Direct marketing and rural areas development - inpact rhone


Direct marketing and rural areas development - inpact rhone
European training workshop
Direct marketing and rural areas development
23, 24, 25 april 2009 in Chabrillan (France)
3 days to learn and exchange about different kinds of organisations of sustainable food supply chain
in Europe to strengthen relations with local consumers and artisans.
Thursday 23
Friday 24
10h30 : Reception
11h : Introduction by Didier Jouve,
elected representative of RhôneAlpes Region
Direct relations between
producers and consumers
9h - 10h45
Supplying public catering
11h15 - 12h30
* AMAP (Community supported Agriculture)
Ludovic Mamdy - Alliance PEC Rhône-
* Association of organic producers
Pierre-Emile Bigeard - Asso. Manger
* Sustainable Food systems
Rosemary Hoskins - Huntingdon Far-
Bio Isère, France
mers’market, United Kingdom
14h - 16h
1. How to create a european
network of farm producers ?
2. Strengthen partnership between
local producers and artisans
3. How to make local products supply and demand meet ?
Research about
sustainable food
16h30 - 17h00
Alpes, France
* Society of producers from Piémont
* De Ferme en Ferme
Serge Villard - FNCIVAM, France
* (Network for exchan-
* Supplying public catering with
regional products
David Rose - Sustain, United Kingdom
Jorge Mariscal and Sara Martin - CE-
Giacomo Ballari, Coldiretti Piemonte,
Farm shops
14h15 - 15h
* National network of farm shops
René de Bruin - SPN, Netherlands
* Regional network of farm shops
in Rhône-Alpes
Aurélie Dumonet - Asso. AVEC,
15h15 - 18h
Farm shops Brin de terroir and
Au plus Pré of the AVEC network
ging about vegetables growing)
RAI, Spain
Partnership between
Producers and artisans
11h - 11h45
* Cooperative of small brewers
Brendan Moore - East Anglian Brewers,
United Kingdom
* 400 auvelles, 400 marevelles,
direct marketing of local wool
Vanessa Freixa - Montanyanes, Spain
Direct sales via Internet
11h45 - 12h15
Pauline Chauveau - FD CIVAM Drôme,
* Making Local Food Work, toward
models for sustainable food center
Clare Horrel - Sustain, United Kingdom
Workshops conclusions
Following a round table
17h - 18h
Which strategies
to develop sustainable and short
supply chain in Europe ?
Jean Serret, Pdt Communauté de Communes
du Val de Drôme
Yves Feydy, élu Chambre d’Agriculture 26
Bernard Xueref, Pdt FRCIVAM RA
Jorge Hernandez, Pdt CERAI
9h-13h : Visit of a farm route related to local products during “De
Ferme en Ferme” (a french speaking
group and an english speaking group)
Possibility to have lunch in a farm or
asociated restaurant of the route on
his own expense.
Association Manger Bio Isère (Fr.)
Association of organic farmers
supplying local public catering.
Society of producers from
Piémont (It.)
Cooperative of producers that
created a platform to supply regional public catering and supermarkets.
Supplying with local products
Set up a center to supply supermarkets and schools with regional
National network of
shops Landwinkel (Nl.)
A national cooperative of farm
shops with other 70 members,
operating as a formula Landwinkel.
Regional network o farm shops
in Rhône-Alpes (Fr.)
Regional network of farm shops
managed by famers themselves.
The originality states in the advocacy work regards to collective
direct sales.
East Anglian Brewers (UK)
AMAP (Fr.)
Association pour le Maintien de
l’Agriculture Paysanne is similar
as Community Supported Agriculture. It links a consumers group
with a producer by buying production in advance.
Co-op of 43 breweries in the east
of England that have joined with
local barley growing farmers to
promote farm shops and the role
farmers play in providing Barley
to make good beers.
400 auvelles, 400 marevelles
Farmers’Market (Sp.)
Certified Farmer’s market by the
National Farmers’Retail and Market Association (FARMA).
De Ferme en Ferme (Fr.)
National network of producers
who open their farm during one
week end in the year to let visitors know about farming and farm
produce. (Sp.)
Network of exchange on organic
vegetable growing between producers, consumers, researchers
and monitors, at the origin of new
kinds of consumption based on direct relations between consumers
and producers.
Developing local economy of an
insulated valley by marketing local wool, making traditional handcrafts and using wool for bioconstruction. (Fr.)
Association of producers running
a website to sell their products.
Once paied on the website during the week, consumers comes
on Friday to a farm in the area to
pick up and bring his food.
Making Local Food Work (UK)
Developing community enterprise
models for a sustainable food hub
or centre, trying to identify key
elements for success, what synergies there are between different
types of projects and what is unique.
1. How to create a european network of farmers ?
A network to exchange best practices, products, to discover other agriculture and culture,…
What is done, what must be done?
2. Strengthen partnership between farm producers and artisan producers
Rural areas are not only populated by farmers. A lot of new activities related to agriculture take birth
in rural area and contribute to its development. But these artisan activities face the same difficulties as
agriculture and shorten the supply chain for farm and artisan producers should bring a better income and
a better recognition and therefore contribute to sustainable development of rural area.
3. How to make local products supply and demand meet ?
Demand in high quality local products increase and often face a lack of supply. How to organize supply in
order to meet demand (adapt small/big quantity)? What sustainable alternatives can be found in response
to the lack of supply ?
Food (cooked with fresh and local products) and accommodation offered. But capacity is limited by our financial support. Priority will be done to AlimenTerra members (2 persons), farmers and rural development
officers. Contact us if you want to participate on your own expense.
Register on the website before 20 march 2009
Understanding language compulsory : French or English
We will confirm your participation on 23 march 2009
Auberge Centre la Plaine
F- 26400 Chabrillan
+ 33 4 75 62 82 69
We will pick you up at Valence TGV station or Valence Ville station on Thursday 23 april at 10.00 a.m.
Let us know your arrival date, hour and place on the registration form!
By plane : Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport (see + Tren to Valence Ville station
By tren : To Valence TGV station or Valence Ville station (see
By car : Freeway A7, exit n°16 «Loriol» ; Take the road D104 direction «Crest». See the map below
For accommodation in Valence, next to Valence Ville station : Hôtel de Lyon ( or
Hôtel de Paris et ses voyageurs (
FR CIVAM Rhône-Alpes CFPPA Le Valentin
26 500 Bourg-lès-Valence
Tél. : +33(0)4 75 78 46 49
Email : [email protected]
Une opération organisée par la FNCIVAM Rhône-Alpes avec la collaboration d’Alimenterra
etle soutien financier du Conseil Régional Rhône-Alpes