Cold Blood Presentation Distribution - Charleroi
Cold Blood Presentation Distribution - Charleroi
EPHEMERAL CINEMA - DANCE - THEATER | 75' TICKET Cold Blood MICHÈLE ANNE DE MEY, JACO VAN DORMAEL & COLLECTIF KISS & CRY Presentation A journey between dream and reality in a world where the alliance of dance, film, music and stories invites us to take a humorous look at death and its downsides After the huge success of Kiss & Cry , this team of enchanters led by Michèle Anne De Mey, associate artist at Charleroi Danses, Jaco Van Dormael, Thomas Gunzig and the Kiss & Cry collective are at it again! Using the same means as before (choreography, stage design, live film), they take us on a poetic and humorous journey in the company of the Grim Reaper. But here, death is like nothing we’ve encountered before. An astonishing experience in which dream turns into reality. Distribution A show by Michèl e Anne De Mey, Jaco Van Dormael and the collectif Kiss & Cry Texts Thomas Gunzig Original idea Michèl e Anne De Mey & Jaco Van Dormael In collective creation with Grégory Grosjean, Thomas Gunzig, Julien Lambert, Sylvie Olivé, Nicolas Olivier with the participation of Thomas Beni, Gladys Brookfield-Hampson, Boris Cekevda, Gabriella Iacono, Aurél ie Leporcq, Bruno Olivier, Stefano Serra. Mise en scène Jaco Van Dormael & Michèl e Anne De Mey Texts Thomas Gunzig Screenplay Thomas Gunzig, Jaco Van Dormael & Michèl e Anne De Mey Cinematography Jaco Van Dormael & Julien Lambert Choreography Michèl e Anne De Mey & Grégory Grosjean Dancers Michèl e Anne De Mey, Grégory Grosjean & Gabriella Iacono Cameraman Julien Lambert assisted by Aurél ie Leporcq Set Designer Sylvie Olivé assisted by François Roux, Juliette Fassin, Théodore Brisset, Brigitte Baudet Light designer Nicolas Olivier assited by Bruno Olivier Technicians of creation Bruno Olivier, Stefano Serra Sound designer Boris Cekevda Performers Michèl e Anne De Mey, Boris Cekevda, Grégory Grosjean, Gabriella Iacono, Julien Lambert, Aurél ie Leporcq, Bruno Olivier, Stefano Serra et Jaco Van Dormael Photographer Julien Lambert Technical Coordinator Thomas Dobruzskès Production & Diffusion Gladys Brookfield-Hampson, Helene Dubois Tour manager Meryl Moens / MoDul cie Producer Le Manège.Mons (BE) Executive producer Astragale asbl (BE) Associated producer Théâtre de Namur (BE) Coproducers Charleroi Danses (BE), la Fondation Mons 2015 (BE), KVS (BE), Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg (BE), le Printemps des comédiens (FR),Torino Danza (IT), Canadian Stage (CA), Théâtre de Carouge (CH), Théâtre des Célestins (FR) With the support of Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles and Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles International Dates TOURNÉES TUE 08.12.2015 20:00 Mons Le Manège A coproduction Charleroi Danses on the occasion of Mons 2015 WED 09.12.2015 20:00 Mons Le Manège THU 10.12.2015 20:00 Mons Le Manège FRI 11.12.2015 20:00 Mons Le Manège SAT 12.12.2015 20:00 Mons Le Manège SUN 13.12.2015 16:00 Mons Le Manège MON 14.12.2015 20:00 - 20:00 Mons Le Manège TUE 15.12.2015 20:00 Mons Le Manège SAT 08.10.2016 20:00 Charleroi PBA SUN 09.10.2016 16:00 Charleroi PBA TUE 11.10.2016 20:00 Charleroi PBA WED 12.10.2016 20:00 Charleroi PBA 08 > 12.10.16 - 20:00 CHARLEROI PBA A Charleroi Danses / PBA copresentation Michèle Anne De Mey is associate artist at Charleroi Danses. Meet the artists after the show on 9.10 Open to audience aged 12 and over SEE ALSO Memories (Lost in Oblivion) MICHÈLE ANNE DE MEY
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