Thierry DELECOLLE Professor, Marketing, Marketing


Thierry DELECOLLE Professor, Marketing, Marketing
May 2015
Professor, Marketing, Marketing and Commercial Relations Department
Teaching Area/s: Marketing
Grande Ecole
Year hired at ISC Paris: 2010
Major / Minor
Université Paris Dauphine
Postgraduate Diploma
(french DEA)
Université Paris Dauphine
French Master Degree
(old name)
Université Paris Dauphine
Course Responsibilities at ISC Paris 2010 through 2015:
Market Research
Intellectual Contributions 2010 through 2015:
Intellectual Contributions
Peer/Non-Peer Reviewed Journals
Peer Reviewed Proceedings
Peer-Reviewed Paper Presentations
Faculty Research Seminar
Thierry DELECOLLE - Professor, Marketing
ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France
May 2015
Intellectual Contributions
Published case
Pedagogical case
Theme: "Le comportement de consommation professionnelle du dirigeant de très petite entreprise,
approche par la relation client et les déterminants individuels", Doctorate, Business administration,
Marketing, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, 2009
, Postgraduate Diploma (french DEA), Business administration, Marketing and Strategy, Université
Paris Dauphine, Paris, 2001
, French Master Degree (old name), Business administration, Marketing, Université Paris Dauphine,
Paris, 2000
Instructional Activities and Development
Taught Courses outside ISC Paris since 2010
IAE Paris, module in Customer Relationship Management
M2 / French Master degree in Marketing, 2013
ISC PARIS, module in Blue Ocean Strategy Simulation / MGEFC
M2 / Grande Ecole CGE in Strategy, 2013
ISC PARIS, module in Multi-channel Marketing / MGEFC
M2 / Grande Ecole CGE in Marketing, 2013
Université Paris Dauphine, module in Customer Strategie / DEP
in Marketing, 2013
IAE Paris, module in Customer Relationship Management
M2 / French Master degree in Marketing, 2012
ISC PARIS, module in Blue Ocean Strategy Simulation / MGEFC
M2 / Grande Ecole CGE in Strategy, 2012
IAE Paris, module in Customer Relationship Management
M2 / French Master degree in Marketing, 2011
Honors and Special Recognitions
John Molson Case Writing Competition 2014 Award - 5th place - for the Paris Saint Germain case, co-author
Ronald Kamin.
Atlas-AFMI-CCMP 2014 Award for the best International Management case, honored by the jury of the French
International Management Association for the Mauboussin Japan case (reference Darden UVA-M-0853) coauthors, Ronald Kamin, Beatrice Parguel, Gerry Yemen, on May 21st during the 4th Atlas-AFMI annual
Thierry DELECOLLE - Professor, Marketing
ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France
May 2015
AFM-CCMP 2012 Award for the best Marketing pedagogical case, honored by the jury of the French Marketing
Association (AFM) for the Mauboussin case (reference CCMP M1715) co-author, Béatrice Parguel, on May 30th
during the Development Council of CCMP.
Head of Department, Marketing and Commercial Relations, ISC Paris School of Management, since 2014
Scientific head of MBA e-Business, ISC Paris School of Management, since 2012
Scientific head of 3rd year specialization e Business programme, ISC Paris School of Management, since 2010
Scientific Activities
Research Axis
Very small businesses and business to business marketing
Strategic management, Relationship marketing and firm performance
Marketing practice (mostly pedagogical research)
Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Journal Articles
DORNIER R., N. SELMI, T. DELECOLLE, Strategic Groups Structure, Positioning of the Firm ans Performance: A
Review of Literature, International Business Research, vol. 5, n° 2, February 2012, pp. 27-40., [AERES, CNRS].
DELECOLLE T., UNOWHY-QOOQ : l’innovation fait-elle recette ? , Revue des Cas en Gestion, n° 8, 2012, pp.
TADDEI J.-C., T. DELECOLLE, The Role of Cooperatives and CSR: The Case of the French Agricultural Sector ,
International Business Research, vol. 5, n° 7, 2012, pp. 73-83..
DELECOLLE T., Very Small Enterprises as Professional Customers: a Qualitative Study, International Business
Research, vol. 4, n° 2, 2011, pp. 20-30..
DELECOLLE T., B. PARGUEL , L’adoption d’un marketing de masse dans le secteur du luxe, quand Mauboussin
affiche ses prix en 4 par 3 dans le métro , Décisions Marketing – Tribune Managers, n° 59, September 2010,
pp. 79-82..
Conference proceedings
PARGUEL B., T. DELECOLLE, P. VALETTE-FLORENCE, Effect of price display on brand luxury
perceptions, 17ème colloque international Etienne Thil, 2014, Paris, France.
CAZALS F., T. DELECOLLE, Segmentation du portefeuille "professionnels" : application au domaine
bancaire, NACRA, pp. 23, October 2014, Austin - TEXAS, United States of America.
Thierry DELECOLLE - Professor, Marketing
ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France
May 2015
DAMAY C., T. DELECOLLE, Le sport et les enfants : perceptions, pratiques et consommation, Sport
Management Conference - ISC Paris, June 2013, Paris.
RADU-LEFEBVRE M., T. DELECOLLE, V. LEFEBVRE, Trust at first sight? The impact of
entrepreneurs’ pitch presentations on business angels’ investment decisions in France and
Germany,, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2013, Lyon.
RENIOU F., T. DELECOLLE, Z. MALAS , P. DESMET , When and Where to prompt for an online
promotional code to avoid cart abandonment , 15th Academy of Marketing Science World
Marketing Congress, July 2011, Reims.
DELECOLLE T., K. LAIGLE , M. MONESTEL , Apports de la théorie de la longue traîne à la
distribution de voyages sur Internet, 3ème Journée de Recherche et d’Echanges en Management
du Tourisme, 2011, Paris.
DELECOLLE T., Very small businesses as business customers: a qualitative study of their
relationships expectations and behaviours, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, 2009,
DELECOLLE T., Dealing with very small businesses: a business-to-business challenge, 2nd
European Workshop on B2B Marketing, 2009.
Conference without proceedings
DORNIER Raphaël, T. DELECOLLE, N. SELMI, Agences événementielles et tourisme durable:
panorama et perspectives, Colloque Transformare II, ISC Paris, 2012, ISC Paris, France.
Case Studies
DELECOLLE T., R. KAMIN, B. PARGUEL, G. YEMEN, Mauboussin Japan: A French Gem in Asia,
Darden Business publishing, the University of Virginia, 2013.
Chapters in Scholarly Books
GOUDEAU S., T. DELECOLLE, R. DORNIER. Impact de la certification « Agir pour un Tourisme
Responsable » (ATR), . In : L’entreprise durable et le changement organisationnel, (Ed), Edition
EMS, 289-319, 2014.
DELECOLLE T., C. DIRIDOLLOU, H. TINDALE. Google, identifier les sources de valeur sur un
marché. In : 15 études de cas, T. Delécolle (Ed), Studyrama, 121-133, 2014.
DAMAY C., T. DELECOLLE. Aphrodisiaque, cerner un potentiel de marché à travers une étude
qualitative. In : 15 études de cas, T. Delécolle (Ed), Studyrama, 41-52, 2014.
DELECOLLE T.. Introduction. In : 15 études de cas, T. Delécolle (Ed), Studyrama, 13-17, 2014.
ATTAL V., Raphaël DORNIER, T. DELECOLLE, N. SELMI. L'appropriation du développement durable
par les agences événementielles et de tourisme d'affaires. In : Regards croisés sur la RSE,
DUPUICH F. (Ed), L'Harmattan, 223-251, 2012.
DELECOLLE T., P. VOLLE. Elaborer une stratégie client. In : Strategie Clients. Point de vue
d'experts sur le management de la relation client, Pierre VOLLE (Ed), Pearson, 11-35, 2012.
Other Outlets
DELECOLLE T., R. KAMIN, B. PARGUEL, G. YEMEN, Mauboussin Japon : un joyau français en Asie,
Marseille, 2014.
Thierry DELECOLLE - Professor, Marketing
ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France
May 2015
DELECOLLE T., R. KAMIN, B. PARGUEL , G. YEMEN , Mauboussin Japon : Un Joyau français en Asie,
réf. UVA-M-0872, CCMP, 2014.
DELECOLLE T., Direction d'ouvrage : 15 études de cas, Studyrama, Levallois-Perret, 2014.
DELECOLLE T., R. KAMIN, B. PARGUEL, G. YEMEN, The Global Marketing of an Age Old French Gem,
The Washington Post, 23 august, 2013 , Washington Post, 2013.
DELECOLLE T., R. KAMIN, B. PARGUEL, Mauboussin au Japon. Cas présenté dans le cadre du
meeting annuel NACRA, “Annual Meeting, North American Case Research Association”, Quincy,
Massachussets, 2012.
DELECOLLE T., Jérémy TERRASSON, Jeux d'argent en ligne et prévention des consommateurs: une
approche qualitative, CRISC , vol. 2012/7, 2012.
DELECOLLE Thierry, B. PARGUEL, Mauboussin 1 & 2 – 2003-2010 : réflexion stratégique et
redressement de l’entreprise, CCMP, Paris, 2011.
DELECOLLE T., Attentes relationnelles du client Très Petites Entreprises : une étude qualitative,
CRISC Cahier de la Recherche, vol. 29, 2011.
Relevant non Academic experiences
EVEREST MARKETING GROUP – Marketing services agency - Nanterre - France
Position: Data & Marketing Information System Manager Marketing.
• In coordination with the CEO, the information technology and the marketing direction: Strategic
repositioning of Everest Marketing Group as a gift solution providers (gift cards, gift vouchers, gift box…)
definition of the marketing information system of the firm;
• Definition of the client strategy multi-target (BtoC and BtoB), multi-product, multi-canal (web, call, face
to face…) and proposition of the structure and the tools to reach the objectives;
• Proposing the I.T. architecture of a datawarehouse in order to refine the strategy, and to improve the
sales management for the group through datamining tools for example;
• E-commerce, ( proposition of the methodologies for data collection,
recommendation and implementation tools in order to animate and convert prospects into customers; defines
the relational rules;
• Ensuring the proper use of CRM by commercial users;
• In parallel, keeping the function of market research manager (client proposal, research and analysis,
client presentation, partners selection,…).
Main accounts: Best Cadeaux, BNP Paribas Lease Group, Credipar, Coiff’idis, L’Oréal Professionnel, Orexad,
Peugeot… October 2009 - September 2010
EVEREST MARKETING GROUP – Marketing services agency - Nanterre - France
Position: Strategic Planner, Manager of the Laboratoire® Everest – applied relationship
marketing research unit, animated in partnership with Université Paris-Dauphine.
• In coordination with senior consultants, definition of the creative concept and strategy of the agency to
answer clients request for proposals and during presentation;
• In relation with the CEO, participation of the strategic discussion relating to the development of the
agency, overseeing of Everest Marketing Group communication and implementation of transversal projects;
• In relation to the sales department, identification of trends and development of a strategic analysis in
order to nurture key accounts relationship, guaranteeing the level of expertise and positioning of the agency;
Thierry DELECOLLE - Professor, Marketing
ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France
May 2015
• Responsible for the market research unit (client proposal, research and analysis, client presentation,
partners selection,…).
Main accounts: BNP Paribas Lease Group, Credipar, Coiff’idis, AG2R La Mondiale, Lafarge, LG Electronics,
L’Oréal Professionnel, Peugeot… November 2007 – September 2009
EVEREST MARKETING GROUP – Marketing services agency - Nanterre - France
Position: Market research analyst, Manager of the Laboratoire® Everest – applied relationship
marketing research unit, animated in partnership with Université Paris-Dauphine.
• Market research analyst, audit (marketing and sales organization) and consultancy (change
• Development of tools and methodologies to support marketing decision making & training of the
consultants to relationship marketing theories and to the developed tools;
Strategic planning, customers/markets marketing intelligence. January 2005 – October 2007
ISC Paris School of Management, 22 bd du Fort de Vaux, 75017 Paris, France