management of the dexia group
management of the dexia group
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MANAGEMENT REPORT The decree and the circular had a certain number of practical implications for Dexia SA, particularly Dexia’s choice to use its internet site to meet its obligations to publish the information stipulated by the decree and the circular. In making this choice, Dexia SA made a commitment to meet several conditions, particularly the creation of a distinct section on the website reserved for the financial information stipulated in the circular. Maximum use of the website for the communication of the mandatory financial information is one component of Dexia’s policy to ensure transparency for its shareholders and institutional investors. Information required by Circular FMI/2003-02 of the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission appears under the “Legal Information” tab on Dexia’s website. This same policy of transparency for shareholders and institutional investors is also found in the Dexia SA Corporate Governance Charter. Q COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT LEGISLATIONS COMPTES CONSOLIDÉS As a company under Belgian law, whose shares are listed for trading in Belgium, France and Luxembourg, Dexia ensures compliance with the principle of equality among shareholders and respect for its legal and regulatory obligations to provide periodic and regular information. COMPTES SOCIAUX NAME SPECIALIZED COMMITTEES PIERRE RICHARD 65 years old French Director since 1996 Holds 25,710 Dexia shares BEGINNING AND END OF CURRENT MANDATE 2006-2010 Chairman of the Strategy Committee, member of the Compensation Committee and of the Appointments Committee PRIMARY FUNCTION Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dexia SA MANAGEMENT OF THE DEXIA GROUP Q INTRODUCTION: GROUP ORGANIZATION The organization of the Dexia Group is described in the chapter Group Presentation in this annual report (see page 19). The Board of Directors of Dexia SA Composition of the Board of Directors (as of December 31, 2006) (1) The bylaws of Dexia SA stipulate that the Board is composed of between sixteen and twenty directors. As of December 31, 2006, the Board of Directors is comprised of 18 members. The Board of Directors of Dexia SA reflects the Group’s European identity: i.e. five nationalities are represented at Board level. The composition of the Board also reflects the Franco-Belgian statutory character of Dexia SA. Indeed, the Board has as many Belgian members as it has French members. And each nationality represents at least one third of the Board. OTHER MANDATES AND FUNCTIONS Director: • Air France/KLM, Le Monde,Generali France, EDF Energies nouvelles, Crédit du Nord (departure in Febuary 2007) • Companies belonging to the Dexia Group (Dexia Bank Belgium, Dexia Crédit Local, Dexia Banque Internationale à Luxembourg) AXEL MILLER 41 years old Belgian Director since 2006 Holds 100 Dexia shares Member of the Strategy Committee and of the Appointments Committee 2006-2010 Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board of Dexia SA Director: • Ethias Vie (until January 2007), Crédit du Nord, Director of the “Raad van Commissarissen” of LVI Holding NV (Carmeuse group) • Companies belonging to the Dexia Group (Dexia Bank Belgium, Dexia Crédit Local, Dexia Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, Financial Security Assurance Holdings Ltd) BIOGRAPHY Graduate from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole nationale des Ponts et Chaussées. General Director for Local Governments, French Ministry of the Interior from 1978 to 1982. Deputy Managing Director of the Caisse des dépôts et consignations from 1983 to 1993. Chairman of Crédit local de France from 1987 to 1996. Co-Chairman of the Dexia Group from 1996 to 1999. Between 1999 and 2006, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Dexia SA. Since January 2006, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dexia SA. Law degree. After a 14-year career as a lawyer specialized in financial law, mergers and acquisitions and in international commercial law, he joined the Dexia Group in 2001 as General Counsel. Member of the Management Board of Dexia Bank Belgium in January 2002, he became Chairman of the Management Board of Dexia Bank Belgium and head of Personal Financial Services in January 2003. He became Chief Executive Officer of Dexia SA on January 1, 2006. (1) Article 2 of the Law of August 6, 1931 (Belgian Gazette of August 14, 1931) forbids ministers, former ministers, and State ministers, as well as the members or former members of Legislative Assemblies to mention their status as such in acts and publications of profit-making companies. 28 | Dexia / Annual Report 2006