African Women`s Economic Summit 2012 Lagos, 13 th – 14th July
African Women`s Economic Summit 2012 Lagos, 13 th – 14th July
African Women’s Economic Summit 2012 Lagos, 13th – 14th July 2012 Report Regional Office for Europe Bureau Régional pour l’Europe Organisation de la Presse Africaine - APO Case 574 1001 Lausanne, Suisse Tel.: + 41 22 534 96 97 [email protected] APO Headquarters Siège African Press Organization – APO 12, Bd Djily MBAYE Dakar, Senegal Tel.: +221 33 829 64 33 Email: [email protected] India Office African Press Organization – APO Level 1, Trade Centre Bandra Kurla Complex Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 051 - India Tel.: +91 96197 76084 Email: [email protected] African Press Organization (APO) Ltd Trinity House 1st Floor, Albert Street P.O. BOX 1402 Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 I. Press release distribution African Women Economic Summit (AWES) will be held in Lagos, Nigeria, 12-14 July 2012 / Media conference on July 14th at 10h30 at the Federal Palace Hotel African Women Pledge to Fight for Inclusive Growth at Lagos Economic Summit African Women’s Economic Summit mulls solutions to financial exclusion The three (3) releases were distributed on all APO’s Africa Wire®: - APO-Source Web reach Targeted emailing International partners 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 II. Online Press Conference APO created and distributed a media advisory three (3) times on Africa Wire®: Following the distribution of the media advisory, the below media accredited themselves : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Africa Business Market -Cote D'ivoire Africa Unbound - United States AKBAR EL YOUM - Egypt Al Watan daily, Oman - United Kingdom All eyes on africa - United States Arose el bahr paper - Egypt Biblia Husema Broadcasting - Kenya BRENTT Consulting - Nigeria Channel Africa SABC - South Africa CISA - Kenya Deutsche Welle - Germany Institute for Media and Society - Nigeria LI KHEW QUOTIDIEN - Senegal LUMIERE D'AFRIQUE - Benin Ministere ecologie - Senegal National Infinity - Nigeria National Pilot Newspaper - Nigeria Palistinian media center - Egypt Pamoma - Tanzania, United Republic of Political Economist - Nigeria Public Eye Newspaper - South Africa Radio Nigeria-CHOICE FM - Nigeria Radio Panik - Belgium RTGA - Congo, The Democratic Republic of The Synergy Media - Nigeria Talking Africa - United Kingdom The Voice - Botswana 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 28. 29. 30. 31. Unilag Radio 103.1FM - Nigeria voice of nigeria - Nigeria - Guinée – Cameroon The online press conference was audio and video recorded and resent to all accredited media in an email: Dear All, Video recording of Online press conference with AfDB Head of Gender and Social Development Divison Ms. Ginette-Ursule Yoman and New Faces New Voices Executive Director Ms. Nomsa Daniels is available here: Audio recording is available here: Best regards. 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 III. Article Production Articles were produced and published on, which is the leading Pan-African website, with 1.5 million unique visitor per month. All articles were produced in French and English: French version Nigeria : début du sommet économique des femmes africaines 2012 Nigeria : ouverture du deuxième sommet des femmes africaines à Lagos Dr Nkosana Moyo : « Je pense que les femmes doivent plus s’affirmer » Sommet Économique des Femmes Africaines 2012 English version Dr. Nkosana Moyo: "I think women need to turn on the screws when necessary." African women’s economic summit opens in Lagos Nigeria: the second edition of African Women Economic Summit 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 African Women Economic Summit 2012 Total number of readers over the 2 days of the summit: 29 447 IV. TV Production 5 documentaries were produced by the 2 journalists present in Lagos and made available on a password protected site to TV5MONDE TELESUD AFRICA24 CAMNEWS24 VOXAFRICA FRANCE 24 EURONEWS CANAL PLUS AFRIQUE 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 And to CFI network of TV channels: National TV in Francophone countries Madagascar Central African Repulbic Chad DRC Côte d’Ivoire Guinea Comores Mali Djibouti Mauritania Benin Senegal Congo Togo Burkina Faso Burundi Gabon Equatorial Guinea Niger National TV in Anglophone Countries Erythrea Rwanda Zambia Uganda Sierra Leone Gambia Ghana Mauritius Seychelles Kenya Ethiopia Namibia Somalia Swaziland Botswana Cameroon Malawi Tanzania Zimbabwe Liberia Lesotho Nigeria Sudan 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 TV channels can select, download as follows : TV Channels can download video with or without voice-over and get the French and English script 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 a) Documentaries Beginning of the summit produced 12th July Lagos la mégalopole nigériane abrite du 13 au 14 juillet le deuxième sommet des femmes d'affaires de continent. Soutenu par la Banque Africaine de Développement, cette rencontre est une opportunité pour des femmes de renforcer le plaidoyer en faveur de leurs projets respectifs. L'association pan africaine ''New Faces New Voices'' est à l'initiative du sommet FR - EN- Official Opening produced on 13th July Le deuxième sommet Economique des femmes a ouvert ses portes ce vendredi à Lagos. Plus de 200 leaders africaines se retrouvent pour discuter de l'accès des femmes aux fonds financiers. Pour des institutions de financement comme la Banque Africaine de Développement, l'enjeu est d'assurer l'intégration économique de la femme au développement du continent. FR -: EN - Interview Dr Moyo produced on 14th July Dr Nkosona Moyo a parlé au nom de Mme Graça Machel, fondatrice de New Faces New Voice (NFNW) lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture du Sommet Economique des Femmes Africaines. Actuellement fondateur et président exécutif de l'Institut Mandela pour les études du développement (MINDS), Dr Moyo été jusqu’en Août dernier le vice-président et Chief Operating Officer deé 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 Closing of the summit produced on 14th July Lagos, Nigeria – Le deuxième sommet économique des femmes africaines a officiellement fermé ses portes à ce dimanche. Des appels ont été réitérés aux décideurs afin de promouvoir davantage l’autonomisation des femmes et d’éliminer les obstacles qui entravent le progrès économique des femmes à travers le continent africain. LAGOS: la Banque Africaine de Développement mise sur les femmes produced on 14th July La banque africaine de développement, principal support financier du sommet économique des femmes africaines à Lagos, explique le pourquoi de son intérêt pour les femmes dans le cadre du développement du continent. Sonore 1 Ousmane DORÉ Représentant Résident de la BAD au Nigeria Ancien Ministre de l'Economie et des Finances de Guinée Sonore 2 Ginette Ursule YOMAN Chef Division Genre & Développement Social BAD 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 b) TV Tracking Africa 24 The documentaries downloaded 2 documentaries and used by Africa 24 and played during the news bulleting on 15th July 2012. 06’52 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 TV5 MONDE : The channel downloaded the opening and the closing of the summit and included it in the news of 15/07/2012 at 20.00 GMT from 9’16 to 10’52 Voxafrica:. Used the opening documentary during their news program on 13th July 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012 Télésud: Downloaded all 5 videos Cam24news: Downloaded all 5 videos For any questions, please contact Eloïne Barry [email protected] 2012.07.17_African Women Economic Summit 2012
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