Grand Orgue à la Pédale Thumb Balanced Pedals Récit Expression Crescendo on all stops and couplers Analysis 1 Division Grand Orgue Récit Pédale Total Registers 5 6 4 15 Stops 5 6 1 12 Ranks 5 8 1 14 Pipes 326 516 68 910 Notes 2 The information found in this document comes from the original French language contract located in the archives of Casavant Frères in Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec. 1 Thet e r m“ Re g i s t e r s "r e f e r st ot h et ot a ln umbe rofs pe a k i ngs t opsi nc l ud i ngd upl e x e da n de x t e nde ds t ops but excluding couplers, tremulants and controls. "Stops" refers to the total number of independent or straight stops excluding duplexed and extended stops as well as couplers and controls. 2 The information contained herein was researched by Stanley R. Scheer, Vice President EmeritusCasavant Frères –May 27, 2007
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