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Visitor flyer cover French copy
19-21 mars 2013 : Exposition 18-21 mars 2013 : Conférence FIRA-GRAN VIA HALL 1 BARCELONE, ESPAGNE L'entrée au salon est gratuite et réservée aux industriels du secteur du papier tissue Nous vous invitons Tissue World 2013 à Barcelone. La plus grand rencontre dans l’industrie du papier tissue. Ne manquez pas cet évènement ! Il est toujours possible de progresser dans votre carrière! En participant à Tissue World 2013 à Barcelone, vous pourrez accroître vos compétences, vos connaissances et votre efficacité, tout en découvrant des idées stimulantes et innovantes pour vous aider à assurer le succès futur de votre entreprise. • Nouvelles idées • Nouvelles technologies • Nouveaux modes de travail • Nouveaux contacts • Nouvelles solutions • Des idées pour améliorer vos produits • Échange d'informations • Conseils techniques pour de meilleures opérations • Nouvelles stratégies • Nouveautés du marché • Nouvelles normes environnementales • Rencontre avec des experts en papier tissue • Une conférence d'experts • Sortir de la routine et innover pour trouver de nouvelles inspirations et de nouveaux concepts. Venez à Tissue World pour trouver de nouvelles idées plus rentables ! Organised by Official Publication Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant sur Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter [email protected] TISSUE WORLD 2013 in barcelona conférence Thème de la conférence PROGRAMME PRÉLIMINAIRE DE LA CONFÉRENCE Veuillez noter: Les horaires sont sujets à modification MONDAY, 18 March 2013. 09:00-17:30 Session 1 – Management and Markets and Sustainability: Finding the Right Balance Opening Speaker: Luigi Lazzareschi, CEO, Sofidel SpA, Italy Business Success and Sustainability in Harmony Mats Berencreutz, Executive Vice President, SCA, Sweden The WWF Perspective on Tissue, Forests and Sustainability Emmanuelle Neyroumande, Pulp and Paper Strategy Manager, WWF International, France A Major Retailer’s Viewpoint on Tissue and Sustainability Florian Schütze, Corporate Social Responsibility Director, LIDL, Germany AHOLD’s Sustainability - Policy for Pulp and Wood Products and Impact on the Tissue Business Annemiek Schop, Quality Manager – Non Food, AHOLD Europe, the Netherlands Integrating Sustainability into the Core of Your Business to Reduce Costs and Strengthen Your Brands Thomas Bergmark, CEO & Senior Advisor, Bergmark Sustainability AB & Former Sustainability Manager, IKEA Group, Sweden Trends in Consumer Behavior: Do They Buy Sustainability? Richard Herbert, Global Business Insight and Development Director, Europanel, UK The World Supply/Demand Outlook for Tissue Products Esko Uutela, Principal – Tissue, RISI, Germany Comparison of the Hygiene Performance of Paper Towels with Other Hand Drying Methods Keith Redway, Senior Academic, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Westminster, UK Eurofins-Inlab Study Results: Washroom Surfaces Microbial Contamination with Different Hand Dryer Devices Roberto Berardi, Chairman, European Tissue Symposium, Italy Session 2 – Making More and Better Paper with Less Resources Making Premium Tissue with High Flexibility and Lower Energy Input Jan Erikson, Vice President, Sales, Tissue Business Line, Metso Paper Sweden AB, Sweden TissueLev – New Pressing Technology for High Bulk and Low Costs Thomas Scherb, General Manager – Tissue & Pulp Innovation Center, Voith Paper, Brazil Steel Yankees for Better Machine Performance and Increased Safety Mirka Sireni, Senior Sales Manager - Tissue, ANDRITZ AG, Austria Resource Efficiency with Foam Forming Erkki Hellén, Key Account Manager, Forest Industry, VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland Reducing Blade Vibrations – New Findings and Solutions Martin Bauer, Technical Support and Sales Engineer, Clouth Sprenger GmbH, Germany Improving the Runnability of Tissue Machines David Hunkeler, Director, aquaTECH, Switzerland Tissue World 2013 – Networking Reception for Speakers and Conference Delegates La Cúpula, Palau Nacional (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya - MNAC) Monday, 18 March 2013 from 18:30-20:00 TUESDAY, 19 March 2013. 08:30-17:00 Session 3 – The Importance of Fiber Choices The World’s Recovered Paper Supply for Tissue Manufacturing Nordic Plus – Softness and Sustainability Bill Moore, President, Moore & Associates, USA Tuomo Niemi, Fibre Technology Manager, Metsä Fibre Oy, Finland A Study of Italian Tissue Products Properties The Role of High Quality NBSK in Premium Tissue Products Pierre L. Noé, Customer Service Manager, Fibria (Europe) SA, Switzerland Wladimir Janssen, Tissue Specialist, Canfor Pulp LP, Canada Session 4 – Softness: Understanding, Measuring and Achieving Softness, Haptics, Handfeel, Perception Evaluating and Enhancing Tissue Softness Timothy F. Patterson, Principal Scientist, Ashland, USA Tissue with a Delightful Softness and Fragrance - An Economic Study about Lotionising Robert Mascherpa, Customer Relations Manager, WEKO, Germany Softness Seminar Subjective vs. Objective Determination of the Tissue “Handfeel” Alexander Grüner, Sales & Marketing, emtec Electronic GmbH, Germany Irene Pollex, Division Manager, Papiertechnische Stiftung (PTS), Germany Helmut Berger, General Manager, ADNPM – Abu Dhabi National Paper Mill, United Arab Emirates Giselher Grüner, General Manager, emtec Eletronic GmbH, Germany Thomas Scherb, General Manager – Tissue & Pulp Innovation Center, Voith Paper, Brazil Luc Van Der Auwera, Lab Manager, Paper Applications Laboratories, Ashland Deutschland, Germany Session 5 – Energy Anyone? Energy Everyone! Energy Saving: TH (Top Humidity) Yankee Hood running at 1000g/kg. Stefano Pecchia, Technical Manager, Novimpianti Drying Technology Srl, Italy Water Recovery for Humid Flue Gases in Tissue Paper Drying Installations Oscar Lopez, R&D Manager, Brunnschweiler SA, Spain Session 6 – Give Me Strength! Novel Retention and Strength Programs offer Flexibility to Tissue Producers Temporary Wet Strength Resin Application Daniel Glover, Technology Director, Buckman, USA Frank Siebott, Senior Applications Specialist, Ashland Industries Deutschland GmbH, Germany Squeezing more profits out of your sheet using novel and conventional strength technologies Vladimir Grigoriev, Sr. Specialist, Paper Applications EMEA, Kemira, Germany Session 7 – Print for Added Value Tissue Latest Update on Tissue Printing for Added Value Dave Root, DMR Solutions LLC & APEX Group, USA HAPPY HOUR – NETWORKING on Tissue World Exhibition Exhibit Hall 1 – from 17:30-19:00 WEDNESDAY, 20 March 2013. 08:30-17:00 Session 8 – Getting More Out of Your Entire Process A Case Study of RFID within a Tissue Mill Tim Morton, European Marketing Manager, Sonoco Alcore, Belgium Added Value for Tissuemakers via Efficient Chlorine-Free Microbe Control Program Jaakko Ekman, Research Scientist, Kemira, Finland Sustainability: How Automation Can Help Save the Planet William A Nelson, President, Elettric 80 Inc, USA Practical Solutions to Recover Fibre, Increase Yield and Improve Quality Antonio Borrego, Process Manager & Senior Sales Area Manager, Kadant Lamort, France Cost-effective Quality Management for Tissuemaking Seyhan Nuyan, Director, P&P Applications, Metso Automation, USA Green Steps towards Sustainable Distribution Systems in Tissue Converting Safer Lubrication with a Sustainable Replacement for Mineral Oil Koen Versmesse, Export Manager, WVT INDUSTRIES NV, Belgium Higher Efficiency with Very Compact and Robust Sensors for Process Monitoring and Tissue Inspection Andrea Friedrich, Account Director Europe Pulp & Paper, ISRA Parsytec GmbH, Germany Pro-Active Control of Microbial Growth and Real-Time Optimization of Biocontrol Strategies Improve Machine Efficiency Laura F. Rice, Senior Research Scientist, Nalco, an Ecolab Company, USA Sensorized Diagnostic Platform for Creping Process Xabier Echeberria, Managing Director, LANTIER SA, Spain The Use of Polyurethane Roll Covers for Tissue Pressure Roll Applications Charles Hunter, Director of Materials Research, Xerium Technologies/ Stowe Woodward, USA Hans Östergren, Business Development Manager, Flexlink Systems AB, Sweden THURSDAY, 21 March 2013. 08:30-12:00 Session 9 Tissue World 2013 Yankee Dryer Workshop 1. Yankee Systems Steam Systems Management and Control with Emphasis on Blow-Through Clive R. Butler, Engineering Manager, PMT Industries Ltd, United Kingdom Special Considerations for Optimising the Life of Yankee bearings through Lubrication Design Philippe Gachet, Senior Technical Consultant/Business Engineer, SKF Global Pulp & Paper Segment – IM/RSS, France Tools and Methods to Maintain and Improve the Performance of Tissue Machine Press Fabrics Matthew Bryer, Product Manager, Press – Tissue Americas, Albany International, USA Yankee Hood Problems and Solutions and Methods for Improved Efficiency Antoine Hofer, Yankee Applications Engineer, Enerquin Air, Canada 2. Yankee Surface Management Properly managing the Yankee Creping Unit Operation Sam Archer, Principal Consultant, Nalco Company, USA Summary: Optimising Yankee Surface Management Florent Bougerolle, Product & Project Manager, BTG Eclépens SA, Switzerland Optimising the Use of Phosphates to Improve Yankee Coating and Machine Performance Barry Bartles, Tissue and Towel Platform Launch and Applications Manager EMEA, Ashland Industries, United Kingdom Correcting Common Problems with Yankee Surfaces Manfred Jäger, Jäger GmbH, Gary Marzullo, MSQUARED GmbH, Germany POUR VOUS INSCRIRE, ALLER SUR NOTRE PAGE D’INSCRIPTION SÉCURISÉE EN LIGNE ICI: www.Tissueworld.Com/world/conference-registration.Php Liste des exposants COMPANYCOUNTRY 9. SEPTEMBAR D.O.O. Serbia ABK GROUP France ACE ELECTROSTATIC Italy AETNA GROUP SPA Italy ALGASGermany AMACO GROUP S.A.L. Lebanon AMOTEK SRL Italy ANDRITZ PULP & PAPER Austria ANHUI JING CHENG PAPER PRODUCTS CO. LTD. China AQUA +TECH SPECIALITIES SA Switzerland ARJOWIGGINS LE BOURRAY France ASHLAND INDUSTRIES GMBH Switzerland B&B MAF GMBH & CO. KG Germany BAOSUO MACHINERY & ALVAREZ T.M.E. China BEMA SRL Italy BHM-INGENIEURE ENGINEERING & CONSULTING GMBH Austria BRUNNSCHWEILER, S.A. Spain BTG ECLÉPENS S.A. Switzerland BUCKMANUSA C.G. BRETTING MANUFACTURING COMPANY INC. USA CARTIERA DI BOSCO MARENGO SPA Italy CARTIERA DI TREVI Italy CARTIERA TORRE MONDOVI SPA Italy CELLWOOD MACHINERY AB Sweden CERMEXFrance CHYAU BAN MACHINERY CO., LTD. Taiwan CLOUTH SPRENGER GMBH Germany COGNEXUSA CONSULTORIA DE TECHNOLOGIAS PAPELERAS, S.L Spain CONVERMAT CORPORATION USA COPASA, S.L. Spain CPS COMPANY Italy CTP - CENTRE TECHNIQUE DU PAPIER France DCM USIMECA France DECHANGYU PAPER MACHINERY MANUFACTURE China DOUBLE E INTERNATIONAL USA E.I.L. SRL Italy ECOL STUDIO SPA Italy EKA INDUSTRIAL & TISSUE PAPER PRODUCTION CO. LTD Turkey ELETTRIC 80 S.P.A. Italy EMBOSSING WORLD S.R.L. Italy EMTEC ELECTRONIC GMBH Germany ENERQUIN AIR INC Canada ENZYMATIC DEINKING TECHNOLOGIES (EDT) USA EUROFINS ATS France EUROINCIS SRL Italy EUROSPRAY SPRAY AND FILTER TECHNOLOGY SL Spain FAUREFrance FIREFLY AB Sweden FIS IMPIANTI SRL Italy FLEXLINK AB Sweden FOCKE & CO. GMBH & CO. KG Germany FOSHAN NANHAI BAOTUO PAPER MACHINERY ENGINEERINGChina FRENOS LIMITADORES Y TRANSMISIONES R.P.M. SL Spain GLOBAL LINK & SUPPLIES USA HEINO ILSEMANN GMBH Germany HERGEN PAPER MACHINERY Brazil HERRECOR S.L. Spain HINNLI CO., LTD. Taiwan HOBEMA MASCHINENFABRIK HERMANN H RATHS Germany IBERCUTTING S.L Spain ICM MAKINE VE MÜHENDISLIK LTD. STI. Turkey IKS KLINGELNBERG GMBH Germany INDUSTRIA CARTARIA PIERETTI SPA Italy INDUSTRIE CARTARIE TRONCHETTI S.P.A Italy INFINITY MACHINE & ENGINEERING CORP. USA INGENIERIA Y DESARROLLO DE MAQUINAS, S.L. (IDMtest) Spain INTERNATIONAL KNIFE & SAW USA ISRA VISION PARSYTEC Germany JACOB WHITE (PACKAGING) LTD United Kingdom JAEGER GMBH Germany JBC GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN LTD. Ireland JEDSON ENGINEERING INC. USA JIANGXI OK SCIENCE AND TECHOLOGY CO LTD China JIANHUA TISSUE PRODUCT MANUFACTURER China KADANT LAMORT France KAPP-CHEMIE GMBH & CO. KG Germany COMPANYCOUNTRY KBR LCC USA KEMIRA OYI Finland LANGENPACKNetherlands LANTIER S.A. Spain LYISH ENGINEERING LTD Israel M. TORRES DISENOS INDUSTRIALES S.A.U. Spain MAFLEX SRL Italy MARE UK LTD UK MEGALL INDUSTRIES (QINGDAO) LIMITED China METSO PAPER SWEDEN Sweden MICROLINE SRL Italy MULTIPACK SRL Italy N.C.R. BIOCHEMICAL S.P.A. Italy NALCO COMPANY USA NANNING ELITE TISSUE CONVERTING MACHINERY MANUFACTUREChina NE-ENGINEERINGItaly NOVIMPIANTI DRYING TECHNOLOGY SRL Italy NUQUL GROUP Jordan O.M.C. COLLAREDA SRL Italy OCME SRL Italy O.M.M.A. PACK SRL Italy OMET SRL Italy OPTIMA FILLING AND PACKAGING MACHINES GMBH Germany ORADOC SRL Italy ORIENT PAPER & INDUSTRIES LIMITED India PANIKER, SL Spain PAUL WEGNER Germany PETROFER CHEMIE H.R FISCHER GMBH + CO. KG Germany PLASTYLENIA SPA Italy PMT ITALIA S.P.A Italy POLICARTA GI. CO. Italy PREFERRED PACKAGING ITALY Italy PRODEC EQUIPOS DE ENVASADO S.A.U. Spain QINGDAO EXCEL LUCK INTERNATIONAL TRADING China QUEENEX HYGIENE PAPER MILL UAE RDB ENGRAVING Italy RIF SPA Italy ROLCO EUROPE B.V Netherlands SADAS SRL Italy SANCHEZ & SANCHEZ CHEMICALS SL Spain SAUERESSIG GMBH + CO. KG Germany SDF GMBH Germany SEEI SRL Italy SENNING, CHRISTIAN VERPACKUNGSMASCHINEN Germany SERV-O-TEC GMBH Germany SHANGHAI SOONTRUE MACHINERY EQUIPMENT China SHANGHAI TOMINAGA PACKING MACHINERY China SKF AB Sweden SORGATO SRL Italy SPRAYING SYSTEMS CO. USA SSI SCHAEFER NOELL GMBH Germany ST MACCHINE SPA Italy SVECOM P.E. SRL Italy SYMOPFrance TECHNO-CAUCHO. S.A Spain TECHPAPFrance TEYMAN S.L. Spain TEZOL TÜTÜN KAGIT SANAYI VE TICARET AS Turkey TISSUENET GMBH Germany TISSUE SERVICE CONVERTING SRL Italy TREBOR INC USA TRESU GROUP Denmark UDDEHOLMSTRIPSweden UNGRICHT ROLLER + ENGRAVING TECHNOLOGY Germany UNIMATEC PRÄGESYSTEME GMBH Germany UNITED CONVERTING Italy VALCO MELTON Spain VALTEC MACHINERY CO LTD China VANTEK INC USA VILLEFORTH SIEBTECHNIK Germany VOITH PAPER GMBH & CO. KG Germany WEKO WEITMANN & KONRAD GMBH & CO. KG Germany WEST PENETONE USA WVT INDUSTRIES Belgium ZHEJIANG LINUO FLOW CONTROL TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. China ZINCOMETAL SPA - MARIO COTTA Italy MODULES D’INSCRIPTION POUR VOUS INSCRIRE, ALLER SUR NOTRE PAGE D’INSCRIPTION SÉCURISÉE EN LIGNE ICI: www.Tissueworld.Com/world/conference-registration.Php FULL Package: Donne accès au salon ET à l’ensemble de la conférence (4 jours) ainsi qu’à la réception du lundi 18 mars 2013 Tarifs d’inscription pour le FULL PACKAGE: Pour toute inscription faite avant le 18 février 2013: Pour toute inscription faite à partir du 19 février 2013: 835€ 995€ L’entrée au salon est gratuite et réservée aux industriels du secteur du papier tissue Exhibitor Discounted Conference Registration Fee: Uniquement attribué au personnel des compagnies exposantes et ne peuvent être combinées à d’autres réductions. La remise spéciale pour les exposants n’est applicable que sur le FULL PACKAGE de la conférence. Tarifs du EXHIBITOR DISCOUNTED REGISTRATION: Pour toute inscription faite avant le 18 février 2013: Pour toute inscription faite à partir du 19 février 2013: 600€/délégué 700€/ délégué Group Discount Registration: Donne accès au salon et aux conférences (4 jours). Pour être éligible au tarif de groupe, trois (3) ou plusieurs inscriptions doivent être effectuées en même temps. Les individus doivent travailler pour la même société. Les réductions de groupe sont applicables seulement sur le FULL PACKAGE de la conférence et ne peuvent être combinées avec d’autres réductions. Tarifs pour le GROUP DISCOUNT REGISTRATION: Valable uniquement pour les inscription effectuées avant le 18 février 2013: 795€/délégué de conférence (La réduction ne sera pas attribué aux inscription faites après le 18 février 2013 Single Day Registrations: Les inscriptions d’une journée comprennent l’accès aux sessions de conférence de la journée pour laquelle le délégué s’inscrit. L’inscription d’une journée donne aussi accès au salon pendant toute la durée. Veuillez cocher le jour où vous aimerez participer: jusqu’au 18/2* après le 18/2 Conférences du 18 mars 2013 (journée complète): 450€ 600€ Conférences du 19 mars 2013 (journée complète): 400€ 500€ Conférences du 20 mars 2013 (journée complète): 400€ 500€ Conférences du 21 mars 2013 (demie journée complète): 200€ 250€ Les frais des premiers inscrits sont applicables jusqu’au 18 février 2013 HÔTELS Barcelona Business Pass AGENCE OFFICIELLE - SERVICES DE LOGEMENT ET DE LOGISTIQUEE E-mail: [email protected] Titre: +34 93 550 03 50 / Fax: +34 93 414 17 86 Barcelona Business Pass (BBP) a été nommé agence officielle d’hébergement du Tissue World 2013 à Barcelone. BBP a sécurisé un large choix d’hôtels à tous les prix et est disposé à vous accompagner pour toutes vos réservations dans la ville de Barcelone. NE RATEZ PAS L’OCCASION DE RÉSERVER UNE CHAMBRE DANS L’UN DES HÔTEL DE TISSUE WORD 2013: v PORTA FIRA SANTOS (situé devant le FIRA) v MAJESTIC BARCELONA HOTEL (situé au centre-ville). Vous pouvez consulter la liste d’hôtels disponibles en consultant notre site: Vous pouvez également envoyer un e-mail à BBP à [email protected] et ils se feront le plaisir de vous envoyer une proposition sur mesure. MEDIAS Birkner International Paperworld Cellulosa Bumaga Karton China Pulp and Paper Industry Cleaner Magazine Converter & Cartotecnica Converter-FlessibiliCarta-Cartone El Papel European Cleaning Journal Industria della Carta IPW MeTissue O’Papel Pap’ Argus PaperAge Paper Industry Technical Association (PITA) Papír a celulóza Przeglad Papierniczy Pulp & Paper International Pulp, Paper and Logistics Pulp & Paper Technology Pulp-Paper World