LUCAS Bruno :: UMR_S1016 - UMR8104 :: Regulation of T Cell


LUCAS Bruno :: UMR_S1016 - UMR8104 :: Regulation of T Cell
LUCAS Bruno :: UMR_S1016 - UMR8104 :: Regulation of T Cell effector functions : from basic
research to cancer
Unit : INSERM UMR_S1016 CNRS UMR8104 Institut Cochin - Université Paris Descartes :
Institut Cochin
Bâtiment Gustave Roussy, 8ème étage,
27 rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques
75014 PARIS
Director of the unit : : Pierre-Olivier COURAUD
Principal investigator :
Email : [email protected]
Phone number: +33 (0)1 40 51 65 90
Composition de l'équipe de recherche : :
AVRIL Marie-Françoise (PUPH, HDR)
5 Recent publications of the research team : :
Martin B, Auffray C, Delpoux A, Pommier A, Durand A, Charvet C, Yakonowsky P, de Boysson H, Bonilla N, Audemard
A, Sparwasser T, Salomon BL, Malissen B, Lucas B. 2013. Highly self-reactive naive CD4 T cells are prone to
differentiate into regulatory T cells. Nature Communications. 31; 4:2209.
Pommier A, Audemard A, Durand A, Lengagne R, Delpoux A, Martin B, Douguet L, Le Campion A, Kato M, Avril
MF, Auffray C, Lucas B, Prévost-Blondel A. 2013. Inflammatory monocytes are potent antitumor effectors controlled by
regulatory CD4+ T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 6;110(32):13085-90.
A. le Campion, A. Pommier, A. Delpoux, L. Stouvenel, C. Auffray, B. Martin and B. Lucas. 2012. IL-2 and IL-7
Determine the Homeostatic Balance between the Regulatory and Conventional CD4+ T Cell Compartments during
Peripheral T Cell Reconstitution. J. immunol. 189(7):3339-46.
Lengagne R, Pommier A, Caron J, Douguet L, Garcette M, Kato M, Avril MF, Abastado JP, Bercovici N, Lucas
B, Prévost-Blondel A. 2011. T cells contribute to tumor progression by favoring pro-tumoral properties of intra-tumoral
myeloid cells in a mouse model for spontaneous melanoma. PLOS one. 6(5):e20235.
A. Le Campion, M.C. Gagnerault, C. Bécourt, M. Poitrasson-Rivière, E. Lallemand, B. Bienvenu, B. Martin, F.
Lepault and B. Lucas. 2009. Lymphopenia-induced spontaneous T-cell proliferation as a cofactor for autoimmune
disease development. Blood. 114(9) : 1784-93.