Antoniucci VOLTI (Albano 1915 - Paris 1989) "Nude


Antoniucci VOLTI (Albano 1915 - Paris 1989) "Nude
Antoniucci VOLTI (Albano 1915 - Paris 1989)
French School
Signed on the base
Epreuve d'artiste 2/4
Cachet de Fondeur Susse Paris
47 x 40 x 23 cm / 18.5 x 15.7 x 9 in
The sculptures of Antoniucci Volti have been described as sensual, humanistic, and alive. His female nudes are
recognized internationally, and can be found in museums around the world.
The majority of his work features the female nude, portrayed simply, and with a mastery of positive and negative
space that allows the viewer to experience the art without distraction. Volti’s simple curved lines create movement
and bring life to the inanimate; the rhythms of the human body become apparent.
A large permanent collection of Volti’s work now stands in the Musée Volti in Ville-Franche Sur Mer, France, an
enduring testament to one of the most outstanding European sculptors of the twentieth century.
Exhibitions :
TEL: +32 (0)475 45 49 63 / TEL: +32 (0)476 31 53 76
WWW.BOONGALLERY.COM – [email protected]
Member of the Belgian Chamber of Art Experts
Member of the Royal Belgian Chamber of Art & Antique Dealers
BÉNÉZIT, E., "Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs de tous les
temps et de tous les pays par un groupe d'écrivains spécialistes français et étrangers", nouv.éd.rev. et augm., sl,
Librairie Gründ, Paris, 1999.
CHEVALIER, D., "Nouveau dictionnaire de la sculpture moderne", Hazan, Paris, 1970.
DELAHAUT, J., "Volti : sculptures et dessins", 1968.
VOLTI, A., "Antoniucci Volti : Biographie, documentation complète sur le peintre et son oeuvre", 1965.
Artist Biography :
Antoniucci Volti comes from an Italian family that has been living since 1905 in France. He was born in Albano in
Italy, since the father completed his military service in the Italian army. in 1920, the family finally returns to France.
From 1928 to 1932, Volti attended the "École des Arts Décoratifs" in Nice. In 1932, he received a gold medal for
two polychrome bas reliefs. He goes to Paris and joins only her atelier of Jean Boucher at the "Ecole Nationale des
Beaux Arts". After military service and captivity in Bavaria, 1943 ill, he returns to Paris and finds his studio
destroyed. Since 1947, he takes part in exhibitions of different Parisian salons. He has his first solo exhibition in the
Galerie Breteau in 1946. He is a founding member of the "Salon de la Jeune sculpture", where he exhibited
regularly. Voltil has found his style based on Maillol, which is enriched with archaizing elements and those of the art
of the Etruscans. In 1954 he took part in the Biennale in Brussels and in Antwerp in 1955. in 1957, he exhibits in the
museum Rodin in Paris. In 1960, the city of Paris buys his femme "Athlète". in 1961, he produces a statue in stone
"La Mediterranée" for the "Palais de la Méditerranée" in Nice.
TEL: +32 (0)475 45 49 63 / TEL: +32 (0)476 31 53 76
WWW.BOONGALLERY.COM – [email protected]
Member of the Belgian Chamber of Art Experts
Member of the Royal Belgian Chamber of Art & Antique Dealers