Laurianne Robinet - publi list2013
Laurianne Robinet - publi list2013
PUBLICATIONS à comité de lecture Bonnot-Diconne C., Robinet L., Pacheco C., Ioele M., Paris M., Multi-technique analysis of gilt leather wall-covering (16th-18th century), ICOM Committee for Conservation triennial meeting soumis. 13-1 Robinet L., Spring M., Pagès-camagna S., Vibrational spectroscopy correlated with elemental analysis for the investigation of smalt pigment and its alteration in paintings, Analytical Methods 5, 18 (2013) 4628-4638. 12-1 Robinet L., Trcera N., Pagès-camagna S., Spring M., Reguer S., Analyse de la perte de couleur des peintures au smalt par spectroscopie d’absorption X, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, (2012) RE 211. 11-5 Robinet L., Spring M., Pagès Camagna S., Vantelon D., Trcera N. Investigation of the discoloration of smalt pigment in historic paintings by micro X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Co K-edge, Analytical Chemistry, 83 (2011) 5145-5152. 11-4 Bertrand L., Robinet L., Thoury M., Janssens K., Cohen S., Schöder S. Cultural heritage and archaeology materials studied by synchrotron spectroscopy and imaging, Applied Physics A: Materials science Processing 106 (2011): 377-396 11-3 Bertrand L., Languille M.-A., Cohen S., Robinet L., Gervais C., Leroy S., Bernard D., Le Pennec E., Josse W., Doucet J., Schöder S. European research platform IPANEMA at the SOLEIL synchrotron for ancient and historical materials, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 18 (2011) 765-772. 11-2 Robinet L., Spring M., Pagès Camagna S. Investigation of the loss of colour in smalt on degradation in paintings using multiple spectroscopic analytical techniques, ICOM Committee for Conservation triennial meeting (16th), Lisbon (2011). 11-1 Bertrand L., Robinet L., Cohen S. X., Sandt C., le Hô A.-S., Soulier B., Lattuati-Derieux A., Echard J.P. Identification of the finishing technique of an early 18th century musical instrument using FT-IR imaging. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, 399 (2011), 3025-3032. 10-1 Echard J.-P., Bertrand L., von Bohlen A., le Hô A.-S., Paris C., Bellot-Gurlet L., Soulier B., LattuatiDerieux A., Thao S., Robinet L., Lavédrine B., Vaiedelich S. The Nature of the extraordinary finish of Stradivari’s instruments, Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2010) 49, 1, 197-201. 09-1 Robinet L., Hall C., Eremin K., Fearn S., Tate J. Alteration of soda silicate glasses by organic pollutants in museums: mechanisms and kinetics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355 (2009) 1479-1488. 08-2 Robinet L, Bouquillon A., Pagès-Camagna S, Verney-Carron A., Etcheverry M.-P., Neff D., Tate J. Raman Spectrometry, a Non-Destructive Solution to the Study of Glass and its Alteration, ICOM Committee for Conservation triennial meeting (15th), New Delhi (2008) 224-231. 08-1 Robinet L., Bouquillon A., Hartwig J. Correlations between Raman parameters and elemental composition in lead and lead alkali silicate glasses, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2008) 39, 5, 618-626. 07-2 Bouquillon A., Turrell S., Robinet L. Charbonneau C. Verres et glaçures plombifères altérés en contexte archéologique, L’Actualité chimique, octobre-novembre (2007) 312-313, 40-46. 07-1 Robinet L., Coupry C., Eremin K., Hall C., Lacome N. Effect of organic acid vapours on the alteration of soda silicate glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353, 16-17 (2007) 1546-1559. 06-2 Robinet L., Coupry C., Eremin K., Hall C. Raman investigation of the structural changes during alteration of historic glasses by organic pollutants, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 37 (2006) 12781286. 06-1 Robinet L., Coupry C., Eremin K., Hall C. The use of Raman spectrometry to predict the stability of historic glasses, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 37 (2006) 789-797. 1 05-4 Robinet L, Fearn S, Eremin K. Understanding glass deterioration in museum collections: a multidisciplinary approach, ICOM Committee for Conservation triennial meeting (14th), The Hague, James & James, London (2005) 139-145. 05-3 Robinet L., Eremin K., Fearn S., Pulham C., Hall C. Understanding Glass Deterioration in Museum collections through Raman Spectroscopy and SIMS analysis, Material Research Society Symposium (2005) P 852, 121-128. 05-2 Eremin K., Cobo del Arco B., Robinet L., Gibson L.T. Conservation and Analysis of Deteriorating 19th and 20th Century British Glass, Annales du 16ème Congrès International d’Etude Historique du Verre, London (2005) 380-385. 04-1 Robinet L., Eremin K., Cobo del Arco B. Gibson L.T., A Raman spectroscopic study of pollutioninduced glass deterioration, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2004) 8/9, 662-670. 03-2 Robinet L., Thickett D. A new methodology for accelerated corrosion testing, Studies in Conservation (2003) 48, 4, 263-268. 03-1 Robinet L., Corbeil M-C. The characterization of metal soaps, Studies in Conservation (2003) 48, 23-40. 02-1 Corbeil M.C., Robinet L. X-ray powder diffraction data for selected metal soaps, Powder diffraction (2002) 17, 1, 52-60. CHAPITRE d’OUVRAGES 12-2 Robinet L., Eremin K., Chapter 9. Glass, Analytical Archaeometry: Selected Topics, eds Howell Edwards and Peter Vandenabeele, Royal Society of Chemistry – Novembre 2012 05-1 Robinet L., Thickett D. Case study: Application of Raman spectroscopy to corrosion products, Raman spectroscopy in archaeology and art history, Royal Society of Chemistry, Edwards H. G. M., Chalmers J. M., Cambridge, UK (2005) 325-334. THESE Robinet L. The role of organic pollutants in the alteration of soda silicate glasses, PhD/Doctorat, University of Edinburgh / Université Paris VI (2006) 225 p. PUBLICATIONS sans comité de lecture Robinet L., Spring M., Pagès Camagna S., Vantelon D., Trcera N., Unraveling the discoloration of smalt pigment in paintings, Synchrotron SOLEIL Highlights 2011, 96-97. Bouquillon A., Robinet L., Elias M., Charbonneau C., Katona I., Pagès-Camagna S, Calligaro T., Huet N., Sarzeau N., Pallot-Frossard I., Etcheverry M.-P., Galoisy L. Méthodes portables non-destructives d’analyse de l’altération des verres au plomb. Techne (2008) 104-112. 2